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© Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump book author says his revelations will bring down U.S. president
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Trump is a danger to the country and the entire world. The Republicans get a big tax cut for their donors and an anti-abortion justice on the Supreme Court and for them, that is more important than the future of the country.
What a joke, the book will only make his agenda stronger.
Dre Hund
Where's Basstofunk? I'm finally on a later model computer that will let me comment..I thought for sure...anyway, I was going to say it was good to hear what he had to say about crazy people and guns. When credit is due... Here's my thoughts about the latest Trump data. With Trump's call out to a Real Gone Roy Cohn, for his succor in his time of need when Sessions recused himself, he gave us a real 3-D shot of his mind and ethos. Roy Cohn was disbarred after a history of bad behavior, that included his defense of John Gotti, and also working with Joe McCarthy. Some track record. If Trump wants to know where his "Roy Cohn" has gone when he needs him the most, this is a very telling direct line to a mode of thinking that comes from a very dark part of American life. It's about manipulation, any means to an end, (Trump and Cohn were so close that he testified as a character witness in Cohn's trial) After a four-year legal battle, he was later disbarred from the New York bar for "dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation". In his disbarment hearings, a panel found that Cohn went to visit multimillionaire Lewis Rosenstiel as he lay in a Florida hospital room “drugged” and “semi-comatose” and held his hand to sign a document that made Cohn the co-executor of his will, according to the Post. So this is the type of person Trump aligns himself with. This tells me that the next book that comes out in five years will include all the back deals, money laundering, mob connections, casinos, debts, off shore shadow corporations, everything that has made this man who he is today. Completely ruthless, and dangerous. He's much worse than you could ever imagine a man coming into the office. And, he's not alone. A whole machine of energy is behind his strategy. Of course Don doesn't need to know the constitution. His game plan has nothing to do with it. I believe Melania's tears when he was elected was her realizing the dream was coming to an end. Freakin' Lincoln is going to break free of his stone pedestal and stomp down on this whole charade.
Not yet read the book, but if you insist on pulling the president down, much more importantly, who do you replace him with?
Oh, gosh, I'm so shocked and shaken that a man would say what he needs to in order to get the every other reporter in the history of Journalism.
Trump and Co. let this man wander at will through the West Wing without an escort because they thought he would write a nice piece of hagiography. Their mistake.
Lotsa reasons for Trump to go - not so much of a "pull him down" analogy as "removing the deciding Jenga piece." There are rules regarding succession - it will be Pence.
And Pence, who knows how to work in the political arena, will get his agenda moving through congress rather than being an ineffective blowhard.
Which do you prefer?
Because he doesn’t follow the liberal globalist agenda? Wow, that’s just outrageously bad! How could he? How dare he put America and its people first! That’s just treasonous!
What? Lol
Given Wolff’s history as being less than credible, he even admits a lot of what he wrote is from his own personal recollections, that’s something we can all go on. Lol
Naw, the guy saw an opportunity, he took it, he’s already to be proven from other publications less than trustworthy or at the very least, his words should be taken with a tad hint of skepticism.
I doubt it will even come to that, but let’s say for arguments sake it were to come to that. The Dems would be in an even worse situation then they are now. Even Pelosi knows that Pence could be a huge threat to the Democrats. A ultra-strong conservative, a deeply religious man, respected by evangelicals, a skilled and real politician, polished, bring it on, seriously. Lol
Ray Payne
Wolff, is nothing but a cheap lowdown loser trying to make a buck with his lies.
Donald Trump is a great president, a good businessman that has accomplished much in the past year - look at the DOW. Trump supports our military, Trump supports our people, America first. Trump supports our industries and agriculture to Make America Great Again!
I am proud that Donald Trump is our president, I am proud to be an American.
I wondered how long it would take the dog-whistles to come out.
I expect there are likely a few untrue things in the book and I'm highly skeptical that this book could possibly bring down Trump when all the big promotional excerpts we've seen so far just confirm what anyone who has been paying attention already knows or suspects. It's good to approach the book with a healthy skepticism. That said...
Trump's predictable response basically confirms that whatever details turn out to be false, the thrust of the book is almost certainly true. He can't refute it with facts, arguments, or competence, so he just tosses out every insult he can think of at anyone he sees attached to it. Trump doesn't know how to lead, he's just a bully who lashes out when he doesn't get the attention he wants.
I mean, just how heartless does a person have to be to think dumping a dog is routine enough behavior to use as a metaphor? Dogs are great, you don't dump a dog. Sad.
