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Trump calls probe of his ex-attorney Giuliani 'very unfair'


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Yes. Life is very unfair when you're a crook.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

he suggested that the investigation of his client was politically motivated 

Just because he was acting for political purposes and committing crimes while doing so doesn't mean an investigation of illegal acts is politically motivated.

The investigation started 18 months ago and has already been subject to a grand jury. So, prosecutors found evidence of illegal activity and took the step to convene a grand jury. Not good for Rudy.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Anybody sweating yet?

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Here we go again, I’m sure Rudy knew this was coming, but being a lawyer and knowing how corrupt these people are, I’m sure he made contingency plans to make sure these people don’t get to have their jihad. This is probably going to go nowhere, another witch hunt, Rudy just needs to ride this wave through, get a good laugh and watch the Feds and Dems pull their hair out at another failed attempt. This all used to be shocking, now it’s like, whatever. Lol

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

This is probably going to go nowhere

I notice lately the predictions have become a little less definite.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I’m sure Rudy knew this was coming, but being a lawyer and knowing how corrupt these people are, I’m sure he made contingency plans

Are you sure? I mean we're talking about a man who farts audibly in court and mistook a suburban garden centre for a luxury hotel. He's not exactly the brightest of bulbs.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

You guys watch too much fake news. Giuliani is by the book, law and order guy who prosecuted the mafia and as mayor single-handed ku cleaned up a decrepit NYC after it was run into the ground by Democrats.

Now the DC mafia is trying to intimidate him and anyone who would challenge DC’s corrupt ways.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Giuliani is by the book, law and order guy who prosecuted the mafia and as mayor single-handed ku cleaned up a decrepit NYC after it was run into the ground by Democrats.

This is false.

He's under multiple investigations, he's lied about Dominion machines, has some very dubious associates, incited violence on several occasions and allegedly has a penchant for much younger women.




He's a fraud and a has been.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I notice lately the predictions have become a little less definite

No, they came true, everyone that the Dems put behind bars unjustly are out. Trump was the main target and For 3 wasteful years, 19 Democrat Hillary donating lawyers, 500 subpoenas and 500 witnesses and nothing, so here we go again, just let it play out and watch the Feds and Dems frown again. Lol

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Step 1 of the Conservative playbook is now in play: Make yourself the victim.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

On a TV interview in 2018, rudy said he had ‘insurance’ rudy is going to sing, just a matter of time. donald turning on him.

rudy is going to sing, just a matter of time.

Brt someone at Mar a lago is having sleepless nights on what might come out.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Notice a pattern here with Trump and his lawyers?

Michael Cohen was a "hero", a "great attorney", a "fine person"....until he flipped....

Then he was a "skunk", a "liar", a "rat".....

Rudy is now a "patriot who loves his country"......

Sure he is, until he pulls out that "insurance policy" he mentioned to cut a deal with the Feds to keep out of a cell at Rikers Island....

Trump always seems to forget he hires lawyers just as craven and corrupt as he is...

5 ( +6 / -1 )

bass: the Dems put behind bars unjustly

The Dems didn't put anyone behind bars. There was a trial and these people were found guilty. Democrats did not create fake trials with fake lawyers and fake judges.

Manafort, Page, Cohen, Flynn, Stone, Papadopoulos...all proven guilty. If you think the Dems rigged 6 trials then you must think we are gods.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Rudy will soon hold a press conference....as soon as he can reserve the back lot of the Four Seasons Landscaping Co. across the street from the Fantasy Island adult bookstore...


4 ( +5 / -1 )

You guys watch too much fake news. Giuliani is by the book, law and order guy who prosecuted the mafia and as mayor single-handed ku cleaned up a decrepit NYC after it was run into the ground by Democrats.

Singlehandedly? Must have been busy.

So him standing outside the garden centre was fake news? Was it cgi? Did he intend to give a press conference about such important news in a home centre car park next to an adult toys store?

You know he stopped being mayor over 20 years ago right?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Giuliani did clean up New York, though it came at the expense of thousands, if not millions, of minorities being made to feel like lesser people whether they were affiliated with criminal elements or not. Nevertheless, he did make it a safer place.

