Japan Today

Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo

By Jeff Mason

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Hmm, negative inference.

How so?

Mika was speculating about Melania putting up with Trump. That is not especially disparaging. Sounds more like gossip.

That's totally different she can create as much gossip as she wants, Mika's always done that and for the life of me, other than being the partner of the so called conservative Joe, I don't know why she is on that show. She should be sitting on the panel with the gossiping Queens of TV "The View" she'd be in perfect company with with Goldberg and Behar.

Sure, she shouldn't have said anything, but they do know each other. They've known each other for around right years.

Yes, so she could've called her up and say it to her face. I mean, I was taught to tell people directly how I feel and have done so all my life, Mika could've done the same. 

That speculation is pretty obvious to many people. Furthered by her staying at Trump tower (sure for Barron) instead of the WH, slapping Trump's hand away in public, and not speaking out on cyber bullying as the first lady who is supposed to be leading some kind of program against it, yet her husband engages in cyber bullying and outright bullying...

I am absolutely astonished! None of us know what the details of their relationship is and to spout this garbage without a shred of evidence is petty and fuels the beast of disinformation. It's NO different than when some of the conservatives were spreading that birther rumor without a shred of evidence. No one in the Trump camp confirmed or admitted to anything of the sort.

Did a Google search. Not seeing it. No trends. Nothing endemic like the alt-right. A couple of spins from alt-right sites who don't like the report.

Since the media is controlled and comprised of 98% of liberals, why would it???

Trump and the alt-right lie as a matter of policy. Now that they are policy makers, they still only know how to lie, so no real policies except reverse Obama.

Dunno, dude....from them Wikileaks cables there was a whooooole lot of lying going on over the last 8 years that is now coming up to the surface like a decaying fish.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Readers, this discussion is now closed.

Trump and the alt-right lie as a matter of policy. Now that they are policy makers, they still only know how to lie, so no real policies except reverse Obama.

And they use CNN's integrity in firing staff that went too far as some sort of evidence CNN is all lies, while at the same time ignoring that Fox "News" only fires staff for sexual harassment, while letting lying go on unimpeded.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Here you go, top 10 fake news from CNN in video format for easy viewing

Do you ever check out your sources before you post them?

What is the Duran?

The Duran was started in 2016 by a group of professional journalists and media gurus. We ask the questions and analyze the stories other media won't.

Sounds very transparent. I for one would like to know a bit more about the Durant.

Where are they headquartered?

Nicosia, Cyprus.

Yes, that Cyprus. The one with apparent Russian connections.


As for the poster of your video?

Alex Christoforou

Writer and director forThe Duran- Living the dream in Moscow. 

I can't make this stuff.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

That'll need deep dive sub to find them

Oh, I hadn't realized they moved their studios undersea.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Hmm, negative inference.

Mika was speculating about Melania putting up with Trump. That is not especially disparaging. Sounds more like gossip.

Sure, she shouldn't have said anything, but they do know each other. They've known each other for around right years.

That speculation is pretty obvious to many people. Furthered by her staying at Trump tower (sure for Barron) instead of the WH, slapping Trump's hand away in public, and not speaking out on cyber bullying as the first lady who is supposed to be leading some kind of program against it, yet her husband engages in cyber bullying and outright bullying...

Did a Google search. Not seeing it. No trends. Nothing endemic like the alt-right. A couple of spins from alt-right sites who don't like the report.

Trump and the alt-right lie as a matter of policy. Now that they are policy makers, they still only know how to lie, so no real policies except reverse Obama.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Really tough talk, Trump has crosshairs. Look out. He's a real tough guy.

Has nothing to do with being tough, it has everything to do with, I'm not taking your slanderous crap anymore.

Face it, you don't have any original thoughts and are just repeating what Trump's apologists told you.

You guys don't either, just the typical bashing, I hate Trump and nothing more to offer.

Writing an editorial in the WP about the whole thing is not treading lightly.

I saw them speak last week, they didn't seem like they were afraid or treading softly at all.

That's what they do, I get it, they need the circulation and those "clicks" Chi-ching!

Tried to find a list of Fox "News" lies?

That'll need deep dive sub to find them.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

If Mika didnt attack Mrs Trump or his son, why did she respond to it?

Maybe because Trump had a 2am toilet time twitter tweak-out at her?