I don't think the author really understands the party that brought us Dan Quayle, George Bush, Sara Palin, and Donald Trump. They love dense politicians.
If the economy stays strong, Trump is untouchable just like Clinton was.
Obama nearly tripled the DOW.
Trump said POWs are losers for being captured.
Trump owes our people tens of millions for his fake university and engaged in discrimination against minorities.
Trump imports cheaper foreign workers for his resorts.
Trump manufactures in China.
Sounds pretty empty, but there's no law against saying it.
Sam Watters
Well, the tried to get Trump with sexual assault allegations, then they tried the Russians-stole-the-election angle and now there’s a “book” telling us all kinds of evil things about a Trump. The Left will stop at nothing. Just beware the Law of Unintended Consequences. The #Me, Too movement which pushes women to recall “sexual harassment” incidents from the last century has succeeded in making it very difficult for women to get hired. The Left ( a very vocal minority) just assumes that the majority of the country will just go along with their nonsense but in reality could be pushing the country towards more conflict——and it’s conflict the Left will lose.
Tommy Jones
How would Trump know whether the book was boring? He hasn't read it bevause it hasn't been available. Even if it had been available, it's not a picture book, so Trump wouldn't have been interested anyway.
The end of Trump as POTUS is inevitable. Everyone has their limits and when the proof is irrefutable, he will fall. It needs to be done so that the US can get back on its feet again and walk proud. In one year, the US has lost all the respect that Obama managed to rebuild after Bush's turn at damaging the country, and has become the laughing stock of the world all thanks to one man, Donald Trump, AKA the loser-in-chief. Idiots like this clown should never again be able to lead companies, let alone countries.
I think that it will take more than a book to bring down an American President.
Be careful what you wish for!
Sounds more like they are opening windows after Trump fouls the air, won’t do his homework or throws a tantrum and storms off to bed to watch Fox News with a cheeseburger.
No one is ‘wishing’ for pence - we’ll deal with him when he’s president, including being just as obstructionist to him as to trump. And neither is pence a reason to not boot trump. Trump is incompetent and therefore needs to be removed. If it turns out the next guy is also incompetent and needs to be removed, so be it. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Yes, true. To bring down the current POTUS, it will take a stupid son-in-law, a former FBI chief named Mueller (who was appointed by Bush), a large group of women who were sexually assaulted, the forced release of tax returns, Bannon, Manafort, Papadopoulos, illegal business dealings, and a book.
Buddy, don’t even go there, the Democrats list of incompetents reaches the globe twice.
In an alternate universe, probably, more than likely.
He meant McCain, specifically.
So you don’t think going to a place like Harvard and paying over $50K a year is not a ripoff? Why so much and what can I get for that money I can’t get at a cheaper public college institution? And if you lived in the 70’s in NYC you might be cautious as well. Sorry, but the mafia and people like Frank Lucas were heavily involved, deeply in the drug trade that costed thousands of lives, squatters everywhere, so I don’t blame Trump for doing that, now of course it’s easy to scream racism, makes suing much easier. Color has nothing to do with it, Whites we’re doing the same, the difference is, they sold the high end drugs and the Blacks street drugs, more prevalent, cheaper, easier and more accessible to obtain. Stop with the race issue, it’s falling on deaf ears.
Has nothing to do with employing Americans and by the way, how many Americans do you know would take those jobs? But skilled foreign workers would.
Yes, he doe both and China as well, it’s a win, win for both.
Yes, we can was equally empty, but it didn’t stop people from saying it.
I don't blame the muppets for wanting Trump to go, I just hope they don't lose their stuffing when this turns out to be more fake news.
Presidential vocabulary. What is he, 12 years old?
In-depth reporting from the BOROWITZ REPORT:
White House Staff Forced to Act Out Michael Wolff Book for Non-Reading President
January 4, 2018
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump, legendary among U.S. Presidents for his aversion to reading, demanded on Thursday that members of his White House circle act out Michael Wolff’s new book, “Fire and Fury,” in a command performance in the Oval Office.
According to those who witnessed the dramatic presentation, Jared Kushner played the role of Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump played the role of Ivanka Trump, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders played Steve Bannon.
Sources who sat through the private performance of “Fire and Fury” said that Sanders’s portrayal of Bannon was particularly impressive. “Sarah’s a natural,” one source said. “At the end of the day, acting is just lying.”
But the performer who “stole the show,” according to one source, was Eric Trump, who was cast in the role of his father. “Eric played his dad like a bumbling, spoiled idiot who couldn’t do anything right,” the source said. “It was the role of a lifetime for him.”
