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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Chinese media, HK gov't lash out at at Trump's pledge of curbs, sanctions
By James Pomfret and Stella Qiu HONG KONG/BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Just wait until Trump expels all Chinese students from Top U.S. universities, then the ____ will really hit the fan.
If it was not for the Trump leadership, the regular people of HK would quietly be smashed as the elites of the world continue to profit in whatever way is necessary. Where is Europe, who's side are they on? Why is this issue being watered down and being presented as a like or dislike of Trump issue?
Does Tiananmen square massacre has any meaning to you?
Jim Harper
Thanks for the comment. But isn't it the case that Hong Kong was ceded by force and put under a British colony after the Opium Wars. There's no room for your analogy, the real parents-and foster parents analogy, to come into play here.
The parent and child analogy is not appropriate anyway. Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not children; they are territories that a brutal dictatorship wants to control for two reasons, political capital and real money.
Taiwan is not a territory. Taiwan is The Republic of China. This false narrative that the Communist are the 'real' China is unfortunate. Taiwan has never been a territory of the PROC, never.
China continues to erode Hong Kong's autonomy as guaranteed by treaty with The United Kingdom.
This shows China's disregard for lawful behavior and obligations that it made in signed treaties.
China proving it is another country that can not be trusted and who's word means nothing.
Time for the worlds major corporations to shift manufacturing away from China.
Its a cycle HK protestors to china “ we burn u burn too” china to US “we burn u burn too” bt china can never win over many countries of the world forget all the countries of the world now the ccp’s expiry date has come
Hong Kong is not the child of Communist PROC. It's simply not. If we must make a parents, child analogy then Hong Kong would be the child of Taiwan ROC. Taiwan is the Republic of China and this is a fact of history. Just as an FYI, the Hong Kong people speak Cantonese which is not the official language of the PROC, which is Mandarin. The Chinese in San Francisco speak Cantonese also and... they are not the children of Communist PROC either.
Taiwan and the entire China Sea is next.
By all means, and what would you propose?
Your analogy should be more like the foster parents who raised the kid allowing him/her to do what they want, and the actual parents being disciplinarians to the extent of child abuse. Is this really a conundrum? What happens in real life under those circumstances?
Peter Wright
Never trust communist this is what my life experience taught me... China is bullying the whole world and nothing is happening. With coronavirus I think it is clear that the lab is the source but China is laughing on the face of the whole world. I sincerely hope there is still a lot of people on this planet who recognize that communist China is not a country they should trust.
When the writers say "Chinese media", they mean "CCP controlled media". I am confident that free Chinese media in HK and Taiwan have a different stance.
Dango bong
Chinese people should be really ashamed of their country
xin xin
Takes a street smart like Trump to fight a bully like China. Too bad Democrats are not always on board with the President in the fight. Obama was too nice. His ambassador to China, Max Baucus is now on the board of Alibaba. The Bushes and Clintons are too close to a Wall Street half drowning in Chinese money.
@xin xin
englisc aspyrgend
An analogy is an analogy and shouldn’t be carried too far or it loses meaning.
The people of HK have experienced freedom of expression, personal liberty and rule of law. Therefor it is not surprising they are not the compliant, easily lead sheep that the CCP prefer.
What ever faults may or may not be ascribed to Britain nearly two hundred years ago, it is telling that the flag of the supposed “colonial oppressor” is the symbol of freedom chosen by the protesters!
I disagree. Members and supporters of the CCP should be ashamed. And that includes Non-Chinese (think e.g. of the directors of the WHO and the Canadian PM).
The "child" has grown up and should become an independent "city State" much like Singapore.
If China treats it well they may become close trading partners and friends.
Peter Neil
It's ironic that the posters who always snear and throw the word "liberals" around salivate over Trump - a tax dodging, draft dodging conman who hates the military. How on earth is that someone "conservatives" have any respect for a pathological lying, incompetent narcissist?
If you are against the modern American aristocracy (Bushes and Clintons) who think their bloodlines should rule the US, or simply disliked Hillary Clinton as a candidate, that's fine. But to hold up Trump as a bastion of conservative values is just plain weird.
Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave.
Is this going to be the new talking points of the liberals? If so, only the haters will retweet that.
Already on its way back to getting, stocks are looking strong and as for the wall, it is getting to completion
Dango bong:
Of Taiwan and Hong Kong? No, absolutely not.
OK, very dramatic, you write- ''it's certain that Hong Kong was forcefully seized from China like a child was kidnapped by a kidnapper.'' (笑)
I'm simply saying that The Qing dynasty ceded Hong Kong to the British Empire in 1842 through the treaty of Nanjing, ending the First Opium War.
The Qing dynasty Died in 1911. ROC formed in 1911 and it is the direct successor of Qing. Yes! Taiwan is the ROC. The PRC was formed in 1949 and they are NOT THE PARENTS OF HONG KONG.
