Japan Today

UN experts say famine has spread throughout Gaza

By Emma Farge

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Neyanyiu, dead man hanging.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

UN experts say famine has spread throughout Gaza

This is expected because Hamas is stealing food.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )

Jews looked like this when the Nazi's starved them, Now Jews are doing the same to the Palestinians who have nothing to do with the Holocaust.

One would think that Jews would be the last to replicate their sufferings.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Fake news. There isn’t any backing data to support this report but rather the opinions of 13 people. Where is their supporting evidence? Where is the data they’ve collected to come to that conclusion? Where is the link to their research?

“In Tuesday's statement, the group of 11 rights experts cited the deaths of three children aged 13, 9-years-old and six months from malnutrition in the southern area of Khan Younis and the central area of Deir Al-Balah since the end of May.

"With the death of these children from starvation despite medical treatment in central Gaza, there is no doubt that famine has spread from northern Gaza into central and southern Gaza," the experts said.

How is the death of 3 children concrete proof of widespread famine? It isn’t.

If you want to know what’s actually happening a study was done last month by the IPC which found “In this context, the available evidence does not indicate that famine is currently occurring”. Feel free to read the study yourself


-16 ( +6 / -22 )

I take no sides on such a divisive issue. What I can not fathom are children in that condition. Let the two leaders duke it out and leave everyone else out of it. But both get spit in the eye from me. Hate each other all you want, but get some damn food and medicine in there and get kids taken care of. Shoot me if you want, but those kids are kids and this damn war doesn't change that. What did they do?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Israel does not allow foreign journalists into Gaza. For several weeks there have been reports of a famine in North Gaza. Terrible to see young children starving to death.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Israel does not allow foreign journalists into Gaza. For several weeks there have been reports of a famine in North Gaza.

Not just weeks, for months we’ve been hearing about “imminent famine” that never came. Here’s an article from almost 6 months ago talking about how 400,000 Gazans are currently in famine, not at risk of famine. Where have the mass starvations been?

”The “great majority” of 400,000 Gazans characterized by UN agencies as at risk of starving “are actually in famine, not just at risk of famine,” Martin Griffiths, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.”


January 16, 2024

Terrible to see young children starving to death.

100% agree

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

The bedrock determination for "sociopath " is the absence of empathy for others, including animals.

When we see a lack of empathy for babies, the "sociopath "description and identity becomes manifest.

Gaza suffers a starvation that is caused by Israel

Israel suffers a moral starvation that has a self cause.

I feel empathy for Israel and Jews for what has become real.

Children will die in Gaza and that will be the end of those sad, short lives.

Israel is dying from within and this will be a slow death , ....the moral absence in a human society that once offered a lot to the world.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Gaza Strip: Acute Food Insecurity Situation for 1 May - 15 June and Projection for 16 June - 30 September 2024

Risk of Famine as 495,000 people face catastrophic acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5)


11 ( +12 / -1 )


This is expected because Hamas is stealing food.

Who really thieves?





-1 ( +7 / -8 )

While the western world sits on its hands! Absolutely disgusting!

While I am embarrassed to say the Aust govt in all its wisdom and hypocrisy has appointed a antisemitism ambassador at the same time as expelling a Muslim senator from the party who crossed the floor to vote for a Palestinian state and permanent ceasefire

What do the Zionists have on these politicians to make them kiss the ring so devotedly??

8 ( +11 / -3 )

How many Gaza children have died from starvation?

At least 34 children have already died of malnutrition in Gaza,

How many Gaza children have died from bombings?

More than 13,000.

How many children have been amputated in Gaza?

More than a thousand children who were injured in the war are now amputees.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Risk of Famine as 495,000 people face catastrophic acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 5)

“Risk of famine” and “widespread famine spread throughout Gaza” are two entirely different things

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

Denier always denying, first they deny Palestine people rights to live there. Now they consider any humanitarian disaster doesn't exist in Gaza. While the fact, it is happening.

Okay where’s the proof then?


This isn’t proof and they don’t source any type of research to support their claims.


Did you even read your own post? This link doesn’t say that Gaza is currently experiencing a famine, it’s states they can potentially face one

-11 ( +2 / -13 )


Did you even read your own post? This link doesn’t say that Gaza is currently experiencing a famine, it’s states they can potentially face one

For you to be convinced you need whole population face 100% famine, you have really high bar for human suffering.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

For you to be convinced you need whole population face 100% famine, you have really high bar for human suffering.