The President, who sat stone-faced as the spectacle unfolded, became increasingly angry and agitated, especially as he witnessed Kellyanne Conway’s scathingly sarcastic portrayal of herself. Reportedly, after Conway mimed putting a finger gun to her head for the fifth time, Trump grabbed his remote and tried to turn her off.
Funny it is how those types naturally gravitate around Trump, are accepted into his circle, and given immediate access. Why might that be?
The DOW was at 8,000 when Obama took office. It was at over 20,000 when he left office.
Sorry. A pity Fox Business didn’t tell you about this and you lost out.
Never mind. I’d just recommend looking at a wider range of sources. It can be useful.
Tommy Jones
Kuddos Obama! ROFL! #facts give me a headache. Don't even go there. Smh.
Which is repugnant coming from a draft-dodger, no matter to whom he was specifically referring. When I was covering the Battle of Fallujah, the grunts expressed the most fear about being captured. I live about 45 minutes from Camp Pendleton, and when I'm in a diner and hear Marines talking, they express fear about being taken prisoner.
While this may be a valid point, it is absolutely irrelevant in relation to this:
demomstrates its own lack of logic. Trump imports cheap labor to work at his resorts when Job placement agencies in those areas have literally thousands of workers looking for those exact jobs.
It's a lose-lose for Americans that want a manufacturing job. Didn't Trump rail on China for "stealing" American jobs? How can anyone claim it's good that Trump is putting America first make the above comment?
This is almost as easy as posting others comments that demonstrate their utter lack of credibility. Maybe I should do that again.
Wow! You are a fast reader. It only came out about 48 hours ago. You must have been at the head of the queue.
It seems quite a few Trump supporters couldn’t wait to get their hands on this book, read it, and post their opinion on it.
Impressive. On the weekend as well. I was drinking beer and watching football.
They are examples to us all.
Tommy Jones
They don't need to read it because they get their talking points from Fox and Breitbart. It's much easier than reading, just ask semiliterate, I-like-pictures Trump.
Any non-democrat would be better. Someone who can repeal the ACA, please.
Actually, the way it works is spelled out in the US Constitution. The VP becomes President and the Speaker of the House becomes VP. The Speaker's position is back filled in the house following their rules and his/her state elects a new house representative. Moving from Speaker to VP is really a down-grade, unless that person wants to run for President.
Tommy Jones
Jpn: Brilliant. Of course, we both know you'll get an irrelevant response, if you get one at all.
Pence is a regressive religious fanatic, but we can all be fairly confident he won't personally enact an extinction-level event for the human race. We have people sincerely questioning if Trump will start a nuclear war because someone in North Korea called him a name or because he doesn't like the news about the Mueller investigation. So yeah, I'll take Pence over Trump no question.
A VP becoming president with a congress in a blue tide would halt the conservative agenda at its feet - not that that hasn't happened anyway even with a GOP congress. I mean, what is, conceivably (meaning without congressional rule tricks) up next?
The replies on here are mind boggling.
We truly do live in some bizarre post truth, opinion as fact, blindly aligned to one side, anti-science, anti-intellectual world.
Unqualified Reality TV Host as POTUS (which should be enough ignoring all the other issues), flat earthers making a come back, "raw" water fads, Wi-Fi is making my brain melt... I don't think idiocracy was suppose be a documentary, but its looking like its more predictive than intended.
liberal globalist agenda? Many conservatives are globalists too (Cheney, Bush, etc.) just saying.
Watch Trump get re-elected in a landslide in 2020.
I would point more to the CRIMINAL ACTS of Trump and his family -- these are what will bring him down. In Muller We Trust!
I don’t think it’s particularly new. The current president wanted to bring down the last president by buying into a sub-tabloid crackpot conspiracy theory known as birtherism. Other gibbering lunatics on the right thought he was unfit to be president because he was the spawn of beelzebub.
Calm down. It’s nothing new. In fact, it’s actually saner.
Mr. Nodall - It's a book, by a journalist. This is what journalists do. Not having read it and without insider knowledge, I can't judge it's veracity, but it is simply a book by a journalist.
Now, if Trump could please produce his long-form birth certificate to prove he was born in America....
Yes, facts, please don’t ever let them stand in your way, my motto.
The market milestone comes barely a month after the Dow cracked 24,000 for the first time. The 121-year-old index has spiked nearly 7,000 points, or 36%, since President Trump's election, an incredible move in such a short period.
