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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Release of Mueller's Trump-Russia report looms as fight brews over redactions
By David Morgan and Sarah N Lynch WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Now Dems are crying that they won’t get the report until after the press conference.
so no time to leak and set up their liberal media buddies with talking points.
barr also said some members of Congress will get the reports with fewer redactions. So no more drama there either as long as the same number of Dems and Repubs get it.
And most likely he will. But even if Trump's minions led by little Stephen Miller and others of his ultra-right ilk prevail in the short term in their efforts to protect Trump and his attempts to grab even more control, I feel confident truth will eventually come out.
I want to think there are still many in the intelligence agencies, in government in general, and in the free, for-profit press who believe the public need to know what's been going on in Trump's swamps, and some among them will ensure we find out.
Why would we trust the opinion of a Trump appointee who has gone on record saying he's against the investigation?
It would be illogical in any situation for any person.
If the report is damaging to Trump what is the big advantage for Democrats in getting it before this BS press event? It's not like 24 hours later is going to make it any less damaging.
Now, the president's hand-picked attorney spinning the report and taking questions before the report is even released on the other hand seems like a fairly obvious attempt to control the narrative.
Trump is really freaking out now. And I'm sure his own team worrying about how embarrassing the report may be doesn't help. I actually don't think Trump is in as deep as some Democrats do, but I DO think his children are in hot water.
Why would anyone would ever trust the opinions of all of those Democrats who repeatedly claimed for years that the Mueller investigation would uncover the alleged collusion between the Russians and Trump?
Why would anyone be so against releasing the report? That's the only thing I don't understand. Fine, if the report says nothing, it says nothing. But you guys are defending its secrecy like its targeted at yourself. It's absolutely mind boggling to me...
Speak to the Democrats who said that. I predicted Trump would walk from the collusion charges from day 1.
And, just a guess here, people might have formed their own opinions when hearing about Trump and his people lying so much about their dealings with Russia. And you have Roger Stone, Wikileaks, and Russian Intelligence writing emails to each other. And you have the evidence of Russia actively helping Trump get elected.
But who would be crazy enough to even suspect collusion, right?
Collusion is what you guys held on to while the other information was coming out. Obstruction of justice? No collusion there! Manafort convicted? No collusion! Stone indicted? No collusion! Exposing Trump's lies about payments to his prostitutes? No collusion! Cohen? No collusion!
I'd venture a guess that collusion was talked about a lot more on the RIght than the Left.
This is going to be good, if Barr does his job, we'll know;
Why six Trump senior campaign officials met with Russians and then lied about it
What Micheal Flynn said in over 62 hours of interviews
Why Don Jr and Jared lied about meeting with Russians at Trump Tower, and why Trump dictated a false statement that said it was about adoptions
Who is the "senior campaign official" that directed Stone to contact Wikileaks to get Russian stolen e-mails
And lots more...
The cesspool is being exposed...
Then there is also no problem if Dems get it 2 hrs after. Will still be just as “damaging” plus you can call for Barr to resign under the narrative that he inaccurately summarized what the report really says.
just another 3D. Democrat Disappointment Day.
Well, only in so much as the inevitable Barr redactions and the extra hassle and time required to get the full report, which the congress will. Make no mistake.
Anyway, it beats the ol' MAGA 3D: denial, denial denial.
3D? You mean Don, Don Jr and Eric? Dictator, Dumb, and Dumber?
Nope I mean your guy Mueller just failed you. No collusion, no obstruction, nothing at all. No redactions other than those DOJ and Mueller chose and no executive privilege.
Disappointing huh?
3D? You mean Don, Don Jr and Eric?
Um, wouldn't that be 2D and 1 E, lincoln? hahahahahahahaha
Get out the popcorn and the beer!
Black Sabbath
Republicans are sticking with Trump
That's all anyone really needs to know.
Black Sabbath
Other than this:
-The Mueller Report
I'm sure it is. Only Democrats claimed that the report wouldn't be released. Obviously, that claim has been proven wrong. You may be referring to why the Mueller report will be redacted? The answer is just as obvious. Parts of the report will be redacted because that's what existing law requires. Some things will be redacted because it involves national security. Some things will be redacted because the law makes it clear that Grand Jury is not to be made public. If elected Democrats wish to change existing law, they are free to do so. Or some elected Democrat can issue a subpoena that will be denied by the Supreme Court.
The bottom line is that there was no collusion, and that there was no obstruction.
The cesspool appears to be filled with Democrat tears.
Black Sabbath
Remember when William Barr wasn't going to summarize the report?
-The Mueller Report
In our system of justice, if there isn't a conclusion that a crime was committed, then the person is exonerated.
It's out. No collusion. No obstruction. Now let's go after the real criminals.