If he had stopped there, he'd leave behind a decent legacy. He should have taken his money and rode his reputation off into the sunset.

Instead he's become this.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

A lifelong grifter with a proven track record (if not with all the receipts) who shouts "unfair", shows an appalling lack of self-awareness. I'm sure a kindly judge could help restore some of his sanity by ruling he spend an appropriate period of time to meditate and reflect on his "colorful" past conduct in a quiet, secure place (preferably with bars) with his East Flatbush consigliere for company.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Ok, so this is another politics witch hunt, find something you can on your opponent and ignore hard based evidence of collusion with a foreign power. 


*Federal prosecutors in New York formally announced federal campaign finance charges on Thursday against two foreign-born men who aided Rudy Giuliani, the president's personal attorney. *

*The men, Ukrainian-born Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, originally from Belarus, are accused of conspiring to "circumvent the federal laws against foreign interference by engaging in a scheme to funnel foreign money to candidates for federal and State office," according to a four-count indictment in the Southern District of New York. *

*The men were arrested at Dulles International Airport as they were about to board an international flight on one-way tickets, according to U.S. Attorney for the Southern District Geoffrey Berman, *


6 ( +7 / -1 )

From hero of 9/11 to scumbag. Rudy would’ve been better remembered had he retired in 2002.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

No, they came true,

No, they didn't.

everyone that the Dems put behind bars unjustly are out.

Incorrect. The Democrats didn't put anybody behind bars.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Rudy loves this country so much

Timothy McVeigh also loved his country very much. Ergo, he was treated unfairly.

Trump would have made about as good a defense lawyer as he was president

5 ( +6 / -1 )

supposed violation of FARA, huh?

Well there is a long line of people before Rudy who need to be dealt with first.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Step 1 of the Conservative playbook is now in play: Make yourself the victim.

More like from the Democrats playbook find a scapegoat, someone, anyone, to deflect from our problems

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

More like from the Democrats playbook find a scapegoat, someone, anyone, to deflect from our problems

No. More like your playbook.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

because other people did it before he did.

quite simple.

and if you dont deal with them first, you might "conveniently forget" to go back and deal with those people.

You know, like you would do in a political persecution where you are finding a man and then a crime instead of finding a crime first... then finding who did it.

Why not deal with Rudy first?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

No. More like your playbook.

No, more like the Dems playbook given the historical background on frivolous witch hunts, I would say this is now number 12 or 13 somewhere in the miss ballpark…

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Yes, there is.

Can you present this evidence?

because other people did it before he did.

Such as?

You know, like you would do in a political persecution where you are finding a man and then a crime instead of finding a crime first... then finding who did it.

This one going to the Supreme Court, too? You might want to hold off on legal commentary.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Can you present this evidence?

Easy, as a lawyer and one of the best prosecutors, he knows should he lie, not only will he incriminate himself, but he could be disbarred.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

In due time after others who came before him and if treated the same way, with the same application of the Act, certainly.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

P. Smith: But you agree Rudy also needs to be dealt with, correct?

Conservative playbook. If he's convicted, it's the Dems making a fake trial with fake lawyers and judges.

If he's not, it's just another witch hunt.

Covered both ways.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Rudy, meet Matt. Matt, this is Rudy. You’re both screwed. Might as well have a buddy on your way to prison.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

But you agree Rudy also needs to be dealt with, correct?

In the context of seeking answers or for helping his client? No, actually. This is not about putting Rudy behind bars. This is about Discrediting the guy and to try to get him disbarred and when you do that you can’t do what? You wouldn’t be allowed to do any type of investigation, nor would you be able to practice law or represent a client, that’s what this is all about. Nothing more.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

According to whom? Is this just a feeling you have?

Nope, but that’s exactly the strategy I would use if I were a Democrat.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

This is about Discrediting the guy

Giuliani has done that all by himself. How many of his election lawsuits were successful? Not a single one.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Given Rudy's two pro-Russian Ukrainian business partners were trying to flee the country on one-way tickets when they were arrested, I sure hope the Feds confiscated all of Rudy's passports; expecially the Ukraine and Russian ones...

