Japan Today

States respond to Texas bid to overturn U.S. election at Supreme Court

By Lawrence Hurley

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Indefensibly stupid actions by trump. I’m sure some will try though.

18 ( +21 / -3 )

State v. state. State v. nation. Trump and his Republicans continue their efforts to divide the country in even more ways. The long divided nation is further fragmenting because of Trump and his Republicans. No foreign power has done as much damage to the US as Trump and his Republicans.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

It's coming into view.

Which article did you read that gave that impression? It can’t have been this one.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Burning Bush, Biden winning electors meeting Monday, making him the next President, the Supreme Court is just playing games with people like you

16 ( +19 / -3 )

One state doesn't get to tell another state how to hold elections or how to count votes.

The President-Reject needs to stop and just keep his head down, though a few more sanctions on China, Russia, NK, Venezuela, Cuba, and targeted sanctions on Taliban at all levels would be fine.

The US needs to change the requirements to run for President to include passing 5th grade civics classes AND taking a test to provide it on National TV .... al le "Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader". That would have protected the US from Trump.

22 ( +23 / -1 )

It's coming into view.

While this is a deluded fantasy, such an event, or any fraudulent attempt to hang onto power, could well push the USA towards civil war.

This would be exactly what America's enemies want. Just as its enemies wanted Trump elected.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Zichi, that would be the correct path (if any of this stuff suggested was bought off on). Good call.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Unbelievable that clearly Trump and his repub supporters are obviously trying to steal the election, all while whining "stop the steal". I honestly doubt the republican party will be able to regain the trust of all the American people again during my lifetime.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

I predicted countless times it's gonna come down to 1 State 1 vote as per the Constitution on January 6th.

And I predict that that is as likely to happen as Trump’s prediction that corona would magically disappear and be gone on Nov. 4th.

Worst president in American history.

15 ( +16 / -1 )


Sorry to break it to you but time for a reality check. Trump is just wasting everyone's time and money as usual.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Texas filed the long-shot suit 

Being too kind It's a no-shot at all suit.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

I’ve noticed most of the Court losses, the reason now just say “too late to file” or so many votes are affected that they don’t feel comfortable to throw them all out, despite the law saying they must. Sounds kinda.....widespread?

who in judiciary has the courage to abide by the Constitution?

-23 ( +1 / -24 )

If states were allowed to change laws of other states, there would be no need for demarcation of state lines and laws, so a stateless government, where a dictator makes up the law and rules for every former state would be the country. This is what Trump and his Republican supporters want, certainly not a democracy:

The One State of America vs the United States of America.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

The SC result won't change much. You have Trump fans that will continue to believe the lies even if the SC throws the case out. It's just what they do.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I predicted countless times it's gonna come down to 1 State 1 vote as per the Constitution on January 6th.

Well, this stuff is so old and so wrong. Is it insanity or trolling?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

so why would the residents of 20 or more other states have to accept Biden just because 4 states decided at last minute to change their voting laws against their defined legislative processes and have now decided to accept votes that are NOT legal in their constitutions?

lol I dunno Black, why should the votes of 80 million Americans be ignored because Trump backers don't like the vote?

Do you really not understand the concept of "legal standing?" Its not difficult to understand, Texas doesn't get to dictate how Georgia runs its election, just because it doesn't like the results.

If they didn't like these changes, they should have sued when they happened, not after they lost the election.

15 ( +15 / -0 )

and was “baseless”?

If you had actually read the arguments the lawyers are trying to present to the SC, you would have see it still is, and will always be completely baseless. It's just Ken Paxton trying to get a pardon because he's very probably a criminal about to get his due day in court (and subsequently in prison).

More gesticulating and all-around silliness by what has definitely become the party of whining babies.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Blacklabel: I agree its hard to fix massive cheating. But it cant be allowed to stand just because it was a LOT.

Welcome back! You haven't been around much since you predicted the Pennsylvania SC would vote in favor of Trump. Instead they unanimously voted against him.

As for your comments, can you point to any court case where the judge agreed there was "cheating" but didn't go forward with remedy because of the size of the cheating? Just a single one will do.

17 ( +18 / -1 )

and a lot of those votes are not "people" at all.

Still can't believe the level of coping some people have to do instead of simply accepting that the very bad president lost the election because he was very bad at his job. It's exhausting.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

So if there is widespread fraud, then it's safe to say it also happened in Florida, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and so on. Why not overturn those results as well?

