Japan Today

Ukraine outnumbered, outgunned, ground down by relentless Russia

By Max Hunder

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A strong focus now is on light, nimble FPV drones, where operators, or pilots, get a first-person view from an onboard camera. President Zelenskyy has set a target for Ukraine to produce one million FPV drones this year in light of the battlefield advantages delivered by the technology.

Drones are a disrupter for this war. There is a huge investment in militech in the US that are experimenting with AI powered drone that can be used by Ukraine on the battlefield.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Stay strong Ukrainians! This too shall pass.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

The ultimate decider of this conflict will be the Loss Exchange Ratio - rather than territory gained like a game of Panzer General. The western puppet masters understood the Russian war machine was gearing up and forced Kyiv into a fool hardy counter offensive last summer before the window closed.

Russia has to keep forcing UAF into pear shaped defensive battles that force them to hold or lose territory permanently. They are in a classic Catch-22 situation: hold static positions and the Russians attrite them or withdraw from defensive positions ceding territory forever. The average age is 43 and unit strength is becoming a joke. They don't have the chance for an "elastic defense" meaning they have lost their offensive potential. It's now all defensive like the Germans post-Kursk.

The demographics long-term of Ukraine is a shocker. If they don't reverse course very soon it'll be an irreparable blow to their statehood.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Ukraine outnumbered, outgunned, ground down by relentless Russia

The hidden truth, which no one in the west wants to accept since the war began, is inevitably coming to light..

It's a lost was for Ukraine..

The best they can do is accept peace capitulations with Russia and stop this lost war for its own sake..

-12 ( +4 / -16 )

Aren’t they “winning” though? we have been insistently and incessantly told that for years here.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

The hidden truth, which no one in the west wants to accept since the war began, is inevitably coming to light.. 

It's a lost was for Ukraine.. 

The best they can do is accept peace capitulations with Russia and stop this lost war for its own sake..

You and I don’t always agree on issues, but on this one, I couldn’t agree more. Had the U.S. not involve itself in the first tried peace negotiations with Russia and refrained from joining NATO the country wouldn’t be in shambles and thousands of lives on both sides wouldn’t have been lost and thousands of years of history would still be intact.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )


Had the U.S. not involve itself in the first tried peace negotiations with Russia and refrained from joining NATO the country wouldn’t be in shambles and thousands of lives on both sides wouldn’t have been lost and thousands of years of history would still be intact.

Sure. And Ukraine would be a territory of Russia in that scenario.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

bass4funkToday  07:45 am JST

You and I don’t always agree on issues, but on this one, I couldn’t agree more. Had the U.S. not involve itself in the first tried peace negotiations with Russia

Shame doesn't even begin to describe repeating Kremlin talking points: withdrawal was never on the table and a ceasefire with terrorists right next to your capital isn't acceptable either. Also an unconditional ceasefire wasn't on the table.

and refrained from joining NATO

Ukraine applied in 2008. Why wasn't there an attempt to eliminate Ukraine as a nation by Russia then?

the country wouldn’t be in shambles and thousands of lives on both sides wouldn’t have been lost and thousands of years of history would still be intact.

Not shamelessly counting pennies while Ukraine burns would keep Ukraine's independence and American credibility intact.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Sure. And Ukraine would be a territory of Russia in that scenario.

The extremist logic seems to be that this would preferable to making Putin angry.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Sure. And Ukraine would be a territory of Russia in that scenario.


Shame doesn't even begin to describe repeating Kremlin talking points:

I disagree.

withdrawal was never on the table and a ceasefire with terrorists right next to your capital isn't acceptable either. Also an unconditional ceasefire wasn't on the table.

Well, and here we are. 

Ukraine applied in 2008. Why wasn't there an attempt to eliminate Ukraine as a nation by Russia then?

I don’t know and frankly, don’t lose sleep or dwell on it.

Not shamelessly counting pennies while Ukraine burns would keep Ukraine's independence and American credibility intact.


-9 ( +1 / -10 )

JJEToday  07:10 am JST

The western puppet masters understood the Russian war machine was gearing up and forced Kyiv into a fool hardy counter offensive last summer before the window closed.

Sources that the West forced Ukraine into a count offensive or it didn't happen.

Russia has to keep forcing UAF into pear shaped defensive battles that force them to hold or lose territory permanently.

Russia doesn't have to do anything so barbaric. The civilized thing to do would be to withdraw, declare its not a horde state anymore and apologize.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Bass4Funk - most Americans don’t want Russia gaining more people, territory, and resources to continue to fight. We will continue to help Ukraine and Ukraine will continue to resist.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I don’t know and frankly, don’t lose sleep or dwell on it.

