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© Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.British PM promises action to restore order in strife-torn cities
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Breitbart--I never wrote that "it's all Thatcher's fault" and you know it. The process of turning the UK into a bank-centered and bank-owned state was begun under her and continued under Major and "third way" fake Labour PM Blair.
You clearly don't know much about the political economy of Britain. Compared to other large national economies like Germany, Japan, France, Canada, US, etc. agriculture and manufacturing are much less important in the UK, and as a result financial services and banking account for a much larger percentage of profits and overall GDP. That's why the 2008 economic crisis hit so very hard there. Again, all this began with Thatcher's "big bang" initiative in the 1980s to put London at the center of the rapidly globalizing financial services industry. If the government only has to worry about the bankers, it doesn't have to worry about trade unions, so Britain waved goodbye to manufacturing, save for a few Japanese car factories up north.
And Britain's people know this. They know Downing Street puts bankers first, and will do so under Labor, Tory, or coalition governments. The riots need to be examined in that context. As for your paranoia about immigrants, you're getting your data from biased sources. Britain has been a steady but not huge recipient of overseas migrants since the 1950s, owing to its colonial history. There has been no inundation, except perhaps in the case of the recent large influx of people from Eastern Europe (people whom, I suspect, you don't think about when ranting against multiculturalism).
LOL. Yeah. It's all Thatcher's fault. Was she the "Rasputin" of the Conservative Party?
Compared to what countries, specifically ? If it is so unbalanced and distorted why is it that , as with America, it is being inundated with immigrants ???
"The Nanny State infantilised large swaths of the British people."
Breitbart--Nice to see that you finally dropped Anders Breivik's preferred explanation for What Ails Everything (multiculturalism) since that had little to do with the riots in England. But now you've just moved on to another one of your preferred targets of derision (the nanny state) so you're no closer to the truth. Britain had a full-blown nanny state from the late 1940s; why weren't riots frequent in the 1950s and 1960s then?
Because Britain today--in the aftermath of the Thatcher-led "Big Bang" of the 1980s--has one of the most distorted and unbalanced national economies in the world, very heavily dependent on financial services. Multinational bankers working in The City and living walled-off in London's toniest neighborhoods are the only people in that country who really matter to Downing Street. And they're not not even mainly British bankers; a lot of them are German, Japanese, and American. Until you can acknowledge this problem in the UK your postings can't be taken seriously.
The Nanny State infantilised large swaths of the British people.
I just don't get it. What are you talking about making sense? How about making sense of this? So poor downtrodden teens. They show No remorse, No guilt, so how much of the responsibility do we put on these kids or are should they be absolved of any crimes because they are the unfortunate victim of unfortunate circumstances. You make it seem as if the government HAS to provide for you in order to remain a good model citizen or to remain law-abiding, if not, you have the GREEN LIGHT to go out and loot and rob to your hearts content. What ever happened to self-reliance? If you properly educate children to rely on themselves, to be a respectable, hardworking person and teach them to respect the law, I am quite sure, kids with that kind of upbringing will less likely engage in rioting than someone who has a parent or parents that don't give a damn. I was NOT born with a silver spoon in my mouth, not rich, not poor, average, but my parents always told me to respect the law and taught me to depend on myself, not be too proud. I don't care what kind of work I need to do to get by, but I will not go out and take advantage of a situation to get something that I don't have the right to, didn't earn and most importantly, take someone else's hard earned property. For me, it's just common sense, but then again, I had loving parents that cared about me and gave me pride and morals. I don't have ANY pity for these rats! If you want something, work for it, don't complain, put your pride aside, be humble and if that means you need to shovel **** for a few years to get by, so be it. At least, you are making an honest living and can hold your head up high. And don't talk about success being associated with being well off! I know hundreds of people that came up, rags to riches story, that's just another excuse for self-pity!
Steve I shouldn't worry about being bashed on here - it usually means you're making too much sense. As feelings run high forms such as these too often become a shout down rather than any sort of meaningful discussion.
Undoubtedly the poor classes do exist, and in great numbers. And in many ways society does not provide them with anything resembling simple solutions to get out of such a state - and even less so in a floundering economy. BUT this has little to do with the current travesty throughout England but more typically show that mob mentality enjoys a greater susceptibility in young people instilled with little armament in the way of self-discipline or intelligence.
What really troubles me - and I think is troubling more people as our welfare state grows ever larger and those that have not so much to begin with are taxed more to pay for those without - is that in the quest to be a responsible and humane society that takes care of those who have difficulties in taking care of themselves we have gone pathetically awry. The idea was to help those that cannot help themselves; it has transposed itself into additionally helping those who will not help themselves. And assistance is freely given without discerning between the two. When not enough is available then the entitled class rebels and the both the government and middle and upper classes are labeled as appalling greedy buggers. Just as I'll undoubtedly be labeled as a right wing nutter for pointing out the insanely obvious. By the way people seem to react one would think that anyone who has attained any modicum of success in life must have been born with the proverbial silver spoon.
Tigermothll; I amde a similar point a couple of days ago saying not all the families were on benefits and not all are from what is known as the "subclass".
I was as usual bashed, on this occasion my statement was said to be an attack on working mothers. There is at times not a lot of thought going into posts here. People have agendas or are manipulated by the media.
There is a social disease mainly effecting the poorer classes but also involving many other parts of scoiety.
Just because he's the son of a respected journalist and broadcaster does not mean he was not participating in something he should not have. While I personally do not think these riots have anything to do with social injustices and the 'hopelessness of youth' today, to assume that someone is not guilty of something by lineage is a social injustice, or at least a class and social standing prejudice.
I should think it's a good mix; they might be dragging the white middle class school teachers into court, but there is a fair amount of the ones pictured on the news that likely are not 'native'. The point is that some on forums such as this and in the media have been trying to indicate that the plight of the hapless youth, and in particular the immigrant youth in Britain is the cause for this outbreak of violence. That is utter rubbish - made more obvious by what has been pointed out that some of the rioters are white and somewhat middle class. But also it has put forth a mindset that the Government of Britain (and could be applied to most nations as the world economy continues on a downward trend) are not doing enough to combat joblessness and a sense of hopelessness in young people, and it has been put forth disproportionately so in those not originally from the country.
