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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump's Supreme Court nominee tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation
By Lawrence Hurley, Andrew Chung and Amanda Becker WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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She has no corroborating evidence. On the contrary several other witnesses have said it didn’t happen. And two others have come forward to say that they did it. Kavanaugh is innocent.
Chip Star
Blackout Brett undoubtedly has no recollection of doing something whilst inebriated. The victim remembering is no surprise given how traumatic it must have been.
Why did she wait over 30 years? For the same reasons why 2/3 of sexual assaults go unreported. Do your own research as to why. I only spoon feed others a little.
This contradiction by a Trump administration official is quite telling:
"People are going to walk away from this thing feeling that there are two passionate, credible people talking," the official said.
"I think every Republican has a fair reason to vote for him and not a real fair reason not to vote for him," the official added.
If both people are credible, republicans have a fair reason to not vote for Blackout Brett: They believed Ford.
Even Fox "News" and every conservative's favorite liberal lawyer Dershowitz think it's looking bad for Blackout Brett.
Undoubtwsly, we'll soon be inundated with baseless assertions from our conservative friends. Let the games begin!
Both have very credible performances - hers in particular.
Who was the winner? That depends on whether you are a Republican or a Democrat.
Ah so. I’m neither a Republican or Democrat. There are no winners. The way this whole situation was handled shows how low the US has gone.
No, there are no winners. There are only losers (regardless of the outcome). The losers are the American people.
From Ref Bakker to this nominee for the Supreme Court a vicious circle of hypocrisy in God's Own Country :)
Kavanaugh is just taking a flame thrower to these Democrats, unwavering, straight like an arrow, no slacking or lagging right to the point.
Chip Star
Ford is taking a flamethrower to republicans, unwavering, straight like an arrow, no slacking or lagging, right to the point.
Blackout Brett being smashed beyond belief at parties in high school, university, and law school couldn't be the reason he can't remember, could it?
Bass, you can always be trusted to bring a non-partisan and unbiased view to proceedings.
Very helpful.
"Both have very credible performances - hers in particular."
This female former federal prosecutor would disagree:
Ford’s testimony wasn’t credible: Former federal prosecutor
Yes, that is very true.
Appreciate it.
There's a very simple solution: Take a breather, have the FBI look into the multiple allegations, and then proceed.
Bah get him to do a polygraph too.
The sexist old white man party was finely presented there.
Good luck with that showing in November. Hell hath no fury like women scorned....
Toasted Heretic
Blasy-Ford did remarkably well under the interrogation. It was quite emotional to watch; whatever the outcome of this - she's a hero for speaking out.
I watched her testimony on C-Span. The phone-ins were very telling. You had two male (of course) callers during a break in proceedings accusing her of lying - "lying like a dog" was one choice response. After that, you had 76 year old Brenda who was in tears, recalling her own traumatic experience. And of course, she was cut off mid-story.
I fear this privileged predator will get away with his disgusting, vile actions.
Maybe you should shed a tear for this woman you tried to rape and who has been haunted by it for 36 years.
Disqualified - irrespective of the sexual assault allegation - he is clearly no longer impartial and therefore cannot serve on the highest court in the land...
Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Brett Kavanaugh: "I did not sexually assault that woman...I swear to God."
Well, payback's a ..... you know what.
Karma, what goes around comes around, whatever you want to call it.
Trump has just tweeted praise regarding Kavanaugh's testimony, so we all know Ford's testimony had no impact on him and it looks like the Republicans are going to damn the torpedoes and ram Kavanaugh down America's throat.
This should get interesting.
Isn’t it a basic thing to ask who is paying for the polygraph test? She doesn’t know from 2 months ago. Who encouraged you to do this and that? Oh my “beach friends” said this and that.
What's important to remember is that, as horrible as the allegations are, the possibility that they are true and that Kavanaugh is lying about them - and that the current GOP puts priority on ramming through a dishonest SCOTUS for blatant ideological reasons over the interests of the country - is far more horrible.
Simon Foston
cla68Today 06:39 am JST
Oh really. It's a bit strange they've waited this long to come forward, isn't it? And what's Mark Judge saying?
"Bah get him to do a polygraph too."
I saw one video last night where they interviewed the guy who did the polygraph test. He said he asked her two questions. She told the Senate she was asked a lot of questions. Bah, get her to do a polygraph on that question too.
Nah, actually I have about as much faith in polygraph tests' accuracy in determining if a person is lying or not as I have in that Norton anti-virus program which was overwhelmed by a nasty virus.
I thought Kavanaugh's testimony, which got a little emotional when he was talking about what his 10 year old daughter said, was way more believable than Ford's.
Again, she has zero evidence to back up her claim. And again, the timing of this - Kavanaugh has never been accused of sexual misconduct or anything like it until days before his confirmation.
He'll be confirmed, and the Democrats have just lost the mid-terms with this disgusting circus.
This a a lifelong appointment to the US Supreme Court, a body cornerstone to ensuring a balance and separation of powers and to maintaining the remaining bits of the US’s fading democracy.
Kavanaugh isn’t fit for the judgeship.
Using the principle of leopards not changing spots, the numerous allegations of him being a sexual predator alone should be seen to disqualify him. His behavior shows a lack of regard for women and the potential for him to take a biased approach when deciding on women’s issues. Roe v. Wade?
Then there are the reports that he's lived a lifestyle beyond his financial means and as a result has had to be financially rescued by the Koch brothers and other global elites. How this might affect his decisions on the environment and the powers of corporations among others has to be brought into question.
And given how emotional he was today, you have to wonder if he’s able to be steady and objective when dealing with Supreme Court cases.
I have no problems with a conservative justice as long as they fairly interpret the statutes and Constitution. But I don’t want a justice who’s shown such low regard for women and might be in the owe to global elite billionaires.
And maybe worst of all, beholden to the executive, especially the current executive who’s trying to take on powers the Constitution probably prohibits.
The FBI looks at crimes that can be prosecuted. In Maryland, the statute of limitations for sexual assault is 3 yrs - and that is really meant for rapes.
From what we've heard, 36 yrs late, 2 boys at a high school party tried to make-out with a girl and failed. No "body parts" were out or touched directly.
I think this is all a fantasy of "false memories" for Ford.
I felt that Kavanaugh’s testimony was deeply sad, raw and I feel bad for him and his family as well as Ford, but I definitely think the Democrats totally botched this and who suffers in the end, both these people.
I felt that Ford’s story for most of it was wobbly, the woman seemed confused like a deer caught in the headlights, couldn’t understand many of the questions, seemed not at all in control, lot of couching from her lawyers in the end I found her to be more weak and less believable. Now the Senate will go for a vote tomorrow.
Durbin, Leahy, Blumenthal
And the conservative base as well.
And then what? This wasn’t a criminal trial.
That's false, but anyway, perjury can be prosecuted.
Chip Star
The FBI is not limited to investigating prosecutable crimes.
Please, please do some research as to why 2/3 of all sexual assaults are not reported to police.
Senator Grassley's belligerent opening statement has already turned this into a disaster for the GOP.
Fox News' Chris Wallace is calling this a "disaster for the Republicans." Says Ford's testimony is "extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible."
Wave the white flag already, Mitch.
When you’re sitting there watching a hearing and you and your wife are crying while watching it, you know it’s the truth you’re hearing. This is sickening.
Oh my...
Graham slams Democrats, vigorously defends Kavanaugh
I haven’t watched it yet, but from what I hear a Ford did a good job representing herself.
Based on the comments from the Right, it looks to be scripted. Trump’s response could have been written a week ago. Obviously Kavanaugh was trained to talk about Democrats like he was some kind of politician, most likely to drum up support for the GOP’s vote tomorrow. They basically used him to get their base to support their votes.
So...what happens next? The GOP votes him in and creates a black eye for the midterms? Or do they move on to the next candidate and put a dent in Trump’s plan to stack the court with sympathizers?
My guess is that they will vote him in.
Crazy: "Fox News' Chris Wallace is calling this a "disaster for the Republicans." Says Ford's testimony is "extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible."
Chris really needs to move to CNN at this point.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can listen to Ford's testimony and Kavanaugh's testimony, consider all the facts we know about this case, and actually think Ford is telling the truth and Kavanaugh is lying.
He'll be confirmed tomorrow, Crazy.
Simon Foston
SerranoToday 09:03 am JST
Maybe it's down to not everyone being a biased, partisan hack who will stick to the Republican party line no matter what?
"I haven’t watched it yet, but from what I hear a Ford did a good job representing herself."
Go ahead and watch it, Super. She gave a 17 minute opening statement with a fake cry voice and sounding like a child. Not to mention, she sounded like she was reading a script for an after school special. No one to corroborate her claims, no witnesses at all.
