The United States has condemned "ugly and disrespectful" racist comments directed at Barack Obama by North Korea's official KCNA news agency comparing the U.S. president to a black "monkey" in a zoo.
North Korean propaganda is known for vitriolic personal attacks on foreign leaders, but the KCNA dispatch published last Friday -- not long after Obama's visit to South Korea -- stood out for its use of highly inflammatory and abusive racist language.
"The way Obama looks disgusts me," said one worker at an ironworks factory.
"He looks like an African monkey with a black face... and protruding, hairy ears. And he acts just like a monkey in an African zoo... licking up the breadcrumbs thrown by visitors," the worker said.
Four people were interviewed in total and all their comments were similar in their racist nature, with one referring to Obama as "sub-animal."
"While the North Korean government-controlled media are distinguished by their histrionics, these comments are particularly ugly and disrespectful," National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden told AFP on Thursday.
Even before last Friday's dispatch, KCNA had ramped up its rhetoric in the wake of Obama's visit to Seoul, calling South Korean President Park Geun-Hye a "prostitute" in thrall to her "pimp" Obama.
Last month, it launched an aggressively homophobic tirade against the openly gay chairman of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry into Human Rights in North Korea, Michael Kirby.
Although the language used to describe Obama was exceptionally inflammatory, a number of North Korea experts have written books or theses that portray it as a country founded on race-based nationalism.
They point to prevalent propaganda painting the North Korean people as pure, innocently idealistic, and in need of protection from the rapacious and morally bankrupt outside world.
© (c) 2014 AFP
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What a repugnant government. The poor people that have to "live" in toilet.
Well, you can kiss any future aid good-bye. Hope the next nuclear test malfunctions, explodes and removes the filthy North Korean government forever.
Can we just nuke them already
For what reason ? Just because they have recently compared Barack Obama to "monkey from zoo", right? Just take it easy. Besides, they've expressed understanding of 'freedom of speech'.
They may not be far wrong, except the rapacious and morally bankrupt aren't only in the "outside world", they're also running North Korea.
You can't blame North Korean citizens for knowing nothing and having racist views, that's all they've been told their whole lives.
Except that it won't be the North Korean government it wipes out, it'll be the common people who suffer. What you're saying is like someone watching a video of pig-ignorant KKK members parading around in the U.S. and then saying that the U.S. needs to be nuked.
At least people in North Korea have a life-time of government propaganda and no access to the outside world to blame.. what's your excuse?
Is it any surprise that Korea says this type of thing. The master race after all.
And the iron worker in NK would know this because he's so rich he travels to zoos in Africa often to look at things he despises?
Idiocy all around.
'Licking up the breadcrumbs'
Tragically, many North Koreans are all too familiar with living close to that level. Perhaps this image is one familiar to him.
John Galt
Will Dunce Rodman come to the defense?
Rodman already said he met to the fat boy's uncle alive/
“He looks like an African monkey with a black face… and protruding, hairy ears."
Obama's ears are hairy? Seriously, though, the N Korean news agency is truly bizarre.
C'mon, seriously... a nation that cannot sustain itself, and some low-level ironworks employee in a nation spoon-fed propaganda and with little or no media access if you can even afford it talks about things he has never, ever seen in all likelihood?
Seems to me this was a chance simply to make a few extra bucks in a nation where he is forced to do so to feed any family he might still have alive. May as well go ask a native of a remote, tribal island in offer of some food or something they might need for their scripted opinion of Abenomics.
I can never and probably will never understand some people's need to equivocate what the North Korean government does to its people on a daily basis with other countries in the world (presumably with First World countries). There is nothing equivocal to the First World about what the North Korean government does to its own people.
The citizens of North Korea have and will starve again at the pleasure of the North Korean governmen who will continue to dine and live as they have always done on the backs of their citizens.
Yes, but the reality is that either way, many will suffer anyway. Estimates vary between 10% to less the half of the aid actually getting to the people it is intended for. The 10% figure represents the amount estimated to actually get to the people intended free of charge with no strings attached. The less than half figure represents aid that must be paid for by the citizens receiving it. The money, of course, goes to the North Korean government.
So, while I am for aid, I am realistic that most of it will not reach the people it is intended for because it probably has still helped possibly millions of North Korean citizens despite the North Korean government's stealing much of the aid or selling it.
I can't speak for the poster, but your post does cause me to wonder why you feel the need to insult most, if not all, the posters you disagree with? To me, North Korea's crimes are much worse than one poster having an opinion someone might disagree with. The post of one person suggesting that they do not want aid to go to North Korea has no real significance either way to the health welfare of the average citizen. However, the acts of the North Korean government are extremely so. The past, present and future starvation in North Korea goes on because of the North Korean government's actions. They prevent reforms that would help more of their citizens.
