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U.S. senators unveil sweeping immigration bill


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If you are illegal you should be deported.Since that ain't going to happen illegals should never be allowed to vote,never get any assistance(if you starve you starve).

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

One of the problem with most of the illegal immigrants is that they do clog up the hospitals without paying. They know that local hospitals cannot refuse you. Unless it's emergency, these hospitals should start refusing treatment unless they pay first. You notice that investors building new hospitals in large cities will not build them in poor neighborhood. This is part of the reason why U.S. health care cost twice as much if you compare with Japan or EU and people that play by the rule gets penalized.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

A path to citizenship for illegals is absurd. A path to legal residence is, however, reasonable. If the red tape for getting a visa weren't so onerous there would be fewer illegals as legal status would be attainable.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Illegal residents are looking for a better life and they don't have the means to change their own country so they flee it in the hopes of a better life. Now this bill offers, nor assures any of them the chance to obtain citizenship, There is a crazy waiting period, and a ton of fees and penalties to pay. I'm not sure any of them can afford it, nor want to pay. Most illegals are just getting by anyway and will stay under the radar as long as possible. The question we should be asking is "Why aren't you trying to make your home country better?" "What can you offer to make this new country better?" I'm pretty sure the answer is the same "No entiendo." These politicians are well aware that the majority of illegals have no intention of following this path. This is a bill to draw out whatever number they can, and try to get back whatever money they can before deporting them.

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Marco Rubio is up for election in 2012? Plus you repeated Schumer's direct quote at the end of the article.

Anyhow I find it hard to find fault with people simply trying to feed their families, who are exploited by greedy corporations that employ those who will work hard for less money. The problem has always lain with big business, not people 'turrkin our jerbs'.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

An 844 page that can`t be read in time for the debate.

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" An 844 page that can`t be read in time for the debate."

Trust them. Just vote for it. No debate on the merits.

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The greater problem here (as with other facets in modern America) is privatizing profit and socializing loss & expenses. Those who have benefited from the cheap labor need to pay up in terms of massive fines. Many of the arguments are just distractions from this.

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jforceApr. 19, 2013 - 11:09AM JST Illegal residents are looking for a better life and they don't have the means to change their own country so they flee it in the hopes of a better life.

These illegals should wait like everybody else in their own country. Why should U.S. reward them for cutting in line?

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