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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Trump says he thinks 2020 election will end up at Supreme Court
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© Thomson Reuters 2020.
Graham DeShazo
Because he cannot, will not win a free and fair election. This is the only way he can “win.”
What he's saying is he thinks his majority will follow the Koch funded (along with other far right billionaires) Federalist Society policies and for the court to make decisions granting the executive even greater power. Authoritarianism Now! Is the cry of the far right, after all.
That will allow Trump to push through measures enabling his 'elite' 'establishment' faction and the corporations they run to have even fewer checks on them.
Look for the Trump court to make environmental, worker and consumer protection measures even weaker.
Look for weakening of individual rights protections, especially rights for women and those not from the majority culture.
Trump, clearly, already knows he's lost....
Eipc loss from an epic loser on the way.
It’s amazing watching an empire degenerate into authoritarianism in real time. Sad, but from a observer’s perspective, very interesting.
Graham DeShazo
It’s truly pathetic to see how the GOP allowed the short-fingered vulgarian to take over their party.
And of course, he's right. The Democrats have already signaled their intention to try and steal a lost election with the mail-in ballot scam to create chaos. Wisconsin has already declared that ballots can be counted up to 6 days after the election if postmarks even appear to be legit.
Graham DeShazo
Madness that a state can set rules so that every votes counts in a free and fair election?
I’ll take that “madness” everyday of the week.
I am predicting that Trump will lose the election, dispute the results and fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. But I don't see a ruling before January 20, 2021. So I wonder if this is just to de-legitimize the Biden Presidency. Is Pelosi going to end up as President in the interim until resolved?
We already know Trump refuses any reality that do not consider him successful. He is not capable of accepting any failure and mistakes. He is a very sick, old man.
If this does end up at the Supreme Court, I doubt that even the conservative majority will take a case based on such flimsy evidence and precedent.
If Trump loses, of course he will kick up as much of a fuss as he can.
If the elections "end up" in Trump's packed Supreme Court, the Belarussians ain't seen nothing yet!
The Republicans have destroyed the institutions, and then claim the democrats weren't fair for bowing to their ridiculousness.
The democrats seem to be done playing that game.
You people have pushed your country to civil war in November.
a bi-partisan commission led by James Baker and Jimmy Carter concluded that mass mail-in ballots led to massive fraud and coerced votes.
Bob Fosse
What a twit.
Graham DeShazo
“But where are the clowns?”
”Send in the clowns....”
”Don’t bother, they’re here...”
Bob Fosse
He knows he’s lost. If he were expecting the landslide victory we keep hearing about he wouldn’t be sweating.
Nice photo though. Jazz hands.
Is he auditioning for Hello Dolly?
“Real” is an antonym of legendary, as are “factual”, “authentic”, and “true”. In that sense it seems legit to describe Trump as “legendary”. It’s too bad that under this “legendary” president the world is watching the rapid decline of what was once a great democracy.
Simon Foston
Mr. NoidallToday 07:27 am JST
It's not possible to take anyone seriously who describes any politician as "legendary."
That three vacancies came during his tenure is just good luck, and it's hardly "legendary" when a Republican President gets a Republican Senate to approve a conservative SC judge.
They'll have to drag him out kicking and screaming
Graham DeShazo
And we wake to news that Trump wants to disregard election results (Gee, I wonder why?) and appoint his own Electors in the electoral college.
These are the flailings of a desperate drowning “man” about to be held accountable for his actions for the first time in his life.
My point exactly.
This photo of Trump trying unconvincingly to jazz up his nonsensical shtick with his sad sack AG colostomy bag shows he's still full of it. What a loser!
Prepare for a thrown election
Manipulation of the post office machines. This has already happened. They didn't just turn them off, they ripped them out. Expect more missing and broken machines to come as they don't use paper ballots.
Closure of Stars and Strips to reduce military voting.
Up next will be Goons at the polls turning people away
Mass lineups instead of opening more polls
Mail-in ballots declared by Trump to be invalid
Robocalls telling people the wrong day to vote or wrong location
Canada and other UN partners usually send observers to other countries to watch how they manage elections. This time no need to travel to a 3rd rate country when next door to the USA
Graham DeShazo
His “task force update” (Read: less satisfying replacement rally) today: He would not commit to the peaceful transfer of power, AND he might over-rule the FDA and declare a vaccine safe and effective. Gosh, Don, I knew you are an unhinged lunatic, but it had escaped my notice that you are. A board-certified epidemiologist.