This is all fairly moot as these kids (and some older types) are doing this simply for the thrill and 'action' of it all, and to get some material good for nothing (called theft). But the indication that there is underlying unrest because the government had not provided ample 'opportunity' is equally as nonsensical and a sign of what we have let ourselves become. 'Give me because I am entitled.' There are (at least there damned well should be) precursors to that entitled part. Simply existing doesn't really mean you are entitled to anything.
Mail Online:
" Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters "
Couldn't agree more.
I'm not the one making wagers, BBV. Why would you snuggle up to the Telegraph instead of reading for yourself what the BeeB is actually saying? You're responding to BurakuminDes saying The BBC is reporting now, but you have to go back to what the Telegraph said that someone else said on Twitter two days ago?
Direct sources will give you a clearer picture than hearsay.
Right back at ya:
' Theresa May, the Home Secretary, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, and police have all condemned the youths as "criminals" whose behaviour is "utterly appalling". Yet senior BBC presenters and reporters on the ground yesterday continued to describe those behind the violence as "protesters". '
Only a fool makes a worthless wager on something that can easily be verified.
hundreds arrested in connection with the rioting....night of violence and looting....rioters in Manchester and Salford..... criminal activities.... rioting across England....scores of people facing mainly disorder and burglary charges after four nights of rioting....acts of wanton criminality
And right at the very end, just one mention - The riots first flared on Saturday after a peaceful protest in Tottenham over the fatal shooting of Mark Duggan
The looting, photoshopped.Some funny pics
Breitbart, click the link I provided, where CNN specifically accuses an old Indian man of respectable standing on society as actively participating in the riots. Riots. Not protests.
Sorry buddy, there is no liberal media agenda.
And the BBC, I would wager, does not refer to them as rioters or looters but as 'protesters.'
All the lights are going out, and pretty soon only darkness will remain.
Talk about hyperbole!
The son of a respected, wealthy journalist and broadcaster of Indian descent being roughed up in the streets by police "more times than he can count"? Hmmm, perhaps there really are broader issues involved here.
Nicky Washida
I saw on the news yesterday the first guy through the doors of the magistrates court somewhere in London who pleaded guilty to burglary and affray was - get this - a primary school teacher!
They then interviewed some kids on the street in Manchester, whose attitudes were basically summed up as:
"Yeah, i can afford to buy this stuff, but if i can get it for free then why not?" "Everyone else is doing it" "My parents know Im out but they dont know where I am. They phoned and I said I was with my mate. If they find out theyll probably shout at me or somefink, but so what - I can live with that. Not like they can ground me or anyfink." "If I get arrested this is my first offence so no-one will do anyfink. Worst case, I get an ASBO. So what? I can live with that." "Yeah is someone robbed my house Id be angry, but this aint someones house, is it? Its just a shop. They have insurance."
(ASBO is Anti-Social Behavioural Order which bans them from certain places at certain times - but of course is difficult to enforce).
Pretty much, yes, although to be fair not all of them, and I think the vast majority of people flaunting the system are native Brits. And to answer your second question, yes it IS a fundamental flaw in the system. There are even cases of people entering the UK to commit serious crimes such as rape because they have heard how cushy UK prisons are compared to life back home (the specific case I am thinking of involved a Romanian man).
These spoilt little bas$%&$ have NO idea what social injustice is like. In East Africa right now, Mothers have to leave their weaker children to die at the side of the road to give their stronger ones a chance of surviving the journey to the refugee camp. I personally witnessed kids younger than mine are now, picking through rubbish bins looking for dregs of juice or food in places I have been to on my travels. Anyone could come up with examples such as this, I know.
I agree that the way the financial crisis and the recession has been handled in the UK has been bad all round. But these kids arent modern-day Robin Hoods. They are just thugs, out for what they can get. They probably dont even know how to spell "austerity measures". And it is getting worse. This is not the same country I left even 10 years ago. So much about the UK was wonderful. But watching this is like watching a slow eclipse. All the lights are going out, and pretty soon only darkness will remain.
I think quite obviously this bout of rioting began in a multicultural area by folks not indigenous to the UK - supposedly fueled by some 'poor innocent father of two' or whatever being capped by police. By the way the jury is still out on that one as 'innocent dad' was indeed a known criminal, a gun with a round jammed in the chamber was found, and oddly a cop had a bullet hole in his radio. But it has nothing to do with this incident except for providing the initial excuse. How many times have we seen this in the good old USA? 'Those who 'assaulted' Rodney King (again, two minutes of a rather lengthy video that the media decided to broadcast painted an entirely different picture - but I digress...) were 'let off' so what better excuse for me for me to go get myself a brand new flat screen tv - all in the name of social justice of course'. Give me a break.
But since some still insist on painting the social injustice picture, let's explore. Where is it written that you should be entitled to anything if you decide to move from your impoverished third world shite hole to one of the more moderately successful European (or American) democracies (term used loosely)? When my forefathers left England for the 'New World' they did so with full knowledge that it would be 'every man for himself'. Same likely with most of yours - they had to have something to bring to the table to survive. I currently work with a lot of great folks from India and various Asian nations. They come here with an education and degrees in the sciences - they know they must possess some skills to work and survive. And work they do. Many did come here with little or no skills - they worked their fingers to the bone in menial jobs - often several of them - to send their children to University to make something of themselves.
So that's the fundamental question. If someone chose to leave their homeland for England or the USA or wherever - did they really expect the welfare state to support them forever and provide them - and their children - with great jobs through no effort on their own? And if they did - doesn't that illustrate the fundamental problems with our current system?
This is nothing about social injustice and all about a bunch of lazy, amoral and unmotivated young people behaving like animals - whether immigrant or of the home-grown variety. Life is what you make of it - we need to get out of the entitled 21st century thinking and perhaps embrace the days when people had the stones to actually do something with their lives rather than expecting it to be handed to them. And we need to stop being the enablers of this behavior with bad social programs and idiotic PC handling discipline and the installation of common sense and human decency in our young.
Exactly. This has zero to do with multiculturalism, and everything to do with greed and selfishness. "The Government" owes them a living, in their small minds. The BBC is reporting now that most of these wastrels appearing in court are actually white.