The winner in today's testimony was Lindsey Graham. His acting abilities stood out .
Netflix should look at him as Kevin Spacey's replacement.
"Maybe it's down to not everyone being a biased, partisan hack who will stick to the Republican party line no matter what?"
I'm not a biased, partisan hack who will stick to the Republican Party line no matter what.
Come on Simon, you know deep down I'm right about this. The woman says she has a fear of flying, yet goes flying all over the place. She has no one to back up her claim. Until now Kavanaugh had never been accused of anything like she has.
I thought they both performed their parts in this kabuki theater with great aplomb. It would have been helpful to Fords' case if she had at least one contemporaneous witness to support her. But no one can come up with a single witness from the early 1980s to support her accusation. Even her good friend - who said she believed her - could not back up her story. It is certainly possible that she never told anyone what happened out of shame. It's also possible that she is a fabulist looking to make her mark in her extremely liberal social circles back on campus. False accusations are not uncommon in high profile cases - see the Duke Lacrosse case or the UVA case as perfect examples of this. No one can deny that she stands to make a bundle when her book comes out next year.
This is a case of two uber wealthy children of the Washington elite who lived in another world from the average citizen. I guess it will all come down to what Jeff Flake decides to do tomorrow morning when the committee votes. What a sorry spectacle this whole thing has been. It all could have been avoided if Feinstein would have reported this to the FBI when she first learned about it on July 30th. Her failure led to a demeaning circus of he said - she said that further polarized the country - even that's even possible at this point. Oh well, guess it will help her re-election chances this November.
I'm still hoping for Amy Coney-Barret. :-)
Vernon Watts
You have to love the third "alleged" rape victim who said she went to 10 parties where gang rapes were occurring. Didn't get the hint after the first (or second one) that she should have stayed away from such parties?
Vernon - The Creepy Porn Lawyer came up with that one.
According to Ford's account, the only witness was Kavanaugh's best friend, Mark Judge. to testify. Kananaugh refused to say that he’d favor having Judge appear under oath before the committee, and Judge hasn't volunteered. Kinda weird, that- I'd help out my old buddies.
"I swear to God that I did not sexually assault that woman. All I want is a fair process to clear my good name."
Then for heaven's sake, demand that the FBI get involved to help you clear it. Otherwise, all you look like is a sexual predator being nominated by another fellow sexual predator to sit on the highest court in the land. It just doesn't fly and even if you're confirmed, people will hold their noses as you walk by. Furthermore, Trump should not be allowed to nominate another supreme court justice until we find out if he's committed treason or not. This one should be scrapped as well until we find out what the hell is going on with these yo-yos.
On par with his acting abilities to stay in the closet within a bigoted party.
Yes,a fair process? How about having the FBI do an investigation then? What? All I can hear are crickets.
@Laguna Maybe Judge doesn't want to get involved in this BS circus.
@Pukey How about filing a report with the local police? That would be the first step.
Pukey: He is one smart cookie.Graham was quick to share his meltdown video on his twitter account. Its obvious the whole thing was staged to improve his prospects.
Kavanaugh's tears, Ford's emotions pale before Graham's hysterics.
He deserves an Emmy nomination today.
Simon Foston
SerranoToday 09:18 am JST
I don't think you're any more right than anyone else. Actually though, I would like to think that you are as I hate the idea of anyone's family having to go through all of this, but at the moment all it comes down to is who you prefer to believe.
Oh my...
"My Therapist Got It Wrong" Christine Blasey Ford Flustered Over Her Inconsistent Statements
@Simon Fair enough. We'll just agree to disagree.
I see lying Ted got in on the act too! He should go back to checking out Beto O'Rourke on his mobile phone.
I leave it to the reader, whether liberal or conservative or something else, to decide whether Kavanaugh will be capable of being a nonpartisan justice of the Supreme Court:
*"This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record. Revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups."*
"Since my nomination in July there’s been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything to block my confirmation."
There it is. A nominee for SCOTUS taking a swing at Democrats even before he's confirmed. Imagine what he'll do after he's confirmed.
And what's with the conjecture that this is all revenge on behalf of the Clintons? Are Supreme Court justices supposed to do that?
@Plastic - As a liberal I will take a shot
Item 1 - His statement about the "two-week" effort I can understand as he is defending himself against some pretty serious accusations.
Item 2 - Regarding the Clintons: That one struck me as being a bit strange.
I am older and Liberals of my generation seem to be different than the progressives of today. It will be interesting to see how the vote goes tomorrow. I do not like the idea of being presumed guilty based on an accusation with no evidence. As a Liberal I find this dangerous. I am not saying Kavanaugh did this or did not do this (I have no idea) but I do not want to find myself on the wrong end of being accused of something I did not do.
I think Laguna (above) said that a breather should be taken. At this point after reading the testimony and hearing everything I would agree. Investigate the specific (reasonable) allegation further (I believe the other 2 are hearsay). Subpoena Mark Judge and see where that goes. Also were there not 2 men that came out and said they are the ones that did this? Investigate that one as well.
Unfortunately that's not the full story Laguna. Judge submitted a statement to the committee stating that he did not participate in the incident that Ford described. Any lies a witness tells the judiciary committee either in person or in writing is illegal and can be punished. If she knows he is lying she can go after him by going to the police. Now that she is no longer keeping this to herself there is no reason for her not to. There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault in Maryland.
If Ford is willing to go to the police and accuse Kavanaugh of attempted rape and murder, and if the Maryland prosecutor can establish that Mark was there and that he lied, he can be prosecuted and sent to jail.
If Ford is certain that she is in the right she will surely follow up on her accusations and file a charge with the proper authorities in Maryland. The fact that she tried to go around the normal process seems to indicate that she is aware that she has a weak case. I must say that just because her case is weak doesn't mean she isn't telling the truth. It's just that you can't punish someone without evidence. If an accusation is all the proof that is needed you might as well just burn Kavanaugh at the stake. Then get ready to see a lot more stake burnings.
What a second - Ford is the accuser. Why does he have to prove he is not guilty? He is supposed to be given the presumption of innocence - particularly in a case in which there is no corroborating evidence against him. Ford started this. Senator Feinstein has make clear that she believes Ford outed herself by telling her friends who then told the press. Ford is the one who must prove her allegations. Kavanaugh knows that dragging out his confirmation imperils his opportunity to become a supreme court justice. Why should he harm himself? If he gets confirmed then he can seek redress if he feels wronged. Or if he believes she is a sad damaged person he just may want to move on. He doesn't have to prove he is innocent. That's not how the justice system works. Never has under the current Constitutional system.
I cannot believe a MAN is crying in front of the world! The Republicans can do anything to get their post!
Nobody is presuming anyone of being guilty. This is a confirmation hearing, not a criminal trial. Just how many times does this point need repeating?
In any case, we are now on day six of Kavanaugh supporters lacking the courage to explain why we can't just slow down and investigate his case properly. Why does his confirmation need to be rammed down the American people's throats?
America is long past the need to dump the angry white men running the country... dump the corruption - the abusers - the haters..... bring on more women and minorities....
I can understand why Kavanaugh doesn't want to slow down. He is adamant that he is innocent. Ford has no contemporaneous evidence whereas Kavanaugh does have Judge's sworn written testimony and his calendar - that's at least something. Democrats were slow to bring the evidence against him - why the 7 week delay for a charge such as rape and attempted murder?
You want a guy who already believes he has been falsely accused to play along with the Dems efforts to delay his confirmation vote in the hopes that they will take the Senate in November and vote him down? If you were in his shoes and you believed you were wrongly accused would you help your accusers further hurt you?
And his confirmation isn't being rammed down anyones throat. He was provided more documents than the last five nominees combined and has been under consideration about as long as average - if not longer.
A sexual predator being the supreme court judge .......that's creepy!
Lets see how many Republicans show spine tomorrow!
It should be a defining day for the Orange Idiot Grovelers party.
Katsu. If people say they believe Ms. Ford that means they believe Kavanaugh did what he is accused of which makes him guilty of doing so. The definitions of guilty or innocent are not limited to a criminal trial.
Keep repeating your point if you wish but it does not change the definition of the word.
It doesn't matter what Kavanaugh wants. He is not in charge here.
No, his calendar is not something, unless by "something" you mean an insult to the intelligence of the American people.
As I already said, it doesn't matter when the accusation was brought. What matters is that an accusation was brought. Anyone who doesn't get this point is effectively admitting they don't want a SCOTUS justice with honor and integrity on the bench, they just one that will give a partisan political advantage. No one can hold such an odious and short-sighted belief and call themselves a true conservative.
