Japan Today

U.S. indictments show technical evidence for Russian hacking accusations

By Joseph Menn

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Further proof that Hillary failed to follow the law and protect government secrets making it easy for foreign powers to obtain classified information. Lock her up! Oh and by the way, still no collusion.

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

So, did the DNC ever allow the FBI to look at their server? Doesn’t look like it.

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

Good work by the Feds. We can't make Trump and his supporters care, but it should shut up the ones who say it didn't happen or that the Russians weren't helping Trump.

The bad news is that Trump will praise and defend Putin while knowing he attacked us.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

but it should shut up the ones who say it didn't happen or that the Russians weren't helping Trump.

It should, but it won't. A certain class of Americans put party over country.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Yeah, I'm guessing Trump fans will talk about Clinton, Mueller, Strzok, pretty much anything that doesn't mention Putin.

They will stand down.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

WolfpackToday 06:30 am JST

Further proof that Hillary failed to follow the law and protect government secrets making it easy for foreign powers to obtain classified information.

Exactly which part of the article leads you to that conclusion?

Lock her up! Oh and by the way, still no collusion.

Yeah, whatever.

cla68Today 06:39 am JST

So, did the DNC ever allow the FBI to look at their server? Doesn’t look like it.

What's that got to do with the content of the article? It looks more like a poor attempt at deflection than anything else.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

To point out the obvious, these aren't just Russian citizens being indicted, but members of Russian military intelligence. This requires a response beyond just indictments but actions by our government, starting with the President. Who has a perfect chance to do something about it.

Anybody think he will?

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The investigation also recovered specific internet searches by the Russians and what they looked for on hacked machines.

Y'all get that? Russian agents working for the Russian government hacked into our election machines. If they could do that, they can try to change votes.

And Trump claims noting happened.

That's treason.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

“The interesting aspects of this indictment cover how connections were made between services due to reused email addresses, bitcoin wallets, and infrastructure. The Russians didn’t hide themselves that well.”

Yes, it is interesting that some of the world's best hackers would not hide themselves that well. As though they wanted to be caught, or as though some less competent hackers wanted to frame them.

Articles like this depend on the reader's ignorance of hacking, which is pretty universal. There is nothing at all here that points to the Russians, no specific evidence, nothing. But the headline alone will help implant the idea that there is something there and the Feds are doing a great job.

Also interesting that Kim Dotcom, who was intimately involved in the first leaks, and who offered to talk to the FBI, has never been interviewed by the Feds. He would be the most knowledgable person about this case, and they are not interested in talking to him. Maybe because they know his answers will conflict with their desired outcome?

This overt politicization of a nation's law enforcement arm should scare everyone. I know many people here are happy with it because the target is Trump. The problem is, they will eventually target someone you like, and it will be too late to complain, because you cheered it on earlier. More sad signs of America's descent.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Lots of bad smells coming from Russia, DNC, and Trump's team.

Typical email and wordpress servers are non-trivial to secure.

Election systems that don't provide the voter with human readable paper that is left in a poll box for audits later by humans is also a failure.

And where are the fines for the American companies who violated election laws by allowing foreign agents to purchase political advertising?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Sorry, I made a leap in logic.

Trump took an oath to protect and defend the US constitution. Our elections were attacked, and will be again.

Trump does noting, claiming its all about him.

That is treason.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

The story isn’t even on FoxNews.com.

More important stories: Americans split on ICE, liberal actress Baher gets “schooled” on TV, Scarlett Johansson turning down a transgender role, and a fight in a restaurant in Georgia involving black people (with comments about grape soda, chicken wings, and looking like a National Geographic episode).

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Tick, tock .....

5 ( +6 / -1 )

More important stories:

All the noise that's fit to spit.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ok and then what? Putin is going put these individuals on a plane to the US? Lol

Too Funny.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

The story isn’t even on FoxNews.com. 

Don't worry, it was on FNC.

More important stories: Americans split on ICE,

Yippee, I knew it wouldn’t go away!

liberal actress Baher gets “schooled” on TV, Scarlett Johansson turning down a transgender role, and a fight in a restaurant in Georgia involving black people (with comments about grape soda, chicken wings, and looking like a National Geographic episode).

