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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.Democrats seek hearings on Trump’s ouster of Sessions
By David Morgan WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Chip Star
And so it begins. We've entered the stage where everyone prefers to burn the house down to spite the others without thinking about becoming homeless as a result.
The conservative whining from January will be epic.
Of course he won’t recuse himself. That’s part of the plan.
Whitaker made it clear on CNN in the past that once Sessions is fired, an interim AG could assume oversight of Mueller’s investigation and then cut off its funding, stopping it in its tracks.
Remember, the House Democrats can’t really do anything about it for the next two months. Thus the timing.
Trump’s move is such a blatant attempt at obstruction and tacit acknowledgement of guilt that it would seem the GOP would finally stand up and do the right thing. But it won’t.
Sessions should have advised the President before accepting the position that he would recuse. Not being able to lead the Department during such a tempestuous time was a huge factor – not only for the President but the nation. We still don't know everything the Clinton/Obama team were up to in creating the Russian hoax. But, there is plenty of evidence to indicate they used government agencies to sabotage a political opponent. That alone deserves a full investigation.
Sessions should have resigned as soon as he determined could not do the job. Waiting two years was inappropriate, and unnecessarily delayed the country in obtaining justice.
It’s time to stop thinning that the GOP will ever come back to reasonableness. They have gerrymandered and vote suppressed their way into long-term power. This is two elections in a row in which the people clearly, by an extremely large margin, showed they prefer the democrats, yet the pubs hold power. They have zero incentive to suddenly start working for the American people. They have every incentive to keep on as they have been.
The democrats have been holding out hope that the republicans would come back from the brink, but choosing trump after the bush 2 debacle shows these people have no concern for anything but holding on to power for the sake of having power.
The gop has passed the point of no return. They sold their souls to his holiness, first of his name, Don the Con.
The only people he is doing a favour to his himself and the Russian government. But you know that.
Chip Star
This statement, like so many of BB's, has no basis in reality.
Sessions has no intentions of recusing himself before he was appointed. A slight amount of research would have prevented you from being incorrect:
Speaking at a hastily called news conference at the Justice Department, Sessions said he was following the recommendation of department ethics officials after an evaluation of the rules and cases in which he might have a conflict.
When you have no substantive rebuttals, run to a conspiracy theory. Conservatives continue to demonstrated how unteathered from reality they are. ROFL! Har! Oh my . . . Building 7.
The volume of inaccuracies and outright lies pushed by conservatives prevents conversations from moving forward.
Chip Star
The links to this evidence are here: and here:
The perfect get our of jail free card.
Simon Foston
Burning BushToday 07:09 am JST
So by that... let's call it "logic" for want of a better word, heads of government should be able to shut down any inquiry into their conduct? Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton should never have been investigated?
Jesus don’t you people think these things out? Did you ever wonder why there is a system for recusal, wirh a clear declaration of who steps in to handle the issue in such a situation? I’ll give you a hint. It exists for this exact situation. You know, and adult method for dealing with an adult situation.
Oh, actually I guess you don’t know or I wouldn’t have to say it.
Class dismissed children.
Dango bong
how about getting laws passes that help the citizens of the country? you know, the reason you were elected... The more they do these dog and pony shows the more likely Trump gets re-elected. Have at it!
Chip Star
Uhh . . . The Dems don't take power for two more months. Besides, the repugs barely got any laws passed the last two years. Did you bitch about them or did you blame the democrats?
The purpose of this investigation - involvement of Russia in the 2016 election - has been misconstrued as an attack on Trump. The chips will land as they may, but America deserves a full account. This is not an attack on Trump (though he may suffer); it is an attempt to unveil the truth.
Say all the people who last year were calling for Sessions to be fired or resign. Now they want to investigate why that happened?
Libs will now love Sessions until he runs for Senator again in 2020. Then this will be a justified firing of an ineffective Attorney General again.
Plunge the country into peril! Rule of law threatened! Just Because the new acting Attorney General thinks differently than they do about what should be done.
Chip Star
No. Stop arguing with the liberals you've made up; there are plenty of real ones to engage.
Black, no one loves Sessions. I find him repulsive. It is the process and intent that is important.
You don’t seriously think those two things are somehow contradictory do you? I mean, anyone of average intelligence can see that both of those things can be entirely true and entirely inline with each other as they are two unrelated issues.
Turns out Laguna already made the point I just tried to make.
Chip Star
Nope. It's because any attempt to interfere with Mueller is unreasonable.
Again, argue with us instead of the imaginary liberals you've concocted.
Check the last year Twitter feeds ofall the people now bemoaning Sessions being fired. You will see they all wanted him removed.
