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© Thomson Reuters 2020.Trump tax revelations spark outrage among some, but supporters defend president
By Michelle Price and Tim Reid WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Never in my life have I ever been aware of any politician at any level who constantly makes claims 'without evidence' and still is believed by his followers. Cult after all. Does anyone with knowledge of tax laws know whether Stormy Daniels paid taxes on the US$150,000. Trump paid her and whether her tax bill on it was greater than $750.
David Varnes
It's very simple, Trump. You can make all of this go away with a simple series of documents:
Release your tax returns. You've said you'd do so, and the excuse that you're being audited has been shot down many times, including the IRS chief in congressional testimony. There is nothing stopping you from releasing your tax returns over the past twenty years.
So make it all go away... just do so. You whined and griped and went on and on about Obama's 'long form' birth certificate... well now release your 'long form' IRS tax returns.
But you can't do that, because it'd show that the wanna-be emperor truly does have no clothes.
the financial illiteracy of the outraged is on full display. They have no concept of deductions, credits etc.
No mention of the fact that the President has donated his Presidential salary for 4 years straight.
And no mention of the fact the NYT admitted at the bottom of their "investigation" -and the whole reason for their "investigation" - that there was ZERO evidence of any Russian dealings!
You just have to sit back in wonder at those who never learn that they are Charlie Brown to the MSM's Lucy. Always convinced that THIS will be the day she lets him kick the football!
Yooki Imada
@bob....true that.
This just confirms what many already suspected. It won’t change the minds of the serious koolaid drinkers, but it might sway a few on the fence.
This shows Howe deep and effective the brainwashing has been. an ordinary citizen, probably not on a massive salary, is defending the super rich in not paying taxes.
The super rich are laughing all the way to the bank at her gullibility. The very people who are getting screwed over are supporting those doing the it them.
hee hee! Even CNN is now pivoting away from "he cheated!" to "His business empire is not as huge as we previously thought!"
As if this is going to change or motivate one vote either way. Not one single person on either side of the divide cares at all about Trump's taxes.
I think this is "Bombshell" (TM) #6 in the last 6 weeks that had a shelf life of milk left out on a summers afternoon.
Remember all those years ago when the Atlantic reported the "losers and "suckers" comments? Jeez, I couldn't have been more than a kid...
'Laws are for peasants, not the elite.' harhar ohmy
While Trump's tax returns are being looked at I wonder what will be found about his various investments in US defense industries and resource extraction industries, among others, and which received huge contracts during his reign, one that is getting increasing attention as being one of the most corrupt ever. And which of those bigs got big bailouts from Trump/Mnuchin. And which of those bigs are kicking back campaign contributions to Trump/barr/mnuchin.
When you own a company, managing your taxes isn't THAT hard to accomplish legally. People who don't own businesses have a completely different idea about taxation in the US. Many states tax based on Federal Income rules for the most part, so by keeping income low according to federal rules, then income is low according to state laws too. Low income in a year == low taxes for that year. Taxes aren't levied on wealth, just income.
I'll also move money all in 1 year to avoid any taxes every other year.
As an investor, if I want to sell an investment that also lost money, I'll do that to offset income. In late October, I'll look over investments that haven't turned out well and have the federal govt help me out with taxes. In years with investment losses, those are the years when I'll re-setup my retirement ladder income. A loss offsets income 1 for 1. Plus, investment losses carry over from year to year, so those losses can be applied to later income.
Those are the rules. Who's fault is it that people don't take advantage to lesson their taxes? Everyone should pay the taxes owed, but not 1 penny more.
If Trump's accountants violated any tax laws, throw the book at him. But if they didn't, leave the company alone. I'd expect the same for myself and every other US resident. If you follow the rules, fine.
Trump taxes are 'national security' issue, Nancy Pelosi says:
So which is it?
Trump the failed businessman or Trump the pathetic tax dodger. Which is he?
He's got to be one of the two, and there is plenty of evidence that he could be either. However, he sure as hell doesn't want anyone seeing his tax returns because he's ashamed and knows that either of the above will damage his image.
The Avenger
In 2017, when Trump paid $750 in taxes, Joe Biden paid $3.7 million. And Biden gave $1 million to charity. Trump gave $0.
Bugle Boy of Company B
No wonder Americans are made fun of around the world. So many cannot grasp the simple idea of tax deductions.
