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Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America


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The audacity of hype

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"All hail the new secular Democracy. Where all citizens can think and believe what they wish and not be called traitors for it."

You forgot the adendum...

As long as you're not a conservative.

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Be careful who you choose to represent you because you could ended being embarrased or in a vine. It is for us to see what Emmanuel will do.

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Be careful who you choose to represent you because you could ended being embarrased or in a vine. It is for us to see what Emmanuel will do.

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Obama won, but the USA lost. It is good that a black man won the presidency of the USA, but the good news stops there....

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LFR. I am not up with the times that GOP accused Obama, Kerry and Gore of arrogance and condescension without cause. If the "clinging to guns and religion" comment brought out those charges then its understandable.

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Let me clean that up for you:

"All hail the new secular Democracy. Where all citizens can think and believe what they wish and not be called traitors for it."

There ya' go. No need to thank me. :D

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all hail the new secular theocracy . bow before our hope and change!

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I know many of the republican "base" who would have been happy to have a highly educated African American with "family values" who went to a different church than Wright's as a candidate.

That's part of the problem, too. The recurring theme over the past few election cycles is that if one doesn't embrace the political dogma of the Republican Party in its entirety, then one isn't worthy of any political mantle, regardless of past accomplishments. Rather than being highly educated, one suddenly becomes "arrogant" or "condescending." How many times did we hear those charges leveled against Obama, Kerry, and Gore by the GOP and its supporters, despite the obvious and unimpeachable qualifications of all three candidates?

No republicans I know look down on Condoleeza rice . . .

I suspect the lack of criticism regarding her impressive educational achievments has a lot to do with her political leanings. Not that I want to trumpet on about hypocrisy any more than I already have.

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But yes, the two Joes, and the maverick word did get a little tiring. And when Joe the Plumber was being asked about Israel and foreign policy it was time for someone to bring out some gags.

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LFR, except that I would say to you that I know many of the republican "base" who would have been happy to have a highly educated African American with "family values" who went to a different church than Wright's as a candidate. No republicans I know look down on Condoleeza rice and she has done a little bit of study herself. iow, if Black Joe the Brain Surgeon would have been the one to get a "spread the wealth around" answer from Obama, he would have been paraded around too.

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what many don't seem to want to accept. Obama got elected in part, not despite his skin color, but rather because of it.

I've yet to meet anyone who made the blanket statement Americans as a group are racist. Anyone making such an observation would have to be a considerable idiot. But claims that racism still exists in America are entirely accurate. Further claiming that America has been ready for a black president for some time is also far from the mark. Denial doesn't change that fact.

Did Obama get elected in part because of his skin color? I'd bet money on it. Does this point in any way cast a shadow on his capacity to serve effectively as President of the United States? The man's academic accomplishments alone say no. And there are also his eight years in the Illinois Senate, three years as a United States Senator, and a year on the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on European Affairs.

But then again, we are operating in a climate where educated men and women are ridiculed for having the audacity to open books and learn about the world we live in, while high-ranking politicians tasked with combating third-world hunger aren't even aware that Africa is a continent made up of over fifty nations, instead of one.

So I suppose it should come as no surprise that many in the GOP look with disdain upon someone whose academic and political credentials include a degree in political science and international relations from Columbia University and a degree from Harvard Law School. Never mind that he taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Never mind that he was editor for the Harvard Law Review, one of, if not THE, most respected journals of legal scholarship in the United States. Never mind that Obama cosponsored John McCain’s 2005 Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. But then again, you don’t like to talk about Obama's accomplishments, preferring instead to dwell on some myth-driven mantra that his “resume could fit on a postage stamp.”

It’s pointless any to argue with you anyway, though, isn’t it? After all, we’re operating in a political climate where it's apparently more preferable that the leaders we entrust with $2.6 trillion in tax revenue, a $13 trillion economy, and the safe-keeping of America’s nuclear arsenal are more like “Joe the Plumber” and “Joe Six Pack” than talented and proven men and women actually trained and educated in statesmanship.

Welcome to The Mediocrity Quotient.

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But it does represent a quantum change in the status quo for all Americans, be it someone who believes a black person should never hold the highest political office in the nation, or someone who has lost hope that such a thing could ever come to pass.

No, it doesn't represent a change in anything. It shows that a change long ago took place, and that what people have been claiming for years, IE Americans are racists, is fundamentally wrong. Oh, of course, we have people downplaying this and saying, racism still exists, but the simple fact of the matter is, and what many don't seem to want to accept. Obama got elected in part, not despite his skin color, but rather because of it.

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Maybe you should all wait a few years before you decide how bad Bush was. His approval ratings have been the worse in history maybe, but it will be interesting to see how we view these last few years after ten years or more.

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Thank you.

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LFR Posts like yours are why I read JT for the readers comments and not the articles.

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"Take someone's skin color at face value" Good one!

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“The pretence that America has just turned a page in history by electing the first African-American president is a slightly false one and typifies how people take the colour of someone's skin literally at face value.”

That’s a bold presumption coming from someone who isn’t, well, American. Which suggests that you may not really be as well versed in the intricacies and emotions surrounding race relations in America as you would like to project. Any more than I would be able to comment with accuracy about class struggle between working class Brits and their more privileged peers. I could give you a vague overview, but having never lived there, having never experienced it firsthand, I wouldn’t presume to know or preach. Your perspective is hampered by those same limitations.

“Barack Obama did not grow up in the projects . . . has not seen unemployment or drug abuse in his family . . . is not from downtown DC or South Central or downtown Atlanta . . . was raised by his Anglo Saxon American mother and his father was only around until he was 2 years old . . . father was Kenyan and a university student in the US . . . father wasn't working shifts at Ford Motor or . . . for US Postal.”

Your point being? If Obama had come from every stereotypical scenario you just provided, it’s highly doubtful he would have ever made it to the presidency, much less a senatorial position. But the same holds true for a white man growing up in the same adverse conditions. Or Hispanic. Or Asian. Or woman, for that matter. Which speaks far more to class divides, rather than racial ones.

" I think people are fooling themselves if they believe that America, by electing Obama as president, has automatically answered it's present questions about racism and had some form of closure from it's old historical scars of racial segregation."

No one in America is suggesting that Obama's election as a black man has somehow closed old historical wounds. But it does represent a quantum change in the status quo for all Americans, be it someone who believes a black person should never hold the highest political office in the nation, or someone who has lost hope that such a thing could ever come to pass.

The remarkableness of Obama’s success lies in the fact that despite his skin color, he succeeded in a system that historically hasn’t been conducive to his kind of success. He demonstrated that hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to personal excellence can bring positive results, regardless of skin color. This is a powerful message to minorities who think their lot in life is unchangeable.

The Obama campaign used the catchphrase “Yes, we can” to encourage Democratic supporters of all persuasions to the common goal of putting the Democratic Party in the White House. While we’re all probably a little tired of it now, it also served – whether purposefully or not, I’m uncertain – as a secondary rallying point for minorities, suggesting that even if one is black in America, yes, one can succeed.

That you seem to be unable to recognize the significance of this election with regard to the positive impact it will have on current and future generations of minorities in America suggests your understanding of the complexities of race relations in America is limited.

“Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes,” goes the old adage. I suspect your cynicism is derived from a Euro-centric worldview in which blacks weren’t forced into institutionalized slavery and systematically prevented from partaking in the same fundamental rights that most English take for granted. And that’s understandable, since you are working from limited experiences. But that doesn’t excuse your comments for their profound ignorance of such basic realities regarding race and politics in America. Quite honestly, I can’t fathom how you could be so far off the mark.

We Americans aren’t fooling ourselves in the least. We know Obama’s victory doesn’t make racism magically disappear. But we recognize that his accomplishments will have deep and far-reaching implications, most of them positive, for all minorities in America from now on. And that is what’s most important here. We’re glad to see this one monumental step forward, not only because it represents a needed change from Bush's destructive foreign and domestic policies, but also for what it represents for future race relations. The disbelief of someone from England who has never personally witnessed the darker side of race relations in America and the chokehold it places on the aspirations of minorities wanting a better life doesn’t really factor into the equation.

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". . . but then so does Alan Greenspan."

A Republican.

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Everyone says Bush was the worst, but History won't bear this out. He wasn't a very good president, but then, he wasn't by any means the worst either. That distinction definitely falls to Carter. Bush's greatest failure, was in trying to work with Democrats. Democrats didn't like him, and never would, regardless of what he offered. In crafting legislation that would appeal to them, he turned his back on the people that elected him. His starting a war in Iraq was obviously a mistake, as was the way it was initially carried out. However with the surge, he managed to redeem himself there to an extent. But it took too long for it to come about.

You can't really blame him for the economic failures, as its based on a policy pushed for, and implemented by Democrats. Oh, he does bear some responsibility of course, but then so does Alan Greenspan.

Obama could easily be better then Bush, however he could also easily be worse, based on the choices he makes, the people he picks to surround him, and the legislation he chooses to pursue. Its really too early to tell though. The only for sure thing we know is, that the man has no experience in running anything.

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The pretence that America has just turned a page in history by electing the first African-American president is a slightly false one and typifies how people take the colour of someone's skin literally at face value. Barack Obama did not grow up in the projects. Barack Obama has not seen unemployment or drug abuse in his family. Barack Obama is not from downtown DC or South Central or downtown Atlanta. Barack Obama was raised by his Anglo Saxon American mother and his father was only around until he was 2 years old. Obama's father was Kenyan and a university student in the US. His father wasn't working shifts at Ford Motor or working a night shift for US Postal. Yes, Barack Obama does have a black face. But I think people are fooling themselves if they believe that America, by electing Obama as president, has automatically answered it's present questions about racism and had some form of closure from it's old historical scars of racial segregation. Remember, the minorities voting block in Florida was only 8 years ago and there are still way too many African-American faces in the US military because they don't get opportunities elsewhere in life.

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Bush inherited the mantle as The Worst Ever.. Why ? Carter only did one term and didn't have a chance to redeem himself. Bush had two and was able to make his second term even worse than his first.That takes effort and incompetence.

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Highly improbably. The only direction remaining from rock bottom is up.

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He could certainly be much worse.

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Hope he is better than the last one.

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As a friend at work said to me today, Obama has already done more to enhance America's reputation around the world, just by getting elected, than Bush has done in eight years.

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I think the main change will be in style rather than substance. The US will still have an active foreign policy under Obama as POTUS, however I expect him to be more constructive and communicative than Bush. Mind you, who wouldn't be, in comparison?

The man's a natural democrat and he will support democracy, but I suspect he'll also leave well alone where Bush, surrounded by arrogant chickenhawks like Rumsfeldt (how must he be taking this result? ha ha ha) who were happy to throw other people's kids into their profit-making military sausage machine. Hopefully Obama's policy will stop Palin's son from going there - it would be interesting to see whether Sarah would protest about that particular decision, now she's back to obscurity where she rightly belongs.

I am also writing this message because I want the overwhelmingly positive response to Obama's election to be one of the longest threads ever on JT - challenged only perhaps by discussion of the poll entitled "Bush: Worst President Ever?"

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Well he is no Adam Smith but he is no Karl Marx either. Also you may wish to see the people that he associates with to get a better idea of who he is and what he really believes.

Who he associates with? You're kidding right. Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, never heard of these people?

Btw if you could point us to any of his anti-Capitalistic writings I would love to see them. Because what I have read he is not that bad. I do like his stance on corporate controls and regulations.

For his writings, try reading his book. In it, he talks about seeking out the communist professors, the activist blacks etc. As well as outlining his beliefs. I don't think I need to say any more about that. From what you've written, the only things you've read have been the campaign spin.

The base was not what McCain needed to win, as everyone saw yesterday he needed more than the base. Which he did not get.....

He had completely alienated his base. And yes, he did need his base to win, just like Obama needed his. You can't get elected Dogcatcher without having a solid core of support, you then build from there. McCain was depending on moderate and liberal republicans, while assuming the conservatives would show up to vote for him, just to prevent an Obama president. Well, some of them did. In fact most did, but many of those voted for Palin rather then McCain. And quite a few even still stayed home rather then vote for McCain.

And for the record, I don't think Palin is all that great myself. I said many found her to be a conservative enough choice to vote for her. And at the very least, she has more experience then Obama does. At least shes been a mayor, as well as a Governor. Even if she has no international experience.

I read this article in which McCain apologized for his defeat, and said, I don't know what more I could have done so we could win. And my thought was... How about not running. If it had been Romney Obama had been running against, I suspect things would have turned out much differently.

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one day after the election and already the repubs are turning on each other. Apparently Palin is indeed a diva and a stupid one at that.

However, perhaps one of the most astounding and previously unknown tidbits about Sarah Palin has to do with her already dubious grasp of geography. According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent, rather than a series, a country just in itself."

Palin was apparently a nightmare for her campaign staff to deal with. She refused preparation help for her interview with Katie Couric and then blamed her staff, specifically Nicole Wallace, when the interview was panned as a disaster. After the Couric interview, Fox News reported, Palin turned nasty with her staff and began to accuse them of mishandling her. Palin would view press clippings of herself in the morning and throw "tantrums" over the negative coverage. There were times when she would be so nasty and angry that her staff was reduced to tears.

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"Obama will bring great change to America!" I heard an actor say on TV the other day. It mimics what I hear everywhere.


The apocalypse will bring great change but I don't see anyone voting for that.......

Um, did any of the Obama voters notice this man has no fundamental plan and no international experience? But HEY! HE'LL BRING GREAT CHANGE TO AMERICA! {argh..... stomach turning.....}

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Molenir at 06:44 PM JST - 6th November

Actually, the Palin choice was a good one for McCain.

The base was not what McCain needed to win, as everyone saw yesterday he needed more than the base. Which he did not get.....

At least you didn't disagree that Carter was the worst President in US history.

Why try to defend a bad President? The only thing that Carter did right in my view was introduce M.A.D. into our military strategy.

My advantage over most here is that I am an independent and not loyal to a single party. I am loyal to the Constitution. My views are not clouded by party bias.

Some people are saying that we should all join hands and work together, singing Kumbayah, while supporting our new president.

Why not instead sing the national anthem? America has spoken and we are now going on a different course as of January 20th 2009.

