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U.S. appeals court rejects challenge to Trump voter fraud panel


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the last four digits of Social Security numbers, addresses, birth dates, political affiliation, felony convictions and voting histories.

Big brother time. Gen X and Y: start reading dystopian novels to prepare yourselves for the world you're being left by the baby boomers. Begin with We by Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatin. Trump seems to be taking the Russian approach.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

God Bless Donald Trump! Drain the swamp!

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

This is the new normal. Obey or face the consequences. Only malcontents and subversives will oppose this effort to strengthen democracy.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit determined that the Electronic Privacy Information Center “is not a voter” and therefore does not have standing to demand that the commission assess privacy concerns before assembling a vast database of voter information.

Yet according to the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision "Corporations are people, my friend." even though they too are not voters. If you are an entity with money, you have power in this society, whether you can vote or not.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

There are two camps in this debate. One includes people who have read the court decisions and studied the issue, the other are people who live in a bubble.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Doesn't change the status quo. States intent on voter suppression will continue to provide info, and those which understand the danger the panel poses will continue to refuse.

I'd only start to sweat if some order requiring mandatory sharing came down, and in that case, not 'cause these states would share, but as this might lead to dissolution of the Union.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

More than 20 states refused outright -- article

One of those states is California. They only need to check California, and if illegals aren't voting in that state then California should welcome the review. That California is resisting suggests that they have something to hide. . . .

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Good, now maybe we can get to the bottom of any voter fraud once and for all before the next elections.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

heh, yeah, it’s not like it’s been looked at in the past.

8 ( +10 / -2 )


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

It is always an intriguing thing to see the trumpettes delighted by court rulings they agree with while denograting (much like their master) any court or judge that rules against the Master's plans. Lucky the judges in this matter did not have a Mexican grandfather or the Master would have had to look like a hypocrite.

Cheers to investigations of Russian meddling, cheers to investigations of voter fraud... Can't wait to see the evidence proving that millions of people were bussed in from Mexico City and somehow managed to vote. That is some crazy collusion that should really get heads rolling and finally prove the most important thing in the universe... That the Master didn't lose the popular vote. Odd, really. You would think being elected president was enough for most people. But the master must prove (against reality) that he won by a landslide and is the most popular person in the history of the human race despite his puffy little hands.

Transparency in all regards. I think people should back any legitimate investigation of voter fraud so long as they also support any investigation of Russian connections that, considering the history of the evil that is Putin and his kleptocracy, is always a reasonable thing to defend against in the interest of democracy.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Adhering to election laws hurts Democrats ability to win election

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

The more legal voters that vote, the more Republicans in the USA lose.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Voting by mail is much more susceptible to fraud than in person voting. Why don't Republicans investigate that?

Guaranteed that no Republican has asked himself that since the question has never been broached in the right wing media or by right wing politicians, and the base are trained to not think for themselves.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

God Bless Donald Trump! Drain the swamp!

Lol! Okay:


7 ( +8 / -1 )

It hasn’t been looked at as it relates to the 2016 election. Now it will be, which is good.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Nothing about Trump and whether he won popular vote or not. I want things like this fixed in all states prior to next election:

Data Show LA, San Diego, San Francisco Have More Registered Voters than Eligible Adult Citizens – LA Voting Rolls Have 144% of the Total Number of Eligible Residents

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit determined that the Electronic Privacy Information Center “is not a voter” and therefore does not have standing to demand that the commission assess privacy concerns before assembling a vast database of voter information.

Yet according to the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision "Corporations are people, my friend." even though they too are not voters. If you are an entity with money, you have power in this society, whether you can vote or not.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center and corporations are not voters, but the Electronic Privacy Information Center and corporations are entitled to free speech. The two are separate and distinct legal matters. You're just conflating them due to either ignorance or dishonesty.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Hillary got 1.7 million more votes just in Los Angeles county alone. The place that has 44 percent more people registered than are eligible. Anyone care to explain?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Hillary got 1.7 million more votes just in Los Angeles county alone. The place that has 44 percent more people registered than are eligible. Anyone care to explain?