Erm, and just what is there to loot in those hick towns? Tractors? Potatoes from the farm? If you answer that I think you'll find the answer to why there's no rioting in the hick towns. Undeniably though, the rioting is taking place in the " multiculturally enriched metropolitan areas ", but then what's your excuse for the white people rioting? Yes indeed, there are good old Anglo-Saxon white folks rioting there! How can this be? It's been said before, scum comes in all colours. Chavs are chavs.
I am not Breitbart, but as to your question -- whatever effects the "big bang" and "multinational bankers" have on "society", that should apply to all of society. Well, take a look at a map. Do you see rioting, plundering and arsoning crowds evenly popping up everywhere, including all the mono-cultural hick-towns? Or do you see them in the multiculturally enriched metropolitan areas.
Take a look and see yourself.
London is burning and DC is no where to be found. And when he returned (how is the beach in Tuscany, Mr PM) from his holidays, he promised more police force out. What a knuckled head. I hope the people give him a permanent vacation by voting him out in the next election. Just like his counterpart across the pond. They were very promising but at the end they are not up to the job.
Breitbart, why pin all of the UK's problems on multiculturalism alone? Any good reason for that? You don't think deregulation, the "big bang" in financial services, and turning Britain into a country where the only people who apparently matter are multinational investment bankers in The City have had bad effects on the society there? Why are you so one-sided in your arguments?
Readers, please stay on topic and do not snipe at each other.
Spoken like a true believer in 'multiculturalism', which is to say a believer in nonsense. What people call multiculturalism is nothing more than the infantile belief that 'everyone is equal', dressed up in the meaningless stupid cant of post-modernism so that the multi-culti crowd can then demand equal outcomes in activities where differences in individual/cultural/racial ability and performance upset their craven, misanthropic, envy-ridden world view, most noticeably in business or economic performance.
Wow !!!! Somebody choose a big word today !!!!! Amazing !!!!
If you checked your history. This is nothing new !!!!!
Poor people have been uprising since the beginning of man !!!!!
This is not the first time a city was burned to the ground by protest.
This is not about black, muslim, white or whatever.
This has to do with money, class, and social status.
If you check the msnbc footage
A caucasian man is robbing a muslim man.
This riot is about poor, almost poor middle class people, vs. the rich.
If you watch everytime a country hosts a G7 conference you will see the same protest. Same riots
LOOK AT VANCOUVER rioting for a hockey match
I do not see a black person in these photos ???
They set cars on fire and burned the place down.
Vancouver doesn`t have black people.
So, what kind of excuse are you going to use ???
Everybody who is against Multiculturalism will have to go back to their presective home countries. Because seriously, if you think that will change and stop riots like London, end poverty or whatever.
Lead by your example, go back to your home country.
Anybody who doesn`t support mulitculturalism
breitb-ous Do you live in Japan and you do not support multiculturalism ??? What the fock ??? That doesn`t make sense.
That means you have to go back to your ancestors country. Because multicutralism doesnt work right ??????
'Multiculturalism' has failed. Germany's PM had the courage to say it, the senseless destruction we are seeing just punctuates the message.
" Nothing to do with race. "
" I was not talking about race. Strawman argument "
WilliB - Oh come on. I could hear the saracsm reverberating all over the Internet. What else does "Oh the joys of a multicultural society" mean then? Care to enlighten?
And to think that this UK government has cut police funding. Bet there's a change there now. As a Brit, I'm ashamed of what I'm seeing.
"I thought the West was supposed to be civilized "
Depends which part of the West really.
Years of socialist ruin, paying people not to work and at the same time giving them incetives to breed is what has sent Britain to critical mass. France isn't far behind.
Finally the Home Secretary is considering sending in the troops. What the hell took them so long?
Those that survive the army need to be put to hard labour, fixing all the property they've wantonly destroyed. Bread and water and nothing else instead of Billy Butlin's. The death penalty for those that have harmed others. It's high time Britain got tough on the demented politically correctness that has brought the British Isles to the brink as we're seeing.
Beyond belief:
Yeah, boy! My family, my relatives, we been in this country about 20 years. But I'm gonna torch this furniture business that's been here for 150 years cos I'm all about social justice."
I was not talking about race. Strawman argument.
These riots are absolutely mind-boggling.
Okay, New Rules:
1) Anyone who possesses the means to "Tweet" about anything automatically loses any right to claim poverty and/or economic oppression.
2) Anyone who organizes "protests" via a personal PC/ iPhone/ Blackberry/ iPad, et al, loses the same.
3) Anyone who stands at the forefront of riot police lines taking digital video of the police trying to manitain some semblance of order loses the same.
This isn't a case of the downtrodden proletariat rising up against the bourgeoisie. From the news clips I've seen so far, it's blatantly obvious that the vast majority of people instigating the violence and destruction are young asshats and losers with entirely too much free time on their hands, latching onto an opportunity to go @peshit for absolutely no other reason than the amusement factor.
If I could expand on FireyRei's excellent 01:11PM post, if you want change, entertainment, or something to do, you don't destroy other people's lives to get it.
Alright then Pip, I know the Havesham house was a tough place.
Mr Roper:
If only Mildred were still around. She'd give you a right earful.
Come on WilliB, that's a bit too easy, isn't it? British prisons are also full of white murderers, rapists, paedophiles, burglars, drug dealers. Face it, scum are scum. And scum comes in all colours and sizes. Nothing to do with race.
bluesaftypin; We only learn more by giving and taking in all the information that may be relevent. By picking and choosing select things that may adhere to our current belief system means that we are to stubborn to ever change, I used to be like that myself once and it doesn't lead to happiness.
Steve, take it easy on the Dickens themes will you?
Miss'Oneill; I don't have a chip on my shoulder. The estate where i lived bordered on a small private housing estate where the "rich boys" lived. They used to show off their new stuff and brag, but that didn't really matter. It is the fact that people like to pick on the weakest in society, whetehr individually or in groups.
It seems many here take their frustrations in life out on the lowest classes in society. Why can people get benefits so easily? Why in some instances do benefits give higher income than full time work? Why are wages so low? Why is the gap between the have and have nots growing every year?