Yes. Because again, it doesn't matter what Kavanaugh wants. He is not in charge here.
You're giving away the game by jumping from the premise that he claims it's a false accusation to the conclusion that he believes it's a false accusation. After all, given how much perjury he's already committed this hearing, it's quite plausible that he's simply lying.
But in any case, let me make it very clear: Were I falsely accused of even a single sexual assault, not to mention the now extensive pattern of sexual assault that Kavanaugh is accused of, then I would embrace a full legal investigation of each and every charge no matter how long it took. This is because I would want my name cleared, and I care what the women in my life think of me, and I want them to know with certainty and evidence that I am telling the truth. Only people who are concealing evidence of crimes want to avoid an investigation of accusations that, if they were truly false, would surely clear the accused's name.
FYI this is all over the Fox News message boards. That means they are reading from a script.
Not even Republicans are disputing that someone tried to rape Ford after that testimony and are focusing on a mistaken identity defense.
As far the details that she does and doesn't remember, victims who are afraid to come forward for years don't remember details with the intent to incriminate, they remember the details that traumatized them. She might not remember the exact when and where after more than 30 years, but she most certainly remembers the what and who.
Wow! Incredible hate from the left on here. Anti due process, automatically guilty based on allegations and left wing media refering to him as a sexual predator. Unreal hate.
No it doesn't. Only a criminal trial can make someone guilty of a crime.
People can believe a person is guilty. It doesn't make them guilty.
People can believe a person is to compromised, controversial, or distracting due to allegations against them to merit a place on the nation's highest court. That doesn't make them guilty.
People can believe an accuser and say now it is time for a full and proper investigation to make sure there is evidence for what we believe. That doesn't make a person guilty.
Let’s be fair. There is a lot of side-taking here and it isn’t all on one side.
Can’t this be about due process rather than left or right? I think Ah so’s 6:44 post was on the money.
Anti due process? The "left" is pushing for an FBI investigation that would at the very least get us closer to the truth.
Why wouldn't Kavanaugh and the right want to clear his name is the most thorough way possible? Why appoint a Supreme Court justice with so much doubt hanging over him? Is that really good for the country?
They're always happy to investigate when it's not concerning their own. Kavanaugh was an eager participant in the Monica Lewinsky investigation. Another example of inconsistency and hypocrisy from the right.
Point of view: I would consider myself to be liberal or left and I would say calling him a sexual predator based on unsubstantiated claims is pretty bad. These are the days when people react with emotion. Based on what has transpired I believe further investigations should be performed to determine if that label applies or not.
investigate further and demand a subpoena of Mark Judge as a condition of moving forward would be reasonable. If it is proven he is a sexual predator based on evidence or substantiated claims ( made under oath) then feel free to label him.
Through all it all since Trump took office. The Democrats and the Republicans have gone to a new level of low.
Is Trump really worth it? Everything he does. Everyone he appoints. Just attacked and probed. And the Republicans( my party) are not clean either. All of this has to stop. I am so sick of the current political theater right now. The guy is no sexual predator. He is a fine judge and has the record to show for it. If he were a Democrat ask yourself,if he were. Would any of this be happening? I am sorry Trump is not worth it. Yes the American economy is going very well. Yes the North Korean situation has improved. But if Hillary got elected or Cruz, Sanders maybe Rubio. How bad would have we (America) really been off? Not so bad I think. I am sorry Trump is not worth seeing America tear itself apart. No President is. No politician is. If this keeps up. We are going to hit bottom soon. (Civil war?)(war of words is more like it)!
For the record I do not now who to believe. But its not worth seeing American tear its self apart. Trumps has to go. That is it. Game over. Everything he touches turns to crap. His intentions are are noted. He loves America and anyone can see that. I do not doubt his Patriotism. But America was not ready for him. I remember Democratic woman crying and cursing when Hillary didn't get elected. I knew we were in for some rough waters ahead when I saw that. The judge and the doctor both gave compelling testimony. There is no winner here. Just America going to a new level of low. That's my 2 cents worth. I can not wait until this Presidency is over with. Never again America, hire non professional politician for the oval office. I think no matter what party you are in. Can we all agree putting Trump in office was a huge mistake? God love the guy as a TV talent and a real estate mogul, golfer, pageant operator but POTUS-----Utter chaos! Well will see what happens with the Judge and the good Doctor. This whole thing is disgusting and revolting. It really is. DC have you no shame?
Repeatedly claiming this doesn't really help your argument.
A person can believe someone is a sexual predator without a conviction because people are not a court of law and not bound to operate by the same standards.
@Tokyo-Engr and Mr. Bum,
I'm not against any investigation. That being said, if he is found to be innocent of the allegations, should all Dems on the senate then vote Yes for Kavanaugh? Not likely, eh? Too much hate and Trump grudge holding me thinks. In addition, should Ford then be charged with perjury for destroying his name, integrity and family? If those two things can be granted, investigate away.
I think this all about hating on Trump and the Dems still have poopy pants over 2016 election.
Texas A&M Aggie
Kuya 808
When a person eats their favorite food, their brain releases some dopamine and they feel good. Likewise when a person sees someone they find attractive, the brain does its thing with a little squirt of dopamine into the tuberoinfundibular pathway and again a good feeling is on the way.
The interesting part is that a normal brain responds to feelings of hate the same way. When a person really hates, the brain does its gig and sends out the feel good juice. That's why people love to hate. It not only feeds their ego by making them feel "better than", but it gives them a little rush dopamine as a reward.
Now that I think about it, they have to approve him. It’s too important to Trump to have someone who might help him with Mueller.
Since the GOP lives in a bubble, they can make any narrative they want. Look for them to confirm Kavanaugh and distribute talking points for their base. In 24-48 hours you’ll see them using the same phrases.
Graham will lead the battle as he sells his soul to Trump. Dems will probably pick up more seats in Congress because of this, but a majority is still a toss-up.
Kuya 808
that would be rush of
That's a key to the problem, Serrano: Repubs see it as a "BS circus" rather than due diligence to determine with a lifetime appointment the the SCOTUS is being handed to an inveterate liar.
Again, my old buds would gladly defend me under oath, my warts and all. Why has Judge so mysteriously disappeared? If he was not an actual participant, wouldn't he state so to clear his name?
"FYI this is all over the Fox News message boards. That means they are reading from a script."
No, Super, it means they understand who this snake is.
"A sexual predator being the supreme court judge .......that's creepy!"
It hasn't been proven he's a sexual predator. There's no evidence except for three women's dubious claims. There is, however, a ton of evidence that he is a man of good character, eminently qualified to uphold the Constitution as a SCOTUS judge.
They should concede if it's proven without a doubt. But I honestly don't expect that it will be proven without a doubt. However, an investigation WILL add to the believably of one side or the other. Like it or not, that's all that we're going to get in my opinion. Without definitive proof, we have to decide who to believe because one of them is telling the truth.
Again, that would depend on if it's proven that she intentionally lied and chose Kavanaugh as the perpetrator in her otherwise seemingly factual account. IF that happened, Kavanaugh's name would be restored anyway.
I have no doubt the Dems hate Trump and they have justifiable motive to do everything they can to block the GOP pick. But putting aside their political motive, not appointing a justice with this much baggage and with a credible accuser happens to be the most logical thing to do too. Ford came to the Dems, not the other way around.
The Republicans are in the stronger position as far as votes here. Ask yourself if appointing Kavanaugh over another conservative judge without this much baggage really shows that they have the country's best interest in mind.
The pathetic proceedings of this Senate circus only confirm the suspicions of anyone with a functioning brain that there is something rotten in the odiferous state of Amerikan politics where brazen lies and hypocritical hissy fits serve as the flimsiest covers for the transparent grotesqueries of the repugnant party politics of the GOP. The dignified Dr Ford was credible while Judge Kavenaugh, without a proper FBI investigation to bring us closer to the truth of his denials, displayed the emotional immaturity of an eternal frat boy who, right from his shockingly false start offering effusive, phony and fulsome praise for Trump's purported unprecedented, conscientious and judicious scrutiny of the nominees' career track records, created a jarring WTF reaction in all fair-minded listeners, and since then has said and done nothing to dispel the conviction that he is manifestly unqualified for office. Kavenaugh's conduct before the cameras has ripped the fig-leaf from his carefully curated media persona revealing an embarrassing temperamental instability, like that of a pimply teen putting on the airs of an adult. The "real" Brett Kavenaugh, as he appeared before the millions of viewers, is sadly incapable of lending any dignity to the SCOTUS which ideally requires justices to possess the maturity to rule with impartiality and wisdom, qualities that anyone chosen by the POTUS with his "very, very, large a-brain" cannot possibly possess.
