Japan Today

Trump on defensive as critics seize on reports he insulted U.S. veterans

By Susan Heavey and Ted Hesson

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Trump has a record of insulting members of the armed forces. In 2017 he told top military leaders, “I wouldn’t go to war with you people. You’re a bunch of dopes and babies.”

That’s just one example.

17 ( +25 / -8 )

This is just a preview of things to come. We shall see more examples of his lunacy in the coming weeks.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

It's really shocking how bad and how low thr so-called reporting has gotten in the U.S. Reminds one of pre WWII era Japan and Germany.

-21 ( +9 / -30 )

Trump insults a lot of people, the man is allowed to comment and the man is allowed to grow and change his opinions on people or policies or situations. All people do this and every President has done this at one point made comments about one thing and reneged on another. It’s just funny how just before the general election old hashed and debunked stories like this one are surfacing like in 2016 women that allegedly said they were sexual assaulted by Trump, then it was the Billy Bush tapes and so on. I judge the guy more on what he’s done for the vets rather than what he previously said in the past, but I know Dems are trying their hardest....again...

-27 ( +9 / -36 )

Trump over the years had demonstrated "a clear pattern of disrespect toward the military."

That's consistent. Throughout his life Trump, like so many others from the privileged class has shown disdain for those not from his wealth class, i.e. the so-called 'elite', and those not from his demographic.

thr so-called reporting

When Trump supporters are unable to defend him, they attack something they call 'the media'. Curious how many of those posting anti-media attacks are paid to use some form of 'media' while at the same time attacking it.

Has anyone read further reports on what Trump's going to do about Russians paid to kill US military personnel? Or whether he calls those killed 'losers'.

12 ( +20 / -8 )

"They will say anything, like their recent lies about me and the Military, and hope that it sticks,"

Me thinks thou doth protest to much.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

This is very telling.

In the story, which was written by Jeffery Goldberg, President Trump is accused of skipping a trip to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery outside of Paris in 2018 because the 1800 U.S. Marines who died there were "suckers" for "getting killed." The piece also claims the President was lying about a bad weather call that cancelled the trip. 

While the piece only used anonymous sources, nearly a dozen current and former government officials have gone on the record to state the story is false. Further, official government emails about the visit being called off due to bad weather and logistical issues, have been published by the White House.

-24 ( +6 / -30 )

I judge the guy more on what he’s done for the vets rather than what he previously said in the past, but I know Dems are trying their hardest

He has done nothing for veterans. He has lied continuously by claiming credit for what President Obama did for vets, like me.

I think you show poor judgement.

18 ( +25 / -7 )

That's consistent. Throughout his life Trump, like so many others from the privileged class has shown disdain for those not from his wealth class, i.e. the so-called 'elite', and those not from his demographic.

Class has really nothing to do with it, that’s just another myth, it’s more about how individuals sometimes see things one way and see things or perceive them in another. My dad grew up poor after the war and he didn’t like the military at that time for many reasons, but he evolved and became a staunch lover and supporter of the military, opinions and perceptions of people can change whether you’re poor, liberal or elite.

-19 ( +6 / -25 )

Just checked snopes. Even they won't say anything about this so-called news story because it's so obviously erroneous.

-23 ( +6 / -29 )

It fits his M.O. Seen it before many times. Where there's smoke there's fire, and where there's trump, there's a dumpster fire, and a bunch of lies.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

It's not surprising US troop's support for Trump continues to slip. (see Military Times poll) Most in the military, most people in general, prefer leaders who tell the truth.

How low can you get lying in the faces of those in the military. Only someone who sneers at military personnel and those not from his 'elite' class would do so.

In Iraq visit, Trump makes false claims about military pay again


6 ( +12 / -6 )

Here is a quote from Sarah Huckabee Sanders who was actually there. She is one of twelve people who clearly state this did not happen.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Former White House Press Secretary: “The Atlantic story on @realDonaldTrump is total BS. I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion - this never happened. I have sat in the room when our President called family members after their sons were killed in action and it was heart-wrenching... These were some of the moments I witnessed the President show his heart and demonstrate how much he respects the selfless and courageous men and women of our military. I am disgusted by this false attack.” (Twitter, 9/3/20)

-22 ( +7 / -29 )

It's not surprising US troop's support for Trump continues to slip. (see Military Times poll) Most in the military, most people in general, prefer leaders who tell the truth.