15 ( +15 / -0 )

who in judiciary has the courage to abide by the Constitution?

All of them. Those following the law. All the Republican Governors and Judges who’ve popped the bubble. They all traitors too?

The only ‘too late’ is you. Time to wake up.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Texas filed the long-shot suit against the four election battleground states on Tuesday directly with the Supreme Court. 

I am sure Hillary thought the Steele dossier was a long shot when she decided to make up the Russia ruse to divert attention from her illegal email server. Yet it paid off for the Dems in the long run with the impeachment and Trumps re-election defeat. Republicans are right to follow the same strategy if they want to win again.

-21 ( +1 / -22 )

WolfpackToday  10:20 am JST

Republicans are right to follow the same strategy if they want to win again.

More "ends justify the means" crap.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

State v. state. State v. nation. Trump and his Republicans continue their efforts to divide the country in even more ways.

The country has been divided way before Trump got into office.

The long divided nation is further fragmenting

The way the election was conducted and the Dems didn’t help.

No foreign power has done as much damage to the US as Trump and his Republicans.

That is absolutely and emphatically not even close to the truth.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

bass4funkToday  10:41 am JST

the Dems didn’t help.

Neither do people like you or the noxious "us versus them" rhetoric you're continually spewing.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

The way the election was conducted and the Dems didn’t help.

Tell it to the judge. Oh, wait....

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Never in my life have I heard someone lose 50+ court cases and still say, "Yeah, but..."

This is unique to the GOP and Trump supporters.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Neither do people like you 

Or you and people that push a one sided point of view

or the noxious "us versus them" rhetoric

Not rhetoric, you think half the country is just going to take this crap and not push back? You think for 4 years as liberals in the US and outside (lol) that tried to delegitimize this President snd called him illegitimate the entire time and urged Haters to resist are now telling us we have to accept the results, shut up and just take and come together snd bury the hatchet?

I can assure you as the sun shines and the tide rolls in and out, that’s just not going to happen no matter how the msm or liberals tries to push a political driven narrative, the country has been divided since 1998 and as long as liberals act as if they’re the purveyor of truth, integrity, justice and honesty, the country will never come together or recover, that’s a promise.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

I can assure you as the sun shines and the tide rolls in and out,

If this has as much probability as all of your other predictions we are facing apocalyptic doom.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Not rhetoric, you think half the country is just going to take this crap and not push back? 

It’s not half the country. How many times?

And that group will take whatever crap they are given. Take the bait that something isn’t fair and a 3 syllable chant, but keep taking crap and asking for seconds.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

bass4funkToday  11:09 am JST

Neither do people like you 

Or you and people that push a one sided point of view

What's your point of view if not one-sided?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Don't mess with Texas, but Texas has no problem messing with everyone else.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump filed a motion with the court on Wednesday asking the justices to let him intervene and become a plaintiff in the suit filed by Ken Paxton, the Republican attorney general of Texas and an ally of the president. Trump met on Thursday with Paxton and other state attorneys general who support the suit.

There has never been a more blatant attack on American democracy than this clear ruse and attempt to remain in power by a corrupt autocrat and tyrant....

While this is doomed to fail, the fact that 100 Repub Representatives signed on on agreement just shows that the once proud party of Eisenhower and Reagan is now nothing but a collection of white supremacists, Putin-worshippers, and QAnon believing kooks....

11 ( +11 / -0 )

If this has as much probability as all of your other predictions we are facing apocalyptic doom

As in the Dems losing the House it is impending doom.

What's your point of view if not one-sided?

Liberals jumping on Trump but are unwilling to call Dems out for even worst political atrocities.

-17 ( +0 / -17 )

Given Russia's media outlets are all state-controlled, it appears Putin is sending a message to his Puppet;

Russian state media outlets are calling on President Donald Trump to seek asylum in Moscow to dodge potential prosecution in the US when he leaves office...


While I hardly ever agree with anything in Russia's media, in this case I say; hear! hear!..

8 ( +8 / -0 )

bass4funkToday  11:27 am JST

What's your point of view if not one-sided?

Liberals jumping on Trump but are unwilling to call Dems out for even worst political atrocities.

