Japan Today

U.N. chief urges Russia to revive grain deal with Ukraine, warning 'the most vulnerable' will suffer


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La vie douce

No, it has not. Perhaps good time to research more info from the other side in order to obtain a more accurate , balanced opinion. --------Really? How has it not fulfilled it's end of the deal?

Really - do you expect me to believe you can,t put a few random words / phrases such as - barriers, Russian fertilizer, food exports, insurance, payment ..etc " in to Google search and hit enter? You are better than that, non? ? Or is it a case of not really wanting to research and find out infomation from the "other side" that might risk derailing one's narrative? Research can be eye opening.

There are no restrictions on grain and fertiliser shipments. Fact.

Are making payments difficult? Sure, no SWIFT access. Are they impossible? No. But Russia wants to use this as an excuse to get SWIFT sanctions loosened. It's a ploy!

If we look at Russian grain shipments, they are at record levels.

The deal requirements were fulfilled, but Putin wants more concessions.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Raw Beer

The most vulnerable were only getting a small fraction of the grain.

Ukrainian grain on the market ensured the most vulnerable got more grain that they would have without the deal. It was a good thing.

The grain deal was a deal, and only Russia was complying to its side of the deal. For 9 months or so, Russia was asking the other side comply, but they refused.

Incorrect. The other side did indeed comply.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )


In reality it's not even close! It's had a peer competitor for all of the Empire's existence (Russia) and another for most of it's existence (China). And now the former is rising again while the latter is, relatively speaking, going through the stratosphere. 

China is a near peer, Russia isn't. Russia isn't even in the game any more, they are a has-been with nukes.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

With the sun setting rapidly on the American Empire (and praying they don't start a nuclear war), a lot of primarily American pseudo-leftists are calling it the most powerful empire in history.

In reality it's not even close! It's had a peer competitor for all of the Empire's existence (Russia) and another for most of it's existence (China). And now the former is rising again while the latter is, relatively speaking, going through the stratosphere. All this in only a little over 100 years. The great empires of the past like China, Macedon, Roma. Mongolia, even the Vikings lasted 100s or 1000s of years (China).

Nope, if nuclear war is avoided, the American Empire won't even be a footnote in history textbooks. If nuclear war can't be avoided, there will be no history.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


So it comes down to who this guy is. A DuckDuckGo search lists him as "Minister for Diaspora affairs" and that he is on the payroll of the Western funded "Open Government Society".

Sure, try and spin a conspiracy out of it.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The most vulnerable were only getting a small fraction of the grain.

The grain deal was a deal, and only Russia was complying to its side of the deal. For 9 months or so, Russia was asking the other side comply, but they refused.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Dear @2020hindsigts

Thanks for the link. It's really the damnedest of things when one actually follows the link and reads the article. You should try it some day.

“The decision by Russia to exit the Black Sea Grain Initiative is a stab [in] the back,” tweeted Abraham Korir Sing'Oei, a senior foreign ministry official from Kenya.

Then just after that: "Sing'Oei's was a solitary voice, however. Rather than reproaching Moscow, African leaders have remained largely silent."

So it comes down to who this guy is. A DuckDuckGo search lists him as "Minister for Diaspora affairs" and that he is on the payroll of the Western funded "Open Government Society".

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Reuters is just narrative killing today.


Western countries have not imposed any sanctions on Russian food and fertiliser exports in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine last year, but Moscow says its exports are hampered because sanctions make it harder for traders to process Russian payments or to obtain vessels and insurance.

And yet Russia has no problem with insurance and making payments when buying drones from Iran and China. Russia are trying to get some sanctions rolled back and using this as an excuse to do it.

Don't fall for Putin's spin.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


3 ( +4 / -1 )


This is a political move to stave off criticism of removing Ukrainian grain from the market. As expected, African countries are furious with Russia for not renewing the grain deal.

Really? Got a link? Because the talk all over Twitter is how the Africans don't seem to care at all while Western Europeans are furious.

Yup. You aren't hearing anything from them, because the dare not annoy Putin. They want to be a bation that gets some grain for free. Putin has blackmailed them into silence:


2 ( +4 / -2 )

La vie douce

*The other side has fulfilled their end of the deal.*

No, it has not. Perhaps good time to research more info from the other side in order to obtain a more accurate , balanced opinion.

Really? How has it not fulfilled it's end of the deal?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

La vie douce

*Where grain is shipped is completely irrelevant."

Irrelevant, wow? This a golden nugget if i ever heard one.

When you buy gas at the gas station, do you care whether it came from Saudi Arabia or Venezuela?

