Japan Today

Los Angeles County to impose new COVID-19 restrictions on social gatherings

By Steve Gorman

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Are the mayor and governor going to obey their own orders this time?

5 ( +11 / -6 )

One of my children attends university in Los Angeles. It has been a very difficult semester - the students already feel very isolated. On the bright side, the ban on social activities may allow her to focus on studying for her end-of-term exams.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

California's situation is what called for extreme measures. This could happen to anyone anywhere until this pandemic is brought under control.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Many other states are also moving back to lock down, stay at home or restricted gatherings.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I am sick and tired of the whining and crying of these immature little babies who can't sit tight for a year or two, hunker down and minimize their exposure until this pandemic is past. People are being selfish and stupid and in doing so are prolonging this misery and causing more people to die. Think about someone besides yourself for a change. Every time you go out to a bar, restaurant, sports event or any big gathering you are just prolonging the pandemic. It is on each and every one of you to curtail your activities to the bare minimum so you don't expose yourself or others to this virus. Don't assume you do not have it because you might and not know it. Who are you to infect others and maybe kill someone with your germs just because you want to go out and do things? Quite being selfish and stupid people. Learn some adult restraint. You can survive a year or two without a sit down dinner, concert or a ball game if you put your mind to it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Sal - is tuition discounted or did that remain the same even with decreased/no in person classes?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

It isn’t lawful to use the power of the state to prevent citizens from associating with one another. But don’t be surprised if Big Brother is able to get away with violating civil rights. Freedom requires responsibility. With responsibility you assume the risks of your actions. Be smart - but the government isn’t your parents.

The courts upheld even stricter restrictions in Los Angeles during the 1918 epidemic. The problem with your statement about assuming risks is that your assumption of the risk of catching Covid-19 places everyone else you meet between the time you catch it and the time you become symptomatic, usually about 2 weeks, at risk. You have no right to place others at risk. None. Grow up and act responsibly. Are you really that pathetically weak that, considering the totality of the situation, you can't go a year or two without a sit down dinner in a restaurant or attending a sports event? Are you that craven that you can't delay gratification a year or two for the good of the community and nation you share?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

If Christians are free to do whatever they like under the guise of religion, restaurant and bars should create a new religion and enjoy the same human rights.

I'm waiting for some so-called christian sect to claim having anything to do with African Americans/Asians/Hispanics is against their religion to justify discriminating against these groups in housing and business. We shall see what the US Supreme Court says about that.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

'The land of the free' what a joke!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

If Christians are free to do whatever they like under the guise of religion, restaurant and bars should create a new religion and enjoy the same human rights.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

But any social gatherings of people from more than one household are prohibited, whether in public or private

It isn’t lawful to use the power of the state to prevent citizens from associating with one another. But don’t be surprised if Big Brother is able to get away with violating civil rights. Freedom requires responsibility. With responsibility you assume the risks of your actions. Be smart - but the government isn’t your parents.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

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