See, if they can’t talk about Trump, they can only talk about garbage, pathetic.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

More proof that the Russian state has attacked America.

If this was a physical attack, would the Putinists and Trumpists be so vocal in their attempts to dismiss this, I wonder?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

More proof that the Russian state has attacked America.

No disputed they didn’t.

If this was a physical attack, would the Putinists and Trumpists be so vocal in their attempts to dismiss this, I wonder?

They didn’t dismiss it, they’re just saying it wasn’t the deciding factor that changed the election. That was Hillary and her own pragmatic non-concerning self.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Articles like this depend on the reader's ignorance of hacking, which is pretty universal. 

I love it when folks slam an article playing to readers' ignorance, but then do nothing to back it up. Sounds like another Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.

Also interesting that Kim Dotcom,

That's what he claims. That doesn't make it true, though.

He would be the most knowledgable person about this case, and they are not interested in talking to him.

If its true, but I've got a hard time believing a criminal peddling conspiracy theories.

Maybe because they know his answers will conflict with their desired outcome?

I'm sure it couldn't be because of his criminal background, could it?


This overt politicization of a nation's law enforcement arm should scare everyone. I know many people here are happy with it because the target is Trump. The problem is, they will eventually target someone you like, and it will be too late to complain, because you cheered it on earlier. 

The overt politicization of the FBI? Oh please. If the FBI wanted a kill shot, they could have announced the FBI counter intel operation back in 2016.

No one put a gun to Donny's head to make encourage the Russians to hack Hillary's accounts, nor did anyone force Trump to pick so many lying, dishonest people who just "coincidentally" all happen to have met with Russians.

This conspiracy belongs in a trash can along with the Seth Rich conspiracy theories.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

All I know is this indictment killed the Russian collusion narrative.

“There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizens committed a crime,” Rosenstein said. 

The case was transferred out of the special counsel this time to prevent the fiasco of the a defense lawyer actually showing up and expecting evidence at trial. Having to prove something ruined the other “12 Russians” case. Can’t let that happen again.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

How could they have announced it in 2016 when it’s now July 2018 and there is still no evidence of Trump collusion or a crime?

It would have been seen for exactly what it is, a partisan political attack leak of an active investigation linked directly back to the FBI.

Oh please. If the FBI wanted a kill shot, they could have announced the FBI counter intel operation back in 2016.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

How could they have announced it in 2016 when it’s now July 2018 and there is still no evidence of Trump collusion or a crime?

You didn't read what I actually wrote, did you?

The FBI launched a counter intelligence probe BEFORE the the 2016 elections. They could have announced this probe, much like they announced they were reexamining the emails found on Abedin's laptop. They did not. Why didn't they?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Because all the spying, etc that was going on behind the scenes would have been exposed.

Obama said they couldn’t do anything about Russia because he didn’t want Trump to have any evidence that things were rigged. He even announced publicly that Trump needed to stop whining about a rigged election.

yet here are liberals 2 years later trying to say Russia rigged the election for Trump. No, they didn’t just as obama said they didn’t.

plus, they didn’t bother because Trump wasn’t going to win? Right, right? (Trademark- Lisa Page)

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Just another indictment of a bunch of foreigners who will never show up for trial and who our laws don’t even apply to.

its like Japan justice system indicting someone in the USA for downloading uncensored dirty movies because it’s against the law in Japan.

Our USA laws simply don’t apply to Russian military personnel (if this is even what actually happened)

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

The smoke is getting a lot darker and thicker now and Trump's face is changing from orange to purple as he just denies and denies.

It's not a witch hunt, but an international conspiracy at the highest levels.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizens committed a crime.

What part of in this indictment do you not understand? No doubt, a phalanx of high-priced lawyers (and, yes, "phalanx" is the correct measure word for "lawyers") are scrutinizing documents at this very moment, parsing.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What part of in this indictment do you not understand? No doubt, a phalanx of high-priced lawyers (and, yes, "phalanx" is the correct measure word for "lawyers") are scrutinizing documents at this very moment, parsing.

Give it up, this will be all over soon, the President won’t be indicted on anything.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

bass4funkToday  08:03 am JST

Ok and then what? Putin is going put these individuals on a plane to the US? Lol

Too Funny.

