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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Ukraine president visits front-line areas as new phase nears
By KARL RITTER KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Drone attack on a high school? Iranian drones? The Russia/Iran/China bloc are showing what might happen in their world order. and it looks ugly.
Stay strong, Defenders of Ukraine! Bakhmut holds on for yet another day.
Russia, just go home already. This is as good as it gets for you, and it's not very good.
While PUTAin is hiding behind his long table and a fake dictator visits Mariupol -
real Presidents, of, by and for the people go to the front line!
That's what real leadership is all about.
Concerning the depleted uranium ammo, maybe it's worth reading this:
*"To date, there have been no adverse clinical effects noted in these individuals related to DU; specifically, there has been no kidney damage, leukemia, bone or lung cancer, or other uranium-related health effects. No babies born to this group have had birth defects." *(reliable sources and no conspiracy theories!)
Zelenskyy is a champion among men. Very brave. And so, this ‘ Putin might use the nuclear option’ fear people have, disturbs me. When you have a monster like this tearing into Europe, you need to display courage. More courage than him. You need courage like Zelenskyy. It’s not practical to fear or even utter that he might use the nuclear button. It plays into his hands. To not mince words, he needs to be eradicated, not tried. He’s a savage murderer. If he uses the nuclear button, that will be the end of Russia, it should be told to him today. Truly, I don’t fear it as it plays into the enemy’s hands.
It seems even western news is slowly getting tired of the lies.
This is old news but the original news released by Zelensky and Ukraine claimed he was visiting Bakhmut.
Made quite a big deal about him being in Bakhmut.
Oops Netizens geolocated the photos to another town 30 km away where there hasn't been any fighting since last year if any!
The great offensive coming!
The claim Bakhmut was some great strategy to waste Russian troops.
Problem with that is Russian military isn't doing the conquering in Bakhmut Wagner is, Russian troops are dug in elsewhere rested and prepared for a "counter offensive."
Laughable, go look at maps of those presenting information without taking sides. See how much Russia holds and I mean extra since it invaded.
Look at the microscopic parts Ukraine "retook" in it's last counter offensive!
Russia since the fall has take more territory than Ukraine took back last offensive.
Again people in every country are now starting to realize the western countries are Ukrainian are living a fantasy thinking Ukraine will take back everything including Crimea.
For this statement he is now on the Ukrainian hit list known as Mirotvorets,.
But the fantasy of no negotiation until Russia leaves including Crimea continues.
Alfie Noakes
Yes, some are depleted uranium rounds for the 14 Challenger 2 tanks being donated to Ukraine by the UK. Given what happened to babies born in Fallujah, Iraq after the US used depleted uranium and white phosphorus weapons there in 2004, this is extremely disturbing.
"Kate Hudson, General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) said: “Like in Iraq, the addition of depleted uranium ammunition into this conflict will only increase the long-term suffering of the civilians caught up in this conflict. Depleted uranium shells have already been implicated in thousands of unnecessary deaths from cancer and other serious illnesses."
Quite a strange comment!
You and others are clearly unaware that Russia holds the largest nuclear weapon stockpile, the largest Nuclear bombs, etc....
Nuclear war means we all are ended.
Can we please stop taking nonsense like we are somehow going to win let alone survive a nuclear war!
This kissing couple photo tell it all, WAR IS UGLY, PEACE IS PRECIOUS.
Cards fan
Oh yes, what a thing to lie about! It:'s gotta be right up there with all the lies to Russian government told to justify their imperialist invasion.
More or less distrubing than what the Russian invaders are doing in Ukraine? There wouldn't be any DP being used in Ukraine had Russia chosen not to invade. Funny that always gets left out of certain posts.
And that seems to please the warmongering anti-west extremists. They seem to take pride in knowing their Putin-Medvedev/Prigozhin/Kremlin and Chinese/Iranian/North Korean masters have the ability to start another war, this time one that will end life on Earth, at least life as we have known it.
The only ones who seem to be afraid of Russia these days are the ones who side with Russia over Ukraine. Why is that?
Seems USA young men are also authorized military strength is 485,000 this has dropped to 450,000 with a majority of those whose enlistment are ending chosing not to reenlist,
Recruiting nem members is failing and the number one reason given for it all is the on going war in Ukraine and the unwillingness to get involved and go up against Russia.
AS - We are in peacetime mode right now and jobs are aplenty in the US. If Russia does something stupid, like attack us or a NATO member, then this will change tout suite.
It's the use of white phosphorus that is extremely disturbing (leaving aside the fact that the invasion of a sovereign neighbour is in itself disturbing).
There have been reports of Russia using white phosphorus in Ukraine from early on in the invasion.
cleo again you messed up, ukrs do it !!! It's Ukraine doing it! And they also use petal mines against civilians, on which many people were blown up, children inclu. Never believe one-sade information!
Haha. Putin went the first and drove a car around. He seems like an at Tento seeking drama queen. It seemed on MSM western media footage that he had more reporters and camera operators than security detail.
Same team, proxy. Same team.
N. Knight
I'm stocking my wine cellar with good Barolo and my chest freezer with Matsuzaka Wagu.
Will be going out bbqing like a madman and drunk as hell.
No. Depleted uranium isn't dangerous.
More conspiracy nonsense. Completely untrue.
You can find many conspiracy theories on the internet.
And yet you find depleted uranium as armor in Abrams tanks. Surely if it was dangerous, the tank operator would get sick.