I am n ot excusing these people actions but we live in a democracy and British leaders were elected by the people. They made the laws that enabled benefits to be paid. Why not attack them or yourselves for not pressuring the government to change policies.
The police there are too heavy handed? Just saw a few youtube videos and found myself telling the cops out loud to just go in and bash them. I feel sorry for the normal people who must be scared out of their wits. And for the cops who have to go out and face those thugs.
Pukey2; Most of those involved are said to be too young to be in receipt of benefits. Poverty is not just referring to money. There is no excuse for this, but there are reasons why young children of certain sections of society behave differnetly than others.
An area i grew up in was attacked and the place my family used to buy furniture was burnt down. I feel emotional about it, but feelings must not be fuelled by emotions but level headedness otherwise we may casue more trouble.
Absolutely, Pukey. Same happens in Australia too. Multiple generations of families grow up NEVER having held a job - because they believe the country and government owes them a living. And it's not a racial thing either - whites, blacks, polynesians and asians are all as guilty as the rest. An overblown, out of control welfare state - the likes of which riddles the UK and Australia like a cancer - breeds greedy grubs like we are seeing on TV right now. I hope the full arm of the law comes down on them all like a ton of bricks. Hit them with water cannons, bullets and whatever else the bobbies have in their arsenal.
I currently live in England,but want the hell out as soon as I financially can.Pay seems frozen,and everything seems so expensive.Just had my gas go up 16% and electric just a bit less from August.We are famously known as Rip off Britain!
We make cars here that we export to Europe,that you can order and import back yourself cheaper than we can buy them here.Had a Top Gear episode on that ( Maybe not everyone's favourite show here!)
I hope this all ends before the Olympics,don't want to see the guy carrying the Olympic flame getting shot by the Met Police thinking he is off to torch a Starbucks!
Absolutely agree with all you've said.
Or the UK government could ship all the crims to Sydney, like in the good old days!
They deserve more than a book. This is what happens when you spoon-feed the lazy with welfare benefits, and protect the lowest form of life with 'human rights'. No wonder many of the good folks are leaving the country. There are opportunities to make a better life for yourself in the UK, but some just sit on their lazy arses and let others work hard so they can get all the benefits.
I just found out a shop owned by one of my relatives was broken into. Windows all smashed. Thank god she sold the place last year, but it's frightening to think what if. The whole street where it all happened is on Youtube. I know that street! And I could see people breaking the windows of all the other shops. I heard an elderly friend was mugged in broad daylight. Thank god again the police caught the bastards. Yes, I know heavy-handed tactics might turn people against the police, but I sure wouldn't complain. The whole country's gone down hill. You can't really punish criminals enough in the UK.
Poverty, sure!
What happened to Harrods?
Christina O'Neill
Steve if it helps, bullying is the sport of cowards, hand me down clothes or the lack of finances is not the reason why they picked on you. They did so because they felt confident that thier actions would not be recipicated.Refuse to be a victim and give as good as you get and the bullies think twice before they set on you again.I was always the smallest child at school but a force to be reckoned with. Be carefull you dont end up with a chip on your shoulder
I agree Steve that the Met gets judged harshly by their heavy handed tactics.It was a botched operation that may have triggered this.It was a botched operation that led to a young Brazilian man's murder.They are in some ways corrupt,having their top two officers stepping down just before this all kicked off due to scandal.Only a day or two before this 6 of there men working in a special team all sacked due to "inappropriate behaviour"
But all that aside,they are the only people who can sort this out,and I myself would approve the use of rubber bullets,but we all know they can kill.Lucky for me I do not have to make this decision,or face the ramifications.I hope this all cools down in the next few days.Do not want to see this go on into the weekend,when even more people are roaming the streets. 16000 Police on the streets tonight.I hope they are not needed.
tmarie; Rightly or wrongly heavy handed police tactics almsot always backfire in the UK. At the moment the police have support of community leaders and ways to deal with public disorder has been discussed and agreed so the community backs policing methods. Theresa May stated today that there will be no change in these tactics. If we lose support of community leaders we may see this branching into race riots.
Using any type of bullets, plastic or rubber would cause people to turn against the police and side with the rioters. The British police are very aware of how heavy handed policing can be seen by the public and the hard and hostility it can cause towards them. Harsh punsihments are a good idea, especially for the leaders.
Ms O'Neill; Poverty and bad upbringing is not an excuse but one of the symptoms. Where i grew up they were a few parents like mine trhat really wanted us kids to do better than them. They did everything they could and scarificed a lot, they stopped drinking and smoking, didn't go out to pubs, only ate out for special occaisions. Kids like me had reasonable chance of doing ok. Many of my friends are now doing very well for themselves and living in a manner unthinkable of when young. The flip side is that on the same estate some of my friends parents didn't make the efforts, or couldn't get out of the poverty. Their parents usually didn't push them to achieve and thought the status quo was ok. A few of these friends have alos done ok, but several have been in and out of prison, usually unemployed and are also usually quite unhappy.
Deprivation may be from lack of food, money,, the list goes on, Not an excuse for crimilaity but it makes it it easier to see why some end up the way they do and behave in a criminal manner that hurts innocent people.
Use those bullets and batons. Then throw the book at them when their time comes in court!!
Ironies of ironies, this was the very much the same with the LA riots. Sad.
What a riot of a year! Riots in so many countries occurring..
Just this minute on Sky News about the use of plastic bullets/baton rounds for crowd control.When ambulance and fire fighters are being stopped from getting into areas.Also said over 500 arrested so far,the youngest was 11 years old!
Christina O'Neill
No I am not the product of a financialy privelidged family. My parents worked thier fingers down to thier elbows in order to give us an education and a standard of living that ensured we never went without the essentials. Likewise we have done the same for our own sons and daughters. Yes there is an element of parental copout with some families,and that is right accross the social economic society.Yes the tax system is penal, and seems to be designed to keep the low and moderate income employees down whilst the wealthier part with much less in comparison. I still dont see how criminal activity may be excused by claiming social deprevation. Many of the homes and property destroyed by rioters belongs to people with an income inferior to some of the offenders.
