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White House doctor says Trump in 'excellent' overall health


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"The president is mentally very sharp, very intact. ... He is fit for duty," Jackson said. "I think he will remain fit for duty for the remainder of this term and even for the remainder of another (four-year) term if he's elected."

I wonder if managed to say this with a straight face? "Mentally sharp, very intact"??

Me thinks this quack needs to be examined himself!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Excellent news! White House doctor confirms Donald J. Trump is fit to stand trial.

Gee, it sure is good to know that Trump is mentally there and can name several animals and draw the correct time on a clock face. Whew. That was a close one.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Trump had performed well on a cognitive assessment

The doctor has obviously got it wrong.

Trump is a *very stable *genius.

He wouldn't do well on a cognitive assessment. He would do better than anyone ever did on a cognitive assessment. He would have the best cognitive assessment ever, no one would do better on a cognitive assessment than Trump, he would give all the best answers. Bigly.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

He wouldn't do well on a cognitive assessment. He would do better than anyone ever did on a cognitive assessment. He would have the best cognitive assessment ever, no one would do better on a cognitive assessment than Trump, he would give all the best answers. Bigly.

Haha I gave you a thumbs up.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Just mad cause there goes your 25th amendment nonsense. The doctor says the president needs exercise so that also justifies golf.

all liberals got left is mocking him for his weight which is “fat shaming” except when it’s about a non liberal. Then of course that’s fine.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Uh actually he did score 30 of 30 on his cognitive exam so no one can do better, that’s correct.

Liberals: he won’t take a cognitive exam! Trump asks for one and passes easily with highest score. Liberals: he’s still fat though!

Never ends.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Fake news. I've seen the man with my own eyes, he's as unhealthy as a guy who drinks 12 diet cokes a day. Anyone who believes he is healthy is an MSM sheep. Use your eyes! Use your minds! Don't be sheep to the fake news!

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The president is mentally very sharp, very intact

Time for an IQ test then.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Never ends.

Agreed. The whining from Trump fans never ends.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The doctor has obviously got it wrong. 

He he was also Obama’s personal physician, if he diagnosed Trump wrongly, then he must’ve done the same to Obama all those years. This is what he found...

Trump is a *very stable *genius.

His extensive mental cognitive test says so.

He wouldn't do well on a cognitive assessment.

Actually, he did better than expected for a man his age, remarkably so as a matter of fact.

The only concern the good doctor has is his cholesterol is kind of high and he needs to lose weight and change his diet a bit, but other than that, he’s in great physical condition for a man of 71.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

You misspelled “winning”, fixed that for you.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

This doctor sounds like a moron. The part about how god made him that way instantly invalidates him as a professional and he should be charged with treason for defrauding the President of the US

3 ( +3 / -0 )

He he was also Obama’s personal physician, if he diagnosed Trump wrongly, then he must’ve done the same to Obama all those years.

Fake news. Trump obviously doctored the reports.

The only concern the good doctor has is his cholesterol is kind of high and he needs to lose weight and change his diet a bit

I'm not even a doctor and I could have diagnosed this. The guy is crazy fat.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This doctor sounds like a moron.

Obama trusted him for 8 years, was he a moron then, if he was, did it give you outrage and if he wasn’t, what happened to him, so now his reputation went down because now he’s Trump’s doctor? Liberals are a funny bunch.

The part about how god made him that way instantly invalidates him as a professional and he should be charged with treason for defrauding the President of the US.

Then all those years he must’ve lied extensively about Obama’s health, I guess we have to open up another investigation...sigh.

I'm not even a doctor and I could have diagnosed this. The guy is crazy fat

That's about it, other than that and his cholesterol, he’s in great health, hallelujah!

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

"The president is mentally very sharp, very intact," the doctor said. -- article

Another liberal myth goes down in flames. . . .

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Yeah I'm gonna go with fake news. They often intentionally misreported Clonton's health and now they are doing it for Trump, who looks pretty out of shape.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So, we shouldn't expect the "I don't recall" defense???

Trump uses this defense often in testimony when the truth would send him to jail.

Do you remember spending a day touring Moscow with Mr. Slater?

I don't recall Mr. Slater.

How about this picture of you and Mr. Slater?

I don't recall Mr. Slater.

Do you know Mr. Slater manages a large investment fund (Russian mob money) in your So-Ho property and owns property in the building one floor below your office?

I don't recall Mr. Slater.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You would think all citizens would be happy that our President has no physical or mental health issues. But some of you are sad about that.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Hired by the White House, for the White House. He's not going to say anything else.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

He worked for Obama?

Deep state.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

as someone experienced with psychological tests, and a little of health tests, one hour is a very short time to evaluate a patient. especially someone as complicated as him.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I just heard this physician’s examination results have been blocked by a district court judge in Hawaii, couid that be true? Lol

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

CNN Brian Stelter reports breaking news that someone can be “sharp as a tack” but still unfit for office. Let it go man. Back from the specifics of mentally unfit to just a very general unfitness (cause we don’t like him!)