These are historical facts.
Hiro S Nobumasa
Why did the UK only give the 5th class citizen BNO to their subjects in HK?
From the BBC : " The BNO passport is essentially a travel document that does not carry citizenship rights with it - although you are entitled to some consular assistance outside of Hong Kong and China with it.
"Though it gives the passport holder the right to remain in the UK for up to six months, it doesn't automatically allow them to reside or work there. They also aren't allowed to access public funds, including things like government benefits."
Clearly the UK and Lord Chris Patten hoodwinked the people of HK into accepting such a useless document.
London should have gave the HK'rs the right to choose British citizenship or that of the PROC .
What is happening to the people of HK is directly the fault of the former colonizer .
The way they treated the HK'rs smacks of racism!
Trump should summon the new UK Ambassador and demand an explanation or else ...
I couldn’t agree more, spot on.
Trump impulsive will bring misery too the people of Hong Kong, Trump cannot stop rioting in America, lots of leaders, will exploit his weakness
Reagan talked with Gorby and they ended the Cold War peacefully. Today America is run by Putin's pup, he's a fascist and a sputnik. And authoritarian + totalitarian regimes and violence + oppression galore dominate the Earth now. It's in the USA, HK, Russia, Spain, Greece, central Africa, Middle East, Libya, etc. Violence, hate and war. Sad.
No, it takes someone who puts national interest above globalist ideology, who is not beholden to Chinese money, and who is tough enough to stand up against all the globalists in the swamp who benefit from the ongoing sellout to the CCP (and constant drong of the corrupt "mainstream media"). And someone who actually follows up on campaign promises. All that does take some toughness. Trump fits that bill.
If you personally hate him is irrelevant to that. As for me, I am simply looking at his political decisions, and in regard to the CCP, they are correct.
Peter Neil
I guess the shoe is on the other foot now. China can scold the US and encourage the protestors, even telling Trump to "speak to the protesters" as Trump lectured the Chinese to do with the Hong Kong protesters.
What a difference a week makes.
@voiceof okinawa
You are the one who brought up this odd analogy.
@Just my thoughts
No, because neither the ROC nor the PROC existed during the Opium Wars. Technically, Hong Kong would be an orphan because its Qing dynasty parents are deceased.
At least Trump is trying to negotiate a trade deal with China. The British bought more china, silver, and tea and couldn’t sell their Shetland wool sweaters. Who would want to wear wool in Hong Kong’s climate? Would you would wear wool in August in Tokyo?
Your analogy reveals Confucian relationships when you have China as the parent and Hong Kong as the child. Seen from this point of view, Hong Kong belongs to China like a child to his parents and should obey his parents but not everyone adheres to Confucian mores. I certainly do not because its not a part of my culture and so I don’t see “Hong Kong come back to your mother” the way you do, but I understand that many Chinese do.
OssanAmerica actually gave you a good response but you dismissed it prematurely. Here is what you wrote:
I am sure OssanAmerica is well aware of the history.
Ceded by force is correct, as you wrote, and would mean in your analogy (that you raised and not OssanAmerica) that the British are foster parents and China’s the actual parents.
I’m not sure what you mean there’s no room for the real/foster parents. If you mean the British are not the Foster parents but brutal kidnappers who forced China to give up Hong Kong, then we can say - in your analogy - the kidnappers raised Hong Kong into a mature free society, economically vibrant and a financial hub of Asia as foster parents.
If you mean in OssanAmerica’s response:
that the child Hong Kong wasn’t taken away from the mother China due to Child abuse but instead kidnapped, the answer is OssanAmerica is referring to post 1997 or specifically 2014 and 2019 when the overly strict China abused Hong Kong in the name of parental discipline.
If you mean, the British can’t be the foster parents in OssanAmerica’s response because they would be the authorities that remove the child from harmful parents, by force, then it would be the authorities acting as foster parents raising the child.
The answer to your question hinges on the Confucianism and the Parent-Child analogy you raised. In the Confucian world view, a child will always be a child no matter his age and how old he has become. A child can be a grown man 55 but will be treated and spoken to as a child. Hong Kong “will always be a part of China” falls under this type of thinking.
In the western world, a child becomes an adult at a certain age, and that child must leave his mother and father and shall cleave unto his wife or husband. Hong Kong the child grew up in a western household for the most part of his life and is an adult, independent of his parents, real or foster. China should treat Hong Kong with respect, not as an adolescent and certainly not as a child.
If your mother was never around when you were growing up but now after many years reappears and wants to be your mother again, it will take some time to restore the relationship. And there is no guarantee. She can’t just shout “But I’m your mother!!” She was missing many years doing drugs (1842), fell through the cracks (1898), robbed (1932) and raped (1937) almost starved to death because she was locked in her house (1958) went hysterical smashing everything in her home (1966) but finally got her life together (2010). It’s a real sob story but she can’t just tell what you do like set curfews. You are both adults now. Treat each other with respect.
