Japan Today

Senator's dramatic demand spurs panel to seek FBI Kavanaugh probe

By Amanda Becker, David Morgan and Lawrence Hurley

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The FBI has already said that it doesn’t fall in their purview. Get on with it, Flake.

-19 ( +9 / -28 )

The Republican president, however, indicated he was sticking with Kavanaugh's nomination, saying he has not thought "even a little bit" 

“..he has not thought even a little bit” is a perfect description of Trump. After all, he’s got golf games to play and global investments to look after.

It could well be that Kavanaugh’s days as a sexual predator are over, making him a recovering sexual predator.

It could also well be that Kavanaugh’s days as a heavy drinker are over, making him a recovering alcoholic.

The allegations of Kavanaugh’s appointment being backed by dark money (Google it yourself) coming from global elite financed ultra-rightists makes me question if he’ll remain in the owe to them and can be objective when deciding cases in which their various corporations are involved. 

And given the reported Kavanaugh - Koch connection, and the Koch’s control over oil, gas, coal and other polluting industries, I have to question whether he can be objective deciding environment related cases. The Koch’s are among the climate change deniers biggest financial backers.

But my biggest concern is after Kavanaugh’s over-the-top emotional outbursts that he’s not stable enough to be a Supreme Court Justice.

And then there’s his connections to Trump; the separation and balance of powers must be maintained. An executive puppet on the Supreme Court would undermine that.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

Someone please inform Senator Flake that due process means investigating the facts, not sticking your fingers in your ears so you can't hear them.

Christine Blasey Ford has as much right to due process as Kavanaugh does.

Kavanaugh has revealed himself as a petulant, desperate, entitled little man who is appalled at having to publicly answer for his behavior. He has demonstrated that he is mentally and emotionally unfit for the Supreme Court.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

I think this FBI investigation gives us a chance to learn more about Ford. According to her high school yearbook it turns out that she was a heavy drinker who did not live the lifestyle of a nun. Hopefully the FBI will dig into her motivations and the manipulation she exposed herself to by giving herself over to the Dems on the Senate judicary committee.


These facts don’t mean she was not sexually abused by someone. But neither does the Dems attempts to paint Kavanaugh as a drunk prove he is a rapist and capable of attempted murder. Full transparency.

-19 ( +6 / -25 )

But my biggest concern is after Kavanaugh’s over-the-top emotional outbursts that he’s not stable enough to be a Supreme Court Justice.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Kavanaugh has revealed himself as a petulant, desperate, entitled little man who is appalled at having to publicly answer for his behavior. He has demonstrated that he is mentally and emotionally unfit for the Supreme Court.

Very true.

What has the Republican Party become? It elected a self-admitted groper as President - someone who cavorts with porn starts and walks into dressing rooms where 15 year old beauty pageant contestants are changing. It supported Roy Moore who cruises malls for high school girls. Now a Supreme Court nominee who tried to rape a 16 year old. Go back a few years and google "Bob Packwood".

GOP equals Guardians of Perverts...

18 ( +22 / -4 )

Holding off the confirmation vote for a week, not until the end of the investigation, is a coward's move. It shows that Republicans still lack the courage of their convictions. Speaking of which, we're now a full week into my asking this question and no Kavanaugh supporter here has had the fortitude to answer: Why do we need to cram this guy down America's throat? Why not slow down and investigate to make sure we know what the Guardian of Perverts party (good one!) tells us we know?

Oh well. Whatever happens, Kavanaugh will always have his incel fan club to fall back on.


10 ( +14 / -4 )

What has the Republican Party become? 

What are you talking about? Bill Clinton is a Democrat.

Hillary Clinton enabled her husband a man credibly accused of rape as an adult (not a juvenile) while he was a state attorney general. Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat. Stop with the holier than thou routine - it’s lame.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

@katsu: Why not slow down and investigate to make sure we know what the Guardian of Perverts party (good one!) tells us we know?

What are you going to say when the FBI investigates and finds no evidence that Kavanaugh attempted to assault, rape, or murder Ford? I predict that you will still believe he is guilty because in your mind conservatives do not have the right to due process under the law.

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

It's apparent from Kavanaugh's behavior, that unquestionably, even to the Republicans, this person has some issues that need to be looked into. At the same time, their want to push thru a candidate, in spite of realizing it is a likely mistake, makes them a cowardly bunch, who are determined to push anyone they choose to the highest court.

Do this right, no one should want a lying supreme court judge, who acts like a belligerent child using straw man arguments every time he comes up against a question he deems difficult to answer. A person like that is not the person you want making forthright decisions, that affect the country. He is not worthy.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Christine Blasey Ford has as much right to due process as Kavanaugh does.


That explains the "due process", by law.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Christine Blasey Ford has as much right to due process as Kavanaugh does.