What can I say? I was busy that day, bussing in hundreds of thousands.

I also help Santa out delivering presents.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Yes, the Judicial Watch numbers, which aren't indicative of voter fraud.

But those numbers likely don't indicate anything nefarious like widespread voter fraud. It's actually pretty common for voter rolls to be a mess. In fact, Judicial Watch threatened to sue 11 other states in April for the same reason.

Oftentimes, people don't realize they need to notify local voting officials when they move or when a loved one dies.

So, again, voter fraud is not an issue in the US. An actual issue is Trump and his disciples denegrating institutions that are the bedrock of US democracy. The DOJ, for instance.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Hillary got 1.7 million more votes just in Los Angeles county alone. The place that has 44 percent more people registered than are eligible. Anyone care to explain?

Sure. Clinton was far more popular than Trump in LA County.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

One of those states is California. They only need to check California, and if illegals aren't voting in that state then California should welcome the review. That California is resisting suggests that they have something to hide. . . 

It means California cares about its citizens' privacy.

It's dumbfounding how crazy, clearly corrupt kleptocratic cons can find nefarious occurrences in nothing - like voting - but refuse to accept that Russia meddled in the election or the some of Trump's team colluded with Russia.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yeah sure but with 144% of the people who live there? So 44% of people have moved or died since 2014 mid term election? So ok use this “voter fraud” effort to both clean up the voter rolls and also to prove there is no fraud by showing me all 44% who died/moved.

Those weren’t numbers Judicial Watch made up by the way. Those were provided to them.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

The proof I see is that “California” meddled in the election. Much more proof of election fraud than Russian collusion. But somehow voter fraud “already been looked at” while But Russia! in month 18 of starting to be looked at.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )


also if 44% moved or died how is population in that county up 3.3% between 2010-2016 July?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Yeah sure but with 144% of the people who live there? So 44% of people have moved or died since 2014 mid term election? So ok use this “voter fraud” effort to both clean up the voter rolls and also to prove there is no fraud by showing me all 44% who died/moved.

Those weren’t numbers Judicial Watch made up by the way. Those were provided to them.

I'm not disputing the numbers. What I am disputing is the attempt to correlate those numbers with voter fraud.

Read closely because I'm about to drop some con logic: If voter fraud were such a big deal, cons would have been making noise about it sooner. That they didn't is solid evidence voter fraud doesn't exist. Actual evidence is that it's been investigated previously and the conclusion was it didn't exist,

Odd how much cons love investigations - unless its of one of their own - given how much money they cost and how against adding to the debt cons claim to be. Oh, that's correct, adding to the debt no longer matters ($1 trillion ring a bell?)

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The proof I see is that “California” meddled in the election. Much more proof of election fraud than Russian collusion.

The evidence being that Trump lost California?

But somehow voter fraud “already been looked at” while But Russia! in month 18 of starting to be looked at.

The difference is the Russian thing is being investigated whereas the voter fraud thing has been investigated. Investigations of complex issues take time, which is to say 18 months is reasonable. (You do realize Mueller's only been at it for 7 months, correct? Cons often conflate the multiple investigations.)

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The evidence that more people voted than should have been eligible to vote. I guess liberals aren’t concerned that 144 people voted per every 100 that should have and that Hillary got 1.7 million more of those votes at a 71% rate.

Russia collusion has been investigated since July 2016. Not like Mueller threw away everything already done before he arrived.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

The proof I see is that “California” meddled in the election.

You've got to be more circumspect about logic, my friend. A presidential election under the winner-take-all electoral vote system means only "purple" states would be susceptible to voter fraud. California is as deep blue as the sea it borders. Clinton won California by a margin of 61.6 - 31.8%.