He wasn’t the only President that was a draft dodger.
No, it’s relative to the question that libs can never give me an answer to.
Yes, one hand washes the other and the other can’t surfive without the other and since that helps Americans also in the long run is a good thing. Healthcare 31K new jobs, Construction 30Kjobs and Manufacturing 25K and all in December of 2017. Go Trump! 2020 part II Trump coming up.
It's a lose-lose for Americans that want a manufacturing job.
Yes, it would seem the left of it.
And neither would Trump, but either way if Pence were to get the job, he would carry on the Trump agenda, so if Liberals want to get a case of hot foot and indigestion, go for it!
Stay away from CNN and Rachel Maddow, we will all be here tomorrow, but if Kim wants to threaten the US, as Trump said, he has a bigger button and it works. For someone supposedly deranged, the guy is pretty funny. Lol
Tommy Jones
We know.
Moving on.
While this may be a valid point, it does nothing to refute the fact that the stock market tripled under Obama. That is what we were debating, not whether the market has done well under Trump. This is a prime example of obfuscating because one cannot refute the facts provided. ROFL! Don't even go there homie. My lord! Smh. No wonder Dems lost 1,000 legislative seats.
Okay. However, it does nothing to refute the fact that Trump made that repugnant comment about POWs. Another attempt at obfuscation. Not on my watch homie. Kuddos!
The OP was that Trump owes millions to people because of the fraud he perpetrated through Trump University. Your response was to say Harvard is also overpriced, which was irrelevant to the fact that Trump perpetrated fraud through Trump University. This is the third attempt at obfuscation. I better start writing these down lest I forget. LOL. Smh. No wonder repubes lost that senate seat in Bama.
Attempt number four at obfuscation. None of this refutes the fact that Trump imports cheap labor to work at his resorts instead of hiring from the thousands of Americans looking for exactly the kinds of jobs he is using foreign labor for, which is a prime example of him putting himself before America. MAGMA!
Unless you are citing CNN in an attempt to obfuscate. LOL.
Simon Foston
Mr. NoidallToday 12:50 am JST
"Enough" people. Quite right. Not "the" people.
Sorry, who has ever actually stated explicitly that they want Trump impeached just because of the election result? That attitude would be so ridiculous that it sounds like a deliberate misrepresentation of Trump's opponents' views.
Here's the democracy - there is zero chance of impeachment ever being voted on in Congress if "that kind of behaviour and attitude" is all they've got.
Hope it does bring him down and locked up
Simon Foston
Sam WattersJan. 6 09:13 pm JST
It was a very vocal minority that got Trump elected. Some of them were blowing off about how if he lost they would be camped out in Washington with their guns.
Tommy Jones
And the top racist in the birthed movement is now president.
We don't care that he's rich. Arrogant and narcissistic, yes we care about that. More importantly, we care that he is inept, unintelligent, and unqualified, which is all reflected in what we care about most: his regressive, fear-mongering policies.
Really? We haven't? If you say so.
So we should sit by and watch him run the country into the ground even further because your opinion is he hasn't done enough damage already? That's called complacency,
He is already digging his own grave. Is it that difficult to see?
Newscasts reporting on Trump's own words and actions is definitively not a smear campaign. It's called doing their jobs.
Simon Foston
Mr. NoidallToday 04:59 am JST
How about conservatives shut up for a year as well? Think you could give it a go?
Meanwhile, from The Independent...
Okay, and then...
You just couldn't make this stuff up. Although Trump obviously can.
Any academic transcripts floating around? It would be interesting to see just how... "excellent."
Why is it that only Democrats and Hillary-worshippers hear these so-called dog-whistles?
Were you asleep for the last administration?
And even so, he was disliked so much while at the same time jobs were up, the stock market was up, and the overall economy was improving.
Tommy Jones
It wasn't an argument, it was a statement of fact.
Because he barely has a vocabulary.
And that his self-claimed intelligence and business acumen would allow him to lead well.
No, it wasn't. If this were correct, Trump would have also won the popular vote.
Its not nerve, it being well informed.
People like me simply pointed out all of Trump's words and actions that showed he put his own foot in that grave he dug.
Tommy Jones
I don't watch CNN, but nice attempt an at inference.
So where do you get your info?
Tommy Jones
Agreed 100%.
It's been shown to be a winning strategy. Hate the game, not the player.
Me too. And I also don't watch CNN, other than when in hotel rooms sometimes.