No, there are two possible answers to this question.

a. "I'm a rabid conservative zealot and I despise "liberals" and continually mock everything they stand for." Every day at length in pointless online arguments with people I don't even know and whose views don't actually matter anyway, making it even more pointless."

b. "I respect views that are different to mine and am open to reasoned persuasion that liberal policies may have some merits but generally lean towards conservatism as I think it produces better results."

A straight answer isn't really that hard for you, is it?

12 ( +12 / -0 )

 You think for 4 years as liberals in the US and outside (lol) that tried to delegitimize this President snd called him illegitimate

Yeah, the biggest difference being that most of the criticism the whole world has against Trump is founded on actual facts (he's an idiot, he's a dangerous narcissist, he's mind-boggingly corrupt) and that the american right's criticism of both Obama (he's a Kenyan muslim) and now Biden (he stole the election) are purely based on complete and utter baseless fabrications, lies and propaganda.

So it's a pretty big difference.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

You and your crew make a lot of strange predictions (bordering on fantasies) that never seem to pan out...such as Covid being over by summer, but if you have magical evidence of mass fraud that will prove that Trump won, we'll listen......nope..didn't think so. Supreme Court won't listen either and it's loaded with Trump appointees. No one on the SP wants to be forever tied to this sinking ship. You only have a few more days to continue with the forlorn hope that someone will listen and hand down a judgment in your favor....


As in the Dems losing the House it is impending doom.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

...or I just want Dems to follow the same standards they push conservatives to uphold that they feel they can defy with impunity, but demand conservatives adhere to their partisan political grandstanding.

So, we’re still at the “it’s not fair” hurdle.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

If this has as much probability as all of your other predictions we are facing apocalyptic doom

As in the Dems losing the House it is impending doom.

Uh-huh....your archive is so full of accurate predictions...

bass4funk Oct 29 02:08 pm JST

trump is set to lose in Georgia, yes Georgia!!!!!!

Doubt it.

What's your point of view if not one-sided?

Liberals jumping on Trump but are unwilling to call Dems out for even worst political atrocities.

Says the guy that won't even say Trump was wrong for re-tweeting that "wearing a mask is Anti-American"....

9 ( +9 / -0 )

I’ve noticed most of the Court losses, the reason now just say “too late to file” or so many votes are affected that they don’t feel comfortable to throw them all out, despite the law saying they must. Sounds kinda.....widespread?

who in judiciary has the courage to abide by the Constitution?


Here's some US Civics for you. The Electoral Count Act of 1887 creates what is know as the 'safe harbor' date. The date, which is set “at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of electors." The safe harbor date this year was December 8th. The safe harbor date is the latest date by which the states may certify their elections and once the safe harbor date has passed, Congress is bound by law to count the electors six days later. This also means that once the safe harbor date has passed, no new legal challenges to the election results can be filed, as it is impossible to overturn the results once they have been certified. That's why many of them are being rejected as 'too late to file'.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

What a bunch of sore losers the republicans are, just incredible. Grow a pair you whiners and move on. Fact is the country is done with Trump and his massive failures over the last four years, including killing tens of thousands of Americans due to neglect of the pandemic. How many times did Trump say the virus would just disappear on its own. Or that it was a hoax. Wow, pure delusion in contesting the clear Biden victory. This is what Trump does when he loses, he sues everyone. He has been in 3500 lawsuits in the last

30 years.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Yeah, the biggest difference being that most of the criticism the whole world has against Trump is founded on actual facts

When you have big tech censoring one side, creating a suspicious election and a refusal to hold liberals accountable on any level and ticking off half of the country to the point where they greatly distrust the media and political process then you don’t have the facts, you have a one-sided partisan fact less liberal hit job.

(he's an idiot, he's a dangerous narcissist, he's mind-boggingly corrupt)

Dunno, these last few weeks things we know about Dems are coming out, they beat any Republican when it comes to endangering the integrity and democracy of the nation as a whole.

and that the american right's criticism of both Obama (he's a Kenyan muslim) and now Biden (he stole the election) are purely based on complete and utter baseless fabrications, lies and propaganda.

Not really, but we all understand big tech will continue to silence conservatives and as long as they do and hold the mic, they’ll drive this partisan narrative, so in that point it would look like it, so on that point there is a difference.


-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Says the guy that won't even say Trump was wrong for re-tweeting that "wearing a mask is Anti-American"....

and your point sir?

