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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Delays in promised Western military aid to Ukraine costing lives, defense minister says
By SAMYA KULLAB KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Time is running out for Mike Johnson and Donald Trump to reverse the disgrace they are bringing on themselves and the nation.
To those on this site who seem to have more connections to the Russian side of things, is this video of Russians executing nine POWs legit? It's brand new, so still waiting for the backstory.
Zelensky said what peace will look like
“Is it possible to talk to a man who kills his opponents?” Zelenskyy said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We will offer a platform where he can agree that he has lost this war and that it was a mistake.”
No, defeat will come sooner and it isn't necessary.
Thuban - is that execution video for real?
Thanks to the boneheaded Republicans under the leadership Speaker Johnson and Donald Trump, Ukraine is fighting against a brutal dictator by itself.
Whose side are they on?!
Where do you see them staying at home? They are fighting every day to expel the fascist invader.
Thuban, have you been paying attention to recent history? If so, you'll notice a pattern to Putin's madness: if he can take an inch, he'll take a mile. If he's allowed any semblance of success in Ukraine, he'll rebuild his defenses be back for more, perhaps there or in Poland or the Baltic States, which were once also part of the Russian Empire.
Total defeat is the only way to stop this madman. And do not let up on the sanctions even after fighting ends until Putin makes good in cash on the rebuilding of Ukraine and the return of hostages, including kidnapped children.
Mr Kipling
Probably. Just like the ones of Ukrainians executing Russian POWs. Doesn't make it right however. War is not nice. Ask the families of the Iraqis and Afghanis killed by US, UK and Australian troops after being captured.
Mr. K - Do you think those Russian soldiers will face punishment in either the Russian military or civilian justice system? Or does Russia tacitly condone this kind of behavior?
Personally, I think that Ukrainians shouldn't surrender to Russians, lest they end up like the ones on the video (assuming it is what it looks like, of course), but that is up to them to decide.
Yesterday we had the "believe Ukraine and Zelenski" crowd posting a Link to "Abrams tank pounding Russians"
Short video from Ukrainian drone showing an Abrams rolling along firing!
But like Zelenski's claims of 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed it stops short of the truth!
At the exact same time a Russian observation drone is recording the same tank and minutes after the Ukranian posted rah rah rah video is cut off that tank gets hit along with one other and destroyed!
Both destroyed tank were geo located and confirmed by multiple sources including deed state ua. the pro Ukraine mapping site!
Even the USA known for not being very factual and under estimating Ukrainian losses and exaggerating Russian ones, puts the number of killed at 70,000 to 100,000
Which in real world means probably twice that!
The false reporting needs to stop, it doesn't help Ukraine it just makes more and more people realize no one in either side can be trusted!
So do you think Ukraine should just surrender Antiquesavings?
The M1150?
This is not true!
Ukraine lost because the locals that refused to leave (aka pro Russians) told the Russians about a disused pipeline large enough to get troops through and past the biggest and strongest Ukrainian fortifications.
This enable the Russians to come out behind the Ukrainian trenches and the military base that was fortified in one direction facing the main Russian army.
Once the military base and the most fortified area (that had held since 2014) fell the rest was inevitably going to follow!
Ukraine had Held Avdiivka since 2014 despite attack after attack including full on assaults during the early days of the invasion when their supplies and ammunition situation was even worse!
It wasn't lost because of lack of ammunition, it was lost because Russia out maneuvered them in a surprise attack in a weak point!
Where is the MAGA gang?
Noticeably silent on this issue, aren’t they?
Why the M1150 gets two thumbs down? lol
Tragedy of the Digital Commons as it were.
Zelensky must have forgotten about the 100,000 plus sacrificed in his bungled counter offensive, Bakhmut from last winter to the current.
Read the bombshell NYT special report about secret CIA bases in Ukraine close to Russia's border conducting hybrid warfare since well before 2022. 12 secret bases.
Moscow faced a hostile threat to its existence and obviously wants to put an end to this. The special military operation has never looked more justified and necessary.
The lives are being lost because of the violent attempts to force people to accept the regime that replaced the last democratically elected government of a united peaceful Ukraine is legitimate despite its refusal to allow them to vote.
Not accepting that, after a decade, the regime is never going to gain legitimacy in the east, and without a steady stream of propaganda wouldn't have ever had it in the west, is classic self deception.
The above claim Ukraine losses are because they aren't getting enough aid is false.
The reason is because Zelenski refused to let Zaluzhnyi do what was the correct thing.
Zaluzhnyi wanted to build " defensive lines in multiple layers in a solid line.
But instead Zelenski and his new guy wanted offensives to continue despite running up against multiple Russian defensive lines that are in a continuous line!
A USA think tank made a map of both sides defenses weeb union has a good breakdown explaining them.
Ukraine are in blue Russian in orange.
A quick look tells a clear story.