"Dems will probably pick up more seats in Congress because of this"
Get ready for the opposite to happen because of this, Super.
Funny how she couldn’t remember anything, except that she was 100% sure it was him. She should be tried for false accusations and defamation of character!
I don't know what you mean by 'proven', but if he and his school days mates planned to assault women and actually did assault women, and there are women who claimed this, that would be enough 'evidence' for me to think he was a sexual predator.
And please don't try the 'just boys being boys', nor the 'that's just how the elite roll' defense. Sexual assault is always wrong.
Kavanaugh's behaviour shows he does not have the temperament to be on the bench; shouting, crying, sneering. If he was a woman he would be described as hysterical.
If this is what he's like when he's sober, I'd hate to be around him when he's had a drink.
No, they said they do not recall. That is a big difference. She, as well as the other victims, have repeatedly asked for an FBI investigation, Kavanaugh has not requested it. He admitted to getting too drunk on multiple occasions, the likelihood of him blacking out and not remembering is greater than the likelihood she is lying. Of course there is no proof either of them is lying, but statistically she is telling the truth and he is lying to save his career. I am not sure why people are so adamant he is innocent without knowing the truth.
Er, thats nice I guess. And how about the woman who just credibly stated in no uncertain terms under oath that Kavanagh sexually assaulted her? Seemed pretty unwavering, straight like an arrow with no slacking or lagging too.
"I don't know what you mean by 'proven', but if he and his school days mates planned to assault women and actually did assault women, and there are women who claimed this, that would be enough 'evidence' for me to think he was a sexual predator."
OK, Pete, you're gonna like this, but... using your logic, if you were Kavanaugh's age and lived in that area, and had these women named you instead of him... oh my!
"Kavanaugh's behaviour shows he does not have the temperament to be on the bench; shouting, crying, sneering."
For crying out loud, Luddite, after what he and his family have been put through, I think showing some emotion can be forgiven? Jeez...
Wake me up when a shred of evidence exists
This freakshow is really making the Dems look bad.
He is a drinker, which is worse that being a marijuana user.
I had far more than my share of good times in high school and college and NEVER had to assault a woman and never knew any male who had to stoop that low to have a good time.
Defend the elite and their predatory lifestyles all you want; I think men who sexually assault women are scum. Regardless their profession, class and political affiliation. Long live #metoo.
Chip Star
You're confused, Kavanaugh is a republican and the republicans are trying to ram him down our throats. This freak show is really making the Repubs look bad.
Just saw excerpts from the hearing over lunch - here's how I saw it;
The Republicans looked like cowards for punting and having the woman district attorney ask questions.
Lindsey Graham, whose spine has been missing since John McCain passed away, went full "lunatic" mode, and looked like he missed his meds...
Ford came across as a reasonable, credible witness - someone who had been victimized and haunted by it for 36 years
Kavanaugh evidently was coached by Steve Bannon and John Bolton, as he looked like a ranting, raving nut case. Judicial temperament? Failure.
Why? Both of them seemed credible, but Kavanaugh was without a doubt the more credible, he answered on a time, didn't hesitate, didn't waver, got in their face, was strong, assertive and confident. Ford, not so, she was all over the place, couldn't recall anything, insecure, now I do believe something happened to her, but I don't think it was Kavanaugh that did anything. As a sitting judge, he knows the rules and consequences of perjury and what that carries.
The Democrats were going to oppose him no matte what he did or said, they were ready and waiting for him.
They don't have any justifiable reason to lie, cheat, smear and and think just because they don't like a person or nominee they can utterly destroy them. By the way, still waiting for what they will do about Keith Ellison. They said they would investigate the matter and they haven't and we know they won't.
Yes, for the left that would be a splendid and ideal thing to do, but not for the GOP.
Yeah, they said the same thing back in 1991 about Clarence Thomas and nothing happened.
Chip Star
The comservatibes are nervous, which is indicated by the amount of their posts, and the content thereof. Hopefully the country has dodged a bullet, but I never underestimate the repugnance of republicans.
If the confirm Kavanaugh, it'll be another nail in the lid of their coffins for the midterms.
I agree, but given the fact at the barrage of attacks against them constantly and over the last 18 months they didn't want to be seen as bullies and did everything they could to be as respectful as they possibly could.
My hero! Scolded the GOP and rightfully so and demolished the Democrats.
With a lot of loopholes and seemed very confused at times, but she did seem credible
I'm sorry, but you have absolutely NO idea if that is true or not and by the way, the man is a judge on the second highest court, he doesn't need these men (unlike Ford who was waffling the entire time) for anything.
Yeah, have a bunch of nutty politicians purposely ruin your family and your friends lives in the most repugnant way. With the slander and character assassination these people have been undertaking, he had every right to refute and take these people head on and they did quiet down after he unleashed a scathing tongue lashing of the highest order.
The American Bar Association has just issued a statement asking the Committee to halt the vote until after an FBI investigation, saying that unless an investigation is done the public will have no confidence in the Supreme Court.
Mark Levin: Democrats don't want rule of law to apply
Key takeaways from Thursday's high-stakes hearing as Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee
Senator Lindsey Graham says Judge Kavanaugh is the right guy to put on the Supreme Court and says Democrats should be ashamed
This is a national disgrace.
Well, if their intent was to be respectful, I could agree, but I think it was to duck having to ask hard questions of Dr Ford like they did during the Thomas hearings and offending suburban women.
He unfortunately demolished whatever good reputation he once had...
Credibility is key in these situations...
No I don't but this was clearly their MO - attack rather than just explain. That may work for politicians, doesn't work for judges...
He's a nominee to the highest court in the land, one where we expect our judges to have impeccable demeanor - he failed that test today. Perhaps more importantly, he engaged in political attacks which should automatically disqualify him.
a/ a lifetime Supreme Court appointment is folly. Many countries have term limits on their highest courts of 5 or 10 years for example. A good idea IMHO. It limits the partisan damage and also the high stakes nature of the appointment process.
b/ Ford was a sympathetic and very human witness. More vulnerable than I was expecting. To be honest, she seemed a bit airheaded at times, forgetting details of recent events and stumbling over answers. At others, an expert on psychology (obviously). I do believe that something happened to her at some time in her adolescence. Just no evidence as to what or who or when or where.
c/ Kavanaugh came out swinging as was expected. An obviously smart man who deserves his judgeship. I liked the way he handled questions about Ford.
Results? To come. No new evidence of the alleged assault came to light that helped Ford's cause. It still boils down to he said\she said.
lincolnman - yeah, that turned out to be a bad idea, but worse was when they punted her for Kavanaugh's questioning and instead turned it into a GOP rally and an attack on the Dems - with Kavanaugh's full participation.
That SCOTUS justices are partisan to one extent or another has been a fact through history, but I can't recall a case exhibiting such blatancy. His testimony itself should disqualify him. And Graham has clearly lost it.
To CIAO8, yes, there are corroborating witnesses, but the Republicans refused to allow them to appear at the hearing to have them testify. It is egregious that they aren't allowing the FBI to do a further background check on her story.
To me, the person who came off the worst was Sen Feinstein. She is starting to look like the ringmaster for this whole circus. She sat on Ford's letter until it somehow "leaked" to the press. She recommended Ford's lawyer to her, but then didn't bring up any of Ford's allegations during the regular part of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing. Probably involved in setting up the polygraph too.
Nothing like a naked power grab disguised as public service.
Gee, did he look Ford in the eye and refute her allegations, or even say anything about what he did to her (or at least what she says he did to her)? Kind of a pathetic coward if he hasn't gone up to her and done so, if that is the standard.
Anyway, why are we even talking about this? We literally just saw a very credible eyewitness make a very credible sworn statement that he committed a very serious crime. The talk should be about what he is still doing on the Federal Bench, not whether he should get bumped up to the Supreme Court.
Lifetime appointments are necessary specifically to avoid partisan political influence. Security of tenure is meant to insulate justices from political influence and it works in a lot of countries where appointments to the top court are less politicized.
The problem is more the hyperpartisan process of nomination and appointment. Judges for the Supreme Court of the United States are never chosen for their legal brilliance or even experience - many are in fact complete novices as judges when they are appointed. Rather it is pure political loyalty that governs their nomination (by both parties, its just the nature of the system). The best judges in the US are usually found at the appellate level below the Supreme Court rather than on the Supreme Court itself.
The way Republicans treated Merrick Garland and President Obama was way dirtier...
I wouldn't have looked him in the eye either - you don't look at a rabid dog in the face....
I disagree - only one side looked reasonable and in-control today, the other put on a ranting, raving display of emotion - maybe they thought they were auditioning for "The Apprentice"...