Yeah, that’s what a lot of people would have you believe. As I had, the Democrats and the Trump hating media are working overtime especially at Zucker’s network to push a story that Sanders and Bolton of all people denied, but yeah, not surprising. Even Brian Stelter called foul on this one.

Veterans, servicemembers and military families are good at seeing the forest for the trees. On issues important to the veteran and military community, President Donald Trump has achieved some major victories.

Chief among them, the Trump administration has passed and implemented historic reforms to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including greater accountability for VA employees and increased health care choice for veterans, which enjoys support from 90% of veterans.


-17 ( +8 / -25 )

Former Deputy WH Press Secretary Hogan Gidley felt very strongly about this blatant attack.

Hogan Gidley, Former Deputy White House Press Secretary: “These are disgusting, grotesque, reprehensible lies. I was there in Paris and the President never said those things. In fact, he would never even think such vile thoughts because I know from firsthand knowledge that President Trump absolutely loves, respects, and reveres the brave men and women of the United States military. He always has and always will. These weak, pathetic, cowardly background ‘sources’ do not have the courage or decency to put their names to these false accusations because they know how completely ludicrous they are. It’s sickening that they would hide in the shadows to knowingly try and hurt the morale of our great military simply for an attack on a political opponent.” (Twitter, 9/3/20)

-18 ( +6 / -24 )

It’s fun watching Trump supporters claim this story has been debunked when it has not.

Well, it has been. Because had Bolton would have confirmed the allegations, the Dems would have a field day, but he said he never heard such a thing...ever. The man owes Trump nothing, doesn’t like him, but Dems don’t want to hear the truth as usual. A few months ago when Bolton was fired Dems applauded the man, when he wrote his book, the Dems, yet again applauded the man, when Bolton said, Trump was unfit to be President, Dems jumped with joy with jubilation and admiration for Bolton, he disputes these latest allegations, Bolton is lying all of a sudden. You have these accusations from anonymous sources, sources that don’t want to be identified, but their word is valid? It just doesn’t get more absurd and foul than this.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )

Discussions are always helpful good and productive, but they go both ways and liberals need to understand there are dissenting opposing point of views and facts and not just the liberals ones or the ones leaning in liberals favors that they like or seems as indisputable facts, that’s not how it works.

-10 ( +7 / -17 )

He insulted vets McCain and Bush Sr for having been shot down when he never even served and draft dodged. This is on public record so there’s precedence. Not even any need for a snope check. It’s bad enough when a regular person who never served to say this about vets. An entirely different matter when a draft dodging POTUS says it.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Trump, yesterday: I like boaters who don't sink.


9 ( +14 / -5 )

Bolton, he disputes these latest allegations

No he doesn't. You have seen the full Bolton quote.

“He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Defend that.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

“I didn’t hear him say those things,” he said, adding later he probably would have included the remarks in his book if he had. ****“Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”

A “Possibility” is NOT a matter of fact. There’s also the possibility that he praised the soldiers in a very somber and meaningful way and talked about it. There is no way to prove or disprove other than to go by the people that were there. When you make an accusation about a sitting president that you can’t even provide any verifiable proof and as witness you want to be anonymous, but you want your accusations to be taken as valid just smells very fishy.

-14 ( +6 / -20 )

Jordan Karem, Personal Aide to President Trump was with him all day.

He tweeted about the allegations again, saying, “I was next to @POTUS the whole day! The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.”

-17 ( +5 / -22 )

Ha haaaaa ;) I love it...Carry on Trump, Episode 1325. There are 135 episodes left!

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Trump has already disparaged soldiers captured in combat.

The question here is did he insult members of the armed forces again.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

You would think the Democrats would be more creative than to rehash old debunked stories, recycle them and reuse them again, it’s like Hollywood remaking Charlie’s Angels 6 times over, after awhile it’s just more desperate failed attacks.

-22 ( +7 / -29 )

It's worrying reading Trump's global right supporters continue to attack something they call 'the media'. Is that because they canNOT find anything positive to say about their Trump?

On today's JT there's an article about far right authoritarian Lukashenko and his attacks on something he too calls 'the media'.

A free, for-profit press is fundamental in any 'free' society. But then those attacking 'the media' have been those attacking democracies and pushing for greater authoritarianism.

I guess they must admire China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran and the many other states run by authoritarians.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Cadet Bone Spurs is a equal opportunity offender.