No, I need the agency that the UN uses to determine if a famine is happening to declare a famine is happening. According to that agency a famine isn’t currently happening. Do you disagree?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

At the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials post WW2 , sentences to death by hanging were handed down to upper echelon Nazis.

Reportage from the actual executions described three responses as the condemned were led to the gallows.

First were the stoic , going silently , accepting of their fate , accepting the whole Nazi experiment had failed.

Second were those , squealing, blubbering, crying, revealing the true cowardice of their souls.

Finally, and bizarrely, some cried out "Heil Hitler " as they ascended the gallows to await the noose.

This group were still loyal to "the cause " and loyal to their "great Fuhrer ".

As we witness the moral and actual disintegration of current Israel , we will observe the same or similar responses.

Beware those who remain "loyal to the cause " of a Greater Israel mandated from the heavens, by God him/her self.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

If there is a "risk of mass famine" and no action is taken to avoid it then it will happen.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The British medical journal Lancet estimates that deaths from the Israel-US genocide in Gaza could be as high as 186,000. Zionism is Nazism.


4 ( +7 / -3 )

If there is a "risk of mass famine" and no action is taken to avoid it then it will happen.

There was action though which is reported in the IPC report I posted earlier

”in contrast with the assumptions made for the projection period (March - July 2024), the amount of food and non-food commodities allowed into the northern governorates steadily increased. In addition, the response in nutrition and other sectors was scaled up”

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Simple way for the Zionists to stop antisemitism.. stop slaughtering Palestinians and stealing their land illegally!

Absolutely shameful that the western world watches on while these atrocities are occurring!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Jews looked like this when the Nazi's starved them, Now Jews are doing the same to the Palestinians who have nothing to do with the Holocaust.


Zionism is Nazism

ironic becoming the very thing you hate the most.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Who could look at that photo of a starving child in Gaza and then write "fake news " . ?

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Bone...ignorant of a standard psychology term like "denial ', and displaying a very limited general knowledge overall.

Wait, you said I was if ignorant of most issues and when I ask what issues you say I’m ignorant of the term denial? Can you please point out where in this thread you think I didn’t understand the term denial?

You’re literally the one in denial. I’ve posted a concrete report that directly proves my point. So what am I in denial about? Can you name one thing?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )


You don’t yap. You just come in and say “Agree!” without ever contributing anything

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Yes bone...sigh....very important to win a point when the issue is about a man made famine and the story has a starving baby in the lead.

Fragility ?

Gotta keep that ego intact.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Who could look at that photo of a starving child in Gaza and then write "fake news " . ?

Because the headline states “famine has spread throughout Gaza” which is fake news. I thought you had a degree in English, why can’t you read?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Yes bone...sigh....very important to win a point when the issue is about a man made famine and the story has a starving baby in the lead.

There is no famine though so you’re wrong. I literally posted a report by the agency that the UN refers to when trying to determine famines and they said there isn’t a famine. You’re just embarrassing yourself at this point by digging in

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

You don’t yap. You just come in and say “Agree!” without ever contributing anything

want a contribution?

here you go

The UN says there's 'full-blown famine' in northern Gaza. What does that mean? | AP News

0 ( +5 / -5 )

It's on between you and me now

0 ( +5 / -5 )

 I literally posted a report by the agency that the UN refers to when trying to determine famines and they said there isn’t a famine. 

I just posted a report that says the UN says that there is a famine so you are full of hot air.

How's that for a contribution?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The UN says there's 'full-blown famine' in northern Gaza. What does that mean? | AP News

Thats the same reporting as this article, which when you actually dig into it doesn’t rely on any report or study. It relies on 11 experts using the recent deaths of 13 Gazans to make a wild claim that there is mass famine across Gaza, which has been proven false by a large scale report done by the agency that the UN relies on to determine whether or not areas are experiencing famine or not

please point out where I said anything incorrect here

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Thats the same reporting as this article, which when you actually dig into it doesn’t rely on any report or study. It relies on 11 experts using the recent deaths of 13 Gazans to make a wild claim that there is mass famine across Gaza, which has been proven false by a large scale report done by the agency that the UN relies on to determine whether or not areas are experiencing famine or not

please point out where I said anything incorrect here

Here is where you are wrong

According to the IPC, an area is considered to be in famine when three things occur: 20% of households have an extreme lack of food, or essentially starving; at least 30% of children suffer from acute malnutrition or wasting, meaning they’re too thin for their height; and two adults or four children per every 10,000 people are dying daily of hunger and its complications.