Here you go, top 10 fake news from CNN in video format for easy viewing

Ever fact-checked your own stuff like that? Tried to find a list of Fox "News" lies?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Here you go, top 10 fake news from CNN in video format for easy viewing


-5 ( +0 / -5 )

If Mika didnt attack Mrs Trump or his son, why did she respond to it?


As far as CNN lies, I dont even have the time to list them all. Google helps in that case.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Joe decided to tread lightly because he didn't want to get in Trump's crosshairs.

Really tough talk, Trump has crosshairs. Look out. He's a real tough guy.

Face it, you don't have any original thoughts and are just repeating what Trump's apologists told you.

Writing an editorial in the WP about the whole thing is not treading lightly.

I saw them speak last week, they didn't seem like they were afraid or treading softly at all.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

CNN has lied more times than I can count. These Mika and Joe people have been attacking Trump and his family and even his young child got months in disgusting personal attacks.

How do you know the nature of their comments? You don't even watch them.

Your information comes from Trump's tweets and his apologists.

I've listened to Joe and Mika. They haven't once attacked Trump's wife or child.

They have said some very informed things about the Trump and his family (mainly Jared and Ivanka, but occasionally the two brothers when they make public fools of themselves) who are in the spotlight and who are lying on a daily basis for Donald. Those comments were primarily on policies or on his outlandish behavior.

I don't recall anything personal, except maybe Trump offering to marry Joe and Mika now that he was president. He offered after Jared Kushner offered, a move to upstage Jared. They demurred about the offer because they didn't want their marriage forever associated with Trump.

Not much of what they have said put Trump in a good light because he is an idiot.

Regarding CNN lies??? Three people were recently fired for publishing inadequately documented work. That means CNN lies on a daily basis? No. You're watching too much Trump WWF.

Almost everything I have head on CNN has been reasonable and backed up on other news outlets. Sure, they hold Trump to his lies, but that is what a news organization should do. CNN also isn't just a bunch of commentators, like the sources for the alt-right. They have actual reporters.

Do you know how I know when Trump lies? When his lips are moving.

It is getting so bad, that cheap attorney joke is a reality.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

CNN has lied more times than I can count. These Mika and Joe people have been attacking Trump and his family and even his young child got months in disgusting personal attacks. 

Personal attacks and lies are not the same thing. So you're getting really confusing here. Especially since you seem to be criticizing personal attacks even though your dear leader personally attacks people all the time. Please be clear, are personal attacks only ok when dear leader makes them?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

How many times does CNN get to lie before it is just enough? The Joe guy called the president a lot of unfair names and allowed people to talk about his personal appearance on his show. 

That's terrible! Why would anyone attack Trump? Its not like he's spent a lifetime doing the same to others. Its not like he called people, lying Ted, Crooked Hillary, or Sweaty little Marco. Its not like he claimed Obama wasn't a Muslim.

If Donny is so sensitive, maybe he should have been nicer. Donny's chickens are home to roost. Boohoo

5 ( +5 / -0 )

CNN has lied more times than I can count. These Mika and Joe people have been attacking Trump and his family and even his young child got months in disgusting personal attacks.

Like people here love to say prove it. Show these records this joe guy supposedly has.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

How many times does CNN get to lie before it is just enough? The Joe guy called the president a lot of unfair names and allowed people to talk about his personal appearance on his show. The Mika lady attacked his wife and child.

Those aren't lies you realize.

Although if you did, you probably wouldn't have posted that.

Anyways as long as this president is too weak to reign in his filth, people are going to keep tweaking him. He's the leader and he's shown by his lead that the appropriate way to deal with people is to attack them, lie about them, and be an ass. Yet he and his worshippers whine when people do the same to him. Weak. Him and them. They need to take a lesson from a real man, like Obama. See his response to the birthers if you don't understand. (Hint - it's not on twitter)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The CNN lady on tv last night had like 4 guests and tried to lead each of them into saying that Trump must confront Putin about the election interference. He must! Must! If not then what is he hiding? breathless pause for dramatically effect

Yet the president doesn't have to take foreign policy demands from someone on CNN thankfully.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

How many times does CNN get to lie before it is just enough? The Joe guy called the president a lot of unfair names and allowed people to talk about his personal appearance on his show. The Mika lady attacked his wife and child.

So Joe has records huh? He has a tv show why doesn't he read those aloud or show us his phone? Screenshot on twitter? More likely he has nothing and doesn't want to get sued.

