Japan Today

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

By Joseph Ax

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Trump's penchant for spreading misinformation about the coronavirus

and just about every other subject he's addressed has reduced his credibility to less than zero. But he's been a serial liar all his life; leopards and spots, after all. It's not surprising his cabinet members are equally deceitful, and that he's attracted a base of support including his US and 'foreign' keyboard warrior troll armies to spread his 'intentional misinformations', alt facts and fake news.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

Sums it up nicely.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

Trump is bluffing. It is politics. He knows the dems will be against anything he pushes and wants to get even with them bashing his coronavirus response. There will be no vax, but there will now be plenty of opportunity for Trump to say, "Hey, we have the vax, why vote by mail.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Many people say the vaccine is a hoax while many people believe it will go away "like a miracle" as long as Trump is supplying the hot air and MAGA Kool-aid and Fox and Trolls distributing their toxic blue pills. In the real world, a vaccine won't be available until the adults and the scientists are put back in charge of the WH playpen.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

"I’m saying, trust the scientist."

You mean like Dr. Stella Immanuel and her team of scientists? Or the thousands of scientists around the world who agree with her? Or the hundred of thousands of scientists around the world who said isolating people during pandemic is a novel experiment in medical science?

If the answer is "no", then what he really meant to say is, "trust the scientists who appear on CNN, and those who agree with them, and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

Biden should trust himself instead of taking cues from the political far left. He is an obsolete politician with nothing left to say. Just keep your mask on Joe.

1 ( +16 / -15 )

You mean the voodoo sec-with-demons "doctor" brought out by Trump in order to create more confusion and distrust in scientific research? Many people rely on mass media and their first page of results from a Google search in order to get their medical information and we wonder why there is such discord and a lack of understanding in science.


"I’m saying, trust the scientist."

You mean like Dr. Stella Immanuel and her team of scientists?

2 ( +11 / -9 )

You mean like Dr. Stella Immanuel and her team of scientists?

No no no no, not that one. The ones who don’t believe in demonic insemination and alien lizards, the credible ones.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

So only scientists that support the Dem narratives. Need to clarify that one.

joe likes puppies too. What a softball article.

-6 ( +11 / -17 )

Blacklabel, according to you, which scientists should we be listening to? Dr. Stella Immanuel?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

So only scientists that support the Dem narratives. Need to clarify that one.

No, the scientists that Dem's base their 'narratives' on, which is all of them, as opposed to the Trump fans who look for nutjob science to support their quacky Trump bro science. Consider it clarified.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

"Let me be clear: I trust vaccines, I trust scientists, but I don’t trust Donald Trump," Biden said.

He trusts vaccines and scientists, so long as they are politically aligned with the Democrats' agenda and sing the party platform.

But a vaccine developed while Trump is President? Can't be trusted.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

you are already starting out in bad faith.

How about a scientist whose scientific conclusion doesnt match the Dem political narrative exactly.

that would be a good start. Ok, go ahead and complain about Dr. Scott Atlas, whats the Dem position on him? Dr. Birx, remember her? no good?

Blacklabel, according to you, which scientists should we be listening to? Dr. Stella Immanuel?

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Trump has no credibility on coronavirus.

If he wants to win the election I think he'd better change tack, and talk up his ideas for having the economy boom again, as the professionals deal with the coronavirus.

Surely Biden will win the election though, given the way Trump has misdealt with coronavirus, not to mention his other unfavorable policies. (On the economy, I think he did fine though - too much govt spending going on however.)

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Why do the right just have conspiracy theories? Science is about provable facts, not random speculation.

If a proven and tested vaccine is available by November 3rd that’s great. But the chances of that are slim to none. Dangling it as a carrot for re-election is low.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

No, starting out based on your lack of scientific understanding, but that cannot be helped at this point.

Please explain what Blix's or Atlas's positions are regarding the vaccine and whether they feel comfortable that it will be safe and available in weeks, as per Trump's decree. You wish to educate us, then do your homework.


you are already starting out in bad faith.

How about a scientist whose scientific conclusion doesnt match the Dem political narrative exactly.

that would be a good start. Ok, go ahead and complain about Dr. Scott Atlas, whats the Dem position on him? Dr. Birx, remember her? no good?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

 Ok, go ahead and complain about Dr. Scott Atlas, whats the Dem position on him? 

Ok. He’s a radiologist, not a specialist in disease or public health. If a future virus can only be detected or treated by imaging technology, he’s the guy for the job!

Also his opinions were just this month publicly denounced by 78 of his colleagues at Stanford as dangerously undermining science and public health. I guess all 78 are Biden fans huh?