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Back to the topic at hand, what standing does one state have to challenge the election laws of another state? That is what Texas is asking the Supreme Court to do? Where in the US Constitution does a state have the right or standing to challenge the laws passed by another sovereign state? The US Constitution assigns to states the duty do conduct their own elections in the manner they chose to do so. To flip logic of the Texas lawsuit around, states like California for example could sue Texas for not permitting unrestricted mail in voting. Or they could sue Texas for not allowing remote ballot collections and demand the US Supreme Court invalidate all of their ballots. Both notions are patently ridiculous on their face and have no basis in law. One US state cannot sue another because they didn't like the outcome of their vote or the manner in which it was conducted. The states being challenged have existing state laws requiring electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote in their state. Their state legislatures are not free to appoint a separate set of electors under the terms of their own existing state laws.

On a separate thought, earlier this year the Supreme Court in a unanimous decision ruled that states can demand electors adhere to their laws and vote for whomever won the most votes in the state they represent. It is hard to see the same court so quickly overturning this ruling, particularly since it came in a unanimous decision.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

On a further note, the US Constitution grants only Congress the authority to challenge a state's panel of electors. Congress must certify the elector vote certificates from each state in a joint session on January 6th. Then the electoral college votes are counted by the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate (the VP) . The results of this count determine who becomes the next US President. Any disputes over which panel of electors is the panel who's votes will be counted, in the case the governor and legislature each send competing panels of electors (this has happened several times in the past), it is Congress that settles the matter. Note the Constitution never involves any level of the Judiciary in this process. It is strictly up to the Legislative branch to certify the electors and count their votes. I sincerely doubt the Supreme Court wants to insert themselves into this process.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

What's your point of view if not one-sided?

*Liberals jumping on Trump but are unwilling to call Dems out for even worst political atrocities.*

Says the guy that won't even say Trump was wrong for re-tweeting that "wearing a mask is Anti-American"....

and your point sir?

Point? It seems pretty clear when you post the entire section versus selectively editing out portions...

I assume it is clear now?

If not, was Trump right or wrong for re-tweeting that wearing a mask is "Anti-American", essentially telling his supporters to not wear a mask...contributing to greater infections and deaths?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You trump supporters need to realize that trump lost. Time to accept that and move the country forward.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Wow such uncertainty on team liberal. Keep repeating the same things, hoping they are true.

yet know the very best outcome you will have is there Biden will get in the White House just long enough to get thrown out of it and Harris moved in.

your nightmare of trump second term still more likely.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

“Baseless” now changed by media and court documents to “meritless” which means there is now a basis too.

i would be afraid it’s all slipping away too. fang fang.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

What a bunch of sore losers the republicans are, just incredible. Grow a pair you whiners and move on.

I hope when Dems lose the House they’ll have that same mindset.

Fact is the country is done with Trump

No, just the haters not 70+ million people and that number continues to grow.

and his massive failures over the last four years, including killing tens of thousands of Americans due to neglect of the pandemic. How many times did Trump say the virus would just disappear on its own. Or that it was a hoax.

What failures? Operation warp speed was a success. Because of the President and his unrelenting efforts to push for a vaccine and here we are.

Wow, pure delusion in contesting the clear Biden victory. This is what Trump does when he loses,

Considering the circumstances surrounding his win, anyone would be a bit more than ticked off. So yes, he should continue until the very end because if this were to happen to Democrats on the same level and they would lose all reliable blue states, there’s no way the Democrats would sit there, lick their wounds and just walk away, they know they wouldn’t and we know it as well.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

You trump supporters need to realize that trump lost. Time to accept that and move the country forward.

Recall Trump supporters see 'progress' as a negative. They don't want to move the country forward. They want to return to some point in time they can't identify when America was 'great'. Given so many of them are white nationalists and misogynists, that must have been the 1950s or earlier.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

yet know the very best outcome you will have is there Biden will get in the White House just long enough to get thrown out of it and Harris moved in.

lol Thrown out for? His son's corruption? By who, Democrat controlled congress? lol

your nightmare of trump second term still more likely.

lol Oh totally, you keep saying that. You said that about the SC throwing out the results in Pennsylvania, how'd that work out? At some point you're going to have to realize Donald lost the election.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Let me simplify. The law says one cannot use a post office box as an address. As one cannot reside in a box at the post office.

We have votes from these addresses. Do you really think these votes should be counted anyway because to discard then would “disenfranchise” someone?

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Let me simplify. The law says one cannot use a post office box as an address. As one cannot reside in a box at the post office.