No, he did that all on his own...he could have conducted himself in a measured, judicial way; instead he was threatening and way over the top, so any blame belongs solely to him.
Concerned Citizen
It is still her word against his. Still no witnesses and still no proof. He must be still presumed innocent.
Think what you want about the process, the politics of it, and relative credibility, believability of Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh, and Kavanaugh’s credibility as to “respecting precedent/established law”, it’s pretty clear that Kavanaugh doesn’t have the temperament for the job he’s interviewing for. Not by a long shot.
Indeed. But this isn't a trial. It’s a job interview to the highest court in the land. Reasonable doubt should work against a nominee. If a senator doesn’t find him believable, has serious misgivings then that’s enough.
Judges to the Supreme Court are nothing more than political appointees expected to vote along party lines. It is neither a good display of democracy or legislative rigour.
A job interview? I don't know of too many job interviews that involve hiring lawyers and being accused of sex crimes. Or being on national tv during the interview.
I honestly think Dr. Ford is suffering from some kind of memory disorder. She cannot recall details of what happened a month ago in preparation for her testimony. How can we trust her memory of 36 years (more or less) ago? I'm not calling her a liar by any means. I am sure she sincerely believes what she believes, but the evidence (such as there is) does not support her belief.
Concerned Citizen
Kavanaugh's Democrat accusers and much of the media have behaved like a pack of blood thirsty wolves, pronouncing him guilty simply on an accusation without a shred of credible evidence. This is shocking and should concern sincere people of any political persuasion. Where is their conscience and sense of fairness and humanity? They should be ashamed of themselves. But they won't be ashamed in the least because they are a ravenous pack of self serving, soulless wolves. If this is the way they judge an accused person, beware, they themselves might be judged accordingly some day because what goes around comes around.
Many Republican lawmakers have been absolute cowards in their failure to stand up for Kavanaugh's legal right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. They should also be absolutely ashamed of themselves. But they also will not be in the least bit ashamed because they are pathetic, self serving, weaklings who should be booted out by their own constituents. Karma might get them as well one day when they are accused of something evil and pronounced guilty without a fair trial.
This whole affair is a sordid disgrace and Washington is a vile snakepit.
May God help and protect honest U.S. citizens of any political persuasion from heartless 'leaders' like these.
The facts on Kavanaugh are that when writing on his high school yearbook page, wrote about his own tendency to get wasted on alcohol. He escaped the question of whether he drinks or drank too much alcohol, during the hearing. Kavanaugh and his friends described themselves as the 'Renate Alumni', named after a girl from a nearby school, whom they apparently felt it was a badge of honor to brag upon real or unreal 'scoring' with a young girl, who most certainly was ridiculed greatly. He was part of the fraternity, DKE at Yale, which is a notoriously infamous one obsessed with over drinking and women, and was a member of the Truth&Courage secret club, unofficially known as the Tits&Clits club. None of this stuff has any bearing on whether Kavanaugh to be a virgin, or not. If he approved and participated in these actions, it's on him to admit it. I don't want a weasel for a supreme court judge. And certainly he could have, in drunken and lewd behavior, done what Ford has said he did. Laughing and ridiculing her as he tried to trap her into doing things she didn't want done.
Whether one wants to believe Ford, or not, if the focus is on Kavanaugh, he most certainly showed his belligerent side during the hearing, refusing to answer simple questions by hiding behind straw man arguments, such as speaking to his academic record, when asked about his drinking. Because he studied a lot, it, in no way shows he didn't drink too much, nor was not a sexual predator. Being smart or getting into Yale school has no bearing whatsoever on whether he may have acted indecently. He didn't directly answer questions about his drunken behavior, and based on his yearbook and other evidence, he should have to respond to allegations of over drinking and lewd behavior and ideals, such as being an alumni known for bragging about conquering an innocent girl sexually. These are qualities no one wants in a supreme court justice, especially one, who cannot admit, he may have had moments of weakness.
So, if he cries and makes faces and accuses people for making it all circus, he should just do the right thing. Ask for an FBI investigation to clear his name, and let the process give the information to everyone on his history of drinking and the allegations made by Ford and the other women.
Andrew Crisp
Its all part of the Democrat plan to delay the appointment to the Supreme Court by any means possible - first there was the hysteria that didn't work, now its out right slander.
Woman 1 - Cant remember the dates or years, house where it occurred, cant remember where who drove her to the party, who was at the party, claims it wasn't politically motived but went to politicians instead of the police after 36yrs, is a confirmed Democrat donor, only went public in September and yet Kavanaugh was nominated in July all the while dozens of women have signed statements saying Kavanaugh was a top guy.
Woman 2 - was so drunk that she couldn't remember anything her party, but can remember him
Woman 3 - Claims he was a gang rapist at parties she attended - she attended gang rape party didn't report it nor did anyone else, keeps attending gang rape parties while not reporting the happenings nor did anyone else, claims to be a victim at a gang rape party doesn't report it nor does anyone else then keeps attending gang rape parties - then decades later reports it to politicians and not the police all while saying it wasn't politically motivated.
Paul Joseph Watson made a great video on this
So did Stephen Molyneux
"This woman has become a crucible. It's a test of our progress. Do we start by believing victims of sexual assault and treating them with dignity or don't we? So far, senate leaders are failing that test. Prejudging the outcome of a hearing, sympathizing with her perpetrator, attacking her credibility. They send a message to every victim of sexual violence that their pain doesn't matter, that they do not deserve justice, and that for them fair treatment is out of reach. This will only serve to drive victims into the shadows and further emboldening abusers."
...A letter quoted by Sen. Mazie Hirono (D) Hawaii
Texas A&M Aggie
All done. 53 at least will vote yes after that nonsense.
It was a shameful performance from the Republicans haters today.
Their coordinated attacks, fake anger and mindless rants shows how morally bankrupt this party of angry old men is. Kavanaugh did not do himself any service by playing along to his masters' game. He game across as shifty, evasive and either a poor actor or an emotionally unstable person, totally unfit for this high office.
The only people who believed in the farce that was played out today are fearful angry old men or the barely educated masses ready to hate anything and anybody progressive.
The haste with which the Republicans haters plan to push through his nomination is pathetic if not downright criminal .
These regressive men are taking us back to the days of fear and hate and what lies ahead is not pretty.
Educator; if everyone who drank underage were denied employment, the world would grind to a crashing halt. If I remember correctly, at that time the legal age was 18 in Maryland. So perhaps he was 17. Remember that Dr. Ford also confessed to drinking underage. Does that make HER unfit to teach in university?
I get the impression that life for the privileged class who attended elite prep schools in the DC area was different 35 years ago. An endless round of parties, going to "the club" to swim or play tennis, hanging out at your family's summer home, quite hedonistic. Since all were rich and also the future leaders of America, officialdom turned a blind eye. Somehow, I think all that is different today.
Concerned Citizen
With that yardstick of measurement the US may never fill another vacant Supreme Court position again. All the other side has to do is provide an accuser without a shred of solid evidence and your standard will demand that the nominee be dismissed. Easy.
Come to think of it, by your standard of judgement, you yourself may lose a prospective job or suffer other negative consequences on an unverified accusation. Would that be Ok with you? I hope this type of witch hunt never happens to you or anyone else.
Yes. Like it or not. That’s the way it actually works “in real life”. Don’t think you’d let a babysitter you have a doubt about watch your kids. I don’t hire folks I have doubts about when there are other candidates.
Texas A&M Aggie
"This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics," (Lindsey) Graham said, adding that voting against Kavanaugh would legitimize the attacks on the nominee. -- article
Graham seems to have become more conservative since the passing of John McCain.
Guilt is pronounced in a court of law - this is an issue of believably - I don't believe him.
It left the building when McConnell refused to give a hearing to Merrick Garland...
That accurately describes Kavanugh and Graham...
After 6 Nov...
Couldn't have said it better...
Heartless leaders like Trump and his soulmate Putin...
Alan Dershowitz says the confirmation should be delayed until the FBI investigates, and we know how much Trump fans support his positions.
Graham has gone Trumpian. He could see things weren't going well for the nominee so chose to use his time to attack the process, and Dems in the bargain. This will no doubt ingratiate himself with his new boss (at least until he steps out of line, even a little). We'll see how it goes over with the voters in a few years - his performance was an embarrassment that will live forever on Youtube.
"He's a nominee to the highest court in the land, one where we expect our judges to have impeccable demeanor - he failed that test today."
Uh, no he didn't, uslysses, but the Democrats have proven themselves to be despicable.
If you had been accused of what Kavanaugh has been accused of, I'd love to see your impeccable demeanor.
Oh my!
Gingrich: Do Dems have the guts to vote for Kavanaugh?