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Ok so basically Fauci is the only one who will be recognized for anything.

Despite how many times he has been wrong already.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Ok so basically Fauci is the only one who will be recognized for anything. 

Despite how many times he has been wrong already.

Who except you has said that?

But that’s actually a good example of that science gap again. If you present something as factual and trustworthy you need evidence to support it.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Biden says he trusts vaccines and scientists, not Trump

A very un-senile viewpoint.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Confirms COVID-19 Created In Lab And Intentionally Released

Whats wrong with her? She has been banned by Twitter, of course.

You dont provide any evidence that others are wrong, just character assassinate anyone who isnt Fauci.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

Ok so basically Fauci is the only one who will be recognized for anything.

All or nothing: once more the mantra of the alt right, i.e. those only able to see existence as consisting of one pole or its opposite. Once again the alt right denying complexity, appealing only to the intellectually vulnerable plus others pushing the creed of Mussolini.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Biden is being reasonable. You cannot rush science.

You can if you fund it and knock down obstacles in the way. That is what Trump has been doing. Trump can’t approve a vaccine- scientists and the FDA do. Biden doesn’t trust them because a Democrat isn’t in charge of the government. I understand. Conservatives especially lack trust in government when Progressives are in charge.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Confirms COVID-19 Created In Lab And Intentionally Released

Whats wrong with her? She has been banned by Twitter, of course.

Round and round. Again, no evidence. She hasn’t confirmed anything yet. No peer reviewed paper and again publicly denounced by several leading American immunologists.

Another conspiracy I suppose? Makes sense since she is connected to Steve Bannon and announced her latest research during an interview with Tucker.

It is not ‘character assassination’ when peers denounce a scientists research.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

You mean like Dr. Stella Immanuel and her team of scientists? Or the thousands of scientists around the world who agree with her? Or the hundred of thousands of scientists around the world who said isolating people during pandemic is a novel experiment in medical science?

In any very large group you can always find a someone like Immanuel, as the size of the sample grows so does that number. Intelligent people learn to eliminate the top and bottom 2% and trust the consensus of the mainstream 98%.

With more than seven million scientists around the world even “hundred of thousands” is the extreme fringe! I’ll believe in the consensus of the others, not Trump and his group of alien and lizard DNA “scientists”!

3 ( +9 / -6 )

You refer to "Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification Rather Than Natural Evolution and Delineation of Its Probable Synthetic Route,", of which 3 of her co-authors are affiliated with the Steve Bannon group Rule of Law Society, which does not do infectious disease studies.

She states COVID-19 is "suspiciously similar to that of a bat coronavirus discovered by military laboratories", but yeah, it's from a bat, as are numerous coronaviruses and is related to SARS-Cov1.

She states that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is similar to the original SARS virus. Sure, both use the ACE2 receptor to enter into cells, thus, they must have similar configurations in order to use this same binding region.

She states the SARS-CoV-2’s cleavage site is “unique”....not true as furin-cleavage sites occur in many coronaviruses, including MERS.

Now, if you had done your homework, you would have realized this about Li-Meng Yan before making the above post.


Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan

6 ( +10 / -4 )

The same doctors that says the virus spreads by Republican conventions, not protests?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

and just about every other subject he's addressed has reduced his credibility to less than zero.

Ok, but Trump said the scientists will come out with a new vaccine, so liberals should trust these medical professionals, right?

But he's been a serial liar all his life; leopards and spots, after all.

I hope you're not implying that the liberals words can be trusted on this. Nancy said that Chinatown was safe and Cuomo told people to party on and didn't take the virus seriously at all, but we should trust them? Nancy just got her hair done and didn't even wear a mask, so she's now the virtue of honesty?

It's not surprising his cabinet members are equally deceitful, and that he's attracted a base of support including his US and 'foreign' keyboard warrior troll armies to spread his 'intentional misinformations', alt facts and fake news.

Yeah, like medical professionals that said, if you like your doctor you can keep him, what a bunch of hooey that turned out to be...

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Now, if you had done your homework,

Remember, many posters are just following scripts, often made up of headlines from one of Trump's media - US and 'foreign' - and provided by their organizations.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Couldn't get any Trump supporters to reply and explain this to us yesterday - any today?

Trump to Woodward in Feb and Mar: * This thing is a killer if it gets you. If you’re the wrong person, you don’t have a chance. So this rips you apart, Trump added. It is the plague. More deadly than your, you know, your — even your strenuous flus. This is more deadly, he said. This is five per — you know, this is 5 percent versus 1 percent and less than 1 percent, you know. So, this is deadly stuff**. ***It goes through the air, That's always tougher than the touch. You don't have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that's how it's passed. And so that's a very tricky one. That's a very delicate one.****

Trump then holds indoor rallies with no distancing or masks on Feb 10, 19, 20, 21, 28 and Mar 2. After a break, he then holds another 13 rallies between Jun 20th and Sep 13th...no distancing, no masks...


