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© Thomson Reuters 2022.U.S. excludes leftists from Americas summit; Mexican leader sits out
By Matt Spetalnick and Dave Graham WASHINGTON/MEXICO CITY©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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That story title is untrue.
It was decided by the group in 2001 that dictatorships wouldn't be allowed at these Summit of the Americas meetings. That was held in Quebec and decided then.
Should the US offend the democracies in the Americas for 3 dictatorships?
Thefu,the US deal with Saudi Arabia and other despot regime,this reinforce the ugly American,beliefs in the Americas, Biden catering too the Cuban Mafia in Florida
The thing is that if the US refused to invite Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua over 'human rights and a lack of democracy' why did it invite Brazil (The Bosalnaro 'election' featured the opposition candidate not just jailed, but held incommunicado), Honduras (after a literal military coup against the President supposedly on the grounds he was laying the foundation for running for a second term, absolutely and interchangeably unconstitutional, his replacement simply ran for a second term and was permitted to serve it) and all the right wing closed duopolies which flagrantly commit human rights abuses against their populations?
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
This isn't a good decision for the USA under the Biden administration.
We need a better USA president.
Biden is a geriatric buffoon
Good on Mexico. I hope they let the 15,000 people caravan to the US border.
Repubs yesterday: "Biden does nothing but suck-up and support the leftists/socialists/communists in South American - he's in the pocket of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua".....
The White House on Monday excluded Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from the U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas this week...
Repubs today: "Biden once again shows how weak he is by failing to get all South American nations together. He should invite all South American countries to ensure all are represented."
Welcome to MAGA-world....
If the US cared about associating with countries that support democracy, we probably shouldn’t be palling around with Saudis Arabia, whose Number 2 export seems to be Islamic Fundamentalism. But their Number 1 export is oil, so I guess that explains that.
Stop using the word "Leftist" to describe authoritarian dictatorships!
Many countries are "Left" - Norway, Sweden, Germany, France, ... even Japan to a degree...
Leftists believe in human rights and democracy - calling Cuba, Nicaragua (or China) "leftist" is not only inaccurate but also slanders social democratic "leftists" all over the world..