Which specific tenets of Democracy do this book and those going after Trump contradict? You can't just claim something is undemocratic and have that accepted, you actually have to show how it is undemocratic.
Tommy Jones
Incorrect. We have simply been telling cons to wait for the investigations to be concluded, which is exactly what you just recommended.
Tommy Jones
A year and two months ago is not a looooong time.
Is this what you were saying during the last administration? The vitriol was off the charts then.
This is exactly what Trump has done and continues to do.
Correct, it's freedom of speech that gives the right to criticize him, and his own incompetence that provides the motivation to do so.
Yeah, not since Obama was president.
I agree.
Tommy Jones
And a free, unfettered press is critical to free speech. Too bad Trump and his supporters don't understand this, so constantly denigrate any press that doesn't praise Trump.
And it's a lot of motivation.
To be fair to Noidall, I don't think he is a Trump supporter overall based on his past comments. I think he is just trying to point out his dislike of the incessant criticism of Trump.
The problem is that the incessant criticism of Trump comes from his unrelenting actions that deserve criticism.
Tommy Jones
Reasonable analysis.
Dwight Rider
You got to be kidding. Trump is not fit for the job? How? It also matters not. The American people voted him into office. It is a done deal. To say otherwise is to say the American people are incapable of choosing wisely. The resentment against Trump comes from those who have no faith in God, the soulless who need the guidance of government; personal and financial security due to their inability to compete in a competitive society.
Tommy Jones
No. It is to say that some American people are clearly incapable of choosing wisely.
Wow. Just wow.
Anyone can compete if they have daddy's money.
Simon Foston
Dwight RiderToday 09:43 am JST
NO. A MINORITY of the American people voted him into office. The MAJORITY voted AGAINST him but because of the stupid electoral college system he won anyway. Is there something about that which is hard to understand? Are any of the words too difficult?
I was talking about the last 5 years of his admin. he had the lower labor participation rate since the 1970's, lowest home ownership rate in 51 years, Americans had less money to buy homes compared to foreigners that did, over 43 million in poverty and 13 million on food stamps, that's what I was talking about. Yes, that's why Democrats lost over 1000 legislative seats.
The only people that made issue of what he said, were the Trump haters and John McCain and those comments were specifically hurled towards him because McCain took personal shots at Trump and McCain should have known, his record wasn't going to save him from Trump's wrath.
No, very relevant. So if I pay 50K a year and can't get a job in my field and I have to take a job in another field to get by, then the education I received was essentially a ripoff and for what? Just to carry the name and prestige? Sorry, but that doesn't pay the bills.
But gained one in Virginia. Anyway, you have a vulnerable Democrat in Alabama and if the guy likes his job and wants to keep it, he's going to be very careful or he'll be a one term Senator.
Yes, our countries are connected, so Trump can concentrate his efforts in the private sector in helping create jobs and China can supply the cheap labor and that clears up the jobs that most Americans won't do. It's a win, win situation.
Oh, never! But now all of a sudden to the left the validity of CNN is coming into question? They are the are to be believed when they bash Trump, but they lie when they give him credit? You guys are hilarious!
Who needs to say it - Trump proved it.
Why? Because the lefty MSM disapproved? So Clinton was the "wise" choice? Haha.
It seems Sanders was the choice for the left majority until the all wise one Hillary stole it. Yeah, very wise the two of them. Sanders gets screwed then keeps his mouth shut about it, while Clinton does the screwing and stands up on stage smiling like an innocent angel. At least Trump won fair and square with very little MSM support. I'd say the Americans chose wisely by not choosing who the MSM was pushing on them. I know it must be difficult for you to grasp the concept that many are waking up to the globalist agenda.
Tommy Jones
Then you need to signal that you are changing topics.
Still doesn't refute the repugnant comment Trump made denigrating those that served.
This is not relevant to the fact that Trump perpetrated fraud through Trump University. JPN_Guy broke it down succinctly.
In a state legislature Huge difference. Kuddos. ROFL!
To leave open bigotry unpunished is to give it permission to fester.
Blame the party that controls the government.
So, the right hated Obama because of circumstances of his birth that he had no control over and which had no bearing on his ability to lead the nation or on the quality of his character, while the left hates Trump for his character flaws that if he worked at he could overcome but since he doesn't they interfere with his ability to lead the country. And you want to pretend these are parallel hatreds?
This is straight up false.
