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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Trump says China is 'killing us with unfair trade deals'
By Nandita Bose and Andrea Shalal WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Black Sabbath
"Trade wars are good and easy to win."
--Donald J, Trump
Of course the Chinese are cheating. Trump is simply acknowledging a reality that numerous Republican and Democrat presidents before him just chose to ignore. Less trade with China and more with other countries that are less likely to pursue mercantilism is the better way to go.
Let's be done with this. No imports from China.
Require Chinese companies in the USA to have at least 51% US ownership, to transfer all their technology, and train replacement workers who are permanent US residents.
It will be painful, but better today than later.
Might want to get US companies to pull their workers and subsidiaries from China until truly open and fair trade is possible.
Good reminder that many American companies have got rich and continue to get rich from their relationships with China. And probably many politicians, too.
But I know it's easier for most to reduce situations to either - or scenarios, to China (singular) bad - US/west (singular) good. (Or the opposite)
Maybe start naming and shaming US companies still getting rich there. And the politicians supporting them.
By the way, does anyone know if Trump Inc (and Ivanka Inc.) still have business deals with China?
Ttrump started this, what does trump expects ???. trump is robbing himself and americans, he is the real culprit.
"Trade wars are good and easy to win."
--Donald J, Trump
Yeah, well, at least he's doing something about it, Black Sabbath, more than we can say for any of his predecessors.
Ttrump started this
Nooooo, China started this decades ago.
By the way, does anyone know if Trump Inc (and Ivanka Inc.) still have business deals with China?
Yep. Apple and GM and a bunch of other American companies have way bigger business deals with China.
Oh yes, he's doing something about this problem that he made up, that no economist has agreed is a problem.
If you can't find an economist that doesn't think China's unfair trade policies / tech theft is a problem, Strangerland, you have a problem I can't help you with. Google might be able to help though.
Even if Trump is doing something about it, he lied about it being "easy" in order to sell it to the gullible people of America
I feel like I'm watching someone pour gas into a raging house fire and responding with, "Well at least I'm doing something!!"
The quicker the house is all burned up, the less time people need to wait to rebuild.
I think you are giving Mr. President too much credit. It isn't a lie if you believe it is true at the time. He was playing poker and bluffing. China called his bluff, so far.
The Fu:
You mean, imitating Chinese policies? Problem with that is that US have bickering politicians addicted to quick fixes, and not stable regime with 1000 year plan like China. Trumps tariffs is a realistic as you can get.
I feel like I'm watching someone pour gas into a raging house fire and responding with, "Well at least I'm doing something!!"
Yeah, we need to elect Biden or Booty Judge and bend over again.