Oh my!
Kellyanne Conway: Kavanaugh channeled his inner Trump
I had a chance to listen to a bit more and do some reading on the Shinkansen this afternoon on the way back home.
First Superlib brought up a very good point. Dershowitz is a true Constitutional scholar and a known libertarian who leans conservative at times I think Dershowitz is probably right, especially after what I read and heard.
I still hold my position about not calling Kavanaugh a "sexual predator" based on these accusations alone. There needs to be more evidence or corroboration but I think that is less of the issue now.
The hearings were terribly mishandled and the Republicans have no one to blame but themselves if Kavanaugh is not confirmed. Rachel Mitchell?? Wow!!! After hearing her questions I was dumbfounded. It was almost as if she was planted to discredit Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.
Finally, after hearing the way Kavanaugh handled himself I do not think he is fit for the job.
Whether you like her or not now one must wonder what would have happened if Amy Coney-Barrett was the nominee instead of Kavanaugh. There are so many questions now about this nomination and the accusation that regardless of how one believes it seems that Kavanaugh is done as a nominee.
I guess we will find out tomorrow.
Nailed! I like how you think.
Personally I think he’s toast. And rightly so in light of the accusations. He came across as an angry, entitled old white man. As did all the dinasours that got it so wrong. And Lindsay Graham surely has a wide stance in the bathroom. The dark threats of revenge against those opposing him should be enough to make sure he judges no one ever again.
The insane Republican Party own this. Confirm him or not the reckoning is coming and soon.
Agreed. Between his near-hysterical denials and refusals to answer quite simple questions, his ridiculous defense antics that we all know he would never tolerate in his own court ("Your honor, I obviously couldn't have committed the crime because I didn't schedule it on my calendar,") and his threatening of repercussions against the entire Democratic Party (all but admitting he will not rule according to the law), it's obvious he is far too compromised to deserve a seat on any court. The only acceptable course for a true conservative who respects the rule of law is to withdraw his nomination and investigate his current court for evidence of political or sexual bias.
Texas A&M Aggie
The Leftists were shown to be what truly lowlife despicable creatures they are yesterday. Not sure which grandstander was worse: admitted child molester Corey Booker lecturing Judge Kav on morality, or "Vietnam War Vet" Blumenthal blathering on about honesty and virtue.
Watch for some serious blowback on the Senate democrats running for re-election but don't vote for Judge Kav's SCOTUS approval in the upcoming midterms.
I saw an expert witness on TV explain what happened today. She said, when the law isn't on your side, argue the facts. When the facts aren't on your side, argue the law. When both the facts and law are not on your side, slam your fist on the table, and scream out in protest. Today, we saw Judge Kavanaugh and the Republican Senators ignore the facts and the law, and scream out in outrage.
Concerned Citizen
Well said Serrano:
I think his lawmaker accusers and the media have acted like pack wolves. Kavanaugh has handled it far better than most would.
Interesting shenanagins here.I'm a 50 year old man by the way.One the one hand are these allegations provable.But on the other hand from a womans point it seems to have happened quite a lot especially in the white frat gang in America. I've seen this behaviour amongst a lot of guys here in Japan.And probably the girl didn't/couldn't complian. Considering the position that is up for grabs and his angry reaction to being questioned he doesnt seem right.But the can of worms this is opening is frightening.Will in the future peoples internet searches be taken into account.Everyone has had a quick look at something dodgy.
America is such a polarized place these days.I love the americans I have met in Japan but it has started becoming so 2 sides.The venom on both sides is quite scary.Maybe they shoud start playing Marvin Gaye in their schools/shopping malls etc Why cant we just live together. Wake up people you are destroying a country that used to be an example to others.
The era of outraged social media is very sad.1984 coming ????
Concerned Citizen
Fair and honest observations. Especially the last sentence.
Uncorroborated charges which would have been thrown out in court in a New York minute. A historic despicable travesty. A national disgrace of epic proportions.
Unfortunately, this search and destroy ploy and scorch earth politics by the unhinged Democrats shall have utterly failed and backfired. By 10:00 p.m. JST today, Judge Kavanaugh will be vindicated.
This is the motivation we've been waiting for.
Say goodbye to Dem senators in deep red states, Heitkampt, Manchin, Donnelly, Tester, plus a complete wipe-out in state and local elective offices.
Say hello to Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the bane of the far left's worst nightmare and next Supreme Court Justice after Judge Kavanaugh.
Senate Dems disagree with you. If it did not matter what Kavanaugh wants why did Dems try so hard to get the judge to endorse the idea of another FBI investigation?
What? This case has absolutely no other contemporaneous evidence at all. The accusation is 36 years old. Would it insult your intelligence if Fords name was on that calendar proving that he knew her back then?
It matters if Ford wanted to bring her alleged attacker to justice. Kavanaugh never would have been nominated if he were accused of rape back in the 80s. It also matters if Dems did not want to make it obvious that they were desperate to stop a fifth conservative on the supreme court. They knew two months ago and Feinstein had it within her power to request an FBI investigation. She did not ask for it because the Dems were saving the allegation to delay the process. It’s obvious because they hope to win the Senate and defeat all Trump court appointments. I just hope the Republicans are taking notes and use the same tactics against Dems when the tables are turned.
I think the Dems tactics have been brilliant. They have made it extremely difficult for Republicans to get the majority on the court they have been seeking since Roe vs Wade. It’s still an open question whether or not Kavanaugh will get past the committee vote and get the votes he needs in the full Senate.
Bravo Senate Dems! You pulled a fast one on the Republicans and could win this round. But it’s still not over. Can’t wait to see the Republicans use the same underhanded tactics against you.
I guess who you believe and where you fall on this dividing line is going to pretty much align with what side you started with, no surprises here
As most all of these hearings are, this was the usual sad spectacle of politicians from both sides of the aisle playing to the camera, grandstanding (poorly), just shades of awful. At least Republicans partially spared us of having to undergo this during the Ford portion of the hearing. Unfortunately they caught that back during the Kavanaugh portion. Hard to think anyone wouldn’t roll their eyes to the cringeworthy Graham tirade.
At this point both sides have been playing in the same gutter for a while. Cute and amusing that you think that congressional Republicans are somehow just only now going to “go underhanded” in response.
That sounds consistent with a lot of sex crimes. A lack of supporting evidence is not in itself evidence that something did not happen.
Question is why Ford, a respected academic in her right, would make up a sex attack and go public with it for no other reason that to discredit someone from getting a position on the Supreme Court. It sounds unlikely, but this is essentially what you and others are suggesting.
And as for the obsession with the time and date, I remember quite well a pathetic man trying to have a fiddle with me in the park when I was a young boy. OK, I do remember the park, but cannot remember the year, late alone the season. But I do remember him unzipping me and the woman standing nearby innocently feeding birds, quite unawares. Does my inability to remember the year even suggest that I am making it up? Never told anyone this story, by the way. Not even my parents. Happened over 30 years ago.
And why the heck is Chuck Grassley involved in all this? The guy is 85!!!! He should be in a retirement home. Fossils like him and Mitch McConell make your typical LDP politician look like teenagers.
So many angry old men. And Lindsay Graham.
You'd think they were the ones who were viciously assaulted.
Kavanaugh showed his true colours! Unhinged, as Omarosa would say! This isn't an interview for your local supermarket manager.
Oh, and I'd also do some scientific analysis of his calendar, and the ink on it.
In other words, she didn't resort to crocodile tears or fake anger and indignation.
Who on earth would put themselves in a position where they would be on the receiving end of death threats?... Unless....she's telling the truth.
The home remodeling that supposedly triggered all this.....permits show it was in 2008 not 2012. Oops
Confirmation now impossible -- he holds a grudge. Nomination withdrawn.
OK, so Roe vs. Wade is the single issue for many people. What about Citizens United vs. the FEC? What else?
You're probably unaware that polygraph tests are not allowed as evidence in U.S. courts. Something about polygraph tests not being reliable, or accurate.
Maybe it's time to replace those old, white, male Democrats who chose to attack Kavanaugh in order to further delay anything, and everything, the Republicans try to accomplish. Why hasn't the usual Democrat voter rid it's party of those pesky old white men in their own party?
To be more precise, the Palo Alto building permits were issued to Ford and her husband in 2008 — not 2012. Property tax records show she built an addition on the house so that they could rent out part of the house to Google interns who've been verified to receive mail at that address.
This was corroborated by her own testimony yesterday when she mentioned Google intern renters.
A slip perhaps, lapse in memory, coaching error by her far left pro bono lawyers in a conspiracy, or simply a lie, which under oath would be perjury.