Who cares what a state law says? Texas doesn't have standing to tell another state how to run its elections, its has 0 to do with Texas.

Do you really think these votes should be counted anyway because to discard then would “disenfranchise” someone?

Yes, of course they should be counted.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Give it up man. It’s boring.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Get over it. You lost. Wow, that famous guy said that reality has a liberal bias but what we are seeing now is that conservatives are oppo-reality. Pure delusion.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

then you dont need to reply if you are bored.

The Constitution and following the laws are not boring to me.

I see that counting illegal ballots seems fine if the result is what you wanted.

One cannot vote from a post office box, plain and simple.

Illegal votes will be thrown out by the Supreme Court. Its just a matter of how many and what comes after that.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

it actually does because a vote from a person in Texas for the President of the whole country was nullified by someone who claims they live in box at the post office. Which is against the law, yet their state accepted the vote anyway, nullifying the vote of the Texas voter.

It shouldnt take Texas and 20 other states to tell 4 states that wanted Biden to win to follow their own laws as written. Supreme Court decides disputes between states and I look forward to them doing so. IF they have the courage. as the remedy for this is really extreme. (new in person election or legislatures vote 1 vote per state)

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

I see that counting illegal ballots seems fine if the result is what you wanted.

Again, there is 0 proof of illegal ballots being cast. If Republicans had any proof, they would have given it to the courts. They haven't.

One cannot vote from a post office box, plain and simple.

Good things that's not what this lawsuit is about.

Illegal votes will be thrown out by the Supreme Court. Its just a matter of how many and what comes after that.

Lol Is this the same SC that was going to throw out the election results in Pennsylvania?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

They have shown the court instances of ballots received from post office boxes. and dead people. and people who moved. and non citizens and underage people. 1500 pages worth in Georgia.

Court said "too late" or "would disenfranchise the voter" to disqualify those votes. No courage, and the court just hoping to get everyone to agree a lot of illegal things happened but we will try to do better "next time".

Nope. we can do better NOW.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

it actually does because a vote from a person in Texas for the President of the whole country was nullified by someone who claims they live in box at the post office

No. The vote of the person living in Texas is still counted, they're vote isn't "nullified," and if one does try to use a PO box to vote, it gets flagged.

t shouldnt take Texas and 20 other states to tell 4 states that wanted Biden to win to follow their own laws as written.

lol You still don't understand legal standing. Texas can't make another state follow that state's laws. That is ridiculous.

IF they have the courage.

That wouldn't be "courageous," that is downright Authoritarian. You're complaining about Texas voters, whose votes were counted, being disenfranchised, while at the same time asking for all the votes in another state to be thrown out. Even if they were to hear the case, that is no way an appropriate legal remedy.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Bob FosseToday  01:19 pm JST

Give it up man.

I don't think certain people's egos will let them. Of course in an actual, face-to-face conversation I think they probably would after being told the same thing in somewhat stronger terms.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

yep that Supreme Court. The one that liberals said these cases would never make it to. The one that was oddly quiet with no comment at all about the PA case. Almost like they waiting to comment on another, bigger case....hmmm....

Yet here we are at the Supreme Court. and Joe and Kamala are regretting what they did to Clarence and Brett.

Lol Is this the same SC that was going to throw out the election results in Pennsylvania?

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Recall Trump supporters see 'progress' as a negative. They don't want to move the country forward.

They do, but Biden will move it two steps back

They want to return to some point

Nope! None of the Republicans want regulation or increase taxation or an appeal on the Second Amendment and aggressive regulations, they absolutely don’t want to go back to none of that.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Blacklabel: They have shown the court instances of ballots received from post office boxes. and dead people. and people who moved. and non citizens and underage people. 1500 pages worth in Georgia.

Please post the court case where this happened and the judge's decision that you are claiming.

yep that Supreme Court. The one that liberals said these cases would never make it to

None of Trump's 50+ cases made it to the Supreme Court. He lost all of them This case is a new case brought directly to the SC, not filed in lower courts, because it's a dispute between states.

You know, just like Trump could have done off the bat, but didn't until he lost everything else.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

You know, just like Trump could have done off the bat, but didn't until he lost everything else.

Lost? Uh.....if that’s the word liberals intend on using....ok....

