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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Britain's Boris Johnson accused of Brexit 'backseat driving'
By Paul Sandle LONDON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Toasted Heretic
The next PM of the UK. Or so he wishes.
If I met him and trump, I couldn't tell which was which.
The remoaners' narrative after the vote was that leave advocates had all run away, and abandoned the cause. I remember reading several smug screeds with that premise at the time. Wrong yet again, eh?
What? A sovereign nation seeking the right to make its own decisions on an important domestic public policy?!?! Yikes, the ultra-globalists and their lefty sycophants won't like that.
A gross understatement would be assuming Boris Johnson is unique a politician to misrepresent supposed official statics. For David Norgrove, of the UK Statistics Authority, to pique "surprise and disappointment" is naive, a tad pompous.
Curiosity Boris Johnson misuse originates from spinning UK abatement correction mechanisms (rebate) then allocating the entire sum to the NHS, playing ecomonic hokey pokey with the meaning of gross/net contributions.
What is little known is to quote directly from the link below.....
For 2014-2020, Member States other than the UK benefiting from explicit corrections on the revenue side of the EU budget are: Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Correction mechanisms have attracted a number of criticisms, not least that they make the finances of the EU more complex, less transparent, less fair and harder to reform. Past proposals to replace the existing ad hoc mechanisms with a single new one, open to any Member State meeting defined conditions in terms of budgetary imbalances, have not been successful.
The UK ‘rebate’ on the EU budget: An explanation of the abatement and other correction mechanisms....
Theresa May is frankly caretaking until a return to the polls probably with a change of leadership. The so called article 50 negotiations have reached a deadlock and will remain so until the UK electorate return to the polling booths and make up their mind once and for all how the UK will manage or form it's future relationship with the European Union.
Johnson is the most self serving and mendacious politician In government. And that is no mean feat.
Britain screwed-the-pouch by voting for Brexit. Are they going to compound it by voting for the Johnson clown? Johnson is Trump, but with a bigger vocabulary.
Toasted Heretic
I've met him. He is full of character; I'll give him that much. But he is part of the self-serving elite that blight British politics. You can be sure that no matter how bad things get, economically/socially, post-Brexit - Boris will be just fine. Ugh.
@Toasted Heretic, agreed there with you. Maybe he would be a great Leader of the Conservatives, at least from the perspective of the Labour Party - he'd probably guarantee them a landslide victory in the next election ?