Again, most decent people don’t want to see nations conquered and subjugated. Freedom is preferred.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

ThubanToday  07:18 am JST

A new law aimed at mobilizing 450-500,000 more Ukrainians is slowly making its way through parliament,

Rather odd that these 500,000 are only being drafted now after two years of war.

If the narrative is true, that Russia launched a "full-scale" invasion to "wipe Ukraine off the map", why the foot dragging on drafting men to defend Ukraine.

And why aren't Ukrainian men volunteering in droves to defend their "homeland"

If my country faced a "full-scale" invasion and genocide, me and every man I know would be lining up to put on a uniform to defend our families.

And I'm sure you would be doing that after two years with no artillery shells to fire back, right? Because you are a brave boy? Face it: Ukraine showed us all how they can send Russians to their graves like beds but they weren't given the means to survive.

15 million Ukrainian men are sitting this out and watching from the sidelines. I applaud them, they are smart, they know this is a proxy war and that their families are not under threat from the Russians.

15 million decided otherwise I guess.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

most Americans don’t want Russia gaining more people, territory,


and resources to continue to fight. We will continue to help Ukraine and Ukraine will continue to resist.

So far, House Republicans say, No.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )


Sure. And Ukraine would be a territory of Russia in that scenario.


And then they invade Poland or Estonia, with Ukrainian troops.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

And then they invade Poland or Estonia, with Ukrainian troops.

Hasn’t happened yet, calm down and don’t over-extend yourself.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

ThubanToday  08:34 am JST

Ukrainians are tired of being NATO's pawns in this proxy war.

Still Putin's War. Ukrainians know this.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

There is an estimated number of 10,000,000 Ukrainians living outside their own country.

Before the Russian invasion private planes were reported to have departed in significant numbers from the country.

Russians in the hundreds of thousands have done the same.

I have witnessed large numbers of both in Thailand.

The people with means have fled leaving the poor to remain.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Yes, you blissfully think that Ukraine can be absorbed and it won't have any impact on NATO and thereby US security.

No, I said that I don’t care

You also think it has no impact on the US reputation among our allies.

I really don’t care if it does or not.

One way or another these delusions will be shattered.

So far, they haven’t and Ukraine is running out of time.

The Senate package IS a military only package.

No, it’s not.

The support also includes nonmilitary assistance. About $8 billion would go to help Ukraine’s government continue basic operations with a prohibition on money going toward pensions. And there’s about $1.6 billion to help Ukraine’s private sector.

Again, No!!

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

--You also think it has no impact on the US reputation among our allies. 

I really don’t care if it does or not.

Do you believe that it's important for the US to have allies? Years ago you thought so, but then you had a conversion experience.

A world in which the US is an unpredictable or unstable presence is a very dangerous wish.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Two years later, and still no one has been able to explain why exactly anyone in Japan or in my country should care about who controls which pieces of land in Ukraine.

I didn’t care when this started, and I care even less now.

We've dumped scores of billions of dollars & hundreds of billions of yen into this. And for what?

This doesn't mean I'm okay with Russia's military action. I'm not. This whole invading-and-occupying thing is so 1930s.

But how does this impact us at all?

And please, none of this "we have to stop Russia now, or they'll invade other places too" nonsense.

Please. That attitude is so 1930s too.

As bad as Putin is, the idea that he's going to invade Poland, or the Baltics, or anyone else? That's absurd.

We've given massive piles of money and aid over the past two years to a country which -- no matter who heads it up -- has consistently demonstrated since its establishment in 1992 that it's one of the most corrupt governments in the world.

Again, nobody has given me one good reason why we should care about this so much. It seems to be nothing more than pure over-emotionalism.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

the participation of third countries further motivates Russian soldiers to drive Western Ukrainians to the precipice. In Avdeevka, on the day of the retreat alone, 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers died

Well put.

Besides there being no impact or importance at all on the rest of the world as to who control which pieces of ugly, nondescript land in the Ukraine ... it's also a lost cause.

And we shouldn't continue to fund a lost cause that nobody logically should care about.

We have plenty of problems at home to address.

That's what Putin told America in his Tucker Carlson interview -- and as much as I loathe Putin, he was 100% undeniably correct about that.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

But since there is no freedom of speech in Putin's Russia, we'll never really know what they're thinking. Or you for that matter.

So little freedom that even pro-war Russian bloggers are offing themselves for revealing the truth about Russian casualties in the taking of Avdiivka.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Again, nobody has given me one good reason why we should care about this so much. It seems to be nothing more than pure over-emotionalism.

Who are you to tell Ukrainians how they should feel about being invaded? We help others because we someday may need help is what my parents taught me. What did yours say on the subject of helping others?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Ukraine pathway to victory with more $funding, another desperate selfish attempt to buy time in order to save Biden & European Politicians from being voted out.

Few believe Ukraine can win this war, especially growing number of Ukrainians, if you believe Ukraine's former Top General's views, who just stepped down, and Time Magazine's recent Ukraine survey work below, more and more desire negotiated peace vs. war.