In northern Gaza, the first condition of extreme lack of food has been met, senior WFP spokesman Steve Taravella told The Associated Press. The second condition of child acute malnutrition is nearly met, he said. But the death rate could not be verified.

Doing so is difficult. Aid groups note that Israeli airstrikes and raids have devastated medical facilities in northern Gaza and displaced much of the population. Along with restrictions on access, they complicate the ability to formally collect data on deaths.

A document explaining famine published in March by the IPC noted, however, that an area can be classified as “famine with reasonable evidence” if two of the three thresholds have been reached and analysts believe from available evidence that the third likely has been reached.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

I just posted a report that says the UN says that there is a famine so you are full of hot air

That isn’t a report, it’s the opinion of experts who are basing their opinion on a couple of recent deaths

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

The bottom line is that people are practically dying from a lack of food, water and medicines. If we are waiting for the moment when all the facts are in hand to verify the final conditions to scientifically declare a famine, it would be after thousands of people have perished,” Taravella said.

Completely obliterating all of your above posts

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Lets "give peace a chance " on the forum....

I vote to crowd fund and buy a certain poster a little puppy !

Have to check with his mum first though.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

That isn’t a report, it’s the opinion of experts who are basing their opinion on a couple of recent deaths

Its a UN report

And like you said its the opinion of experts as opposed to a poster who doesn't even use his real name .

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The bottom line is that people are practically dying from a lack of food, water and medicines. If we are waiting for the moment when all the facts are in hand to verify the final conditions to scientifically declare a famine, it would be after thousands of people have perished,” Taravella said.

Lol thanks for admitting that there’s no proof to your argument that there’s a famine. You made my time easy

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Its a UN report

Wheres the report then? Link the report that they created so I can read it. Any attempt to obfuscate and not post the report I’ll just take as you admitting you’re wrong and trying to back down

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Lol thanks for admitting that there’s no proof to your argument that there’s a famine. You made my time easy

LOL. I just proved it to you and you are throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to accept the facts right under your nose. throwing the toys out of the pram again I see

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Wheres the report then? Link the report that they created so I can read it. Any attempt to obfuscate and not post the report I’ll just take as you admitting you’re wrong and trying to back down

I posted it for you. the title literally says that.

keep those temper tantrums up.

Happy to keep contributing.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

LOL. I just proved it to you and you are throwing a temper tantrum and refusing to accept the facts right under your nose. throwing the toys out of the pram again I see

You didn’t prove anything. What facts? Your own quote literally states they have no facts lmao. You posted the opinion of one person who admitted they have no evidence to back up their claims. I however posted a detailed report with evidence supporting the finding that there isn’t a famine occurring

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

The solution is simple, all the Palestinians need to do is have some "experts" release a research saying that Palestinians are white Europeans and watch the speed the EU and possibly the USA jump to aid them.

Billions will follow their way the doors to refugees will swing open and western MSM will be blasting the tragedy on the news 24/7.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

I posted it for you. the title literally says that

Is english not your first language? That isn’t a “report” it’s an article

A document explaining famine published in March by the IPC noted, however, that an area can be classified as “famine with reasonable evidence” if two of the three thresholds have been reached and analysts believe from available evidence that the third likely has been reached.

You clearly didn’t read the report I posted as it very clearly states that these March projections you’re talking about here never occurred

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You didn’t prove anything.

I proved that the UN said there is a famine in Gaza.

What facts?

the ones in the article

Your own quote literally states they have no facts lmao.

The quote literally states that based on the evidence they have, famine exists. You just can't deal with facts

You posted the opinion of one person who admitted they have no evidence to back up their claims. I however posted a detailed report with evidence supporting the finding that there isn’t a famine occurring

I've proven that there is famine in Gaza. You are the one refusing to accept facts. And I'm not the only person who says that. most of the posters here are correct in saying that you simply cannot deal with facts when they are presented to you

6 ( +9 / -3 )


""The bedrock determination for "sociopath " is the absence of empathy for others, including animals.""

Couldn't agree with you anymore

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Is english not your first language?

LOL! NOW I know you've lost the argument. When you resort to personal attacks .