Why should Trump be given a free pass when he is damaging and dividing the country now? People are going to literally die over the undermining he does to the Affordable Care Act. People are literally going to die because of the damage he is doing to the environment by needlessly and thoughtlessly tossing aside regulations just because Obama supported them. People are going to have their lives and/or families destroyed by his hateful and bigoted immigration and refugee policies, not to mention his painfully inept tax plan that amounts to nothing more than a cash grab for the rich.
Trump is actively undermining the nation, and it all comes from his disastrous character flaws. It is foolishness to pretend we shouldn't criticize that just because some right wingers are starting to realize what a terrible choice they made and don't want their fee-fees hurt having it pointed out to them.
The beauty is that when Trump leaves in the near future he's going to be slurring, screaming, and then suddenly saying, "This book is false! And I never wanted to be president anyway! (which the book says is fact) So, I quit!" and then Trumpers will at first say what a great decision it is, and how false the book was and unfair (admitting he never wanted to be president and therefore vindicating contents of the book), then within six months they'll be back to calling Trump a "lunatic" like they did before he won the GOP nod. So fickle are the GOP.
I didn’t.
He didn’t. Again, it was a personal attack against McCain-specifically.
Ok, that’s his opinion, I have a different one.
Yes, which is a big deal. Thank God he won.
Ahh, in 2020 you won’t be talking about this anymore.
Ok, Wolff said, Trump’s lying and Trump said, Wolff is lying, so why not give Trump the benefit of a doubt? Trump may say things outlandish from time to time, but Wolff has had credibility problems in the past. So there is no way we will truly know, so the book could be false or there could be some bit of validity to it.
Can you verify these allegations? Any of them? If you can please share it with us, if not, you don’t know if that’s true or not, but knowing Trump how compulsive he is about winning and being number one, I seriously doubt or can’t even imagine him saying that.
You should verify the meaning of the word 'allegation', as you're using it wrong.
These are predictions or hypothesis, and predictions/hypothesis can only be verified after the fact.
Tommy Jones
I know you didn't signal that you changed topics, that's why I said you need to do it. If you're saying you didn't change topics, you need to check yourself, son. You can do that by reviewing our previous posts, which will demonstrate your original, irrelevant retort was to my assertion that Obama tripled the stock market. Kuddos. ROFL! Don't even go there, bro. #clinton wasn't manning a SAW in Benghazi so is a criminal.
Then Trump should have had the wherewithal to do declare, but he didn't. That means he was denegrating those who served. His words, not mine.
Then your opinion is in no way based in fact bevause Harvard doesn't use high-pressure sales tactics, but Trump U did. Smh.
And thank god the kiddie fiddler didn't win a national seat. So now state legislatures are a big deal. Hard to keep up with moving goal posts.
Correct, because if Trump makes it to 2020, he'll be tossed out on his semiliterate, demented arse.
Because Trump has repeatedly been shown to lack credibility. Largest inauguration crowds. Full stop.
Can you verify any allegation related to Clinton committing crimes or Mueller being biased? Thought not. ROFL! No wonder Dems lost 1,000 legislative seats. When I am on assignment . . . I live 45 minutes from Camp Pendleton. Near my place in Fukuoka . . . My 10 year old daughter with auburn hair . . . MAGMA!
Same thing, these are all guesses at the very least.
I was talking about the last 5 years of his admin. lowest labor participation sine the 70’s, over 14 million on food stamps, worst recovery since the 40’s, never reaching a solid GDP of 3.0, welfare skyrocketed. American home ownership down in over 51 years. No, I was spot on.
Funny, the only people that made an issue of it were the usual haters and the man that was subjected to that personal attack.
You’re right they don’t, but that still doesn’t answer the question, what on Earth are you getting for 50K that you can’t get for 1/3 of that price?
Winning is one thing, getting a liberal legislation passed in the heaviest Republican evangelical state is almost impossible. For Jones, the goal post is cemented in concrete.
The way the economy is going, at this point, I don’t think God could dislodge the man from office.
Because everyone deserves a benefit of a doubt, but it goes both ways, you don’t want to extend the President that curtesy, then we can have the same skepticism about Wolff as well.
To be fair, Bass has finally accepted that the stock market nearly tripled under Obama. His line now is that wasn’t particularly impressive.
It took a while but he got there eventually.
Tommy Jones
Repeating that you changed topics without informing the other party still does not change the fact that you were retorting to the factual assertion that Obama tripled the stock market. Smh. ROFL. I know you didn't just say that.
If that's what you want to call those that serve and respect those that serve/served, that's your prerogative. When I was covering the Battle for Baghdad . . . Since I live 45 minutes from Fort Hood, err . . . Camp Pendleton . . .