Trump to Woodward on Mar 19: Now it’s turning out it’s not just old people, Bob. Just today and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It’s not just old- older. Young people too, plenty of young people.

Trump in a speech on May 13: But I think you should absolutely open the schoolsIt’s had very little impact on young people.  It’s the governors’ choice. But their state is not open if the schools aren’t open. So, again, it’s had very little impact on young people, and I think they should open their schools.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

u_s__reamerToday  07:51 am JST

Many people say the vaccine is a hoax while many people believe it will go away "like a miracle" as long as Trump is supplying the hot air and MAGA Kool-aid and Fox and Trolls distributing their toxic blue pills. In the real world, a vaccine won't be available until the adults and the scientists are put back in charge of the WH playpen.

I demand to see Trump's medical license! Oh, he says it's all a 'hoax', huh? He needs to shut up and go back to his bunker. He's long proven not to have any cred on anything.

Science and medicine are skills and disciplines, things that Trump lacks seriously in.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Trump was teasing and trolling his haters to see them contradicting themselves. They keep blaming him for it regardless of what he does. I think the COVID death and infection numbers were/are manipulated for an agenda. The experts have been telling contracting stories. First, masks were useless but now masks are better than vaccines. Sure, I know a bit about COVID through personal experience. They don't even fully understand the virus itself.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Confirms COVID-19 Created In Lab And Intentionally Released

Whats wrong with her? She has been banned by Twitter, of course.

You dont provide any evidence that others are wrong, just character assassinate anyone who isnt Fauci.

The virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier also believes the virus was made in the Wuhan lab, but he believes its release was likely not intentional. Dr Judy Micovits also believes it came from the Wuhan lab.

Fauci provided funding to that lab for corona virus gain-of-function research.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

all that just tells me "Fauci doesnt believe her and she spoke on Fox News not CNN, so she is out".

Now, if you had done your homework, you would have realized this about Li-Meng Yan before making the above post.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )


Chinese Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Confirms COVID-19 Created In Lab And Intentionally Released

Whats wrong with her? She has been banned by Twitter, of course.

You dont provide any evidence that others are wrong, just character assassinate anyone who isnt Fauci.

Oh, how nice! Someone on JT lying and using another liar as proof that their lie is true!

Steve Bannon Is Behind Bogus Study That China Created COVID


I guess someone is begging for a pardon!

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Trump was teasing and trolling his haters to see them contradicting themselves. They keep blaming him for it regardless of what he does. I think the COVID death and infection numbers were/are manipulated for an agenda. The experts have been telling contracting stories. First, masks were useless but now masks are better than vaccines. Sure, I know a bit about COVID through personal experience. They don't even fully understand the virus itself.

LOL! Says the anonymous poster on JT pushing conspiracy theories!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier also believes the virus was made in the Wuhan lab, but he believes its release was likely not intentional. Dr Judy Micovits also believes it came from the Wuhan lab.

If your arguments only consist on the baseless declarations of one ex-scientist turned senile and credulous (who else could ever believe homeopathy has any value) and one discredited fraud known to lie repeatedly then you have no argument.

In science the importance come from the data that sustains what is being said, no data? then the declarations are worthless, even if they came from people without terribly obvious faults in their capacity to discriminate between reality and fantasy.

Fauci provided funding to that lab for corona virus gain-of-function research

America provides funding to literally hundreds of laboratories where collaborative research work is done, since a new epidemic respiratory disease coming from China (as the last two scares) was only a matter of "when" and not "if" it would be much stranger that the USA was not funding the place with the most resources to study them (specially samples, that China never lets go to other countries), many other countries of Europe and Asia, including Japan have done the same because it was a very clear priority for study.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Dr Judy Micovits also believes it came from the Wuhan lab.

She also believes that the virus was 'inserted' into the flu vaccine several years ago, then 'activated' in the past 12 months by wearing a mask. Which begs the questions, when exactly was it created in Wuhan? How did it find it way into American flu vaccines? How did 'they' hide it from the human immune system for so long? Would a pillow also 'activate' it?

'Micovits' is as nutty as they come, and she's making a tidy fortune from suckering in people looking for conspiracies. As a scientist, you should have higher standards.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Even with a vaccine you can achieve “herd mentality” unless everyone takes it. Thanks to Trump rushing a vaccine through for political purposes, people rightfully won’t trust or take it, and so it’s useless.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Couldn't get any Trump supporters to reply and explain this to us yesterday - any today?