To laugh at a sovereign nation's inability to prosecute people who committed crimes trying to undermine its democracy is the ultimate demonstration of party over nation.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Ah, so this IS a setup right before the meeting to further prevent any positive USA/Russia relationship. To force Trump to confront Putin about unproven allegations.

Because if he doesn’t, he isnot doing his duty, etc etc. I don’t see any duty of a president to confront another country leader with unproven allegations. That would seem reckless until after a trial, presentation of evidence and convictions.

But this does explain the interesting timing of the Mueller press release, I mean “indictment”. What was the sudden urgency of indicting people who will never have a trial again?

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Seeing as theres going to be loooooong drawn out back and forths, Ill just leave this admission regarding america's loooooooong history of election meddling. This case of do as I say not as I do is disgustingly atrocious. What goes round, comes around. Need it to stop? Quit doing it to other sovereign nations.


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

To laugh at a sovereign nation's inability to prosecute people who committed crimes trying to undermine its democracy is the ultimate demonstration of party over nation.

I see. Ok, so how will these foreigners be brought back to justice?

It's more likely to go like this: Trump, having already been briefed on the indictments by Rosenstein, will shortly go into a meeting with Putin. Despite full knowledge of the acts described in the indictments, he will fail to meet his responsibility as President of the United States, and will omit to raise the matter with Putin.

Sounds like a Tom Clancy novel, go on...

In light of the indictments, he has a duty to his country, and an opportunity at this meeting with Putin to perform that duty. By failing to do so, he would demonstrate beyond doubt that he is willing to compromise American interests and security in favour of Russia.

But why do you care? Why is it so many of you Europeans care what our President does or how he conducts himself? Doesn’t bother you guys at all. If Trump brings it up, he brings it up, of its behind closed doors, so be it. You guys need to calm down. When we look back on this, it will be so funny as to how the left could have ever been this unglued.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Luckily America has never hacked any other countries, doesn’t have spy planes and doesn’t have backdoors to all internet, software and devices. We are safe in a free democratic world.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

President Jekkyl or President Hyde is in denial ... he can fool some of the people some of the time, but he cannot fool all of the people all of the time. It’s time to step down or be removed before he does more damage to the USA and create havoc with the world.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes it’s almost like other countries whose elections we meddled in can actually know that indicting US military members or spies in their justice system would be a total waste of time or something?

Did Israel indict Barack Obama for meddling in their election?Nope, waste of time and counterproductive to the relationship they need to have with the USA.

But luckily Trump will handle it with Putin in whatever way he sees will benefit the USA the most.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

yes once these allegations are proven, he can surely do that.

Dem leadership (and Dem sympathizer McCain)screaming he needs to cancel the summit. Which just further proves what the intention of all this is.


then if he cancels, all that will be forgotten and the narrative changes to “he cancelled to avoid having to confront and anger his master Putin”. It’s all so transparent.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

But luckily Trump will handle it with Putin in whatever way he sees will benefit the USA the most.

In whatever way he believes will benefit the USA most? Hahahahaha Trump picked his mark well, truly delusional.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

My son's been back in Kumamoto on a brief transition between university and his new job in Tokyo. He's sharp as a tack. We've been discussing comparisons between Nixon and Trump. In the former case, it was a "third-rate burglary" - dirty pool to be sure, but not a measure one would preclude any party of pulling. As has been noted so often, Nixon was brought down by his cover-up - his lies and deception - more than by the deed itself.

Trump's case is different, as my son and I discussed, because while the cover-up is as egregious as Nixon's, the crime is far worse.

Ford pardoning Nixon was and has remained controversial. Many have pointed out Trump's recent penchant for pardoning people for crimes he considers politically motivated as if he's setting precedent. What Pence does and how the American people react will be fascinating to observe.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Another history lesson in american meddling, may the massive dissonance reign;


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Black SabbathToday 07:27 am JSTThe investigation also recovered specific internet searches by the Russians and what they looked for on hacked machines.

Y'all get that? Russian agents working for the Russian government hacked into our election machines. If they could do that, they can try to change votes.

And Trump claims noting happened.

That's treason.

