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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Trump seeks border wall, crackdown on unaccompanied minors for 'Dreamer' deal
By Jeff Mason WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Just say the wall is already built and Trump supporters will believe him. Save headache and money
Trump reneging on a deal? Nobody could have seen that one coming. Believe me.
Well, so far, in 10 months, Trump hasn't been able to get anything through congress. The dreamers don't have to worry.
Because they're stupid, or because I think they're stupid? Lol Actually the main reason Trump won was a bit of help from his Russian pal Putin, gerrymandering, and an antiquated electoral system. Your argument would make sense if Donny won the poular vote. He did not.
Except for math, the popular vote, and freedom of online information that destroys any Repubnatic, sure
There's not much subtlety other than smiling while you use whatever leverage you have - something Trump's not particularly good at. In fact, the party out of power often is able to exert more power simply because they won't be blamed if things go to hell. For example, Trump seems to think that Americans won't notice his sabotage of Obamacare. They will. Similarly, they will notice their law-abiding neighbors suddenly being deported, and they will blame Trump for it. Dems will in no way trade a wall for that.
I'll let you into a secret about this Presidency thing; you're supposed to govern ALL of your people, not just the ones who voted for you.
You'd be surprised, Black. Most voted for the abstract concept of building the wall (with Mexico paying for it) and the undocumented being deported (except for their friends and neighbors, of course). The majority of Americans - and even a large minority of Trump supporters - are against these (and that's not to mention orchestrating the destruction of Obamacare). Trump's in a bad place now, and congressional GOPers know it.
Dems won't bend on the wall. Tax reform is dead before it even reached the starting line, and the prospect of Moore replacing Strange as Alabama senator only makes things worse. Trump's weird plea to Schumer to try block-granting healthcare to states for a year won't go anywhere - the very fact he made it is a sign of either his desperation or his disjointment from reality. Many thought American not blowing apart immediately with Trump's election meant that it never would. It will - in only nine months, Trump has created a catastrophe that he cannot undo - other than by resigning.
Nah, no deal. Trump can go pound sand.
And to some extent, Laguna, the GOP needs DREAMERS and illegals. They are the scapegoat for stagnant wages in the US. Trump could remove all of them but it wouldn't do a thing to create the type of jobs the uneducated, white part of his base are looking for. Unless they want to support their families by picking strawberries.
Remove them, and it will force the GOP to tackle the income inequality issue directly. My guess is they'd rather not do that, especially if they hope to continue to push for tax cuts for the rich (themselves).
Just seems to be a pattern with the Right. If you're black and living in the inner city without a job you're lazy, you're hooked on government welfare, you should go flip burgers (read: don't want to work even though there are opportunities), but if you're white in the rust belt then the problem turns into illegal immigrants, globalization, and regulations killing your job (read: you want to work but there are no opportunities).
So why not tell coal miners to go flip burgers?
But you can definitely alienate almost everyone, and deporting the Dreamers is very unpopular in America.
That's weird, no one claimed that in this thread.
You can certainly try. But my guess is that the dreamers aren't going anywhere.
That scenario may well be realized if the Dems calculate that what they'd have to give up is worth more than the lives of 600,000 Dreamers. All negotiations work in that fashion. The difference is that Trump would then become the poster boy of Dreamer deportation. Perhaps this would play well with the electorate; perhaps not.
What I don't see, however, is a swelling of support to kick these people out - not even among congressional GOPers. They - and Trump, too, it seems - are sensitive to the bad optics. There is room for compromise, but Trump should not try to overplay his hand.
Black, the Dems are certainly willing to negotiate, but only a fool enters a serious negotiation with a known deal-breaker (in this case, the wall) if he wants the negotiation to succeed. I've noticed that most Dems have voiced concerns in this case not against Trump but against whatever fool drafted the list of demands; they still want to reach a deal and don't want to anger the thin-skinned one.