And the silence from Trump supporters continues to be deafening.....

In summary, Trump acknowledges in Feb and Mar the virus is "a killer", "deadly", it "rips you apart", it's "highly contagious - airborne", "it's the plague"....yet he held 19 rallies since then with no distancing and masks...

He also acknowledged in Mar that the virus isn't just affecting old people, it's "young people too - plenty of young people". But then in May he says to open schools because; "it has very little impact on young people"....

Once again, Trump supporters, please explain this to us...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Remember that "character assassination" I mentioned?

If your arguments only consist on the baseless declarations of one ex-scientist turned senile and credulous (who else could ever believe homeopathy has any value) and one discredited fraud known to lie repeatedly then you have no argument.

'Micovits' is as nutty as they come, and she's making a tidy fortune from suckering in people looking for conspiracies. As a scientist, you should have higher standards.

Oh, how nice! Someone on JT lying and using another liar as proof that their lie is true!

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Remember Trump promotes injecting Mr Clean for COVID 19 treatment. Also he's against masks, so all you maga people better stay safe in Japan

4 ( +4 / -0 )

If Don isn't pushing for a rushed vaccine, he should volunteer for the trial run. Oh wait, he can't do that, it must be the bone spurs.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

So Biden is going to do something else besides wait for a vaccine too?

Is there anything that he will do that Trump hasnt?

He said he would shutdown the US again- then claimed he never said that.

He said he would have a national mask mandate- then said he wouldnt (its not Constitutional).

So whats Joe Biden gonna do different? The same scientists/groups (CDC/FDA) that approve the vaccine for Trump will be the same ones that approve the vaccine if Biden is President, right?

or is it just that he knows Fauci will say yes about everything if Biden is President but no if Trump is?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

So Biden is going to do something else besides wait for a vaccine too?

Who knows?

I know what he hasn’t done, and that’s a head start .

4 ( +5 / -1 )

wouldnt someone who wanted to be President have a PLAN he could share?

or nah just "Trump is a meanie" gets him the job?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Hey Trump people, on the busy city subway, which do you wear- a red MAGA hat or mask? Because you can't wear both. Trump still instructs his followers not to wear masks

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So Biden is going to do something else besides wait for a vaccine too?

Biden will tell everyone to wear masks unlike Trump who tells people to inject Mr. Clean (as part of the TrumpCare plan). Look at how much better Japan is doing with that plan. Right Trump people in Japan? And the Japanese Prime Minister never promote injecting Mr. Clean. Trump people in Japan: why do you agree with Trump when Japan is doing so much better with masks. The MAGA pride is killing the USA because Trump and his people don't believe in masks. Stay safe in Japan.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I demand to see Trump's medical license! Oh, he says it's all a 'hoax', huh? He needs to shut upand go back to his bunker.

Why? He has a right to say whatever he wants to.

He's long proven not to have any cred on anything. 

The haters will think so, but not his overall record.

Science and medicine are skills and disciplines, things that Trump lacks seriously in.

From what it looks like is a lot of the experts don’t seem to know what they’re doing, lot of contradictions going on, but they always force us to believe them as if we’re all sheep.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Biden is not Trump and don't forget part of Trump's detailed plan is injecting Mr. Clean

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Biden is not President

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There is a lot scientists don't know, but are always reiterating. But sane (non MAGA people) including in Japan all know that masks make things safer while Trump promotes injecting Mr Clean. Hey MAGA people, look at Japan's crowded subways and which do you wear? Your MAGA hat or a mask? You can't wear both

4 ( +4 / -0 )

all that just tells me "Fauci doesnt believe her and she spoke on Fox News not CNN, so she is out".

That's strange, because that's not what iraira said.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Why? He has a right to say whatever he wants to.

You got that right such as...

Don't wear stupid masks and wear your MAGA hat instead

Inject Mr. Cl

3 ( +3 / -0 )

clean for COVID 19 treatment

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump told Woodward that the virus was so bad Trump literally ran from a room when someone sneezed innocently.

The next day he told America the virus was a “Democrat hoax”.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump criticizes Biden at town hall for not issuing a national mask mandate — but Biden as a candidate has no authority to do so

(News quote)

Sometimes I vote Republican if there is a Republican I like more than a Democrat. For example, I would have liked John Kasich. over Hillary, but both over Trump of course. And I ask the MAGA people, if you really wanted a Republican then why someone ridiculous like Trump (look at the above quote). But I'm suprised at the above quote as he generally blames Hillary.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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