Graham DeShazo
it’s amazing and at the same time shocking the degree to which Trumpism has become a. últ.
First scream Fake News. I’m sorry, how many Pulitzers does the NYT have?
He's. deal maker. I teach negotiation strategy. Donald Trump is THE WORST negotiator I have ever seen.
He’s a business man. Yeah, a pathetically bad one. He’s lost around 1.5 billion and is currently 422 million in debt with no way to pay it off short of liquidating multiple assets. Throw in a tax judgment against him and the total could rise by 100 million. That makes him HIGHLY vulnerable to foreign influence.
He’ll run the country like he ran his businesses. Yeah, straight into the ground.
The last line of defense: He didn’t do anything illegal. Um, yes: He likely did. False reporting, lying about assets he walked away from but still received benefits from, paying his children consulting fees while they were employed by the same companies.
I don’t care. I’m still voting for him. Thank you for proving my point.
Its a cult.
lolz Its always funny when Trump loyalists rail against others for being financially illiterate. I imagine almost anyone here knows about deductions and tax credits. The really story here 1) how little money Donald has, 2) how many hundreds of millions in debt he is, and 3) how much of security risk this makes him. Here's another article from this site showing Donald which much, much further.
Even if there is nothing wrong with the tax deductions, does anyone really believe its fair or okay for the uber rich to pay far, far less in taxes than the working poor?
Yawn. And how many millions have the secret service and foreign governments poured into Trump properties? $400,000 is nothing compared to those figures. You're almost right though- some people aren't paying attention
Bob Fosse
It’s ok he’s promised to release his tax returns. Promises made promises kept. He just has to finish the wall first.
Bob says he donated his presidential salary to charity? What charity? The Trump Foundation?
Sorry that I'm not blinded by pure hate. I expect facts to show wrong doing.
I actually want to see which tax law(s) Trump broke. As a man and President, I think he is a failure, but that doesn't mean he broke any tax laws, which is what this article is about.
I will not be voting for Trump, but that's because he's a massive liar beyond every other politician in the world and that was sufficient for me not to vote for him all by itself. I didn't need any more information to decide.
I know that Trump has violated a number of other Federal laws too. Turns out his "drain the swap" has just replaced the swap with worse people than before.
Peter Neil
Show me a liar and I'll show you a cheat.
Summary: yes, he's a zero-empathy, cheating scumbag only looking out for himself.
So you're taking the "failed businessman" line.
He probably hasn't evaded tax, but may have used tax avoidance schemes that sail pretty close it, which is probably what the IRS use looking into.
If they disagree with him, he may have a lot of back taxes to pay.
Nothing in Trumps tax returns show anything illegal YET it was the person(s) who leaked them that committed a felony. I hope yet another crime against this president doesn’t go unpunished.
Yes, let's shoot the messenger and completely ignore the following facts; 1) Donald owes almost half a billion dollars, 2) He lied about how successful he is as a business, and 3) his massive debt creates a huge conflict of interest, which would disqualify him from a number public and private sector jobs.
But yes, let's arrest people for taxe returns that weren't actually leaked.
so are we clear now that the President is in fact still being audited as he said all along?
Are we also clear that the report said no evidence of any Russian money was found, as he said all along?
I doubt it, but these were in this NYT article too.
Real estate guys, cash poor but asset rich. He was simply following the tax code that allows writeoffs for losses up to 40 years later.
Remember all those bankruptcies you guys love to mock him about? Well, those are losses that eliminate future tax debt.
Yooki Imada
Just how can a moron or an idiot, or failed-businessman.... (like so many here love to call Trump).........manage to get around the tax laws... just like any businessmen and successful money makers do.
What I still don’t understand is why the Left is so distrustful of the government. The IRS is responsible for the tax code. They can audit Trump, as they have before, and it’s their job to ensure the law is followed. What the Left is saying is that the IRS is incompetent and incapable of doing its job. Every citizen has the right to the privacy of their personal financial affaires. There is no law that a president must give up that right. Trump was elected without giving up that right. The NY Times has not produced any the the illegally obtained documents they purport to have seen. They haven’t told us who procured these documents for them. Why should people believe that an openly partisan “newspaper” is reporting honestly when they pushed the false Russia collusion story for years? Now that the investigators themselves are being investigated and pleading guilty to corruption the NY Times is quite.
