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© 2023 AFPUkraine calls Russia U.N. presidency a 'slap in the face'
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© 2023 AFP
Unironically yes, because Russia illegally took the seat of the former Soviet Union, so why not give it to a more worthy successor?
The world certainly is in crazy condition now. The world’s two biggest dictatorships are aligning with one another, and that should worry everybody.
I'll note you're not denying the original point.
Perhaps your country should try a devastating bombardment of its cities and economic capacity.
Fortunately the shaky midget with Parkinsons only holds the chair for 1 month. Just look at the sad look on the scumbags face!
The fact remains fascist Russia has very few friends and their limited resources are going to keep dwindling the longer their war of aggression goes on.
Russia doesn't even deserve to be on the UNSC much less hold Presidency.
Plenty of proof of Russian interference around the world in "The Vulcan Files":
Leaving Russia as President of the UN Security Council is a joke. I has to be.
The USA on the security council is the biggest demonstration of HYPOCRISY ever.
Ukraine seems to have more power in the world the Xi Ping, Vladimir Putin and Sleepy Joe combined.
ua very pathetic.
give me money guns media support,listen to me as i am always right.....and all they need is to get rid off fascists and start to talk with Russia without any pre conditions.
Russian control 66 percent of Bakhmut ,and Ukrainain control 0 percent of Russia territory,is safe the counter offensive is working
Wise,I am not natural born American,it our duty as an American to challenge to policy of our government,it in our DNA to up the Foundation of Liberty, Equality And Justice for All,no where in the constitution Ukraine is mention
If the US do not want Russian head of the counsel ,they should be man enough to say it to Russian face,the US government is becoming a mouthpiece of Ukrainain,if I did this for a country,I could be declared a foreign agent and have to register
i have a good idea.
how abt to replace russians with ukrainians?
than it may be kosher?
irony off
Wise,what legal statue do the US have,if the US do not want the Russian to chair the UN ,expel the Russian ambassador and declare everyone persona non grata ,it obviously they will not do it,why complain