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UK bans TikTok on government phones on security grounds


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There are many other ways of entertainment but these Chinese applications are dangerous for national security.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Needs to be banned on all phones. Anybody can make a short form video site for those without attention spans.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Please read this and see if you still think a TikTok ban is based on racism.


The short story is that through TikTok the CCP can acquire your conversations, and since you can load it on multiple devices it can harvest data from multiple devices, even collect sensitive biometric data like iris scans using the camera you have to enable as part of the terms of service. It's not just Gen-X ers playing on TikTok either. If you have a business or work for a corporation the Chinese are interested in they can use TikTok to access every device you use TikTok on searching for proprietaray data from your company or your employer to use against you. They also engage in censorship of any content critical of China or that is contrary to their party line.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Totally racism and geopolitical bullying and proof that democracy is failed cause.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

That doesn't bother, TikTok is for younger generation to express their performance arts and talents just for fun, a pure entertainment purpose. I don't think why it became a political issue with the nonsense that it could leaking privacy or personal info. Unless King Charles III want to dance or singing in TikTok to address the people his message.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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