According to one of the DNC’s propaganda organs the Washington Post, Senator Flake announced that he is voting in favor of Kavanaugh. Feinstein’s gambit may not work. The Dems have made an enemy who will be on the Supreme Court for at least the next 25 years. Roe vs Wade may be resigned to the dustbin of history sooner rather than later.
But stay tuned he still has to pass the full Senate next week. There is still time for Dems to accuse Kavanaugh of some other heinous crime. Maybe they can get the Pope to testify that he murdered Jesus 2,000 years ago. And don’t ask what the judge allegedly did to Mary - it’s too horrible to think about.
lincolnman: "Ford came across as a reasonable, credible witness - someone who had been victimized and haunted by it for 36 years"
She said that she couldn't come to testify earlier due to a fear of flying. Yet she takes a plane from Delaware to go to a funeral in Manchester, New Hampshire (max 6 hour drive). I really don't understand how anybody with ears who heard her testimony could say with a straight face she is credible.
"Kavanaugh evidently was coached by Steve Bannon and John Bolton, as he looked like a ranting, raving nut case. "
Nah, actually he was pretty calm considering what he and his family have been put through. I'm more convinced now more than ever that Kavanaugh is the right guy for the job.
What makes more sense?
Believe Ford without evidence, no corroboration, her own witnesses denying this.
Believe a man whose record is spotless and whose subordinates support him, women from high school, and many others...?
IF so innocent, why doesn't Kavanaugh allow the FBI to investigate? Seem to remember there was a U.S. President that stated he wasn't a crook, professed his innocence, and look how that turned out. The louder you scream about your good name the less convincing you seem. Trump is a good example of that.
Hardball is one thing but this is the second time that Dems have pulled this unprovable he-said she-said tactic on Republicans. It is indeed a brilliant strategy only due to the fact that Dems have amnesia about the sexual assaults and the credible accusation of rape against President Clinton in between the Anita Hill accusation and Fords.
It was just two years ago that Bill Clinton was campaigning for Hillary- the woman that enabled his abuses and fought against and slandered his accusers. It is amazing how Dems want to talk about Clarence Thomas but avoid the much more serious and credible accusations against former President Clinton.
Seriously, how does the Left suspend disbelief when talking about sexual assault allegations when their own culpability and failure to own up to it stares them right in the face on the campaign trail?
Maybe because there were no accusations against him at the time, now there are. Allow them to be investigated. If he were so innocent, why not?
Whatever. Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. All your delay and nonsensical allegations. Total failure.
We can't have a justice looking to get revenge on a random Democrat in some legal dispute who had nothing to do with the confirmation process. I'm surprised you think that's what will happen and I'm surprised that you're on board with it. Times have changed.
heh Let me copy and save that line for when Trump supporters demand the next (and next and next) Clinton or FBI investigation. You guys really do live in a bubble, huh? I mean when you typed that out you really had no idea that that would be the response?
It's like when Sanders said that Dems were bad because every Supreme Court nominee has had a vote...totally forgetting about Garland. You guys are so used to automatically attacking you stumble into humiliating situations where you put your foot in your mouth.
Texas A&M Aggie
Now the the Left's feeble attempt to hound Judge Kav into withdrawing is on the precipice of blowing up in their face, they now have plenty of time to call for FBI "investigations" into abuse allegations against Keith Ellison and admitted child molester, Corey "Spartacus" Booker. After all, democrats are all about protecting women, ya know.
So we've got one person saying 'It 100% absolutely happened' with no evidence.
Then we've got one person saying 'It 100% absolutely did not happen' with no evidence.
Yet so many here have decided he is lying and she is telling the truth with literally nothing to base this on.
I'm not jumping on either bandwagon.
Chop Chop
The best interests for both Mrs. Ford and Judge Kanvanaugh, the FBI must investigate thoroughly and honestly with integrity. I lost trust in FBI and CIA but only FBI can investigate and sort out the those allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.
FBI must find those peoples who were at the crimes were committed by boys and young Kavanaugh at the times.
The one accusation has included gang raped by boys and also Kavanaugh was presented at that incident. Gang rape was serious crime and it must be investigated.
Now, FBI must step in and investigate all allegations thoroughly and honestly.
If Judge Kavanaugh was found to be committed those allegations and then he must be prosecuted. However, if Judge Kavanaugh was not committed any allegations and then they must apology to Judge Kavanaugh and his family for causing pain and damaging his reputation. Perhaps, the liars should be prosecuted if FBI has found they lied.
The only person who we can prove has been gang raped is Brett Kavanaugh.
It’s clear Feinstein and dems are using Ford as a pawn in their delay strategy. They could care less about the truth. They see Kavanaugh as the swing vote to create a constitutionalist majority and thwart their plans to turn SCOTUS into a leftist Politburo to impose their PC orthodoxy on an unwilling public by circumventing the people’s elected representatives.
Their real enemy isn’t Kavanaugh—it’s you and me.
Some interesting new stories in the news as we wait.
Enough Republicans have stepped up, saying that they will not vote for BK without a satisfactory
FBI investigation, that the vote in the full Senate has been postponed a week. - Bravo, but it is too bad that it took so long for this to be called for. The sexual-predator-in-Chief should have called for the FBI investigation, but then, we have seen how afraid he is of the truth coming out.
The American Bar Association has withdrawn their endorsement of BK, and called for an FBI investigation. - Again, Bravo.
American Jesuits have also withdrawn their support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and called for an FBI investigation.
Another woman has come out and said that she is willing to testify against BK. She says that, as a Conservative women, she originally endorsed BK's supreme court nomination, but after watching him lie at the Senate hearing about the nature of his drinking, she can not and will not support him. She says that she saw him blind drunk many times, and for him to lie over the matter bothers her very much. She says that she is willing to testify both to the US Senate, and to the FBI.
And, of course, there is the matter of the many other women who were neither heard by the Senate, nor interviewed by the FBI, but who are willing to testify under sworn oath that they either were assaulted by Kavanaugh, that they witnessed him assault a woman, or they were told in the past about his assaults.
Really, at this point, the question is, why is this man on the bench, anywhere in the world, as a judge???
how low he can go, he acted as his is the victim.
he is in the wrong career, should choose acting instead. definitely need therapy to control his behavior.
not quality for supreme court judge.
His opening speech shows there is no doubt he is an unstable and dangerous person.
The contempt for Kavanaugh and the readiness to accuse him and charge without evidence by JT readers, is disgustingly obvious. And now that Lindsey Graham has had his say, I hope his accusers will finally shut the hell up!
without fbi investigation proceed, some jt readers already came to conclusion to support him. disgusting.
Why is it any more disgusting to support him than it is to support his accuser, when neither one of them has a shred of proof to back up either of their claims?
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
we see Dr. Ford is wise when she came after 36 yrs after the assault on her by Mr Judge Kavanaugh , obvious she wants such a judge on the top court might affect the credibility of very court -USSC, that forced her her come forward with that shameful incident by her testimony as she is no rival to him under any measure as she pursues altogether a different profession to Kavanaugh. Besides in his testimony after Dr Ford, indeed not ery appreciable, he behaved much lower that cannot make anyone a great judge, for he seems lacked rationale of balance in his testimony while prosecutor questioning Dr Ford was more laced with civility though she really wanted to see if she could make out a perjury out Dr. Ford's testimony. All said and done, even president Mr Trump says, Dr. Ford's testimony is compelling, besides, GOP recommended because Arizona senator sought FBI fast investigation on.. that forced a drastic perceptional changes among very republican senators. Besides Mr. Trump also said at the sidelines of UNGA,, he would not mind withdrawing his nominee to the court.. so obvious, may be, he might withdraw the nominee instead of subjecting to FBI inquiry is my considered view. Judges ought to be very patient people but he obviously lacked as he is taken over by emotions after all any accused normally bound to be overwhelmed by emotive behavior. tks.
from new york time,
"The renewed F.B.I. background check of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh over allegations of sexual assault will be relatively limited, relying on voluntary interviews and document production.
Former prosecutors said that because it is not a criminal investigation, F.B.I. agents will not be able to get search warrants or grand jury subpoenas compelling witnesses to testify or hand over documents. Witnesses and others can refuse to cooperate, though talking to an F.B.I. agent is often a powerful motivator to tell the truth."
conclusion: fake investigation, another drama pulled by republicans.
Blackout Brett being smashed beyond belief at parties in high school, university, and law school couldn't be the reason he can't remember, could it? you know so many people that are intellectually gifted certainly have no self control when it comes alcohol drugs anger management. Being smart isnt the only trait of making a great person, its also the mental fortitude to control your urges no matter how stressful thing may appear or peer pressure may play
the more I see these type of people the more grateful I choose not to smoke drink or take drugs, had plenty of opportunities to start in HS but even peer pressure of feeling left out wasnt enough to sway me. seriously people grow some nads and just say NO
Why is it any more disgusting to support him than it is to support his accuser,
there is now more than one accuser, but the Republicans dont want to hear their testimony, should we believe all these women are liars, or Kavanaugh was conveniently too smashed to remember anything!?