I agree. Mrs. Ford should be encouraged to submit her allegations to the proper authorities in southern Maryland where her case can be fairly adjudicated in the same manner as all other similar claims. If Kavanaugh is found guilty he can be impeached - and rightly so. Due process applies to everyone - the accuser and the accused.

The Democrat party has become the party of witch trials.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

The charges against Kavanaugh are pure fabrication.  Liberals can't get what they want through elections so they manipulate the Supreme Court.  Trump won and that threatened their one strnghold.  Now if Kavanaugh get confirmed---which he should be as the American Bar Association gives him perfect marks---their power ends so Kavanaugh must be stopped at all costs.  Watch this; https://youtu.be/iKmOMOxQPB4

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Kavanaugh clearly lied about the meanings of “golden triangle”, “boof”, and “Renate Alumnius” written in his senior profile. While one’s high school behavior should not disqualify one from the court, lying about it should. If Kavanaugh lies about this stuff, he’ll lie about other stuff too.

This man has neither the credibility nor impartiality to be on the bench.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

The Democrat party has become the party of witch trials.

Boohoo. You guys had eight years of Bush, when you ruined the world and the economy, and America for that reason, then you spent eight years being obstructionist, preventing any progress. Now you expect the Democrats to feel bad for playing your own game against you? Excuse us while we laugh in your face.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Was fun watching the old men in the GOP get all riled up once the scary doctor-lady left the stand. Lindsay Graham, biggest coward in the GOP, who changed his stance on Trump when McCain's coffin was being prepared, couldn't speak when Fisher was up, then went on his rant against Dems when protected by the boys (after side-lining the female lawyer they brought in because they were too scared to ask the doctor questions themselves). Then, when confronted by a woman in the hallway, he literally RAN for the elevator saying, "Go to the police!" after being asked if he believed the women. Absolute cowards. And forget about Hatch -- at a hearing involving sexual assaults -- talking about how attractive and pleasing the witness was, and Grassely interrupting all the women who spoke but saying Kavanaugh deserved our respect for his beer drinking rants (which he lied about).

6 ( +11 / -5 )

"FBI investigation" ( yet another one )

There's no probable cause. No sane person would grant a warrant for this investigation to go foward. There's no evidence. You've got testimony that conflicts. The accuser can't even remember basic facts about something that you would think the average person would remember.

Maybe the FBI can investigate into where Jeff Flake's balls went.

-11 ( +5 / -16 )

If he gets confirmed, the USA will become the new Iran

0 ( +4 / -4 )

The pleas of two women in an elevator while one silent, shamefaced senator listened was the dramatic, heart-wrenching encounter that (for me) trumped the shameless shenanigans of the senate circus and might very well be a game-changer. What an irony if two rape victims were to save the sorry *ss of SCOTUS! If (cry me an ocean) Kavanaugh is dumped, these courageous women, like Rosa Parks, will enter the history books.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Strangerland: Boohoo

I’ll mark you down as a ‘no’ on the Due Process thing. After all it was probably some dead white man who came up with that foundational idea of the Western judicial system. Bring on the scorched Earth warfare!

Now you expect the Democrats to feel bad for playing your own game against you? 

No I expect you and the rest of the Left to continue to descend into your Orwellian abyss. Ditching due process? That’s pure insanity. Garland was payback for Bork and Thomas. There will be payback for this attempt at borking Kavanaugh as well. Politics is a contact sport. Conservatives had to suck it up when Obama jammed Obamacare down their throats. I expect Republicans will return the favor when they get the chance. If there is no due process for Republicans then don’t be surprised when someday Republicans return the favor.

plastic: Kavanaugh clearly lied about the meanings of “golden triangle”, “boof”, and “Renate Alumnius” written in his senior profile. 

You do realize that the Dems are somehow claiming that slang terms written by 17 year old kids - terms they have never heard before - are proof of lies and somehow dispositive of Kavanaugh’s guilt of attempted rape and attempted murder? Do you realize how crazy that is?

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

There is clearly enough doubt about Kavanaugh's record so that should disqualify him from sitting on the SCOTUS. The only other problem being that Chump will probably select another dodgy person for the job because he only seems to know dodgy people.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

That wasn’t so hard, was it Republicans? And if the FBI finds nothing then you have a slam dunk nominee.

You should have done it from the beginning. You had plenty of time.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Was fun watching the old men in the GOP get all riled up once the scary doctor-lady left the stand.

No, I think the left were to accommodating to Dr. Ford.

Lindsay Graham, biggest coward in the GOP, who changed his stance on Trump when McCain's coffin was being prepared, couldn't speak when Fisher was up, then went on his rant against Dems when protected by the boys

He had every right to go after left the way he did and he excoriated the right as well. He shot up 10 points in my book and called out the scam for what it was.

(after side-lining the female lawyer they brought in because they were too scared to ask the doctor questions themselves).

