Japan Today

Trump denounced after insulting tweet about woman TV host

By Susan Heavey and Susan Cornwell

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Looks like the narcisistic misogynist just can't let go. He really, really doesn't like criticism, does he?

But fear not, America (real America), this shall pass. It will all seem like a bad dream, one day.

15 ( +20 / -5 )

This clown is going to be the downfall of America.

19 ( +23 / -4 )

What a shining example to the young and old in the US that such behavior by anyone, not to mention the POTUS, is somehow acceptable. This idiot is an absolute disgrace and he'll be remembered for it and not much else.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

"He's not going to sit back and get attacked by the liberal media, Hollywood elites. And when they hit him, he's going to hit back," Sanders said. "I don't think it's a surprise to anybody that he fights fire with fire."

This is the truly disgusting part. At this point, it's easy to dismiss Trump's pathetic behavior. Whether it's because he is neurosyphilitic, pathologically narcissistic, suffering from dementia, or just a life-long spoiled brat, it's clear that he can't control himself anymore. Shame on the minority of the public that voted for him, but enduring his misogynistic rants on Twitter is just one of the many prices America will pay for him.

But for a presumably neurologically undamaged human to defend him, that's a new low, and it's not just a low in terms of reasonable public discourse; it's yet another small swing toward fascism. Read closely what's being said here - Trump made a misogynistic attack, according to Sanders, in self-defense. According to her logic, the most powerful person in the free world was so threatened by a news host criticizing what he did that he had to turn around and attack who she was.

No doubt there will be some alt-right neo-nazis who support this attack on the so-called "lügenpresse", but the rest of us who aren't fanboys for fascism should be given serious pause by this undignified attack on the press.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

What a tiny, tiny, tiny little man.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

Weren't Republicans just talking about the need ti restore civility in politics?

How's Melania's anti-bullying campaign going?

What a joke the president is.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

Love the anti-Trump venom here.

How's your candidate doing again? Oh right, nobody really cares as she lost!

-30 ( +3 / -33 )

Remember when Obama was widely condemned by lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle for engaging in petty and childish personal attacks against people on Twitter? Me neither.

21 ( +24 / -3 )

How's your candidate doing again? Oh right, nobody really cares as she lost!

The answer to everything bad that Trump does is still "Hillary lost so na na"?


25 ( +28 / -3 )

kawabegawa198Today  10:56 am JST

How's your candidate doing again?

He's actively fighting to make a medicade-for-all solution to the utterly incompetent healthcare mess Republicans put together. He's certainly not hanging up fake Time Magazine covers about himself and then throwing a tantrum because some news hosts laughed at him for it.

Thanks for asking.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

and the press is so clearly fair and unbiased in their reporting. do you support kathy griffin's cutting off his head is effigy? or johnny depp's saying that its about time for an actor to assassinate the president? so its all right that they can say pretty much whatever they like and he can't say anything?

-27 ( +2 / -29 )

fdsToday  11:08 am JST

and the press is so clearly fair and unbiased in their reporting. do you support kathy griffin's cutting off his head is effigy? or johnny depp's saying that its about time for an actor to assassinate the president?

Yeah... uh... you do realize that neither Kathy Griffin nor Johnny Depp are members of the press, don't you?

16 ( +18 / -2 )

so its all right that they can say pretty much whatever they like and he can't say anything?

Kathy Griffin was fired, and rightfully so. So, shouldn't Trump?

21 ( +22 / -1 )

and the press is so clearly fair and unbiased in their reporting. do you support kathy griffin's cutting off his head is effigy? or johnny depp's saying that its about time for an actor to assassinate the president? so its all right that they can say pretty much whatever they like and he can't say anything?

Oh geez you are right, I totally forgot about how the mainstream media was practically falling over itself to heap praise on Kathy Griffin and Johnny Depp in their reporting of those stories.

No wait, that happened in alternative reality, not in the actual reality we live in where reporting was almost universally negative with respect to both of those incidents.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

But fear not, America (real America), this shall pass. It will all seem like a bad dream, one day.

Only 7 1/2 years to go!

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

I guess the thing about this new attack is that it fits his pattern of going after the appearances and looks of women above anything else, he literally has nothing else to go by. Amusingly this latest attack looks to have really brought scorn upon him.

How his wife could possibly stay with such a weak sexist shows her considerable mental and moral weakness and she should be shamed heavily as well

6 ( +10 / -4 )

How people can defend this pos president with "but Clinton wah wah wah" or by trying to call out hypocrisy of those of us here who didn't say anything regarding Kathy Griffin or Johnny Depp when clearly most of us were pretty ashamed or even outraged over it I'll never understand. But at least it shows they know they can't really defend this.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Yeah, lets just ignore the months of personal attacks that these two specific people have said on TV almost daily towards Trump prior to this. They are just totally innocent bystanders just attacked by the bully president, huh? CNN put this as top news all day in order to try to get the focus off of their fake news scandals.

Meanwhile, while everyone focusing on this nonsense. The House passed legislation to make cut funding to sanctuary cities and crackdown on criminal illegal immigration. Oh and the travel ban went into place despite a bunch of lawyers at the airport looking for clients to sue someone. That was just yesterday.

-20 ( +2 / -22 )

"Only 7 1/2 years to go!"

Hopefully only 3 1/2 to go and less than that if he gets impeached! If he gets re-elected again we know for sure there is cheating in the ballot box. Republicans can not even endure him. Like I said before, if you are going to have to vote Republican, do NOT vote Trump!

This, among many other things, just reiterates why he should of never even ran for POTUS, much less was chosen. I don't know if people were playing a joke when they voted, maybe they thought if Ventura and Schwarzenegger were good governors, maybe Trump would be a good governor. But he was not running simply for governorship of a single state, but the presidency of them all and he got it, now look what is going on!

And if you are worried about this latest, and we all know wont be his last tarnish, then you are seriously delusional. There is much bigger fish to fry than whether or not he was a jerk online to someone. We knew what he was before he was chosen president!

11 ( +12 / -1 )

He's actively fighting to make a medicade-for-all solution to the utterly incompetent healthcare mess Republicans put together. He's certainly not hanHe's actively fighting to make a medicade-for-all solution to the utterly incompetent healthcare mess Republicans put together. He's certainly not hanging up fake Time Magazine covers about himself and then throwing a tantrum because some news hosts laughed at him for it

actually he's being investigated for fraud by the FBI

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

People should go back and research some of the things that these Mika and Joe people have said about the President on the air daily. The President is well within his rights to tell them that enough is enough. But of course they will just say even more things now that they have the media spotlight for 15 minutes of additional fame. Should Trump be impeached for this too?

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

Yeah, lets just ignore the months of personal attacks that these two specific people have said on TV almost daily towards Trump prior to this.

Oh, do be specific now. You mean like making fun of Donny for posting fake Time magazines covers of him up around his clubhouses?

That is inherently funny about that. A grown man puttinc up fake magazine covers extolling his virtues will never not be funny.

But yeah, you are right. Donny would not be a jerk, if we all just treated him like the saint he is.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

BlacklabelToday  12:13 pm JST

Yeah, lets just ignore the months of personal attacks that these two specific people have said on TV almost daily towards Trump prior to this.

Yes, let's. The President of the United States should have the common sense to rise above it. And seeing as we can safely assume that you're going to defend him to the hilt no matter what, there's little point in reading anything else you have to say so let's just ignore you too.

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Here is a clip from their show, where Mika mentions Trump "can actually control exactly what people think and that is our job."


I am not a fan of the show, but the few times I've seen it Joe seemed rather reasonable, but I can't say the same about Mika.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

As Van Morrison almost sang:

He gives us trash, trash, trash, trash, rancid trash

He gives us trash, trash, trash, trash, rancid trash

Why aren't the Trump supporters shouting down this stinking crap? Knock the whatabouts off and start being honest about this. Is this how the US president is supposed to behave?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

there's little point in reading anything else you have to say so let's just ignore you too.

Sure, please do ignore me. and fairness. and seeing the other side of the story. Just spend your life talking amongst people who agree with you so you dont have to be subjected to another point of view.