The head of the nail succinctly hit, bravo.
In what way exactly?
well thanks for sharing, sounds as though you have had an interesting journey, and certainly your memoirs of mediocrity are interesting and inspiring (i ain't much to write home about either)
bluesafetypin; I was picked on when younger yes, but cocky people like some here who think for some reason they are superior to others through birth. Picked on for my crappy hand me down clothes, second hand bike and lack of having what was the trend at the time. I worked hard all my life to get where i am now, no networking, no hand outs just hard slog. It is possible for anyone to improve ,one of the hardest things to improve is self esteem and feelings of worth. If you start at or near the bottom you know better than to mock those less advantaged due to birth.
Not saying rioting is an answer, no criminal behaviour of this sort is going to help their cause. There is a big picture that must be looked at and addressed by us all with open minds.
Total, utter rubbish. It has rich people, comfortably off people and poor people, just like anywhere else.
Are you saying you are often picked on Steve?
Ms O'Neill; My income in my lifetime has been from living in relative poverty to being comfrtable now. Obviuously you know little about social depratvation otherwise you would realsi your comment i sridiculous. A middle class child sent to private school by parents who are intereseted in theri childs future will fare far better than ones whose parents live on benefits or low income and are poorly educated. You say most of the despots are millionaires and teh biggest crime in Britain is tax evasion by teh rich, yet we pick on the poorest. We don't like to pick on successfull people , easiest to bully and mock the low income, low educated who have no ability to defend themeselves.
There is no doubt there are many mindless criminal involved in this, but many are school kids on holidays and the fact taht their parents are allowing them out during this shows the lack of supervision. No wonder they turn out teh way they do.
I sugeets you look at a UK Gov site whcih will tell you what is considered as living in poverty in modern Britain.
The seeds of colonialism have sprouted.
Christina O'Neill
What kind of income are you on Steve that you may discern who is poor? The lack of finances does not relate to the intelligence impoverished yobs that cause mayhem in England. They are simply criminals who will use any excuse to attempt to legitimise thier mindless acts of, theft and violence.The penny more penny less attitude does not evaluate a persons character. Most of the despots of this world are millionaires.
Most British police officers don't carry firearms even when on duty. Firearms are usually issued only when considered necessary for a particular situation, and then only to specially trained officers.
I love the country of my birth and it makes my blood boil to see these low-lifes running amok and giving the impression that the whole country is a ghetto. I hope the looters and arsonists get the book thrown at them.
I read there was a recent court ruling that it is acceptable to stab a violent burglar to death in order to protect your family. Just don't stab them in the back...
Not that I think you would get far trying to defend your property that way..
For years the UK has supported people in the lifestyle choice of being the 'Idle Poor'. People who expect taxpayers to support their cigarette and drinking habits, have a smartphone, widescreen TV, XBOX, and a Sky+. People who go to univeristy at our expense to learn the 'history of hairdressing' and spend 90% of their time high or pissed disturbing the 'real' students; yet who do not work at any point, and who go through life referring to those that stick by the rules as 'mugs'.
Finally the state has closed too many of their loopholes and scaled down too many of their benefits for them to have their work free existence, and they riot, stealing from hard working individuals in a last gasp attempt to claim what they are 'owed' in the form of designer goods and electronics, or for the sheer bloody fun of it.
These protesters are the shame of the nation, and a bunch of petulant nannied tossers that can't face the fact that they have to make their own way in life and not be spoonfed from cradle to grave by taxpayers. By the literal meaning of the words these w4nkers are not the 'Working Class'.
Do Brit police officers keep firearms on themselves and in their homes when off duty? If so, at least they'll be able to protect themselves and their loved ones.
@Steve - OK, there's a case of beer in it, mate. Look I take no pleasure in this, watching these appalling scenes on the BBC - a city I once called home for 2 years in complete anarchy and in lockdown - but my feeling is London 2012 is finished. I'm sorry to say that, as I think London could have done a reasonable job too. I'm just really concerned for my friends in London, I can't get hold of them and I only pray they have bunkered down somewhere.
ha! don't make me laugh
It's impossible for the police to protect everyone. Tragically, many are learnin' what should be an obvious truth. Maybe folks are beginnin' to see they have an obligation to protect their own selves and their families rather than someone else on the other end of a phone... if they can even get through.
I know the feeling about rethinking plans. We are flying out of Japan this Thursday for a weeks holiday in London, was really excited about it until saw this happening. Not much we can do about our plans now though hopefully its all over by the time we get there.
Very sad scenes indeed.
From my office in a tall building in London's Canary Wharf, I can see a thick cloud of smoke rising up from about 10kn behind the Olympic stadium. I suspect this smoke comes from the burning down of a Sony wharehouse in the north of London - the wharehouse that keeps London's stores stocked with Sony gadgets.
i had a small riot by me last night, police numbers have been cut to save tax, they where out numbered last night. There's a video clip on you tube where someone was asking people why they was looting, they guy said "to get my taxes back!" but by law if a shop get looted while a riot with police is going on, the police have to cover the costs for failing to protect, so the tax payer has to pay for the damage! I'm ment to be taking my 5 and 1 year old to london this week mite have to rethink my plans!
"I was in Paris the last time there were riots there."
Yeah, but then interior minister Sarkozy let them riot rather than use force to deal with them as he was planning to run for president on a W Bush style, fear and loathing platform.
I was in Paris the last time there were riots there. They make these "riots" look like a cuddly dinner date gone wrong. It's a couple of hundred kids who will get caught and enjoy a sore bottom in prison.
Give it up Des.
Des, would you be willing to have a bet of some kind on the Olympics being held in London next year. I would be glad to wager a bet with you on that one.
I am mentioning that it is not just the unemployed underclass but those whose parents are working and some from other social classes. How anyone can think that is blaming working parents shows something. People are labelled due to their beliefs and other people read into their views what they assume the person. it shows what i am trying to explain that people are stereotyped. The rioters are and so am i.
Some have the benefits of higher education but do not have the benefits of basic common sense.
Sorry, Londoners - but there goes your Olympics down the drain. It's all over, folks. IOC will now be scrambling a back-up city - and why not "the best Olympics ever" (the late J.A. Samaranch) site - Sydney? We have the facilities and are ready to go.