As a conservative, I'll support him, the same way Democrats supported Bush.

I do wish that you Conservatives at least give this man the same chance that most Americans gave Bush after the Sept 11th attacks. I think that if you give him that chance he may not squander it like Bush did.

Anyone remember Operation Iraqi Liberation?LOL

What Obama thinks, is completely different. Why not read some of what the man has written before spouting off this nonsense.

Well he is no Adam Smith but he is no Karl Marx either. Also you may wish to see the people that he associates with to get a better idea of who he is and what he really believes.

Btw if you could point us to any of his anti-Capitalistic writings I would love to see them. Because what I have read he is not that bad. I do like his stance on corporate controls and regulations.

Which one of his policies do you dislike? Please I wish to see your point and stance. Painting with a broad brush does no one any good. Let us know the meat of your arguments.

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Forget the insinuations that Obama has a socialist mission. The man is clearly not a socialist. Accusations of Obama being some kind of closet Fidel are as nonsensical as attempting to paint him as a terrorist because he may have conversations with Muslims.

The man has spent a lifetime working towards this achievement of becoming the first black American president. It would really be something had it not meant selling himself into the fraudulent two party system that serves to mask the plutocracy that really governs the US.

Obama stands in reality not for the middle class and most certainly not for the working class. He stands for incredible wealth and that is the beast he will be seen to serve in the years of his first term in office. It means that the Obama presidency will be driven by the same impulses that served up the kind of policies that filled the world with dread during the years of the Bush Administration.

Obama is a facade. If only he really had bought in the kind of changes so many Americans and so much of the world see him standing for.

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BTW I think we need to thank Palin for helping us out with last nights election victory! Gooooooo Obama!

Actually, the Palin choice was a good one for McCain. He was not popular with a lot of his base. Choosing her, was smart as it put a woman on the ticket, something that had only happened once before, and it reassured the conservative base, that maybe McCain wasn't a complete nutjob. I know a lot of people that either weren't going to vote at all, or that were going to vote libertarian, that ended up voting for Palin, not McCain.

When Carter and the Democrats lost they lost because of Oil greed and lost of World security.

At least you didn't disagree that Carter was the worst President in US history.

Obama doesn’t think capitalism is bad. He thinks capitalism without oversight, responsibility, and ethical consideration is bad.

No, thats what you think. What Obama thinks, is completely different. Why not read some of what the man has written before spouting off this nonsense. He might have to go along with it, simply because he would lose all credibility if he tried to change to socialism all at once, but don't think he won't try.

America has spoken and Obama is now our President elect.

This is true. Some people are saying that we should all join hands and work together, singing Kumbayah, while supporting our new president. And my thought in response to this is, sure. Why not. As a conservative, I'll support him, the same way Democrats supported Bush. Thats only fair right? Democrats can't ask for more then that right? Oh wait, they never supported Bush. In fact they called him a liar, and the most corrupt President, the worst President, and a whole slew of other names. Maybe they don't want us to support him the same way he supported Bush.

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Obama also thinks a military strike against Iran is not out of the question.

The truth is harsh, Obama does not stand for fundamental change in the kind of policy direction the Bush Administration has been taking the US these past 8 years. While the rhetoric from the new president will now be eloquently delivered the content will not shift from the course already determined. And that means not in the domestic as well as in the foreign arena.

Obama is a defender of the interests that paid for his and the Democrats win over the faction of the American ruling elite represented by McCain and the Republicans. But in Obama's speeches at home and abroad on his last trip to Europe he made it very clear where his political roots were grounded.

Remember it was Obama who supported the Bailout of Wall Street, it was Obama who made it clear harsh cut backs to social services and health care are in store for the American public (although he regularly painted these as beneficial to those most in need).

Just to underline how so not different in terms of broad policy direction the Obama Administration will be compared to the outgoing Bush Administration it was recently reported in mainstream media that Obama behind the scenes has asserted very recently that a US military strike against Iran will be a likelihood.

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Thank ye Dan. I was wondering when you'd show up...

I wonder what the devil happened to Americanwoman...

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Anomaly_Jr at 11:20 AM JST - 6th August "We so will Sarge."

We so did Sarge.

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"You're saying 53% of the American voting public are stupid?"

No, I'm saying they were duped.

Your interpretation of “duped” and “stupid” seem to be made with the same fast-and-loose rationale you use when you say “most” means only slightly more than 50%.

[Obama] thinks capitalism is bad.

If only the world actually operated with such child-like simplicity. Obama doesn’t think capitalism is bad. He thinks capitalism without oversight, responsibility, and ethical consideration is bad. He thinks capitalism that screws the average person while the wealthy get wealthier is bad. He thinks capitalism where greed-driven speculation leads to the current stock market meltdown and a massive taxpayer-funded (that's you and me, pal) bailout are bad. And at least 56% of Americans would agree with him, according to an exit poll that asked Americans their opinion of the $700 billion Wall Street bailout. No one has a problem with capitalisms. Most people, however, have a problem with a-holes who exploit capitalism at the expense of the little guy, like Joe the Plumber, who won't likely be doing much plumbing in the near future with homeowners tightening their belts in the current recession.

[G]overnment is the answer to everyone's problems.

According to at least one well respected US president, our government IS supposed to be the answer to the problems of the people. “Of the people, by the people, for the people.” Ring a bell?

Supposed by-my-own-bootstrap types seem to have no problem whatsoever with “Government” when the stability and structure it provides helps foster the acquisition of wealth, but shriek like small children at the slightest suggestion that they should help pay for the upkeep of the very system they benefit from. Makes it kind of hard to sympathize with them.

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But Sarge, it maybe time for you to admit defeat at this time. If not I worry for you and the next 16 years.

Dont worry, if the Republicans move a little to the center you may get some seats back in the Senate.

BTW did I forget to say.....ALASKA!LOL What the hell was McCain thinking!!!LOL

BTW I think we need to thank Palin for helping us out with last nights election victory!<BG> Gooooooo Obama!

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Why are people even arguing with these GOP cult members? They were the same ones saying the country would never elect President Obama. Their credibility is really weak at the moment.

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Cleo - I'm also saying that Americans had a brain fart, just like we did in 1992 and 1996 and like you think we had in 2000 and 2004. And this is the biggest one we've ever had.

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Sarge at 11:36 AM JST - 6th November JoeBigs - "the worst President in recent history"

When Carter and the Democrats lost they lost because of Oil greed and lost of World security.

Welp it looks like the same as it did in 80. Guess what, the Republicans lost because of the same reasons.

Keep fighting till the end you and the right die hard are now alone.


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JoeBigs - "the worst President in recent history"

That would be Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama might just take his place.

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Cleo - "You're saying 53% of the American voting public are stupid?"

No, I'm saying they were duped.

JoeBigs: "Change is good"

Not Obama's change. He thinks capitalism is bad. That government is the answer to everyone's problems.

USAFdude - "'Fraid not, sarge."

'fraid so, dude.

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We just voted as President a man with a resume that if your rational for the job as President, His resume would fit on a postage stamp and be tossed out at the first review.

Well a number of voters indicated they would vote Republican because they thought "it's cool that Sarah Palin hunts moose." If gathering food for the American people was a requirement of the VP, then it would be a relevant consideration. But it's not part of the job description.

Nonetheless, it's common for voters to base their decisions on such factors. Many elections ago Gerald Ford attempted to eat a tamale with the wrapper on. According to a political scientist, "Showing familiarity with a voter's culture is an obvious and easy test of ability to relate to the problems and sensibilities of the ethnic group."

"Obvious and easy, yes," was the response, "but was this a reliable test? Would Mexican American voters have been correct to infer that Ford was less sensitive to their concerns than his primary opponent, Ronald Reagan?" Well, nobody can say....

What counts is winning. Some of my fellow liberals are concerned about a reappearance of Sarah Palin on a national ticket. But I'm not. While a hit with the base, she did not go over with anyone else. She may appoint herself to fill Ted Stevens' Senate seat. It's a curious world we live in; convicted felons can't vote in many states but they can run and win elections for Congress. I don't think she can move up from there, however.

Republicans need to decide what it is their party represents. I have a young colleague who was surprised to learn fiscal conservatism was supposed to be a bedrock principle of the GOP. He pointed out that wasn't true during his lifetime. Born in the Reagan years when the Gipper was piling up the national debt, it wasn't until Bill Clinton was elected that we saw a balanced and then a surplus. This was a trend immediately reversed by GWB as soon as he got into office.

GHWB, in defense of his own son's thin resume, declared, "You can never be prepared enough for the presidency." I believe Barack Obama has the wisdom, sound judgment and deliberative thought processes to see us through what is going to be a difficult period.

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Oops - that should read "AND just forgive him".

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sarge -

The other 53% aren't wise - they wee duped.

'Fraid not, sarge. WE were not "duped" (whatever you mean by that); we chose the better candidate. Now you know how we felt when bush was elected (twice, TWICE for Chrissakes; what a stupid move!).

You're saying 53% of the American voting public are stupid?

I'm afraid he is, Cleo. But, you could just count his bitterness up to sour grapes are just forgive him. I have.

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Sarge -

( Yeah, just like nearly half the country didn't want Bush to be president in 2004 ).

And like more didn't want him in 2000 than did. If only you'd had proportional representation then, just think how much trouble we would all have been saved!

The other 53% aren't wise - they wee duped.

You're saying 53% of the American voting public are stupid?

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The change has come to this great nation. Yes some do not like the fact that McCain did not win. But a majority of Americans are happy that Obama won.

Sarge, in all elections there are winners and losers. Obama winning is a plus for our nation because we will step away from the path we were on. The path of nation building, regime changing, and a run away economy that does us no good.

America has spoken and Obama is now our President elect.

I myself do not expect him to walk on water even though the right wing will wait for any misstep by his administration.

I just hope that folks remember that it took the worst President in recent history to get us here. It will take time to correct his mistakes and get us on course again.

Change is good!

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USAFdude - The other 53% aren't wise - they wee duped.

Cleo - I didn't say anything about votes being wasted. I just wanted to make the point that this election was close. Nearly half the country doesn't want Obama to be president ( Yeah, just like nearly half the country didn't want Bush to be president in 2004 ).

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Sarge -

Four years ago and eight years ago Bush supporters were telling us that the popular vote didn't matter, it was the electoral college that decided everything and that this was a Good Thing because it made for strong government. So what that 47% of the voters didn't vote for Obama. 48.4% didn't vote for Bush in 2000 - more than did vote for him. 48.3% didn't vote for him in 2004.

If you object to nearly half the votes being 'wasted', you need to start campaigning to get proportional representation or something introduced into your country's electoral system.

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LFRAgain - excellent post. I would add that it's indeed amazing how the Republicans loved the electoral college system until that very system contributes to their loss of the Presidency.

sarge -

Taka313 - "landslide" Yeah, Electoral College landslide. What about the fact that 47% of the voters didn't vote for Barack?

It means the other 53% wisely didn't vote for McCain! PS: I still forgive you.

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Taka313 - "landslide"

Yeah, Electoral College landslide. What about the fact that 47% of the voters didn't vote for Barack?

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Change for America. Damn right . . . weak defense . . .

Seriously, you guys couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper sack.

It was only a few days ago that GOP supporters were warning Americans that Democratic presidents presided over WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam. The implication being, "Be careful. Democratic presidents are war mongers."

Now, you're trying to convince everyone that Obama will make the military weaker.

Which is it? Stronger or weaker? More agressive or more defensive? Can't have it both ways, champ. Historically speaking, the argument that Democrats weaken the nation's military is unfounded.

I disagree with his stated policies, with his politics, and don't think that giving an untried, and untested man, the biggest gun in the world is a good thing to do.

Interesting point. Democrats were saying this repeatedly about our current Commander-in-Chief, and folks like you laughed. Look where we are now after 8 years of failed policy: On the verge of a global depression, still stuck in a war in Iraq that has no forseeable end, a war in Afghanistan that, for all intents and purposes, we are losing due to poor strategy, and a federal deficit larger than any in U.S. economic history.

I don't recall hearing any of your outrage against our untested leader then, during, or after the full scope of the mess were in became apparent, Molenir. In fact, you were one of Bush's greatest cheerleaders.

So forgive us if we choose to file some of your grievances in the Complete B.S. folder.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I won't address your previous statement, as I suspect the Mods will pull it. I will however comment on this, hopefully it will be ok.

If Obama wants to bring any meaningful change to the US, he is going to kick people and the entire country of it's dependency on debt or the wealth will keep transferring out and the credit crisis will just keep re-occurring.

The biggest transfer of wealth is from Oil. Unless we drill more, something the democrats have been blocking for 30 years, then that dependency will only grow. The only thing Obama can do, would be to maintain a weak dollar, and grow domestic supplies.

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If Obama wants to bring any meaningful change to the US, he is going to kick people and the entire country of it's dependency on debt or the wealth will keep transfering out and the credit crisis will just keep re-occurring.

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The reason I'm not celebrating is that I simply don't think he will be good for America. I don't think having Democrats in control of everything will be helpful to anyone. I disagree with his stated policies, with his politics, and don't think that giving an untried, and untested man, the biggest gun in the world is a good thing to do.

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Yes We Can. No THEY couldn't. :-)

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McCain would have raised taxes

How would he have got the money to pay the national debt payments, two wars and a financial crisis, all well being in a recession period?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ummm....guys. Yeah, just so you know, hate and fear was what you ran on. It didn't work in 2006 and it sure as hell didn't work yesterday.

No offense, but I'm not running on anything. And all Obama has to do to raise taxes is look the other way. The Bush Tax cuts start expiring this year. And no, I don't think McCain would have raised taxes. He was around back when the Democrats convinced Bush 1 that was the way to go. He wouldn't make that mistake twice.

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11/4/08 is a day of infamy brought on by a bunch of idol-worshiping fools.

Only two things could happen, Obama continues to nationalize everything like Bush is doing with Financial sector or he does not nationalize anything more, either way the socialist ball started roll before Obama even takes power.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank You, Thank You did you say???? Thank you for the end of our freedoms, a depression, our taxes gievn to the workshy and ill educated. This is Obama's America, NO thank you!!!! And so say all patriots!