Texas Amp: "The Leftists were shown to be what truly lowlife despicable creatures they are yesterday"
Why, because they spoke up against the angry white men with their history of and flagrant display of sexism and misogyny? You must be one of them. How dare a mere woman step out of her place and question the men in the room, right? And how low of any men to betray his kind and defend the lesser sex in the process, I do say, sah!
Look at the scrunched up face, and the alligator tears welling up. The evidence is piling up, just like it did on Bill Cosby.
Unbelievable what some people are saying here.
Nobody has provided any evidence proving any accusation supporting either person's story.
But according to the majority of JT commenters, Kavanaugh is guilty because he is an old white man?
Let justice run its course - have the FBI investigate.
I find it very odd that this incident decided to rear its head at this particular moment and that political parties on both sides of the spectrum are taking advantage of both individuals to push agendas.
Let the downvotes roll in. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for casting judgement with absolutely no judicial process. The range of reactions I've seen in these comments has covered everything from sexual discrimination to age discrimination and racism. Stop behaving like animals.
@Paradoxbox: I do not think Kavanaugh is fit to be a justice and I am against his appointment, but I agree with your post.
Some of the proclamations I see from the posters here are quite ridiculous (maybe because I am an old white man...older than Kavanaugh...)
I would never want to get convicted of anything if some of these folks are to be my jurors. When I was young and as a liberal I thought some of the foundations of what liberalism stands for (and still do) are; freedom of speech, freedom of thought, tolerance of other's points of view, and also the premise that a human being is innocent until proven guilty. I think the definition of what a liberal and conservative is has changed rather dramatically through the decades.
By the way the dictionary's definition of guilty is, "justly chargeable with or responsible for a usually grave breach of conduct or a crime". In this case I believe people are presuming guilt. I agree, let's let the FBI investigation take its course. It is going to be rather interesting and the fact that Judge has agreed to speak is quite intriguing. I still do not think Kavanaugh will be appointed....but who knows?
Concerned Citizen
Tokyo-Engr and paradoxbox:
Your fair and balanced comments are refreshing. Thank you.
Using the media to ask the FBI to launch an investigation over an alleged high-school grope from perhaps 1982 sounds totally crazy to a lot more people than only myself. #WalkAway from the lunacy.
"I didn't do it! I didn't do it! I didn't do it!
And no way in hell do I want the FBI to investigate these claims."
Jonathan Prin
Is it justice Americans are seeking or circus show ?
Justice action is based on conclusive evidence, not playing actors.
Having sex when young is nothing new in our world. There was nonviolence otherwise you would hear about a knife, torn clothee, some bruising, an independent testimony, whatever.
Truth is probably as we could all guess : drunken boys teasing in a corner a lone girl for some sex but far from achieving any result. No one hurt. Just the most easy scenario.
If you make your own truth based on your opinions, go to war immediately and stop democracy.
A French sensible reader, knowing how justice costs to make it happen.
This is not a trial, it is a job interview for one of the most important and powerful jobs in the world. That the interviewee has tried so hard to avoid an FBI investigation, and thus to have the truth revealed, does not speak well of him. His behavior during this interview process has been abysmal.
After reading the comments, I wonder if anyone who reads Japan Today has really heard the evidence (such as there is) in this matter and can understand what is happening.
For the Japanese readers who want to know what is going on, there is no evidence here, only allegations brought up years after the fact. Such allegations have been traditionally excluded from all evidentiary proceedings, but in recent years, charges of sexual abuse have been permitted many years after the fact. This is because a large majority of them have turned out to be true. But there have been a lot of high profile hoaxes as a result -- the Duke lacrosse team, the UVa rape story that caused Rolling Stone to fold, Tawana Brawley, etc.
The Senate used to have means of keeping unverified allegations out of the proceedings, if only because such testimony was always prejudicial and could never be probative if unverified. The FBI reviewed, for example, the testimony of Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas proceedings and determined that she was "not credible". But a staffer leaked her story to the media and the media caused there to be very public hearings -- which led to high ratings for the media.
Because of the he-said,she said nature of the Trump presidency, media companies are making a lot of money. CNN's viewership has doubled -- CNN was almost ready to close before Trump and had laid off a lot of staff. MSNBC has doubled its viewership and even Fox is up more than 50%.
So the media is in charge of whether someone like a Dr Ford will be paraded out to tell a story that can never be verified. It serves their purpose, and it serves the purpose of the Democrat Party, who might win (not likely), but even if they don't, the hearings will cast a shadow over the decisions of a Supreme Court justice whose black letter jurisprudence is objectionable to partisans for a "living, breathing Constitution" that can be molded to mandate any idea that a partisan can think of.
In this case, there is no corroborating evidence of the Ford story, In fact, all of her friends have testified it never happened. Kavanaugh's calendar makes it seem unlikely. His demeanor and the evidence of others who know him makes it seem unlikely. While it is clear from her squeaky voice that something happened to Dr Ford that stunted her emotional development (a tell-tale sign among psychologists), projecting it onto a powerful man is a common tactic from a woman whose sense of self-worth has been robbed from her. But it seems unlikely that any evidence will come to support her story, and with all the evidence in favor of Judge Kavanaugh, it seems he will be confirmed by the end of the week.
It doesn't matter anymore. The people who will choose to confirm Kavanaugh are elected by the people, and over half the people now say that if their elected representative confirms Kavanaugh, they will vote against him. So regardless of whether or not the evidence can be corroborated, Kavanaugh has become too toxic for the GOP now. He's done.
And before you whine about this being a left/right thing, remember Hillary lost the presidency for the same reason. Multiple Republican investigations showed her to not have done anything wrong in Benghazi or with the emails, but her image was so tainted by the allegations, that she lots the presidency. So if you whine about it happening to Kavanaugh, don't expect any sympathy for those of us who supported Hillary. What goes around comes around.
All of you screaming for Kavanaugh's head need to read up on Carolyn Bryant Donham and see the result of her 'credible testimony' that was accepted at face value with no proof or witnesses.
I am innocent! And please, do not allow the FBI to investigate me.
Michelle Harrison
Kavanaugh is NOT a credible witness, he was a hostile witness. Turning questions back on those the senators about drinking. He lost his cool, repeated himself, he kept dodging the question of whether he would want an FBI investigation, saying he just wanting his hearing (with little evidence or witnesses against him). The rage in him over a woman making him accountable for his behaviour really showed through. This is a man that is not used to hearing the word no. He even threatened there would be consequences for going against him. This is also a man who will wind back human rights like a clock if he gets appointed.
Ford made allegation public while he was short listed to prevent him being picked and this causing havoc, unfortunately the Republican party and Trump don't care about such things as Sexual assualt. Ford did not do this in last 2 weeks like he alledges. Also his mate said he couldn't remember (through his lawyer) , he didn't say it didn't happen.
Funny how all K-support comments have 75% disapproval votes, even though the "victim's" own witnesses disprove her testimony my a much larger margin.
Let the Hate roll in. I see this is a left-wing mag at best, or else all its readers rely on CNN and MSNBC for their knowledge. Either option is equally sad.
Well, you guys just keep on sniffing the socialist fairy-dust. Believe the news, believe the polls, take it easy and trust that the dems are going to take it all in November, and we'll just sit back and (after voting) enjoy surfing on the Red Wave.
Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed, because he's good, and because she's a programmed buffoon. And all your greatest hopes are going to be crushed. The Red Wave is coming, it's going to wipe you out in November (after all the crimes of your lefty heroes are exposed), and also in 2020.
Red October, motheffekkers.
Let the leftist tears roll in! (Please cry in downvotes only.)
Stranger is right - sadly, he doesn't see / acknowledge Ford's own witnesses don't support her story.
"Yes he does. Accusers keep coming out of the woodwork."
No doubt, more accusers will crawl out from under rocks. But on Friday after the FBI confirms there's no evidence of the first 3 accusers' outrageous claims, Kavanaugh will be confirmed.
Kavanaugh was caught in another lie under oath! He does have every right to ask his friends for character references. HOWEVER, why is he asking them to defend him against accusations he didn't EVEN know about yet?
Kavanaugh testified, under oath, that he had no knowledge of Ms Ramirez's accusations before the New Yorker story! Couple that with the clear witness tampering, and there is NO WAY he should be confirmed!
another low life!
Need more time.