Trump does seem to be on an unreasonable streak recently, though, what with offering Schumer a "deal" to replace Obamacare with a one-year trial of block-granting healthcare to the states and cutting off at the knees his SecState by declaring only "one way" (read: war) will work with North Korea (maybe true but an unwise way to make the point). You clearly have a belief in a static nature of American politics. I don't. Trump was elected with a minority of the popular vote - and only through winning several key states by less than 1% - in an election that threw a perfect storm against an uninspiring Dem candidate. Let's see you pull that again.
You know how your team doesn’t like it when people say all Trump supporters are racists, because some people voted for Trump for other reasons? Well if you are going to claim that, then you can’t then turn around and claim all Trump supporters supported either of your claims.
You guys need to decide whether you want to have you cake, or eat it.
And there you’re doing it again.
Wow, there it is again. Blacks don't bother getting jobs because they are too busy selling dope.
And yet again....the white guy is the hard worker exhausting all options to get a job.
For which group? Or am I missing all of the Harvard grads that work in coal mines?
And you don't see the difference in shoveling taxpayer money into a dying industry whose workers are 94% white while telling black people to stop selling drugs and get an education?
Again, white guy = hard worker who is in a situation beyond his control (and needs taxpayer money) and black guy = lazy dope seller (who did it to himself). Maybe large groups of white people are seeing what it's like to have little opportunity in the US.
Why look at partial data? Wages have been flat for three decades now, through both Republican and Democratic Presidents.
Well obviously I was mentioning whites since that constitutes most of Trump's base, not knocking them.
But it's a good speech you gave above. Just wondering why you didn't give it to coal miners.
Coal minors need to stop being lazy and go get McDonald's jobs.
Coal is out. McDs is in.
@gokai - Repealing DACA doesn't require Trump to go through Congress:
@CraigHicks DACA is already repealed. The wall and immigration etc go through congress, but so far the dreamers are still there. Obama was known as the "deporter in chief". Trump will go down as the "do-nothing in chief" or the "get-nothing-done in chief". (I admit I don't know all the subtly of US politics.)
I grew up in a black community and worked/lived with many blacks. I prefer to believe what I saw with my own eyes. I'm sure you understand.
What I said what the white guy out of a job gets viewed as someone who is trying to work but cannot due to forces outside of his control (usually minorities and the government). I'm not sure how telling me that 70% of blacks come from single family homes is a logical response to that. Are you saying that black people deserve to be in a situation where they have no jobs and white people don't?
As for coal miners, so you want to make excuses? Everyone has a choice. Please don’t make excuses, flipping burgers is not a crime, doesn’t pay much, but it’s honest work.
Where are their leaders? Oh, right, they're the ones busy shoveling socialist tax dollars into the pockets of unemployable white people. Must be nice. I guess your hatred of socialism ends where race lines begin.
What issue should I be addressing? I'm struggling to see your point.
Has nothing to do with skin color, but that’s a fact or are you saying it’s not true? The facts aren’t facts?
Who has the highest incarceration of any ethnic group, which ethnic group comes predominantly 70% from single family homes?
You have more Blacks that can’t read above the 8th grade level, will earn less than most other ethnic groups including Asians, why is it that no one wants to talk about this? Where is Sharpton, he’s always the champion of the downtrodden and race hustlers, what about the Democratic Party, why aren’t they doing more to help these people? But they certainly need their vote. How has Chicago and Detroit or Baltimore and Compton faired under Democratic leadership, just answer me that question.
More and more of the industry is being privatized and good on them, because many libs don’t and privatizing the coal industry seems like a smarter move a step in the right direction.
As for Blacks, so you want to make excuses? Everyone has a choice. Please don’t make excuses, flipping burgers is not a crime, doesn’t pay much, but it’s honest work. I’ll tell you what, if we don’t get our immigration policy in order, the low paying jobs will go to the people of Latin America and other migrants that only want to provide and put food on the table for their families.
Ok, so let’s make more excuses. So who’s fault is it with all the killings and violence that is the cancer of Chicago? Who’s responsible and who are the perpetrators? Can you answer that for me, please?
As did I.
Did I say that? I’m just saying address the issue. Why is it, liberals can and will never talk about this problem, stop blaming Whites for everything that happens in the Black community, because it seems like you are just doing that.