You would think that patriots would believe in the will of the majority of thier fellow countryman. It seems to some democracy only works when it's in their favor. Taxes to workshy and ill educated, what about the trillions of dollars in debt, soldiers in two wars, nationalized banks, corporate bailouts and a recession, do you think that anyone else who would have been elected would not have had to raise taxes but had some sort magic money tree?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank you for the end of our freedoms, a depression, our taxes gievn to the workshy and ill educated.

Change for America. Damn right, higher taxes, weak defense, yep. Thats a definite change allright. Welcome to Obamas Changed America. Hooray. Thank you for raising my taxes.

Ummm....guys. Yeah, just so you know, hate and fear was what you ran on. It didn't work in 2006 and it sure as hell didn't work yesterday.

Now then, what do they call it when you persist in repeating a task with the hopes of a new conclusion?


0 ( +0 / -0 )

There will be change alright. I hope they haven't voted the U.S. out of existence; into the hands of the ME states. I don't trust this dude and not because of his color. I would have voted for Powell or any black of his character stature,

11/4/08 is a day of infamy brought on by a bunch of idol-worshiping fools.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Get over it. You're taxes are going to be raised regardless of what administration came to be. With the economy tanking and a fruitless war it makes sense I'd rather be up front about whats to come than be hoodwinked. I was so close to voting for the repubs again this cycle, but had a change of mind at the last second. I was truly going to vote Mcain thinking he'd be best for fiscal conservatism, but that aint happenin'. Repubs -1 Dems +1 I'm one of those die hard repbublicans who thought long and hard about this and even said enough myself. We just need to have a huge gutcheck really think about where this country is headed towards. Obama has instincts. If he could overcome the Clinton machine, he obviously has the knack of getting things done.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Change for America. Damn right, higher taxes, weak defense, yep. Thats a definite change allright. Welcome to Obamas Changed America. Hooray. Thank you for raising my taxes.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank You, Thank You did you say???? Thank you for the end of our freedoms, a depression, our taxes gievn to the workshy and ill educated.

This is Obama's America, NO thank you!!!! And so say all patriots!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

DanManjt - you're very welcome, and thank you, Dan!

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As a white, Protestant American man from Kansas, I could not be happier with the outcome. Yes, I thought the same thing. "Our long national nightmare is over" It is a great day to be an American. Change was so desperately needed. We can regain our status abroad. We showed the world that we can change and move forward.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The best thing about the Obama victory, we won't have to listen to Hillary running for President any more. I hope she fades into obscurity...

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You too. ;)

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Betzee, USAFdude, gooddonkey, yabits, taka, Sezwho,

I want to thank you.

I want to thank you all your posts here, for all that you've done, during these past dark years.

Thanks for your ideas, your feedback and most importantly thanks for keeping my spirit lifted through what has been a truly trying period. America is BACK. America repudiates Bush. Reaganism is dead. At last. The Republicans --reeling -- are now a regional party, destined for the political wilderness for quite some time. We Democrats are the national party, the party of America.

Our long national nightmare is OVER.

Its a good day for America. A good day to be an American.

Thank you for everything.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America


0 ( +0 / -0 )

"The surge worked." Militarily yes, diplomatically no.

Besides, the war in Iraq didn't start with the surge. Screwing up 100 times and getting one right is nothing to crow over.

The politics of hate and fear lost decidedly to the politics of hope and optimism. America and Americans decided that childish selfishness, hatred and fear didn't reflect well on our collective reputation.

Some will choose to cling to their fear and that is understandable. Facing your fears and trying make yourself better is far more difficult and requires more effort than being selfish and blaming everything on everyone around you whenever you don't get your way.

America grew up a little yesterday. She said she is willing to work to make herself greater. My pride in that cannot be put into words.

Good luck Al!


0 ( +0 / -0 )


You will be hard pressed to convince people who don't understand it takes a lot

of proof and analysis to establish a causal relationship. It is much easier to assume that because one event follows the other that the first event caused the second event. Therefore there will never be any doubt in certain individuals minds that the surge was the cause of the decrease in violence.

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It's funny but I though I'd get on here today and see more of a conciliatory ‘coming together’ if you will of the different sides. It’s been a very tough and sometimes ugly battle, but it’s done and the outcome is history. Just scrolling through the comments (too many to read them all at work!) it seems most are bent on keeping an argument going.

You know, in the beginning I wasn’t really an Obama fan. I’ve moved from right to a more central outlook, and still some of what he said bothered me. I worried about him being too much of a socialist (and frankly I let myself be influenced by the writings of those far more right leaning). But in the end I voted for the man – with great trepidation – but with a feeling that we can’t go on in the same old way. We need leadership that is more progressively thinking. I have the greatest respect and admiration for John McCain. In his younger days I would have gladly voted for him. His vice presidential candidate was obviously a mistake I think forced on him by a party that thought they might capture Hillary Clinton supporters. God knows why anyone admires Hillary Clinton, but the right wing version of Annie Oakley was hardly a real choice (although I still think she’s hot).

I grew up in the South, and still can’t believe my home state of Virginia went for not only a Democrat, but a black man as well. Perhaps those of you who have never lived in the south in the U.S. understand the utter significance of that. In my house growing up, the ‘N’ word was unfortunately used regularly, the stereo-types played upon and laughed at – and this was by most in the town. I still remember seeing an old ‘Whites Only’ sign by a disused basement sink in a store once. Robert E. Lee is still spoken of and regarded in terms of hallowed respect. Some like me grew up, went off to school and became smart enough to realize how utterly stupid such racism to be. Many others did not. To think that enough of those in the Old Dominion voted for Obama says great volumes.

In reflection these past weeks of the election I’ve realized just how much this country has changed. Long gone are the days of ‘Leave it to Beaver’ white men in cardigan sweaters with obedient wives in snug little suburban communities. And for too long, and even though I realized the classism and racism rolled up in these communities, I lamented their loss and fought the change that would take the world of my childhood away. I’ve always hated the whole ‘hippie’ thing and still fail to see or believe that dropping acid and smoking weed, and the whole ‘drop-out’ attitude of the 60’s had any redeeming cultural relevance or value. But our society has changed, the world has changed and what we’ve been doing is no longer working.

I’m still dreadfully afraid that our new President could potentially be just another Jimmy Carter, who was absolutely the most dreadful president we ever had (yes, far worse the George B.!). But there’s something about Mr. Obama. He’s young and he’s brilliantly smart. I think he has heart and courage and good common sense. Instead of bickering on endlessly because of party affiliations – which granted is great fodder for such a forum – I think it would be truly fantastic if everyone simply got behind him (or better yet perhaps beside him) and helped to take our country in a new and in the right direction.

If I sound over optimistic, or that I’m just another that has fallen into the ‘liberal’ trap – I can assure you that I’m not. I still hate Oprah and all those liberal Hollywood jackasses who think their opinions are somehow important. I don’t like the idea of big government nor do I want to pay more in taxes. But Republicans strike me as odd in their fear of taxation yet desire for a strong military (which I greatly support). You have to pay for all of this stuff somehow. But there’s nothing wrong with at the same time being human and lending a helping hand to those who need it. It sounds corny and somewhat of a cliché to say, but it is in the end true that if we don’t take care of each other as fellow human beings, what was the point of ever grouping ourselves into neighborhoods, towns, cities, governments and countries?

I guess what I’m saying is sort of a ‘he’s our president now, and instead of bitching, griping, lamenting and mudslinging let’s just see what the man can do. It’s like buying a new CD – you might not like the first track or two, but keep going as there might be some real gems ahead.

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Congrats America and congrats Obama!

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your link earlier in all of this you know the one that you gave with Palin and the witch doctor with was so helpful

Was that an ad?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

on the record,

"The change America will see will be a police state in a socialist society. Any of you with spare bucks will now be broke. Social programs will destroy your savings and the stock market, you better beleive it people."

Look on the bright side - you'll have economical and reliable Trabant's in every North American garage, and the hardcore left will be riding unicorns to work.

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Whoops, cut and paste a bit too much. Sorry.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"What neccesity? You were agaisn't it in the first place."

Uhm, sorry to break the news to ya, but the surge was neccesary because of the violence Bush Co's invasion created. I was against everything to do with the bloodbath in Iraq, so naturally I was against more troops going there at a time when it looked like more of the same lunacy. When, however, the surge (ignoring positive events outside it) showed progress I acknowledged it. So I don't get your point if you have one.

Like I said, keep up your spirits knowing that you can contine the Denial of the past 8 years right up 'till 2012 nd beyond by blaming President Obama for everything you feel like, and saying "if Al Gore were president"....oh wait....


Betzee at 11:55 PM JST - 5th November


A big reason for the dimunition in violence in Iraq has nothing to do with the surge, it was simply that Maliki outfoxed al-Sadr. The US election results won't effect that.

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I am a true American, a patriot if you may.

I believe the expression was "real Americans" which the Republicans claimed to represent.

If you can't take it, you can always vote with your feet.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I agree. I stayed up until 6 a.m. watching CNN. I couldn't tear myself away. When I finally did go to bed, I could only sleep for 3 1/2 hours and it's back on in the background now.

What a historic day!

Good luck Al!


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Betzee- I am a true American, a patriot if you may.

The change America will see will be a police state in a socialist society. Any of you with spare bucks will now be broke. Social programs will destroy your savings and the stock market, you better beleive it people.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's been about 10 hours since I first saw the news on CNN about Obama's win....and it's still pretty freaking amazing to think about.

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This is not America, this is HELL!!!

Love it or leave it as the Native Americans say. You can always seek refuge elsewhere!

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Really. Wow.

What a great day. They said it on CNN last night and I believe it to be true. People will remember exactly where they were and what they were doing on Nov. 4, 2008. What a special day.

Sen. Obama beat candidate mccain in a landslide.

The DemocratIC party picked up 5 seats in the Senate.

The DemocratIC party picked up 20 seats in the House.

I just have one question:

Can Americans issue a referendum on the abject failure and utter lunacy that is neo-conservatism?


And we did.

As for Sen. McCain...why did he have to wait until after he lost the election to act with honor? As I watched his concession speech, I thought to myself, THIS is the man I may have voted for in 2000. THIS is the man I whole-heartedly respected. Had THIS man ran for president against President-elect Obama (lovin' the sound of that), this election may have ended differently.

I truly hope, for America's sake, that Sen. McCain is back and that we'll never see candidate mccain ever again.

On a different note, my best wishes go out to Al Franken. The Minnesota Senate seat, once so nobly held by Paul Wellstone, is still up for grabs. Al is down by little over 600 votes according to CNN.com. For me, for Minnesotans, Americans and the world, it would really be the "cherry on top" if Sen. Wellstone's seat could come home. Good luck Al.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Finally, I voted for a winner after 8 frustrating years.

The US is still the greatest country in the world, without a doubt.

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I agree with Sarge. Good solid points , a true patriot like myself.

I am shocked thaqt my nation is heading into 4 years of depression, media repression and Uber socialist policies.

This is not America, this is HELL!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's a great day to be an American. Congratulation President-elect Obama.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


A big reason for the dimunition in violence in Iraq has nothing to do with the surge, it was simply that Maliki outfoxed al-Sadr. The US election results won't effect that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

when the neccesity of the surge


What neccesity? You were agaisn't it in the first place.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Before the disaster of the buffoon that was George Dubya, the US had a reasonable reputation in many countries. It is now as rock bottom as a nations reputation could be - rightly, or wrongly. Obamas challenge is to rebuild that reputation, of a nation that can do positive things in the world. Tough gig, that. The best man won, no doubt.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Some pretty stunning statistical coverage at CNN.com:


You have to use the tabs at tops to access the different sections.

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Far better not to make arguments that don't hold water, and think of the next eight years (8) whee you can lay all the blame for the mistakes W made, at the feet of the democrats.

Indeed. He's inheriting two wars along with a contracting economy and a sea of red ink which constrains his options.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I don't know how high up the "crimminaly dis-honest" list you can categorize the war cheerleaders claims that the so-called surge was an achievement, when the neccesity of the surge was because of an unneccasary war ordained by the same simpleton...

...but there you go. And there was me thinking the hardcore partisan head-bangers would be contented at blaming everything on Obama over the course of his tenure.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Sail, like I said to my young friend above yesterday, if you think that part of Bush Co's legacy is something to pe proud of, I'd hate to see what you'd call a failure.

But you partisan types with your faces out of joint over last night's forgone conclusion eally must concentrate on the poisitve side of Obama's victory...

...passing the buck.

8 sweet Denying years of it.

I'm going to answer your post with the most honest I can give.

We just voted as President a man with a resume that if your rational for the job as President, His resume would fit on a postage stamp and be tossed out at the first review.

I hope and pray this man is up to the task. This is where I'm at and my true feelings.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Surge worked.....You over it yet.

In fact, Sailwind, in an article entitled "Obama's First Test Will Be Iraq" Robert Kaplan lays out some different scenarios in light of the election. It's definitely an interesting read (whether you agree with Kaplan or not and I don't agree with him for the record).

I fear a measurable uptick in violence in Iraq if Obama wins on Tuesday. The uptick will be significant enough to muddy the results of the surge, and the president-elect, rather than respond vigorously, will be tempted to say "I told you so" and thus win the Iraq debate with his Republican critics. The upturn in violence, he will be tempted to argue, only means we need to get out of Iraq even faster.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

I just saw a graphic that said 52% of those making over $250k voted for Obama. Many will doubt this graphic I am quite sure but we will see how the stock market does today.

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sarge - thinking a prsident mccain wouldn't have raised taxes is the pest form of Denial. Dubya lowered taxes on the rich and spunked all your dollars on wars you can't win. And borrowed incredible amounts of dosh from the chinese.

Far better not to make arguments that don't hold water, and think of the next eight years (8) whee you can lay all the blame for the mistakes W made, at the feet of the democrats.

Either way, you know I'll be here to find amusement.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"We're in for a rough ride"

And higher taxes, and more government control over our lives, and a president who has no idea what to do if there is an international crisis... as Curly in City Slickers would say, "Jesus Christ!"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sail, like I said to my young friend above yesterday, if you think that part of Bush Co's legacy is something to pe proud of, I'd hate to see what you'd call a failure.