While the Russian lines are continuous along the full front line, Ukraine has hundreds is small pockets of trenches that are circle shaped scattered all over the area.
So hitting one and bypassing others to cut off supplies getting to these posts is how Russia is advancing.
Had Zelenski listened to zaluzhnyi avdiivka may not have fallen and the push by Russia we are now seeing once it got by Avdiivka would not be happening.
Why Ukraine's losing this war, complex question but boils down to their inability to self-sustain, especially manpower, but also financial and military equipment.
Do not forget Ukraine's military never large, ramping up in war with shortage of trained officers = tough. Reliance on foreigners full of risk, especially as military support for Ukraine (not humanitarian) trending down consistently.
Ukraine economy in ruins, approx. 1/3 of people have left Ukraine (mainly to Europe & Russia) since Feb 22. Anyone believe it's getting better anytime soon?
Excellent timely article below, highly logical and great investigative journalism in my view, please take a look.
After two grueling years of bloodshed, it's time for peace in Ukraine
Story by Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J.S. Davies
War is a long, ugly game.
Ukraine is fighting for their very existence. This war will not end soon, unless Russia goes home.
It's been time for peace in Ukraine since the war started. But Russia won't go home, and so it still continues.
This is the map that shows the real reason Ukraine isn't able to hold off Russia!
Notice the difference in how the 2 sides built their defenses.
A defensing army well entrenched only needs a fraction of the ammunition the attacking army needs.
So had Ukraine built proper defensive positions in layers of one continuous line each layer (as zaluzhnyi wanted) Ukraine could have held back Russia with what it had.
Even after taking Robotyne instead of building a more comprehensive Solid line of defense, Ukraine just sat back in pocket defenses that the Russians are now picking off one by one!
Keep in mind, Israel's economy shrank (20%) in 4Q 2022 or nearly $30B, and they're fighting INSIDE Gaza.
Imagine death, destruction and depopulation INSIDE Ukraine, FAR Worse, even with huge foreign financial aid.
The country that the most refugees fleeing Ukraine have gone to is..........Russia. They have been fleeing the Ukrainian government for a decade.
Oh dear, the Ukrainians may as well just give up their nation to Russian now then, right?
Fake news.
Nobody believes enslavement of Ukraine is saving lives. And they have EVERY chance to prevent this.
Clutching at every straw to claim it wasn't sending conscripts to their death that did the trick, huh? You don't win points for cleverness in furtherance of savagery anyways.
A disgusting regurgitation of Kremlin talking points about a "peace" proposal that was apparently only on offer while Kyiv was surrounded by Russian troops. Inb4 "well this is what my cherry-picked sources says and I will believe it over you". Good for you but still disgusting.
Have the battle lines moved significantly? Is Russia still p**s poor on achieving objectives without major expenditure of lives and ammunition? QED.
Oh so now it was the CIA that caused the war in Ukraine. But it was the shelling in Donbas. But it was the Nazis. But it was (insert nonsense here).
Your "last democratically elected government" currently rules over an apartment in Moscow. I don't see how you are going to bring him back when even Putin has written him off as useless.
Russia implicitly recognized the post-Maidan government by holding negotiations with it. Also zero talk of eliminating Ukraine until the invasion was launched.
Sure, anything that isn't fake news, is a better source of course.
Although you'll have to find some sort of VPN to get the real news outside of Fake News Russia of course.
RAF hold the initiative on the contact line. UAF faced with 4 hot potatoes concurrently. Looks like this is going to be the trend for the spring/summer campaign season - apply pressure at multiple locations, probe and find weak points. Kyiv needs to preserve manpower for defense but can't afford to hold everything at all costs - needs to become more sensible and realistic. This article mentions a withdrawal and there have been more. Maybe someone has had a bout of reality.
MAGAs vote for King MAGA. Truly stunning.
The ebb and flow of war is a nasty game.
Problem for Ukraine is "GAP" that's opened up due to Aadvika falling, Russian troops, artillery and airpower rapidly advancing on UA soldiers in retreat without much heavy equipment. It's turning into a UA blood bath.
if anyone is clutching at straws it is Zelenski and his 31,000 Ukrainians killed!
Even Washington doesn't buy that one!
As Time magazine reported in June 2022 Ukraine had 700,000 soldiers and and average age of 30~33.
Today after hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men were drafted after June 2022 Ukraine has just under 600,000 (USA numbers) and an average age of 43 years old.
Unless Ukraine lost only the very youngest or some strange math is going on Zelenski's claims are impossible!
The whole war has been a bloodbath. Much more so for Russia, but of course, Russia is in the wrong for invading, so that's ok.
Every Ukrainian death on the other hand is a travesty against humanity.
Would it be better if they just gave up now to stop bothering everyone?
The tally Zelensky gives differs sharply from what the NYT reported last summer, with US officials saying 70,000 plus KIA and well over 100k wounded. And that was over 6 months ago!
Interesting discrepancy. How odd.
Fake news.