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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.U.N. imposes tough new sanctions on North Korea
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Kim Jong Un will allow every last one of his citizens (slaves) to starve before he will stop his weapons program.
China wants Kim's regime just as it is. Centralized, in total control, and with a powerful military. This way the Chinese have their buffer between them and a US ally and no N Korean refugees fleeing anarchy to deal with either.
Expect the sanctions to be easily bypassed by NK with a wink and a nod from China.
Unfortunately, all of these sanctions will hurt the average Jou.
The Un and his butt kissers at the top will make the necessary adjustments to keep themselves comfortable.
Ghost rider
"Plus they look after their people, rather than just their military." Isn't the USA more concerned about latest military technology than giving the poor citizens a health insurance?
Naive, but good idea anyway.
When China, Russia and the rest agree on a UN security council resolution, that means something. I'm not certain that China will actually enforce it, but there is hope.
The resolution does say there is a commitment to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula. I hope everyone could agree on that.
kurisupisu - there have been talks with NK over nuclear arms since 1985. NK has violated or left every prior agreement. They took the aid and stopped working on nuclear for a few months, before starting again. They've proven to be untrustworthy. 1991, the USA unilaterally pulled all nuclear weapons from South Korea and the SK govt bands domestically created nuclear weapons. That article is interesting reading. It shows a pattern of agreements, broken agreements and lies.
No they can't. All the other countries that have nuclear weapons don't constantly threaten to use them. Plus they look after their people, rather than just their military.
more political theatre…..
Not from my understanding. The Chinese didn't invade until we crossed into their territory, and then they pushed us back to where we are today. General MacArthur's brilliant move cut there supply lines and caught the Norks by surprise, but it was hardly a repell.
The U.N. - a model for future civilizations as to why collective bargaining never works.
Get rid of all war weapons everywhere would be a good idea.
Surely any country to have used Nukes on a population should be the first to give them up not be calling the shots on who can't have them. History shows us who the real danger is
"We will handle North Korea. We are gonna be able to handle them. It will be handled. We handle everything,"
Are we facing food shortages to the extent of rampant malnutrition? Are we threatening to "nuke" all our enemies?
Wallace Fred
NK isn't stupid despite the msm showing as such. There's alot off dialogue nay Sayers on here but NK had been asking for more dialogue and a seizure of the war games that mimic killing a head of state. amerika as expected said no. The benefit of being in China's backyard outweighs the need to make true peace. It's too bad the greatest war mongering nation can not be sanctioned seeing as it rigged the game right from the get go.
PS. Where's the sanctions call on the murderous saudis?
Are you kidding? Dialogue is a waste of time with fatty. Its a murderous regime that keeps its people like emaciated cattle.
Surely even by Russian standards the Norks have only a miserable existence to enjoy ......
Sanctions,sanctions and more sanctions.
The US and the U.K. can have nuclear missles but the North Koreans can't?
Hasn't dialogue been attempted?
Where is the will ?
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
understand grand jury subpoenas are issued in Russians meddling in Trumps election, obvious it might have lethal consequences let . wait and see how witnesses respond.