Sorry to hear that now that you have changed your mind and want him there to protect your precious Mueller investigation., he gone. Bad timing for you.
Democrats can do it they want, all of this is not going to go anywhere except perhaps to the supreme court other than that it’s just going to be back-and-forth especially now that both sides pretty much are equally strength and this is just going to be more ping pong and blame gaming. Even Jonathan Turley said, the Democrats need to be careful going forward with this. Let’s see in the end when it comes to the Supreme Court where this ends.
Remember? Sessions is a liar, he perjured himself, he’s a racist, he colluded with Russians (gasp!) on behalf of Trump?
Same guy, what changed? Should have just left Sleepy Jeff alone. His inability to act due to his overly honorable decision to recuse himself protected all your dirty laundy from being revealed. Not anymore.
You know zealots, true believers, have zero ability to see gradient, to see complexity, to even acknowledge there is a spectrum. They only can see things in poles, in Black and wrong.
Console of the house, now it’s imperative that the Democrats have to do something
The president has the absolute right to have an agency that shares the same viewpoints as he does, almost every president has in AG that backed them, Trump didn’t really have that. Now he will.
Literally not a single person has said they want Sessions there. Why do you need to make up stuff that never really happened? Are you really that lacking in an argument that there is nothing in that exists in truth and reality for you to use? And then you try to act all angry about that thing you made up in your head that no one in reality ever said.
Chip Star
Ypu still don't get the issue despite it being explained in simple terms.
Now our residence Deflector-in-Chief with atrocious writing skills is here so we have multiply conservatives that we'll need to keep on point and whose falsehoods we will need to refute. And, thus, the conversation grinds to a halt. Very sophisticated, conservatives.
Chip Star
Where is this right found in the constitution? Where from the constitution does it flow? Oh, it isn't in the constitution so can't be a right. Have a little accuracy.
No, that's entirely wrong.
The AG is there to support the American people. It just has so happened that with every other president in history, since they were also there to support the American people, the AG and the president had the same goals. But now that Trump is not working for the American people, his viewpoints and the AGs have differed. AGs have been consistent, it's the president that has changed.
The boss is the boss. If you don’t like it, move to Canada.
That's as silly an argument as there ever was.
Canada doesn't want all the Americans that don't want Trump.
Sorry that is half true, but pretty much almost every president had a wing man is Holder put it, Bush had Gonzalez, they are there to support the people, but also to shield the President as well. Remember, Holder was the only AG in US history to held in contempt. It has been like this forever and won’t changed. Sessions is out, Whitaker is in, the President has that right and finally got what you wanted, and nothings going to change that.
Yeah, because until now, every president was working for the good of the American people. When the president chose his own personal interests over the good of the people, he left his wingman behind. That is not the fault of the wingman, that is the result of a president who is unqualified for the job.
Very true...
Most likely...
Don't know that but by associating himself with Trump, that's clearly a bad sign...
Muller will let us know that very soon...
Nothin changed - he's still a very poor choice for AG.
What I find most interesting is what his says about Trump - something we've known all along. There wasn't a more stronger supporter of Trump than Sessions - all though the campaign leading up to the election, he was out there with his too big MAGA cap that made his ears stand out even more, singing the praises of Trump.
And what does Trump do - constantly personally belittles him in the press and behind his back (Mr Magoo...).
Then he unceremoniously dumps him without a word of praise or thanks for sticking with Trump even when he humiliates him.
Again, what we've known all along, Trump is a poor excuse for a human being...
For the benefit of the wing-nuts here:
Jeff Sessions was the worst attorney general in modern historyand
Jeff Sessions should not have been fired for the purpose of covering up potential criminal activities of the Presidentare not mutually exclusive statements.
Sessions was a senator and one of the earliest Trump supporters during the primaries. His career is over. Such tends to happen to those who associate with Trump - that, or jail.
So smeagle sessions is gone?
stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming!:-/
Hung Nguyen
Trump and his madness must be stopped. That could only happen by the courageous and moral Republican politicians. They need to put national interests about the GOP.
Hung Nguyen
My apology for the typo error ("above" instead of "about". My statement should be read as : "Trump and his madness must be stopped. That could only happen by the courageous and moral Republican politicians. They need to put national interests above the GOP."
The story is about Trump’s desire to hinder the investigation against him, not some political support group for Jeff Sessions,
I have bad news for you.
Holder knows first hand.
Well, that wrong was made right.
Why? Because the Democrats feel uneasy?
I don’t know what his ears have to do with anything, but....oh, well..
Not smart, but Trump bagging on people or people doing to Trump, it’s all the same, but doesn’t help with anything calling people names, might be funny.
He has every right to do that and he wanted to do that a long time ago, nothing unusual and everyone knew it was coming, including Sessions, best of luck to the man.