Also, America is a Republic. The feds can ask California form certain info; they cannot demand it. Republicans used to emphasize this when it came to southern states disfranchising minority voters. Now that Trump is president, they've turned heel. Hmm - why might that be?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Well according to the judge ruling it looks like it’s not “has been” investigated more like “will be” investigated from now.

But im sure CA and other states will now turn over the records cause they have nothing to hide. CA can easily prove what this 44% gap is with evidence, I’m sure.

oh wait, no they will just obstruct using liberal judges in the courts again until 2020.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

The evidence that more people voted than should have been eligible to vote. I guess liberals aren’t concerned that 144 people voted per every 100 that should have and that Hillary got 1.7 million more of those votes at a 71% rate.

Voter registration does not equal voter participation.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

oh wait, no they will just obstruct using liberal judges in the courts again until 2020

Spoken like a true Trumpophile. Denigrate the judiciary bevause we disagree with its determinations.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Here we go. They’ve distributed the made up numbers they’ve agreed they’ll push.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Yes of course Hillary wins California with or without voter fraud. She can be president of California if that means something.

But even 1 vote illegally cast used a technique or a flaw in the system that 10,000 people COULD use.

An illegal voter has much more impact than any “Russians”who didn’t vote.

dont care at all about Trump and his pop vote win cause that’s irrelevant as you said, it’s all electoral college which Trump won by a lot.

So we need to find how these illegal votes were cast to prevent it from happening again. Would be nice to know if it was 1 vote or 10million before next time. I can guarantee it wasn’t “zero”.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Yes voter eligibility doesn’t equal participation. So to get 144 votes per 100 voters not only did all 100 eligibles vote but 44 who weren’t eligible too.

Is that believable that 100% of eligible people voted? If not then maybe 50 of 100 eligible voted and the other 94 were ineligible? Sure would be nice to know and unlike so called Russia collusion it isn’t expensive or time consuming to find out.

But go chase that Russia collusion Moby Dick as it’s obvious no liberals care to know who voted in our own elections. Just easier to blame “someone else”

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Made up numbers distributed now?

No, those numbers were provided by election officials in August and the courts have been used to obstruct the release of the needed data to analyze their accuracy ever since.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

But go chase that Russia collusion Moby Dick as it’s obvious no liberals care to know who voted in our own elections. Just easier to blame “someone else

Not true.

The numbers you are referring to are registered voters, not voters that cast ballots.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

But im sure CA and other states will now turn over the records cause they have nothing to hide. 

Nope. Doesn't work like that, Black. See, in the United States, the police cannot just show up at your house and demand to search it. Whether you have "nothing to hide" or do, important legal precedents are involved here.

One would think Repubs would get this. Trump will be out of power someday (perhaps sooner than many think), and a subsequent Demo prez is likely. The weapons executive branch Trump manages to devise will not demise along with him.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

What I find funny is that almost everyone in the Trump family screwed up their ballots in the last election a few weeks ago in NY. Trump got his birthday wrong, he said he was born in July when his birthday is June. Melania didn't sign the outside of the envelope as stated on the envelope that if not signed it's invalid and Ivanka didn't mail hers until November 7, which is the ending date for all ballots, so it wasn't counted.


But what's really funny was that Eric and Ivanka didn't vote for their father in the main election last year, they forgot to sign up. Such patriots.

And as for draining the swamp he filled his cabinet with almost all Goldman Sachs employees, and he criticized HRC for taking campaign contributions from them, but hell he hired them, no draining of anything.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

And as for draining the swamp he filled his cabinet with almost all Goldman Sachs employees, and he criticized HRC for taking campaign contributions from them, but hell he hired them, no draining of anything

You and your silly, tedious facts! Stop it. We all know facts are subjective.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Not really a surprise that Trump has the absolute, and undisputed, lowest approval rating of any US president in history, and Obama is more loved than ever -- a point that REALLY must stick in his craw.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Nope. Doesn't work like that, Black. See, in the United States, the police cannot just show up at your house and demand to search it. Whether you have "nothing to hide" or do, important legal precedents are involved here.