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

They have shown the court instances of ballots received from post office boxes

Just like Melissa Caronne said!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I’ve noticed most of the Court losses, the reason now just say “too late to file” 

once again your getting your information wrong, nearly 50 cases have been thrown out, the main reason is that team Trump failed to provide evidence of fraud, or they in many cases didnt even admit it was a fraud case!? none of them want to perjure themselves in court.

now the AG of Texas, himself under investigation for fraud by the FBI is seeking a pardon, Trump is inviting him to the WH this week, seems like his plan is working

8 ( +8 / -0 )


Well, increasing taxes, more regulations, taking away incentives for small businesses, will definitely try to confiscate or appeal to abolish the second amendment, hiring people based on identity politics, and so much more..

It’s not possible to go back to things that never existed.

no comment existed under the previous administration and still fresh in my memory, no one wants to go back to that, I do believe people like keeping most of the money they make and people do like working.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

no point, you will just claim its debunked or try to say its invalid because of a typo.

Lol you won't because it's right-wing propaganda, you either got it from Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, or Sputnik, I'll bet it.

. Just enjoying the uneasiness of all the liberals who said this would never come to the Supreme Court.

Uneasiness? Lol no one is uneasy.

Repeating to yourselves that there is no way this cheating would cause the results to be overturned. 

Pot meets kettle. I wouldn't have to repeat myself if you'd quit with the absurd, repetitive talking points. Trump lost, the courts won't hear this case. It's over.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

bass: Lost? Uh.....if that’s the word liberals intend on using....ok....

When you go 1-50 in court cases, and the single win impacted only a meaningless number of votes, then yeah, I'll say you've lost. If you find that unreasonable, so be it.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

None of the Republicans want regulation or increase taxation or an appeal on the Second Amendment and aggressive regulations, they absolutely don’t want to go back to none of that.

nobody is trying to Amended the second amendment, even Biden isnt. as for taxation, how do you expect to repay the 7trillion added to the deficit in Trump 1st 4yrs, huge trillion tax cuts certainly dont trickle down enough to benefit the Average Joe. Big companies just have to pay their fair share of taxes, when asked where they invested the $trillion tax cut Trump gave them vast majority put it into share buy backs, not investing in staff.

Biden said he will increase corporate taxes to I think its 26%, which is only about 2% higher than it is now

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I believe Biden wants to make the corporate tax rate 28%, which is still lower than the 35% it was before. He also wants to increase the top rate for individuals by something like 1.5%.

So yeah, get ready for the sky to start falling over that.

Stock market is up a ton since Biden was elected.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

When you go 1-50 in court cases, and the single win impacted only a meaningless number of votes, then yeah, I'll say you've lost.

Can’t wait for killing the Democrat agenda in two years.

If you find that unreasonable, so be it.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Ah, Texas. They walk tall in Texas, apparently. Although, I'd be hanging my head in shame at the barefaced cheek of this development.

You think for 4 years as liberals in the US and outside (lol) that tried to delegitimize this President snd called him illegitimate the entire time

Ah, the signal. I fail to see what's so funny about the rest of the world being concerned about a dangerously rogue PotUS.

What happens in the US affects us all. And since the US has always styled itself as world policeman and the PotUS as leader of the free world, we very much have a right (liberal, or not) to voice concern over his lies and putting the rest of us in jeopardy.

Imagine, if you will, the America First position leading to its conclusion. No trade, no travel, just pure isolation. Do Trump cultists really want this?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Illegal votes will be thrown out by the Supreme Court. 

No. No, they won’t.

You’d better plan because that is 100% what’s going to happen.

What will you do then? What’s your next fantasy?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Where does a state have the right or standing to contest the laws enacted by another sovereign state in the US Constitution? The US Constitution grants states the obligation to hold their own elections in the way they have opted to do so. For eg, states like California might sue Texas for not permitting unlimited mail in voting to turn the rationale of the Texas case around. Or they may sue Texas for not allowing remote selection of ballots and argue that any of their ballots be invalidated by the US Supreme Court. On their face, these notions are patently absurd and have no foundation in law. Because they didn't like the result of their vote or the way it was handled, one US state should not sue another.

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Isn't the governor of Texas hoping for a Trump pardon?

Attorney General, but yes, makes his claims all the more incredulous.


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BlacklabelToday  01:41 pm JST

Almost like they waiting to comment on another, bigger case....hmmm....

You won't be too crushed if this doesn't go the way you're expecting?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

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