His inferiority complex shines thru each and every time.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

Totally in line with his history of attacking others, treating all relationships as purely transactional, and independently verified by 4 other news organizations including Fox.

Yeah, he said it. And he’s going to pay for it at the ballot box.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

It's really quite simple can we believe anything Trump says as he is always telling lies.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

“I didn’t hear him say those things,” he said. “Now, did he say those things to other people later in the day? It’s certainly possible.”

Right, we covered that, so once again, you can’t prove or disprove he said. I personally believe the people that were in the room with him, not “Anonymous sources” that refused to be identified. I am very suspicious of that.

Just admit that you've been duped and I'll respect you, bass, blacklabel and serrano. Otherwise you see that no one here in this small sample has the slightest respect for your opinions.

I don’t need respect, or thumbs down, it’s just what I believe and as I said before. If you’re going to make an accusation like that, at least man up and identify yourself if you make salacious charges like this. For all of Col. Vindman’s faults (and there were many) at least the guy was straightforward identified himself and didn’t hide behind a wall with a scribbled notes and handed them off to someone to go to the media and one that reads: “I heard this, pass it on.....

Give me a break! ROFL

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Trump always whines about fake news when the real news reports on his real comments invoking real outrage from the real people. In this case the real military.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

Apparently, some people have a reading comprehension issue.

Jordan Karem, Personal Aide to President Trump was with him all day.

He tweeted about the allegations again, saying, “I was next to @POTUS the whole day! The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.”

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

Jordan Karem, Personal Aide to President Trump was with him all day.

Asking his present personal aide is like asking Mac-a-Ninny, Ivanka, Jared, Junior or Ghouliani. They're not going to say anything bad about the child.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

CNN fully onboard now, confirmed "several aspects" (which ones?) with anonymous sources. Doesnt even say "different" anonymous sources.

"I would fully expect more reporting to come out about this and more confirmation and new pieces of information in the coming days and weeks," Goldberg told CNN's Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter on "Reliable Sources" Sunday. "We have a responsibility and we're going to do it regardless of what he says."

The magazine received backlash -- from Trump and many others -- for attributing the information to four anonymous sources. CNN has confirmed several aspects of The Atlantic's reporting, also with sources who chose to remain anonymous.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

Weird that these softy European leaders who allegedly depend on the US for everything managed to get out of Paris on a day when Trump chose to hunker down and badmouth WWI service-members who died for our country.

Allegedly. So where is the proof? If Anonymous sources say Obama is having an affair and Tucker runs it without validation, you know exactly what would happen. The meltdown would be of biblical proportions and rightfully so. Are we now at the point where we judge a persons guilt or innocence based on alleged allegations.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Even your beloved Fox news has confirmed it.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

bass4funkToday  08:44 am JST

I personally believe the people that were in the room with him, not....

If they said Trump had brought all those soldiers back to life with prayer you would believe that too.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

I mean...this is all about something that he allegedly said two years ago. It's not going to sway Trump supporters away from voting for him.

Also, people who were with him at the time may not necessarily remember everything he did or didn't say...two years ago.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

If they said Trump had brought all those soldiers back to life with prayer you would believe that too.

Naw, I just don’t believe in coming forward with accusations and then having the media telling me facts with verification or a face, but they expect me to just blindly believing it.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Jordan Karem, Personal Aide to President Trump was with him all day.

He tweeted about the allegations again, saying, “I was next to @POTUS the whole day! The President was greatly disappointed when told we couldn’t fly there. He was incredibly eager to honor our Fallen Heroes.”

People like Jordan Karem and Sarah Huckabee Sanders get paid to lie. If they don't, they lose their job. Trump surrounds himself with sycophants. That is painfully obvious by now.

there are dissenting opposing point of views and facts 

You mean "alternative facts"?

There’s also the possibility that he praised the soldiers in a very somber and meaningful way and talked about it.

That is a very low possibility, given Trump's character.

Trump's lifetime of insulting anyone who doesn't kiss his backside is coming back to bite him on . . . his backside. Instant karma time.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

I would rather believe the truth from former generals like Powell and Mattis than from a draft dodger like Trump. It's funny how Trump's followers think that Trump's silence on Russian bounties on American soldiers is "fake news" when there is proof that Trump would rather side with Putin than America's own troops.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Hogan Gidley: I know from firsthand knowledge that President Trump absolutely loves, respects, and reveres the brave men and women of the United States military.