My guess is that it would take 2.5 years of special counsel investigations in order to determine that this is a made up scandal just like Russia collusion goose chase. But of course the goal isn’t to report the truth. The goal is to defeat Trump by rolling out a scandal a week until he can be rooted out of office. Trump is way behind in the polls and will lose in November. But the Left is taking nothing for granted. Waiting with baited breath for the ginned up scandal that will be rolled out next week.
Graham DeShazo
Trump screams “Fake News” and his supporters gobble it up.
Fun Fact: as of 2020, the New York Times has won 130 (I expect that number will increase next year) Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other print news organization.
Fun Fact 2: Fox news has never won any award for journalism. No Emmys, no Peabodys, No Edward R Murrows. Nothing, Nada, Zilch.
Bob Fosse
Doesn’ t matter. Nothing except himself preventing releasing his tax returns. That is undeniable.
Are we clear that he has publicly promised to do so at least 15 times over the past 4 years? That he pressured senators to release theirs in the past? That he said in 2012 if a presidential candidate didn’t release their tax returns it would lead people to think there was "almost, like, something wrong. What's wrong?"
Maybe there wasn’t a section in the form to declare laundered Russian money. Because of course it wouldn’t be hidden or anything like that.
Who would’ve thought it? Looks like a cheeto, likes to cheat-oh!
No mention of the fact that the President has donated his Presidential salary for 4 years straight.
One trip to Mar-a-Lago to play golf costs more than his one year salary, and he has made many many of those trips strictly for pleasure. He is living the life of a billionaire at the expense of the hardworking tax payers (who actually pay taxes), just by being an incompetent Pres. Many reports from believable people that all of his decisions are base on getting votes, so he's certainly not donating salary because he's full of charity or compassion. He probably see's it as a cheap way to get votes.
Blue Sausage
Trump has been audited by the IRS every year. I haven't heard about any tax fraud indictments, have you? With inspection like that it seems everything is legal and above board. He has paid all he owes according to the law. A person should pay all they owe but it is foolish and unconscionable for anyone to pay more than they owe. Does anyone here care to open their wallet and pay a little extra? Anyone? How about you socialists? No? I didn't think so. Case closed!
jack o helen
More and more I start to believe that Trump is like a mob boss. He surrounds himself with people that he demands strict loyalty from and quickly disparages, fires, or hurts them once they step out of line with him, disagree with what he says, etc. He uses fear to control people. He admires others like him, such as Putin. But the cracks in his empire are appearing and there will brave people who will come forth to tell the truth about Trump, including revealing the types of fraud that Trump has committed when it comes to his taxes.
Nor would you while he's president. Precedent states you cannot indict a sitting president. Do you really think a government body under the control of Trump is going to turn on him while he's in office? Doubtful.
Amen brother, so why does Donald owe $100 million to the IRS? Case closed:D
Never heard of accountants?
Yooki Imada
Libs just can't get over someone smarter than them.......
oh wait...someone who is a stable genius.
Remember a few years ago when a certain failed businessman and reality TV host said he "heard from sources" that President Obama wasn't born in the US?
Remember when that huckster was forced to endure the humiliation when the birth certificate was presented?
Shoe is on the other foot now Donald - going to show your taxes and prove the story wrong?
Sure, we already know the answer....
Blue Sausage
Lack of indictment because he is President hold no water. Trump was regularly audited before he ever became President.
If you are angry about someone using the tax laws to avoid taxes blame Democrats. For many years the idea of simplifying the tax code has repeatedly been put forward. Even flat tax rates have been proposed so that situations like this don't occur. Every single time Democrats have lead the charge in shooting them down. I wonder why?
"My guess is Donald Trump didn't prepare his tax returns, his tax preparers did it,"
No sheeye-t Sherlock! There's no way a "person- woman-man-camera-tv" brain could prepare a tax return, but the sins of commission and omission of Trump's accountants (J-vanka & Kushner?) will not exonerate him from liability. Whether or not Trump's financially-challenged base deserts him will not matter once the wheels of justice start turning and the truth of his lifelong corruption and malfeasance will out.
That is just nonsense. You've got no idea what problems Donald has with the IRS. If there are any, they certainly aren't going to make them public, not while he's president. But I am curious, why does Donald owe $100 million to the IRS? I thought you said people should pay all the taxes they're supposed to.