Yeah I was being sarcastic, because this is what liberals says every time they expect people to just turn things over or testify under oath without any regard for privacy or legal precedents. Before there was a presumption of innocence in absence of proven guilt, but these days it is quite the opposite. Everything is 'optics', what it looks like not what it actually is.

Anyway, I only care about voting because its almost the only thing left that US citizens have left that a non citizen who climbed under the fence 20 years ago (or yesterday) doesnt get too. I dont get the numbers and how they are being presented, so I would want to see the actual data myself. But if we dont think people are voting who shouldnt be and look into, I think we are doing a disservice to our whole form of government.

Hell, change the electoral college now if you want. Just dont wait until after you lose again to talk about how you would have won if it wasnt there.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

I dont get the numbers and how they are being presented, so I would want to see the actual data myself. *

Whilst I respect your honesty, it does force the question of why you are attempting to use numbers you do not understand to support your argument. Seems like you have come to a conclusion (that voter fraud exists) and are trying to reinforce that conclusion. Why do you feel voter fraud exists? Is it bevause you read numbers that you admittedly do not understand?

But if we dont think people are voting who shouldnt be and look into, I think we are doing a disservice to our whole form of government. 

Nobodh said there is no voter fraud. We said it is neglitiable to the point of not being a concern, and certainly not being worthy of a commission.

Hell, change the electoral college now if you want. Just dont wait until after you lose again to talk about how you would have won if it wasnt there.


5 ( +7 / -2 )

Yeah I was being sarcastic, because this is what liberals says every time they expect people to just turn things over or testify under oath without any regard for privacy or legal precedents

Yet, when law enforcement follows the proper channels, all we hear from cons is how biased, etc. law enforcement is. Mueller and the transition emails come to mind.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Ho-hum, another victory for Trump, but more importantly the American people.

He is about to kick away the only leg the loser Democratic party has to stand on; voter fraud.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

He is about to kick away the only leg the loser Democratic party has to stand on; voter fraud.

Please keep telling yourself that. See, those who are incapable of reconciling with reality may for a short term through chicanery prevail but will eventually fail.

Clinton's popular vote tally exceeded Trumps by over two million. Do the math.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Oh no, I wasn’t making points with numbers I don’t understand. you told me the numbers don’t mean what I said so I took you at your word that I’m misunderstanding the meaning of these percentages in some way.

So that’s why I said I want to see the actual data numbers instead. I guess 144% registered can be unclear how many of those voted. but if the data says for every 100 people eligible to vote 144 ballots were cast, then no one can dispute that is illegal voting.

Yet another reason to move forward with this to clear it up and show the people the raw data.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

So more than half of clinton’s irrelevant popular vote “win” came from Los Angeles County, California alone. Makes even more sense that we have an electoral college to prevent the country from getting stuck with who LA wants for president. This isn’t the academy awards.

Seems that county can be used as a test case for fraud, if none there reasonabmd people can accept there was probably none of significance anywhere else.

But if there is......

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Seems that county can be used as a test case for fraud, if none there reasonabmd people can accept there was probably none of significance anywhere else.

But if there is......

No, there isn't.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He is about to kick away the only leg the loser Democratic party has to stand on; voter fraud.

If you say so. But only because you say so.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Clinton's popular vote tally exceeded Trumps by over two million. Do the math.

The EPIC watchdog group is doing that as we speak. I think we'll find the President won the popular vote as well, when all is said and done.

The Democratic Party is as sleazy as they are amoral.

If you say so. But only because you say so.

Air-tight defense, there. You got me.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Air-tight defense, there. You got me.

I was just following your air-tight "logic."

Oh my!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

clamenza: "The EPIC watchdog group is doing that as we speak. I think we'll find the President won the popular vote as well, when all is said and done."

