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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.China says its army will act 'at any cost' to prevent Taiwan split
By Ben Blanchard BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Kenji Fujimori
The fortune cookie is reading it wrongly China
Let it go, let it go, seen what has happened in Hong Kong, and the huge re education camps where millions of people have "voluntarily" booked themselves a bed on mainland China. Doubt any sane person would want to fall under China's rule. Might have lost some social points for saying that.
This is why Japan can't be siding with China in trade increases but rather remove its enabling of China and instead support things we like to call democracies
And if China attacks Taiwan, other nations step in to fight China.
China needs a whooping.
China might want to check with Taiwan because I'm pretty sure Taiwan wants to remain a separate country.
The pretext for future provocation and a warning to the US. China is preparing the groundwork for when push comes to shove. If I were Taiwanese I would seriously be considering residency abroad. I would start by moving my financial assets out. Not safe in the long term.
Attempting to "whoop" a country which has what it considers existential issues, the largest population in the world, and nuclear weapons is not a good idea.
Hasn't it been separate for decades since the revolution? Saying it ain't so don't make it not so.
Why would any country start WW3 to defend Taiwan?
Agree with Wakarimasen,
Taiwan has not been part of China's revolution. The legitimate Government of China moved to Taiwan in 1949 and has governed that island since then, completely apart from Communist China. It pays no taxes to Communist China and has its own defense forces, (army, navy and air force). China can say it remains a part of China but apart from them originally being of the same stock they have now diverged to different cultures that will continue to diverge as time goes on. One is a free society that democratically elects its leaders and the other a Dictatorship with single party rule that the masses can not alter even if they wish to.
Should China invade Taiwan it will be viewed Internationally as aggression against a peace loving people who wish for nothing more than self determination and the freedoms that accompany such a way of life.
Of course, should the Communist party come to its senses and decide to end the rebellion, I am sure the people would welcome their freedom and the legitimate Government of Taiwan could arrange free and fair elections on the mainland ending in reintegration of Taiwan and China.
It will not happen of course, such fairy tale endings only happen in the movies.
Andrew Crisp
I'm pretty sure the Taiwanese are going to give a good fight in return, but having said that the Taiwanese need to have a plan B in case the Chinese want the island at any cost.
"At any cost"?
Plan B, how about a deal, we swap positions? You get the island.
Everybody likes trading with China but nobody wants a rabid China flexing its muscles and denying democracies their rights to freedom. One only has to look at the steady erosion of civil liberties and freedoms in Hong Kong to know what will happen in Taiwan should China take back control. It's time China was taught a lesson. The west and all those opposed to Chinese aggression should boycott all trade with the Chinese until they grow up and act more responsibly.
Taiwan should have seceded from the mainland formally 40+ yrs ago, if they truly wanted independence.
At this point, it is too late. It will be bloody, like the USA Civil War, if it doesn't go nuclear. Taiwan has little chance of being independent. The best they can hope is to be a separate system pulling Hong Kong and Macau with them back away from Beijing.
The only real hope for the Chinese people is to have a 750M person revolution that overthrows their single-party system and demands similar freedoms. I don't see that happening anytime in the next 40+ yrs.
The ignorance is high, and the foolishness is shown nakedly. Taiwan never has separated from China, constitutionally and internationally. The traitors are few, that is the main reason why ROC lost the mainland people. People are patriotic, that is true anywhere on the planet of Earth. There is only one China, ethnically and genetically, and China is strong.
Hiro S Nobumasa
President Xi should learn a lesson or two from Chairman Kim Jung Un.
He should treat ROC-TW like Kim is treating South Korea now.
If Xi insists on just using might and economic blackmail against Taipei then a certain country can then manipulate this scenario to support a Republic of Taiwan.
President Xi can outflank and extinguish this plot by giving diplomatic parity to the ROC so that both sides of the Taiwan Strait can then have a dialogue among equals just like Seoul and Pyongyang.
The Nobel Peace Prize will then unanimously belong to Xi instead of ending in Donald's collection.
Actually no you wouldn’t.
Because America would crush you and you would retreat if it came to it.
Because America would crush you and you would retreat if it came to it.
your living in wonderland, China could sacrifice 3 Chinese for every single AMerican and still have a larger popluation than America. and yes China has more than enough nukes for every major city in the US and the ICBMs to deliver them. If America and China went to war itd be conventional making the combined Vietnam, Gulf, Afganistan, Korean wars look like a picnic in comparsion.