Trump loves military hardware, and people in uniform saluting him. He loves big military parades and flyovers. He likes the feeling of being the guy nominally "in charge" of the armed forces. He's just a spoiled kid who wants to play commander in chief.

It's all about him. He doesn't give a crap about anybody else. This has been demonstrated time and time again.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

It really shouldn't be that big of a deal to Trump fans. There could be a video of him saying this and they'd still lick his boots.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

As someone with a 27 year military career and a Vet, Maj Gen Eaton sums up my feelings succinctly...


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Hey JT, you really need to change your comments algorithm to allow for replies within comments; it makes for a better discussion. There is something definitely wrong with your system when comments get 16+ "-" marks when the commenter sites an independent fact checker site like Snopes. Stop being a troll site and practice responsible journalism...

6 ( +10 / -4 )

This latest dumpster scandal blaspheming the memory of the war dead may prove to be "the Fifth Avenue Shooter's" bridge too far to his re-election chances now dwindling by the day. Out of all the orange ordure dumped on sacred ground we could pick out one nugget of truth in Trump's question: who were the good guys in this war? But any truthful answer will be drowned out by the justified ire over Trump's ignorant tone-deaf remarks and brought to the boil by the hypocritical chorus of warmongers who deep down secretly share Trump's disdain and indifference to lives lost in past wars.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Trump's lifetime of insulting anyone who doesn't kiss his backside is coming back to bite him on . . . his backside. Instant karma time.

We get it, you don’t like the guy, but it has nothing to do with salacious accusations of unverifiable Anonymous sources. It just shows once again Democrats little substance and lacking in ideas for trying to unsuccessfully entrap this President.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

This is ridiculous. Accusations that Trump said something two years ago are brought out three months before the election with the polls tightening, and, of course from anonymous sources. Until the anonymous sources, which probably don't even exist, come foward, it's just hearsay.

Trump over the years had demonstrated "a clear pattern of disrespect toward the military."

Trump has demonstrated unwavering support for the military through his actions over the last 4 years.

I would rather believe the truth from former generals like Powell and Mattis

Powerpoint Powell, who helped get us into the Iraq war, and Mattis who is against reducing U.S. troop levels in Syria? Jeez...

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

General Keith Kellogg:

tweeted his support for Trump, saying the Atlantic story “absolutely lacks merit” and that Trump has “always shown the highest respect to our active duty troops and veterans.”

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

Always funny when Trump supporters disparage anonymous sources given they are constantly pushing conspiracy theories like the Deep State and the upper echelons of the FBI are corrupt. Rank hypocrisy.

With all the evidence now, if you still want to believe that the FBI wasn't corrupt at the upper echelons ( Comey, and what they did to Gen. Flynn, anyone? ) sure, keep your head in the sand.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Bass:. salacious accusations of unverifiable

Like birtherism, or QAnon, or Ted Cruz and Kennedy, or Deep State, or...

12 ( +17 / -5 )

President Donald Trump was on the defensive on Sunday over his attitude toward the U.S. military following media reports that he had disparaged fallen veterans, which could harm his campaign for re-election on Nov 3.

It was a vile thing to do, but no surprise coming from trump.

It'll not affect his followers though, this is the same bunch which applauded him after the Access Hollywood tapes!!!

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Until the anonymous sources, which probably don't even exist, come foward, it's just hearsay.

I'm guessing that these sources will identify themselves in the near future. At which time you and your master will call them disreputable, disgruntled deep state slimeballs looking for a book deal.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

It’s not hypocrisy, it’s about who do you believe if liberals and Trump haters want to believe unverified slandering accusations but refuse to name the people making these charges does seem suspicious at the very least. When Brian Stelter of all people calls this fishy, you know it’s foul.

I'm guessing that these sources will identify themselves in the near future.

I doubt it, if it were credible, they would have done it already

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Trump has never served and avoided the draft for the Vietnam war citing bone spurs in his feet.

Yeah, Biden avoided the draft too, something about student deferments and asthma.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

I don't know why the right wing posters here are trying to dispute a story which has been confirmed and re-confirmed by numerous news outlets, including their beloved Fox News, which they've previously said was hyper reliable.

Of course, you didn't need to wait for Fox News to tell you that Trump didn't attend the memorial because he doesn't care about the troops and didn't want to get his hair wet. You could have just read my comments, because I said the same thing two years ago, when it happened.