Actually, the GOP from the beginning didn’t like the optics of how it would look and to be as caring and concerning as they could.

Then, when confronted by a woman in the hallway, he literally RAN for the elevator saying, "Go to the police!" after being asked if he believed the women. Absolute cowards.

Flake is living up to his name and he doesn’t have a stake in this since he’s a lame senator who’s extremely unpopular in his home state.

And forget about Hatch -- at a hearing involving sexual assaults -- talking about how attractive and pleasing the witness was, and Grassely interrupting all the women who spoke but saying Kavanaugh deserved our respect for his beer drinking rants (which he lied about).

These women were equally interrupting him as he had the floor and wouldn’t even allow him to speak as head of the Judiciary Committee.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

the Dems are somehow claiming that slang terms written by 17 year old kids - terms they have never heard before - are proof of lies and somehow dispositive of Kavanaugh’s guilt of attempted rape and attempted murder? 

I am not a Dem. I don't know if Ford's story is true. But I had heard the terms (I had a telly in the 1980's). I was shocked that such crap could be written in a school yearbook

(what kind of parents and teachers had those affluenza brats ?).

11 ( +11 / -0 )

GOP equals Guardians of Perverts..

There's not any collaboration of any of the allegations against Kavanugh. Running around labeling people perverts isn't a good idea. Get some proof or step away from the keyboard.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )


‘The FBI has already said that it doesn’t fall in their purview.’

did you hear that on Fox News?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

(what kind of parents and teachers had those affluenza brats ?).

GoTrumpers have been talking about a cabal of people they called the 'elite' that have been running the country. Were they giving warnings about people like Kavanaugh - and Trump?

If so, they were bang on right to have been doing so.

Kavanaugh - unfit for the Supreme Court.

Trump - unfit for any political office.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Liberals are funny people, the oldest ranking level members are older than dirt they constantly contradict themselves, they keep moving the goalposts, they complained they want another investigation and then what are they going to do if this investigation doesn’t go the way they planned?

After this one is finished and if they still complain, then the GOP needs steamroll right over them come back up and do it again until these people learned that the cannot usurp the political process. You couldn’t get a finer man to be on the supreme court

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

bass4funk: "No, I think the left were to accommodating to Dr. Ford."

Yes, they were, and rightly so. Imagine if the right had also been accomodating, like they promised they would, and like Grassely pretended to be while interrupting all the women. Imagine if, when they promised to accomodate Ms. Ford and listen to her genuinely and openly, they actually did so, instead of cowards like McConnell declaring them liars before the trial began, threatening people, and saying he would pass Kavanaugh within a day after the hearing NO MATTER WHAT. So, yes, the left was more accomodating. What's your point?

"Actually, the GOP from the beginning didn’t like the optics of how it would look and to be as caring and concerning as they could."

YES! They didn't like the OPTICS, and that is it, and that is all. They know they are misogynist old men who cannot relate to others unlike themselves, and they had already predetermined that no matter what they were not going to listen to the woman and would be seen for what they are, so they Simply brought in the female lawyer and then promptly sidelined her when Kavanaugh was up because, I mean, you Simply can't have a lowly woman speak to such an important man, right?

"These women were equally interrupting him as he had the floor and wouldn’t even allow him to speak as head of the Judiciary Committee."

No, they were not equally interrupting him. They may have tried to talk over him while he was interrupting THEM as they described their sexual assault and he stopped to ask if they needed anything (except an FBI investigation), but if you think it was anything but one-sided you are 100% incorrect.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Liberals are funny people, the oldest ranking level members are older than dirt

Trump is the oldest American president ever. Literally, not figuratively. He was older at election time than any other president.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

For the good of the country Kavanaugh should with draw. That's it.

That is what is going to happen as Dems try to take congress. I think he has no recollection or can not remember the assault. I watched his testimony twice. Though passionate and moving as it was. Ford was assaulted and there can be no doubt about this. If Kavanaugh gets nominated I will very surprised. The FBI has investigated this guy 6 times already. What do they expect to find that we do not already know? If she sat on this for 40 years that is the biggest crime of all. It really is. It stinks high hell and the whole thing is circus. As Bubbles says "Greeeeheeeeheeesey!"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yes, they were, and rightly so. Imagine if the right had also been accomodating, like they promised they would, and like Grassely pretended to be while interrupting all the women.

As they were interrupting him while he had the floor and the call to order what did Harris and Hirono do? Unbelievable rude, so he cut them off as he should, are they that in such a hurry that they need to cut him off? I know liberals are great at filibustering, but he had every right to shut them down.

Imagine if, when they promised to accomodate Ms. Ford and listen to her genuinely and openly,

They did and even if they would have given her two full days the left would have complained and would have said, 2 days is not enough, we need a week...

cowards like McConnell declaring them liars before the trial began, threatening people, and saying he would pass Kavanaugh within a day after the hearing NO MATTER WHAT. So, yes, the left was more accomodating. What's your point? 