But you partisan types with your faces out of joint over last night's forgone conclusion eally must concentrate on the poisitve side of Obama's victory...

...passing the buck.

8 sweet Denying years of it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Asahak...Don't Congratualte us when you have not the single most idea of the system he supports and what it will do to the very foundation that made this country great.

It's only 4 years...it's only 4 years...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We're in for a rough ride.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don`t know what "shakedown-artist" means, but I prefer the wife with the frown to that botox barbie Cindy Mc Cain.

Congratulations, Americans. Good choice.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Madverts - Au contraire! You ain't heard nuthin' yet!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The real problem for the GOP is its inability to attract young voters. But that should come as no surprise given income they haven't even earned yet will need to be redistributed to pay down the national debt half of which was accumulated over the past eight years.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Surge worked.....You over it yet.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Used Car Salesman

Then, that makes the United States of America a, used car ? That makes one posting of sailwind's that I actually agree with. The US being a used car that is.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Ah, we can only hope that Obama doesn't do too much damage."

JT's one and only remaining ardent Bush deciple hopes President Obama doesn't do too much damage?

Heh, now I've heard it all.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Used Car Salesman.....Better word I think for this."

8 long years of passing the buck, Sail. Eight. Surely this can stop the cascade of negative comments regarding your new CoC? ;)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just watched Wonder Boy’s speech. Hmph. “Callused hands?” When did he ever have callused hands?

All right, I'm sour. The most liberal member of the U.S. Senate! And that shakedown-artist of a wife, with the permanent frown!

Don't even know what Derbyshire is on about with respect to Michelle, but I'm sure I will find out.....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

NorthLondon - Obama: We're going to change America and change the world"

Pretty arrogant, isn't it?

"the rest of the world must be hoping that President Obama leaves it alone for a change."

Hee hee! That strikes me as very funny!

Ah, we can only hope that Obama doesn't do too much damage.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What won this election was the packaging skills of David Axelrod, the swooning complicity of the media, the ruthless opportunism of Barack Obama, and the unprincipled thuggishness of his supporters.

Used Car Salesman.....Better word I think for this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Listening to some of the reaction on CNN this evening and a young lady when interviewed and asked for her response to the news said 'we're gonna change the world'. I think the rest of the world has had enough of this line of thought and the rest of the world must be hoping that President Obama leaves it alone for a change. I also have to wonder about all these voters who are saying how great it is to have made change. Who changed US presidential history ? It was the Democratic Party of America who helped to make that change by placing Obama in that position. Surely many of those voters celebrating this 'change' were those who voted for Bush for two terms ? We should thank the Democratic Party, not the people.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama's victory shouldn't be gloated upon.

The relief it brings to those of us that dwelled in Reality during the Bush Co ship-wreck should be more than enough satisfaction.

The bitter ones have the next 8 years to shriek at Obama and blame him for the difficult tax ahead of fixing the mess that the intellectually challenged incumbent they supported blindly for the last eight years, actually caused.

Neocon "logic" for ya.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

When Rush Limbaugh said McCain must win this if we have to drag him accross the finish line, shows us that Mccain did not have the Reagan spirit. And the results show this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sailwind, already back to the ad hominen attacks I see. I'm enjoying reading John Derbyshire's "Sour Loser" at National Review. Gotta give him a few points for honesty, and the man does have a way with words....

What won this election was the packaging skills of David Axelrod, the swooning complicity of the media, the ruthless opportunism of Barack Obama, and the unprincipled thuggishness of his supporters.

What lost this election was the cloth-eared cluelessness of George W. Bush, the timid squeamishness of John McCain, and the deep lack of interest in conservative principles among Republican primary voters.

The Republicans will have a lot to talk about during their sojourn in the wilderness.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Sailwind - you chose the wrong guy.

Please don't bore us with bitter comments.


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Good one, Sushi. This shocked me the most -- that for once, nagative ads didn't seem to be as effective.

I have to agree, your link earlier in all of this you know the one that you gave with Palin and the witch doctor with was so helpful.


It really boils down to Personal Responsibilty.

john mccain simply did not put his Country First, and it cost him the election.

Agreed....He was to busy crashing planes and cheating on his first wife, as you reminded us so much these past months.


The GOP didn't change its economic message to fit the times. They were still touting their low capital gains tax as the stock market tanked and many investors were racking up losses.

Ditto for business tax credits. For these to be of value, a business must be profitable enough to pay the taxes from which the credits can be deducted.

Salon is going going to miss your are the Rush Limbaugh of the left these past few months.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The GOP didn't change its economic message to fit the times. They were still touting their low capital gains tax as the stock market tanked and many investors were racking up losses.

Ditto for business tax credits. For these to be of value, a business must be profitable enough to pay the taxes from which the credits can be deducted.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It really boils down to Personal Responsibilty.

john mccain simply did not put his Country First, and it cost him the election.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Good one, Sushi. This shocked me the most -- that for once, nagative ads didn't seem to be as effective. Perhaps if McCain had showed less reserve and reffered to Obama using his middle name, as McCain's advisors apparently recommended, it would have been a different story. Obama didn't stoop low in his attacks, and he still won.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

john mccain sold his soul to the men who destroyed his campaign chances in 2000, and their hate-filled divisive efforts, in turn, destroyed his campaign in 2008.

He made a decision to employ these men. It was the wrong choice, and quite frankly, I find it hard to feel sorry for the guy.

To get all teary-eyed and say he made a lovely concession speech and harp on about his war-hero background is just too little, too late and it ignores the reality that he screwed up when he could easily have chosen people with more honor and integrity to assist with his campaign.


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God Bless America.

Know Hope.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A very significant outcome of this stunning election result is that the majority of Americans have called time on baseless anger, they have rejected the use of hate as an election tool, and they have overwhelmingly rejected the last 8 disastrous years of Bush/Cheney leadership (if you can call it that).

I still cannot understand how there's voters out there who, when they look back over the last 8 disastrous years, can possibly think that more of the same with john mccain can even be an option they can consider when sober.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Remember how 2000 and 2004 felt? Today did not feel like that ... not even close.

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It's been a good day. Glad Obama won. The eight year horror show is about to come to an end.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

CONGRATULATIONS Mr.Obama! I am so happy! Now finally a black man as president of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And so ends the worst presidency in American history. Bush's reign... I mean war of terror is over!!!

Actually a Japanese friend of mine asked me: How do Americans go from reelecting Bush four years ago to electing Obama?

I'm at a loss of words, I thought I had lost complete faith in the American public, maybe the majority of Americans aren't uneducated redneck hicks?

As one pundit on CNN said when asked what it took for Americans to elect a black man as president of the USA: "160 years, three quarters of a billion dollars and a brilliant man who was able to cross racial lines."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Boy howdy, this cat sure picked an inconvienent time to become president. I hope he picks some good advisors.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Excellent choice by the US, and can't wait to see the last of "President Bush" in 2 months time.

Rakish Gadfly,

I agree (except there's no need to put "President Bush" in quotation marks).

Though almost all Republicans view themselves as heirs to Ronald Reagan, in fact GWB and McCain both strayed from his style of governance which he saw as a central part of his legacy: “Whatever else history may say about me when I’m gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears.”

While I didn't vote for the man, I know of nobody who speaks venomously of him for precisely that reason.

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ImperiumMundi - don't be a bad loser. Obama may well be good for you, too.

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The election has been a two year, media-driven circus. I'm sick to death of politicians (American, Japanese, British, Australian...) and wish they'd all give us a break and disappear from view for a couple of years.

The only people more pathetic than politicians are the mindless fanboys and girls taken in by them.

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While the above mentioned sites wished Obama the best, comments revealed some users felt otherwise:

1) I will extend my insincere congratulations; 2) 0bama. Old enough to rule the world, fool enough to loose it. 3) I feel like we just lost the Cold War...in 2008. 4) We did. America elected a marxist.

McCain had to "shush" his supporters last night during his concession speech when members of the audience booed upon hearing Obama's name. (I don't recall Al Gore or John Kerry having to do that.)

I don't expect such types to accept the results of the election as "the people's choice." Rather it will be attributed to some vaguely specified conspiracy, among the many trotted out during the campaign: Islam, Socialism, Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, Professor Khalidi, Obama's elderly Kenyan Aunt who has remained in the USA despite a deportation order, ACORN; take your pick (actually I picked them from the posts here).

Eight years is a long time; Obama was only elected last night.

I for one am glad Susan Collins, who told the McCain campaign to cease making robocalls mentioning Obama's connection to a domestic terrorist to her constituents, won reelection in Maine. I did want to see this moderate Republican have to cede the party to more radical elements.

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Excellent choice by the US, and can't wait to see the last of "President Bush" in 2 months time.

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.that's President Obama to you

actually, it is president-elect.

george w. bush is the US president until jan 20 2009.

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i wish obama luck.

he was not my choice for prez anymore than mccain was for the republican nominee but i respect the will of the American people and have trust in the system of checks and balances we have.

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At least, it would be interesting to see how the whole 'black president' image works for the US. I don't think that there will be a dramatic change in US politics because there are other things that matter nowadays and not just a brilliant leader. After all, we talk about a nation of the highest capitalist mode of production. Money is what really matters in modern times and not just ethical values, pride and so on. When money are gone, crisis is born.

Most of the Greek citizens that care even a little about US politics support Obama. Let's all hope that change in the US will also be the for the benefits of the world's society.

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I'm glad the majority chose to make history rather than repeat it

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I took a nap and we got Indiana, Virginia and Florida. Can this be true? I am very curious about the Senate. I know we didn't get the 60 seat bullet proof majority but could we actually end up with 56 not counting Lieberman?

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Not for Sen. Obama. They let him in a side door so he could avoid the long line.

that's President Obama to you

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1 Yes

2 We

3 Can

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Just listened to Mr Obama's speech again: YES we can.

It really is a beautiful speech from a beautiful man.

My love to all the Americans that made this historic change possible!

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Frontandcentre: Please accept my sincerest and heartfelt apologies. I am just very, well, you know: We did it. Peace out.

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ImperiumMundi - you really have run out of sensible things to say, haven't you?

Thank goodness the majority of Americans seem to think differently. That's what the rest of the world has been waiting for - an American president they can respect. Perhaps we've got one

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YangYong - you didn't notice the quotation marks around the word "socialism"... It is laughable to anyone outside the USA to think that any American politicians are socialists in any sense apart from a relative one - i.e. by not being quite as rabidly right wing as someone else. And as you say, the irony is that the current discredited bunch of losers have tried, and failed, to take freedom away from the American people.

The true patriots in America have spoken - those who support the common good of their country, not the interests of G W Bush and Saudi Arabia, with their support for imported oil and international terrorism.

Palin to be tried for her crimes in Alaska ? - "You Betcha"

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African-Americans that have made milestones on both sides of the Pacific: Tiger Woods, Crystal Kay, Jero, and now Mr. Obama...

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I have not heard the name Palin in a couple of hours of watching CNN!

I feel great!

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well enough.

the o-man will say 'jump, you who commands those who muck alongside us in your former colonies and ill-gotten protectorates, and the poodle will politely ask ' how high, sir?'

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America Votes For CHANGE!!!!!

And Votes 'Hell NO' to Palin.

Thank YOU!

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the o-man will say 'jump', and the poodle will politely ask ' how high, sir?'

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You know what... you're fearful, a usual sign of weakness in those who can't face change, can't reach out and offer a smile, friendship, help to others, you're scared because Mr Obama isn't 'macho' isn't 'one of the boys' becuase, my word, he uses his intellect. Mr Obama is going to make the world a better place for more people. A good thing. He's got stones.

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Frontandcentre: Under President Obama? It's shrub who nationalised the banking system. Look to shrubby for that 'socialism' no stones sarge.

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72-year-old McCain has more stamina than 47-year-old Obama.

Didn't help him much, though, did it, Sarge...?

4 years of "socialism" under Obama - enjoy

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"...gay and lesbian, we are and always will be the united states of america"

.. no thanks, again.

good luck

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It's quite nice to have an African-American/ mixed race President for the first time ever, not that that should mean anything for the job in hand really. Plus the fact that there will now be a young President of the US - only 47, wow. But this doesn't mean a thing unless the USA stops getting involved in conflicts around the world and starting new conflicts, unless the US deals with it's industrial pollution (Bush tried to pretend that he was dealing with this in his last year in office and after years of not giving a damn and neglecting it), and unless the US concentrates on it's own domestic issues and stops sticking it's nose into global politics. If Obama can do that then he really will be the man.

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time for your president obama to deliver on his rhetoric.

is he a man of his word or just another liar?

will his socialist policies help or hurt America's economy?

will his socialist policies help or hurt the world?

Putting so much faith in such a flawed individual seems a bit overly optimistic.

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A trivia question… Does anyone remember who the Republican Vice Presidential candidate was? Nope, thought not.

A great election outcome. Now to work repairing the destruction that was wrought by the incumbents and their supporters.

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Helter_skelter: "America becoming a third-world nation is change."

Well, then, I guess bush managed to change things himself after all! For it is him that put you guys in the economic disaster you're in. As it stands, already stocks in the US and the dollar have risen on Obama getting in. So, sadly, Bush's change for the worse won't last too long as Obama begins mending broken fences and the broken country.

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We can only wait and see if changes happen...I doubt it given America's past eight years and in four year's time, we'll be reading about 'Obama said this and Obama didn't do that' just like we hear with every president of the US.

As a free thinking individual with the right to speak freely, I hope he does do some good for America, but as a non-American, please...stop shoving your country down the throat of the world!!

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The haters, the cowards, the head in the sand fear brigade sputter and spit and stomp and stare but today is OUR day, us, the lovers of freedom, hope, community and belief in a future brightened by President Obama!

well said. jesse jackson and al sharpton and cynthia mckinney and the race-baiting losers who dominated the democrat party until recently are as old hat as bush will be by jan 21 2009.

good riddance.

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obama's historic nomination paves the way for the likes of bobby jindal and michael steele in 2012.

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The haters, the cowards, the head in the sand fear brigade sputter and spit and stomp and stare but today is OUR day, us, the lovers of freedom, hope, community and belief in a future brightened by President Obama!