And I was right.

9 ( +14 / -5 )

Benedict Donald

what a scum-bag

4 ( +9 / -5 )

oh so its not like there arent books coming out from Michael Cohen, Peter Strzok and Bob Woodward (2nd chance at the pay day!) in the next couple weeks?

slimeballs looking for a book deal.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Miracle on the Hudson pilot 'Sully' Sullenberger blasts Trump -

"He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward. He cannot feel duty because he is disloyal."

Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III
5 ( +9 / -4 )

President Donald Trump was on the defensive on Sunday

That is hardly news. Trump has been on the defensive all of his adult life for the simple reason he is an idiot. He offends anyone that does not fawn over him. He insults those who disagree with him. He cheats and lies on a daily basis. He is a bully and a charlatan. Time for other news.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

I don't know why the right wing posters here are trying to dispute a story which has been confirmed and re-confirmed by numerous news outlets,

Yes, they did, they also confirmed that sources were unwilling to come forward with the accusations and refused to be identified, so we have to take the word of John Doe? Why?

Yeah, Biden avoided the draft too, something about student deferments and asthma.

And President 42 as well, but liberals have a very short memory when pointing out flaws their favorite leaders have committed equally in the past as well

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Keilar rolls the tape on Trump's attacks on military members and their families


2 ( +6 / -4 )

Yes, they did, they also confirmed that sources were unwilling to come forward with the accusations and refused to be identified, so we have to take the word of John Doe? Why?

I've been through this before, but: that's how journalism works at that level. If the source was revealed, then they would be vulnerable to retaliation by their employer, or harassment by fans of their employer. As such, if they had to choose between "reveal their name, lose your job and get harassed" or "don't reveal the story", then they would almost certainly choose to keep their mouths shut.

Journalists withhold the names of sources not only to protect them, but also to ensure that they can continue to reliably get information from them and others in the future. This is very basic practice among journalists.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I have a feeling this and all the tell-all books recently (and upcoming!) are leading up to a major October surprise for the man-child.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Imagine if the Dems had just selected a candidate who could actually just beat Trump on their own merits without the daily liberal media narratives.

You have now destroyed the credibility of media Forever and will still lose to Trump not once, but twice.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Insulting a Gold Star family, disparaging John McCain's service and sacrifice, ridiculing Generals that gave 40 years of brave service to their country - to include Gen Kelly who lost a son in Afghanistan, saying that our military members were "expendable" - a comment shared by several Trump supporters here, and lastly, now calling them Losers and Suckers...

There is no doubt this draft-dodging coward uttered these vile epithets...

We all know why - courage, self-sacrifice, integrity, honor - these are all values foreign to him...doesn't understand them, never will...

And the constant reminder of that fact infuriates him...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Journalists withhold the names of sources not only to protect them, but also to ensure that they can continue to reliably get information from them and others in the future. This is very basic practice among journalists.

My territory, this is true, but at the same time if in this case you have a sitting President that was duly elected by the people and you have a 3 year history of flawed attempts of taking him down again and again and the latest to bring in accusations unverified and then you have a former employee that was fired and disgruntled and claims he never heard of such a thing where he could very well lie and go against his personal convictions and has a person of Washington who has a very long and distinguished career serving his country over sources we don't know and we have to take their word on it? Based on here say? This is why the Atlantic is getting hammered, not because of the reporting, but because they are attacking (once again) a sitting President with accusations of people and witnesses we just have to assume these No name people are telling the truth?

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Of all the antitrump hoaxes, this is the most disgusting one, right next to the "fine people" hoax.

But the media will hammer it in for the next weeks.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

no actually anonymous sources only work when the journalist is trusted.

Problem is that liberals and their media went all out for the 2016 election, then Russia, then impeachment.

We had journalists writing stories found to be false, personally attacking the President, crying when a candidate lost, donating to political campaigns, found to be married to Obama officials, having family in Dem politics.

So you have no one left who can be considered a nonpartisan, believable journalist. this is why none of them are believable now, you went all in on Trump hate and ruined all your journalists and media outlets. he was supposed to be gone by now, right?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Of all the antitrump hoaxes, this is the most disgusting one, right next to the "fine people" hoax.

This isn't a hoax, and it isn't a hoax to say that the President described Nazis as fine people. He did. It's a fact.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

But it would seem like Trump haters are experts when it comes to disseminating the truth of anonymous sources? Based on....