Because flat taxes are a useless idea proposed only by dimwits who don't know how the economy works.
Sorry, I meant to say, "libertarians".
Rich people dont pay taxes...havent you figured that out yet? Kiyosaki taught us that years ago. Read rich dad poor dad
Tax the hell out of big corps...they leave.
Blue Sausage
I think you meant "liberals". Actual liberals are a different bread from the socialists, nazis, fascists, communists and other Marxist offshoots who have hijacked the term.
I think you might be referring to a story carried in the Huff Post? They said "may owe". A sight of difference I think. The Huff Post along with the New York Crimes are a waste of good electrons.
Oh does he? was this the result of the "audit" that liberals been claiming he wasnt under? Its it final now?
So its not really that he didnt pay taxes that he owes, its just that he hasnt gotten the final bill yet.
Now, thats a much different story than what you are trying to push since yesterday.
If he is still under audit, he may owe 1 trillion dollars. and he may owe zero. right?
How can you say someone didnt pay something that it hasnt been decided they owe yet?
No, I meant libertarians. While libertarian originally referred to socialists, sadly it has been appropriated by dorks who are essentially GOP chumps who like weed.
You don't know anything about politics. Or bakeries, it seems.
Any of the moron crew who tried to claim he’s some sort of savvy businessman must feel pretty stupid now for having bought his snake oil. Oops!
oh so today the narrative is that he is broken? Then why does he owe taxes?
It's a sad reflection on the dire state of American education that so many stressed out taxpaying blue-collar workers who believe in Trump can't comprehend that "Taxes are only paid by suckers and losers" has always been the mantra and business model of a hypocritical grifter who once even had the gall to accuse Amazon of "...barely paying any taxes. It's ridiculous". Amen!
While getting that back by charging US taxpayers for stays at his resorts, including the secret service.
For Trump to get 10 years of $0 in taxes he would have to report an extreme net loss, something so big it covers literally a decade of taxes. That's not from bankruptcies. Tax credits are realized in the year that you go bankrupt to return as many assets to shareholders as possible.
He either literally lost over a billion dollars or he's fudging the numbers. Pick your poison.
How can you have a "president" who doesn't support his country?
Why is this criminal still there?
Heart-breaking news one after another for U.S. President Donald Trump. What's happened to his impeachment for abuse of power and destruction of Congress? Was he completely acquitted of these charges?
This time, it's tax evasion. Is this the real McCoy or a fake news as Trump claims? Will he get over this difficult situation this time around, too?
Watching U.S. politics is far more entertaining than live comedy shows.
Not a surprise she isn't the brightest of the bulbs.
That's where her ignorance shows, trump puts in money in places where it loses even more money.
But what should worry Americans is who does trump owe money to and what will happen when they come collecting?
He might have got away with claiming $ 70,000 deductions for his hair, but trying to monetize the Presidency will not work. There's just 3.5 months left of it and he cannot encase it.
Oh the surprise!!!!
I don’t think he has to and thanks to the SC, the Dems won’t get them to much later and rightfully so
Also, what Trump did before he was President is no one else’s business to be honest in regards to going back 35 years, absolutely ridiculous. Knowing what’s in Trump’s taxes won’t help put food on liberals tables or make their lives better. I could care less what people do on their taxes, doesn’t help me, but at least with the information we now have, nothing has been given to Russia so liberals can breathe a sigh of relief now, I know I am.
Wallace to Trump at the debate;
Mr President can you share what your secrets are for paying no tax?
Well Chris, as the old commercial says, I do it the old fashioned way - by my businesses all losing money...
I see, thank you Mr President, for admitting you're a Loser...
One thing we did get to learn from Trump's taxes - other than him, no one is playing at his golf courses - they all, apparently, lose money....
And when he does golf, the US taxpayer picks up the tab...
So we're paying taxes so Trump can golf at his failing golf courses which he uses to pay no tax...
Stable genius? Yep, at manipulating and conning his supporters...
If there were no crimes committed then it doesn't matter.
Do any business owner, President and CEOs of a company prepares their own tax returns? Of course not. They have accountants who knows the tax laws do. What's wrong with that? Nothing illegal about having an accountant prepare your tax returns.
Looks like Trump has some pretty good accountants who knows what they're doing and knows the taxes and legal loopholes and deductions and took advantage of them. Nothing illegal about it all.