Depleted uranium shells or the Agent Orange of the Middle East, is reported to cause birth defects and retardation.
now, where did you get that information?
Consulting the crystal ball again? Any reliable, verifiable sources?
Because if not, then it's just more PUTAin propaganda!
Here's a little more trustworthy information:
I'm not saying that people aren't sick, I'm saying that their sickness isn't caused by depleted uranium shells.
Jim West
Fake news article. All the big roads are closed off, and 2 smaller roads, which can't handle large amounts of people or equipment are under Russian artillery. Zelensky was in a dream different area. Good PR for when he begs everyone for more money.
Only one problem, if Ukraine signed the treaty then why this:
Ukraine has used cluster bombs had stocks of them and now has none!
So where did Ukrainian cluster bombs go if they are now asking the USA for some?
Well they used all those they previously had.
Cards fan
Any thoughts on the Russian invaders using the same, or just whining about Ukraine?
Zelensky is the man!
Go Ukraine!
Except Ukraine was using them before From 2014 onward, and the victims were theoretically Ukrainian citizens.
Guess you missed that part.
Cards fan
Does that justify Russia invading and using them too?
From your link
"Ukraine Government forces and Russian-backed rebel forces used cluster munitions in the east of Ukraine in January and February 2015, according to in-depth research by Human Rights Watch"
Seems that you're angry about Ukraine using them, but are quite fine with Russia using them. Who'd have thunk it!
But Russia bad etc.
These crazy Republicans are gonna give Ukraine supporters hell,next week in Congressional oversight hearing,it not gonna be a pretty picture explaining this lost cause
Antique, Ukrainain were so corrupt,they sold most of weapon on the black market,those left by Russian
The US faces two front lines: in Ukraine and against China.
Announcement from Russia during Xi’s visit: Russia will use the yuan for foreign trade in selling Russian products, and also buying imports.
Previously, Russia had only accepted the yuan for trade with China.
The U.S. lost the trade war. It cannot afford to lose this war. Best if another another commentator elaborates.
This war is like sending your child out to get beat up,by a bully instead you confronting the bully yourself on his own turf
May God bless the brave Ukrainians defending THEIR beloved land from the fascist Russian invaders. Do everything you can to prevent this outrageous genocide - which is targeting innocent children, women and civilians.
Keep sending the cowardly fascists home in body bags.
ok1517, have you fallen from the moon? I repeat for the hundredth time: it is necessary to read the two-sided information!! Two-sided! I see the atrocities of the Ukrainian side every day, every minute from oficial rus tv!!!! Bloomberg does not write about it, unfortunately. Jackson Hinkle was called here a clown because he went to Russia to take a look on what is going in reality.
I think I may have found the reason for your problems.
You do know that you are just watching what Putin allows you to watch, don't you?
Be careful Kuku, if you’re in Moskovy watching official Moskovy TV and imbibing undiluted Moskovy propaganda, you’re next in line for mobilization. Vladimort needs his cannon fodder. Don’t wait to be called up, go and volunteer, get a free one-way ticket to the killing fields of Bakhmut, from where you can regale us with first-hand reports of who’s doing what to whom. I don’t imagine we’d get more than one or maybe two reports from you.
Great leaders in the past also visited front line areas to help the morale of the troops, and it always seems to have a positive effect.
Ukraine's offensive is indeed imminent in the coming weeks and probing all along Russian lines will precede the push and be part of planning their areas of attack to rout the enemy.
I look forward to seeing the news of Russians retreating en mass as happened last year. I wonder how much Russian equipment will be gifted to Ukraine by panicked Russian soldiers. Probably much less than last time and of inferior quality as they run out of servicable equipment and rely on 1950's gear.
Sven Asai
I have no understanding for that war. Those two idiots there have just only to end it immediately. It’s a geographical fact that they both have enough territory for all people living there, independent of seeing them as two peoples , Russians and Ukrainians, or if it is considered only one people, that doesn’t change much. They just have to end it and to find a way to coexist in that combined or separated and maximum territory available, very much more and also resources filled than anyone else on this globe has. All the rest of us on the globe has very high costs, less own life quality and less future potential because of those two stupid amoebas and their war over there. That really shouldn’t be tolerated or even supported so much longer, period.
Sven Asai
One idiot. Ukraine didn't choose this. Putin did.
One of them had his country invaded. The other didn’t.
What should the one who had his country invaded settle for if they end it?
Be specific.
The Governor of Florida Desantis called the Russian war a "territorial dispute". Guess he needs to get out more.
You don't tell a rape victim they need to quiet down or just marry their attacker.
He knows what’s on the hymn sheet.
ah the "spring offensive"!
There have been many reports of Russia using cluster bombs. It has used white phosphorus bombs and Thermobaric bombs.
Journalists found that in early March, Ukrainian troops used rocket-propelled cluster munitions in the village of Gusarivka when they tried to recapture the territory captured by Russian soldiers.
Sounds great... but it was no battle and no losses from Russian side. They just go on the other side of riva Dnepr
The strong side of Ukraine - they can loose as many people as they want.
The country very democratic but they do not consider losses
the main problem and reason to war: there are different nations in Ukraine. mainly Ukrainian and Russian.
And modern Ukrainian state created only for Ukrainian. So thewar will be very long.
Cards fan
lol No. They reason for war is Russia chose to invade. The war can end as soon as the invaders love. Go home. You're not welcome in Ukraine.