Yes it is! I was surfing the net that night, after midnight and the cyberattack hit. It totally disabled the net and I had to shut my laptop off. He collaborated on this and he used the 'Clinton e-mail scandal' as a tool for the ignorant to come his way. Then again, if you noticed how he acted and then one week he whined that he wouldn't accept a defeat. A red flag right there. The signs of his treason were very clear in November 2016. Russia hacked the electoral college network during the 2016 Labor Day weekend and 2 months later they hit full force. Then again, I would never listen to such an ill-mannered obnoxious demagogue like him in the first place. Trump doesn't know how to talk to or with people at all.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Fred, don't forget the most relevant example, the meddling and shock therapy carried out in Russia by the vampire squids who later managed to destroy the global economy. There never would have been a Putin if Western leaders had done the right thing as opposed to what their patrons instructed them to do:


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Ahh the good ol economic hitmen, nice point jcapan.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Black Sabbath - The investigation also recovered specific internet searches by the Russians and what they looked for on hacked machines.

Y'all get that? Russian agents working for the Russian government hacked into our election machines. If they could do that, they can try to change votes.

LOL. There is a difference between "hacked machines" and "hacked into our election machines". No "election machines" were hacked. Better luck next time.

OTOH, Obama, and Obama's administration, KNEW that Russians were hacking political party machines, and he refused to tell the American voters that it was happening.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

U.S. indictments against a dozen Russian intelligence officers on Friday provided detailed technical evidence to back up allegations of Russian hacking and leaking of information to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

U.S. indictments against a dozen Russian intelligence officers on Friday provided detailed technical evidence to back up allegations of Russian hacking and leaking of information to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

How does the U.S. Justice Dept. intend to serve any warrants associated with these indictments on Russians living in Russia?

It's apparent that Russians were meddling, and hacking, BEFORE Trump even entered the Presidential race.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Trump's case is different, as my son and I discussed, because while the cover-up is as egregious as Nixon's, the crime is far worse. 

What Cover up? What is it that you know that the rest of us don’t know. Sorry, almost 2 years of investigation left and right and nothing, and there will be nothing and even if they were something there’s no way you could remove the president from office, so I don’t know what the left is fixated on this,more and more people are getting weary of this witch hunt, so it’s about time for Mueller to put an end to this.

Ford pardoning Nixon was and has remained controversial. Many have pointed out Trump's recent penchant for pardoning people for crimes he considers politically motivated as if he's setting precedent.

No, he just sees the buyers with elements drawling inside the intelligence agency I want to straighten that out and good on him for doing it.

What Pence does and how the American people react will be fascinating to observe.

Like doing what?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

U.S. indictments show **WEAKNESS of technical evidence **

That is what the headline would have been if it had been written by an expert in the subject matter.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Didnt age well.....

“There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even — you could even rig America’s elections, in part, because they are so decentralized and the numbers of votes involved,” Obama said during a press conference at the White House in October 2016. “There is no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time. And so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

I love it when folks slam an article playing to readers' ignorance, but then do nothing to back it up. Sounds like another Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.

Ignorance is reading an article headlined "indictments show technical evidence for Russian hacking," finding no evidence (technical or otherwise) in the article, and then thinking you've got evidence (because the headline said so).

It appears you are a conspiracy fan yourself, as that's pretty much what this whole case is. A joke, except for those who really, really hate Trump and will destroy the country as long as it hurts him. Some super-hackers, using the same emails and bitcoin addresses repeatedly. Hillary Clinton would be a better hacker than that.

If every country whose election the US hacked issued arrest warrants for the hackers, half the country would be fugitives.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Don't worry about Don. We know his brain is up to the task of delivering the right message to Vlad.

"I have broken more Elton John records, he seems to have a lot of records. And I , by the way, I don't have a musical instrument. I don't have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we've broken a lot of records. We've broken virtually every record. Because, you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey, and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don't need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical, the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important."

Donald Trump 7/5/2018

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hacking to influence the election?

As if the MSM doesn't influence voters.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

so it’s about time for Mueller to put an end to this...why would you want to do that things are just getting interesting....in your so called witch hunt...

Because the left won’t get what they want. If they didn’t get in two years, they’ll never get it. The President won’t be going to prison.

fox will surely keep you updated on the details..so keep posting away..