Meanwhile the CNN wrestling tweet is most liked tweet ever on trump twitter so he got his message out for sure.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

By far the worst president, and even most worthless, in American history.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

It's just so petty. What is worrying is that he prefers to troll his fellow countrymen, rather than hostile foreign powers actively trying to destroy America. His contempt for Americans is very disturbing and I think we will soon see why

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Check out Project Veratis. A CCN producer admits this on camera.

Yes, check out project veritas, particularly founder James Okeefe:


-He gained national attention for his video recordings of workers at ACORN offices in 2009, his arrest and guilty plea in 2010 for entering the federal office of then-U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) under false pretenses, 

One of the fired ACORN workers sued O'Keefe for invasion of privacy; O'Keefe issued an apology and agreed to pay $100,000 in a settlement

-On January 9, 2017, Project Veritas operative Allison Maass was filmed attempting to bribe members of Americans Take Action into inciting a riot at Trump's inauguration

-On June 26, 2017, O'Keefe released a video on Project Veritas' YouTube channel that showed John Bonifield, a producer of health and medical stories for CNN, saying that CNN's coverage of the Russian investigation was for "ratings" and that the coverage was "mostly bullsh*t".[147] The video identified Bonifield as a "supervising producer", but left out he is a supervising producer of CNN Health

Yeah, check out PV. Pay attention to its long history of quasi-legal conduct.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

CNN broadcast fake news cause it make them money. Check out Project Veratis. A CCN producer admits this on camera.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What did Joe and Mika say to prompt Trump's justified use of self-defense?

Talking about his private zones, so Trump jumped on her about her facelift and Joe decided to tread lightly because he didn't want to get in Trump's crosshairs.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

What did Joe and Mika say to prompt Trump's justified use of self-defense?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Trump is just not going to take it. Again, criticize away, but leave the ad hominem attacks and Trump might simmer down

He's the leader. If he wants them to stop he needs to stop. Leading by example. We're all following his example now.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump is attacking CNN. Why should they post anything good about him? When does he ever praise them for good reporting?

Come on, CNN went way overboard and Zucker knows it, that's why they had to recently let a bunch of people go. One thing about ANY news network, they will stand by their journalists as long as they are honest, truthful and show professionalism, if they have to back them up against any allegations or litigations coming their way, but on this one they couldn't. CNN had too many stories it had to retract and when that happens, you bet someone will get canned.

The three journalists included Thomas Frank, the writer of the story; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in CNN's investigative unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, the network had earlier reported. 

The Russia-related story, published on Thursday, reported Congress was investigating the ties of a Russian investment fund to an aide of President Donald Trump.

CNN had reported an internal investigation by its management found that certain editorial processes were not followed when the article was published.

Also, there is firing of CNN contributor: Reza Aslan did not have his show renewed for his outlandish rants against the president, so CNN is in hot water now and with the looming merger with AT&T once they buy out CNN it's unclear what they will do with CNN and management, does Zucker stay or go.

CNN lost ALL credibility and solidified what Trump was saying about the network all along and CNN can't say otherwise with what's happened within the last few months.

Nothing wrong with CNN criticizing Trump, they should but they need to do it in a fair way and they haven't been doing that. They were caught lying and embellishing stories in order to get ratings now they they got caught and now you have this shake up at the network.

He only criticizes what he likes to call "fake media". Why should they do anything other than follow his lead?

Well, if CNN and the other networks want to be taken seriously by the public and this president, they just need to be fair and leave the personal attacks. What happened at msnbc was way overboard and he's sick of it and even if it is to a point embarrassing, when it gets to that level, Trump is just not going to take it. Again, criticize away, but leave the ad hominem attacks and Trump might simmer down.

The good news is that Trump's approval ratings are down again. Newsweek is reporting that support for Trump's impeachment is now higher than his job approval rating.

Liberals want a lot of things, impeachment won't happen and the Dems know it, why they have to moan and tell the public this fake garbage when they know they don't have the votes.

And we can thank the media's hand in that, exposing him for all the world to see.