Those poor looters are really getting back at the middle class for the way they were forced to reject their free education, free housing and bennies - make apigs ear of their worthless lives and turn to crime.
The police are clearly inept, so yeah, a leaf needs to be taken from the Americans rioting/looting playbook. Send in the tanks. Anyone stupid enough to continue looting and burning shoot them dead.
More like they are from a walking parent, i.e. "the fleeing inseminator", as the absent biological father is known in the US legal system.
EportExpert; A retraction would be nice. I have NEVER once claimed that working parents have anything to do with the riots.
Bv; In the UK the loss of liberty is considered the punishment. There are ways to lose and gain privildges in the prison system. If you behave badly you may lose your access to your video games and television. Passports will be revoked for serious ex offenders and some murderers. Tagging has been used for released prisoners and soem on bail for quite a while now. For some tagging is badge of honour sadly.
Stop blaming working parents for the social problems in society, both my parents worked and that didnt make me a rioter/looter. Wake up lad you are living in lala land
Do convicted felons in the UK lose any privileges? Is your passport revoked? Voting rights denied? Would the ignominy of an electronic tracking device on your ankle be a deterrent, or would it be a badge of honor for some of these losers? Are there any negative incentives against the kind of barbarism we are seeing?
There is NO excuse for this behaviour at all and all these scumbags are doing is making their lot and everyone elses lot in the community worse, the councils dont have the money to repair the damage and the shop keepers probably wont bother coming back.
These drop kicks doing this need to be sent to the afghan front line and made to fight the real enemy, then take alook at whats what.
But you can bet the PC brigade wil be saying dont hurt their feelings and lets all give the poor little dears a hug and be sensitive to the plight.
Ivan Coughanoffalot
What? The rule of law has broken down in Liverpool? What an astonishing surprise.
"send in the army". Really , they may do that in your home country but not in Britain.
The army do not have the riot training and are not allowed to be armed, their presence would not help anything. Punishment is losing liberty. The prison governer can decide on loss of priviledges for an inmate not the judicial system.
"Ah, the joys of a multicultural society. "
Come now willi, you can't be suggesting those causing the trouble are dual heritage citizens are you?
The PC crowd will have a spasm.
Madverts; And your well thought out and considered post is " bwahahahah.....!". Thank you for the stimulating comment.
Send in the army.
And bring back hard labour camps for those arrested and convicted, instead of the luxury accomodation British prisons have become.
".Most of the rioters/looters are from poor families but many ae from working parents "
Wahahhaha. Sorry.....bwhahahahah........!
Funniest thing I read today.
And you know what? So what if they spend some of that money on a cell phone. Cell phones are necessary. It looks very negative to an employer if a prospective employee can't provide a cellular phone number or doesn't have an E-mail address. Technology is an important part of modern society. You need it.
No they are no a necessity - you're sounding exactly like these people. "I deserve, I need, I want..." You can't afford it, you don't get it. I would love to have a house but I can't afford it so I don't get one. Try telling that to a council mom who knows that if she has just one more kid, she'll get a house. There have been plenty of articles about this. Try doing a bit more research before suggestion some of us don't know what it going on. Email addresses are free btw. And you can get text messages from a a pay as you go phone bought for 5 quid at Tesco. They don't need smart phones.
Kids go hungry? Well not for breakfast and lunch as schools have programs that ensure they are fed. Dinner? Parents job. Perhaps the parents could use the mobile money to put dinner on the table for their kids?
You might also want to look into the whole cycle of poverty and benefits - lots of research on it. Is it easy to break the cycle? Nope. Certainly not the way the government just gives handout after handout.
smithinjapan; I agree but many here want a shoot to kill policy and want to nalineate thes epeople furthetr which will cause even more damage further on.
I have seen worse riots in Britain in my lifetime and they were on racial grounds that divided the country. This will end soon, probably when it rains.
Steve@CPFC: "The rioters sould be condemned and acted on fast"
Agreed, it needs to be quelled as soon as possible. The problem is, it needs to be done as delicately as it can. This all started, more or less, when the man was gunned down the other day by police (not the fault of the police, mind you!). If they crack down brutally there's a chance it will lead to more unrest, given that people are just using this as an excuse to go nuts.
WilliB; this sort of thing has been going on sporadically in the UK since the 18's. Those dastardly foreigners did not ahve many numbers in the UK until recently.
Photos are pretty shocking, people jumping from burning buildings.
The rioters sould be condemned and acted on fast. Therea re a few people here seemingly confused about the situation in Britain.Most of the rioters/looters are from poor families but many ae from working parents , some middel class.
There is a class of people that abuse the benefits system some that seem caught in the benefits trap. The media and government like to bang on about this and we hear constantly that these people are the cause of many/all ills in thw country. The facts are that tax avoidance runs at over 20 times the amount fiddled in benefits. We don't see self employed such as taxi drivers persecuted as they are seen as "decent" in the eyes of most and can easily be related to. Human nature is to pick on the weakest in society, many politicians and media do this as this class of people do not the means and ability to fight back in civil ways.
There is no excuse for these illegal activities but it may well grow over the next few days as human instints of being part of teh grouo and an event kick in. they want to feel special and important, to impress their peers and sadly this is the way soem are going about it these days.
Ah, the joys of a multicultural society. The Japanese government surely is watching this with envy....
Sounds like a classic "tipping point" phenomenon. Assisted by Facebook.
Not shocked about the band wagon rioters and looting. I am happy to see the press actually covering it. "Youths" have been doing these flash mob tactics all over North America and it gets little press there, especially when it's racially motivated black on white crime. The UK is just another in a long line of a spoiled generation joining in for the sake of anarchy. There are no manners or discipline with these "youths" and it is not socio-economic - it's strictly social. Now it's time to sit back and watch all the excuses surface.
Scrote - well said. I also left the UK for the same reasons and will never return!
Well said.
@ FireyRei - Well said
It's people like these rioters that led me to leave the UK all those years ago. It's particularly galling when you are working and paying high taxes to support people who are openly taking advantage of the system; people who aren't prepared to study or work hard; people who think ignorance is a desirable attribute; people who make life a misery for those unfortunate enough to live in the poorer neighbourhoods where they are found.