That isn’t a “report” it’s an article

Its an article citing a report genious.

A document explaining famine published in March by the IPC noted, however, that an area can be classified as “famine with reasonable evidence” if two of the three thresholds have been reached and analysts believe from available evidence that the third likely has been reached.

You clearly didn’t read the report I posted as it very clearly states that these March projections you’re talking about here never occurred

I think I'll trust The head of the United Nations World Food Program when she says northern Gaza has entered “full-blown famine over you thanks

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I proved that the UN said there is a famine in Gaza.

Based on no evidence and directly contradicted by the evidence I supported

the ones in the article

There are no facts in the article, just the opinions of those experts. They don’t base their opinions on any widespread scientific research

The quote literally states that based on the evidence they have, famine exists. You just can't deal with facts

It literally states they don’t have all the facts are jumping to conclusions without any scientific backing

I've proven that there is famine in Gaza. You are the one refusing to accept facts. And I'm not the only person who says that. most of the posters here are correct in saying that you simply cannot deal with facts when they are presented to you

You haven’t proven anything but instead choose to ignore the facts that I’ve posted. Your “proof” is the opinion of experts who are basing their conclusion on the deaths of a couple people and extrapolating that across the entirety of Gaza despite the agency that the UN relies on stating the opposite. You live in a fantasy world

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Based on no evidence and directly contradicted by the evidence I supported

I've given evidence and yes of course you don't accept any evidence that contradicts what you believe

5 ( +9 / -4 )

There are no facts in the article, just the opinions of those experts. They don’t base their opinions on any widespread scientific research

There are facts. They have said that 2 of the 3 conditions for famine have been met with enough evidence to conclude that the 3rd has been met too

Keep throwing the toys out of the pram

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Its an article citing a report genious.

No it isn’t. There isn’t no report that they created. Where is the report? If it exists link it to me. You can’t because it doesn’t exist

I think I'll trust The head of the United Nations World Food Program when she says northern Gaza has entered “full-blown famine over you thanks

Im literally quoting from the IFP which partners with the World Food Program. It’s okay to be wrong but your facts are out of date. Just read the report I posted it’ll help straighten you out

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You haven’t proven anything but instead choose to ignore the facts that I’ve posted. Your “proof” is the opinion of experts who are basing their conclusion on the deaths of a couple people and extrapolating that across the entirety of Gaza despite the agency that the UN relies on stating the opposite. You live in a fantasy world

Funny how you admit that I'm quoting experts and yet somehow the opinion of these experts doesn't matter but we should defer to you!


5 ( +9 / -4 )

There are facts. They have said that 2 of the 3 conditions for famine have been met with enough evidence to conclude that the 3rd has been met too

In a report that was later revealed to be inaccurate


-9 ( +1 / -10 )

No it isn’t. There isn’t no report that they created. Where is the report? If it exists link it to me. You can’t because it doesn’t exist

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The head of the United Nations World Food Program says northern Gaza has entered “full-blown famine” after nearly seven months of war between Israel and Hamas. But a formal, and highly sensitive, famine declaration faces the complications of politics and of confirming how many people have died.

Cindy McCain in an NBC interview broadcast Sunday said severe Israeli restrictions on humanitarian deliveries to the territory that has long relied on outside food assistance have pushed civilians in the most isolated, devastated part of Gaza over the brink. Famine was now moving south in Gaza, she said.

Right here.

Keep throwing that temper tantrum

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I've given evidence and yes of course you don't accept any evidence that contradicts what you believe

Opinions without any scientific back are just opinions, not facts

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Im literally quoting from the IFP which partners with the World Food Program

LOL!!!! And I'm quoting the HEAD of the World Food Program!!!!!!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Opinions without any scientific back are just opinions, not facts

And that's all that you have offered- opinions

4 ( +7 / -3 )

n a report that was later revealed to be inaccurate

I'll believe the Head of the world food program

6 ( +8 / -2 )

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — The head of the United Nations World Food Program says northern Gaza has entered “full-blown famine” after nearly seven months of war between Israel and Hamas. But a formal, and highly sensitive, famine declaration faces the complications of politics and of confirming how many people have died.

Cindy McCain in an NBC interview broadcast Sunday said severe Israeli restrictions on humanitarian deliveries to the territory that has long relied on outside food assistance have pushed civilians in the most isolated, devastated part of Gaza over the brink. Famine was now moving south in Gaza, she said.