I’m sorry McConnell has to right to believe the way he wants, if the left don’t want to give Kavanaugh the presumption of innocence, the right can have their doubts, suspicions and possible motives about Ford. Goes both ways.

YES! They didn't like the OPTICS, and that is it, and that is all.

Seeing the way they treated Kavanaugh, Apparently they didn’t like the optics of that as well.

They know they are misogynist old men who cannot relate to others unlike themselves, and they had already predetermined that no matter what they were not going to listen to the woman

In the same can be said about the old dinosaurs on the left, they were absolutely not interested at all in what Kavanaugh had to say.

and would be seen for what they are, so they Simply brought in the female lawyer and then promptly sidelined her when Kavanaugh was up because, I mean, you Simply can't have a lowly woman speak to such an important man, right? 

No but as we have seen we’re back in 91 as to how that scenario unfolded with Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, the Republicans didn’t want to go through that kind of steered her ever again, they wanted to make sure that Ford was treated in the most honest, decent and respectful manner.

No, they were not equally interrupting him.

Yes, Harris, Hirono and Feinsten were doing their best to not listen to Kavanaugh to brans him as a sex predator without any proof or facts whatsoever and we haveo take Ford’s word for it because she’s a woman and NOT take his word because he’s a man? That’s just insane.

They may have tried to talk over him while he was interrupting

Which is interrupting someone while they’re talking, exactly!

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

"Today, I have to say that I fear for the future." (Brett Kavanaugh)

"Hash-tag, me too!" (Stephen Colbert)

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I'm glad the world and the USA say just what kind of a lowlife Kavanaugh really is, zero grace zero composure, no interest in any kind of process let alone the FBI. I don't know what the right-wing here saw or are even talking about, too far gone into their bubble, TL;DR.

Meanwhile November should be interesting to see just how many GOP are wiped out. It's clear they need to clean House

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Ford’s word for it because she’s a woman

No. It's just a witness. Mark Judge could have come and be listened to, the same way.

and NOT take his word because he’s a man? 

No, because Caesar's wife and Supreme Justices must be above suspicion. A woman applying for the same position would get the same scrutiny. It's not about being fair to the person, it is about safety for the organization. I don't know for the US, but in my country, if your brother or your ex is a convict or has a pending case at criminal court, even if you are not involved in the affairs and it's proven, even if you have no relations with him anymore and it's proven, you won't pass background checks for certain police, military and justice positions. You won't obtain a badge to work as a cleaner at the airport. Too bad if it's unfair to your little person.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

You do realize that the Dems are somehow claiming that slang terms written by 17 year old kids - terms they have never heard before - are proof of lies and somehow dispositive of Kavanaugh’s guilt of attempted rape and attempted murder?

You think Kavanaugh is telling the truth that "boof" refers to flatulence? It's a sexual term. The yearbook states in both his and Mark Judge's entry, "Have you boofed yet?" You really believe they were referring to breaking wind?

No, it's not proof that he is guilty of attempted rape (nobody ever brought up attempted murder). It is simply highly indicative of lying under oath. Perjury. There is no way anybody can prove what Kavanaugh really knows about "boofing", but everyone including Kavanaugh and his "God" knows he's BSing. That is not a good look for a SC justice.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

According to her high school yearbook it turns out that she was a heavy drinker who did not live the lifestyle of a nun.

Only men can carouse. Women who do that deserve what they get - is that what you're getting at?

Hopefully the FBI will dig into her motivations

Motivations? Oh, I dunno - justice, maybe? To expose this cabal of rapists, sex pests and paedophiles, perhaps?

To have some kind of closure on what was done to her?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@plasticmonkey, way to point out that the Konfused Kavanaugh Krew members like Wolfpack think this case has something to do with "attempted murder." Then they have the audacity to finish their posts with auto-rant lines like "Do you realize how crazy that is?" Oh, the predictable irony.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

One commentator rather keeps mentioning "the left" in his long-winded and partisan posts.

This is not about left. This is not about right.

This is about women and girls and how they are treated by men. Hopefully it will show men from all walks of life that they cannot get away with assault and worse.

This is not the end.

It's just the tip of the ice berg.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The FBI has already said that it doesn’t fall in their purview. Get on with it, Flake.

yet even Cadet bonespurs is open to allow the FBI to investigate, yes the FBI who he thinks is a corrupt organisation. LOL you know theres one vote in AMerica you certainly dont want to mess with and thats the womans vote, they outnumber men in this regard. continue to ignore them at your own peril. even cadet bonespurs has enough intelligence to understand that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Translation: The GOP doesn't have the votes to ram him through. They don't give a damn about any FBI investigation results; they just want another few days to twist arms.