Yeah, when the US is turned into the police state Trump wants, the media disbanded except Fox & Friends (because they say what Trump doesn't like), people who say what he doesn't approve of are arrested, and all the other yes-men are fired, and when the rest of Trump's government are made up of the Nazis that support him. Now, why you WANT a police state is another matter. If Trump said two plus two equals five you'd agree with him on that, too. Doesn't make it so.

"The Democratic Party is as sleazy as they are amoral."

No Trump supporter has an leg to stand on and say such things. Trump is one of the biggest sleaze bags on the planet, and his "I can grab them by the p@@@y and get away with it", which he admitted to saying, is incontrovertible proof. And that's just for starters. As for amoral, again, no ground to stand on, my friend.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The man also known as Putin's Puppet has formed a commission to make it easier for him to steal elections in the future. Wonderful.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

She can be president of California if that means something. considering the state of California is larger than many countries economies and is home to many of the Fortune 500 companies generating a larger percentage in federal taxes helping to support many of the red welfare states, yes it would mean something

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Hell, change the electoral college now if you want. as if the Republicans congress would agree to that, 2 of the last 3 Republican election victories have come from the electoral college and not the popular vote, why would they want to give up that handicap! LOL

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So more than half of clinton’s irrelevant popular vote “win” came from Los Angeles County, California alone.

Terming "popular vote" as "irrelevant" should only be relevant in the former Soviet bloc. My comments are just a friendly warning. A reckoning is coming.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

 I think we'll find the President won the popular vote as well, when all is said and done. 

I dare you to put money on that.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

He is about to kick away the only leg the loser Democratic party has to stand on; voter fraud.

I wish this was true but states intent on promoting voter fraud cannot really be stopped. The governor of California just pardoned two illegal aliens who committed felonies, one with a firearm, in order to protect them from deportation. That is how important illegal votes are to them.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

In North Carolina, they accepted a total of 8 forms of ID to vote. The Republican panel requested information on how people vote, broken down by party and race. Next they banned 4 of the 8 forms of ID. Those 4 were used more by Democrats. The four most used by Republicans were left in place.

Just a coincidence, I assure you. In fact, every "voter fraud protection law" by Republicans remove more Democrats than Republicans in every single state where they've enacted these laws. Every. Single. One.

Again, just a complete coincidence. These hard working Republicans are just looking out for the integrity of our elections. And they just coincidentally pass laws that remove more Democrats than Republicans. Not to beat a dead horse, but, coincidence.

Has there been a single proven case of students committing voter fraud? Nope. Not a one. But let's go ahead and ban student IDs at polling places, then we won't accept out-of-state licenses. Of course this means hundreds of thousands of college students will have to take the time to go to a DMV and get a special IDs in order to vote, but hey, that's a fair price to pay for the handful of "maybe" voter fraud cases.

Oh, and, again, of course, the fact that younger people tend to vote Democrat has absolutely nothing at all to do with the decision to make it harder for them to vote.

Just a coincidence.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


We've talked about facts and their effects on cons before. Nothing has changed; facts still give them severe allergic reactions and that's why we see stuff like this:

I wish this was true but states intent on promoting voter fraud cannot really be stopped. The governor of California just pardoned two illegal aliens who committed felonies, one with a firearm, in order to protect them from deportation. That is how important illegal votes are to them.

See that huge logic leap from pardons to avoid deportations to pardons to protect illegal votes? The gap leapt makes the Grand Canyon look like a crack in a sidewalk.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

If you want to hear something really dumb, Tommy, ask a Republican to explain just how millions of illegals and fraudsters vote in elections in person. They would literally need to go to multiple polling places, give a name of someone who 1) is on the list and 2) has not voted, then do it all over again. Then these people need to be coordinated, moved around from center to center, etc. All in a state that's blue with no chance of going red, all to gain nothing while risking everything.

Here in Arizona the Republicans pulled a trick where they closed 60% of the polling places resulting in 4-6 hours in line to vote. You might have heard about it on the news. That means people had to miss entire days of work, or simply gave up without voting.