What’s the point of even taking a test if the results don’t matter?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

No, he is NOT in excellent health. Debunked again.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Doctor Declares Trump’s Health Excellent, With Perfect Score on Cognitive Test

-6 ( +0 / -6 )


Doctor Declares Trump’s Health Excellent, With Perfect Score on Cognitive Test

Please, that is a simple cognitive test equivalent to reading a clock.

My four year old could pass that test...

An effective cognitive test would take one or two days.

You would think all citizens would be happy that our President has no physical or mental health issues.

I am happy he has no physical health issues, but the guy unquestionably has mental health issues. Those issues are on public display for all see.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sounds like a bunch of MSM garbage.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Donald Trump's hair loss drug tied to anger, depression, self-harm and erectile dysfunction

And You base your expertise medical diagnosis on....

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

You would think all citizens would be happy that our President has no physical or mental health issues

Delighted he doesn’t have any physical issues. We don’t know however that he doesn’t have any psychological issues. He didnt undergo a psychological exam. His behavior indicates he likely has some issues. Maybe someone will put up a 100000 dollars for charity for Trump to take a psychological exam and prove that he was born here,... er... I mean that he isn’t sociopathic narcissist.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I saw that press conference on C-Span.

My favorite question came at the end, shouted from the back of the room, was, "Any sex issues?"

I not only heard the question, it was displayed on the screen in text.

Subsequent media reports apparently omitted this question. This is our current media, digging up everything America needs to know, completely unfettered from any sense of common decency, good taste or self-restraint.

Historians may well record this period as a time when Tourette's Syndrome was epidemic among Washington's press corps.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I believe he is healthy. He is walking. Beside that, he is efficient in insulting China and N Korea.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Obviously, Demos is accepting doctors analysis,, Impeach movement vanished.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I knew this was fake news. Now they’re admitting that trump has heart disease and they ‘left out’ the test that found it in the report.

The president is fat and slothenly. He’s on his deathbed. This heart disease proves it. Anyone who was stupid enough to believe that he really got an excellent bill of health must be blind, you can see how fat he is just looking at him. The whole report can’t be trusted.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The president is fat and slothenly. He’s on his deathbed. This heart disease proves it.

My father had heart disease and was a heavy meat eater and heavy, heavy smoker, he died at the age of 94, Trump doesn't do none of that, so with his prognosis and good genes, he should be more than ok.

Anyone who was stupid enough to believe that he really got an excellent bill of health must be blind, you can see how fat he is just looking at him. The whole report can’t be trusted.

So being Obama's personal physician for years, his reports were accurate, but now the dark forces made this doctor turn to the dark side and now he's just a liar? So what's your proof? ROFL Look, I know it tees off the left because it's not what they wanted to hear. Get used to it and put away the lame Oliver Stone conspiracy theories, he passed a very long and detailed examination and nothing and no matter what the media says or thinks, it's over, the President is fine and great health, he lowers his cholesterol, he will be fine. But if you want to dismiss the doctor, then you have to dismiss him for the examination results of the last 2 Presidents, we have to be equally as skeptical. You guys need to give up, it will just only stress you all out that much more.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I need to know the doctor's political leanings and whether he has donated to republicans before I am able to make a credibility judgment. Just like partisan lawyers that can't be trusted, neither can partisan doctors.

Personal anecdotes do not bolster an argument.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I need to know the doctor's political leanings and whether he has donated to republicans before I am able to make a credibility judgment.

He was Obama’s doctor so I guess he was fair and truthful to the people when reporting on his prognosis, so unless he’s a Russian mole and double spy, I’m sure it’s safe to say, the man is just doing what doctors do, examine people.

Lawyers are different, especially defense lawyers, they work on behalf of their client, all lawyers can be shady from either side whether it’s the defense side or the prosecution side totally different. But if Obama can have the best physician in the WH and give him quality care, then so can this doctor carry on the same practices.....that is unless he’s a double agent. Lol

It's the white house that suppressed the report that showed him to be disease ridden. They are spreading fake news, and lies. The president is fat, and disease ridden, and the white house spread fake news to hide this.

Then I propose we go back and look at the previous Presidents records as well, because his medical reports were all lies as well. Maybe that’s why he screwed up so much. How dare this doctor! The Gaul!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Then I propose we go back and look at the previous Presidents records as well, because his medical reports were all lies as well.

Sure, lets drain that swamp. Let's deal with the most pressing issues first - the current and existing president. After that, we can drain some more swamp by looking at people who are not in power and never will be again. I'm not exactly sure how that drains the swamp, since they aren't even in the swamp anymore, but if it will make Republicans feel better about looking into their current guy, then lets appease them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So, if the doctor was fair in the past, his political leanings do not mean he is biased? By that logic, Mueller is not biased.

All lawyers work on behalf of their clients. If a doctor can put his political leanings aside to do his job, so can a lawyer.