Likewise, and I’m sure msnbc and CNN will keep you equally updated.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The indictments make it impossible for those Russians to travel to America, and to a large number of other countries where they'd now face either expulsion or arrest. (It also means they won't be posted to any embassies or consulates abroad where the Russian government might want to use them.) For some people, that's no punishment at all. For others, it's about the last thing they want. No idea how it sits with these particular Russians, you'd have to ask them. But being unable to move freely around Europe (and other parts of the world) would definitely be an inconvenience for many Russians, and more so for the wealthier ones. Not all of them want to be stuck in Russia all their lives, or confined to travelling only in countries that are under Russia's thumb.

So it was all for nothing. Funny, how this all happened a few day before Trump meets Putin.....very interesting timing....

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

As I predicted, Trump fans stand down. Not even a hint of anger or outrage over Russia’s actions.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Black: To force Trump to confront Putin about unproven allegations.

Well you have our intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and now agreement by the special prosecutor with indictments for specific Russians all saying they did it.

You feel that wouldn’t give an American president enough support to even mention it?

What we are seeing is the extent to which Trump fans will sell their souls (and credibility) to defend Trump. The script calls for these otherwise tough-talking American patriots to bend over when Russian election meddling is mentioned. They will defend a Russian dictator attacking America....if it helps Trump.

On the other front in their misguided war we have their attacks on American institutions like the DOJ. Their circus of an interview with Strzok gave no new evidence of any improper actions, leaving the sum total of their evidence at zero. Conservatives are responding with a front page Fox News article saying that Rosenstein should be fired.

To them there’s enough evidence (zero) that Mueller and Rosenstein are acting improperly, and as such the investigation should go away and Trump should pardon anyone convicted of anything, But when it comes to Russian election meddling, hold your hourses, it’s all just unproven speculation and we should sit on it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Notice that Mueller is indicting foreign nationals that he will never be able to get into court. He will never have to prove anything- he only has accusations. On the other hand Mueller previously indicted several Russian companies. He was flummoxed when one of them sent lawyers to an American court to defend themselves. Look for Mueller to drop that case because he will refuse to make public the ‘evidence’ he has to make his case. So at least he has learned from his earlier mistake.

The American citizens he has indicted are for crimes that occurred prior to the election or in the case of Flynn, for perjury for something that FBI agents stated was not perjury before Mueller took the case.

Mueller has a lot of accusations but has made none of his evidence public and keeps putting off court cases against Manafort and Flynn so as not to be forced to present his evidence.

Present the evidence already! Mueller only seems interested in damaging the Republicans during the midterms and of course preventing Trump from winning a second term as president. Mueller has become the leader of the far Lefts #resistance.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Just call Mueller or the FBI and tell them you want access to the ongoing Russia investigation. And tell them you don’t appreciate these people making accusations (indictments?) without you having seen any of it yet.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wolf, you don't seem to understand how things are going down. Of course, Mueller would go after the lowest-hanging fruit first to get info on the intermediaries - these twelve. Whether they're ever brought to justice in a US court (answer: not likely, though they might want not to stray outside Russian-controlled territory) is irrelevant: they are a link in a chain. The reason they were indicted is to clarify this chain. They are essentially irrelevant to the US legal system. The fact that Mueller bothered to indict them indicates that others - those closer to home - are quite relevant. You need to learn how to parse legalese. Big stuff is coming down soon.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Mueller only seems interested in damaging the Republicans during the midterms

I don't know how you can attribute any intentions to Mueller, when he has not made any statements on his feelings whatsoever.

No, let's call your comment for what it is. An attempt to discredit an investigation that you people are freaking out about in worry that it's going to expose Trump and his cronies for the criminals they are.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Should we ask Wolf what it means that the FBI released damaging information against Clinton before the Presidential election?


3 ( +4 / -1 )

And who was in power in the USA when all this happened?

Just checking.