Just some examples of what has been said other than the Time cover:

The program has continually called President Trump a "fake president," starting just days after his inauguration.

Scarborough implied Trump had dementia in May. Also said he looks like a thug, a goon, an embarrassment and an idiot.

Scarborough called Trump a "bumbling, bumbling dope" in May.

Scarborough said Trump looked like "a kid who pooped in his pants" in June.

Mika revealed what was supposed to be an off-the-record conversation with KellyAnne Conway, alleging the senior adviser to the president only was sticking with Trump "for the money" while needing to "take a shower" after defending him. Conway says it never happened.

So basically Joe does the insults and Mika hides behind them. Then when they are both attacked back, she plays the woman card to get sympathy.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. I'm sure all US citizens are so proud.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

The President is well within his rights to tell them that enough is enough.

There are better ways to do that than insulting them on Twitter of low IQ and their physical appearance... Such low standards when you are the POTUS...

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Yeah, she said it is the media's job to control how we (the people) think. So they throw a little sexism and misogyny claims out there today to attach to the President's tweet. They think fear of being labelled sexist or misogynist should keep anyone from actually saying Trump is within his rights to retaliate to their months long attacks on him.

For me, I dont want a sissy President who just lets people on TV and entertainment talk smack about him. They say its not presidential, yet Trump is the President. So anything he does is in fact and by definition Presidential.

Its all for ratings, Mika and Joe cancelled their vacations to have a yuuuuge rating show tomorrow to respond to the President's comments. 15 minutes more of fame, thats all. No one is actually offended, they just got the attention they wanted.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

At a briefing, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders called it a "false narrative" to portray Trump's remarks as "an attack on a woman" rather than on a critic, adding, "What about the constant attacks that he receives?" "He's not going to sit back and get attacked by the liberal media, Hollywood elites. And when they hit him, he's going to hit back," Sanders said. "I don't think it's a surprise to anybody that he fights fire with fire."

What an ignorant thing to say! How about smart, well-informed, well-documented opinions & answers rather than silly one-liners? This is, after all, what we expect from the potus. No one's saying DT should shut-up.

Plus if you're all about 'witty' comebacks & 'fighting fire with fire' as sanders says, you better be good at it. DT's fighting fire with cr*p.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


Just for some perspective on criticism, just bear in mind the revolting crap thrown at the previous president ( birtherism being high on the list ) and remember how he dealt with it. Dignity in the face of disgusting trash like birtherism is something to be admired.

This is the highest office a person can hold, and the current holder is trashing it.

Just be honest about it. This is utter trash. He should stop it.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Scarborough called Trump a "bumbling, bumbling dope" in May.

Is he not a bumbling idiot? Hows the wall going? Tax cuts? Aca repeal? That's right, they've all stalled. Because he's a bumbling dope.

Scarborough said Trump looked like "a kid who pooped in his pants" in June.

Does he not? He's got that stupid scowl on his face as if he it makes him look tough. But it doesn't he looks like my kid before I change his poopy diaper.

Mika revealed what was supposed to be an off-the-record conversation with KellyAnne Conway, alleging the senior adviser to the president only was sticking with Trump "for the money" while needing to "take a shower" after defending him

Ah, so shoot the messenger is what we have? Theyre terrible people, I get it.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

based on the comments here, the media is doing an excellent job of telling people what to think. So I guess it is working. This wont last much longer,. Tomorrow's show for them will do huge ratings, their ratings will be up as long as they can keep talking about it, then it will be back to Russia Russia Russia.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was fat shamed on SNL for no reason. Karen Handel from Georgia fat shamed too. Trump's wife called a prostitute. Ivanka was called a dog. Where was the media outrage then? Arent they women too? They didnt even attack anyone for months like Mika did.

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

Just be honest about it. This is utter trash. He should stop it.

if media people and entertainment would stop the juvenile name calling, comments about his skin tone, hair, weight, hand size and anything else to include assassination comments, then he would have nothing to respond to.

Im moving on, many more important things happened yesterday that actually will have an impact beyond 48 hours from now .

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

Is he not a bumbling idiot? Hows the wall going? Tax cuts? Aca repeal? That's right, they've all stalled. Because he's a bumbling dope.

The wall prototype will being constructed starting in September in San Diego area, thanks for asking. Tax cuts should be on the way in August. The ACA repeal is being stalled on purpose until it can be reworked to add additional item lines that are needed. Any delays in these areas are actually Congress anyway, they do legislation, you know?

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

The wall prototype will being constructed starting in September in San Diego area, thanks for asking

And who was supposed to pay for it?

Any delays in these areas are actually Congress anyway, they do legislation, you know?

Presidents typically set the agenda and help convince legislatures to vote for the bills as part of his agenda. Kinda difficult to do when Donny is clueless about legislation entails.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Should Trump be impeached for this too?

It's not the childish, impulsive tweets themselves that are the problem; it is the underlying mental deficiencies that they indicate. He should not be impeached; he should be removed by his cabinet (they, with agreement from congress, have the power to do this). As much as I'd abhor a Pence presidency, this whole Trump thing is growing increasingly frightening - and we're only five months in.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

BlacklabelToday  12:47 pm JST

For me, I dont want a sissy President

Nicely done! React to Trump sexism with further sexism.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

"And seeing as we can safely assume that you're going to defend him to the hilt no matter what, there's little point in reading anything else you have to say so let's just ignore you too."

"Sure, please do ignore me. and fairness. and seeing the other side of the story. Just spend your life talking amongst people who agree with you so you dont have to be subjected to another point of view."

There is a difference between discussing a legitmate topic, concern or debate different points of view. But when you have blind allegiance for no other reason then he happens to be from your chosen party, as you have shown to defend him in most if not all of your posts, it is like talking to that wall Trump is trying to make and there is no point in that. Sorry.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Mika is constantly bad mouthing Trump, besides being just a talking head, she's not a very nice person. She deserved it. There's a new sheriff in town and he don't take MSM trash talk.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

This "man" outdoes himself in his brainlessness and misanthropy every single day. I blame his parents for not bringing him up properly.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I think what most people struggle with is that we respect the office of the President, but we don't respect Donald Trump, especially with all of his attacks on women.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Wake me up in 4 years when this farce is over.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

A solid centrist democrat that wasn't surrounded by endless swirling controversy would have easily defeated Trump. 

But oh no, it was Hillary's "turn".

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Blacklabel: "No one is actually offended, they just got the attention they wanted."

So, even the Republican Congresswomen who were offended and have complained about it "just wanted attention"?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

No I am talking about the 2 people who were mentioned in the tweet are not offended. They just want attention and ratings.

anyone else in a public position has to be offended in this overly sensitive politicized attack environment.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

For me, I dont want a sissy President

Woukd you say the previous president was a 'sissy' for not rising to the disgraceful birther trash put about by Trump and other sewer dwellers?

I'd call Obama's behaviour very classy. Perhaps sending out trashy, petulant tweets is regarded as macho these days.

Times have changed.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Woukd you say the previous president was a 'sissy' for not rising to the disgraceful birther trash put about by Trump and other sewer dwellers? 

Gee, in so many ways was he a sissy.

I'd call Obama's behaviour very classy.

You may call it classy, our enemies called it spineless.

Perhaps sending out trashy, petulant tweets is regarded as macho these days. 

Times have changed.

In more ways than one.

Look, I don't personally like the tweet, but Mika and Joe had it coming, seriously, what were they thinking. Good on him for not taking a seat back to those two clowns. But I did get a chuckle out of the bloody facelift. Awww snap!

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

I wasnt directing that comment directly at Obama, but now that you mention it, his behavior was extremely weak, thats all I will say about that. Draw a line in the sand, then backed off from it when it was crossed. Told Putin to cut it out about the hacking? cut it out? ooooooh that really made him stop.

Yes, he spoke a lot of high class words and hung out with all the cool kids from Hollywood and the music business. But very weak and ineffective president any time that strength was needed to resolve an issue. His responses were always childish at best, like when he did the mic drop saying Trump would never be President, oops!