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

no actually anonymous sources only work when the journalist is trusted.

Jeffery Goldberg is an acclaimed journalist with decades of experience who has won multiple awards for his work. He is a trustworthy journalist.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Its as simple as seeing who owns the Atlantic magazine, who the owner donated to in 2020 and who the editor praised and endorsed in the 2016 election.

Its right in front of you, then you know why this attack is coming out again after being discarded once already in 2018.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

But it would seem like Trump haters are experts when it comes to disseminating the truth of anonymous sources? Based on....

It's entirely consistent with Trump's character. That's why, two years ago, when Trump skipped out on the ceremony, I said that it was because he hates the troops and didn't want to get his hair wet. Because that behaviour and those reasons track with the sort of person Trump is.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

This sort of rambling,

Not rambling just the truth, no reason to lie. The point is, the Dems ploy is not working. They hated Bolton always, but loved him when he turned against Trump, prayed he would testify and when he didn't, they hated him again and now hate him even more because based on his recollection, he never heard Trump say such a thing. Real Journalists would bring both sides, opposing viewpoints and the people can decide, but not here, the liberal msm is saying in a nutshell, believe us, don't believe Bolton. Just utter nonsense.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

It's another Anonymous report that even his critic John Bolton denied. Get real people.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Jeffery Goldberg is an acclaimed journalist 

Yes and a Trump hater, a deep, deep Trump hater, so based on that and unnamed sources we have to all jump up and say, it's true? Nope, don't think so, but for Trump haters this is red meat, I get it, but being objective does matter and by the way, I don't know or say for a fact Trump didn't say it. I'm saying with Trump's inner circle saying he didn't and one disgruntled Bolton saying the same, I would tend to lean on the side of caution and believe the people that were around him over the people that want to see this President swing.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Yes, let’s get real; Bolton did not deny it.

Yes, let's get real, Bolton didn't confirm it, not to mention in his presence and he knows how blunt Trump is.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

he publicly endorsed a candidate in the 2016 election and was heavily represented in the Clinton email server mails. hes out, due to obvious and public bias.

Jeffery Goldberg is an acclaimed journalist with decades of experience who has won multiple awards for his work. He is a trustworthy journalist.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Real Journalists would bring both sides, opposing viewpoints and the people can decide, but not here, the liberal msm is saying in a nutshell, believe us, don't believe Bolton. Just utter nonsense.

There aren't opposing viewpoints to the truth. Bolton didn't deny Trump said it, just that he didn't say it when Bolton was present.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

he publicly endorsed a candidate in the 2016 election and was heavily represented in the Clinton email server mails. hes out, due to obvious and public bias.

None of this is relevant. He's an acclaimed professional who is capable of doing his job without bias, and whose story has been corroborated by numerous other news outlets, including Fox News.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I don't know or say for a fact Trump didn't say it.

I do know for a fact that he did say it.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

There aren't opposing viewpoints to the truth. 

They are. Bolton didn't confirm it, therefore, there is absolutely No way to verify that Goldberg's allegations are true. Taking the words of a Journalist that always had animosity towards this President and the guy says my sources are solid? Ok, then who? I can't say? Sorry, if Trump haters want to believe this, they have the absolute right just as Trump supporters have the absolute right to call Suspicion on this.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

As one military man recently said in an interview, nobody from the Trump family has ever served the U.S. military in uniform during a time of war or conflict. For these kinds of people, living is all about and only about business and making money, so they lack any sense of duty to country that those in the military and their families feel. I completely agree with this line of thinking, and Trump should be kicked out of the White House. He's an utter disgrace as commander-in-chief.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

No way to verify that Goldberg's allegations are true. 

Luckily, other news outlets, including the vehemently pro-Trump Fox News, have confirmed and corroborated the story. It's true. There is no alternative. I'm sorry you are embarrassed by this, but I don't know why you are. You yourself have said that you think that US troops are disposable idiots and that you laugh when they die. It seems you're simpatico with the President. So why are you so mad?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I do know for a fact that he did say it.

And your proof is to back that up?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

And your proof is to back that up?

I can't believe I have to say this for what seems like the hundredth time, but: numerous news outlets, including Trump's number one fanboy channel Fox News, have confirmed and corroborated the story. It's true.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Luckily, other news outlets, including the vehemently pro-Trump Fox News, have confirmed and corroborated the story. It's true.