But Kavanaugh is damaged goods, and the longer he twists in the wind, the more his flaws will appear. This is all due to Trump's idiocy - "hiring the greatest people."

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Anyway, supreme court justice is a lifetime appointment, so you'd think the bar for appointment would be higher than for term-limited presidents. Just another Konfusing Koncept for the Kavorting Kavanaugh Krew.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Why is it so difficult to get Trump and the Senate Republicans to do what should have been done as a matter of course? If they had ordered the FBI investigation when all of these allegations of sexual assault came out, the investigation could have been finished much sooner.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I think this FBI investigation gives us a chance to learn more about Ford. According to her high school yearbook it turns out that she was a heavy drinker who did not live the lifestyle of a nun.

So rape is ok if the girl was a heavy drinker?

The difference between Ford and Kavanaugh is that Ford never claimed to be a nun. Kavanaugh on the other hand tried to portray himself as a virgin bible-studies bookworm when his yearbook entry clearly indicates otherwise. If he can't even be honest about being a partier in high school or lies about the meanings boof, Devil's Triangle, Renate Alumnius, etc., he has zero credibility in my opinion.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This is ridiculous! The FBI does t investigate state crimes and has already done six background checks on Blackout Brett.

This is evidence that Flake is part of the Deep State.

I believe Blackout Brett because he has no incentive to lie. It's not like he's going for a prestigious job with a lifetime appointment, will earn a quarter of a million a year, and get benefits that plebeians only dream about.

Ford, on the other hand, has everything to gain. Million dollar book deal, death threats, and humiliation.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

"And if the FBI finds nothing then you have a slam dunk nominee."

That's the problem, Super, even if ( they won't - there's no evidence ) the FBI doesn't find anything on Kavanaugh, the Dems and that creepy porn lawyer Avenatti will find more women to level false accusations against him, possibly causing a couple of weak Republicans to vote against him, thus denying him the position.

"You should have done it from the beginning. You had plenty of time."

Oh, the hypocrisy. The Dems sat on the Ford letter since early summer. And, oh yeah, Ford had 36 years to report this. They had plenty of time.

Oh my...

Senate confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh delayed one week for FBI investigation


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

That's the problem, Super, even if ( they won't - there's no evidence ) the FBI doesn't find anything on Kavanaugh, the Dems and that creepy porn lawyer Avenatti will find more women to level false accusations against him, possibly causing a couple of weak Republicans to vote against him, thus denying him the position.

Oh my...

Senate confirmation vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh delayed one week for FBI investigation


Even Dump!

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford 'Credible' But He Still Supports Kavanaugh


There are plenty of reasons not to confirm Kavanaugh. The biggest one is all the perjury that he committed under oath!

A Republican Yale drinking buddy of Kavanaugh's tells CNN he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee


Oh, oh my........

3 ( +4 / -1 )

"Kavanaugh is damaged goods"

You're confusing Kavanaugh with the Democrats, Laguna.

Oh my...

Who leaked Christine Blasey Ford's Kavanaugh letter?


Oh my...

After dragging his name through the mud, the left fault Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for defending himself


-8 ( +2 / -10 )

"Kavanaugh is damaged goods"


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Progressive radio host Chris Hahn: "Most people who are living a traumatic experience will not have evidence of it 30 ( 36 ) years later"

Tucker: "No evidence required. No. Just the accusation.


-5 ( +2 / -7 )

WolfpackToday  07:58 am JST

@katsu: Why not slow down and investigate to make sure we know what the Guardian of Perverts party (good one!) tells us we know?

What are you going to say when the FBI investigates and finds no evidence that Kavanaugh attempted to assault, rape, or murder Ford? I predict that you will still believe he is guilty because in your mind conservatives do not have the right to due process under the law.

It always amazes me how some people can come onto websites with features specifically designed to help them interact with other people, but they then choose to only pick fights with imaginary versions of people that live only in their own heads.

I look forward to your encore where you debate tax policy with Scrooge McDuck.

Let's take a moment to appreciate how the moderation team has spent almost 9 hours okay with Wolfpack telling me his Snidely Whiplash imaginary conception of me is more real than the real me actually posting on the board, but when I say that's weird they immediately delete the post. I'm literally getting my posts deleted for not being the Republican-hating villain they want me to be.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

At least liberals now understand that in fact as the President, Trump directs the FBI what to do.

When it was convenient for your narrative I remember a lot of you claiming he cant tell them what to do, so at least that’s cleared up.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

"It's apparent from Kavanaugh's behavior, that unquestionably, even to the Republicans, this person has some issues that need to be looked into"

If he would have acted with no emotion the Dems would have said he had no emotion... It's a lose lose with them.

@PTownsend I checked out your link. Your link and the Democrats have something in common. They're both in bad taste and despicable. Let us know when you come up with any evidence that Kavanaugh is guilty of what Ford and these other two lunatics are accusing him of. ( You won't )

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

@serran Let us know when you come up with any evidence that Kavanaugh is guilty of what Ford and these other two lunatics are accusing him of. 