As far as this Trump tweeting thing, he tweeted this to two critics, both a man and a woman. Despite the fact that she already tweeted an attack back, this is sexism just because it was a woman? I thought women were just as strong as men now? But she needs the entire media attacking back on her behalf just because she is a woman and they think she cant handle herself?

Isnt that sexism too? Thinking that women are the weaker gender and need help even in a verbal argument with a man? I think women are stronger than that and have to realize if you talk smack, you cant run and hide behind men and the media when the smack comes back your way. She already attacked back concerning implications about Trump's manhood, is that not more sexist than a facelift that both men and women can get?

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Readers, Obama is not relevant to this discussion.

She had a facelift?  It doesn't show.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

This isnt even about Trump. Look beyond that.

A person is critical of another person and constantly badmouths and spreads lies about the person on daily television. Yet when the person being attacked responds to those attacks on Twitter, its sexist just because the attacker is a woman?

So as a man, I get the takeaway that women are NOT equal to men. They must be protected from even verbal disagreements, even if they started them? So I can never respond verbally in a negative way to a woman who verbally attacks me or I am sexist? I think it is sexist to not respond verbally in the same way as I would to a man. I have been taught that women are my equals in every way. Is this not true?

To me this isnt a political conversation at all. It is an indication that even in 2017, the goal of female equality has not even progressed beyond mean tweets yet.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

She had a facelift? It doesn't show.

Probably because No one watches the show.

Oh my is there nothing wrong that Trump can do in a Trump supporters eyes..trick question..

I personally wouldn't have done it and I have said, it was a little cringing to me that he did it, however, I do think he has every right to defend himself and this goes a lot deeper than these guys insulting each other, they all used to have a very close relationship and now that he's the president, they have to trash him constantly and he just has to take it? Everyone that knows Trump, knows you get in his face and push back, he'll push back 3 times as hard. Mika and Joe should've known that bubble was about to burst.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

A person is critical of another person and constantly badmouths and spreads lies about the person on daily television

A on television daily? Nonsense. The truth is Trump is a nasty man. If Trump had actually grown up and toned his rhetoric, this would not be happening. Instead, Trump just doubles down amd continues to spread lies. Boohoo

10 ( +11 / -1 )

For an American president just not dignified.

The MSM and these two especially have been trash talking Trump and going on and on about the overblown Russia, Russia, Russia. Did you not watch the veritas tapes? I'm no "Trumpologist" but i can see the smear campaign that the MSM are doing. I can't wait for Wolf Blitzer to come into Trumps sights. So many other important and serious stories to report, but no, have to keep the ratings up.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Did you not watch the veritas tapes

Lol veritas. Speaking of lying political hacks.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

FizzBitToday  03:47 pm JST

For an American president just not dignified.

The MSM and these two especially have been trash talking Trump and going on and on about the overblown Russia, Russia, Russia. Did you not watch the veritas tapes? I'm no "Trumpologist" but i can see the smear campaign that the MSM are doing. I can't wait for Wolf Blitzer to come into Trumps sights.

I bet Wolf Blitzer can't either.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

They say its not presidential, yet Trump is the President. So anything he does is in fact and by definition Presidential.

No, it's not. The word presidential has two definitions, and you're conflating them, either in ignorance or as sophistry. I suspect the latter. And you're fooling no one, except other Trump defenders.

Trump is president, but he is not presidential.


You may call it classy, our enemies called it spineless.

Which enemies, for example, called it spineless?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

You get what you vote (or in this case 45% of people who didn't vote) for. The Presidential pivot from Trump will not come.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

bass4funkToday  03:16 pm JST

Everyone that knows Trump, knows you get in his face and push back, he'll push back 3 times as hard. *

With a tweet? Oh yes, that's really hard.

Mika and Joe should've known that bubble was about to burst.

Trying to make out as if he's really taken them down, aren't you? Never mind healthcare, tax reform, global conflict or stuff like that, Trump's winning the Twitter war against the PC media!! Give that man a Nobel Prize, someone! Face it. Right now they're probably feeling smug, self-righteous, vindicated and very likely to just keep on doing what they've been doing. Is that a bit of a difficult concept for you to grasp?

14 ( +15 / -1 )

A person is critical of another person and constantly badmouths and spreads lies about the person on daily television. Yet when the person being attacked responds to those attacks on Twitter, its sexist just because the attacker is a woman?

Yeah, and in this case he actually attacked both hosts, Crazy Mika and Psycho Joe, but the article's title just mentioned the "insulting tweet about woman TV host".

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

They say its not presidential, yet Trump is the President. So anything he does is in fact and by definition Presidential.

Trump is a man. So anything he does is in fact and by definition manly. Like when he talked about grabbing women by their __. That was very manly.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

The people from the press should get used to it.

They are lookin at thine own mirror! Lol!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Trump, who often decries what he calls "fake news" in the American media and who this week attacked CNN

That is pretty funny, seeing how CNN officials themselves off camera admit that their coverage is "fake news" aka or a "big nothing burger" as they call it. And considering the daily deranged Trump bashing in the media, up the the level of staged assassination plays, the guy has all my sympathy when he reacts. In fact, the corporate media is only angry because he found a way to circumvent them. Now cry me river, biased corporate media.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

based on the comments here, the media is doing an excellent job of telling people what to think.

Because sexism and un-Presidential behaviour should go unchecked. What should people be thinking?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Amazing how many people jump to defend the president's bad behavior over this and also the Irish woman reporter.

There's a lot of (alleged, natch) skeletons in the predator's cupboard. Wait and see how many of his faithful come forward to worship, then.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Relax. It's gonna be July 1, 2017 A.D. -- Anno Donaldo -- soon. 8 years is not such a long time. Peace.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

So many other important and serious stories to report, but no, have to keep the ratings up.

Do you think for one second Trump wants to focus on serious issues? Even when just talking about serious issues he comes out with ignorant gibberish. Barrages of trash aimed at the media/beauty queens/people who don't like him keep his followers happy and takes the focus off serious issues.

Trash is his element. He can hold his own in a trash duel with the best of them. This is the undisputed champion of the birther division. Whatever your opinion of him, he can bitch with the best of them.

Stick to the trash. Just read how well received it is on here among his supporters.

Trump and serious issues? What a belter!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Stick to the trash. Just read how well received it is on here among his supporters.

Trump and serious issues? What a belter!

Astute. Well said. One shouldn't take his supporters too seriously, either. All bluster and no substance.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Do you think for one second Trump wants to focus on serious issues?

I was speaking of the MSM, not Trump. I really miss CSPAN here. Only place you get somewhat objective points of view. When I go back to visit the folks in the US, I can't wait for 7 am and CSPAN time.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Which enemies, for example, called it spineless?

The Russians, the Saudis, the Iranians, the Cubans, North Korea, the Syrians, the Chinese. When you have European leaders telling America it needs to lead from the front, you know you hit rock bottom.

With a tweet? Oh yes, that's really hard.

Yeah, I'll bet Mika will be a little more careful from now on, but as I know that network, chances are, they'll risk getting bitten again.

Trying to make out as if he's really taken them down, aren't you?

Hey, he's Trump, remember? They can go on doing for their desperate ratings, Trump will be patient again, that is, until he blows up and gets in their face again. I wouldn't have said anything, but I understand why Trump did it and I thought it was outrageously funny and long overdo.

Never mind healthcare, tax reform, global conflict or stuff like that,

Congress is working on it. Can't make whip cream with a toothpick.

Trump's winning the Twitter war against the PC media!! Give that man a Nobel Prize, someone! Face it. Right now they're probably feeling smug, self-righteous, vindicated and very likely to just keep on doing what they've been doing. Is that a bit of a difficult concept for you to grasp?

Like I said, good on Trump and good for saying what he said, couldn't have happened to a nicer couple.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

He's a fine one to talk about people's physical appearance! Has he looked in the mirror?

V*gina neck, veneers so white they glow in the dark (I shudder to think how rotten his real teeth must be like), leathery skin, and obese. And don't get me started on that mammal living on the top of his head.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Like I said, good on Trump and good for saying what he said, couldn't have happened to a nicer couple.

Really? He sounds like one of those tedious shock jocks desperately launching ad hominems all over the shop in order to be noticed.