But coal is coming back, these are people that have been working in the industry for some about 4-5 generations and most have an intact family, so again, why is it that Blacks have the highest incarceration rate, highest out wedlock babies, highest school dropout rate, so how are these kids going to make money without a proper education or to will to take a job, any job to work. Image is everything and if you paint a constant negative image, how are people supposed to perceive you? This where accountability and responsibility come together.
Again, where is Al Sharpton, where are the BLM? Is Jessie Jackson around or Spike Lee? None of these NFL players want to take a knee to stop all the Black on Black violence. Why is that? I think I know why.
Don't think they're feeling the Democrat love. LOL
It’s a job, right? Or is selling dope something better, I get the point, the lack of opportunities and the lack of education, but who oversees this, all of the leaders in predominantly Black cities are Dems. Why they can’t or don’t change many of their policies and approach to the despair and problems within the Black communities? Where is Al Sharpton, LeBron, where are all the Black so called leaders?
That's an entirely separate issue.
Im sure some did whatever they could to make money, but you still don’t see the divide and the disparity on the White community as much as you do in the Black community, that’s just a fact.
4 new plants are opening, so put the paper hats aside. Kudos!
It's strange to me that people think we voted for the "concept" of a wall and deporting "some" of the illegals and " kind of" repealing Obamacare or fixing it.
nope, people voted for an actual wall and deporting all the illegals and repeal and replace of Obamacare and that's what the voters expect.
Funny, so that means during the stagnant 8 years, Obama did very little to revive a thriving robust economy. That's what I was talking about.
And what jobs could minorities get in the hardest hit area, washed with guns, drugs and a failed public education system that the Dems and the unions still don't address.
No, it's not all the GOP there are jobs out there, they may NOT be the jobs some people want, but if Mexican day laborers can go out and take ANY job to make money shows their fortitude that the most important thing is to put food on the table for their families and take care of themselves and many Blacks, especially Black men can find jobs anywhere, I get it, some of them are beneath them, but if you want to really work and to make money, you will do whatever it takes to better yourself, no pride or shame in it, take it as a stepping stone and move forward from there on to bigger and better jobs, there is NO reason why Blacks that are looking for work can't do the work.
So you hate Hollywood and Silicon Valley equally as much as I do? Pathetic, all of them.
Ok, so now back to reality, yes, the Russians went to Wisconsin and influenced the entire state to vote for Trump and the same goes for Philly and Michigan all those blue collar workers, educated working women all were influenced by the Russians that pushed them to vote for Trump miraculously. ROFL
1000 lost Legislative seats, the House, the Senate, least amount of governors across the country, what is it now? About 16?
Yeah, stupid is right, but it ain’t Trump voters, that’s for sure now.
But he won’t the EC that’s all that matters and that’s our system.
As Trump was not elected to allow the Dreamers to stay, the same people would vote for him and against him and he wins again.
If the Dems aren't willing to even negotiate for the Dreamers to stay, then they will be deported and that will be the Dems fault. You don't lose all the elections and still get to dictate policies.
No deal then "Dreamers" and their illegal parents can go back home.
And no, you can't please everyone. You do what the people who elected you want. Just like Obama did whatever his Hollywood homeboys like Weinstein wanted.
Keep on thinking Trump supporters are stupid. That's one of the reasons he won last time.
Dems are not in power yet want something anyway. Trump has informed them what will need to happen in order to get what they want? He is just supposed to give them everything they want and ask for nothing in return? Now THAT would be stupid.
No proof of Russian help, gerrymandering has nothing to do with presidential or senate elections and the electoral college is how you keep score in this "game".
You guys will lose again if you don't see why you really lost.
That's doubtful as the people who voted for Trump supported building the wall and deporting ALL illegal aliens.
So when they see their non law abiding illegal alien neighbors being deported they will thank Trump. Only people upset are people who didn't vote for Trump anyway.
well regardless Trump is in charge and if Dems want their beloved Dreamers, Trump getting all he wants first.
You do know that Dems only see DACA people as future Dem voters right? That's why they care sooooo much and want to get their extended families into the USA permanently too.