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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Ukraine's Zelenskyy aims for Western warplane coalition; Russians pressure Bakhmut
By Pavel Polityuk KYIV©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Never in my life,have seen begging,with an sense of entitlement,even the US military cannot beg for weapon systems,unless they go up the change of commands
Russia has "lost" and Ukraine is not going to win. Long past time for some real leadership from NATO to get a ceasefire in place.
Does this sound like entitlement:
"You have stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and we are grateful for it," Zelenskiy said after Polish President Andrzej Duda presented him with Poland's highest award, the Order of the White Eagle."
To me, it sounds like gratitude and appreciation, not entitlement.
The fact you can't even identify the combatants says it all. Russia will get nothing from NATO.
Tell me, who are the "real combatants."
*Other than the recent doubling of the Russia-NATO border.
I’m not sure why you think it’s with “entitlement”? What I really see with this repeated talking point is the concern of the pro-Putin pro-invasion group that Ukraine is getting help and is defending itself against Purim’s unsuccessful land-grabbing invasion!
As soon Russia pulls its forces out and admits defeat all the killing will end. Putin really guessed wrong on this one and it will lead to his demise. Sooner rather than later I hope!
U,how is Bakhmut going lately
Larry - Bakhmut holds on for another day. Who knows for how much longer, but Ukraine will not surrender to Russia and we will continue to support them.
Poland gives Ukraine MIG fighter jets.
Duda is a traitor to Poland as he spits on the graves of millions of Poles that died with the aid of OUN UPA and he ignores the 2018 Polish laws on people and places the support Bandarans/OUN UPA Ukraine in 2015 embraced the revisionist history whitewashing these ethnic cleansing groups, Duda's predecessors create laws to counter these ethnic cleansing worshippers in 2018 and Duda spit on it all.
AS - times change, people change, and countries change. Look at the Western and Asian Democracies. We used to be bitter enemies with Japan and Germany, but now we are good allies.
President Andrzej Duda and Poland are good neighbors and friends to Ukraine in their hour of need to repel the Russian aggressor.
AS - stop trying to make fetch happen. They are over it and are much more concerned about the threat of Russian aggression.
The choice for everyone that isn't afraid of Russia is to help Ukraine fight in that country or let Russia keep expanding, unchecked, through other invasions. While I can't speak for anyone else, I'd rather have a war in someone else's country than mine.
What I find surprising is that more internal Russian locations and people aren't being killed. If people only in the war zone are killed, there won't be much public outcry "back home" to end the war. Average Russians need to feel some of the pain and see it up close, before they will demand leadership changes.
Afghanistan kicked out the Soviets in the late 80's, so yes, I believe Ukraine with allied support can kick the Russians out too.
Remember, nobody is trying to invade Muscovy, just expel the invaders from their lands. This is eminently more doable.
People making a big deal about Bakhmut still holding but 6 months ago Russia said it was not going to be quick , this is urban and trench warfare, but even "Deep state ua" and ultra pro Ukraine site/YouTube mapping and analysis admits thing have changed.
Previously it was Wagner doing the attacking and Russian basic recruits just occupying territory gained by Wagner.
Now according to all sources including Ukraine official military, "deep state us" it is no longer just Wagner on the offensive but several regular military professional units including airborne and other elite groups.
This is why Russia has advanced so quickly in the past few days gaining more territory in a week than in previous 4 months.
In an AP interview Zelensky
This was a week or so ago at the same time Russia launched it latest offensive.
Nope they aren't because the top far right Ukrainian YouTuber/bloggers was forced to move to Japan to keep posting, Poland made it clear they would arrest her if she tried to do her propaganda in Poland, Germany made the same known, so here she is in Japan spewing her ethnic hatred.
Cards fan
Any links to substantiate this, or is this just speculation?
AS - who is that? And anyway, at the end of the day, Eastern Europeans are pretty worried about Russian aggression, so maybe the things you are concerned about can be worked out between the two after the more immediate threat is taken care of.
It also kicked the USA out and the world coalition, so not a good comparison.
Note that the government installed by the former Soviet Union later approximately 3 years after they left, the government installed by the USA lasted a few months.
Ukraine is not Afghanistan and the stakes and situation are very different.
Not really a flex.
I talk about peace everyday and all it would take is Putin to give up on his land grab invasion is pull his troops and peace happens!
Sorry if your upset that others are offering what they can to support and help Ukraine defend itself from the invaders!
Do you honestly believe Russia would risk its own (and possibly others) total inhalation? Even Putin can’t be that stupid.
To “win” all Ukraine has to do, since they are the defenders, is not loose They have been doing a pretty good job of that I think. On the other hand Putin’s three day “special operation” doesn’t seem to be going to plan now does it?
The Ukrainians know exactly what the stakes are here.
Look, Ukraine is not going to surrender to Russia no matter how badly you want them to.
The lesson I learned from these two debacles was to stay tf out of countries that don't want you there. What was your takeaway?
Cards fan
lol No. You're using this to justify Russia invading. Because rightists Ukrainian groups did bad things 100 years ago, Russia gets to keep doing the same things to Ukrainians today. That's it, isn't it?
Before bringing up Afghanistan please learn it's history, not since Alexander the great has anyone been able to take the place, again the comparison is a moot point.
Ukraine was always part of one country or another not even close to the same situation.
Not trying to justify it. I just care a lot more about the immediate danger of Russia's invasion. We can work out the rest after the invaders have been expelled. First things first!
Like I said earlier, countries change, and Ukraine has decided that they don't want to be under Moscow's thumb any more now that they are an independent country. Would you want to be under Moscow's thumb? No, right? Then why do you think the Ukrainians do?
Wait you missed it right here on the very site in an article several months back? Go look it up on your own if you missed it.
Cards fan
Gee, do you think this kind of rhetoric might fuel rightwing sentiment in Ukraine? The hubris for you to write off Ukraine, an sovereign independent country, as always belonging to another country. If you were a Ukrainian, I imagine this kind of talk would naturally make you angry. Also, this is exactly what Putin said to justify invading Ukraine. Nice.
Cards fan
I looked. It doesn't exist.
Who? Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia? All NATO and if you are honest you know very well Russia is not going to go after or into any of those countries.
The idea, "who is next" is propaganda by the USA and Europe, they know very well, all NATO countries are safe.
Great. Then you should be in agreement that we should move up Ukraine's NATO membership.
The "who is next?" propaganda is also quite prevalent in Russian media too, as I am sure you have seen.
This is what Bass was saying yesterday about some polling. If you are going to use some bit of information as part of your argument, you need to support it. That's how we roll here.
Give the Ukrainians the whatever tools and expertise they need to drive those invaders out of their country.
So that was two wars won by Afghans. You're not helping yourself arguing for the other side.
I will put that alongside Germany, South Korea and Japan, whose governments have lasted 80 years. The Iraqi government is still going, too. Btw, the US lasted twice as long as the SU and lost 1/5th the number of troops.
You're right. Ukraine is better equipped, better trained, and more unified against Russia.