Oh, and the fact the more Democrats vote in person than Republicans? Just sheer coincidence....had nothing to do with their decision.

Voting by mail is open to fraud to a much greater extent, but the GOP doesn't even mention it. And guess what....more Republicans vote by mail than Democrats. But of course that's just another coincidence.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

The governor of California just pardoned two illegal aliens who committed felonies, one with a firearm, in order to protect them from deportation.

Governor Brown is a Jesuit with deeply-held beliefs of mercy. His status at the statehouse was a second choice to entering the priesthood. Christmas is traditionally a time of mercy, and the two men you discuss have shown repentance and have become assets to their communities. Their pardons still leave them in danger of deportation - just not for their past sins.

And these are two Californians out of 38,000,000. If you are not from Cali, you might wanna stay out of the conversation. We do things their our own way - and rightously.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

We already know that there is no voter fraud. What does exist is: 1) voter suppression, and 2) fraudulent vote-tampering, involving voting machines and absentee ballots.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

So the fox is now allowed to investigate the hen house.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

> SuperLibDec. 27  10:33 pm JST

If you want to hear something really dumb, Tommy, ask a Republican to explain just how millions of illegals and fraudsters vote in elections in person.

The same way they drive cars and gain employment, by stealing social security numbers and legal citizens looking the other way. But sure, someone that illegally entered the country would obviously never vote in an election where one candidate is promising to deport them. What a farce. Liberals are only opposed to strengthened voter laws because they know they'd lose fraudulent votes. Otherwise they'd be in favor of doing what all their favorite socialist European countries already do and require photo ID at bare minimum.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Can you walk me through the specifics?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Liberals are only opposed to strengthened voter laws because they know they'd lose fraudulent votes. Otherwise they'd be in favor of doing what all their favorite socialist European countries already do and require photo ID at bare minimum.

Nice does of hyperbole at 5:27 in the morning here in Japan. Liberals, like most conservatives, view the US as their favorite country. Liberals do not oppose strengthened voter laws unless those laws unnecessarily burden people's ability to vote, which we have seen is the case, thanks to Super's posts. We already know there is no reason for strengthened voter laws because voting fraud does not occur in any meaningful way in the US.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is too much! liberal No. 1 says

We've talked about facts and their effects on cons before. Nothing has changed; facts still give them severe allergic reactions

Illyas obliges with a straightforward, easy to understand explanation.

Then liberal no. 2;

Can you walk me through the specifics?

You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried!

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

IllyasToday  05:27 am JST

Liberals are only opposed to strengthened voter laws because they know they'd lose fraudulent votes. 

Trump is only bothered about this issue because he's desperate to prove that he won the popular vote and that the majority of Americans don't actually hate his stupid, fat guts. He claims, without any proof, that millions cast fraudulent votes against him, and you actually just take what he says at face value?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Trump is only bothered about this issue because he's desperate to prove that he won the popular vote and that the majority of Americans don't actually hate his stupid, fat guts.

Some, but since voter fraud is so widespread, the Democrats know, since they really don't have policies they can run on voter fraud is the only way for them. Again, you need a license or an ID for virtually everything, but voting, you don't?! This doesn't make rational sense whatsoever. If Democrats really believe and think and want to disprove Republican claims, then they should show they are the better party, the sane party, the party of honesty and shut the Republicans up by taking them on their office and issue everyone voter ID's, but we all know, they won't and can't.

He claims, without any proof, that millions cast fraudulent votes against him, and you actually just take what he says at face value?

There's been a lot of proof. I can't get on a plane or drive a car without proper ID, but with dead people voting and illegals voting in many States, there needs to be accountability and there needs to be an end put to this. It's not that hard to do.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

since voter fraud is so widespread

Nothing has ever shown voter fraud to be anything other than a miniscule problem. Statistically wise, the amount of voter fraud that has been found is not enough to even slightly sway an election.


There's been a lot of proof.