No, you don't. But you do care how much it costs. That's the same with grain. Like oil, grain is a global market and it matters how much supply there is, not where it comes from. Because how much you import will be determined by the price, not here it comes from.

Economics 101.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Russia doesn’t give a damn if they all starve to death.

That’s who they are.

And China is in Russia’s corner?!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

This was also shown in the recommended (by your side) YouTube video yesterday.

Lol. The video that someone on your side posted failing to prove the grain deal ended because of the attack on the bridge was all of a sudden recommended by our side? That’s funny.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This is a political move to stave off criticism of removing Ukrainian grain from the market. As expected, African countries are furious with Russia for not renewing the grain deal.

What Africans do seem to agree with is the statement by the Russians, right up to Putin himself, saying NATO is trying to prevent Russian grain and fertilizer going to poor countries. It would be a par for the course for US/NATO to do that. They've always been ruled by truly murderous fascists. It's just not the material conditions for them are so reduced, they can no longer conceal the fact.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Yes, so powerful that he's afraid to even leave Russia apparently.

Putin confirming his place as the most powerful man on earth..

3 ( +6 / -3 )

This is a political move to stave off criticism of removing Ukrainian grain from the market. As expected, African countries are furious with Russia for not renewing the grain deal.

Really? Got a link? Because the talk all over Twitter is how the Africans don't seem to care at all while Western Europeans are furious.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

It's become increasingly clear that Putin was played and manipulated by Zelensky to pull out of the grain deal...

Russia agreed to the deal when first brought up and approved its continuance at 120 day intervals. Russia kept agreeing to the deal because it knew it was in its interests.

it didn't want the international criticism for starving the unfed, especially in Africa where it was trying to make inroads. And it also knew that it's Black Fleet lacked the capability to enact and enforce a blockade on Ukrainian ports.

So they went along with the deal which was more advantageous to Russia than Ukraine.

it appears Zelensky realized this and sent his suicide attack boats to blow up the Kerch bridge the day before the deal was to be extended, knowing that would infuriate Putin and he'd cancel the deal.

Now as we see in this article the world is blaming Putin and he now has to figure out a way to do an embargo, which will bring his ships within missile range of Ukraine.

Putin loses again...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The grain deal was not just Ukraine sailing grain from its ports on the Black sea.

It also required Ukraine to NOT use the ports for military purposes. Oops Ukraine broke this.

It required Ukraine to NOT import weapons through those ports. Oops Ukraine broke this.

It also allowed for the sale of Russian grain and fertilizer. Oops the sanctions on Russian banks prevented this.

If the west is so concerned about hunger in Africa, it could sell grain at a loss or donate for free. Something that Putin has promised and has been doing but has not been mentioned in our Ukraine propaganda friendly media.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

1glenn have you missed a meal do too wheat from Ukraine,the laws of probability and nature have seal Ukraine fate, hopefully the Republicans would stick a fork in it

-4 ( +0 / -4 )


reported what Putin said. It did not offer any fact-checking about Putin being right or wrong. The article is not false/fake because that is what Putin stated. But it is propaganda from Putin.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The ability of the Russian dictator to bring disaster upon the world is truly shocking.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

But would you not agree that if Russia had not invaded Crimea, this would not be a problem?

It depends on how one views the population in Crimea amongst other things.

Most of the Crimeans speak Russian and no doubt identify more with Russia than with their government in Kiev

And not forgetting that Crimea was politically a part of Russia before it was literally given away without any type of referendum in Crimea.

Could it not be said that those in Crimea identify more with Russia than Ukraine?

When I was younger, I had the propensity to classify the world into black or white, right or wrong, yes or no, according to what I thought at the time-time has changed that though.

Categorising any type of debate, especially this one into those simplistic terms, doesn’t really sum up the issue of Russia and Ukraine at the moment.

On the face of it, the Ukrainians are certainly victims and the weaker of the two in the conflict.

Yet, having watched a demonstration in Odessa where pro Ukraine and pro Russia groups came to blows, some of the pro Russia group was caught up in a building which was set alight and around 100 people burned to death.

That would certainly create a lot of animosity.

How many other skirmishes over alignment and identity have ended the same way all over the world?

Not just in Ukraine and Russia.

A conflict would have arisen at some point as there has been plenty of input from several groups for it to have done so.

So, to answer your question with a negative is how I see it, with regard to what I have written

-4 ( +3 / -7 )


   you are clearly not neutral in his conflict constantly on the side of Russia.

> odd way to say my facts are murdering your narratives.

> Well to be precise, Reuter's facts.

> Which is even better.


