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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.U.S. poised to hit Obama's target of 10,000 Syrian refugees
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Black Sabbath
Not enough. By a long shot.
We can do better. Or, as Biden so awesomely, so full of Americanism, put it:
"We are America, second to none, and we own the finish line," "Don't forget it."
It seems we have forgotten it. 'Cause when it comes to helping, y'know, the struggling masses suffering from the Syrian civil war who are, you bet, yearning to be free, we are second to quite a few.
C'mon! We can do better!
America sans compassion is not America - without this, might as well dismantle the Statue of Liberty.
What number suits you BS? Don't forget the influx from the southern border which are not tallied in the count. They may not be Serian and they are not veted either.
How many has Syria's neighbors accepted? Are they temporary or permanent? The civil unrest won't last much longer and at that point how many "refugees" return home?
@Black Sabbath
I would have preferred if we didn't create millions of refugees in the first place by arming Syrian opposition groups and fermenting civil war. But yes, Peace Prize winner Obama sure is generous to resettle 2% of the refugees he directly helped create with his foreign policy, paid for by other people (i.e. taxpayers).
The refugees would have been created without the intervention anyway. Assad's use of barrel bombs in residential areas from 4 years ago would have ensured that.
The same level of violence would be there, just different dynamics, without the intervention.
Not enough??? Oh, my...Wow!
This coming from a man that blasted Bush for the war and then once he got into office tried to take credit for the stable Iraq he was handed (until Obama botched that) and then after Obama fell asleep at the wheel and allowed ISIS to grow and flourish and calling them a JV team now woke up and realized this guys are serious and after the carnage and unwillingness of him not wanting to do anything, except a quick fix of bombing them. Now with the refugee crisis growing and ISIS admitting and saying they will implant fighters among the refugees, once again, this president and his minions just like with the Iranian ransom money, they want to lie to us again, when will they learn and when will they stop!?
I just don't understand, there are about 49 Muslim nations, why doesn't Obama or Europe for that matter push for these countries to take in their own fellow Muslim brethren? They won't! They know what's at stake, so they pawn them off to liberals the same bunch that advocate rights for everyone, wanting to take in the very group that would cut their throats or cut off their heads if given the chance. This is just madness, but again, why am I not surprised.
By blocking them and taking out time with them and scrutinizing them one by one until we are 100% sure they are of zero threat to us.
Oh my God.
Turkey has two million displaced Syrians; Lebanon over million, Jordan more than six hundred thousand.
And you're wingeing at ten thousand. Really?
Until we know who these people are, it's the right and smart thing to do.
What about Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iran. Qatar, Bahrain, Indonesia?
That's the region they come from and cultures they can accept SNSC. Anyways.....Kaine promises amnesty for over 10 million illegals here. To add that number to the record low labor participation and record high entitlements we are slitting our own throat.
I know it's all one big blur, but we're discussing Syrian refugees.
Canada is a big country, they are always advertising that they need and want people. They have more than enough space.
@Illyas - Yes you are correct we are certainly partially responsible for this problem.
The article below shows some of the flaws in the system. It is a disturbing article to read.
It is admirable to take in refugees and I think the U.S. should do so, however I think we need to be very careful as to how we do this at this time based on current events in the U.S. and Europe. Also the question must be asked - why are not the wealthy Middle Eastern countries not doing their fair share. I believe the Middle Eastern countries should be the first point of refuge - however they are not stepping up to the plate.
I would be able to take conservative claims that there is a flaw in the screening system more seriously if even one person making the claim could ever point to any specific policy in the screening system that they think doesn't work. Because a lot of government systems have flaws, and a responsible critic who knows what they're talking about is someone I can listen to. But that never happens. The argument always boils down to "there's just too many of them."
Now that reveals two things to me. First, that these calls to ban Muslim immigration "until we can figure out what's going on" are transparently deceitful. If people making these arguments now aren't even to look at what's going on now, then why should we think they would be interested in looking after they've gotten their way. The second is that their problem has never been how the refugees get into the US. If that were the case, the objection would never be to the number of refugees, it would be to the system used to screen them. What we see here is that the objection is and always has been an objection based around bigotry, simply disguised as concerns about screening because despite Trump's success, open bigotry isn't quite yet fashionable in mainstream US discourse.
@ Katsu - On social issues I am actually fairly liberal, not at all conservative. I have also never made the argument "there is just too many of them" nor have I ever stated (or agree with) we should ban Muslim immigration. I am not addressing this relative to what Trump thinks or says as I do not believe that Trump is a viable candidate for any political office.