So, no. All governments are not the same and just because we have some lousy politicians in our countries, does not mean our situation is anything at all like what the North Korean citizens are going through every day. It is a mockery and a disservice to the poor and starving North Korean citizens who are pitiful victims of their own government to suggest it is.
Why is this news? You can hear the same crap from people in the US and any other developed nation. NK is a mess but the media reporting crap like this - and Un supposed 20kg weight gain (as was on the J news this morning) is just pathetic.
Yes, because if said ironworker wanted to opine about how similar Dear Leader is to a monkey, the NK government would be fine with that.
"calling South Korean President Park Geun-Hye a “prostitute” in thrall to her “pimp” Obama."
Previous articles used the word "Comfort woman" rather than "prostitute".
NK is frustrated as Obama is determined that he does not budge to NK's request and wants.
It could be that the North Koreans are anticipating the results of U.S. midterm elections and are trying to express solidarity with President Obama's domestic enemies.
I read the comments and got the sense that the PDRK talking heads are channeling Rush Limbaugh.
Sheesh, the pudgy Un will stoop to any level to try to be nasty. At least the factory worker stuck to the script, that way he and his family won't be fed to the dogs.
As far as Putin being in shape, you see the shirtless photos with his moobs dangling and you realize that Obama is in way better shape. And Obama isn't a dictator bent on armed conflict with the neighbors.
I may not like all of Obama's policies but I still have the right to say so and thus I'll take Obama over the Un, Putin, or Xi any day.
You seem to have missed a very important point.
While it's true that every country has its racists, their bile isn't proudly published by national broadcasters.
How scary that one person can make life so miserable for so many others. Is this a preview of the future when the Tsunami of Climate Change arrives? We need to make some radically unpopular changes now before it is too late and they are forced upon us. Here are a few of the easier changes we need to make now before it gets really hard: all pets illegal, all air traffic illegal, cars must get 50 MPG, add $1.00 environmental tax to each gallon of gasoline, all vegetarian diet --- no more meat eating, and of course stop population growth. I know this sounds ridiculous and impossible but the other choice is do nothing and become like North Korea. BTW, I practice most of those changes mentioned above and if you don't then we need to find another planet for you to live on because this one will be uninhabitable soon.
There are so many things in North Korea that the US could condemn. Have we heard condemnations about the hundreds of thousands of North Korean political prisoners being worked to death in slave labor camps? Nope. But when the looks of the Potus gets insulted, suddenly the White House springs into action. Bah.
While it's true that every country has its racists, their bile isn't proudly published by national broadcasters.
Cough cough NHK.
The poster said he wanted to see innocent women and children die because of something stupid some racists said. If you don't find that offensive and worthy of a biting come-back then you're the one with the problem. As the French say, "You must treat bad people badly".
Obviously American culture is different, they believe in pandering to the obnoxious and ill-informed, which is probably why so many Americans are obnoxious and ill-informed, because everybody was so nice to them that they never got a swift verbal smack-down when they so desperately needed it. For a country that prizes free speech the Americans seem to have the strangest reservations about expressing themselves honestly.
No. That is not how I read it. I read it as the poster said he wanted money to stop going to the North Korea government because of what they forced one of their citizens to say. If you truly think that the person quoted was just being himself and speaking his mind, I have a Rainbow Bridge in Tokyo I'd love to sell you at a great bargain deal. The man was told what to say and how to say it by the very government that starves its own people. While I support getting as much aid to the needy as humanly possible, it is hardly a mystery why some people find it hard to want to give that government any more money or food.
Not sure what you would think otherwise, but I could not care less about American culture, what you think is obvious about it or who you have imagined is an American in this conversation, because it has nothing to do with this conversation.
What I do find particularly distasteful is this, 'Yeah, it is bad in North Korea. But, it is bad all over' kind of rhetoric. As if you honestly think your first world problems or the politicians and leaders in your country hold a candle to the problems, suffering or the horridness of the North Korean leaders' actions against their own people. Sorry, they don't. It does a huge dishonor to those actually suffering to make such inaccurate comparisons.
This man quoted in the article might as well be an automaton or a puppet with his strings being pulled directly by the North Korean government. This man is not a racist. He is a scared mouth-piece. A racist says what they say of their own free will. This man does not even have the choice to be a racist. That choice was made for him by the North Korean government.
Frungy wrote, "The poster (Sam Watters) said he wanted to see innocent women and children die because of something stupid some racists said.
This is my original post. "Well, you can kiss any future aid good-bye. Hope the next nuclear test malfunctions, explodes and removes the filthy North Korean government forever."
Nothing about women and children. Nothing about racsim.
You are a liar and I mean that it the strongests possible terms.