It wouldn't surprise me if Rudy conspired with Roger Stone to do a "Ghosn" getway...

Watch out for those big sound system cases being moved...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Giuliani has done that all by himself. How many of his election lawsuits were successful? Not a single one

He didn’t do anything to himself and if the warrant were legal then as a general practice when they gather evidence especially on electronic devices made for communication they are supposed to confiscate all devices including the HD it’s all evidence and yet they left it. Oops big mistakes, now Rudy will have the last laugh, that’s his ace and the Feds show us once again how stupid and incompetent they are. Smh….

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Another one of Mr. Trump's attorneys has his office and home searched. It won't be long before there are indictments. Remember that a judge had to sign off on this search and the bar is pretty high for someone of Mr. Giuliani's prominence. The prosecutors had to have pretty solid evidence to convince a judge to authorize that search. The prosecutors will have to have told the judge pretty specifically what they are looking for. Ultimately Mr. Trump will do nothing to defend him just as he did nothing for his previous attorney Michael Cohen and I have to suspect Mr. Giuliani knows this. Having been a Federal prosecutor himself he knows what he faces. He will talk cooperate like Mr. Cohen has. Rudy Giuliani is an old man who doesn't want to end his life like Bernie Madoff. The person with the most to fear is probably Donald Trump, and I suspect he knows that too. MAGA - My Attorney Got Arrested - again.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

What I love most about this story is how much I don't have to care about this garbage anymore.

The past 3 months of not caring what Trump and his band of destructive idiots are up to has been bliss.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

As FBI agents walk out of Rudy Guiliani's raided apartment with armfuls of damning evidence against him:

Rudy Giuliani: This is clearly a sham. It's all fake news. I've been framed by the mainstream mediaaaaaa!!!!

6 ( +6 / -0 )

 Giuliani is by the book, law and order guy who prosecuted the mafia and as mayor single-handed ku cleaned up a decrepit NYC after it was run into the ground by Democrats.

Eh, not so much. Mr. Giuliani as mayor had police detectives walking his then girlfriends dog. He used city money to pay for trips for him and his mistress to Southampton. When the city comptroller questioned him about the expenses he refused to answer claiming security reasons! He had detectives drive her around in unmarked police cars when he wasn't around. For her wedding he had a detective accompany her on an airplane to Atlanta to pick up a tiara. His chauffer Bernard Kerik pled guilty to two misdemeanors for receiving $165,000 in renovations from a company accused of mob ties. Subsequently he was indicted on 16 counts for tax evasion, fraud, lying to federal investigators, and tampering with witnesses. Giuliani appointed him as police commissioner (for only 16 months), hired him for $500,000 at his security company, convinced President Bush to nominate Kerik as Director of Homeland Security (before Kerik withdrew his nomination in disgrace), and continues to defend him. In 2001, Kerik used an apartment donated for 9/11 rescue workers as a love nest for his affair with publisher Judith Regan. (Kerik has been married since 1998.) In fact, Kerik used Giuiliani Partners as the mail drop for the $75,000 payment at the heart of one of the tax fraud charges he was indicted for in Nov. 2007.To this day, Giuliani will not rule out pardoning Kerik if Giuliani is elected president.

A grand jury report concluded that priest Alan Placa, a longtime friend of Giuliani, molested several boys and helped cover up molestations by other priests, but he could not be prosecuted because the statute of limitations had run out. Giuliani, who had the priest preside over his second wedding, continues to defend him, and also employs the priest to this day at his security company.

I could go on. One could make a strong argument that it was William Bratton and not Rudy Giuliani who cleaned up New York, and later helped LA.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Nope, but that’s exactly the strategy I would use if I were a Democrat.

The problem with that statement was the investigation into Mr. Giuliani was started a year and a half ago under a notionally friendly Republican administration. Was not Mr. Giuliani the attorney of the sitting President when the investigation into his ties to the Ukraine was begun under the guidance of an attorney general appointed by that very same President? Cannot lay that one on Mr. Biden.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

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