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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.UK report: Black kids 6 times likelier to be strip-searched in England, Wales
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Sven Asai
Well, in my opinion, they just only have to apply a factor that is similar to the relation in which they statistically commit crimes. If the youngsters are criminals six times more often, then the ratio complained about above is instead just fitting and ok, but if it’s less or more, then of course it has to be fair and the ratio for those strip-searches has to be adjusted respectively.
That has been true for many many decades. Blacks are more likely to be stopped on the streets. More likely to be accused of a crime. More likely be given a prison term.
Gabriel Sheffield
Grotesque, inhumane, uncivilized. Shame on the UK.
It because all the other children were a home preparing for their next day ( homework having dinner and. Bed early) for school the next day. If your at home it very hard to be a statistic.
So I guess the 15-year-old girl cited as the first example made the mistake of attending school. She should have stayed at home?
Is it possible that less affluent minorities commit more crimes than more affluent groups?
I was thinking the same thing. I think it's best to take your example of actually reading the article.
Just the tip of the iceberg. Two met cops raped and sexually assaulted hundreds of women under the guise of on duty police for years. So many other cops knew what they were like and even doing but did nothing about it. Hard to trust the police when these problems are institutionalized, endemic and cops protect other cops.
Never to young to be strip search in UK and while officer from different gender enjoying to see those sick shows.
UK just can't leave their colonial mindset on checking runaway slave, at least they aware that their attitude don't belong to EU. They agree about this when they do Brexit.
finally rich
Breaking news: Males are 10 times likelier to be strip-searched in England, Wales
Geez, cant solve the puzzle.
I would need to see the racial statistics for juvenile crime before commenting on the strip searches.
Sounds ludicrous. So the police have to know the relative crime rates of each ethnicity - in one of the most multi-ethnic nations on earth - and adjust their searches according to these percentages?
How about just NOT discriminating based on race in the first place?
Among her 17 recommendations, she called on the Home Office to review legislation and policy for searches and make specific changes to police and criminal evidence codes.
A spokesperson said the Home Office takes safeguarding children extremely seriously.
“Strip-search is one of the most intrusive powers available to the police," the spokesperson said. "No one should be subject to strip-search on the basis of race or ethnicity and safeguards exist to prevent this."
For the publics to have or retain confidence that policing in England, Wales, the maintenance of law and order enforced equally, then police authorities nationwide must be compelled to accept and implement the recommendations,
Chief Constable Craig Guildford said the council welcomed the scrutiny and would consider the findings.
Chief Constable Craig Guildford above statement does little to inspire confidence.
De Souza said strip-searches can be necessary but there need to be “robust safeguards” to protect children.
The safeguards are in place, however are not being followed.
Right here......
Children’s Commissioner Rachel de Souza found nearly 3,000 children were strip-searched between 2018 and mid-2022 and more than half the searches were conducted without an appropriate adult present.
There appears to be a lack of accountability.
The link below states that black people are three times more likely to be arrested for crimes than white people. That might suggest that the strip searching of black people is twice as high as the norm. (That's assuming the arrest rate matches the actual rate of crimes committed.)
What might be more helpful is data by economic status for comparison. I'd guess that people from poorer neighborhoods are more likely to be arrested and/or strip searched than those from wealthier areas, whatever their race.
What on earth has this got to with Japan? It might be time to do one's own social research, if data isn't there to be plucked from Japanese sources.
Appalling report on the London Met Police.
Hint - this section is called "World". Hope that helps answer your question.
While I disagree with searching young people for drugs, knifes are a different and much scarier prospect with knife crime being out of control in the UK. How many of the searches were “successful? Article didn’t say…
All the statistics coming out of the Brexit-hallucinating "Land of Dope and Tory" just stick in the craw. The UK needs more than new king to get out of its perma-crisis and the coronation isn't going to solve anything for the majority left to fend for themselves and tossing out the Tories is only the first necessary step toward a radical overhaul of society.
SanjinosebleedToday 05:03 pm JST
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a knife.
national knife associationMr Kipling
The police are stopping young black men between the ages of 15 and 35. Why?
Racism? Or could the reason be they are trying to clamp down on the knife crime epidemic sweeping the country? They are stopping and searching for knives, pure and simple.
So why do they stop a disproportionate number of young black men?
Could be, or maybe, just maybe its because more than 80% of knife attacks are committed by this age group of young black men. The victims are also 80% young black men.
Don't be too fast to jump on the racism bandwagon.
If you want to stop drink drivers would you stop cars leaving a gas station or leaving a pub.
Mr Kipling
True. But also massively over represented in every crime statistic apart from alcohol related crime and burglary in the UK.
Which came first? Chicken or egg?
Jonathan Prin
If I were a police officer, I would arrest the behaviour and stereotype of likely criminals...
What is the bad point of being strip searched if you have nothing to hide if done by person of same sex. Never heard of the need of presence of another adult for teenagers...
Again, some woke article.
My full black colleague tells me that being educated and respectful of law have showed to him he would not be as searched as other black, still more searched than other colors but accepted it because he knows what looks like a have your objective answer.
No need for article.