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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Ukraine claims Russia is plotting 'a provocation' at nuclear plant; offers no evidence
By SUSIE BLANN KYIV, Ukraine©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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‘’Without offering evidence”, say no more!
Well, who would put it past them? They have no morals. The ugliest suspicion is probably enough to discern Russia's actions.
Well representatives of the IAEA reported the fact that Russian occupants had located military equipment, weapons and explosives in the turbine room of Unit 4.
Explosives and nuclear plants don't mix.
Moonraker 2020
I prefer to deal with facts not, ‘ oh maybe so and so will do this’
Russia better be preparing to hand back that station and to hand it back peacefully.
This must be history’s latest Spring Offensive and it’s still not started!
FFS, lack of facts and something being unproven never stopped you from touting it when it was Russian.
FFS can you please stop apologizing for the Russians? Just because evidence isn't able to be shared with the media and the general public doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, and this goes for both sides. At any rate, why are Russian forces occupying a Ukrainian NPP?
The boy that cried wolf,we know what happened
why evidences,its enough to say...anything.what a "journalism" and you still worry why people are not believing to your "news"...
At any rate, the point is that we are keeping an eye on Russia's actions in and around the ZPP, so as not be fooled by Russian disinfo and caught unawares. Just like the warnings prior to Russian invasion in Feb 2022 and other times since.
U,if you cannot secure a nuclear under any circumstances,you should not be allowed use nuclear energy
So Russia should be banned from nuclear energy. Thankfully you don't get to make these determinations.
If shells come from the plant, Ukraine has the right to fire back. Russia better consider how it is going to make an orderly retreat.
So you might, falseflagsteve, but that ship sailed loooooong ago. It's all about adding to your favoured side's propaganda now. And Russia must fail because nihilism must ultimately fail.
Russia should not be using Zaporizhzhia as a military base with the storage of equipment and ammo. Photo and video shown during IAEA visits.
Russia is not going to attack the nuclear plant that would be madness and the nuclear fallout would spread all over Russia as well. Wouldn’t make any sense.
Well, fortunately, Yrral, they are not just doing it for your impatient entertainment. They have other things to consider.
Haaa Nemui
The wolves weren’t there. He did it again and the wolves weren’t there. He did it again and the townsfolk ignored him. The wolves were there. Moral is don’t be unprepared like the townsfolk no matter the situation.
When did main stream media started going against Ukraine propaganda and why? When did Ukraine start needing evidence ? Gee the media has done an about face on the war. I wonder what this means ??
They rarely do offer any evidence, doesn’t stop compliant media from obediently publishing it anyway.
Have they ever offered evidence ?
From the pushers of wild conspiracies (QAnon, etc.) and wanton Russian propaganda, this commentary is rich indeed.
That this is exactly the type of thing the Russians have a history of doing,never seems to penetrate their reptilian brain that without question accepts the lies the Russians spew on a daily basis.
Haaa Nemui
Oh so the phrase has changed to “eventually” prevails?
what’s next? “spring” offensive changes to “summer” offensive?
starting to lose the media some when they use that manufactured “without evidence” tagging in your story.
Spring does not end until the summer solstice.
Haaa Nemui
No it isn't. If it's in the article, it's part of the topic. Whataboutism is off-topic. Always.
Lord Dartmouth
It will be several years before most journalists accept that they abdicated their responsibilities and simply became propaganda tools for the Ukrainian government during this war. Here's the problem: it's one thing to oppose the Russian invasion and hope that Ukraine wins the war; it's quite another to cover up all the inconvenient facts that might make Ukraine look bad in any way. Remember how Amnesty International was decried when they condemned Ukraine for using civilians as human shields? They should be applauded for condemning BOTH sides when they commit war crimes.
I know you're all going to down-vote me, but please give it some serious thought.
Yes the “righteous” side is actually held to higher standards of conduct, not just the same as the non righteous.
Cards fan
Ah yes, the "obedient" media, which went so far as to point out they provided no evidence in the title. Right.
Why does Ukraine have to prove anything but not Russia?
Kremlin Faces 'Mutiny' as 'Coup Attempt' Declared: Former Russian Commander.
Former Russian commander Igor Girkin has claimed that Russia will face a "mutiny" from the Wagner Group and its leader Yevgeny Prigozhin.
The sharks are busy swimming and need feeding.
I'm sure Ukraine's offensive will begin when they are good and ready. But might as well let the Russian cannon-fodder quake in their boots a bit more. Perhaps they will be ready to run away by the time the offensive comes. Oh, wait a minute, the Russians have a corp of the credulous who shoot retreaters, don't they? Long been the case, I hear.
Cards fan
Does that mean we should uncritically believe what the Russian invaders say?
Are you being deliberately thick? The words, 'claim' and 'offers no evidence' are literally in the title.
Is there something else that the author could do to inform the reader that this is merely a 'claim'?
Don’t publish it at all as there is no evidence to support the claim.
Cards fan
That's not true.
This doesn't seem like Ukrainian propaganda.
Cards fan
Or you could just ignore it?
Actually the article isn’t about that at all. It’s about Ukraine’s military intelligence uncovering a planned sabotage attempt at the NPP. Of course they didn’t make evidence public, that wouldn’t be very “intelligent” now would it.
It may or may not be credible but better safe than sorry, and I don’t think anyone would discount that it certainly sounds like something Russia is capable of attempting!
And, sorry, this has nothing to do with the coming offensive but it’s entertaining to watch all the Putin fan bois, not to mention the Russian military in general, so worried about “when” it will happen. lol
Is the purpose or this article to criticize Ukraine for making a claim with no evidence?
or is it for the reader to be informed about this idea and accept it anyway without evidence if they are so inclined?
there’s your answer.
Why? Can you think of any other claim, say something that happened in 2020, that was published despite "no evidence to support the claim."? Have a little think about how ridiculous your position is.
I could ignore it but most of you will be talking about it as if it is true by tomorrow.
that’s the point of propaganda to get people talking and create excuses.
“the spring offensive hasn’t started cause Russia threatened to trigger a nuclear leak! Yeah that’s why we havent advanced at all in months! Yeah!”
Just as they’re beginning to find ways to prevent the Russians from murdering women & children, Putin returns to the nuclear threat.
Bob Fosse
Only 2 options? An intelligent reader would easily see a 3rd.