You must be so very proud.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

He's a fine one to talk about people's physical appearance! Has he looked in the mirror?

That's beside the point, that network which is still by far worse than CNN have to resort to calling this president ab hominem names every single day and on the MSNBC panel with Mika and Joe and her daddy, Deutsch, everyone is in competition as to who can be the most voiceful and loudest jerk of them all, day in and day out and Trump had it, so although he is the president, he is still a man and Mika was mocking his manhood, what was she thinking? And then they seemed surprised he punched back? I wasn't and I still can't stop laughing.

V*gina neck, veneers so white they glow in the dark (I shudder to think how rotten his real teeth must be like), leathery skin, and obese. And don't get me started on that mammal living on the top of his head.

Yup, typical liberals, they can't help but to use personal attacks and insults, they just help themselves and now you all know why people are happy that Trump is fighting back. kudos!

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Sexist, mysoginyst? what happened to Russia ?????   hehe

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to American politics. Before politics were so boring and safe, now they're effing hilarious and mental.

-12 ( +0 / -12 )

Trump is the best thing that ever happened to American politics. Before politics were so boring and safe, now they're effing hilarious and mental.

Oh, most definitely!

Really? He sounds like one of those tedious shock jocks desperately launching ad hominems all over the shop in order to be noticed.

Hey, it's Trump, everyone notices him already, otherwise why all the attacks.

You must be so very proud.

Oh, heck yeah!!

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

Do you think for one second Trump wants to focus on serious issues?

I was speaking of the MSM, not Trump.

Trump knows that his stupid trash will be covered by the MSM. If he wanted to focus on serious issues and slam the MSM for not doing the same, he could help this by not tweeting incendiary garbage and idiocy.

It seems strange to attack the MSM who are in the business of making money while Trump is feeding them almost non-stop stupidity. His supporters are also whooping from the gallery at his bitching.

Trump screeching around the Whitehouse lawn doing handbrake turns in his clown car while mooning from the window will be covered by the MSM. His supporters think this is brilliant.

If you want serious issues, having a serious president helps.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump knows that his stupid trash will be covered by the MSM. If he wanted to focus on serious issues and slam the MSM for not doing the same, he could help this by not tweeting incendiary garbage and idiocy.

Give me a darn break! It doesn't matter what this president does, you and all the other libs would NEVER approve of him, don't give me that. Don't make it like as if Trump stops tweeting and behaves like a good boy, you guys would lay your torches and pitchforks down, you guys wouldn't and you know it. I'd be more comfortable if you and other libs would say, "I don't like his conservative policies" I'm fine with that, but the constant ab hominem personal attacks, why on Earth should Trump play nice with the corrupt media and let them insult him and his family every waking hour. He's the president, but there is nothing where it states, the president is not allowed defend himself against personale and physical attacks.

It seems strange to attack the MSM who are in the business of making money while Trump is feeding them almost non-stop stupidity. His supporters are also whooping from the gallery at his bitching. 

I know I am. ROFL

Trump screeching around the Whitehouse lawn doing handbrake turns in his clown car while mooning from the window will be covered by the MSM. His supporters think this is brilliant. 


If you want serious issues, having a serious president helps.

We did! We finally elected one.

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

I understand all the liberal outrage. They need Mika and Joe to tell them what to think. . . . .

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

To say that the idiot-in-chief is an embarrassment is a slight understatement.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

To say that the idiot-in-chief is an embarrassment is a slight understatement.

I'm deeply embarrassed by the left in this country and especially on TV. For the life of me, how or who watches Mika and Joe??? She only got that gig because of her father and he ain't as bad as she is.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

was speaking of the MSM, not Trump

Werd! Cuz veritas is so reliable. I mean, theyve never been caught lying on tape or anything ;)

6 ( +6 / -0 )

I'm deeply embarrassed by the left in this country and especially on TV. For the life of me, how or who watches Mika and Joe??? She only got that gig because of her father and he ain't as bad as she is.

Lolol You're embarrassed by us? Good, enjoy your freakshow president.

Speaking of nepotism, I wonder of lil Kush and Ivanka landed jobs in the west wing?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

For the life of me, how or who watches Mika and Joe??? She only got that gig because of her father and he ain't as bad as she is.

Trump supporters not happy at people getting jobs through family connections?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Trump has a history of attacking women's looks publicly long before he was President and long before talk shows were talking about him. It's his go-to position when criticized by a female.

I think we were all hoping the weight of the President's office would change that, but it has not.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Lolol You're embarrassed by us? Good, enjoy your freakshow president. 

Naw, more like I had to endure the last 8 years of mental torture.

Trump supporters not happy at people getting jobs through family connections

Oh, that's not it, at least Ivanka has accomplished something, built a company, is a successful businesswoman, as for Mika, the talent in her family is her father, that's pretty much it

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Naw, more like I had to endure the last 8 years of mental torture.

Good one. Donald does love the poorly educated.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

If Mika can't take it, she shouldn't dish it out.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

So the President attacks a woman's looks and his supporters jump in to start trolling anyone who criticizes him for it. That's probably a good case study for tribalism. I can't imagine these grown men would be supporting this type of behavior from someone in their lives, but get politics involved, and here we are.

And no, attacking a woman's looks on Twitter isn't a sign of toughness. Neither is molesting them. It's good that both Democrats and Republicans are making this clear. It's a horrible message for a President to send to our children, especially little girls.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Congress is working on it. 

Like Trump's wall? When is Mexico going to pay?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Good one. Donald does love the poorly educated.

Too bad the Democrats didn't, they still might be in power today.

So the President attacks a woman's looks and his supporters jump in to start trolling anyone who criticizes him for it.

Not me, fire and criticize away! Just like Mika and Joe do, so do the rest of us. By the way, she can talk about his private parts, but he doesn't have the right to say something back? I don't mind fair criticism, I think it's important and necessary in a democracy, that's not what Mika and Joe are doing.

That's probably a good case study for tribalism. I can't imagine these grown men would be supporting this type of behavior from someone in their lives, but get politics involved, and here we are.

If only you would have had that same thought process 7 years ago.

And no, attacking a woman's looks on Twitter isn't a sign of toughness.

I have to honestly say, Trump wasn't trying to be tough, he was trying to cyber slap body slam her in the worst way.

Neither is molesting them. It's good that both Democrats and Republicans are making this clear. It's a horrible message for a President to send to our children, especially little girls.

I think it was hilarious! My kids can't turn on the TV without hearing references, no matter how subtle they are about sex or using profane language, if anything, I think kids can learn you don't have to take **** in life even if you are the POTUS.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

It's a horrible message to send to our children! Especially the little girls!

oh, these pearl-clutching statements get me every time. As if little girls are looking to Donald Trump or any other politician for guidance in their lives. Too funny!

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

I think it was hilarious!

Of course you don't think it was hilarious. You're just stuck defending a man whose actions in this case have no defense, so you swallow your pride and sell yourself out for the good of the tribe.

And of course you don't want your kids seeing the President use that kind of language and attacking women like that. I know we disagree on a lot of things but no, I don't think you're a monster who teaches his kids that attacking women is a good thing.

Let's just say that we all disagree with Trump on this one, but only some of us will call him out on it. That's probably the best summary of the situation.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

As if little girls are looking to Donald Trump or any other politician for guidance in their lives. Too funny!

I'd go along with that. Politicians almost without exception are not good role models, but I still think they should have some dignity. The leader of a country is a representative of a country and image is important.

Tweeting idiotic, petulant trash isn't what leaders of countries should be doing.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Nobody who read the tweet needs to be told what to think. First thought, geez what a thin skinned dolt. IS there ever a day when he doesn't prove how unfit he is to be president?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Did he tweet because he couldn't pronounce Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter's name? He must have a low IQ if he cannot pronounce a simple Polish name. Boże, coś Polskę (God, Save Poland)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

You want to play Psycho Analyst? Here it is - two children in a sand box one in red one in blue playing together sometimes then the sand flys - finger pointing , he/it threw sand at me !!!! What a bunch of cry babies. Every 4 to 8 years the sand thrower switches to the other side. In 10 years no one will care because they'll all not be around in politics any more and it will be the then current President you can throw sand at from your sand bunker!!Get a freakn life ya all. Moving on.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

He says things as he see's them, and doesn't use any Political correctness to adjust what he says.