The Reuter article just reported what Putin said. They are not Reuter facts, they are Putin's lies to try and win over the African leaders. BTW Putin is too afraid to travel to the conference in South Africa.

So how about your neutrality?


5 ( +9 / -4 )

Putin making the world a worse place for humans. All he cares about is making the world a safer place for Putin, and he's not even good at that.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

you are clearly not neutral in his conflict constantly on the side of Russia.

odd way to say my facts are murdering your narratives.

Well to be precise, Reuter's facts.

Which is even better.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )


you are clearly not neutral in his conflict constantly on the side of Russia.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

which didnt dispute what was said. Has anyone else? 

Is Reuters no good now?

You have immense difficulties in distinguishing what someone reported someone said and and what was said is actually true.

But then we know that you think that Biden lost because it was reported that someone said that he had and that’s good enough for you.

4 ( +8 / -4 )


But instead of "urging" Russia to revive the grain deal, why not "urging" the other side to fulfill their end of the deal? A deal can't be forever extended if it's only one side is it?

The other side has fulfilled their end of the deal.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

It's been a while since I last commented on this site. Seems that it's still the same two camps arguing back n forth.

It's interesting that the UN chief seems to have learned something from Japanese politicians and that is to "urge".

But instead of "urging" Russia to revive the grain deal, why not "urging" the other side to fulfill their end of the deal? A deal can't be forever extended if it's only one side is it?

By the way, there's never a grain deal between Russia and Ukraine. Those two parties never signed any grain deal.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Reuters is just narrative killing today.


Western countries have not imposed any sanctions on Russian food and fertiliser exports in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine last year, but Moscow says its exports are hampered because sanctions make it harder for traders to process Russian payments or to obtain vessels and insurance.

Also, some individuals linked to major fertiliser companies such as EuroChem founder Andrey Melnichenko, Uralchem's Dmitry Mazepin and Acron Group's Viatcheselav Kantor have been placed on European Union sanctions lists.

These sanctions have made it more complicated for the companies to operate and more than 400,000 tonnes of fertiliser were initially stranded in European Union ports, though some have now been released and exported to Africa.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )



ship its own food and fertilizer.

got it?

As I have said before grain and fertilizer is not subject to sanctions. Russia has shipped record amounts of wheat since last year.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Putin also said the same thing last September which resulted in this "clarification":

i24NEWS reached out to the Joint Coordination Center of the Black Sea Grain Initiative that opened in Istanbul to monitor the shipments and learned that Putin claim is not precisely true. 

"As of 7 September 2022, 100 vessels left Ukrainian ports carrying a total of 2,334,310 metric tons of grains and other foodstuffs. They are headed to various destinations across three continents: Turkey (20 percent), Spain (15 percent), Egypt (10 percent), China (7 percent), Italy, and The Republic of Korea (6 percent), Iran and The Netherlands (5 percent), Romania and India (4 percent), Germany and Sudan (3 percent), Kenya, Yemen and Israel (2 percent), Ireland, France, Djibouti, and Somalia (1 percent), and Lebanon, Greece and Bulgaria (lesst than 1 percent)," the center's spokesperson specified. 

But hey, that looks like about 3 to maybe 5% to the poorest African countries, doesnt it?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


The vast majority of the grain went to Western European pigs, not needy Africans.

Where grain is shipped is completely irrelevant. Because it's the price of grain that determines if poor countries can buy it. And Ukrainian grain on the market reduced prices by 20% last year.

The Russians did however state that despite the efforts of NATO powers to prevent it, Russian grain would go to needy people mostly in Africa, free of charge.

This is a political move to stave off criticism of removing Ukrainian grain from the market. As expected, African countries are furious with Russia for not renewing the grain deal.

Russia’s tactics are effectively blackmail: they’re going to be offering free grain to some, they’re going to be selling to others. If you want to be one of the countries that gets free grain, you shut up about Putin stopping the deal.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


Yet Reuters published it without disputing it.

and many other news organizations reported the same comments with zero dispute or fact check.

so it must be...... true?

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Russia was bullied, but the bear fights back. Ukraine staves the developing world.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


MOSCOW, June 17 (Reuters) - Exports of Ukrainian grain under a deal ensuring its safe passage through the Black Sea are not helping to resolve Africa’s problems with high global food prices as only 3% have gone to the poorest countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin told African leaders on Saturday.

> Putin said the food crisis had been caused by the actions of Western countries, not by what Russia calls a “special military operation” in Ukraine.