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I hear that Mexico has beefed up its border patrols along the Rio Grande to stop a wave of GOP economic refugees who are trying to flee south with their ill-gotten gains

maybe you have been in japan too long.

the democrats are now the party of the rich. no one is partying harder in America tonite than the trial lawyers and tort creeps.

obama spent a billion to win this thing. in a year which was a a shoe-in for the democrat nominee. he broke his promise about public funding. where do you think he got the money?

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Wow! That is just great. My confidence in America as a world leader is restored.

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I can appreciate how much that must smart, considering how much effort so many McCain supporter put into trying to keep the lies afloat over the past three months. But I’m reluctant to feel any sympathy or understanding for anyone who had a willing hand in perpetuating the vast majority of that garbage, which would include you, RomeoRamen, Helter_Skelter, Sailwind,

I suggest you review my entire posting history. Right click on my handle and point out one single time that I have ever personally disparaged Obama.

Do not put in the same company as RR or Helter thank you very much. I post my opinion and I stand by my positions and how I came to them during this entire long campaign.

Your man prevailed, time for him to show us the real money instead of change.

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Obama sweeps to victory, says change has come to America

America becoming a third-world nation is change.

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I am SO proud to be from Illinois - Land of Lincoln and Land of Obama

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I hear that Mexico has beefed up its border patrols along the Rio Grande to stop a wave of GOP economic refugees who are trying to flee south with their ill-gotten gains :)

I heard they were getting a red carpet greeting, with limosine service.

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For a very very long time, I've been told two things by our resident neo-cons here at JT:

1) the only poll that counts is on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

2) anything other than blind devotion to the president is tantamount to treason.

That was then, Taka. This is now. You can't expect mc-mavericks like McCain supporters not to change.

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Free at last, free at last, free from the shackles of stupidity, from the fear mongering revisionism of neo-con history man. Now at last a person worthy of the office, a person who has inspired a majority to reach for the future. A person, a man called Barack Obama, a man.

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It will be interesting to see how much of the polarization will carry forward into Obama's presidency.

That is going to totally up to Obama and how he views his role as President. If he does Govern from the center even with a leftward tilt, he'll be fine.

If he Governs as his past record indicates which is on the far left side of the fence then he's going to deserve every bit of critique that comes his way.

This election was his to lose from the start. It is almost a miracle that McCain was even competitive right up to the last weeks of this. McCain had so much baggage agaisn't him. Just the fact of being a Republican after what Bush has left the state of the country in should have been enough to get any Democrat the nod for the top job. The fact that the economy has tanked und GWB's watch, the fact (and I don't care how you slice it) that the Media was totally in the tank agaisn't him and served as Obama's attack dog better than Joe Biden could ever do.

And McCain still made it a race until today. What this means is not that the U.S is a racist nation still after all these years or the Red States are somehow less educated and just don't know any better.

What this means is the U.S still is by and large mainly a Conservative Nation. A nation that felt betrayed by the Party that was suppose to be the ones upholding Conservative values such as fiscal restraint and less Government. The Nation is willing to take a chance on a self-proclaimed Liberal because they were betrayed by Bush and hope for change that Obama can do better. That is what this election was really about. I hope Obama understands that he doesn't have a mandate to force Big Government down our throats. If he thinks he does then he is going to be a one term President with a Republican majority in place by his first mid-terms. His mandate is to make this Government work better within its means.

If he doesn't understand that and reaches for more it is going to be a rough 4 years.

I pray he's centrist, would have been nice if the media vetted him before he got elected to give me a good feeling he would be.

So far those who voted for him......You voted for a Slogan, you really have no idea of the what the man really is all about behind it.

I voted for McCain, I knew the man flaws and all and I could pretty much take to bank as to what kind of President he was going to be.

Nobody here in the Obama lovefest can honestly say that about their guy in my opinion.

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But most of the country has said that they are tired of the old and are looking forward to something new." aday: you just ruined it for me. What, please tell me, is going to be sooo new? When you have a president who can speak to the soon to be 40% of the population in Spanish, you will have something new. You are still going to have to wait, but fear not, the Western Hemisphere will soon be united.

Nessie it shows that John McCain is a humble and gracious loser." Why, he shouldn't have even been up there according to many of you here.

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This has to have been the best day in American politics for what? Eight years?

Oh, and sarge, "When my taxes go up, I'm going to charge the difference to all the Obama supporters here."

Just how much do you earn on that paper round? I'm sure Obama can get by without your contribution.

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I think I speak for many on Japan Today who are happy - no, ecstatic - with today's outcome and who have been called everything from "global liberals" to "traitors"

yet again, we got it right.

Thank you America!

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Wow, what a drubbing! Wait til they count all the military votes...

Don't hold your breath for that, Sarge.


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Had to laugh at the poll of the day here at Japantoday. "Is an Obama victory good or bad for Japan" ? Are you kidding, this is terrible news for Japan, as well as any other nation that was hoping to export its way out of the current economic doldrums. Obama is a staunch protectionist who will slowly shut the door to Americas markets... Great ! I look forward to a booming economy as Obama sets out to put "Americans" back to work. Sad day for the Europeans and Asians, you never had it so good under the Republican run government. I can't wait to see the look on Frenchies face as Obama starts acting on behalf of Americans, instead of "the new world order" !

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Wow, I am totally stoked by this outcome!

It is GREAT to once again be able to have faith in the good judgement of Americans.

This wasn't just America's election - this was the world's election and Obama - supported by a stunningly well-coordinated campaign - hardly missed a step, stayed on message and on target to a very convincing win.

I'm glad that the smiles at Obama rallies were backed by a longing and a hope for a better, improved world, not just in response to a disparaging or snide remark.

Sure there are a lot of uncertainties ahead, but let's be honest - the 8 Bush/Cheney years are coming to a close and Americans today showed the world what they think about that period by awarding Barack Hussein Obama with a resounding victory.

Once again, THANK YOU AMERICA!!!!!

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Is bush going to glue all the drawers in the oval office shut as Clinton is reported to have done for him?

Nah, Clinton didn't do that. He just didn't find out there were drawers until the 3rd month :p.

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Awesome! thank God.

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You know and everyone else here knows perfectly well the GOP had nothing legitimate to pin on Obama except his lack of experience. And when they realized that didn't seem to matter to enough Americans, they resorted to floating a collection of some of the most vicious, unsubstantiated, wholly fabricated rumors, accusations, and lies about an otherwise decent opponent that I've personally ever seen since I first started paying attention to presidential elections with the 1980 Carter-Reagan campaign. And STILL McCain lost, despite the persistent vitriol and innuendo.

I can appreciate how much that must smart, considering how much effort so many McCain supporter put into trying to keep the lies afloat over the past three months. But I’m reluctant to feel any sympathy or understanding for anyone who had a willing hand in perpetuating the vast majority of that garbage, which would include you, RomeoRamen, Helter_Skelter, Sailwind, and the small clique of new posters who suspiciously only started showing up here in the last week or so. No pats on the back or "there, there" for that bunch. You reap what you sow, kids.

Obama won with a campaign that could have been as obnoxious as the McCain campaign was, and yet wasn’t. Thanks, in no small part, to his campaign’s ability, both logistically and financially, to get his message heard above the incessant noise and static coming from the Republican campaign. Obama had a message that Americans were ready to hear and the Republicans pitched one that just wasn’t enough, much less relevant, any longer. It’s as simple as that.

Hail to the Chief!

And kudos to Senator McCain for showing more grace, tact, and genuine maturity than some posters here. I respect the man considerably (I've never said otherwise), and believe he will remain a powerfully relevant and important figure in national politics. Perhaps, with this election behind him, he can make efforts to stem the flow of blood leaking from the Republican Party’s numerous self-inflicted wounds, starting with making certain that New “Old Guard” anachronisms like Sarah Palin are not the “Next Big Thing” for the GOP. Unless, of course, the GOP has suddenly developed an affinity for losing . . .

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Congrats to Obama. I was pretty sure of a victory but that only changed in the last week or so.

Congrats to McCain as well. He really did seem like his former self in his concession speech, I agree.

It will be interesting to see how much of the polarization will carry forward into Obama's presidency. Hopefully the scars of Bush and the radical left won't get in Obama's way too much as we move forward. We could see the radical right adopt the same tactics with Obama that the radical left adopted with Bush....which means oppose everything Obama does, even if you happen to agree.

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Congratulations to the USA for making the right choice of president for the first time in 12 years...

"it was Palin wot lost it"

The prospect of 4 years of watching the righties here bemoaning Obama's policies as "socialism" tickles me pink

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I hope we can wake up from this 8 year nightmare.

Here I was hoping they would not go back to sleep too soon!

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Taka, if only they'd thrown the game it'd be a different story?

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Nessie it shows that John McCain is a humble and gracious loser.

I'll buy that.

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That was in response to Nessie's :No boos when Obama, in his speech, mentions McCain. Boos when McCain, in his speech, mentions Obama.

This clearly shows that McCain was the superior candidate.

(for some reason my quote didn't work)

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Nessie it shows that John McCain is a humble and gracious loser. Not a superior candidate. The superior candidate won. < :-)

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Love him or hate him he's your president for the next 4 years. Majority rules !!!!! Power to the people !!!! I love democracy !!!!!

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His Kenyan father had nothing to do with his upbringing !!!! The father took off and left. That's why he has such a strong character today. He experienced hardship in life without a father as a role model. That's what molded him into a great leader.

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Recently Popular Posts--- Obama Number 1# 222 comments and rising people just love talking about this guy !!!!!! Love him or hate him he is American and he will help America. He represents the American people. A better representative then the clown shoes from Crawford Texas they have now !!! Obama's father is a dead-beat dad !!!! He took off and left !!!! His mother and grandparents actually played the father role. Obama talked about this to would be fathers about being their for there child not running away. Obama was rasied by a single parent just like Bill Clinton.

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The Afghan Taliban on Wednesday called upon U.S. President-elect Barack Obama to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and usher in an ‘‘era of peace’’ in the world. ‘‘We want him (Obama) to change the policies of President Bush.

Obama gets his first international support. Joy.

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No boos when Obama, in his speech, mentions McCain. Boos when McCain, in his speech, mentions Obama.

This clearly shows that McCain was the superior candidate.

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Is bush going to glue all the drawers in the oval office shut as Clinton is reported to have done for him?

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Congratulations Obama, the President of United States of America!!

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this is a fantastic day!!! I hope we can wake up from this 8 year nightmare.

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No politician cares about the little people once the voting procedure is over. It's all about personal power and the cash. Once the mugs have voted, it's shut up until the next election, then sweetness and light again . Obama is no different, he's just a politician. Hate and despise them all.

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Obama wins because: he's educated

Despite being educated.

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What grandiosity? < :-)

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I'm astounded at the electorial vote. The count floors me. < :-)

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goodbye Mccain and Palin .

especially goodbye to Palin, the only Palin I ever want to hear about again is Michael Palin. Good riddance.

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You know, I'm already getting a bit tired of his grandiosity. You won, Obama. Get on with it.

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awesome win Obama, goodbye Mccain and Palin .

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said it all along. Well done Obama, lets hope he brings back some credibility to the White house. All power to him. Lets hope the "maverick" now fades away.

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Congratulations Mr. Obama, even though I didn't vote for you,I voted for Mr. Mouse, you're my President and I am proud.

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McCain's speech was what it was, a farewell to the old ways and the old boys club

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As a veteran of the AF myself I don't condone a president who votes against military funding and puts his country's military in a disadvantage when he openly rejects new military technology.

Then you don't know how much America already spends on the military!

Just for you, look at the easy to read table here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures

How much more breathing space do you need buddy? Looks to me like at least six times more than number two, and that country is a staunch ally for Pete's sake. Maybe instead of throwing our tax dollars down the toilet, or worse, into deadly unnecessary wars, how about upping the dosage on your nerve pills?

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yes but Sarge likes to generalize. Obama will probably win if not something happens like in florida in 2004, maybe those votes suddenly turn up in calafornia

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Has Hillary finally conceded?

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Sarge the people have spoken so that means all the people are "bleeding liberals"?

All implies 100%, 51%~ voted Obama. A majority of people in the US are "liberals" and minority of people in the US are "Conservatives"

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When we have a president who carries 70% of the popular vote then we will have a president who is going to change the US for the better.. Obama won just like Bush won.. Not by a land slide but by a margin..

As I have said before it really doesnt matter which one of these clowns gets in because neither will do anything that is going to affect the debt in a positive way, remove the ungodly spending problems our country has, and fix the basic problems of our goverment...

Its just another puppet controlled by the Company puppet masters..

Congrats to Obama, and Im actually glad we have a nonwhite president.. I hope he can do just 1% of what he wants to do, but Im afraid he will just increase the debt and not get anything worthwhile accomplished..

God Bless America......

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Sarge the people have spoken so that means all the people are "bleeding liberals"?

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Anyone in the military should be alarmed!! Democrats have presided during WW1 WW2 Korea and Vietnam.

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Great speech by Obama. Happy days are hear again. The loser party is being punished as they should be for the failures and crimes under their watch. What a great campaign by Obama and his crew.

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You know Sarge, I guess you'll just have to keep posting more hate and venom.

But most of the country has said that they are tired of the old and are looking forward to something new.

I tend to believe that most people will give Barack Obama an even chance. They will give this new kind of president a chance to show his metal and how he stands up against new challenges. < :-)

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sarge - >I believe you're the one who's losing all sense of reality. You and all the others who have been duped by Obama into believing that he is ready to be CinC of our Armed Forces and that he can fix what Democrat policies have screwed up

It's OK, Sarge. We forgive you.

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Don't fret none fellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting in that house and is easier than living in it!!!

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GW - Enjoy it while the ephoria lasts...

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Joisy - "Sarge... please, you are losing all sense of reality. Bush, Cheney, Rove, et. al did everything in their power to tear down and rip apart our country"

I believe you're the one who's losing all sense of reality. You and all the others who have been duped by Obama into believing that he is ready to be CinC of our Armed Forces and that he can fix what Democrat policies have screwed up.