So, perhaps the woman in question did have small oozes of blood from her Face-lift when she visited his establishment - who knows... but he, like a Child, is just straight.

Children also fear the boogieman. So, I hope he's got that one under control.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

@zichi - I would chat up that Reporter too, wouldn't you ?

He is a man, driven by his hormonal instincts - as had been highlighted during his Campaign - why hide that fact.

His Wife, must SURELY be the better Woman, for keeping him in line, and in tow ! (And also appreciating that he sticks with her, regardless of his flatterization of other Women, which is clearly "play"). Donald Trump is an Old-School man, and I think, his show of Masculinity, that doesn't care for Political Correctness, sort of appeals to most who are completely fed up with being told how to behave in order to be more "PC").

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

@zichi - then, Trump really does represent the normal man on the street in that respect ?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

he was trying to cyber slap body slam her

Because that's what real men do?

It's what sad, senile toddlers do when they don't get all their own way.

What an embarrassment for America.

Almost as embarrassing as the low lifes who support him no matter what.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

This PC argument is getting ridiculous. I'm dead against closing down valid arguments or having honest debates because they are uncomfortable or 'offensive'. This is when PC gets ridiculous and dangerous.

Tweeting stupid, petulant, ad hominem trash is tweeting stupid, petulant, ad hominem trash.

If I was against media bias, I'd point out the bias and make a valid point. I wouldn't walk over to my opponents and break wind in their faces.

Applaud it all you like but Trump's anal applause approach is utter trash.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

To the 62 million Americans who voted for this hopeless person: are these the values you want your children to learn?? Attacking people, bullying them, insulting them, putting them down. Wow, the President of the United States is a man filled with hatred and rage.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

PC is the current Fad that makes us all second think ourselves - and we complain about other Totalitarian states controlling our thoughts and actions ? Look at ourselves first ?!

Perhaps this is a rebellion by the Americans who believe in what their Country stood for, before it was taken over by those they see as "pussies" - hence the Macho "Make America Great Again".. statement.

Personally, I don't care - I will look at both sides of the argument objectively and ask questions... until I can make my own mind up. And even then, I will be open - after all, that's what a Democracy is all about... right ?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I think if you asked Trump supporters 5 years ago if they would support a President who does these things they would say NO. But get them in the tribe, and we're starting to see some low class behavior become acceptable as long as it's against the enemy tribe.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

He is only making himself look even worse with his comments on twitter. The President of the USA is so insecure about himself that he lets the media get under his skin. Not the sign of a good leader IMO. Why can't his followers see that?

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Why all the uproar over an offhand comment about a woman's face lift? It's not a state secret when someone has some plastic surgery. Much ado about nothing.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Well, I guess there will be some white trash 

I guess it's perfectly acceptable to be racist on this website. Substitute 'white' with any other racial group and you tell me it that would meet the standards of the PC Left.

I have always wanted to see a Republican president fire back at the press for it's hypocrisy and double standard for Republicans. However Trump keeps getting personal in his counter punching. When he sticks to the issues I love it when he calls out the press. When he gets petty like with this Lefty journalist Brzezinski - not so much.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

How about TV hosts, journalists and Comedians insulting, swearing and cursing President Trump every day and night on TV , News paper and On-line news? Is that fair also it’s ethically and morally okay for TV host, Journalists and Comedians? Why not President? If it was okay for TV hosts, Journalists and Comedians can be freely insulting to anyone they like on TV. The President is also human being.

I’m not fan of Trump and also not fan of TV host and journalists who use their professional to abuse someone. The TV hosts, Journalists and Comedians are personally insulting against President Trump from day one he declared running for President. The supporters of Hillary can’t get over for their lost and they are increasing attack on President Trump everyday. American children are learning about hatred and jealous from TV hosts. It’s not healthy environment for children and TV morning show should be classified PG.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Of course you don't think it was hilarious.

Yes, I do.

You're just stuck defending a man whose actions in this case have no defense, so you swallow your pride and sell yourself out for the good of the tribe.

No, I already said, I personally would not have done that, but I'm not Trump and he is who he is, he's a fighter and when you push him back, he'll push back doubley as hard, that was a given.

And of course you don't want your kids seeing the President use that kind of language and attacking women like that. I know we disagree on a lot of things but no, I don't think you're a monster who teaches his kids that attacking women is a good thing.

You are right, but having said that, Mika and Joe deserved it, there was No reason to get that nasty every single day. They weren't attacking his policies, they were attacking the man himself, deeply and personally.

I'd go along with that. Politicians almost without exception are not good role models,

Often, yes.

but I still think they should have some dignity. The leader of a country is a representative of a country and image is important. 


Tweeting idiotic, petulant trash isn't what leaders of countries should be doing.

To be fair I agree, but when you have liberals angry and whining because their candidate didn't win and they are so beside themselves with hatred and anger because the people elected an outsider, they feel as well as everyone else the Democrats are and have been way out of control for a very long time and now out of power, they can't take it and now the man they hate with a passion, the man that was the underdog and the man they never thought could ever win, won and now at every turn, the demonize, attack the man viciously, constantly, relentlessly day after day, often a few times a day, even Bush wasn't excoriated like this and he was treated pretty bad, but Bush ignored all the attacks and to his peril it really damaged his presidency. This man is not like that and is not going to take it, he was patient with those two. You can make an argument about some of the things Trump says, but Mika was way out of line and Trump had every right to respond even if it is against the norm. He should act more presidential and the media should equally act more professional, fair and drop the partisan chip.

Because that's what real men do?

But real women can insult a sitting president and talk about his privates?

It's what sad, senile toddlers do when they don't get all their own way.

I think it's worse when you have a struggling show and you feel the need to sink as low as you can to get ratings. Smh.

What an embarrassment for America.

Almost as embarrassing as the low lifes who support him no matter what.

I think what's a real embarrassment as sad are the real low lives, the desperate and sadly out of touch liberals in the country are on an emotional downward spiral and need to get a life, get a job, get back to reality, but the TV remote down, step out of the House and understand there is life outside of their homes, try and become of some use to society instead of being pathetic whiny cry babies. They had 8 years to do something good and their politics got them kicked out and now having everyone breathing a sigh of relief.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

ZsirjamesJune 30  11:32 pm JST

You want to play Psycho Analyst? Here it is - two children in a sand box one in red one in blue playing together sometimes then the sand flys - finger pointing , he/it threw sand at me !!!! What a bunch of cry babies. . Every 4 to 8 years the sand thrower switches to the other side.

Perhaps you can find me a link to a Democratic President attacking a woman who criticized him for her looks. I can't seem to find it.

A "but guys, both sides do it..." strawman isn't going to cut it here. Anyone who can't handle the fact that two members of the public are laughing at him is unfit to be President. Anyone who responds to an attack on what they did with an attack on who the critic is, is unfit to be President.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This sums it up perfectly:

the most powerful person in the free worldwas so threatened by a news host criticizing what he did that he had to turn around and attack who she was

Remember when the president respected the office of the president? It shouldn't be hard to remember because it was up until January 20th of this year.

Another valid point:

Just for some perspective on criticism, just bear in mind the revolting crap thrown at the previous president ( birtherism being high on the list ) and remember how he dealt with it. Dignity in the face of disgusting trash like birtherism is something to be admired.

The president should be focused on real issues and not engaging in pettiness. It takes dignity to do that, which this president completely lacks, along with his apologists.

For those of you screaming that these tweets were not sexist because he attacked Scarborough as well, try rereading the tweets. He did not attack Scarborough's intelligence or looks.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump makes sure he profiles himself as an ordinary uneducated punk. Just when you think he can't sink any lower with his rhetoric, foul language, threats and manners he actually finds a way to immerse himself further in his offal.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Remember when the president respected the office of the president? It shouldn't be hard to remember because it was up until January 20th of this year. 

Huh? What?? Dear lord...ROFL

The president should be focused on real issues and not engaging in pettiness. It takes dignity to do that, which this president completely lacks, along with his apologists.