Conspiracy websites like Voltaire Network, calculate that the mainland Chinese army. They will invade Taiwan by force between the years 2022 and 2026.
If this scenario becomes a reality the war will literally be on Japan's doorstep. Even inside Japan by the southern islands. Something that would force disobedience to Article 9 for obvious reasons.
You have to start worrying. The saddest thing is that the war comes to Japan on its own without having to call it.
englisc aspyrgend
Akie, the Taiwanese are culturally, ethnically and linguistically separate from Han Chinese, there are Chinese who went and settled their but even they have no desire to be subject to the Communist dictatorship.
Just because some Chinese settled there does not make it Chinese territory, there are Chinese in London, do you claim that makes London Chinese territory? No doubt the CP would ultimately like to!
englisc aspyrgend, are you from Taiwan, or linked to Taiwan by any means ? If not, then shame on your parents who lied to you so you are so stupid to not knowing that Taiwan people are from mainland China thousand years ago. Most Taiwanese, a name given by the westerness, are Han people from Southern part of China. Legally speaking by all international "modern" laws, Taiwan is a part of China, and if Taiwan traitors don't like it, they can move to London, but don't take Taiwan dirt with them, it is property of China.
You are right man! I forgot there are 1 billion of them. I never stopped to think about the important things in modern warfare like populations of nations.
America is not a warring nation and China has won many wars. I should adhere to your wisdom from now on.
@englisc aspyrgend
Good and accurate point you make.
All the world knows Taiwan is an independent nation, regardless of the propaganda China puts out, trying to pretend otherwise.
Long Live a Free Taiwan!
First of all, Taiwan is not a nation. Taiwan is a province of China. There is a ROC govt in Taiwan, witch also claims China constitutionally. To confuse Taiwan with China is like to confuse a wife with a mother in law.
Uhm, yeah... China may have a large population but how many are effectively soldier worthy? The PLA (oh the irony of their name...) may have a lot of soldiers, but it would mostly mean there would be a lot more bloodshed. I'm not going to get into specifics, but even if things remained conventional (no nukes) China would lose a lot. If things went nuclear China would still lose even if the US were hit. It once again comes down to who fires a nuke first... with Trump in charge he'd more likely be happy to feel like a big boy and fire first. If China started losing, the CCP would probably want to use them first. Either country that fires one first will probably be nuked by everyone else that has them because "If you're willing to start a nuclear war, then no other nuclear nation will trust you and you'll be the first target in the retaliatory strike."
Even worse, someone I know from India once told me, "China has a large army because of over population, so they can easily cut their own population down to size in a war since they'll be used as cannon fodder..."
Taiwan is separate and self governed. No matter the claims of the communist party of China to the contrary.
It will no doubt remain separate from the mainland as long as the Communist party clings to power through fear, intimidation and forced re-education camps for millions of unhappy citizens who would much prefer freedom.
But of course it lies to its own people so it should surprise nobody that it also lies to the International community when it suits its purposes and to hide unpleasant truths. Most governments are untrustworthy to a degree but China and other Dictatorships make all other governments look like novices when it comes to lies.
You are right man! I forgot there are 1 billion of them.
actually 1.2billion , not wisdom just lessons from history , Germany had the best guns best tanks best artillery during WW2 why do you think they couldn't stop the Soviets!? because they built in quantity to overwhelm the Nazi and Stalin was prepared to sacrifice millions about (20 million Soviets and civilians died fighting the Nazi) to get his victory, AMerica didnt defeat Hitler the Soviets did. Now scale this number up 10 fold and thats they type of China America would have to contend with. Im sure the Chinese communist party would happily sacrifice millions would Trump be prepared to sacrifice as many Americans!? Just look at the Korean war AMerica was winning againt NK until the Chinese stepped in to support basically overrun the Americans and kicked them out of the Nth. Point is Chinas military while not up to par with the US yet they can easily make up with manpower, Russia would most likely offer China support as they certainly wouldn't want American occupation right at their doorstep. China's military is far bigger than it was in 50yrs ago and not the walkover many American seem to think it would be. heres a breakdown of Chinas military, 2.6 million active personel. available manpower 750million fit for service 619 million,
What freedom does Taiwan have ? People can't even freely move to the mainland China without being threatened and jailed; people can't speak out unification with motherland without being punished; people can't study their own history freely, people can't defend their own constitution freely, which countries on the earth would prefer that kind of freedom ?