Then says:

I can't get on a plane or drive a car without proper ID, but with dead people voting and illegals voting in many States, there needs to be accountability and there needs to be an end put to this

No proof at all in there, and the justification for solving the problem is that the non-existent problem exists.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There has been more than enough proof and evidence for this over and over again and of course the left come up with a million excuses, so settle it, implement voter ID and the problem goes away and if the left doesn't, there's your answer.

The right should continue you to feverishly pound the issue until the left concede, if they don't, the right shouldn't either.


When the law took effect in 2015, the response was so immense that the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) had to hire 1,000 temporary workers to keep up with the applications. The DMV was also forced to open four additional processing centers and extend working hours to include Saturdays. 

The pace has “slowed” down, with the DMV now operating at normal hours and only employing 200 temporary workers. Around 11,000 AB 60 licenses were issued last June, which the department said was the lowest number recorded since the Bill was passed. Nearly 83,000 such licenses have been issued since the first half of this year. 

California joins 12 states and the District of Columbia that allows immigrants to receive a driver’s license without any proof that they arrived in the country legally. Other states include Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. California, however, remains to have the largest percentage of immigrants in our country, accounting for almost 22 percent of the estimated number according to **Pew Charitable Trusts. **

Now we know why it takes forever to get an appointment at the DMV

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


There has been more than enough proof and evidence for this over and over again

Goes on to not actually provide any of said proof or evidence.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Very telling that the Left is outraged and fighting so hard against an investigation into voter fraud.

I love it.

Lets remember, Trump had thousands of people attending his rallies and Crooked Hillary needed to bus in High School students to fill small gymnasiums.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Nearly 83,000 such licenses have been issued since the first half of this year. 

Thats a lot of licenses. Of course, that doesn't give them the right to vote, so I'm not sure what it has to do with this topic.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Actually, I really can't think of a better article showing how right wing hacks dupe their base into supporting their crazy positions.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There is so much voter fraud, especially in the cities where voters are bussed from voter location to others misrepresenting themselves as registered voters. HRC would not have the popular vote lead without Fraud. The demon-critic Party has been highjacked by the Abortion Lobbyists & is now owned by the far liberal left. No chrsitian should be registered in the party!

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

he demon-critic Party has been highjacked by the Abortion Lobbyists & is now owned by the far liberal left. No chrsitian should be registered in the party!

One's religion or lack of it should have no bearing on which party one votes for.

The US is not a theocracy, women have the right to chose what they do with their bodies and there are no such thing as demons.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Time for a fact check on the 144% claim - after all, it sounds remarkably high.


So it is actually 112% in LA, well within the normal range. So where does 144% come from? This is an undocumented claim from Judicial Watch according to what they have heard unofficially from LA officials.

Surely better to go with the San Diego official figures of 138% - by far the highest official figure rather than using unsubstantiated numbers from unnamed officials. Instead they have used a number that is ready to discredit.

But in the era of fake news, who cares if the numbers are real?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A very good assessment of previous claims of voter fraud:


They all appear to be knowing and blatant manipulations of facts that are all easily explainable outside of a social media 1-line bit of fake news.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When the law took effect in 2015, the response was so immense that the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) had to hire 1,000 temporary workers to keep up with the applications. The DMV was also forced to open four additional processing centers and extend working hours to include Saturdays. 

@bass4funk - you posted something highly irrelevant. The law allowing illegals to get driving licences allowed people to demonstrate a point of fact - identity and address, but it did not (and did not claim to) provide proof of visa status or right of residency.

I presume you are aware of this, but chose to post it anyway.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump said about 7-9 million votes for Clinton were fraudulent and how many arrests? According to Trump followers being non-white and voting is voter fraud. It shows how racist they are. They hate that non-whites are voting and they think only whites should have the right to vote.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The whole 'voter fraud' sham is a naked attempt to disenfranchise poor and/or black voters who vote Democratic when they get a chance to vote at all. Anybody who says otherwise is an ignoramus or a liar. Or both.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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