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U.N. envoy: More nations must take Guantanamo inmates


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The only countries responsible for taking ex Gitmo detainees are the countries where they hold citizenship. Why would the Europeans or anyone else want a bunch of guys who may or may not be militant islamists?

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Ninefingers and the alternative would be? < :-)

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The dems are coming...the dems are coming. Empty the prisons and hand over your wallets.

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I say just dump them on an island and leave them for Survivor G-Mo edition.

Maybe they could do info-mercials or something. =Nobody wants these people =more unwanted than Japan homeless.

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Barack's going to have a lot of crap to deal with that george caused and just walks away from. More of his "stay the course" and leave mess for someone else to clean up.

Such a mess.

These are the worst of the worst, that now aren't terrorist at all now. Countries aren't going to jump up and down trying to take these people. < :-)

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What happened to the cocksure leadership pretended by bush & co.?

I'd say that at the pace things are unraveling, they are as eager (perhaps moreso) as their detractors to get the hell out of dodge, tails firmly 'twixt legs.


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Refusal to take the young men who were guests at Guantanomo Bay will just radicalize Americans.

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Another bush screwup that he will leave for Obama to deal with.

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Agree 100% .More nations mean: Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan,Arab Saudi, Kenya, Jordan...,plenty.

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Another piece of crap that george bush created that he'll just walk away from. < :-)

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Send them back to their own countries. Period.

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insisting that many were held simply because they were “in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They why were some of then locked up for as long as 7 years???

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Once again the world has to clean up after another American foreign policy disaster. What happened to the cocksure leadership pretended by Bush & Co.? Oh, never mind.

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Australia has been asked to take some of these prisoners and I am sure they will not take any unless they are Australian citizens.

The problem all along has been the arrogance of US foreign policy. All these countries that they are asking to accept these prisoners were essentially against that kind of interment in the first place. The Bristish and the Australians were against the whole Gitmo interment, and were consistently asking the US to either have trials or release these men.

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The inmates in Guantanamo are innocent, they are not dangerous, and America must release them immediately! Just not in my country because we are afraid of what they might do...

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Guantanamo was the US's idea, the prisoners were illegally abducted by the US, so why doesn't the US take all of the prisoners?

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