Oh wait, you aren’t.
making sure he has everything under control.................. or not. maybe he likes the confusion, the chaos... what we have here is a Joker ( agent of chaos )
Hopefully the man-child will be in prison by January.
jack o helen
OK Trump, you think it will be decided in the SC. Then, it would be the duty of a fair president to nominate a moderate or centrist judge (like Merrick Garland); someone who will look at all evidence fairly and make an honest judgement.
But then again, I'm betting all my money that Trump will stack it with a far right judge that he knows will always rule in his favor, so that he can take away the power of the vote and 'win' his way. Democracy as we know it is dead.
The fraud currently occupying the White House is spewing fake news, disinformation and misinformation about the upcoming election.
He is unfit to be President of the United States of America (POTUS) and continues creating havoc with electoral process. Nothing usual for this evil bully as his inferiority complex shines every time he opens his trap.
November 8, 2016 was “another date that will life in infamy” ... November 3, 2020 must not be the same.
Graham DeShazo
Fun fact: There is ZERO (none, nada, zilch) evidence that’s mail-in voting is subject to fraud.
Bob Fosse
If the President were someone with class as the previous was, he’d be deserving of respect.
trump lowered the bar by name calling and petty nicknames so being thin skinned about it in return is indefensible.
‘Twit’ is a very mild term similar to buffoon, dolt, blockhead, imbecile, numbskull etc.
Peter Neil
Trump isn't the problem.
It's the tens of millions of Americans who think a lying, 6-time bankrupt, 5-time draft dodging, tax cheat conman represents their values, the values they aspire to.
Dirk T
The author of that piece has been accused of being funded by the NRA and was exposed using a sock puppet to defend his own works online.
Graham DeShazo
The only way this will end up in SCOTUS is by Trump claiming massive ballot fraud and having the mail-in votes thrown out
(Does a quick Google search and finds this.)
“But the rate of voting fraud overall in the US is between 0.00004% and 0.0009%, according to a 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice.”
For those of you less skilled less skilled at math, (We American’s don’t pluralize it) this would mean that there are between 4 and 9 fraudulent votes for every 100 MILLION ballots cast.
Not exactly wide-spread voter fraud.
IN ADDITION, every state knows how many ballots it has sent out and whom they have sent them to.
AND each state has its own type of paper, fonts and what have you.
Ergo, (“therefore” for the Trumpkins with the “best words”) foreign ballot stuffing is HIGHLY unlikely.
Ergo, (Again “therefore”) Trump has no case.
Peter Neil
"But Carter on Wednesday (May 7, 2020) said a wave of safeguards adopted in the past 15 years have changed his mind — and that the coronavirus pandemic makes a quick embrace imperative."
so we have voting on "election day". Yet we then have to wait for up to 17 additional days for all the other votes to be counted?
Some dont even need to be postmarked by election day or even postmarked at all.
So yeah, lawyers and the Supreme Court is in our future to confirm who won.
Peter Neil
And it was "absentee ballots," just like Trump used to vote in the Florida primary election this year.
The loser is trying to find excuses for what is certainly going to be a smackdown at the polls.
This is treason!!!
no such thing as Trump judge or Obama judge. The Chief Justice said so.
This is beyond insanity, Repubs have very quickly become so incredibly UN-American it is scary to watch!!
trump should already be behind bars, he is ACTIVELY inciting not just violence but CIVIL WAR in his own country.......scary as hell
And China & Russia are laughing their A$$ES off at you stupid Yanks!!
Peter Neil
Three falsehoods in two sentences.
No state allows ballots postmarked after election day.
Here is the link to all states:
No states allow without a postmark.
Alaska and New York allow 7 days, the rest allow 3 days after election, with all requiring a postmark on or before election day.
As for the SCOTUS nomination, Mitch provided Trump with an "approved" list years ago. They keep the list current for conservative rulings and interpretations. Any on the list are acceptable to the core Republican party.
The only people who should be left voting for Trump are 1 issue voters who are against abortion. Anyone with a conscience who cares about the US Republic surviving shouldn't vote for Trump, if only because the man is a liar and has cause 140K deaths this year. That's beyond the estimated 60K deaths. His actions and lack of actions are directly related.