With all due respect, Hong Kong is a free and advanced society. China will not be able to use its draconian discipline the way it wishes.
It’s not Hong Kong’s fault, but if China wants to reign in HK then what are we supposed to do, continue relations as if nothing ever happened? Maybe with the strategy Chyna might rethink its position and might not go all in, but if not, then I think the president should sever ties.
So should Americans. How has that worked out?
Well Trump has no smarts at all
LMAO, despite having virtually all of the media, Hollywood, the sitting president of the United States and even a lot of the Republican Party against him, Trump won the election on his first try. And despite being impeached by the radical Democrats, he's been acquitted and beaten all their other attempts to nullify the election ( Russia, Russia, Russia, Stormy, Omarosa, Ukraine... ) he's still the president. Got the economy roaring in 3 years too. Yeah, must be he has no smarts at all, haha, lolol...
Trump cannot stop rioting in America,
Most of the rioting is in Democrat-run cities. Go ask them about that.
lots of leaders, will exploit his weakness
If Joe "Come on, man, they're ( China ) not competition for us" Biden became president ( he won't ) the tariffs would be lifted and we would go back to business as usual with China screwing us over again.
Ummm...this is how my tax dollars are being spent? lol
Well Trump has no smarts at all, so your really saying it takes the stupidest, racist fool to fight a bully like China.
Trump is like the wind. Blowing in one direction one minute then blow the opposite way a minute later. Hard for China to land a punch on the wind, but the blowhard himself cant win either. Stalemate.
Me sort of agreeing with Trump rarely happens, so take note. However, he made the announcement to remove trade preferences with Hong Kong before Beijing voted to crack down on Hong Kong's freedoms. The obvious thing to do was to wait until Xi actually did something worth reacting to. At this point, Xi can claim that his actions were not the reason for what Trump did, since Trump acted first. That is unfortunate, but given Trump's incompetence in foreign affairs, not surprising.
The Hong Kong issue is a real conundrum. I can sympathize with the Hong Kong youth's cause for freedoms. But at the same time, I have to think about the history China has had to go through.
Suppose someone had his/her child kidnapped, who was reared by the kidnapper according to his social rules and customs. Now, the time came when the child was to be returned to the parental authority after very many years. The child has changed in thought and behavior. But so are the parents.
The child and parents now live in completely different worlds and cultures
How could one solve this conundrum? Anyone, any suggestion?
Hiro S Nobumasa
Trump's actions on China-HK is just a diversionary drama.
Look, HK's people are in jeopardy now coz the Brits abandoned their colonial subjects with the racist BNO policy.
HK is part of China now so the USA must instead focus on protecting 'friend', 'ally' and 'like minded' democratic and independent Taiwan, ROC.
But alas and alack America still adamantly refuses to re-establish diplomatic ties with the Democratic Island Republic to make the authoritarian PROC happy.
Maybe both Washingjing and Beijington made a secret deal to let Donald make dramatic but utterly useless moves with regards to HK to support his da-kine re-election BUT... hey never interfere with TW?
Strangerland, I don't know your "ethnicity" which is "what allows me (aka you) to be free".
It seems that your ethnicity doesn't allow you to learn anything about true free China.
The problem is Trump destroyed any credibility to stand on better moral grounds. He's the hypocrite that tells you, "Hey, you have too much meat on your plate... think about others ok?" while carrying a huge plate piled up with meat and still putting his tongs in the all you can eat buffet.
Don't think the CCP is going to change for the better with idiot orange in charge trying to tell them how bad they are.
Thanks for the comment. But isn't it the case that Hong Kong was ceded by force and put under a British colony after the Opium Wars. There's no room for your analogy, the real parents-and foster parents analogy, to come into play here.
JustMyThoughts & Jim Harper:
You're talking as if I said the U.S.A. belonged to the Republicans headed by President Donald Trump. No, I didn't allude to that.
I don't think Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan have ever belonged to the powers that be but they surely belonged to China as a nation and an ethnic entity.
It is in this context that I used the analogy. Macau and Taiwan aside, it's certain that Hong Kong was forcefully seized from China like a child was kidnapped by a kidnapper.
trump might have to because his other attempts at distracting and riling up his base can't overcome his responsibility for 100,000 deaths, poor economy, high unemployment, no border wall, no more tax cuts for the rich, no wars, no withdrawals, and criminal activities.
A grifter usually moves on after spoiling everything, but being in a political office means he has to sit in his own waste.
USA Trump are bullies I implore rest of world to sanction their arses what it feels like
Doesn't this actually hurt the people of Hong Kong? That will bring them to China's side.