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really liked yr post there! As a non-american I am really enjoying the Obama election, as others have said it points to the US heading out of instead of into the abyss. I am sure many many US men/women in the military particularly in Iraq are feeling much better today than yesterday, hope there is many more to come!

Again this is the start I hope Obama can deliver on some of the big issues out there.

I hope McCain can regain his real identity now the election is over as it was painful to watch someone I respected going the route he did.

Ahhh today is a very good day, dont feel like working.........

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Boy was that an election? I worked the polls today and it was beautiful today to watch.

We had 80% voting in our precinct, early voting and today combined. < :-)

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Sarge...please, you are losing all sense of reality "Liberals just to love to tear down our country" simply ignores the reality of the past 8 years and how Bush, Cheney, Rove, et. al did everything in their power to tear down and rip apart our country.

Athletes...well said.

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USAFdude "I will slow our development of future combat systems." -Barrack Obama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRGru2CPC4E :33 seconds in to be exact. As a veteran of the AF myself I don't condone a president who votes against military funding and puts his country's military in a disadvantage when he openly rejects new military technology.

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Congratulation to both winner & loser. They tried their best & deserved to be praised.

A new dawn has come for changing the political landscape & racial barriers. I think Civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King will smile on the heaven. A dim light can be seen at the end of the tunnel soon. Although I do not expect Obama can show the extraordinary performance, people are hungry for the change.

The reason of his win was people wish to say Sayonara to George Bush & his gun ho policy. "Sayonara to the Neo Conservatives". Time & time will change. Humanity & compassion will come back.

I wish to pay my great tribute to new president's grandma who passed away. Although she is no longer in the world, she will be proud of her grandson. Rest in the peace with the glory! It is a proud moment for you! Sayonara!

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romulus - I agree it's time for change, but not this change.

yabits - "We've got lots of work to do to get the United States back on track to being a nation worthy of its own promise"

Liberals just love to tear down our country.

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Congratulations, President Elect Barack Hussein Obama II

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I am very grateful to those citizens of other countries that have spoken such favorable words to Americans.

i'm not.

though i intend to ask every single euro or commonwealth subject who really wants to chat about the outcome of this election why it is their respective nations can not produce an obama or a bobby jindal or a colin powell or a clarence thomas or even an oprah 4f's sake.

i've lived abroad for about 20 years. we are envied and despised no matter what.

kennedy was the last American prez that people actually liked while in office and that was when the 'outside world' basically meant western europe, which was still respected. also, in jfk's case it was his wife that brought him much of his popularity. other than that birtish pm harold macmillan summed up pretty well his victory and the kennedy machine coming to d.c. :

'it's rather like watching the Borgia brothers take over a respectable North Italian city.'

i give the obama honeymoon with the rest of the world a couple of months. joe biden did the same. he will be tested . early on.

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Hang in there, sarge... despite all the mud-slinging even on this site, we all luv ya! I don't think too many people are honestly coming on here to gloat, but rather to express their happiness and support for those who have been greatly upset by this.

Again, hang in there.

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well how 'bout that! as Obama's buddy Rev. Wright likes to say "God damn America!"

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2012 You will now, with confidence, have your first Hispanic President. Obama has led this way, even though we should have some how got ourselves.

Well, four years let's see how things go.

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Caveman: "What? You think we cannot survive two and a half more months of Bush? Well, you might be right about that!"

Har! Thanks! I needed that laugh today!

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I can only hope that's not going to turn into "Condolences, America."

comon old buddy. It was time for change. America was going down big time.

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Congratulations, President-elect Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden.

We've got lots of work to do to get the United States back on the track to being a nation worthy of its own promise, and worthy of the respect of other nations. Finally, we've got a leader who can truly help us in accomplishing those ends.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Listening to Obama's victory speech, it almost seemed anti-climactic; he was slightly subdued, no doubt because the death of his grandmother, who did not live to see him become President. It is just the beginning, not an end, and as was once said in the movie Patton, "All glory is fleeting." The real work lies ahead.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Indeed. Thank God. For one of the most moving and greatest victory speeches, click the link. http://www.nytimes.com/

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UASFdude- Will you be so happy when Obama's military speding puts you in the line for welfare SOON?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

ANOTSUSAGAMI - Thank you for your kind words! I'm also glad to see you reach out with friendship and forgiveness to Sarge and those like him.

You're truly a class act, ANOTSUSAGAMI.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congratulations to John McCain ,he was soo gracious and great in defeat,I find true American greatness in him.

Bigger congratulations for Barack Obama for his victory. I can only hope that he will not concentrate too much on economy and forget Asia Pacific region.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This has anooyed me so much goddone it!!!

I'm gouing out to drive rael fast man. I want this awful moment erased from my memory forever.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank you USAFdude. Your post shows the kind of integrity and sense of duty we need in our military. Indeed our duty as citizens of the US (for those of us who are) and citizens of the world does not stop here. We must continue to strive to affect positive change in the world as a whole. The message couldn't be more clear: Americans are ready for a change. As the market plunge has shown, we can ill-afford to pretend that the US President doesn't concern every country. Sarge, et al, I can only hope that the bitterness is short, and we can put aside parties and work to improve America.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why are people pleased about this? Let's leave Iraq in turmoil, leave our shores unprotected, socialse our nation and cause the greatest depression in history.

The future is bleak. Obama you are not good for me.

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Congratulations President Elect Obama.

I hope that the faith entrusted in you and our nation is warranted. I hope that you will really be the President for all us and not just for those that voted for you. I do not know and have serious doubts if you will be that type of President. It is up to you now to prove me wrong. I hope that will, I truly hope that you will.

To Senator McCain,

There is much joy on this thread on Obama's victory. There is also some grudging respect for you that many finally free to express. I can only hope that you were lucky enough to never ever hear of J.T and some of the most viscious vile things you were called along with your running Mate Sarah Palin on this site.

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"Congratulations America"

I can only hope that's not going to turn into "Condolences, America."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

America: It was great while it lasted.

What? You think we cannot survive two and half more months of Bush? Well, you might be right about that! Come on America! Hold on until inauguration day at least!

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I am very grateful to those citizens of other countries that have spoken such favorable words to Americans. It means a lot to me personally. I voted for Obama at 9 a.m. this morning in America. I had my doubts that he could really win. I thought the polls could be wrong because of racism. I worried about the vote stealing of the past. I refused to let myself get my hopes too high until I was certain. Tomorrow I will wake up in disbelief. But tonight I am grateful. I don't know whether America's star is fading, burning brightly or getting brighter. I don't care. If and when it is some other cultures time to shine - so be it. I just want to be able to share my experiences with others around the world. I never dreamed as a kid I would be in a mass conversation with people on the other side of the earth. Now, with a new president after we have been racially divided for so long it is the best experience to share it with people I cannot call foreign. The citizens I have met from other countries are not foreign they are just like me. Thank you for your support of America. Thank you JT for letting us ramble on about America on a Japanese media outlet.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congratulations to President-elect Obama.

I can only hope he doesn't screw up too badly. And this also has to be said:

We Americans have just had our biggest brain fart in history, far surpassing the brain farts we had in 1992 and 1996.

When my taxes go up, I'm going to charge the difference to all the Obama supporters here.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank God.

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Way to go USA! I hope this will energize and inspire your great country once again. Well done.

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I KNEW that once this was over John McCain would return to being the honourable man he actually CAN be. It's a genuine shame he could not be himself during the election but instead turned into the ugly side of politics. Fortunately, that side was defeated today and the world is rejoicing. I think, deep down, even McCain can breathe a bit of a sigh of relief.

Finally, again, to the doom-sayers out there as I said before, don't be disappointed when you find out how much better things actually are. War, greed, etc., are all BAD things, not good. You do not need to define yourself by misery. Rejoice! THis is an excellent day.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Yes the whole world rejoices. I have never seen this kind of emotion and electricity personally from a presidential election. Times square is packed, people are out and about and just unbelievable ecstatic and happy.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow. It actually happened.

Congratulations President-elect Obama.

Congratulations America.

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Almost all the world is celebrating your victory ! Bravo Obana !

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McCain did give a really nice speech. I hope life after the election for him will be fruitful. I would like to see him work with President Obama.

Only bad thing was all the racial slurs and negative words being said in the background by McCain supporters. It kind of ruined the moment for the man. Oh well, Haters!!!! Live with it.

I hope President Obama leads this country to prosperity and brings Honor and Pride back to the US.

Obama 08'

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I just watched McCain make a wonderful concession speech. He was very gracious. I wish I would have seen more of this man during the campaign. When the crowd tried to boo Obama several times he would not stand for it. He emphatically put an end to such disrespect. I know politics is a game but at the end of the day when the game is played out it is time to end the fierce competition and get back to governing the country. Thanks John McCain for being a great American today and calling for unity.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

America is doomed. Our enemies are rejoicing.

Somebody else cleverly commented how certain people always see doom on the horizon, and are real quick to go to war among other things. I think everybody else is celebrating, including those many many Americans who are not so paranoid and jittery, and our allies too.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

America: It was great while it lasted.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It would be so easy to gloat right now, so terribly easy to remind all the Republicans on this site about their statements about how President-elect Obama would never set foot in the White House, but I won't. Instead, I'd rather celebrate the utter joy that I feel as an American and as a US troop. This is truly an historic day for the world, and I'm proud to have contributed to President-elect Obama's victory.

To every American on this site, know that I will continue to serve you with distinction, honor, and for the first time in eight years, pride.

To every non-American on this site, know that the dark days of the bush administration are drawing rapidly to a close, and that better days are ahead; the US has admitted its mistake in electing bush with the results of this incredible, joyful, and wonderful election.

Time to move on to bigger and better things, gang! Sayonara and peace.

Obama/Biden '08/'12

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The above was written before I refreshed and read about the concession.

I still hope the vote counting will continue as we have a LOT of time to do it before inauguration day. In fact, I wish more time and greater care had been taken.

I only hope that Obama will deliver the change he has promised, and it will be change for the better. I hope he starts with those darned computerized voting machines. They belong in the trash bin.

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sezwho, you are right. if mccain were to speak the truth in the campaign as he did tonight he may have won. but he followed the repub hatred script and picked palin against his own instincts. He lost as a result.

The country just renewed itself, its an amazing tribute to the founding fathers that the institutions have supported the election of Obama The USA now has a future, after years of living in the past. Its just plain awesome that this moment has come.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Acorn must be mighty proud of themselves.

America is doomed. Our enemies are rejoicing.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congratulations America!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Next sarge will forget about the last election and start complaining that voting was rigged, or the machines were faulty, etc.

Well, he would be right about that. Trouble is that they could not be so rigged or faulty to fail to put Obama in the White House without a complete loss of confidence in the government and the process and a possible civil war.

Not that votes are not being skewed as we speak. We have voter fraud and disenfranchisement every single election. I just find having computers, running on very tamperable software and networks, doing the job to be very, very over the top.

Still, rig an election too much and it gets obvious. Besides, I think enough people got filthy rich enough from eight years of Bush that those truly despicable people among us can let this one go.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Awesome! All is forgiven!.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Wow! McCain just gave a beautiful concession speech. I think it a great pity that the John McCain who gave that speech was not the John McCain who ran for office.

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Try this as well - McCain moves well for an old guy


0 ( +0 / -0 )

"the governments of iran,syria, north korea and russia are probably the happiest non - Americans out there.

different story with ordinary citizens of those nations"

McCain already conceded... you guys should do the same. This is a day of celebration; the world is not ending, nor will it under Obama (may have with all the war McCain wanted, but we'll never know).

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I wonder now how McCain--after endorsing a campaign that has suggested that Obama was a racist, a terrorist sympathizer and an evil seed bent on stealing the vote--is going to reach across the aisle and work with Obama. It seems to me that any attempt by McCain to work with Obama would be tantamount to confessing his negativity about Obama was only designed to deceive Americans. Either that or he brands himself as an associate of an associate.

One saw hints of the old McCain reemerging at the end. If he becomes the person he was, he won't have too much trouble in the Senate working with an Obama administration.

This has been an interesting election for an outside observer to the Republican Party. First Mitt Romney, who is a moderate and also deeply religious, attempted to court the Republican base by reinventing himself as a social conservative ready to fight the next chapter in the culture wars. He failed to ignite even the base, who viewed his Mormon faith suspiciously. Then McCain failed in the general election.

As long as Republicans have to cater to such types, they will lose. I saw someone whom I think was a representative example today, in a town in the middle of the agricultural belt. He was driving a pick-up truck, dare I say festooned with American flags, and a large sign proclaiming "Nobama." (Needless to say, I did not give him the right of way!)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

McCain concedes

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mc Cain has conceded. GAME OVER!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the governments of iran,syria, north korea and russia are probably the happiest non - Americans out there.

different story with ordinary citizens of those nations.

Yeah but you gotta feel like we have stepped back from the abyss for the next 4 years. I reckon we dodged a bullet for sure. 3 terms of republicans? scary....

0 ( +0 / -0 )

GREAT! After 8 years, I can now say I'm an American without total embarrassment.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

the governments of iran,syria, north korea and russia are probably the happiest non - Americans out there.

different story with ordinary citizens of those nations.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congratulations to Obama and the American nation.

But I fear that President Obama will have a very big target painted on his back. The secret service has their work cut out for them.


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With Pennsylvania and Ohio out of his reach, this is becoming a runaway not in McCain's favor. Although the margin of victory helps, in practicality, it doesn't really matter. That rule was disproved by Bush himself: in 2000, Bush barely won the electoral vote and even lost the majority vote but presided as if with a mandate anyways.

McCain is a decent guy, but it's very obvious the USA is fervent for a change when you combine this 2008 Presidential race and Congressional race, where the Democrats are also poised to gain even more seats, with the 2006 Congressional race when the Democrats took over. In just 2 short years, up to 14 Senatorial seats have swung.

Thus, the country is moving from the center-right to the center-left. However, I think it'd be more center than center-left because, compared to when Republicans took over (from Newt Gingrich onwards) they depended on the support of the extreme right (Evangelicals, etc), whereas the Democrats are taking over from the support of moderates and moderate Democrats. So Democrats know from whom they owe their victory - even Nancy Pelosi, liberal as she is, hasn't alienated that support.