Last time I checked, elections were run at the state level. If you want to blame someone, look to your state election officials.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Give it up, this will be all over soon, the President won’t be indicted on anything. maybe,maybe not, but the whole point is Putin interfered in the election to favor Trump over Clinton, damage was done whether that was enough to change voters minds well never know. Now Trump is being more buddy with Putin than he is with America allies.if I was a trump supporter id be highly suspect on where my President allegiances really are, with himself, with Putin(can make him a shite load of money in Russia) or with America and its people. If you put two doors in front of Trump , one labeled"The American People" the other

"A boat Load of cash" I dont need to tell you which door Trump would walk through

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Mueller has become the leader of the far Lefts #resistance. oh man you conspiracy theorist get more desperate as they days go by. Mueller was selected by both Republican and Democrats, because of his impeccable record and also possible because he is a republican. But he puts the American law, constitution and American people first and foremost, his person opinions political ideology isnt even on the same page.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Strangerland: No, let's call your comment for what it is. An attempt to discredit an investigation

As far as I am concerned the “investigation” is already discredited. There is a great deal of evidence that this entire investigation is based at least in part on political opposition research. Research that according to Comey himself is solacious and unverified. If it turns out that Clinton’s bought and paid for misinformation has any thing at all to do with this investigation then it is totally discredited. Why won’t the FBI make the FISA warrants public? I suspect it’s because they are hiding the truth about the origins of this misbegotten witch hunt to take down Trump.

By all accounts Trump is not a subject of the investigation. In both of Muellers big indictment announcements Rosenstein stated clearly that no US person is suspected to be associated with the foreign actors involved. But Mueller and Rosenstein refuse to clear Trump outright causing harm to his presidency and a huge amount of division within the nation itself.

Muellers case is a counter intelligence investigation- not a criminal investigation of a conspiracy to steal an election. It never should have gone to a special counsel. If it were a criminal case he would be investigating Hillary’s Russian ties and the fake dossier. But he has no interest in following the leads where they take him if they end up going to the Clinton campaign.

It is obvious that Rosenstein and Mueller are never-Trump Republicans. Throw in Comey, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Baker, and all the others that have been fired, demoted, or reassigned because of their misconduct. They intend to continue investigating Trump until they can find some thread of linkage to someone in Russia - no matter how remote - that they can blow up into the end of world. Or if all else fails until they cause him to lose re-election or hound Trump out of office - whichever comes first.

Unless he is willing to go after Christopher Steele and Hillary’s cash (which ended up in the pockets of Russian intelligence officers) Mueller should hand this charade back to the Justice Department immediately. He is doing a huge amount of damage to America.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

But Mueller and Rosenstein refuse to clear Trump outright causing harm to his presidency and a huge amount of division within the nation itself.

One of the main point of the investigation is to find if Russia interfered in the election to support Trump over Clinton, evidence now seems to show it did. Why should Trump be cleared until the investigation is complete, the Russians damaged any chance of Clinton becoming POTUS. Seems some people are perfectly happy that Clinton was damaged by Russias interference yet when Trump get similar treatment they cry foul. The hypocrisy is thicker than Trumps lies

1 ( +2 / -1 )

And who was in power in the USA when all this happened?

oh yes Obama clearly conspired with Russia to help Clinton lose the election. The logic of conspiracy theorists is totally baffling most of the time

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If this was a physical attack, would the Putinists and Trumpists be so vocal in their attempts to dismiss this, I wonder? nah many Republicans dont care where the attack comes from , if it helps their political agenda all is good.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Americans will have to speak Russian soon!!!!!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

As far as I am concerned the “investigation” is already discredited.

It’s not.

There is a great deal of evidence that this entire investigation is based at least in part on political opposition research. 

No there isn’t.

Let’s stick to reality mmkay?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Americans will have to speak Russian soon!!!!!!"

Nyet! I mean, nope! hehe

Oh my...

Judge Jeanine: Strzok is personification of the deep state


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The "hunters" are sure finding lots of "WITCHES!"

3 ( +3 / -0 )

"Revealing so much “says just how serious this is, and how important it is to acknowledge that Russia hacked the U.S. to aid Trump and hurt Clinton,”

Yeah, if it weren't for the Russian hacking, Clinton would have won in a landslide! No, wait, Clinton said it was "Russian WikiLeaks"...

Trump Hammers Obama Over Democratic Emails as MSM Insinuates Trump Involvement


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

What these indictments do is prevent those spies from having sunny vacations in all the fun places of the world where America has extradition treaties. It might matter zero or it will put a real crimp on their party lifestyle.

The typical Russian top 10 list of foreign destinations are all friendly towards the USA. No more Italian, Thailand, Turkey, or Greece trips for those 12.