I'm a private citizen, not an investigative agency. For me the word of Dr. Ford and the other women gives me enough evidence to convince me that Kavanaugh did something wrong to them. And I'll add that so many who know Kavanaugh have shown him to be a liar - just like Trump. Plus my personal knowledge of the putative ELITE makes me fully aware how sick so many of them are.

Rich that someone who posts videos from white supremacists and makes sexual assault jokes questions anyone's taste.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

"so many who know Kavanaugh have shown him to be a liar"

Evidence, please.

"Rich that someone who posts videos from white supremacists and makes sexual assault jokes questions anyone's tastes"

Evidence, please.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

"so many who know Kavanaugh have shown him to be a liar"

Evidence, please.


"Rich that someone who posts videos from white supremacists and makes sexual assault jokes questions anyone's tastes"

Evidence, please.

With a critical eye re-watch the daily Tucker Carlson, Hannity and other videos you post ad nauseam. Fortunately the mods deleted your attempts at sexual assault humor. Betty Rubble?

Good night.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Esquire magazine? lol

Tucker Calson and Sean Hannity are white supremacists? That's quite a stretch.

"For me the word of Dr. Ford and the other women gives me enough evidence to convince me that Kavanaugh did something wrong to them"

And if these women had accused you? Enough to convince you, right?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Lets see, the distinguished Democrats at the Kavanaugh Inquisition: Diane Feinstein: had a Red Chinese spy as her office manager for 20 years: Corey Booker: admitted to sexually assaulting a girl while in high school; and last, but not least Richard (the coward) Blumenthal lied about his military service record (FYI: Democrats don't lie, they mis-spoke).

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Ford has still not filed a criminal complaint with the police in Montgomery county Maryland. Why?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Ford lied about a fear of flying. Ford lied or her attorney failed to inform her that the committee offered to go to her to receive her testimony. The more we hear about her the worse he credibility becomes. Fords accusation provides no time or location making it impossible for Kavanaugh to defend himself. Republicans take note and respond accordingly.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

It would appear to be a Political Saving Face situation.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yeah, why hasn't Dr. Ford filed a criminal complaint in Maryland. It's not like the statute of limitations has expired.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Ford lied about a fear of flying.

Nope. Like many of us who fear flying, she flies so she can get from A to B. I hate it myself, and that manifests itself physically. But I still do it.

Now when is partisan possible rapist Kavanaugh going to take a polygraph? And when is his chum, Judge, going to make an appearance?

Fords accusation provides no time or location making it impossible for Kavanaugh to defend himself.

Victims of rape remember the incident and the person who did it. Peripheral stuff can fade pretty fast as it's the trauma of the violence that obscures all else.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Do the FBI have magical investigative powers unknown to anyone else?

It will still be down to his word against hers.

This sad story shows how divided America has become.

Law is meant to be impartial and apolitical. But of course it isnt - the supreme Court is a political body and its members political appointees - their legal knowledge is sadly secondary. It is hardly surprising that appointments become a bare knuckle affair.

It is a broken institution and needs reforming, starting with ending lifetime appointments - reduce l to 10 years.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

After hearing her speak, what did you expect Democrats to do? Ignore her?

Where you guys screwed up was immediately claiming conspiracy and payoffs and liars. Now that’s she’s spoken those charges have lost their impact....but some of you are still pushing forward with it anyway because its the first and only thing you go for these days. It always has to be some conspiracy.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Where you guys screwed up was immediately claiming conspiracy and payoffs and liars. Now that’s she’s spoken those charges have lost their impact....but some of you are still pushing forward with it anyway because its the first and only thing you go for these days. It always has to be some conspiracy.

The left has so many conspiracy theories, I've lost count, like Bowling Green, the baseball game, the Deep State, Uranium One, Birtherism, I could go on and on. The lodesta brothers? Hillary's email. Lol.

Do the FBI have magical investigative powers unknown to anyone else?

Exactly. It's not like a Federal Agency with a huge budget could possibly do things local agencies don't have the resources for.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

@Super: but some of you are still pushing forward with it anyway because its the first and only thing you go for these days. It always has to be some conspiracy.

For two decades Hillary constantly talked about a vast Right-wing conspiracy and she narrowly lost out on becoming president. Conservatives will continue to adapt to the Dems political tactics in order to compete. Failure to do so will lead to total defeat. Expect a prominent Dem to be accused of sexual assault, rape, or attempted murder in the future. No evidence required. It’s an effective political ploy.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Serrano, when your best friend says "I don't remember" when not under oath and is then summoned to testify under oath, you have reason to worry - others do remember, and a perjury charge tends to jog the memory.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Wolfpack: No evidence required. It’s an effective political ploy.