No more of my taxes will be used to fund these people. Despite the talk of government "cuts", spending continues to increase every year. In my opinion the "cuts" are nowhere near enough: benefits should be time-limited and only available to those who have paid taxes, single mothers should stay at home with their parents and not be given free housing, if accommodation is provided it should be in hostels with strict rules.
Alas, it seems the government is unwilling to tackle the source of the problem, which means workers must pay ever higher taxes to support the likes of these rioters.
I grew up on a council estate in Tower Hamlets, and as a young adult lived all over London in some very low quality bedsits. My family never had holidays apart from when my nan died & we went to the sea for a weekend. No car, no pocket money, etc. I got into Japan from marriage - spouse visa, I couldn't afford to go to university, left home at 17 & have been working full-time ever since.
I was always angry with the government, always anti-Police etc.
But I have never once, NEVER committed a crime (in England) nor been arrested, nor any form of civil protest or unrest. Instead of smashing shops & other INNOCENT people's property, I chose to simply leave. I worked in Japan illegally at first (my one crime), I did whatever I could to escape England - I did not destroy other people's livelihoods to give myself a little something extra like looted trainers from JD, or a TV from a looted Curry's or whatever.
These people are criminals, nothing else. In fact their actions have now destroyed or damaged other innocent people's lives.
I hope they are seriously punished.
You want change, you don't destroy other people's lives to get it.
Why riots are happening:
1) As the unrest spread, some pointed to rising social tensions in Britain as the government slashes 80 billion pounds ($130 billion) from public spending by 2015 to reduce the huge deficit, swollen after the country spent billions bailing out its foundering banks.
2) This year`s Royal Wedding was to expensive and fluffy. While poor kids do not have nothing to eat.
3) fatal police shooting of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four who was gunned down in disputed circumstances unarmed man shot & killed !!!
4) rioters attacked a Rolls-Royce carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to a charity concert. we all know charity money goes nowhere. Look what happened to Japan ???? Where`s the money ???
5) right wing politics and conservative views
I think you have some serious misonceptions about the poor. People on benefits don't just sit around all day soaking up the money. I know it's easy to get that impression but there's still struggle. Heck, fairly well-off people commit suicide over money problems all the time. And I don't think any kid growing up in a poor household is going to look at their parents, with all their money problems, and think, "I wanna be just like that!"
A lot of people who claim the poor are all "welfare junkies" act like benefits are permanent. They are conditional and hinge on the receiver actively searching for employment, and usually have a time limit and really don't pay very much. Some people game the system, but those people are by far in the minority.
And you know what? So what if they spend some of that money on a cell phone. Cell phones are necessary. It looks very negative to an employer if a prospective employee can't provide a cellular phone number or doesn't have an E-mail address. Technology is an important part of modern society. You need it.
--- zurcronium.
Sorry, but your attempt at political soothsaying is a hopeless one. Like the UK riots in the 1980's this has nothing to do with America. And the vast majority of British nationals on this thread have made it clear that this isn't about poor vs rich.
If you use being poor as an excuse for rioting and have a smart phone, than yes, they shouldn't have such things. Too many people have been allowed to sit on their butts and claim benefits. Their kids see this and don't see the point of working either. Why bother when you get a hand out from the government. Have more kids and you'll be given a house - that hardworking middle class can't afford in London - in nice areas like Putney without lifting a finger. Why would any kid want to work after seeing their parents do nothing but sit around all day and claim benefits? Flat screen TV, new games, new smartphone... all the things that these kids are used to. The sense of entitlement is shocking. But yet, they think they have a right to go out and destroys the property and business as they want because they are owed something? Do they not think that the damage they cause is only going to take more money away from their benefits in the future? Of course not. They don't know the value of anything, certainly not money or working hard.
Absolutely horrible reporting:
“This is the uprising of the working class. We’re redistributing the wealth,” said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.
"Phillips claimed rioters were motivated by distrust of the police, and drew a link between the rage on London’s street and insurgent right-wing politics in the United States. "
Who is going to believe some 28 y.o. guy is stealing ice cream because he is an anarchist, a free thinker, but also because he was unduly influenced by an organized political movement across the ocean?
hatsoff, quite right. It is pretty clear to most Brits that the rioters are nothing more than mindless thugs. What is needed is a far more aggressive police response and if necessary, bring in the army. Perhaps a shoot on sight poilcy might make the scum reponsible think twice. Ar the very least, long prison sentences need to be handed out.
Sure, let's protest for the working class by stealing ice cream cones. All said by a self-described "anarchist."
I think we can go ahead and file this under "Let's just make shit up on the spot."
Stare into the future of the US if things continue as they have in the last few weeks, when the ignorant hijack the country and make 99 percent poorer and 1 percent richer.
I wish some of these chavs would. They give the honest working class a bad name. They are the scum of modern day Britain. It's all in their attitude.
I come from a poor family and was the first to attend college. We'll leave it at that. Suffice to say, I had to struggle pretty hard against the system, which overwhelmingly pressures people from poor families to stay poor.
And yeah, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Some people need two jobs to support themselves and/or their families.
Readers, the Tea Party is not relevant to this discussion. Please stay on topic.
Nicky Washida
I can understand peoples anger in terms of the fact that the governmeny used vast sums of money to bail out the banks that is now coming out of essential services from the public purse and the ordinary working-middle class people are hvaing to pay. After the RBS was bailed out, the CEO was "retired" on a pension of around 8 million or so per year. It is these cuts that are paying for his nice comfy retirement. It is outrageous and many people are rightly angry about it.
But this rioting - this is not about protesting the governments austerity measures. It is about anarchy, pure and simple. I would put money on most of these rioters coming from comfortable backgrounds and having no clue what real poverty is like. A few years ago at a European major football tournament a bunch of England supporters went on the rampage, and it was shocking when it was discovered that amongst the crowd arrested were doctors, lawyers, teachers, even a court-circuit judge!!! Ditto the student protests last year when a thug arrested for throwing a fire extinguisher off a roof nearly killing a police officer turned out to be from an upper middle class family.