But there is always Syria or Cuba.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

What these indictments do is prevent those spies from having sunny vacations in all the fun places of the world where America has extradition treaties. It might matter zero or it will put a real crimp on their party lifestyle.

Exactly. This guy learned that the hard way, and ended up with a 30 year jail sentence: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/alleged-fraser-valley-gang-leader-remains-jailed-in-u-s-1.753691

Roueche was arrested in May after he was refused entry into Mexico. Despite his protests, Roueche was put on a plane back to Canada that had a stopover in Texas, according to U.S. authorities.

Roueche was immediately placed under surveillance on the flight by U.S. officials who alleged he began sending coded messages from his Blackberry on the plane, saying he feared he would be arrested.

When the plane made a stopover in Texas, Roueche was arrested and transported to a prison in Oklahoma, and later transferred to Seattle to face charges.

The indicted Russians are pretty much not safe in the huge majority of the world now. And who would want to be stuck in Russia for the rest of their lives?

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Indictments require a certain level of evidence, so being indictments and meeting that level of evidence means there's enough proof for further investigation for court action

Also, people need to realize that there are separate things:

These are DNC servers, not Hillary's personal server

And political party servers are not subject to control by the US government

Also, how the NSA tracked these things means they have their own moles

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wipeout - Why would that be a reason not to to indict? Law enforcement authorities don't just throw in the towel because people are currently beyond their reach.

Who said anything about not indicting? I specifically inquired about serving any warrants associated with these indictments on Russians living in Russia.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

wipeout - No one directly. I assumed your question was an indirect way of quibbling with the wisdom of issuing the indictments at all.

You're assumptions look more like quibbling to me. Did you have any intention of answering my question?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

wipeout - Not until you make it clearer what you're asking - there's no point in misunderstanding your question and basing my answer on my misunderstanding.

Clearer? I asked a simple question. "How does the U.S. Justice Dept. intend to serve any warrants associated with these indictments on Russians living in Russia?"

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Clearer? I asked a simple question. "How does the U.S. Justice Dept. intend to serve any warrants associated with these indictments on Russians living in Russia?"

Probably using similar means as they used to get this guy:

Roueche, who ear­lier this week lost his ap­peal of a 30-year U.S. jail term for drug traf­fick­ing, was in­dicted in the U.S. in Oc­to­ber 2007 and a war­rant was is­sued for his ar­rest.

Ac­cord­ing to a civil claim filed in B.C. Supreme Court, mem­bers of the U.S. Im­mi­gra­tion and Cus­toms En­force­ment then ad­vised Cana­dian law en­force­ment of­fi­cials of the out­stand­ing war­rant.

In May 2008, Roueche boarded a plane from Van­cou­ver to Mex­ico, with Cana­dian of­fi­cials “un­law­fully” re­quest­ing that Mex­i­can authorities ar­rest Roueche and put him on a plane that would land in the U.S., it says. When Roueche ar­rived in Mex­ico, he was de­tained, de­nied en­try into the coun­try and or­dered to board a plane for Van­cou­ver, with a stop in Fort Worth, Texas.

When he ar­rived in Fort Worth, he was ar­rested by U.S. of­fi­cials.


These indictments will leave the accused looking over their backs for the rest of their lives.

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wipeout - July 21 10:34 am JST Clearer? I asked a simple question. "How does the U.S. Justice Dept. intend to serve any warrants associated with these indictments on Russians living in Russia?"

And I explained - more than once, and at length now - why just throwing the question out there in isolation and then insisting that it should be answered is one of those "just askin'" ways of saying something without saying anything.

If you have a point to make, attempt to develop the courage to make it.

It appears that you are aware that I was asking a question. Or as you say, "why just throwing a QUESTION out there in isolation...". Sometimes a question is just a question.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Strangerland - Probably using similar means as they used to get this guy:

These indictments will leave the accused looking over their backs for the rest of their lives.

Thank you.

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When the US stops and comes clean about all their subversive activities, then I'll give a crap. Until then, it's just fake news.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Pffft! Does anyone really believe that the Russians did anything that actually changed the outcome of the election? Hillary Clinton lost that election on her own.

Madverts: "Tick, tock..."

Heh, you'll be tick tocking all the way til noon, Jan.20, 2025, Madverts. hehe

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