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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.UK authorizes Pfizer coronavirus vaccine for emergency use; 1st in the world
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Great news !
This is the vaccine that has to be stored at really cold temperatures. We need the other one that doesn't require that, just as fast.
I know the vaccine will make billions for these companies (and I wish I was a shareholder), but I salute the efforts of the thousands of researchers all around the world who have been working on getting a vaccine as fast as possible.
Graham DeShazo
How fast can they make it? How fast can the airlines distribute it? How fast can we get it in people's arms?
But I agree with the others; this is good news.
Yes ! This is it. The beginning of the end.
Sven Asai
Seems still to be rather experimental and based on a very thin ground of data.
Remember thalidomide, be very careful on the uptake of new medicine with no long term trials.
I think ‘thin ground of data’ is inaccurate. If we look at it from a risk-benefit point of view in a country as badly hit as the UK, I’d say it makes sense.
I must admit the lack of data on the effects on pregnant women is concerning.
‘China ready to deliver it’s vaccine to countries who require it’
thanks China, but I think we’ll pass !
Good, I hope the healthcare workers get the vaccines soon.
The Avenger
Best of luck to the Brits. Hope it all goes very well.
Heal now Europe. Watch the numbers drop dramatically now.
God bless the U.K. Show us the way!
Do the hustle
Let’s hope it is successful. This would not be the first virus to evolve and become resistant to a vaccine. Personally, I think too many countries are relying too heavily on a vaccine and not doing enough to control the virus spreading.
A question
Have elderlies or people at risk been part of the trial ?
Volunteers for medical trials are normally healthy people. Elderlies could suffer much more of side effects
Good news for big pharma and for all of us. Miracle won't happen as you think. Watch out for side effects. Thank you those who will sacrifice their lives first before the rest of the world.
I'm a Pfizer shareholder and I approve this message!
Jolly good show. I say we can all be heroes now.
Rule Brittania! ...
Well done UK. Boris Johnson takes a lot of criticism, a lot of it called for, but he deserves to be congratulated for getting the four nations he governs vaccinated first in the world.
I hope the appalling amount of deaths drop to single digits and then zero very soon.
It’s amazing how the urge to get back into the pub can motivate a whole country
Bernard Marx
It's been rushed through without the usual years of trials. I don't intend to get it for at least five years or so; want to make sure it doesn't have any nasty side-effects first.
Raw Beer
That, plus perhaps elders not making antibodies in response to the vaccine.
Hooray !
Desert Tortoise
olly good show. I say we can all be heroes now.
Rule Brittania! .
Sigh...... This vaccine from Pfizer is one of two developed in the US, in this case with German help. It just happens that the UK is the first to approve its use. US approval is probably only days away if that. The UK developed vaccine is still not approved for use.
Are we allowed to be happy about anything in the UK under your miserable watch?
I'm sure many of us remember thalidomide. It was horrific. But it also hugely changed the way drugs are rolled out. Thalidomide was sold over the counter. Vaccines are administered by health professionals. While I'm always nervous about taking medicine, looking at the risks of not taking this vaccine makes me think many will be happy to get to the front of the queue.
Charles Smith
British officials authorized a COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use on Wednesday, green-lighting the world’s first shot against the virus that’s backed by rigorous science and taking a major step toward eventually ending the pandemic.
Michael Machida
Not to be negative. However, I will wait and see. Remember what happen in Germany in 1958?
Great! This is the first part of the final step of finally eradicating this pandemic. Let’s hope it doesn’t take too long before the rest the world can see vaccines like this.
I’m not high risk so I won’t be in the line for a shot anytime soon.
Haaa Nemui
Trump is angry because America isn’t first. Well played UK. Well played.