Hey, if it gets rid of Kavanuagh, I’m all for it.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Expect a prominent Dem to be accused of sexual assault, rape, or attempted murder in the future. No evidence required.

And there's the major difference. The democrats have to find a skeleton that exists, the Republicans just make one up.

Benghazi anyone?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Wolfpack: No evidence required. It’s an effective political ploy.

"Hey, if it gets rid of Kavanuagh, I’m all for it."

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it - the liberal mindset. They don't care whose life is destroyed, they just want Kavanaugh stopped at all costs.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it - the liberal mindset. They don't care whose life is destroyed, they just want Kavanaugh stopped at all costs.

No one's life is being destroyed. Kavanaugh is having a job interview to be a political appointee of Donald Trump. If you want to be a politician under the co-conspirator himself, it's going to be brutal.

People's belief as to whether he did it or not are divided and determined by political loyalties.

Were he a Democrat, I'm sure you would argue that he is guilty without any need for further evidence.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it - the liberal mindset. They don't care whose life is destroyed, they just want Kavanaugh stopped at all costs.

oh you mean by those that think all 3 of Kavanaugh accusers are liars, and his life shouldnt be destroyed even if they are telling the truth, there you have it ladies and gentlemen the conservative mindset.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Just look to how they defended the Republican Paedo Judge from Alabama. Better a paedo than a Democrat. Better a Russian than a Democrat.

These are actual positions of the Trump cult followers.

The Republican party is insane.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Feinstein's 11th hour stunt should've been dismissed immediately when it was learned she'd been holding onto the letter from boozey ford for 2 months.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

"those that think all 3 of Kavanaugh accusers are liars, and his like shouldn't be destroyed even if they are telling the truth"

Oh, they could all be telling the truth.... but there's a greater chance of getting hit by lightning when the sky is blue.

Oh my...

The Truth About Kavanaugh Circus


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

But in 2018 you are back to believing women again. 

I've made my positions clear. Comservatibes don't need investigations, we know by gut instinct. Because when we have investigations nobody gets convicted, ergo, investigations are not necessary.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote Delayed Again by the GOP- Republicans Skirt Disaster


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Feinstein's 11th hour stunt should've been dismissed immediately when it was learned she'd been holding onto the letter from boozey ford for 2 months.

The timing may have been political but this is a political appointment and the appointee there to pass political decisions under the facade of an appeal court.

However this will not change the underlying incident and what it means for his suitability to hold this office, whether he did it or not.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote Delayed Again by the GOP- Republicans Skirt Disaster


Can you stop posting random YouTube links? No one is going to click on them if it is just some crank ranting. Link to news sources by all means, but they need to be credible as it just undermines your point otherwise (admittedly not hard).

2 ( +2 / -0 )

? No one is going to click on them if it is just some crank ranting.

In all fairness “some crank ranting” is the average post from your garden variety Trump cult member.

And judging by the frequency of posting from our YouTube conspiracy crank correspondent , it’s clear the FBI investigation has them rattled.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Oh, they could all be telling the truth.... but there's a greater chance of getting hit by lightning when the sky is blue.

No they dont need to all be telling the truth only one of them does, if the other two are liars they can go to jail for all I care. Sexual assault isnt a democracy, it either happened or it didn't. If two are liars and one is telling the truth doesn't make Kavanaugh innocent.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It's over for Kavanaugh. None of us -- no one: not me, not you, not them, not Kavanaugh himself -- believe his replies about his sexually-laden high school yearbook and excessive drinking. Not one.

The FBI has one week to get the facts that tell us what everyone -- and I mean everyone -- already believes. These facts will move what we believe to what what we know: under oath he lied over and over about his high school yearbook and youthful drinking. Under oath.

For that reason alone Kavanaugh unfit to serve on any Federal Court, let alone the highest court of the land.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

@Chip: I've made my positions clear. Comservatibes don't need investigations, we know by gut instinct. Because when we have investigations nobody gets convicted, ergo, investigations are not necessary.

This right here is classic projection - reference how the Left protected President Bill Clinton. Women were shamed as stalkers and trailer trash.

You certainly have made your position clear. Women accusing Liberal politicians are trailer trash and a women accusing conservatives are to be believed. When Clinton was accused due process was imperative and the women could not be believed. When Thomas and Kavanaugh were accused it’s slam dunk guilty no supporting evidence needed. 

Politics in America is going to get much more brutal once Republicans begin responding in kind with their own unsupported accusations.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

The FBI already had said prior to this kabuki theater that it would not investigate Ford’s claim, as did prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, since there was nothing added by Ford to make the FBI change its mind.

The FBI does not have to interview anyone. They have to investigate the allegation and may do so based on Boozy Ford and Judge BK's sworn testimony.

Leftists might as well get used to saying: "Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh".

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

One commentator rather keeps mentioning "the left" in his long-winded and partisan posts. 