> The leaders from South Africa, Senegal, Egypt, Zambia, Uganda, Congo Republic and the Comoro islands were meeting Putin at the government’s 18th-century Konstantinovsky Palace in the hope of mediating in the conflict with Ukraine, after visiting Kyiv on Friday.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Flaws in Logical Reasoning Course-

A “Source Argument” is also known as an ad hominem attack, meaning “to the person”. It commits a singular, consistent mistake by attacking the person/group making a claim (the source) as opposed to attacking the details of the claim itself.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )


Reuter's article states what Putin told the African leaders.


3 ( +7 / -4 )

Quoting Putin facts.

Quoting Reuters Japan.

which didnt dispute what was said. Has anyone else?

Is Reuters no good now?

The YouTube video of the entire Putin speech was recommend yesterday as a source of truth by the left.

You can go look at yesterday article to see it.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

as only 3% have gone to the poorest countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin told African leaders on Saturday

Quoting Putin facts.

Can you see the bottom yet?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Reuters in Japan is pushing Russian propaganda?

thats interesting that you would think this.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


Exports of Ukrainian grain under a deal ensuring its safe passage through the Black Sea are not helping to resolve Africa’s problems with high global food prices as only 3% have gone to the poorest countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin told African leaders on Saturday.

Do you accept pure propaganda?

2 ( +7 / -5 )


Exports of Ukrainian grain under a deal ensuring its safe passage through the Black Sea are not helping to resolve Africa’s problems with high global food prices as only 3% have gone to the poorest countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin told African leaders on Saturday.

This was also shown in the recommended (by your side) YouTube video yesterday.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Ukraine was one of the world’s top producers and the grain deal has helped soothe the global food crunch triggered by the conflict.

Some 32.4 million tons have been exported so far under the agreement, according to the UN. Just over half of the exports have been corn, while more than a quarter was wheat.


5 ( +7 / -2 )

Only 3% made it to Africa

You have to prove this since you are so consistently unreliable.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

How will the end of the Ukraine grain deal hurt Africa?


4 ( +6 / -2 )

Yes, Ukraine is not the EU.

What is 725,000 tonnes (Ukraine) of 31 million tonnes (EU)?


and good to see you mentioned the WFP bought the grain, others claimed it was donated.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


"The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP – the largest humanitarian organisation in the world) also shipped wheat from Black Sea ports. As of July 2023, the programme had bought 80% of its grain stock from Ukraine, up from 50% before the war. Over 725 000 tonnes of wheat left Ukrainian ports to Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti during the implementation of the initiative."

"The EU is a major global producer and exporter of wheat. It is estimated that the EU exported 31 million tonnes of wheat in the marketing year 2022/23. Destination countries include Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Pakistan and Nigeria."


6 ( +8 / -2 )

It seems that you are smart .

Compared to Putin simps my cat is smart

look at map of Russia

It’s big. Most countries would be satisfied with its size and not think it needs to be marginally bigger at the expense of thousands of lives

than think again.did you vere heard about say...Vladivostok

China wants that. You may lose the the far east. It’s never been yours anyway.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

developing countries

Which are not the countries you would think they are by this term.

Only 3% made it to Africa.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

This is the agenda that the Russian propaganda is trying to push. Is it coincidental that your agenda is the same as Russia's, or coincidental?

But it is true?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

But would you not agree that if Russia had not invaded Crimea, this would not be a problem?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Its certainly a problem for the people in Crimea and they aren’t to blame for their military entering Ukraine.

I agree. Ukrainians have been the victim of Russian invasion since Russia invaded Crimea.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

The UN was silent when the Ukraine attacked the bridge that millions of people in Crimea rely on for the delivery of food and medicine.

“If Russia hadn't invaded Crimea, this wouldn't be a problem.”


Its certainly a problem for the people in Crimea and they aren’t to blame for their military entering Ukraine.

The ‘us and them’ rhetoric has been debunked numerous times Strangerland but it’s always useful for sowing division which you are well known for.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Sven - any comment on that bit of Russian disinformation that you helped to spread yesterday purporting to show Ukrainians surrendering, but was instead in fact a prisoner exchange?

Im hesitant to take a look at any more of your links until we resolve that one.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Volodymyr can export his grain by trains there is no issue at all.

And then so will Vladimir.

If you insist that Ukraine do this then so shall Russia. And that will be on Putin.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

In other news, India banned the export of japonica rice. That will be a devastating blow to millions of hungry folks around the world. It could, however, offer Japan to win some friends by giving them rice.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

As of July 2023, almost 33 million tonnes of grain and other foodstuffs had been exported via the Black Sea Grain Initiative.

65% of the wheat exported through the Black Sea Grain Initiative reached developing countries. Maize was exported almost equally to developed and developing countries.