The information that they were receiving to make that judgment was incorrect at the time as indicated by the report I posted. At the time the article was written they believed there was a famine but after gathering more information they came to the conclusion they were wrong as indicated by the report I posted. You’re trying to prove me wrong with outdated reporting and information that has all been debunked in the report I posted

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

And that's all that you have offered- opinions

No I’ve posted direct links to the information provided by the organization that the UN uses to determine whether famines are occurring or not. Keep living in your fantasy world though if that makes you feel better

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

The information that they were receiving to make that judgment was incorrect at the time as indicated by the report I posted. At the time the article was written they believed there was a famine but after gathering more information they came to the conclusion they were wrong as indicated by the report I posted.

The World Food Program have not revised their findings. They have CONSISTENTLY insisted that there is famine in Gaza. NO amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that.

You’re trying to prove me wrong with outdated reporting and information that has all been debunked in the report I posted

I'm not trying. I HAVE proven you wrong. Everyone here can see that except for you

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I'll believe the Head of the world food program

I know you will. You can’t accept the truth when presented to you.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

No I’ve posted direct links to the information provided by the organization that the UN uses to determine whether famines are occurring or not.

and my link proves that famine is happening.

Keep living in your fantasy world though if that makes you feel better

You too. Only you'll find it very lonely there

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I know you will. You can’t accept the truth when presented to you.

Pot calling kettle???

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The World Food Program have not revised their findings. They have CONSISTENTLY insisted that there is famine in Gaza. NO amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that.

The IPC literally stated that they were wrong. IPC is a multi-stakeholder platform that analyzes data from the U.N. World Food Programme, other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations to determine the severity and magnitude of hunger crises, according to internationally-recognized scientific standards. Are you calling them liars?

I'm not trying. I HAVE proven you wrong. Everyone here can see that except for you

No you haven’t because you’re not accepting the most recent reporting. You’re trying to live in the past to prove yourself right when the most recent evidence proves you wrong. you’re the equivalent of an anti-vaxxer or trumpist

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

and my link proves that famine is happening.

Opinions aren’t proof like a said before

Also I noticed you never posted the report so I’ll just accept that you agree their report doesn’t exist.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

The IPC literally stated that they were wrong. IPC is a multi-stakeholder platform that analyzes data from the U.N. World Food Programme, other UN agencies and non-governmental organizations to determine the severity and magnitude of hunger crises, according to internationally-recognized scientific standards. Are you calling them liars?

No. I simply have demonstrated that the WFP has proven time and time again that there is a famine.

I'm not trying. I HAVE proven you wrong. Everyone here can see that except for you

No you haven’t because you’re not accepting the most recent reporting. You’re trying to live in the past to prove yourself right when the most recent evidence proves you wrong. you’re the equivalent of an anti-vaxxer or trumpist

Funny you resort to more name calling. More proof that you have lost the argument when you refer to personal insults.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Also I noticed you never posted the report so I’ll just accept that you agree their report doesn’t exist.

And I'll accept that you lost the argument seeing how you have nothing to offer but personal attacks.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

No. I simply have demonstrated that the WFP has proven time and time again that there is a famine.

With outdated information that was literally proven wrong. Find me a report from the WFP more recent than the report I posted that contradicts it. If you can’t then I accept your concession

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

With outdated information that was literally proven wrong. Find me a report from the WFP more recent than the report I posted that contradicts it.

Already did. You can't handle the fact that I've literally proven you wrong.

If you can’t then I accept your concession

shhhh- its ok. You lost. Everyone knows it

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Already did. You can't handle the fact that I've literally proven you wrong.

No you didn’t. Now you’re scared and coping. My report directly points out the mistakes in WFP reporting from the time period you’ve been referencing this whole time

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

IPC Famine Review Committee.


For the northern governorates, the FRC finds the projected

analysis conclusions plausible (IPC Phase

4, Emergency Acute Food Insecurity) for the scenario

and assumptions set by the analysis team. However,

given the unpredictability of the ongoing conflict and

humanitarian access challenges, any significant change

may lead to a very rapid deterioration into Famine. The

FRC finds the risk of Famine to be plausible based on

the assumptions set by the analysis team. A high risk

of Famine persists as long as conflict continues, and

humanitarian access is restricted. The speed of deterioration

observed in previous months, compounded by

the increased vulnerability of the population after more

than eight months of inadequate dietary intake, WASH

and health conditions, increase the probability that Famine could occur during the projection period.