I think the article I referenced points out some real concerns that should be addressed.
In addition more conservative and some moderate interpretations of Islam are against many of the things I believe in such as rights for homosexual, rights for homosexual people to marry, rights of women for equal access to education, etc. and yes there are some Christians who believe this too, however I found the videos of gay men being thrown off buildings to be too much to bear.
I hope you are not painting all of those that believe that we need to be careful about who we accept as refugees as being in the Trump camp or with too broad of a brush. I do not believe all issues boil down to politics or "conservative/progressive/liberal".
Have a good Friday.
I actually have a few Muslim friends; some of which agree with my thoughts on this and some of which disagree.
You are correct, the United States is a Constitutional Republic which prevents a majority rule which protects the rights of those that are under-represented. I never stated what the quantity of immigrants should be so I am not sure why that is part of your discussion with me.
I am not assuming that because a person is Muslim they will throw a gay man off of a roof. Please read the linked article, which states that immigration officials were disallowed from reviewing social media posts of those applying for U.S. visas. In the case of one of the San Bernardino terrorists they would have found some disturbing posts.
Related to a statistical analysis of how many Muslims throw homosexual people off buildings - you and I both know there are no such statistics.
I believe that carefully screening immigrants is not bigotry and if you are bringing in people from a location where terrorism (even against other Muslims) is prevalent then would it not be prudent to scrutinize those entering the United States?
Finally, why are other Middle Eastern nations not accepting these refugees?
Syrian refugees plus over 12,000,000 illegal residents NoSense! When considering issues its best to encompass all considerations. Otherwise the correct decision is flawed.
A time in the past USA encouraged immigration and incentivized it. We needed workers to build the greatest nation in history. Today USA needs jobs. We import people legally end export jobs. And to add to that we seem to accept the cheats who self impose residency.
OK, so, what's the fear? That these people are secretly terrorists? Or that they will insist on Sharia law for themselves and get it? Or something else? Or all of the above?
All of the above in some form or another.
"10,000 Syrian refugees"
Have they been vetted? And do we have the budget for this?
Our fair share?!
Haven't we done enough already? Who else is going to go into massive debt, start civil wars, instigate coups, support violent rebel groups, send in weapons and supplies, and bomb the crap out of countries while destroying the fragile balance of the Sunni/Shia divide?
Todd Topolski
Great so prophet Obama just helped at least 1000 terrorists into America. Good job Democrats
I'm honestly not sure. Perhaps thoughtful disagreement doesn't generate ad revenue through repeat views the way blatant trolling does? They have a peculiar sensitivity here to things that could be construed as even slightly critical to an active user while generally tolerating all but the most scathing criticism of wide groups, especially wide groups of people who aren't percieved to be their key user demographic.
Anyway, yeah, we disagree, but I'm not going to hold a grudge over it. Best of luck to you.
You knock down the village, it's your job to pick up the pieces. The US enjoyed a good masculine-feeling adventure through the Middle East, but the people who profited the most from that feeling of empowerment are now often the most reluctant to take responsibility for the consequences of it.
They have not been vetted and Obama talking and trying to get the people to believe that trust him (laugh) that everything will be fine and we can trust these people that not ONE of them are in any way affiliated or are radical Jihadists when ISIS themselves swore they would embed fighters among the refugees, so given their track record whatever they say coming to fruition and then Obama saying saying everything turning out to be constant lies, I'll trust the word of ISIS over Barack's.
This has woked out so well in Europe, why not have these people in the US as well? Fifth-column comes to mind.
Agree. I just wish they'd settle them in Crawford TX, or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I'm sure the "fun-n-games" would stop real fast.
Texas A&M Aggie
Obama has once again not done his homework The U.S has admitted more than 2 million Muslims since 9/11; meaning we have allowed more Muslim immigrants into our country than Great Britain.
Here's an idea: the government should track down the 52 percent of Americans who say they oppose a ban of Muslims being allowed into our country and relocate all of the unvetted Syrian "refugees" that Obama's administration green lights into their neighborhoods. Additionally, give them the task of assimilating them into American culture; you know, like that it is OK here for women to walk around outside unescorted wearing mini skirts and tank tops; that it is all right for gay couples to show public displays of affection toward each other (holding hands, hugging, kissing), etc., because our legal system says so. Give them the job of educating their newest oldest best Muslim friends that the U.S. Constitution and not Shria is the law of this land.