I agree and at the same time, please tell the media and Hollywood to do the same. Respect goes both ways, don't have to like the man or his policies, but you don't need to sling degrading insults either.

For those of you screaming that these tweets were not sexist because he attacked Scarborough as well, try rereading the tweets. He did not attack Scarborough's intelligence or looks.

No, but Trump should've attacked his signing, good lord!!! Also, Mika attacked the president sexually as well, that "teensy" hand remark, we all knew what she meant, so if she's going to dish it, she should take it and like I said, it couldn't happen to a nicer person.

A "but guys, both sides do it..." strawman isn't going to cut it here.

Because you don't think so? Who determines that?? 

Excellent point, we never had to idiots like those two going overboard and insulting a sitting president and then thinking of all the people in the world who they know personally would not punch back. Mika and Joe had Trump on as a regular guest for a long time on their show, they were personal close friends and when he won the presidency, they turned on him, so of course the man feels betrayed and on top of that, the constant daily and nasty insults, he just had enough and forget this stupid notion, it's beneath the presidency, ok, it's beneath the media to act in this manner as well. Trump decided enough is enough and I don't blame him for that, why does he have to be a punching bag for those two? Good on him.

Anyone who responds to an attack on what they did with an attack on who the critic is, is unfit to be President.

Ok, that's your personal opinion, he scored brownie points by me and many other people for it, particularly in this situation.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

we never had to idiots like those two going overboard and insulting a sitting president

Who was the CEO of the birther movement?

they were personal close friends and when he won the presidency, they turned on him

Or, when he started mouthing off and acting unpresidential they started calling him out on it.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Also, Mika attacked the president sexually as well, that "teensy" hand remark, we all knew what she meant

Prove it. Seems as if someone is projecting their prurient interests.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

we never had to idiots like those two going overboard and insulting a sitting president

Who was the CEO of the birther movement?

Trump's campaign was a blizzard of trash talk. Remember what he said about Megan Kelly? Remember his comments about Fiorina? Remember his comments on McCain? Remember him mocking a disabled reporter? I really could go on. It was wall to wall trash.

Birtherism was an utter disgrace. It was beyond trash. Trump wallowed in this for years. It's stench will never leave him. What he did to a sitting president should disgust anyone with a sliver of morality and decency. This wasn't a couple of trash left journalists scoring cheap points, this was something more sinister, ugly and sick.

The Trump supporters should bear this in mind. There are those who will go into the sewer, but their leader has been in deeper than most.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

when it comes out of Trump's mouth, you shift your principals to support someone in your tribe. You should be stronger than that. You wouldn't do it yourself for a reason, so you should make Trump know that.

This is what I don't get as well. People I personally know, who won't behave the way he does, defend this behavior. Why is it not ok for you, but ok for him? Is it good for say stuff like that? Why isn't ok to call him out on it?

I sure hope that it's not because of the fear of being viewed as a ''whiny liberal'' because you disagree with the guy.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

What is with Joffrey and women who bleed? He really does have a problem. Also, an ugly turn that he'd threaten the couple by getting the National Enquirer's publishers and editor in chief David Pecker & Dylan Howard, respectively, to run a smear piece...




The era of patience with PotUS is over.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Or, when he started mouthing off and acting unpresidential they started calling him out on it.

A lot of Republicans have called him out on it.


Why are his supporters here in Japan not doing the same? Is this a renegade faction of the GOP?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Who was the CEO of the birther movement?

John Podesta and the Clinton machine during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Or, when he started mouthing off and acting unpresidential they started calling him out on it.

He was chosen for that very reason, to cause mayhem to the Washington establishment.

Prove it. Seems as if someone is projecting their prurient interests.

Hmmmm...try going back to read what I wrote.

Look, I've known you for a long time and there's never been any kind of misogyny from you. But when it comes out of Trump's mouth, you shift your principals to support someone in your tribe.

I don't approve of misogyny on any level and as I said, I wouldn't have made that comment personally, but I am also not the president, NOT Trump and I never had a long relationship the way he did with her and Joe, so I think there is something deeper than what we see. But I don't think that there is zero evidence of any misogyny, talking about the woman's face and is not the same as talking about her body parts, but it depends how you tend to perceive the attack. Liberals will take it as a sexual assault and other might take it as a payback slap down for the continuous flurry of insults because you don't like the president. Nothing wrong with disagreeing, but this situation would never have happened if Mika wouldn't have started to make fun of his manhood and calling the man names everyday. He had every right to respond back. Doesn't matter what people think, if you punch me in the mouth, I guarantee you, you won't like the repercussions that would follow.

You should be stronger than that. You wouldn't do it yourself for a reason, so you should make Trump know that. You aren't going to get kicked out of the GOP for calling out Trump when he does something you don't support.

Actually, I'm not. I'm standing more up for people attacking Trump NOT because he's Trump, put that aside, but because he's a human being and for all his shortcomings that he and everyone has, "The Morning Joe show" has really been going down that slippery slope and just decided to get rid of every journalistic standards (what little they had) and focus ONLY on ratings and appeal to the never Trump crowd. You can do that without getting in the gutter and when you do that and especially to Trump, you know what's going to happen. I don't know why people are beside themselves by his tweets! He's never going to stop, never going to listen to the strongest advice, he has 33 million followers, he's 70 and people at that stage in their life are never going to change. So why bother and why be amazed? And as long as people and the media continue to be hostile and nasty towards Trump, you just better believe he's not going to stop either, get used to it. That's not me defending him, that's the reality of what Trump is and what he's going to do.

Trump's campaign was a blizzard of trash talk. Remember what he said about Megan Kelly? Remember his comments about Fiorina? Remember his comments on McCain? Remember him mocking a disabled reporter? I really could go on. It was wall to wall trash. 

Yes and that just elevated his status more.

Birtherism was an utter disgrace. It was beyond trash.

Yes and the attacks on his wife and young son were equally as disgusting.

Trump wallowed in this for years. It's stench will never leave him. What he did to a sitting president should disgust anyone with a sliver of morality and decency. This wasn't a couple of trash left journalists scoring cheap points, this was something more sinister, ugly and sick. 

But apparently, the people didn't think so, that's why he's in the WH.

The Trump supporters should bear this in mind. There are those who will go into the sewer, but their leader has been in deeper than most.

Many of us felt the same about the previous president and his supporters.

A lot of Republicans have called him out on it. 

But they are the establishment moonbeams, who cares what they think? They care more about their careers.

Why are his supporters here in Japan not doing the same? Is this a renegade faction of the GOP

What for? Tow the party line of being aligned with the crooks of Washington that think they are the epitome of moral ethics?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Birtherism was an utter disgrace. It was beyond trash.

Yes and the attacks on his wife and young son were equally as disgusting.

Those attacks came from the trash media. Not from candidates.

Birtherism was from a candidate, Donald Trump. It was sub- trash.

You seem to think it's acceptable for a president to act like the trash media. Your morals have certainly taken a battering since your conversion to the lunatic fringe.


5 ( +5 / -0 )

Those attacks came from the trash media. Not from candidates. 

Started with the Podesta/Clinton camp

Birtherism was from a candidate, Donald Trump. It was sub- trash.

Later, yes. But trash talking is trash talking, if Trump does it or Mika, it's all bad.

You seem to think it's acceptable for a president to act like the trash media.

In this situation, I do. By the way, you think it's ok and acceptable that the media and the left can say THE absolute and most outrageous things about this president.

Your morals have certainly taken a battering since your conversion to the lunatic fringe. 

My morals are strongly intact, I just woke up.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

In this situation, I do. By the way, you think it's ok and acceptable that the media and the left can say THE absolute and most outrageous things about this president.

The media does this. The right, including the current president, wallowed in birtherism, called the previous president the anti-Christ and other lunatics claimed he is or may be a Muslim. It's how it is.

A mark of dignity is how you react to this trash. Trump has no dignity.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Bass: He was chosen for that very reason, to cause mayhem to the Washington establishment.

But weren't you thinking more in terms of "cleaning up Washington and accomplishing things"? I'm assuming you didn't vote for him hoping he would say crude statements about women on Twitter.