I know I was correct. Your question still did not refute that Trump perpetrated fraud through Trump U, which is what your question was a retort to.
Sure, but repubes still lost a national legislative seat in the heaviest evangelical state.
That's your opinion, and we all know your opinion is . . . well, just that. MAGMA. No wonder Dems lost 1,000 legislative seats. ROFL. I know you didn't just say that, homie.
Everyone does deserve the benefit of the doubt, up until they demonstrate that they lack credibility. You know, like Trump constantly does through his tweets, or some do by claiming they simultaneously live in three different place after having said they left one in 2001. Kuddos to Trump's demented tweets!
Tommy Jones
Not denying it is not the same as accepting it. Haha.
Sam Watters
It was a very vocal minority that got Trump elected. Some of them were blowing off about how if he lost they would be camped out in Washington with their guns.
So what? He won. The rules were the same for both candidates. The rules are set that way so west and east coast don't rule the country. The only reason you are sore about this is because your horse lost the race---a race that she cheated on, by the way!
Simon Foston
Sam WattersToday 10:52 pm JST
What makes YOU think you know anything about who I would support? Got anything at all to base this assumption on that it would be Hillary Clinton? Any quotes? No? Thought not. No, you haven't even got the first clue. Stick to commenting on what people actually say, not what you imagine they think.
I never said that, I would never ever say anything so untrue, I have no idea what you are.....Hey, you in California? Lol
Not my prerogative, when McCain attacked Trump, he should’ve known better that Trump was going to unleash a can of whip*** on him.
No, I asked what the difference is between Trump U and paying 50K a year? Especially if I can’t get a job? But you never answered my original question, if you can’t its ok, I wouldn’t hold it against you. Lol
With a vulnerable Democrat in the lions den ROFL
Not my opinion, check the Dow over the last few days, made my phone melt.
They are just acting to sell the book ,
they are both actors of reality show,
Trumps will act as victim ,
tries to divert attention to somewhere else ,
so Americans would forget all his mistakes as a President of US
his relation to Russia ......
Sam Watters
@Simon. Sure,man. Whatever.
And they are all failing. Most recent is his illegal voter fraud investigation of 7-9 million people. What happened to that? Illegal immigration? Where is the 50ftx2,000 mile concrete wall? Of course Trump followers say the American stock market is doing well all (100%) because of Trump being in the WH. But everything else Trump is a complete loser.
Sam Watters
@Nishikat. Trump has been in office for about 14 months. The wall will be built in time. In the meantime Trump’s policies are having an impact, much to the chagrine of the Left.
Watched Mr. Wolff on Meet the Press today. He comes across as a self-aggrandizing, delusional, effete liberal. No wonder the mainstream media hangs on his every word, and the rest of the country listens but then moves on.
Donald J. Trump
Dow goes from 18,589 on November 9, 2016, to 25,075 today, for a new all-time Record. Jumped 1000 points in last 5 weeks, Record fastest 1000 point move in history. This is all about the Make America Great Again agenda! Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Six trillion dollars in value created!
8:35 PM - Jan 5, 2018
Yes, and as you say it's 100% because of him the stock market is winning. So it it also 100% because of him there is no:
wall, Hillary arrest, Muslim ban. And I have yet to see one single arrest from the voter fraud investigation (out of 7-9 million). But so what? The stock market is winning and it's all because of Trump as you said.
But healthcare costs are rising so what's the point of a rising economy if it's all going to healthcare costs? Proof Trump has failed. Also, Trump's wall will fail because Mexicans will just use ladders and ropes. A 50B dollar wall? Just get yourself a 50 dollar ladder from Home Depot. What a joke? Ladders have been used to go over walls for hundreds of years? And who's going to pay all those 10s of billions for the wall?
Trump hasn't even been in office for 12 months.
It's down 400 points over the last few days. Why are you bragging?
Tommy Jones
Good thing Obama tripling the stock market is a fact.
Yes, 45 minutes from Camp Pendleton. But I left California in 2001, which is why I still claim to live there when I need to bolster an argument. Oh my! ROFL. 1,000 legislative seats lost, but one gained in Bama.
McCain pointing out facts was not an attack. Trump denigrating those that served and were captured was and is repugnant. When I was embedded with the Marines on Iwo, they all expressed fear at being captured. Lol.
Yes, in response to the factual assertion that Trump perpetrated fraud through Trump U. You were attempting to justify Trump's fraud through obfuscation. Answering the question would legitimize the obfuscation. I'll answer when you admit Trump perpetrated fraud through Trump U.