But I get it. The "rich" Republicans shouldn't be allowed to be able to use tax loopholes and deductions and should be taxed at 99.9% (Rich democrats like the Clintons, Pelosi, Sanders, Biden and Harris, etc are exempt.)
Yep, but not bankruptcies, which is what you referenced specifically. He lost money in addition to his bankruptcies. A staggering amount of money, he claims.
Uh, I think you meant to say, "broke and owes no taxes on (lack of) profits, or rich and evaded taxes?"
The facade of greatness is slowly crumbling.
Ironic that over the decades he has created a Trump as Emperor image, calling those with contrary opinions, facts as fake, yet here we have the disrobing of his Imperial gowns right before our eyes.
Trying to spin this tax debacle, is just one of dozens of examples of him playing the deflector to create an alternative narrative.
He said he will disclose his tax returns countless times. If you're not hiding anything - just do it - or he's afraid his house of gold cards will come tumbling down.
NCIS Reruns
Is this the "October surprise" that everybody's been waiting for? Or do further shocks and body blows still await America's voters? Or does it even matter, as far as the outcome of the election is concerned? I guess we'll have an answer soon enough. No fun living with the suspense, though.
When he plays golf or eats at restaurants, he, like most businessmen, talks business. So long as business is conducted, the expenses can be deducted as business expenses. All perfectly legal.
By the way, who picked up the tab when Obama played golf with other democrats?
"His business empire is not as huge as we previously thought!"
it isnt, hes been bleeding money for the last 15yrs, he has 300million in loans due by 2024 and he currently trying to renegotiate those loans, if he has all these assets hes talking about then he should sell some to pay his loans, problem is most of his assets are already leveraged against those loans, meaning he forfeits them if he doesn't repay his lenders.
on a separate note the NY prosecutors are currently investigating him for tax evasion, inflating assets to get loans while deflating them to avoid taxes, Eric Trump has been subpoenaed to testify this month
By the way, who picked up the tab when Obama played golf with other democrats?
Trumps played more golf in 3yrs than Obama played in 8yrs. Trumps golf trips are currently well over $100million against the taxpayers, the main difference is Trump plays at his own golf courses so he personally is profiting off the taxpayer by doing so, Obama didnt profit from playing golf
Also, what Trump did before he was President is no one else’s business to be honest in regards to going back 35 years, absolutely ridiculous. Knowing what’s in Trump’s taxes won’t help put food on liberals tables or make their lives better.
well we now know he lost a $billion in the 90s made some money is 2005 but since then hes been bleeding money and almost all his golf courses are losing millions.
Yes it must be a relief that the so called billionaire business genius, isnt what he stated, but he did tell one truth that hed run the country like one of his businesses..into bankruptcy.
Don the con never disappoints with his incompetency
Vanessa Carlisle
As far as this particular issue goes, I think a lot of Trump supporters simply admire his trolling skills. They are not angry that he lies because they don't feel he is lying to THEM. They feel he is lying to their opposition and getting away with it.
You have to remember that Trump supporters generally only care about power and the pursuit of power. They will only part with Trump when they see him faltering. Lying, cheating, stealing, philandering, extorting, breaking the law, and even murdering are not an issue unless they wind up damaging power. These are the snakes we allow to run amok in America when they should be squashed mercilessly.
America is like Hogwarts and we have a headmaster from Slytherin. Don't expect the students from House Slytherin to stop backing the headmaster until they sense he is about to fall from power.
After these latest revelations of Trump's long suspected murky financial shenanigans the "Welfare Queen" from Queen's is now as good as burnt toast, or rather a rancid Halloween pumpkin that will be tossed out come November.
You have to remember that Trump supporters generally only care about power and the pursuit of power.
And the left wonders why thinking people dont take it seriously.
“You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook”
yet Trump has made millions charging the US taxpayer to play at his own resorts, more than Biden made in his entire life. The problem is Trump is bleeding money more than he can profit off the presidency . you understand why hes desperate to remain president. hes better off quitting and going back to the, The Apprentice, hed make more money in the long term. 300million loans due in 2024
Trump is not a politician. He’s a career businessman. Trump hasnt made a penny as a politician. Biden has made millions.
