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© 2022 AFPTwitter prank spurs unexpected scrutiny of U.S. insulin prices
By Anuj CHOPRA WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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I've been reading a fair bit about life within these so-called "Tech" Companies, personally I wouldn't want to work within their environments - very demeaning at times.
As to the Layoffs - yes, sadly that is necessary. Welcome to the Real World.
And as for comments about Musk's attitude... I don't know. If wanted to save my own Company I'd work 7 days a week, and all hours I could, in order to save it... but, when push comes to shove - I've been there and have been let down before, and I get nothing other than a boot on the ass and shown the door... an Employee, is just that... an "employee"... I've worked several 24 hr+ stints in various Companies, and have taken decisive action to avoid Bln $s of losses in Clients money, but at the end of the day the Management who got their status by being friends with the existing management, received all the benefit. I still appreciate those who stuck by me, and worked with me to do the monkey work... there's a lot of unsung work heroes out there, who should be employed by Companies out there, but exploitation as Musk suggests, should become his demise, and of that, I would stand face to face and tell him that personally.
Twitter is heading to bust land... I never cared for it, and disliked the requirement of Government organizations for you to use it, in order to get "Support"...
First world benefits..
Third world problems..
Hey clown, keep ruining twitter with your stupidity..
The price of medicine is the obvious indicator that health care under capitalism can often be found on life-support while resulting preventable deaths become mere statistics and no-one will be held accountable, as we have learned from the massive covid mortality numbers.
Your 'friend' is actually talking about the markup US hospitals typically make on every patient. For the drug makers, it's another zero or two added.
A friend of mine at a US hospital said that the mark up on drugs sold to patients was typically about 1000%.
It's interesting that his management of the platform resulted in real financial damage to one of his highest paying customers. If I were a shareholder, I would most definitely blame him.
I guess he can only blame himself now.
Why blame Elon, it’s his platform that made this possible.
Ok, I can accept that. It may only be British Colombia that I'm speaking of.
@Strangerland Not everyone in Canada has access to free insulin as each province/territory runs its own healthcare system.
Insulin is free for those on national health care. Which means everyone, except for those new to the country (it takes three months in a province to get on the healthcare system).
StrangerlandToday 01:35 pm JST
Insulin US average price $98.70, and Turkey $2.64
Some lucky people may get free insulin in Canada but it is listed as average cost of $12 in Canada for those who pay.
How can anyone sleep at night if they work for a company that rip offs off sick people? There needs to be massive change and soon.
Canada $0.
Insulin US average price $98.70, and Turkey $2.64
America is the worst place in the world to be a diabetic needing insulin.
Distributors in the US should be jailed, fined and never again permitted to work with pharmaceutical's. Anyone who dies for lack of insulin due to prices should be reflected back to those who price this drug, and they should be on charges of manslaughter for each death until the make the price affordable. If Turkey can do it for $2.64 per dose then there is no excuse for America ripping of the vulnerable and needy.
Cost + 5% is all they should be allowed to make on a drug that has long ago paid for its research costs. And if that remains expensive then government subsidy should apply to bring the cost down to where all who need it can obtain it.
ROFL, Elon with his half brained schemes exposing himself for the idk he is and unwittingly shining light on corporate greed!
Difficult to remember another time where a prank dealt such heavy hits to two unjustifiable examples of greed, from Eli Lilly and Musk.
Many of the Twitter impersonations have been a great use of parody, and really sick burns on targets that need to be taken down.
Like the price gouging in US healthcare and profligacy in the tech industry.
People get more riled up about some alt-right getting banned from Twitter for using slurs than the day to day tragedy of hyper-capitalism.
Daniel Neagari
What is good about this news is that, the prankster has succeeded in damaging a greedy pharama company and at the same time able to make a very powerful hit to mElon Musk.
Don't forget, the Republicans removed the non-Medicare cap on insulin prices from the Inflation Reduction Act.
Got to protect Big Pharma.
My dad pays a total of zero dollars for his insulin every month in Canada.
And for good reason:
The United States has the highest insulin prices in the world, at an average of $98.70 per vial across all forms of the drug.
That's nearly seven times higher than the country with the next most expensive insulin, Japan, which averages $14.40 for the drug, according to a recent RAND Corporation report