Nippori Nick
No, actually we don't. Most people don't spend a lot of time worrying about what conspiracy theory websites have on their menu of the day.
Pathetic. You're trying to apply to Taiwan what is wrong with mainland China under the CCP. Obviously a poor attempt at CCP propaganda on the global stage. Nobody with a head on their shoulders who has experienced true freedom through free speech/expression/etc believes your statement. Actions speak louder than words man/woman. China's government actions show that nobody can trust them. Lack of trust and credibility is how others see China. We only have to look at what is happening to Hong Kong to know the MO.
Taiwanese have more freedom of choice than anyone in the mainland. End of discussion.
Honestly speaking, Hong Kong people are 1000 times happier than HonestDictator. When HK is in trouble, there is always mainland mother there to support them. Who will give support to British people when it exits from EU ? Perhaps China again. Don't bite the hands that feed you !
As I said before, If the ROC government thought that the CCP would do right by Taiwan Taiwan would have joined peacefully a long time ago. Hong Kong was rejoined peacefully according to an old treaty, but the general population despises Beijing's government and wants to separate. Which means the CCP is a failure at governing. A good government SUPPORTS and PROTECTS it's people. China's government focuses on suppressing and controlling it's people. Party before country... which is never good.
"general population despises Beijing's government" ? Not even in devil's dream. HK is more peaceful than ever, much less crimes than any major developed nations, people have more foods to choose, more freedom to speak out, more movements to any parts of the world, and soon will be able to move to the moon on the mother's ride.
Fox Sora Winters
China showing its true colours once again, and it's truly disgusting how many countries around the world ignore this. So many nations claim to love democracy, yet they won't stop doing business with a country like China even when it gets tyrannical. Turns out these democracy-loving countries just love money even more, regardless of how that money is acquired, how much blood stains it.
You can't force unity. Taiwan wants independence and they'll resist China to the bitter end. If China tries to force unity, Taiwan will rebel from within. China might think that it can squash this rebellion, but history has shown time and again that internal resistance is not so easy to squash. It would be far less damaging in the long run for China to simply step aside and maintain a positive relationship with Taiwan, rather than try to dominate it. Of course, if the rest of the world were to heap economic pressure on China to respect Taiwan's freedom, that would be a substantial help. China's economy would freefall if it were unable to trade with anyone, but no-one seems willing to do the right thing.
@wtfjapan: The Soviets did not win WWII. Saying as such is extremely ignorant and offensive to the allied nations, especially Britain and France, who fought so hard and sacrificed so much. Besides, history has shown before that outnumbered armies can still triumph against the odds. Skill and equipment can and will trump numbers. China has numbers, but lacks skill and equipment.
Taiwan wants independence ? What a laugh. A few traitors maybe. If Taiwan traitor govt dares to declare independence against the constitution, Taiwan people will be the first to rise up to defend mother's land.
Can China really afford to go to War ? It's already quite heavily in debt, and we're now being led to believe that provincial government borrowers may at some point default on their loans.
Is China able for a war ? China has spare money in US banks, more than $1 trillions. With that amount, China can bye 1000 nuclear bombs from Russia over night, at $1 billion per head. Does China has to fight ? With the same amount money, China can build nuclear bombs at much lower cost, perhaps take more than over night, over a month will be sufficient. If Taiwan traitors threatens China with nuclear wars, let be serious about it and get ready for it.
My grandfather, may he rest in peace, would not agree with you. He participated in the liberation of France from Nazi Germany. I take part in the front of the Rodano river. It liberated with its unit the cities of Avignon, Orange, Lyon, Beaune, Dijon, Dole, Besanson and other cities of the country.
It is true that the Soviet Union pushed from the east towards Berlin, but to say that the western front did not help is a lack of respect. And more for the thousands of dead on that front. So please don't say houses like that so lightly. And think a little before you speak.
Hmm, it would appear that in your willingness to be brainwashed by the CPP into believing their propaganda, you seem to be under the delusion that we would for some silly reason also believe the CPP propaganda.
Your posts are one of the most entertaining and at times ridiculously and blatantly full of every kind of propaganda one can think of, but at times you really creep me out .
You obviously don't know any real Hongers - they HATE China.