But no mention of the sources even Fox said, they gave opposing viewpoints on the issue in great length, so you have one side that said he didn't and another side that said he did. You believe he did, I believe he didn't and I believe like with all of the other failed Dem take down failures, this won't be an issue in about another week until the next trial and error attempt is waged.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

You believe he did, I believe he didn't 

No: you believe he didn't; I know he did. Fox News confirmed it.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

bass4funk: "Trump insults a lot of people, the man is allowed to comment and the man is allowed to grow and change his opinions on people or policies or situations."

He's not allowed to deny the insults, and he cannot hide from them and lie. If he "is allowed" to insult people, he needs to face the consequences for doing so, same as anyone else. YOU think he can cry like a little child and hide behind the presidency, which is not the role of the president.

And I like how you guys say it's not true, but then that he can insult people if he wants, etc., and then pretend it's a lie again, when you know for a fact it is true.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

one reporter who works there talked to the same people the Atlantic talked to and was told the same unproven allegations. that is far from "Fox News" confirming anything.

Fox News confirmed it.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

it’s about who do you believe if liberals and Trump haters want to believe unverified slandering accusations but refuse to name the people making these charges does seem suspicious at the very least.

Why is it that Trump's followers feel that it's only OK for Trump to lay false claims without facts, but come right out and say, no Democrats can't do that or say that, and those facts are fake? That to me is the definition of pure hypocrisy.

When Trump followers accuse Biden of nepotism, but say it's alright for Ivanka and Kushner, and Don Jr. to take jobs on his staff even though they have no relevant experience whatsoever.

Or when Trump followers give him a pass when he plays more golf than Obama, even though they accused Obama of playing more golf. Or when Trump is given a pass when he allows Russia to conduct bounties on American soldiers. The list goes on and on ...

But hey, I get it, Trump is a smooth talker and can con many people. But he can't con everyone. I for one refuse to be conned by Don.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It’s just funny how just before the general election old hashed and debunked stories like this one are surfacing 

Nothing strange about the timing. The Democratic Party / MSM team are just running out of trash to hurl at Trump. Fewer than 2 months left before the election. Expect more garbage. Anything to hide the smell of Joe Biden’s rotting corpse.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

The real serious lies I see are coming from the media, such as the "fine people" hoax and the latest "veterans" hoax.

They aren't hoaxes. They're facts. Facts don't care about your feelings.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Sorry, if Trump haters want to believe this, they have the absolute right just as Trump supporters have the absolute right to call Suspicion on this.

yeah it funny how Trump supporters just say that he never said that, instead of , hes not the type of person to say that! LOL we all know by now its well within Trumps character to insult war heros , gold star mothers fathers so whats a few extra dead soldiers from the Vietnam war. We know Trump didnt have the nads to serve his country.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Nothing strange about the timing. The Democratic Party / MSM team are just running out of trash to hurl at Trump. 

oh theres plenty more to come, Cohens book and Trump taxes coming real soon, the funny thing is its all of Trumps making, its just the timing thats perfect LOL

5 ( +7 / -2 )

We’ve have had a 6 month trial of the Democrats radical experiment in the U.S., and it doesn’t work. Maybe LeBron and his celebrity friends will protect you when have no police( or a defunded police) that are too afraid to risk their livelyhoods or pension to put their life on the line for you.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Yes and a Trump hater, a deep, deep Trump hater, 

and why do people hate Trump!? just ask any New-Yorker why they hate him!

Trumps history of racism conning people from their money, just talking to people like shite is one of the many reasons hes so disliked.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

We’ve have had a 6 month trial of the Democrats radical experiment in the U.S., and it doesn’t work. Maybe LeBron and his celebrity friends will protect you when have no police( or a defunded police) that are too afraid to risk their livelyhoods or pension to put their life on the line for you.

But did you have anything to say about the story?

1: “He didn’t say that. It’s fake news.”

2: “He didn’t mean that. Fake liberal media.”

You could at least start with one of those two before going onto...

3: “But what about”

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Hey guess what? This is not fake news, but Trump just went to one of his golf clubs on the weekend. This was his 295 time he has visited one of his golf courses, which is more than Obama went in his time in the White House. So that means, there were many more cases of Trump not working, than Obama had, even though Trump was so critical of that point about Obama.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

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