Aside from being literally the top politician in the US, you mean.
jack o helen
The ones who are really angry at him, are the honest-to-goodness hardworking Americans who pay their taxes (more than Trump does). Many of which are in states like New York and California, which pay some of the highest taxes. And no, they are not only "blue" states like Trump would like to paint the picture. There are a lot of Republican voters in those states and they are angry. Unfortunately, due to the broken electoral college system, Republicans in those states get cast off by Trump and his minions and they are labeled as "blue". In fact, many of the so-called 'red' states are lucky that they can mooch off the other states paying more taxes than they do.
The IRS didn’t have a problem with Trump’s tax returns.
Trump is not a politician. He’s a career businessman. Trump hasnt made a penny as a politician. Biden has made millions.
wrong hes made millions charging the US taxpayer to play golf at his own resorts.
career business man that lost billions, his tax returns show it, its either hes not making any money so pays no tax or is making money and under reporting his earnings, choose your poison, certainly not the type of person you want running America
The ones who are really angry at him, are the honest-to-goodness hardworking Americans who pay their taxes (more than Trump does).
Not at all. Youre hoping people are ignorant of tax law and standard business practice but they are being informed of the reality now.
ANY competent business or business person legally Pays minimal tax and instead ploughs that money back into the business to expand or solidify and create more jobs.
This is how it is done and why it is quite legal.
The IRS didn’t have a problem with Trump’s tax returns.
the NY prosecutors are currently investigating him for tax evasion, Eric Trump has to testify this month
the NY prosecutors are currently investigating him for tax evasion, Eric Trump has to testify this month
As if we dont know why this spurious bs has appeared just before the election.
Another curiosity out of this (besides the financial illiteracy) is the fact that so many posters here absolutely outraged at the worst thing to ever happen ever and forever......can't remember that they called Any Coney Barrett the worst thing ever to happen ever and forever.......just 72 hours ago.
In fact, it appears they've forgotten her name altogether..
Or they pass through $750,000 to their daughter in "consulting fees" when she is already drawing a salary from the company.
And by the way, how many American jobs does a guy who loses a billion dollars create?
What Trump and the GOP do is sell a dream to the working class. The dream is that one day they will be rich and successful and have this power and money, so better support it now and soon it will be your turn.
But in reality Trump and the GOP spit on the working class while the working class lap it up in hopes of someday being "included ".
More tax cuts for the rich at my expense? Sign me up!!!
Oh, please! If liberals have a problem with what Trump did, it's easy, change the tax laws, during the 8 years of Obama his admin. made it easier to slip through these tax loopholes and legally, so the Dems know they have nothing on Trump, does it look a bit messy? It does to a point, is it legal? 100%. Good luck again trying to pin another nothing burger on Trump.
Simon Foston
oharaToday 02:27 pm JST
I get a struggling, mediocre businessman taking advantage of any legal loophole or dodge to keep himself and his business afloat. I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing myself, if I saw a way out of my self-created problems that wouldn't end me up in prison. Hyping myself up as the greatest entrepreneur and CEO of the modern age at the same time, on the other hand....
So what have the Dems done to make the lives of people or the working class better? In California they are basically driving the people out of the State and so many are going to Texas and NY they're going to Florida another Red State...where they can continue to be rich and pay low taxes and have smaller government. But Democrats sell broken dreams and promises and pretend they like minorities.
We did. We gave a massive tax cut to the rich and corporations with the blessing of the GOP working class.
Because, ya know, the job creators were getting hammered with their $750 tax bill.
Seems you guys scream that the tax laws are killing people like Trump then turn around and justify him paying no taxes.
While people are blaming him, everyone should really be more concerned what the loopholes are and why nothing is done about it time and again. As always it will just be anger at one problem and then a new problem to be angry about.
fact that so many posters here absolutely outraged at the worst thing to ever happen ever and forever......can't remember that they called Any Coney Barrett the worst thing ever to happen ever and forever.......just 72 hours ago.
Yes indeed. Very typical of leftists. Add a deluge of ad hominems and youve pretty much got the leftist “strategy” for any and all topics that stir them.
Simon Foston
HalwickToday 12:25 pm JST
I'd like to be reassured that they're all paying more than Trump, personally. Can you prove that they aren't?
And thanks to Trump and him cutting taxes businesses are flourishing until the Chinese allowed the virus to ruin the world and the US economy.
Trump is the only job creator in the US??
No, they are not, so then liberals shouldn't complain about anything tbh.