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© Thomson Reuters 2021.Trump plans to depart Washington the morning of Inauguration Day
By Steve Holland WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Haaa Nemui
Biden. Did you not hear? There was an election. Biden won.
Peter Neil
Worst president in the history of the US.
How in the world did a 6-time bankrupt, 5-time draft dodging, pathological lying narcissist become the darling of American conservatives?
How in the world do Republicans still support this failed human and wannabe dictator?
I remember reading a few decades ago that the US could end by being divided into several smaller countries. I can see that in the future, The US may not be around forever as it is now.
The sight of redneck rioters who believe in QAnon and other nonsense storming the capitol should be a wakeup call. Normal people need to define a new boundary for a normal society and push the nutcases back to the Confederacy in the south. If you want to fly Confederate flags, move there and make your own country.
Trump's rallies at stadiums are cheerful, peaceful and cordial. Everybody basically cheers and has a good time.
The only security needed are the guys that keep adoring fans at a safe distance from the podium.
Meanwhile, Biden's inauguration will have to be a fortress.
Which leader is truly more popular?
Biden's inauguration will look like a fortress because of threats from all those cheerful, peaceful and cordial folks who tried to stage a coup on January 6
Which leader is more popular? The one who got 7 million more votes than the other guy.
Haaa Nemui
They should play some Tom Petty as he’s leaving.
“Don’t come around here no more”
Peter Neil
True, more soldiers at the capital than currently deployed to Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan combined.
Defending against domestic enemies, Trump and his cult.
The majority of Americans have long known Trump was unfit for any office. Unfortunately the stench he's leaving behind will continue to harm the country long after he's gone. As will his anti-democracy, anti-American political movement which will be continued by seditionists in both houses with people like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, 'Gym' Jordan. Matt Gaetz and many others trying to undermine the republic. Expect the global alt right media to continue its anti-democracy, anti-American propaganda barrages. The Trump stench lingers.
No surprise - Trump running away like he always does...
Ran away from his obligation to serve his country - nothing but a cowardly draft dodger...
Ran away from his employees - six bankruptcies throwing people out of work...
Ran away from our allies in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq...
Runs away now rather than show support for our democracy...
No running away from the Federal and NY Prosecutors investigating his tax and insurance fraud though...
Running away like the coward he is.
Danny Nguyen
Even that is an understatement after everything he has done.
Best to confiscate his passport. Trump’s a definite flight risk now.
So when they attend rallies exclusively attended by the same side Trump supporters are peaceful and cordial to their fellow Trump supporters?
Brilliant observation. I’m sure Al Qaida meetings attended only by Al Qaida adherents are also pretty tame and cordial affairs, but that is an equally spurious observation.
Because all those “peaceful and cordial” Trump supporters whose peacefulness you just praised literally just went on a murderous rampage and are threatening to do so again, genius.
Among Trump supporters? Trump.
Among Americans? Biden.
I hope he doesn't leave because I'd love to see soldiers go in and throw his backside onto the curb.
And fumigate the whole house!
What is worrying is even after all that trump has done there are still people out there completely blind to it ....
Wow, you have fallen this far. To compare Trump rallies as a measure of his success as a President and as a human being.
Hopefully, Biden's inauguration is low key and boring as hell. I hope the next 4, 8, 12 years are as boring as hell, free of scandals and race baiting that so dominated the past 4 years.
The voters spoke and 7 million more said enough with the Idiocracy rallies, it is time for the petulant child to go down for his nap.
Bob Fosse
I hope he has time to get a little golf in before he leaves. I heard it’s good for lowering blood pressure.
Argus Tuft
Lazarus Knows
Trump rallies are so cordial and friendly that they only occasionally break into attempted coups against the US government.
Trump and his lies and his cult just need to go away. They are toxic to American democracy.
And he'll depart with another dishonor - the lowest approval rate of any President in history...
*As he prepares to leave office, President Donald Trump's job approval marks are on a downward spiral, led by sinking support among his Republican base, following last week's riot at the Capitol and subsequent impeachment. In a new poll from the Pew Research Center, only 29% of Americans said they approve of how Trump is handling his job – the lowest of his tumultuous presidency and down 9 percentage points from August. Sixty-eight percent said they disapprove of his job performance.*
The fairy tale by the Trump supporters here that 74 million Americans who voted for him are still his hard-core supporters and members of the cult is completely false...
Right up to the very end, the 11th hour of his last day, the publicity-addicted 45th still wants to be the star, but this time he won't be able to upstage the inauguration of the 46th at the Capitol. Trump came down the faux gold escalator to begin his improbable journey to the WH, but he'll leaving it on January 20th like the addled Norma Desmond descending the staircase, "unwept, unhonoured, and unsung". Sic Semper Asinis!
It's good news. Trump doesn't deserve to be at Biden's inauguration. He can fade off into the distance in Florida trying to fight his multitude of upcoming court cases while bankrupt. He's already morally bankrupt, soon to be financially bankrupt.......yet again (but Deutsche Bank isn't going to help him next time).
He needs to be arrested and his passport confiscated.
Secret Service should do a thorough clean sweep of the WH before Joe gets in. There may be a bomb or at the very least, Trump's feces and urine. He's that gross, unmanly, deplorable and sickening.
I remember ABBA. How about 'Glad To See You Go' by the Ramones?
Or another one from the Ramones, 'Couldn't keep a secret, got a concrete skull, You couldn't shut up, you're an imbecile, You're an ugly dog, there's nothing to gain, You couldn't shut up, you had a bad, bad brain!
Couldn't hold your tongue, you were just too young, Like a two-year-old, you told, you told, You were all the same, jellybean brain, Everyone's a secret nerd, everyone's a closet lame
Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mama's boy!
Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mama's boy!
Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-mama's boy!
Uh, uh!
Uh, uh!'