The SCOTUS will get the different lawsuits and they may force nation-wide rules on voting as the outcome, while recognizing the critical nature of support by the citizens that the right to vote cannot be infringed. Period. SCOTUS only gets to control Federal elections, but the states will all follow those requirements for their local elections too.
"...the state legislature passed last week changing certain provisions to make it easier to vote by mail in the November election. One of the provisions is that if an absentee ballot is received by 5 p.m. three days after Election Day but is not postmarked, it will be counted."
The voted ballot must be postmarked by the Election Day and received 17 days after the election in order to be counted.
Judge extends Wisconsin absentee cutoff 6 days post election
Peter Neil
The Post Office was not postmarking prepaid postage envelopes included with absentee ballots. Sometimes it's good to read the whole article.
In North Carolina, a settlement announced by the State Board of Elections said ballots postmarked by Election Day would count as long as officials receive them within nine days after the election.
And a Michigan state judge last week also ruled that absentee ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 can be counted if they arrive up to two weeks after Election Day.
Need any more?
Less than four months until Biden is sworn in.
At this point I am not paying attention to whatever idiocy Trump is saying, I just want him to be gone.
That is the case of US justice system...whichever any sitting US President can nominate the SC as he wishes.I believe the US president has too much power already.
and the postmarks. courts can rule on that after the fact. All of these individual state rulings can and will be taken to the Supreme Court. We dont even have the same rules in every state.
"The postmark issue emerged this year in Wisconsin's primary after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that ballots postmarked by Election Day would count as long as they were received within five days of the election. But local clerks started seeing hundreds of ballots without the marks and weren't sure what to do. The state eventually advised that ballots without postmarks should be counted if it seemed "more likely than not" that they had been mailed on time."
"A similar problem arose in the June primary in New York, where a federal judge ruled after the election that thousands of ballots that had been rejected because they didn't have postmarks should be counted, as long as they had been received within two days of the election."
By clicking on articles about him?
You can make an even bigger argument about the Democrats and their hatred for the job creators. They want more people to rely on government and deeper dependency, makes perfect sense. When you have billionaires like Steyr, Bloomberg and Soros pushing for a one world, one party rule, it’s not surprising by their actions how much hatred they have for the US.
No, because if that were true, Trump wouldn’t appoint another woman to the bench and both sides want to protect women, except one side will speak up for the children that can’t speak out for themselves and that women don’t want.
I think it'll end at the ballot box.
@redmango I'm well aware posters are not supposed to question the veracity of others, but seriously...
Link from Qanon? RT? infowars?
Yes: it's fake. It's been put out by right conspiracy theory website Natural News. I hope this has been helpful.
" . . . it's a scam. the scam will be before the United States Supreme Court . . . " - - - - - Trump
Listen to this guy. He sounds just like a dictator and he's thinking that the stacked U.S. Supreme Court he's created will be enough to save him. He deserves to lose and to lose big.
"I think this will end up in the Supreme Court and I think it's very important that we have nine justices," Trump said!!!
Ohhh you have nine justices!
Then , How about law?
Thank you for your comments - greatly appreciated.
Because liberals know everything as always, sure. ROFL!
I'm not a liberal. I don't know everything, but I do have the ability to look things up. Put that quote into Google, you get far-right conspiracy theory and fake news websites, and that's it. So I do know that it's fake. If you have evidence to the contrary, please present it.
Bob Fosse
Every media outlet is running with the same story, well except Rush Limbaugh but, you know. Not much of a cover up job so far.
Report proves nothing, rehashes old information. “Totally exonerated!”
As do I.
I did, I get a lot of Antifa BLM rhetoric. But I do agree there’s a lot going around, just turn on the TV.
I agree with you, there is a lot of far-right rhetoric about BLM and antifa on TV, and in online news sources. JT itself has many posters spreading far-right rhetoric on a daily basis.
Thank you for agreeing with me that the quote RedMango posted was fake.
Of course the 2020 elections will end up before the Supreme Court. There have been too many changes to election rules, and regulations, over the last several years. None of the changes have been challenged in the courts. Yet. But those changes will be challenged, state by state, by whichever side loses. Team Harris/Biden will be leading the charge to have the Supreme Court settle all of court cases that will be spawned by liberal/progressive/socialist attempts to alter existing voting laws.