Problem solved. . . .
meanwhile, Japan accepts 23 assylum seekers, (correct me if im wrong) now that's bordering on inhumane!
Peter Payne
I love it when the (nearly always) conservatives quake in fear about a few refugees being let in. They're so scared! With all those guns, can't they defend themselves against some impoverished poor Syrians, many of whom are Christian, not Muslim?
Kerry should give free accommodation and food at his home for unemployed and blood thirsty people. In my recent visit to Europe, I did not sleep well at nights. Eating out was no fun at all.
Boston bombing brothers were refugees before. Despite the warning from Russia, US has given the free pass for living and studying in the states. The consequence was many Americans lost the legs.
France has become cemetery for radicalized terrorists. Most terrorists were refugees or descendants of refugees. Those grateful people repaid their free food, education and accommodation with violence to the host nation.
Germany accepted a more than a million. The consequence were young German women have been sexually harassed. Travellers on the train were stabbed. One doctor was murdered. Some new arrivals of Munich were demanding Germans for not celebrating Oktoberfest (Beer festival).
Some refugees are decent and honest people. However if there are many thousands coming to USA, it will be the herculean task for finding out who is the good guy or bad guy! When the window has opened, there will be fresh air as well as flies and mosquitoes.
I agree with Donald Trump idea for making sure the immigrants will not harm and disrupt the American way of lives. In the future, those immigrants will demand American to eat only halal meats.
You conservatives should watch a movie that I just saw a few days ago, about Jews during WWII on an ocean liner being rejected in Cuba from landing and then in the US. Out of 900 some 600 died when they returned to Europe. But this just doesn't faze you, does it? That some of these refugees have no future, huh? And being a refugee myself (an American at that--fleeing Ronald ReGUNs hell-hole), I know a thing or two about being out on the streets with little money in Europe.
Seems like a pretty low odds way of Isis getting people into the US. Why not just buy a plane ticket?
How many refugees have the Russians taken in?
This conflict is their baby after all.
Madverts, Why is it Russia's baby? They didnt start or encourage the islamic insurgency. So by supporting the secular Syrian government and trying to prevent the Assorted islamic groups from over running the country and imposing what would undoubtedly be a hell on earth, Russia is the bad guy?
FizzBit hit it on the nail: "I just don't understand, there are about 49 Muslim nations, why doesn't Obama or Europe for that matter push for these countries to take in their own fellow Muslim brethren?" After all the talk that Islam is a religion of peace, then surely Islamic countries can peacefully take in their own brethren. Is it not? At this point of history, and the reality of spreading of ISIS terrorism, is it wise to bring in more Trojan Horses to America & Europe which have different cultural and religious background?
How many Christian Syrian refugees are committing terror in Europe?? None. So it might be okay to let the christians in. But if they convert to islam, this will negate their legal status . . . . . (Deport them immediately)
As far as the possible Tashfeen Maliks and young bearded men shouting "allah is greatest" turn them away. Its obama's responsibility to protect ALL americans & our constitution. The rich islamic gulf nations are laughing at us though-
No, but they supported Assad long before the MadBeards came to town, when Assad was murdering unarmed protesters to his family dictatorship. All to keep Russian control of a military base in the Med. You can go further back and blame W Bush for the mess for sure, but it's pretty ironic that most of the American posters whining about Obama like WC and the gang will have voted for W twice - and are now worshiping Trump. Heh.
So answer my question. Since it's largely their dirty war, how many refugees have the Russians taken?
Get back to me on that.
That is simply false. Trump, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, and all these windbags are either lying or stupid (or both).
Texas A&M Aggie
But, but, but .... Obama and Kerry has assured the world that ISIS was on the run and losing ground. If true, this should mean these unvetted "refugees" ought to be able to return home.
Until then, hopefully, some honest law-maker can at least attach a common sense stipulation that if women are attacked and assaulted (as evidenced by what has happened in Europe) they will automatically lose their refugee status and deported? Let's actually be for women already living in this country instead of some false "feel-good" narrative.
And when (not if) any one of these "refugees" turn out to be a radical Islamist, could our nation's leadership at least finally label them what they are instead of blaming it on "work place violence" or some other Democratic Party misdirection nonsense?
Again, you are wrong. They are not unvetted, and yes, they are refugees. Most of them are children.
Let's talk sense, let's talk facts, and let's talk balanced principle.