I wouldn't have made that comment personally

Why wouldn't you have made that comment personally? Would you have made the statements Trump has made about the appearance of Fiorina or Rosie O'Donnell? Would you ever brag about molesting women? I can't imagine you would. So there's some line that's crossed where I don't think you support Trump, but you still defend him. That's tribalism.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

you think it's ok and acceptable that the media and the left can say THE absolute and most outrageous things

Free speech. It's supposedly protected by the US constitution. So yes, it is OK. If you find it unacceptable, then switch channels, turn the TV off, find friends who better share your values.

By the same token, it's OK for Trump to tweet all he wants. And it's also OK for people to look at the content, tone, style, etc., of those tweets and his other utterances and actions, and to judge his character accordingly. and to express their views of that character.

'I don't agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'

Meanwhile folk outside the US, including national leaders, are watching, listening and snikkering at how the mighty have fallen. It's very sad.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

at least Ivanka has accomplished something

Oh yes.


You must be so proud.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

bass4funkToday  09:33 am JST

Trump wallowed in this for years. It's stench will never leave him. What he did to a sitting president should disgust anyone with a sliver of morality and decency. This wasn't a couple of trash left journalists scoring cheap points, this was something more sinister, ugly and sick. 

But apparently, the people didn't think so, that's why he's in the WH.

He's in the WH because of the Electoral College. Shut up about "the people."

Incidentally, don't take anything I write in response to your comments as any indication that I have any interest in reading your replies or otherwise interacting with you. Reply if you like, but assume I won't bother reading it.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I don't approve of misogyny on any level and as I said

Except in this instance.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Only 7 1/2 years to go! LOL Trump will have a brain seizure from all the damage to his ego and Twitter rants long before this

2 ( +2 / -0 )

More than the liberals??? I find that very hard to believe!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

So how outraged is everyone that the CNN guy said a woman looks like she got hit in the face with a shovel? Oh don't care right? Cause this issue is nothing about women it's just a way to score points whenever Trump says anything people can complain about.

People just don't care anymore since the media has been allowed to disrespect the office of the president. So in return normal people don't freak out when he responds 10 times harder.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

“‘The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. The president is the spokesman for democracy and liberty. Isn’t it time we brought back the pomp and circumstance and the sense of awe for that office that we all held?’

, ‘That means everyone in the administration should look and act professionally, especially the president.’ ‘Impressions matter.’” 

Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again.  Donald J. Trump

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Some of you simply do not understand that POTUS is not a newscaster, which means drawing comparisons to a newscaster is a false equivalency. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it is incumbent upon POTUS to act in a dignified manner no matter the situation?

If you are going to claim that "the last president didn't act dignified," provide concrete examples.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Bass4funk: "Look, I don't personally like the tweet,..."


"...but Mika and Joe had it coming, seriously, what were they thinking. Good on him for not taking a seat back to those two clowns. But I did get a chuckle out of the bloody facelift. Awww snap!"

so, you didn't like the tweet, but you praise Trump for it, got a chuckle out of it. Typical 180 from a Trumper. Next you'll be denying you ever said you didn't like the tweet, then saying you never said you got a chuckle out of it.

Funny to wath Blacklabel backtrack on his "anyone who's offended just wanted attention" comment as even the most steadfast Republicans ca this very, very unpresidential and low.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I didn't backtrack on anything. People attack our president and insult his family and his personal appearance to get attention. They also insult the appearance of his staff, including women and their weight and looks. No one cares that it is unfair and undignified of the people doing it. No one cares about these women's feelings.

You expect him to just take it. but I and lots of others feel he is within his rights to attack these disrespectful people right back. I want a president who is a fighter for not only himself his family and his staff but for the American people.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

I want a president who is a fighter for not only himself his family and his staff but for the American people.

Everbody agrees with this sentiment. However, some of us also want a president that does not insult others and thereby create situations in which his staff and family are insulted. You reap what you sow, and Trump's been sowing this excrement since long before he was a candidate.

Please, please tell us what Trump would have to do for all of you to not defend him.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

You expect him to just take it. but I and lots of others feel he is within his rights to attack these disrespectful people right back. I want a president who is a fighter for not only himself his family and his staff but for the American people.

Let's break this issue down into its relevant components.

Journalistic criticism of inappropriate behavior by elected officials, especially by the president is entirely legitimate. It is, in fact, essential.

Journalistic criticism of the appearance of elected officials (e.g. of hair style, tie length) is unprofessional, irrelevant, and destructive. By left, right, or whatever shade. I do not admire the polemic that is often produced by MSNBC, Salon, Huffpo, Vox, or Slate (to reference media I tend to side with).

The president has the right to say whatever he wants. However, social norms expect the presidency to rise significantly above the lower denominators of common discourse, whether that be street language or tabloid bait. He is, according to longstanding tradition, supposed to be an example to the public. In the United States, the president is both head of government and head of state (i.e. a figurehead). Trump can do what he wants, but it's ultimately destructive to the 'brand image' of America (already massively tarnished). And anyone who has done business (like Trump) should know that image counts for a lot.

Trump is not fighting for the American people or his family. He is fighting for himself. That is the whole problem.
4 ( +5 / -1 )


Astute analysis that I hope everyone can understand and agree with, though I'm not holding my breath.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So how outraged is everyone that the CNN guy said a woman looks like she got hit in the face with a shovel? Oh don't care right? Cause this issue is nothing about women it's just a way to score points whenever Trump says anything people can complain about.

So some guy I've never heard of was secretly recorded talking to someone else in a private conversation and I should focus on that instead of the President of the United States blasting out yet another misogynistic Tweet? Yeah, let's all get behind that. It's the same with the whole "let's ignore Trump's potential obstruction of justice and instead focus on Susan Rice asking Comey to change a word".

Trump is a grown man and he's responsible for his own actions. Stop giving him endless shields from any and all criticism because someone else kind of did something sorta similar once. There's a reason why Presidents have no history of things this and it's not because they were all weak men who refused to stand up for themselves. They decided against using their position of power to insult women while Trump indulges in his. Repeatedly. While bragging about molesting them.

So go ahead and trot out the next unknown guy who once said something about a Trump staffer. I'm still going to say Trump was a bully for doing what he did. I'm sorry if that upsets you.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

He's in the WH because of the Electoral College. Shut up about "the people."

Nope, but continue...

Incidentally, don't take anything I write in response to your comments as any indication that I have any interest in reading your replies or otherwise interacting with you. Reply if you like, but assume I won't bother reading it.

What is the name of that famous song sung by Pharrell Williams again?

so, you didn't like the tweet, but you praise Trump for it, got a chuckle out of it.


Typical 180 from a Trumper. Next you'll be denying you ever said you didn't like the tweet, then saying you never said you got a chuckle out of it. 

No, I'm pretty consistent.

Funny to wath Blacklabel backtrack on his "anyone who's offended just wanted attention" comment as even the most steadfast Republicans ca this very, very unpresidential and low.

And you are entitled to your opinion, I fully respect it.

Please, please tell us what Trump would have to do for all of you to not defend him.

Dunno, but I think he should rattle Washington and the world a bit more. It's not nearly enough.

Journalistic criticism of the appearance of elected officials (e.g. of hair style, tie length) is unprofessional, irrelevant, and destructive. By left, right, or whatever shade.

And yet, MSNBC have made it a daily blood sport. Do they even have Journalists there besides Chuck Todd?

I do not admire the polemic that is often produced by MSNBC, Salon, Huffpo, Vox, or Slate (to reference media I tend to side with).


The president has the right to say whatever he wants. However, social norms expect the presidency to rise significantly above the lower denominators of common discourse, whether that be street language or tabloid bait. He is, according to longstanding tradition, supposed to be an example to the public.

Obviously, the people don't care, that's why they choose him and not a career politician. So those standards go out the window and don't apply as Trump is not in the sense of the word, a politician.

In the United States, the president is both head of government and head of state (i.e. a figurehead). Trump can do what he wants, but it's ultimately destructive to the 'brand image' of America (already massively tarnished). And anyone who has done business (like Trump) should know that image counts for a lot.