5 ( +9 / -4 )

In other news, on the battle field more and more 16~18 year-old Ukrainian males along with females are dying. And now people with varying degrees of retardation are being mobilized. https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1683593145349447680?s=20

The joke is on anyone who though NATO reps talking about fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian was just a figure of speech. Very evil people......

This is the agenda that the Russian propaganda is trying to push. Is it coincidental that your agenda is the same as Russia's, or coincidental?

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Putin has offered free grain to Africa but there isn't enough Russian grain to do it.

5 ( +8 / -3 )


The UN was silent when the Ukraine attacked the bridge that millions of people in Crimea rely on for the delivery of food and medicine.

Oh please! There is a ferry you know.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The vast majority of the grain went to Western European pigs, not needy Africans. The Russians did however state that despite the efforts of NATO powers to prevent it, Russian grain would go to needy people mostly in Africa, free of charge.

There is almost no possibility of the deal being revived. The Russians are systematically destroying the infrastructure needed to move the grain. Not only in the Black Sea but also the river crossings across from Romania and Poland. If you are in Europe, stock up on pasta ASAP.

In other news, on the battle field more and more 16~18 year-old Ukrainian males along with females are dying. And now people with varying degrees of retardation are being mobilized.


The joke is on anyone who though NATO reps talking about fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian was just a figure of speech. Very evil people......

-7 ( +5 / -12 )


Why did Russia say it's pulling out of the deal? Russia has threatened to exit the deal before, but each time it has chosen to stay in. But on July 17, 2023, it said it's unwilling to stay in the deal unless its demands are met to ship its own food and fertilizer.

Yes, that is Russia's complaint. And yet Russia has shipped record amounts of wheat since last year.

So, it's a lie.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The situation becomes intolerable and people with funds will just leave Africa and head for Europe- the poor remain and starve

Why wouldn’t those folks head to Russia, where the grain is?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The UN was silent when the Ukraine attacked the bridge that millions of people in Crimea rely on for the delivery of food and medicine.

If Russia hadn't invaded Crimea, this wouldn't be a problem.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

The UN was silent when the Ukraine attacked the bridge that millions of people in Crimea rely on for the delivery of food and medicine.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Deaths from food shortages


The effects of war

-6 ( +4 / -10 )





2 ( +7 / -5 )

More like the smell of disinformation.

the sanctions impact shipping the grain, harvesting the grain and being able to be paid for the grain that is sold.

You sound angry. What do you suppose the solution is? Last week you said they needed to be doing more than sanctions against Russia, but you've also in the past complained about giving support to Ukraine. You sound angry above, but are you just grumbling, or what do you suggest should actually being done?

5 ( +7 / -2 )


if media talking abt this grain deal and always saying Russia is bad why you never say full info that deal inclosed export of russian grain and fertilizers too-which is banned until today?

The export of Russian grain and fertilizers have never been banned under the sanctions.

be better balanced.


2 ( +7 / -5 )


More like the smell of disinformation.

the sanctions impact shipping the grain, harvesting the grain and being able to be paid for the grain that is sold.

that’s all part of “selling” grain. At least to educated people.

All of which Russia can do.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

More like the smell of disinformation.


For a man who believes that Biden started the war after winning an election that he actually lost you really aren’t the person that we could be ‘educated’ by.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

TokyoLivingToday 06:51 am JST

Putin confirming his place as the most powerful man on earth..

That he can cause suffering in unrelated third countries? This why they say hell won't have him.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

More like the smell of disinformation.

the sanctions impact shipping the grain, harvesting the grain and being able to be paid for the grain that is sold.

that’s all part of “selling” grain. At least to educated people.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

The situation becomes intolerable and people with funds will just leave Africa and head for Europe- the poor remain and starve

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Interesting theory. One minor flaw. There are no sanctions on Russia selling grain.

The smell of education.

Drop the sanctions and the problem is resolved tomorrow.

Don’t invade and the problem never existed.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

The countries of the most vulnerable need to take their message to Putin.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

This is such a blunder for Putin to be making. The world will become determined not to allow Putin to control the Black Sea.

6 ( +13 / -7 )


Both Russia and Ukraine are “essential to global food security,'' the U.N. leader said. He noted that they have historically accounted for 30% of global wheat and barley exports, a fifth of all maize and more than half of all sunflower oil.

The shortage of food in the Global South is caused by the sanctions against Russian wheat and other food products.

Drop the sanctions and the problem is resolved tomorrow.

Interesting theory. One minor flaw. There are no sanctions on Russia selling grain.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Like Russia cares what anyone else thinks. That ship has sailed.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Putin confirming his place as the most powerful man on earth..

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

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