I am ashamed to be British when I see scenes like this, and I sincerely hope people dont lump all Brits into the same pot.
Having a cellular phone is more or less vital to functioning in society these days. You think just because someone is poor, they don't deserve modern conveniences?
Funny, blaming economics and not having money but yet, coordinating attacks via their smart phone. Poor little rich kids. Blame the parents who don't know where their kids are and what they are up to. Blame these 28 year anarchic idiots for thinking they are so clever. This isn't racial or about economics, it is about kids who have too much time on their hands with little structure. It is about kids wanting things they can't afford. Nothing more, nothing less.
What on earth is the government suppose to do? Plenty of program to try and help racial and economic issues. Perhaps the government would like to lessen benefits so these kids don't have such phones or the roofs over their heads?
It's easy to claim it isn't about race and class when you clearly come from the privileged ranks of both.
Try working an assembly line for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. Aren't you right-wingers all about the blue collar worker?
Oh get a grip. These are criminals who have had opportunities in education, are well-fed, clothed and housed. There is no protest, no cause, just mindless violence, looting and thuggery.
This does not compare with the riots in France in 2005.
LOL. Yeah. I can't wait to hear some prominent Democrat or member of the MSM (I repeat myself) try and make the same absurd point
"The Tea Party is full of horrible old right wingers who are just like the young urban leftists torching buildings and throwing molotov cocktails in London."
It's rather difficult to calculate at this point which is more destructive.
As is their constitutional right, shop owners in the US are often armed, particularly in the inner cities. Pansies like this Bryn Phillips who like to mouth "We're redistributing the wealth" wouldn't have the stones to find it if.
The thugs who are bashing a looting may have less money than others - I don't know. But that doesn't excuse destroying other people's property and violence. They all see to have clothes on their backs and cell phones with which to communicate. Put them all in a plane and drop the off in Africa, or North Korea and let the demonstrate there.
Agree totally, hastsoff. And it is those working middle-classes who have to pay for these do-nothings. Unfortunately, poorly-managed huge welfare states like the UK and Australia breed a class of people who feel the world and the government owes them a living. They don't want to work. There was a quote from one girl on the BBC, caught looting by a reporter - "I'm just reclaiming my taxes." They are scumbags, a cancer on society - pure and simple.
Wouldn't surprise me if they are deeply concerned these riots may spread to the US. I feel the US is better equipped to deal with these anarchists though - they'd send the troops in and really sort 'em out.
All he needs is a Hope and Change t-shirt.
“This is the uprising of the working class, we’re redistributing the wealth,” said Bryn Phillips
Nah, Bryn, you're just the scum of the earth. People like you give the true working class a bad name. You're the underclass. We give you free council houses and free money and free education, and what do you do with it? You do nothing with it, except whine and breed faster.
Of course, it's not the nice middle class communities that suffer from your sh*t attitude because they have enough money to live somewhere else. No, it's the honest, decent working class communities that have to suffer your scummy, chav attitude and pick up the broken glass after your jollies. It's scum like this that are making it harder and harder for ordinary people to live in low-cost areas in inner cities.
Interesting. The mainstream media in the US are deliberately downplaying the unrest, soft-pedaling the whole phenomenon.
You get arrested for defending yourself in modern-day Britain. The violent lefties, the thugs and looters know it.
Pictures just in on BBC that a hotel in London has been torched, massive fire. Armoured Police vehicles are now on the streets for the first time. It seems the anarchists/looters are winning the battle with the police for now. Wouldn't surprise me if Martial Law is declared in the morning...
they don't have anything like the national guard? sound like that's what's needed.
If I were a Liverpool supporter I'd be rioting and looting too... : P
Socio economic reasons? I'd be slightly more inclined to believe that if the people involved in the violence weren't communicating via BlackBerry's & iPhones and decked out in various designer brands. Ultimately, I think it is just people knowing that they can cause criminal damage, just because they want to, with little fear of being caught while doing it.
These disturbances a not racial based, but socio-economic. Unlike America, the UK has a class based society. It is true that certain races may be disproportionately represented, but is an oppression issue and if you look on the streets there are kids from all races, all fed up. Australia, Germany or Denmark all seem good choices if London fails.
Reports coming in that it is pandemonium across most big cities in England, mass looting, arson and pitched battles with police. Hopefully the police can crack down and lock up the offenders - but considering there are thousands it will be tough. Not looking good with the Olympics coming up - there must be a fear among the IOC that the hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists will be targeted and attacked by these mobs. We are always ready to re-host the Games in Sydney if London is stripped.....
From what I have been reading these poor things look suspiciously similar to the permanently leisured, expensively-dressed 'underclass' we have in the US. Ours are so 'oppressed' - can't spend all day on Facebook, after all! - that they have to resort to using the latest i-phone to coordinate racially-motivated 'flash mob' attacks on complete strangers.When it is five of them brutalizing someone outside of their race it is not a 'hate crime', it is a 'spontaneous expression' of 'social justice.' Then there is the organized looting of small businesses/convenience stores, often run by certain minorities - late arrivals, you could say - who refuse to recognize that they are 'oppressed' and are a bad example because, well, apparently they are intent on spreading the notion that working for a living is how you get ahead.
BlackBerry cell phones and social media such as Twitter to coordinate their attacks and outwit the police. Both Blackberry and Twitter will be banned in UK very soon!
This is the begin of 'Europe spring'!
Using words like criminals is no way to describe those involved. Social exclusion, unemployment and hopelessness have created a vast underclass. While the PM and the upper class enjoy wonderful holidays in Tuscany, these citizens could never even dream of a holiday. Everyday is a struggle. People may be shocked about looting of shoe shops, but to these desperate young people, new shoes is the highlight of their misery. I doubt Cameron or Glegg or May have ever been to Moreland Estate where the riots started in Brixton. They fail to understand that they represent ALL the people in London, not just the rich. This failure will only lead to more destruction, oppression and polarisation of the classes. Instead of blaming the poor youths, the people in power should be blaming themselves.
Kids are bored on their summer holidays.
Aren't looters shot in some countries?
no, it can't be dismissed so easily, careful attention must be paid to socio-economic problems.