This is not about left. This is not about right.

This is all about the left.

This is about women and girls and how they are treated by men.

And Ford was given the best treatment with an extra sprinkle of niceness.

Hopefully it will show men from all walks of life that they cannot get away with assault and worse. 

Yes, we know that, it’s all out war on men. A woman makes an allegation and your life is finished.

This is not the end.

It's just the tip of the ice berg.

And there will be a backlash from men coming.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Nope. Like many of us who fear flying, she flies so she can get from A to B. I hate it myself, and that manifests itself physically. But I still do it.

What are you talking about? Of course the woman lied. She said, when asked by Sen. Grassley if she could fly to Washington that she’s afraid of flying and that that fear was somehow connected to the trauma she supposedly went through from her alleged ordeal. Grassley offered to her that he will send his staff to interview her anywhere she wants to be interviewed, but it’s just funny that she’s traveled to Fiji was for a long time in Hawaii....How’d she get there? Rode on a bike?

Now when is partisan possible rapist Kavanaugh going to take a polygraph?

This is just madness. First of all, you have no way of knowing if Kavanaugh did such a crime, I don’t know how it is in other countries, but in the US, you are always innocent until proven guilty and the man passed 6 FBI backgound checks, under the Bush administration he knew and was given the numbers and access to nuclear arsenal. The man has taken his share of a polygraph as he did about this woman. And there is a reason we don’t use them always in court because they’re not that reliable or impossible to beat, so when people say, submit to a polygraph test, it doesn’t carry a lot of solid credibility.

And when is his chum, Judge, going to make an appearance?

For what?

Victims of rape remember the incident and the person who did it.

She was never raped, she never said that.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Kavanaugh's partisan outbust alone should disqualify him. Imagine Ford starting with a rant against Republicans.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Kavanaugh's partisan outbust alone should disqualify him. Imagine Ford starting with a rant against Republicans.

After 30 hours of interviews, speaking to both parties for the last 6 months and finding out the top head of the Democrat Judiciary Committee was sitting on serious allegations and never once approaching you or giving a heads up to the committee, not bringing it up during the confirmation hearings, slandering, smearing, not giving the presumption of innocence to a man that for all accounts has had a perfect record and to dismiss all that pulled his name through the mud, his wife was threatened, his entire family were threatened, his reputation ruined and the idiot Democrats were shocked that he was upset and that he had an outburst? To use a calculated and coordinated effort to bring this man down. Kavanaugh as a man, as a human being as someone that has served his country with honor and distinction and knowing many of the people that have been pulling him through the mud and desperately trying to completely destroy him, not only does he have every right to lash out at these liars, but if it were me, I would be cursing each and every one of these liberals, the FCC wouldn’t have been sending out a lot of apology letters. Any human would have done what he did, anyone and to be honest, he didn’t go far enough in my opinion.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

I know most trump loyalists will disagree with this but, Kavanaugh lied under oath which is a felony, his testimony showed that he is very unstable and a completely emotional train wreck who does not deserve to be appointed to a position that would have the ability to affect the lives of citizens.

as for the sexual assault allegations,he seems like he is guilty just be the behavior he exhibited and seems more upset that he has to answer the questions more than anything else.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

One interesting point brought up by Bass (who I almost never agree with) is one must ask further why Feinstein sat on this information for so long and then...who leaked it? Feinstein indicates the letter was received in July. There are many Democrats that are also not so happy with Feinstein about this as well. If Ford was so insistent on confidentiality then should she have held the letter?

Two ladies, very close to me, were raped so I do understand the issue of why women do not go to the authorities or report this abhorrent crime.

It has become pretty obvious the aspects related to Kavanaugh which need to be investigated but I also think part of the investigation into Kavanaugh should also address the above 2 questions and should also dig further into Ford's accusation and the friends she said were at the party (one who has claimed to have never met Kavanaugh).

Many say Ford is brave for going public with this (if this happened I fully agree with this!). On the other hand it would be expected that bringing this up in this manner then one also opens themselves up to scrutiny.

I hope this investigation is fair and also the results of the investigation are fully open to the public. I hope for full transparency because that whichever way this goes there is going to be "one side" of the American public who will be completely disappointed and this will further divide the country (which is already divided to the point where it is almost irreparable).

I have lived out of the U.S. for more than 2 decades and perhaps that is why I long ago stopped affiliating with a political party. That couple with the fact that I am old is probably why I do not take sides in the way many posters here do. However I do strongly believe 2 things (which probably folks from both sides of this argument will disagree with me on)….

The fact that people, and U.S. politicians are saying Kavanaugh is guilty of this (dare I use the word) and are calling him some pretty awful stuff based on the testimony of one person shows that the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" is long gone, AND In spite of Item 1, I do not think Kavanaugh should be appointed to the Supreme Court.
0 ( +0 / -0 )

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