It is true that the Soviet Union pushed from the east towards Berlin, but to say that the western front did not help is a lack of respect.
no disrespect as my grandfather also fought in WW2, fact remains is that the allies and soviets couldnt have won the war without each other and it was the Soviets that liberated Berlin.
But to have this illusion that America was the savior to Europe depicted in many Hollywood movies is far from acurate, the most bloody and brutal battles of WW2 were between the Nazi & Soviets culminating in the Battle of Stalingrad. No country sacrificed more lives than Soviets, Soviets lost more lives than all the allies and Germany combined.
Black Sabbath
Yeah, and who is gonna do it? You?
China's point is clear: "If someone tries to separate out Taiwan (from China), China's army will take the necessary actions at any cost."
China has made that point because of the change in the status quo ante by the US with the Taiwan Travel Act, which reduced some of the intentional ambiguity in the US-Taiwan relationship, in particalyar vis-a-vis China
That Act came in response to Chinas growing power-flexing, particularly in the South China Sea.
In short: unless something is done, this hardening of positions on both sides will continue until the possibility becomes little to none for a negotiated agreement that accommodates China's rise in power.
And then people are gonna die. Lots of them. All over the East and South East Asia.
Akie, I don't know how you missed these important little words since you typed them yourself: 'money in US banks'
Good luck to China trying to use that money after the US freezes all their assets as soon as they try anything towards Taiwan.
Did Xi send you a book full of these quotes or do you have to make it up yourself?
And, Taiwan will retaliate for the China's invasion as well. 1-country-2-systems is a pipe dream (lie) and it has well proven not working in HK already.
René Pihlak
I can't stop laughing at the people where referring to (mainland) China as a free place... when they even banned images of Winny the Pooh :D
Oh man, this is hilarious.
I was wondering how the entertaining "Akie" was going to respond at "peaceful" China's military threats against Taiwan. Like the PRC he does not recognize Taiwan as an independent and sovereign country, nor can he accept the fact that Taiwan and China has conflicting political and economic ideology philosophy that prevents them from ever being unified.....except by force, which is about to happen.
Taiwan is not taking China's threats to invade and annex lightly.
China's goal is to be combat ready and take Taipei by 2020. And they are fortifying and stockpiling that military base in the South China Seas to launch the invasion forces.
China has also recently developed a new 29,000-ton Type 071 amphibian landing ship capable of carrying helicopters and troops.
So, if China has no intention of carrying invasion plans, why are they expending resources in fortifying its military base in the South China Seas, upgrading and building new ships and conducting military exercises near Taiwan?
Should China invade and annex Taiwan, it will be one of the biggest international crisis in the region since North Korea's nuclear-and-missile threats. Speaking of North Korea, wouldn't be surprised if North Korea sides with China and warns Japan not to intervene with threats of nuclear-tipped missiles.
It will be interesting to see what the UN and Japan will do considering Taiwan is near the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa.....right on Japan's doorstep. Will Japan do anything? Japan will most likely stay neutral as it doesn't want to jeopardize its renewed relations with China. UN will probably weakly respond with impotent and ineffective warnings and sanctions.
If China does successfully annex Taiwan, it will build new military bases and expand its power and influence throughout the China Seas and Asia. With the exception of Akie and like-minded comrades, is the rest of Asia willing to accept and be aligned to China's political ideology?
Concerned Citizen
China ought to leave the Taiwanese alone.
This is the problem with forced communism. They promise liberation from the greedy monarchs or capitalists but then turn out to be ruthless oppressors themselves.
I still 100% stand by my statements as would most of the planets military experts, Chinese ones included.
I'm sure the unelected Chinese dictatorship would be happy to sacrifice millions of Chinese citizens in any war (their own children excepted, of course). We can only hope that the cannon fodder have a different idea and, rather than dying for the likes of fat, corrupt dictators like Xi, turn on the communists and kick them out instead.
I still 100% stand by my statements as would most of the planets military experts, Chinese ones included.
tell that to Chinese anbd Russian military experts, becuase if theyre was a all out war with China, Russia would be involved, maybe not directly but in support. Russian surface to air missles are more than adequaute in taking out American airpower, if Americas airpower is neutered then a ground invasion would be the only option. No country on earth would be able to invade China by a ground invasion, the death toll would be astronomical and political suicide for any democratically elected government, Chinese government on the other hand doesnt need re-election. So like I said any military confrntation with China would be long and bloody and NOT the walkover Americans dream about.