Destructive, was the last guy in office a few months ago. A lot of us think the opposite about Trump and his overall intentions to put this country back on track.

Trump is not fighting for the American people or his family. He is fighting for himself. That is the whole problem.

If that were remotely true, then Trump didn't have to take the job, it's not like he didn't have everything already and he sure as heck doesn't need the salary, he could a lot better if he were not in office, but on this, he is most definitely fighting for the people.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Every president since media has existed has faced criticism, sometimes harsh criticism, from the press.

But only one has been so weak as to publicly attack people personally.

Trump. Absolute failure. Weak pathetic little man who is not fit for office.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

As the president, everyone is part of the little people. He's concerned enough to routinely freak out about what they say.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

During the presidential campaign, Trump suggested that his personal attacks on enemies real and imagined would end when he took office. “I’m gonna be so presidential that you people will be so bored,” he said.

He must not know he's now the president.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Swift_JusticeToday  04:25 am JST

He's in the WH because of the Electoral College. Shut up about "the people."

Nope, but continue...

So the president is not chosen through the electoral college and Clinton did not have 2.8 million more popular votes (from the people)?

Good luck trying to get any kind of coherent, relevant answer other than something like, "That's our (stupid, broken) system." I doubt you'll get the bit in parentheses because it's given this loud, crass, reality-challenged minority what they want. Of course, I'm sure we'd be hearing all about how stupid and broken it is non-stop from far-right trolls if Hillary Clinton had won the Electoral College but not the popular vote. Which, I must add, they would be right about.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Destructive, was the last guy in office a few months ago.

That's your opinion, which is supported by zero evidence.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

But only one has been so weak as to publicly attack people personally.

I wouldn't call it weak, I would call it, I had enough and I'm not taking your crap anymore, I mean, he's a New Yorker from Queens, why are people surprised, I wasn't. LOL

Good on Trump!

 it is non-stop from far-right trolls if Hillary Clinton had won the Electoral College but not the popular vote. Which, I must add, they would be right about.

I think you really need to let go and accept the fact, would've, could've, should've, it's all irrelevant now. She's out, she was a horrible candidate, wanted to carry on the same policies. History now. Now we have a person that the people want that wasn't a politician and a fighter and that's what they got and to be honest, I'm kind of surprised it took this long, Trump was being excruciatingly patient with those two and finally his bubble bursted. Mika and Joe should've realized, never bring a bat to knife fight. Smh.

That's your opinion, which is supported by zero evidence.

1000 legislative seats lost, less than 16 governs across the country, lost the entire Congress, the Senate, the House, the presidency, keep losing local elections. That's not only my evidence, that's reality.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

bass4funk: I totally agree that the politics in Washington led to Trump being elected, and I don't mind this line of thinking that Clinton was part of the political establishment and it was getting very stale. The problem is that Trump was elected, and he's completely unfit for the job. Whether you love his rude style, his infantile insults, bullying nature and down right childish twitter yips, his incompetence as POTUS should be obvious to you, as I believe Trump supporters are even more blind than the blind who admired Washington politics and the Clintons. But, as far as Donald Trump and his unhinged behavior goes, I wonder how any one who has kids could say to them, 'I love this Trump guy, you should be just like him.' No sane mind would promote him as a true role model, unless they, like him, had millions in the bank so it wouldn't matter whether their kids were jerks, or not.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What a pathetic psychopath for a president. The GOP ultra-right deserved that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Donald Trump is a very rich President as you can see and very emotional. Where there are big money there and there are many women who have only one goal ... I guess I want to be more independent! And not everyone can please many congressmen and senators protesting. But the expressions show a very free language of speech. Defense is understandable, I also have the habit of giving answers to the attacks directed at My direction

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The media are on an unhinged hate rampage against Trump, up to the level of assassination talk and staged murders, yet they go into another fit every time he responds. So, he is supposed to lay low and take it, while the overpaid corporate fake media personalities stomp all over him? I don´t agree with everything he has said and done, but I am 100% with him in his response to the fake "mainstream" media.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Good luck trying to get any kind of coherent, relevant answer other than something like, "That's our (stupid, broken) system."

How? When it served the Democrats -it was fine and they never complained-NEVER! And now that they lost, they hate the system.

I doubt you'll get the bit in parentheses because it's given this loud, crass, reality-challenged minority what they want.

So that's what we're calling it? Minority?? Hmmm...I see.

Of course, I'm sure we'd be hearing all about how stupid and broken it is non-stop from far-right trolls if Hillary Clinton had won the Electoral College but not the popular vote. Which, I must add, they would be right about.

Thats all thankfully past us and in the harsh reality of irrelevancy .

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I am more disappointed at the title of this thread

"Trump denounced after insulting tweet about woman TV host"

Why does it have to be 'woman' TV host? Trump goes after everybody regardless of gender. I just don't like the focus being on on particular sex because it's inflammatory.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Why does it have to be 'woman' TV host? Trump goes after everybody regardless of gender. I just don't like the focus being on on particular sex because it's inflammatory.

He is particularly cruel when the target is a woman.

This whole escapade is made all the more worse because of the blackmail behind everything.

Trump used his connections with the Enquirer to try and get concessions from the TV hosts.

The hosts wrote an editorial in the WP and spoke out on Friday about the whole ordeal. Strangely (or stupidly), Trump confirmed the blackmail in a tweet at the end of the show.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So that's what we're calling it? Minority?? Hmmm...I see. a minority of the US population and eligible voters support him and a smaller group minority voted for him on a preferred candidate basis. Hmmm So yes Minority is the correct term.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

a minority of the US population and eligible voters support him and a smaller group minority voted for him on a preferred candidate basis.

Yet, the President of the United States is still Donald J. Trump. Amazing how that works.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Yet, the President of the United States is still Donald J. Trump. Amazing how that works. . its called the electoral college, the same college that Trump label as ridiculous. Even a country like Japan which many say isnt really a democracy can see that voter disparity based on ones location is unconstitutional. Yet the US the country that harps on about being the pillar of world democracy cant or wont see the undemocratic system they have in place. Or maybe its just the Republicans since 2 of the last 5 elections have been won by them without the popular support of its people. Amazing!? hardly . Pathetic is more like it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Seriously people, the tweets weren't sexist because it was a man attacking a woman.

The tweets were sexist because a man was attacking a woman about things like how she looked, as if her appearance is relevant to how correct/incorrect her position on a topic is. He didn't say just she was wrong. He didn't just defend his position. He talked about her appearance to try to make her SEEM wrong... like she couldn't possibly be right because she may have had a face lift, even though it's not relevant at all. To make his point, he played into cultural attitudes that people, and women in particular, have to look a certain way, rather than using facts. THAT is sexism.

If he had said "She was wrong because X fact, and I was right because Y fact" that isn't sexism.

If a face lift had possibly been relevant it wouldn't necessarily be sexism. I'm not sure how a face lift could be particularly relevant so I can't make up a good example, but I'm sure it's possible. Maybe something along the lines of "She said she saw me while she was swimming, but she had had a face lift so she couldn't have been in the water. That's a lie" wouldn't be sexist. Just stating a RELEVANT fact. I know it's reaching but it's what I've got.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

He has shown his guts!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

wtfjapanJuly 3  02:50 pm JST

So that's what we're calling it? Minority?? Hmmm...I see. a minority of the US population and eligible voters support him and a smaller group minority voted for him on a preferred candidate basis. Hmmm So yes Minority is the correct term.

Good try, but I think that's a wasted explanation. Some people just won't be told.

BlacklabelJuly 3  03:23 pm JST

Yet, the President of the United States is still Donald J. Trump. Amazing how that works.

Well, as long as no one goes using any laughably inappropriate expressions like "the greatest democracy in the world" with reference to the United States. Or the UK, for that matter. I mustn't pretend it's a whole lot better where I'm from.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Trump is the least sexist guy around.

He says what he likes about women and men.

The people who are truly sexist are the women who mock Trump's physical appearance especially hair, but then if he says something similar back starting crying saying he shouldn't "talk to women" that way.

Modern women have to decide if they want to play by the same rules.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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