I agree that evangelicals are lions, very much predators. Predators like the kiddie fiddler Moore that repubs supported because they care more about party than morals. Anyway, huge loss in a conservative stronghold. Kuddos to Jones! ROFL. Don't even go there.
More obfuscation. It was clear that I was saying it's your opinion that not even the sky fairy could get Trump out because of the Dow. Nobody would say the Dow isn't roaring bevause that it is is a fact, which is what I deal in, unlike some people that clearly don't know where they live.
Texas A&M Aggie
Trump book author says his revelations will bring down U.S. president
Wolff wrote an entire book based on watching three hours of "The Apprentice" and the leftists are treating his piece of fiction as gospel.
Oh, well, let them live in their bubble. They've spent countless hours and billions of dollars trying to topple President Trump. Perhaps a BOOK will do the trick.
Yeah, that's the ticket. . . .
Texas A&M Aggie
IMO, President Trump directed Bannon to gaslight Wolff; to tell him complete and utter nonsense that Wolff lapped up as gospel and the leftists unquestionably accepted. In time, this "book" will be proven as another example of fake news, and the gullible globalists will be played. . . . again
What is a globalist?
Also, Trump keeps piling on the national debt. He promised to reduce it to zero. Of course less than one year. But no sign of even turning around and keeps going up and up.
Texas A&M Aggie
"what is a globalist?"
Heh, folks who kept referring to HRC as "Madam President" up to 8:59 p.m. on Nov. 8, 2016.
"Trump keeps piling on the national debt."
Since when did liberals start caring about racking up U.S. national debt? Certainly, not in the previous eight years before President Trump was elected president. . . .
Does not answer this:
What is a globalist? A businesswoman making shoes in China sells them in US? A real estate magnate with properties around the world?
Tommy Jones
Demonstrably false.
No one said anything about Obama's debt- except his white haters who think he was born in Kenya and are racist. But Trump promised to reverse it (read quote below as he is great with debt) and he hasn't- that's what I am saying. His broken promise (among many many others). He was bragging about how he was going to reverse Obama's debt, but he hasn't. If he hadn't made that promise I would not be saying anything.
“I’m the king of debt. I’m great with debt. Nobody knows debt better than me,” Trump told Norah O’Donnell in an interview that aired on “CBS This Morning.” “I’ve made a fortune by using debt, and if things don’t work out I renegotiate the debt. I mean, that’s a smart thing, not a stupid thing.”
Trump's words and (another) broken promise. He failed to be "great with debt"
What makes them Globalists? How does that connect to wanting Hillary for president? How is Hillary connected to Global? Please be specific. But why do Trump followers like Trump? Personally I wanted Hillary over Trump. But I wanted another Republican (not Trump) over Hillary. I am not a cultist of any political party- unlike Trump followers. I like some on the right and left. I especially think it's disgusting how the evangelical Jesus zombie freak believers like Ralph Reed go for Trump.
Let's reply to Trump's broken promises like:
No wall, No Hillary arrest, rising healthcare costs, No Muslim ban, no Transgender ban, and the debt keeps going up and up. Also, North Korea is about to blow up the world and it's all on Trump's watch.
"Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book," Trump said. "He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!"
Well played, Sir!! What a gravely mature and statesmanlike way of countering the Michael Wolff narrative that you’re a juvenile, undisciplined bonehead.
Andrew Crisp
Doubt a book will bring down the President, the left love to sling enough mud hoping some will stick, lets have a look - false news, sexual harassment, Russia again and again and again - nothing yet
DT looks like he is at the start of a winning streak - ISIS stronghold in the Middle East is almost over, Tax Cuts through, Mexican proto type walls being tested, New Supreme Court Judge and heaps of Federal Court Judges appointed meaning common sense decisions will start flowing through, Supreme Court backing Travel ban, Welfare reform next,
And Wolff richer.
Dango bong
interesting to see Tump is supported by hard working people and hated by illegals, welfare recipients and twitter-tards
Matt Hartwell
Teflon Trump, but I still think he will be a one term president.
I will be curious to see if Trump overcomes the Mueller investigation whether he receives a bump in popularity. If he is found "innocent" as such it might pay off handsomely.
If he serves two terms I will be stunned, assuming he decides to hang around that long, which is very doubtful imo.
Who calls other people losers? It is like Trump is a school bully.
If they impeach Trump, they also need to impeach Pence as well. The LAST thing we want is to have a crazy Evangelical nut in the WH.