That's why I think Obama, the liberalist senator, will most likely preside in the center, ironically. Even more ironic, some think he may even be Reagan-like in the (pardon the corporate-speak) shift in social paradigm.

(As a segue, Bush tried so hard to be like his idol Reagan but instead ended up trying too hard that he became disliked even by his own party - he was so radioactive, he was nowhere in these Presidential and Congressional campaigns. If Obama ends up being more Reagan-like than Bush, now that's triple ironic.)

Regardless, this may presage for the rest of the 21st Century, when the demographics of the USA is changing to an ethnic "no majority" (everybody is a minority) while "sub-urbanization" pushes urban people from the cities (which Democrats dominate) farther into the rural areas (which Republicans dominate). Improving technology means you don't have to live in the city to work in the city.

Well, now it's over. Fox News has declared Obama the elected president. Congratulations to the American people for exercising their right to choose.

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despite of my negative impression of USA..I with Obama wins because: he's educated, humble, young politician/leader and wasn't raised with a silver spoon....USA needs a leader like him to stop the greed of Middle East wars and to stop being the Policeman of the World...lol

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Or this link

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Good job, Americans... your reputation abroad has already skyrocketed as if to show what a great thing this is not only for your nation, but for the world.

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Cautious is good. Not always, of course. In this case I don't see how it causes much harm--if any.

I wonder now how McCain--after endorsing a campaign that has suggested that Obama was a racist, a terrorist sympathizer and an evil seed bent on stealing the vote--is going to reach across the aisle and work with Obama. It seems to me that any attempt by McCain to work with Obama would be tantamount to confessing his negativity about Obama was only designed to deceive Americans. Either that or he brands himself as an associate of an associate.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congratulations America! Sad thing with this result is, I wont be able to tease my american friends for having the dumbest president in earth for 4 years. Palin would have been a laughing stock too. Ninja

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He's in and it's now official... Hooray!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What a great day!

America decided the issues mattered more than fear mongering.

America decided the middle class mattered.

America decided that neo-conservatism is decidedly, not, in America's best interests.

Thank you America. You restore the faith.

And as an American...to all the non-Americans offering congratulations...THANK YOU!


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh bummer for the Repubs!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A truly historic day!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

better link


0 ( +0 / -0 )

i watched taka's youtube links with tears in my eyes.

from laughing.

"sentimental lefties"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Guess they've tried 'em all. First, they tried the socialist bogey man lurking in the cupboard, didn't work. Next, the 'terrorist sympathizer'... didn't work either. So would you believe Muslim? Nope, didn't work.

The man has too much brain power and class to devolve into this stupidity. WHen asked what he thought about Pailin's daughter being unwed at 18? Obama could have tried the shrewd; 'no comment' Or some other way to score a few points. So what did he say? 'Hey, my mom had me at 18.' Now that's a classy guy and a clean fighter. As a non American I say congratulations. Well done.

Go ahead, measure the drapes, pick the wall paper you're in and the thinking world welcomes you!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

President Obama. Great day for America.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Start measuring the drapes! Again, cannot help but think that McCain was shafted by his own party.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I post the following with tears in my eyes:




0 ( +0 / -0 )

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama wins!!!

God Bless Obama and God Bless America!!!1

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh yeah Baby, say hello to President Obama!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

44th president of the USA

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Obama 297

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YES, YES, only 23 more electoral votes to go!!! Go Obama!!!!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Palin really has trashed McCain. President Palin? She sounds and dresses like a talk show host or just plain hostess. If he really wanted a woman, he should have gone with Larry Craig in a dress. All that foot stomping would have gotten the Yokels in Ohio right behind them Republicans.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's over baby!!!!!


0 ( +0 / -0 )

John McCain is ready to concede.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Oh yeah the fearmongers want to spread it quickly because in just a few minutes California will be called for Obama. Then Obama will be declared the projected winner. Then Obama will become the president elect. Then Obama will become the President of the United States of America.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

CNN's projection.He did it.Haters grab a gun,beer and be bitter.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Smith, when you get off the phone with Obama please explain how you know he cares? Did he show you some how? Did he send you flowers for your birthday? Please show me proof he cares..

0 ( +0 / -0 )

there Goes Virginia "220-136" Obama.

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"Dole had tried to tie Hagan, a former Presbyterian Sunday school teacher, to atheists in an ad that appeared to backfire."

Hahahaha!! See what negative campaigning does for you kiddies?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

MOre than 220 electoral votes for Obama, and closing! Good job, Dems! So much for 'get ready for McCain/Palin in the White House!'

Seriously... if there is one excellent thing this election provided, aside from a president who actually CARES, is that a record number of people exercised their right to vote. Good job, peeps.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Do you guys actually buy into such fear as the idea of civil war because Obama won?? You are really listening to too much of your government's propoganda! What are you going to do when you realize the world is not actually falling? Are you going to MAKE it fall?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

techall: Yeah, people like Dick Cheney who got even richer off Iraq are going to head off to countries like Dubai, where they guaranteed their friendships with the locals, and reestablished their corrupt companies. Oh wait... he was planning on moving there after screwing you guys anyway, regardless of who took over to clean up the mess.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I don't see any civil war in America's immediate future but I do see an exodus of American companies to more tax friendly offshore locales and collapse of a lot of small businesses under the tax burden.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Well, here comes another Civil War in America. I wonder how many innocents will die in this one."

Wow... you guys are going to be so disappointed when you realize how much happier you are with Obama as president... or at least, how much better life is. You really need to stop defining your life via misery, which is what you would be doing with McCain.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Well, here comes another Civil War in America. I wonder how many innocents will die in this one.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama 32million people voted for

McCain 31million people voted for

As of right now


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Thank you for that information hello kitty.

Now that Obama has been projected winner we can finally breath easy. An older friend of mine observed, "This is worse than the wait for my first child." Or as Larry David, who worked on the Seinfeld show, wrote a few weeks ago: "This is like waiting for the results of a biopsy. Actually, it's worse. Biopsies only take a few days, maybe a week at the most, and if the biopsy comes back positive, there's still a potential cure. With this, there's no cure. The result is final. Like death."

I hope the Republicans can come back from their time in the wilderness with some ideas rather than continuing to campaign on patriotism.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"failed domestic terrorist william ayers must be proud of his protege, the young man he took under his wing sometime while obama was at columbia. the move to chicago was next."

Here we go with the finger pointing and deflection. Didn't take long.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Get ready for President Obama and VP Biden!!

Let's see if anyone wishes to still try and counter that with a simple cut and paste.

Anyway, I'm glad the election is basically over; the world can move on in a forward direction, and finally we can get back to some regular news. Of course, there will be a lot of finger pointing and excuses from both sides, and I'm actually kind of looking forward to all the in-fighting of Republicans (McCain's fault for choosing Palin! Palin's fault for this and that! Let's distance ourselves from bush AND McCain!, etc.), but finally Americans can heave a sigh of relief that someone who actually cares about them is in office for the first time in 8 years.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

failed domestic terrorist william ayers must be proud of his protege, the young man he took under his wing sometime while obama was at columbia. the move to chicago was next.

and now it looks as though obama has gone from from the ayers' house to the white house.

sad day for America, and by extension the rest of the free world.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

sarge: "Sure, belittle the good people of the great state of Utah..."

he says before...


...belittling what is clearly the majority of Americans. Ah, the pot calling the kettle black... or should I just say, ah, the outright hypocrisy. Next sarge will forget about the last election and start complaining that voting was rigged, or the machines were faulty, etc.

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Concede now and save face McCain! Bail out with grace and rally for a seat in the Obama administration cabinet. Palin, hustle back to Alaska pronto and for the love of God, stay there!

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Oh I forgot "fundamentals of economy are strong" and Americans are whiners.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just out of interest, does anybody know the most one-sided result in history?

Yeah, 1984 when Walter Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia.

1936: FDR 523, Alf Landon 8 (Maine and Vermont). They had a lot of electoral votes for some reason back then.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The Mac is Back!



You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig



$150,000.00 Republican bill for clothes..................................................election results priceless!

Rev. Wright

Clinton voters will vote for McCain

Real Estate crash, Credit Meltdown, Stock Market meltdown

Drill, Drill, Drill

Bomb, bomb, bomb..bomb, bomb Iran........repeat

Palin Guilty of Ethics Violations

Report clears Palin in Troopergate investigation by biased Personnel Board

Obama wants to redistribute the wealth

Joe the Plumber

My summery of the campaign pitfalls but Obama took the high road to get to the White House.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Obama is the man!"

Yeah, the man who mostly graciously returned the $260 his poor aunt living in a Boston slum contributed to his campaign.

"And McCain got Utah. There's always that."

Sure, belittle the good people of the great state of Utah.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

taka: I could never blindly support anyone, much less a person who keeps his job by smiling on tv.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And McCain got Utah. There's always that...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Skip, To answer your question...it's asinine, I know.

No matter what the margin, being able to freely disagree with the president is what makes America great. However, as I stated, I was told, OFTEN, by several of our resident neo-cons during the bush administration that I was a traitor for not blindly supporting him.

Again, I know, it's pretty stupid. What makes it funny is that now, those same folk, will have to follow soon-to-be President-elect Obama blindly or consider themselves to be traitors.

They aren't a very forward thinking crowd.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Barack Obama is on target to win Ohio and New Mexico, CNN projects. No Republican has ever become president without winning Ohio. Ohio and New Mexico went for U.S. President George W. Bush in 2004.

This is looking bad for the Republicans.

Sorry, that's wrong.

This is looking VERY bad for the Republicans.


Is john mccain even going to hold Arizona? Polls just out - 40% of Arizona voters have a 'very bad' perception of john mccain.

Obama is picking up the Hispanic vote in New Mexico, where he lost it in the primaries.

I think the 'global liberals' - along with the dreaded Euro-types - are once again going to have read the mood of the American electorate better than the Republicans. LOL!!! :-)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Anyway, congrats to the US for pulling back from the abyss with this election. Bush was taking the US down the road of a fallen empire, and though McCain wouldn't have been as bad as Bush, Obama is much more of a change, which is obviously what Americans want. The Republicans deserved to lose, and stop relying on social conservatism to get elected and need to get back to the actual roots of the party of individualism.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Community organizing has proven to be applicable tonight as it confirms he has run the most effective ground game in US political history.

Truman was once a seller of suits before his company went belly up. Community organizer would seem to be better experience for the office of president. But its funny how people want one of us, then they don't want one of us.

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Now if you were to say that Obama--should he actually be elected--will increase taxes, I think you're right.

I think your prose is a little too cautious here. I've spent the past two days unable to read, everything I picked up had titles such as "What Could Stop Obama: Secret Racist Democrats" or "Four Things that Keep Me Awake At Night." But I knew it was going to be OK when I saw Obama's smiling face on the cover of the newspaper this morning.

Obama will raise taxes, not to pay for new programs but to meet existing obligations. One of the things we have to change is the critical role of the American consumer, often buying on credit, in keeping the global economy afloat. The Chinese are going to have to consume more of what they produce. But to change the status quo we can no longer rely on Beijing to buy Uncle Sam's debt.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

One note of interest...

Arguably, AGAIN, the single most accurate poll in presidential politics picked the winner in advance.




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Sarge at 11:54 AM JST - 5th November

Caveman - "McCain would have increased your taxes too"

No, he wouldn't." Yes, he would! You were listening to the campaign and in campaigns they tell you what they propose and you decide whether you like it or not. when the plans go into effect, they then learn whether or not they can actually do them. That is why Obama has a task force now lowering expectations.

DXXJP ( 11:51 ) - If I make more than the equivalent of $80,000, I have to pay U.S. income tax. But thanks for the insult." Not true. That is not automatic as you may, or many believe. I know of people here making close to a million and don't have to, legally, pay a dime. Will that change with dems in charge of everything, historically yes.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't think so. About half the voters in Colorado and, I believe California, vote by mail for the convenience. You just have to be sure to fill it out correctly; it's easier to use the touch screen. There's also a part for those who provided assistance, presumably to the elderly, to fill out in case the voter himself/herself did not do it.

Interesting info. But I meant most of the military's active duty absentee ballots, not absentee ballots in general. --Cirroc

0 ( +0 / -0 )

No, he wouldn't.

Who would pay for the bank bailouts and over 4 trillion dollar increase in the National debt that Bush OKed?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Caveman - "McCain would have increased your taxes too"

No, he wouldn't.

You are right. You got me. The Congress, under McCain and with his support if not his urging, would have raised your taxes. My mistake.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Just out of interest, does anybody know the most one-sided result in history?

Yeah, 1984 when Walter Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I have to admire the principles of a man who will work for 64 cents on the dollar but absolutely puts his foot down and refuses to work for 61.

Now if you were to say that Obama--should he actually be elected--will increase taxes, I think you're right. However, I think that the truth is that McCain would have to raise them too. The big question as I see it is whether the entire structure on which taxes are ultimately raised is an equitable structure.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obama is the man!!!

Community organizing has proven to be applicable tonight as it confirms he has run the most effective ground game in US political history. He was also a constitutional law professor for 11 years, an attorney, the president of the Harvard law review, he majored in Political Science and minored in International Relations at Columbia. If all that wasn't enough to convince you he's older than Clinton or Kennedy were and he has the exact same amount of years in the state and national senate as Abraham Lincoln. That should be good enough for anyone.

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Watching the results over on Yahoo. Seems that the "election" is turning into a massacre. Although the popular vote is close, Obama is getting all the delegates. Just out of interest, does anybody know the most one-sided result in history?

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Hey, at least McCain got Wyoming!

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What the hell is this, playing two slot machines at once?

Are Americans so adverse to voting that having to vote for a Senate seat twice in a short time is that much of an annoyance? Then why not just leave the seat open if a Senator dies. Would not want to inconvenience anyone for the sake of representative democracy. Its not really all that important.

McCain too, there are female Hispanics politicians in ones that are in the republican party....

Choosing a person on racial and gender profiling is really not a good idea. The human brain is not so fantastic. One should focus on the best person for the job, and that is it. If you try to find the best woman for the job for example, you know what you get? Palin "around with terrorists" that is what you get. Ask John McCain, he knows.