A high and sustained risk of Famine persists across the

whole of the Gaza Strip as long as conflict continues,

and humanitarian access is restricted. The speed of

deterioration observed in previous months, compounded

by the increased vulnerability of the population after

more than eight months of inadequate dietary intake,

WASH and health conditions, increase the probability

that Famine could occur at any time during the projection period.


6 ( +7 / -1 )

> No you didn’t.

Yes I did.

Now you’re scared and coping.

LOL! I can see the desperation in your posts!

My report directly points out the mistakes in WFP reporting from the time period you’ve been referencing this whole time

My report points out in painstaking detail why there is a famine in Gaza. Deal with it

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Nice post wallace. Lets see what Bone has to say about that.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

remember how it used to work:

when an elected government is either losing a war or thinks the cost of the war is to high for it's people IT SURRENDERS.

then the fighting should stop, and then aid should pour in.

i bet this would still work.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )


Today 09:25 am JST

The World Food Program have not revised their findings. They have CONSISTENTLY insisted that there is famine in Gaza. NO amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that.

> The IPC literally stated that they were wrong.


Even back in January the IPC stated this!

Gaza were in IPC Phase 5, or catastrophic levels of hunger.

Note the level 5 and catastrophic!

The IPC doesn't have a higher level than 5!

So you are wrong Gaza is in a famine and the IPC level 5 is proof!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Aly Rustom

Nice post wallace. Lets see what Bone has to say about that.

He posted the link to the 56-page report but I doubt he read it. You would need at least a whole day of study.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

john b

Today 09:37 am JST

remember how it used to work:

> when an elected government is either losing a war or thinks the cost of the war is to high for it's people IT SURRENDERS.

> then the fighting should stop, and then aid should pour in.

> i bet this would still work

Remember how it worked when the world said no more to genocide. I guess that would still work too.

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Damn straight !

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Nice post wallace. Lets see what Bone has to say about that.

Yes it is nice as it proves exactly what I’ve been saying: there is no current famine in Gaza

My report points out in painstaking detail why there is a famine in Gaza. Deal with it

Which my report then proves was false. Keep up with the news and stop embarrassing yourself by being not up to date

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Yes it is nice as it proves exactly what I’ve been saying: there is no current famine in Gaza


report points out in painstaking detail why there is a famine in Gaza. Deal with it

Which my report then proves was false.

Which part EXACTLY proves this?

Keep up with the news and stop embarrassing yourself by being not up to date

LOL. You are the only one embarrassing yourself- its quite entertaining actually

4 ( +7 / -3 )


You’ve been making the argument that there’s a famine in Gaza this whole time. Now when Wallace comes out and posts that there literally isn’t a famine, which I’ve been saying this whole time, you agree with him. Now you’re saying I’m in denial despite you agreeing with the argument I’ve been making this whole time?

Which part EXACTLY proves this?

Page 2 Executive Summary

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


Even back in January the IPC stated this!

Gaza were in IPC Phase 5, or catastrophic levels of hunger.

Note the level 5 and catastrophic!

The IPC doesn't have a higher level than 5!

So you are wrong Gaza is in a famine and the IPC level 5 is proof!

there you go!

2 ( +5 / -3 )


Even back in January the IPC stated this!

Incorrect. They stated there was a risk of famine (that never occurred) not there was currently a famine.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

You’ve been making the argument that there’s a famine in Gaza this whole time. Now when Wallace comes out and posts that there literally isn’t a famine, which I’ve been saying this whole time, you agree with him.

WHAT?? Wallace NEVER said that! You are the one in denial.

Now you’re saying I’m in denial despite you agreeing with the argument I’ve been making this whole time?

Neither I nor wallace agree with your argument at all.

Which part EXACTLY proves this?

Page 2 Executive Summary

Post the exact quote.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

> Incorrect. They stated there was a risk of famine (that never occurred) not there was currently a famine.


Gaza were in IPC Phase 5, or catastrophic levels of hunger.

Note the level 5 and catastrophic!

The IPC doesn't have a higher level than 5!

Denial again

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

> Incorrect. They stated there was a risk of famine (that never occurred) not there was currently a famine.


Gaza were in IPC Phase 5, or catastrophic levels of hunger.

Note the level 5 and catastrophic!

The IPC doesn't have a higher level than 5!

Denial again

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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