Then why the overly dramatic reaction when he is gone? Muh democracy! So you don’t want him there but you don’t want him removed either. Typical liberal nonsense.
“Serve at the pleasure of the President”. And our President is not pleased, so....
you aren’t for open borders but you won’t close the borders either.
Are you trying to suggest there are no longer borders with border checks between the US and Canada and the US and Mexico?
What does 'won't close the borders' mean? I know it's just another group of words aimed at riling up and instilling even more fear in Trump's true believers, but wonder why anyone would say something like that knowing it's completely false.
If Trump's followers can only defend their faith in him by distorting reality (karate chop!), by creating fake news, by altering videos, their faith in him and his party must be mighty weak.
Chip Star
What is the source of this right in the constitution?
Conservatibes simply cant be accurate.
Whitaker is now in, seems accurate to me.
Overly dramatic explains Trump at his press conference yesterday...
That sounds like Don Rumsfeld...
Like "covefefe..."
And this President likes pleasure, just ask Stormy...
So....get ready for the Justice Dept to investigate you, the Internal Revenue Service to audit your taxes, and your security clearance to be pulled...
Yea, just let that caravan/invasion force walk right in - errr, wait, where's all the Fox News coverage of the caravan? That couldn't have been an attempt to manipulate us with fear-mongering, could it?
Whitaker has demonstrated his bias, so he has to be recused -- even Republicans can have no complaints about that.
If Trump has “every right” to fire Sessions. Congress has every right to investigate whether the firing had anything to do with an intent to obstruct justice.
It's been explained multiple times in this thread. You obviously don't want the answer to that question, and just want to be hyper-partisan.
Chip Star
Yet again, another irrelevant response. More evidence of accuracy issues. ROFL! Smh. Kuddos.
You still haven't explained the source of Trump's nom-existent right to fire people. If you were accurate, you would say it is Truml's prerogative. Seems a professional writer would have known this.
Toasted Heretic
Not just the investigation which he's already shown his bias but his comments about only Christians should be judges.
Donald Trump’s new attorney general once said that judges should be Christian and proposed blocking non-religious people from judicial appointments. Whitaker, who was made acting attorney general on Wednesday after Trump fired Jeff Sessions, said judges needed a “biblical view of justice” and questioned the judgment of secular lawyers.
I doubt anyone, Repub/Dem/otherwise could possibly agree with such a view?
Toasted Heretic
Questioning one's government - of any country you live in - is a right. Some would say it's the ultimate in patriotism; holding one's govt accountable. The Government serves the people, not the other way around.
Some countries don't allow for dissent. Which is another reason why you have migration from such countries.
I do not have time to go hunting around on twitter but you presumably have seen them and have gone back and checked what they were all posting a year ago.
How do you have time? Do you spend your entire day on social media checking what people were posting a year ago?
But as you have shown that "all" the people that bemoan the sacking wanted him removed a year ago, can you post some examples?
I can assure you that it is not all - I definitely did not demand his removal a year ago, but I'm splitting hairs - you probably didn't mean it literally.
Chip Star
Donald Trump’s new attorney general once said that judges should be Christian and proposed blocking non-religious people from judicial appointments. Whitaker, who was made acting attorney general on Wednesday after Trump fired Jeff Sessions, said judges needed a “biblical view of justice” and questioned the judgment of secular lawyers.
This is repugnsnt and an offende to the Constitution.
It demonstrates perfectly comservatibes' inability to desperate their personal bias from their professional duties.
Add that evidence to the following and my assertion about conservatives not being able to check their personal bias is reinforced.
A day after Judge Glenn Devlin of Houston lost his reelection bid, he released nearly all of the juvenile defendants who appeared before him, as long as they answered no when he asked if they planned to kill anyone.
Devlin, one of the 59 Republican jurists in Harris County who was replaced by Democrats, allegedly said: “This is obviously what the voters wanted,” when he released juveniles who have been charged with a wide range of crimes, according to ABC 10.
Chip Star
Look, more experts are calling on Whitaker to recuse himself:
If conservatives cared about justice and thevrule of law, they would support recusal. Take some of your integrity and decency back from Trump. We know it's scary, but we'll help you.
Go for it Dems! A republican strategist couldnt wish for a better scenario.
Trump 2020 by a landslide.
Chip Star
This is all you have?
Mr Chips, did I say thats all ?
Might makes right. Justice and democratic ideals mean nothing to Trump supporters.
Now that Whittaker controls the Russia investigation he will release all of the information proving the conspiracy against Trump.
Hahahahah haha hahaha hahahaha
Whitaker's sole job (mole) is to gather as much information on the evidence against Trump and his associates before the Dems take over congress in January.