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goodDonkey - "My fingers have blisters on them from voting so many times"

No doubt. Yes, folks, this election is fraud-free! Obama wins fair and square!

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The GOP's hallmark embrace of divisiveness looks like it's heading for the dustbin of history along with its candidate.

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Caveman - "McCain would have increased your taxes too"

No, he wouldn't.

DXXJP ( 11:51 ) - If I make more than the equivalent of $80,000, I have to pay U.S. income tax. But thanks for the insult.

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Ok if this gets any uglier for McCain it will be done in the next 40 minutes.

Two famous lines come to mind......

Turn out the lights the party is over and good night sweet prince, good night!

Taking out the bottle of 12 year old Whiskey for this one! Oh yeah.....Hell it is not even noon!<BG>

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What this is showing is that the Bush/Rove strategy that McCain has continued with - to divide the USA into red states and blue states, win all the red states and get enough electoral college votes to win - is a high risk, zero margin of error gamble. Because it means they have no chance to win any blue states, unlike say Reagan or Nixon could. So if a couple of red states turn blue, the Republicans are automatically toast. Pulled it off twice but it was always going to blow up on them one day.

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My fingers have blisters on them from voting so many times. And that doesn't even begin to compare with getting into all those costumes: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, mustaches, beards, wigs and then there are the dresses. Believe me you do not want to see this donkey in a skirt.

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Yes, I'm going to make sure I don't make more than $250,000, er $200,000, er $150,000 ( it keeps fluctuating ) so I don't get a tax increase.

McCain would have increased your taxes too, so you are just bitter because Obama was honest. Ralph Nader would have raised your taxes. So would Ronald Reagan. So would Mother Theresa. We have record national debt.

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If I'd been able to vote it would have been for McCain because Sarah Palin is a hell of a lot prettier than Obama and Biden.

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"This is a drubbing so far"

"Totals from 13% of the nation's precincts showed Obama with 49.9% and McCain with 49.2%"

Wow, what a drubbing! Wait til they count all the military votes...

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I notice they are conspicuously absent from this thread.

They are hard-working people. Why, right now they are volunteering at polling stations, burning as many paper ballots as they can. Diebold executives and engineers are on holiday though. There vote rigging work was finished long ago. And even though the people who got machines moved from where they are needed, such as in heavily populated lower income neighborhoods, to where they are not needed, like sparsely populated middle income areas, and that job was done long ago, those guys still have to direct the vote burning.

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Yes, I'm going to make sure I don't make more than $250,000, er $200,000, er $150,000 ( it keeps fluctuating ) so I don't get a tax increase." don't you live in Japan? At the moment, there is a lot you can do with making that amount and not have to pay any taxes. So, don't worry about it.

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"Get ready for President Barack Obama"

Yes, I'm going to make sure I don't make more than $250,000, er $200,000, er $150,000 ( it keeps fluctuating ) so I don't get a tax increase.

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Taka - "To all my non-American brethren, please know, I voted for you in spirit today."

Thanks, mate. Appreciated!

The folks on ABC news are already asking what mccain will do after he loses this election.


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This is a going to be a great day for Americans with the upcoming Obama victory. I started celebrating with my wife last night with a good bottle of coastal Californian wine.

Damn it was good !!

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taka: 2) anything other than blind devotion to the president is tantamount to treason." How do you get blind devotion to the president when they usually win by only a few points from their competitor? That's almost half the voting population.

I'll support Obama 100% if he sits down in Miami and talks with us about his intentions about Cuba. http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/06/outraged-cuban-americans-protest-obama.html

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Get ready for President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden!" Ok, I can deal with the President Obama but Vice President Biden I can't. Why didn't Obama ask a Hispanic to run with him? We are a large part of the population. McCain too, there are female Hispanics politicians in ones that are in the republican party....

Additoinally, I am appalled that Biden gets re-elected Senator of Del at the same time he's running for Vice President. What the hell is this, playing two slot machines at once?

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This is a drubbing so far

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First Ohio, next Florida. (Will Missouri go for Obama, too?)

The states at the bottom end of educational achievement are all going for McCain.

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For a very very long time, I've been told two things by our resident neo-cons here at JT:

1) the only poll that counts is on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

2) anything other than blind devotion to the president is tantamount to treason.

It's a beautiful day and for the record...mint julep is awesome!


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Get ready for President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden!

Congratulations USA!

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Fox calls Ohio? It's Armageddon!

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Barack wins Ohio.

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"It's a great day in American history"

As far as our country holding yet another free election, yes. As far as Obama becoming our next president, I seriously doubt it.

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yabits : "please explain why Barack Obama would have anything to do with "Black Panthers" showing up at ONE polling place in Philly, to intimidate black voters?" First of all, I didn't say Obama had anything to do with it. What I said if you read properly that this does not help. Many whites I have talked with had a concern that if Obama is elected, would that empower this nutty group or help them disappear? It is groups like NOI (which I have some respect for mind you) and the NBPP that concerns a lot of whites who live modestly and not in red neck towns. Face it, they have screwed up a lot and a stunt like this is going to make a lot of transitions difficult. OH, its no longer one polling station any longer. Check out Newark, Jersey City, and Camden all in proximity of Philly.

What kind of reaction would the KKK at one polling station have in Dixie? I'm looking for it, I'll find one I am sure.

Really, your logic leaves a lot to be desired." No, you just don't like what I put up.

Moderator: Stay on topic please.

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I think I'm going to have a drinkee-poo or 6!

Kampai and congrats.

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Has mccain swept California yet? :-)

No, the polls are still open for another two hours (though the outcome is not in doubt here). There's a lot of libs who've spent the past few days unable to think about anything but that the pollsters could be wrong; it's like, "Can we really believe this is going to go our way?" In my case, it didn't help to receive a series of calls from my mother informing me, "I'm afraid McCain might take Pennsylvania." It's way too easy for nervous nellies to reinforce each other's anxieties.

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To all my American and non-American brethren, please know I voted for you in spirit 6 weeks ago.

Moderator: Please stop parroting what other posters write.

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It's a great day in American history. History in the making. But the real trailblazer was Arnold Schwarzenegger. If the Terminator can be Governor, the Obamainator can and should be President. Truly a nation of dreams.

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Make that 5 new Democratic Senate seats. Looks like the seat held by former Republican Senator Pete Domenici (New Mexico) is going to be won by Tom Udall.

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As of 9:10 Eastern time, realclearpolitics.com has it at:

Sen. Obama - 165 electoral votes

candidate mccain - 76

Obama is also leading in Florida, 52% to 48% and California, and her 55 electoral votes hasn't even come into play yet.

I think we are looking at a diebold proof win tonight.

I think I'm going to have a drinkee-poo or 6!


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"It's not looking good for mccain"


"Totals from 6% of the nation's precincts showed McCain was ahead 49.8% to Obama's 49.3%."

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To all my non-American brethren, please know, I voted for you in spirit today.


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ImperiumMundi: Maybe ought to change the nom de plume to Axis Mundi... Sounds to me like crow figures as the main course on your menu this evening...

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Has mccain swept California yet?

Obama already has half the electoral votes needed to 'seal the deal'

so you two must have voted obama, right?

after the thousands of hours you have spent arguing here (though w/o ever succeeding in changing any minds...)stepping into the booth and voting for obama must have really felt good.

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Wow! That was fast! Obama already has half the electoral votes needed to 'seal the deal' -- something many on here bragged was not possible. I notice they are conspicuously absent from this thread.

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I hear that Mexico has beefed up its border patrols along the Rio Grande to stop a wave of GOP economic refugees who are trying to flee south with their ill-gotten gains :)

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Don't they relize this is just the crap that many don't want to vote for Obama.

Skipthesong, please explain why Barack Obama would have anything to do with "Black Panthers" showing up at ONE polling place in Philly, to intimidate black voters?

Really, your logic leaves a lot to be desired.

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God Save America !!!! And America will be saved with Obama running it!!!!

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The very words; 'President Palin'. That's enough to scare the cr** outta me...

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The Dems pick up three new Senate seats in NC, NH, and VA.

Thank you, George W. Bush!

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Sen. Elizabeth Dole lost!

Oh yeah, that feels good. Obama has coattails.

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i'm not American..I don't know much about American politics...but i wonder, will there be any changes despite of whoever wins? I've been to USA several times over the last 10 years...I didn't see much changes with the people of USA..Americans are still rude, no finesse, no elegance, loud ...and he he he..no culture...whatsoever...ooopppsss.

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the losers have got their excuses worked out already

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I love it. We got McCain to waste so many resources in Pennsylvania. He played that so bad. Thank goodness that Obama did the right thing and paid his own way for his campaign. McCain used my tax dollars to pay for his campaign. It was excellent to see the demographics that Obama won over in Pennsylvania.

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Has mccain swept California yet? :-)

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Florida is basically Obama's. He has both the popular vote and a massive lead in Electoral votes.

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It's not looking good for mccain.

ABC News projects Obama: 102 mccain: 34

mccain might have a chance if he wins Cali LOL!

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this is what I was a bit worried about. Now you have NBPP guys standing in front of polling stations in Philly. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1179231/black_panthers_intimidate_voters_in.html


Don't they relize this is just the crap that many don't want to vote for Obama. They are actually hurting his chances, not helping him.

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There is an inherent risk there but it beats standing in line or being told you can't vote for whatever ridiculous technicalities the pollsters give ya.

If you are in line by closing time you have a right to vote. The campaigns have volunteers there to provide food and talk you out of giving up. I have done this job, for some reason it's disproportionately one filled by females.

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Of course there will be problems with the machines. " you need to read this: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/story?id=6155854&page=1

OMG, you won't believe that these machines still are not ready. And if you think about it, what do they really have to do that would make it such a difficult development!

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Irrespective of political convictions, my only hope is that my American friends all get a chance to exercise their democratic rights. Don't want to stress you guys out, but please remember the world is watching.

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Thank goodness I voted by mail. And yes I checked online if my vote was counted, and it was. There is an inherent risk there but it beats standing in line or being told you can't vote for whatever ridiculous technicalities the pollsters give ya.

Go Obama. Change the world.

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Someone called me and asked if I wanted an absentee ballot. I answered in the affirmative. Last I heard of it. Never received it. If I didn't feel so lousy I'd go out and start a one-man demonstration.

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But I think its safe to say that most of the absentee ballots are from active duty personnel.

I don't think so. About half the voters in Colorado and, I believe California, vote by mail for the convenience. You just have to be sure to fill it out correctly; it's easier to use the touch screen. There's also a part for those who provided assistance, presumably to the elderly, to fill out in case the voter himself/herself did not do it.

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Machines broke down. No paper ballots. Military votes not counted. Hanging and knocked-up shads. Regardless of who wins we'll hear this for the next year or more.

American elections have become a damned farce.

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Golly Gee is da elections fixed ? Which way did he go george which way did he go ?

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Everyone's vote should count, even the absentee voters!

Amen to that.

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The issue, obviously, is that the ballots are late, not specifically because they're from military voters.

That would depend of if one is going by the post mark or not. If they already have the votes in hand, then obviously the post mark is before Nov. 3. And it would just not be fair to allow the post office the chance to make votes "late". But, I have a vague memory of the post mark date needing to be a bit earlier than Nov. 3. Maybe those post marked after the recommended date are being called late? Or is it just those arrived "late" due to post office delays?

Fact, my dear son, FACT!

Nope. Active duty military mostly support Obama. The military as a whole, including those retired and possibly senile, support McCain.

But I think its safe to say that most of the absentee ballots are from active duty personnel. However, statistically they could not change the tide, and factually, the absentee ballots will not be included in the final tally even if some of them do actually get "counted".

Nice gesture by McCain, but its just a gesture. Nothing is going to change.

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Of course there will be problems with the machines. Of course many votes will not be processed !!! Every four years there is always problems with voting machines malfunctioning !!!! To bad they weren't malfactioning when Bush was running for President against Gore and Kerry.

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sarge: "72-year-old McCain has more stamina than 47-year-old Obama."

Not a chance. Old man McCain couldn't stand out in the rain for more than a few minutes to address his 2000 or so fans while Obama stood for a long time in the same elements and addresses more than 10 times that. Anyway, McCain will have plenty of time to rest after Obama is declared the victor later today.

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I myself am a permanent absentee or mail-in voter. If you have a stable address, this is definitely the way to go as far as convenience is concerned. I was surprised to see a long line had already formed outside the polling place, somebody's garage, in an upscale neighborhood before the polls opened at 7AM. But it could be a neighborhood ritual which offers the chance to chat with those whom you otherwise acknowledge primarily with a wave of the hand as you wait for the garage door to go up at the end of a long day. I noticed a number of voters had brought their school-age children to socialize them on the importance of voting.

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this is why I vote early, no lines no problems

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sharky1 - well stated.

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72-year-old McCain has more stamina than 47-year-old Obama.

and he still qualifies for the Seniors line, lucky for him.

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Everyone's vote should count, even the absentee voters!

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"Not for McCain. They have special options for seniors who want to vote"

72-year-old McCain has more stamina than 47-year-old Obama.

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The issue, obviously, is that the ballots are late, not specifically because they're from military voters.

In fact, we have had voter registration posters, with complete instructions and deadlines, since before the primaries. If the rules say get your ballots in by 4 November, then do it. If anybody knows how to follow rules, it's we troops.

according to USAFdude and Taka313, the majority of military ballots are for Obama!

Fact, my dear son, FACT!

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Why would they do that? Heck, according to USAFdude and Taka313, the majority of military ballots are for Obama!

So all military votes get counted or are you implying that the McCain team would do it only because they belief those votes are for McCain?

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Nor McCain; They have special options for seniors who want to vote.

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In Los Angeles when the polling places opened for early voting on Saturday, voters in one precinct endured a five hour wait to cast their ballots. Someone in the line commented, "It should be longer because this is really important!" Patience has never been one of my virtues, so I'm always in awe of those who can look at things this way.

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"McCain's campaign sued the Virginia electoral board hours before polls opened, trying to force the state to count late-arriving military ballots from overseas"

Why would they do that? Heck, according to USAFdude and Taka313, the majority of military ballots are for Obama!

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"voting problems surface"

Not for Sen. Obama. They let him in a side door so he could avoid the long line.

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