Unless he wins in a landslide. And even then seems likely that there will be some post election day ballot stuff going on.
The GOP will have two kinds of people during election day. One who understands that mail votes will favor Democrats after the election since more used mail in voting,, and those looking to lie to the idiots who think it's all a sham.
Either way it will be the corrupt leading the uneducated. Will they win?
Yooki Imada
What is the justification for a widespread mail-in-ballot.... laziness or have the means to
Graham DeShazo
There’s a global pandemic. Perhaps you’ve heard.
Technically Trump can ask Republican controlled states to send in their Trump supporting electors as the Electoral College doesn't work by popular vote but Electoral College electors from each state who then vote. It wouldn't be illegal but it would completely undermine the spirit of the election process. Basically making voting useless
Repubs will be fine with this because at this point they support outright treason anyway, so there's no lower bar left to go
RIP USA it was nice knowing you
They are already planning to do just that!
The Trump campaign is reportedly 'discussing contingency plans to bypass election results'
The campaign would reportedly assert that this step was necessary due to claims of supposed voter fraud, which experts have noted is extraordinarily rare, ahead of the "safe harbor" deadline to appoint 538 electors on Dec. 8.
Trump would ask state legislators to set aside the popular vote and exercise their power to choose a slate of electors directly. The longer Trump succeeds in keeping the vote count in doubt, the more pressure legislators will feel to act before the safe-harbor deadline expires.
Huge sacks of 'missing' mail are gonna turn up all over until Christmas.
My old man, gone some 25 winters now, would be rolling in his grave if he saw the state of our national affairs at present; and yet he's STILL likely voting for Biden.
Funny, Dems want to derail Trump’s SC Justice nominee, the want to abolish the filibuster, pack the courts, defund the police or as they like to call it...allocate police funds, curb all religious freedoms especially if it involves Catholics, try to impeach this President...again, keep the people on lockdown, continue to talk about COVID as their only driving issue, continue to allow rioters to destroy the nation, will they ever stop or will they continue to scare and intimidate and blackmail the nation?
Trump is all about Trump. He is again attempting to stack the blocks in his favor and I would say he is asking prospective judges for the open supreme court position, to back him in a disputed election vote. Those who say no wont get nominated. Lets hope all are honest enough to say no.
Not saying he will relinquish power peacefully is him building fear. He can challenge the election if there is just cause but there probably wont be unless he has already manufactured something. He is a disturbing, disgusting individual as are those who would vote for him.
Toasted Heretic
Then the electorate and friends of America around the world should not commit to just standing by and watching as fascism takes hold of the US.
They’re not anymore, more and more people are coming out and fighting them.
Once again he is wrong.
In the United States, a contingent election is the procedure used in presidential elections in the event that no candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College, the constitutional mechanism for electing the president and the vice president of the United States. A contingent election for the president is decided by a vote of the United States House of Representatives, and the contingent election for the vice president is decided by a vote of the United States Senate.
Nice. My source was CGPGrey voting videos from a few years ago about the Electoral College, but there we go right now. Explains all his voter fraud nonsense and not accepting the results. He's setting the stage for not accepting the loss. A weird way to campaign but not an unexpected lowlife goal with 200,000 gone.
It would be a curious thing though if nations around the world didn't accept the result or if states broke off. In 2016 that was the discussion of Washington Oregon California plus maybe Nevada joining Canada. That way the Repubs will be happy with the middle Mordor
Toasted Heretic
Not clicking on your dubious links - perhaps you could explain who is coming out to fight the fascists?
The unmarked cops and the Trump administration are doing just that. Those who hold covid rallies are doing that. Those who promote this modern day tyrant are doing that.
Toasted Heretic
These people?
Can't speak for the Democrats but of course there will be blood spilled. Trump cultists don't give a damn about the loss of life when it's a black person, so please, tell us why should anyone give a damn when these cops get shot?
You mean a bit like when trump shut down the government because he wanted funding for the wall Mexico was going to pay for?
No matter what, Trump will fill that seat and Dems have to accept it and no whooping and crying will stop it.
This is like when you are a kid, and you're playing your older brother, sister or friend. And they start losing the game that they made up. They constantly change the rules as they go along. IT reminds me of that.