How Ukraine Is Really Doing

Time Magazine


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Do you believe that it's important for the US to have allies?

Of course.

Years ago you thought so, but then you had a conversion experience.

No, no change. But I don’t think that ally friendship should jump ahead of US national interests domestically.

A world in which the US is an unpredictable or unstable presence is a very dangerous wish.

I wish the U.S. were that, but with this administration it is so predictable, I truly understand why Vlad likes and wants Biden to be President. You can see him a mile coming.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Quo Primum

And please, none of this "we have to stop Russia now, or they'll invade other places too" nonsense.

Well, it's what they are talking about on Russian TV. ISW is also reporting that Putin is looking at Estonia.

Please. That attitude is so 1930s too.

Just like Russia will never invade Ukraine, right?

As bad as Putin is, the idea that he's going to invade Poland, or the Baltics, or anyone else? That's absurd.

What do you think Putin will do if Trump was in power? Trump's already said that he won't invoke article 5.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Bass - what if the non-military aid were cut and we are just sending surplus arms that would cost us more to dispose of?

I know you are a dollars and cents kind of guy, so is this something that could work to get help to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I truly understand why Vlad likes and wants Biden to be President.

I truly understand why you believe Vlad's to be an honest statement.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Ukraine outnumbered, outgunned, ground down by relentless Russia

So they finally admitted?

if they did that from the start maybe there would have been a greater chance of them getting the support they need in time

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Americans also clearly moving away from continued military support of Ukraine in polls. There are no clear objectives to continued fighting, simply more death, risk, damage and cost to Ukraine and the WORLD.

Nobody believes Putin wants nuclear war with NATO, he's simply ensuring new Russian citizens in former Ukraine areas safely partitioned from Kiev to resolve their 10year Civil War, MUCH like Yugoslavia 25 years ago.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Nobody believes Putin wants nuclear war with NATO,

Does it really need to be said?

Does anyone really want a nuclear war?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Does anyone really want a nuclear war?

When the world needs to be destroyed, we will all know. We aren’t there yet.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

But there's lots of aid lined up for Ukraine still though it's for reconstruction. Maybe it's a hint?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


1 ( +1 / -0 )

I truly understand why you believe Vlad's to be an honest statement.

I really don’t think you don’t.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

This whole invading-and-occupying thing is so 1930s.

Agreed, as do all of us who oppose the war.

And please, none of this "we have to stop Russia now, or they'll invade other places too" nonsense. 

Please. That attitude is so 1930s too.

In the 1930s they were right.

There is another 1930s attitude that resulted in further invasion, occupation and oppression, and you’re displaying it here. “It’s not our war!!”

Until it is.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

ianToday  10:17 am JST

Nobody believes Putin wants nuclear war with NATO,

Does it really need to be said?

Does anyone really want a nuclear war?

Yes, important people understand Putin's rational actor and has no insane ambitions regarding NATO territory.

Putin's legally assisting those new Russia citizens who have achieve their legal independence for CAUSE in former Ukraine, due to human, property and citizenship rights violations by Zelensky Admin starting in 2014 and escalating under Biden Admin in 2021.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Not just any old opinion recent on the war, US Military Elite and Political insiders below.

Russian military has broken stalemate in the Ukraine war, Robert Gates, former CIA director and secretary of Defense, said Wednesday, following Moscow’s successful push to take front-line city of Avdiivka. 

“No longer stalemate. Russians have regained momentum,” Gates told The Washington Post’s David Ignatius in streaming interview. “Everything I’m reading is that Russians are on offensive along the 600-mile front.”

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Nobody believes Putin wants nuclear war with NATO,

Does it really need to be said?

Does anyone really want a nuclear war?

Yes, important people understand Putin's rational actor and has no insane ambitions regarding NATO territory.

That's not what Russian TV is saying.

If Trump is in power, do you think he will come to Estonia's aid?

Putin won't invade Ukraine.

Does it really need to be said?

Putin won't kill Navalny.

Does it really need to be said?

Putin won't invade Estonia.

Does it really need to be said?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Media strictly propaganda on BOTH sides, plenty of crazy talk on both sides. But nobody's surprised at Navalny death given the level of his betrayal to Russia.

Estonia's potential undemocratic treatment of their Russian speaking citizens is certainly a serious risk. Let's hope Democracy means something in Estonia, where all citizens are treated and protected equally, unlike this Ukraine Civil War madness starting in 2014.

Meanwhile Ukraine crumbles, time for peace and stability there and globally, as there's no military path.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

nobody's surprised at Navalny death given the level of his betrayal to Russia.

Nobody's surprised Putin executed Navalnty to get rid of him due his loyalty to the motherland over the dictator Putin.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

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