The previous president did not screw up. He tripled the stock market; decreased public employment whilst increasing private sector jobs, killed more terrorists than any previous president; lead the nation out of the financial crisis that repubs put it in; etc.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So, if the doctor was fair in the past, his political leanings do not mean he is biased? By that logic, Mueller is not biased.

He’s a doctor doing his job, he wasn’t assigned to go on a witch hunt, continue

All lawyers work on behalf of their clients. If a doctor can put his political leanings aside to do his job, so can a lawyer.

Hmmmm.... nice try, we are not in a law office and Mueller has the power to ask for an indictment, the good doctor has the power to put Trump on a diet. I’m sure he told his other boss Obama stop smoking.

The previous president did not screw up.

He sure did.

He tripled the stock market

Crippled it, yes.

;decreased public employment

put more people on welfare

whilst increasing private sector jobs,

Where? What? April 1st is here already????

killed more terrorists than any previous president;

but didn’t get Assad out of power and capitulated to him.

lead the nation out of the financial crisis that repubs put it in; etc.

but increased the national debt by $10 Trillion

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@texag Historians may well record this period as a time when

Rightwingers, evangelicals and authoritarian regimes from around the world with state controlled media made desperate attempts to undermine the 'west's' free, for profit press, but failed. Y'all still keep tryin', though. Am I right?

@bas4zelig My father

@TJ Personal anecdotes do not bolster an argument.

Concur with TJ. Especially when they conflict with previously used anecdotes.

Does no exercise

Disagree. I've seen him walking to the government helicopter before he's flown on government planes to one of his resort properties. Sure, he rides around in a golf cart, but he is reported to actually swing the golf clubs himself.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Mueller was assigned to investigate whether the democracy in the US was perverted by Trump's campaign colluding with Russians. That is in no way a witch hunt.

Where we are has no bearing on the fact that lawyers can and do put their politics aside to ensure they are doing their job in an unbiased way.

Obama quit smoking because he knew he was a role model for millions of children. What has Trump done to be a role model to millions of children? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Here we go again with certain posters denying facts because they do not like Obama. I wonder if these posters think the rest of us do not have Google, so cannot fact check their inaccurate statements.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Obama did not get us out of Afghanistan and capitulated to Assad . . . Trump has entrenched us further in Afghanistan and empowered Assad. Hmmm . . . If not getting out of Afghanistan and capitulating to Assad were bad when it was Obama, then similar actions are equally as bad under Trump. Either way, none of this changes that fact that Obama killed more terrorists than any modern president.

Some posters are definitely incapable of providing a relevant response.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Mueller was assigned to investigate whether the democracy in the US was perverted by Trump's campaign colluding with Russians. That is in no way a witch hunt.

And it resulted in nothing, but morphed into collusion and then morphed into finances and into sexual allegations and into being crazy to start WWIII, and then into DACA being his Achilles heel and then supposedly being a racist and then into being mentally unfit and being psychologically unfit and....what was Mueller there for again?

Where we are has no bearing on the fact that lawyers can and do put their politics aside to ensure they are doing their job in an unbiased way.

They can and should, but that didn’t happen with this President.

Obama quit smoking because he knew he was a role model for millions of children.

Yeah and has no problem with kids smoking a blunt. Great role model. The partying President, can always count on him and a fun shindig.

What has Trump done to be a role model to millions of children? Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

He’s given millions of kids a chance to finally, finally get out of their parents home and take advantage of this economy that is rocketing to a 4.0 GDP you can’t get a better role model that tries to put money in your pocket.

Here we go again with certain posters denying facts because they do not like Obama. I wonder if these posters think the rest of us do not have Google, so cannot fact check their inaccurate statements.

Remember, Google is for everyone not just upset liberals.

Obama did not get us out of Afghanistan and capitulated to Assad

So then his infamous “RedLine” was for what, give the illusion that there is some spine lurking somewhere? That’s the reason for the capitulation, got it.

Trump has entrenched us further in Afghanistan and empowered Assad. Hmmm . . . If not getting out of Afghanistan and capitulating to Assad were bad

Yes, time for the kids to go home and let the adults take care of the mess.

when it was Obama, then similar actions are equally as bad under Trump. Either way, none of this changes that fact that Obama killed more terrorists than any modern president.

....as well as more soldiers. Smh.

Some posters are definitely incapable of providing a relevant response.

You just got one.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

It's funny to watch certain posters try their hardest to provide a relevant response and then fail miserably.

Mueller has stayed within the bounds of his mandate. He and his team are doing their jobs with integrity. Cons are just arse hurt that their guy is being investigated.

Obama has never been okay with kids smoking weed. That is completw and utter trash cons roll out bevause Obama didn't have an issue with adults using marijuana. Try keeping retorts reality-based.

Kids don't take advantage of an economy in the same way adults do, so Trump hasn't given kids opportunities through the economy, which is booming because of Obama.

Some posters cannot even understand what they are replying to. This is why we get responses about Obama being spineless to posts that say Trump is as bad as Obama bevause Trump did not get us out of Afghanistan and allowed Assad to stay.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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