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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.UK delays post-Brexit border checks, seeks new talks with EU
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Desert Tortoise
If Bojo keeps this up he is going to wake up one morning to find the EU has erected border crossings with customs inspections on every road between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It would serve the Brits right too.
Marc Penn
If Bojo keeps this up he is going to wake up one morning to find the EU has erected border crossings with customs inspections on every road between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It would serve the Brits right too.
Would be fine for ‘the Brits’. The EU would be responsible, and blamed, for imposing a hard border between RoI and NI, the UK could abandon the controls on movement of goods between mainland and NI that the Protocol requires.
Won’t happen though.
Desert Tortoise
Bojo is more or less daring the EU to put up a hard land border between the two Irelands while some die hard nationalists in the UK blame the EU for Bojos brinkmanship and his utter abandonment of the treaty his government signed with the EU. He is very likely pushing his luck with the EU.
The UK/EU relationship has soured to a level that will have a lasting effect on any future co-operation on trade, security, economic agreements, pacts.
It is arguable that the EU institutions have a more amicable relationship with the Russian Federation, when considering the soon to be *Nord Stream 2* that will export gas from Russia to Europe across the Baltic Sea.
It is possible that from the first of October export to the UK from the Ireland/Holland/Northern France ports, will fact the same measure implemented between the EU to UK, the impact will be intimidate and devastating
The GB–EU border
At the UK border.....From October 1st
So one dose not need a crystal ball to surmise the reasoning into why the EU commission has held off any ECJ legal action.
Look, there will be no hard border north or south,
Sorry this AP article is barely even half the story.
Absurd that the UK can never have smooth relations with the EU, and just learn to get along with them despite some differences. Its almost as if they are deluding themselves into thinking they are not in Europe.
Apparently they now believe they are a separate region and/or part of the Asia-Pacific! lol.
Another renegotiations again?
Why did they even sign the treaty then?!
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Border checks ?
What ?
You mean the uk ,great Britain, British ,England or the other nations of Scotland ,Wales or Ireland and northern Ireland.
Just can't get it written correct
Brexit is a complete FU, was always going to be such.
Now this may not seem important to the average Brexit supporter as they won't understand it but it really is another nail in the coffin.