For the fake news? It shows by how a bunch of these nut jobs are getting their walking papers. I would never call for any honest journalist to be fired, but what happened at CNN and now with Joe and Mika. Disgusting. But I have to give them credit, now at least people know who these two clowns are, they had to get ratings somehow even if it is in a crappy and dishonest way.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

CNN has every right to defend themselves against Trump, who is attacking them. Who wouldn't do that? And it's about time we had media who will stand up for the little guy to keep the billionaire President in check. Trump is just a wuss for complaining about it to begin with. Other presidents, especially Obama, didn't complain. If Trump had any accomplishments they would spend more time writing about that.

The good news is that Trump's approval ratings are down again. Newsweek is reporting that support for Trump's impeachment is now higher than his job approval rating. And we can thank the media's hand in that, exposing him for all the world to see.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I was talking about TV where they just spent 20 minutes badmouthing Trump with no mention of this positive tweet

Trump is attacking CNN. Why should they post anything good about him? When does he ever praise them for good reporting? He only criticizes what he likes to call "fake media". Why should they do anything other than follow his lead?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The Journalists are okay when the Medias are campaigning with hatred and insult against Trump but they didn't see to be okay when Trump fighting back. Donald Trump was not traditional US President and he was businessman and show businessman as most of those TV hosts and journalists.

To be fair, all parties must be stop bitching each others and don’t let children copy their out of control behavior and character.

These days Journalists are narcissists and they don’t bother about Journalism Ethical standard. They think they are better than other peoples and knowledgeable person. The supporters of Hillary Clinton were not accepting well about Hillary Clinton lost in Election. The jealous and hatred have coming out from Hillary Clinton’s supporters because they didn’t accept and believe Clinton lost was true.

So they are finding any clue which can damage Donald Trump’s presidency and his character. They insult Donald Trump by daily basic via their professional. It’s a pure hatred and jealous. It’s nothing to do with basic journalism.

I’m not Donald Trump’s supporter but I felt sympathy for Trump after watching countless insulting and hatred campaigning against Trump by Talk show hosts and their guests on TV and reading in Online news and blog. The Journalists should be role model for children but they have misguided children by bullying and insulting by using their professional. Some TV hosts and guests are describing President Trump as psychopath and using all the nasty words they know on TV. They are spreading hatred against American President. Some children watched these TV shows and some children were heard from their parents. Some journalists were gone too far by reporting faked news.

Where’s a moral and ethical standard of Journalism?

You may hate or dislike Donald Trump but he is American President. At least, they need to respect President titles and let him do his duty as President of America for sake of nation.

I want to ask those journalists just one question. Do you want to teach your children about hatred and jealous or love and peace?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

I was talking about TV where they just spent 20 minutes badmouthing Trump with no mention of this positive tweet. glad it made it to the website now.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

CNN still talking about the wrestling video. No mention of his latest tweet offering help for Charlie Gard. This tweet not worth covering?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Way to bee, WillyG. So truthy.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Hey the media is just fighting back.

No, the corrupt corporate propaganda media is not "fighting back", they are on an unhinged anti-Trump spree and have been from day one, like their globalist paymasters, because their clever plan to plant a supposedly clownish Trump as an easy-to-destroyed target for the establishment puppet Clinton backfired. So, instead of the 8 years of sycophantic swooning over Clinton (continuing the Obama years), we are now lucking at 8 years of a deranged hysterical hate spree by the fake media. Except this guy does not bend over and take it like the typical politician, but fights back. And has the social media to bypass the CNN goons.... and they hate it! And I love it. I want to give this guy a high five. By the way, have we seen any comment from CNN about their staged muslim "anti ISIS demonstration" in London? You can find the behind-the-camera footage on Youtube and compare it to the ridiculous propaganda that they broadcast. Get out the popcorn, is phantastic! But I suppose your mainstream news outlet that is foaming at the mouth at Trump did find to report on that...

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

We should all thank the media for calling out Trump on his fake news and punching him in the mouth every now and then. Keeps democracy healthy. How else would we know that 69% of news analyzed from Trump has been rated as fake news?


I also want to applaud them for uncovering this, the fake Time magazine cover that Trump puts at some of his properties: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-06/27/16/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-02/sub-buzz-6561-1498596889-9.png?downsize=715:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto.

Does news get more fake than making a fake magazine cover praising yourself?

And come on, even Trump fans have to admit the tiny hands angle is pretty ROFL. Trump tried to push them around and they did what every self-respecting American would do, they fought back. How can anyone be against that principal?

0 ( +4 / -4 )


would love for someone to tell me how I'm wrong when Forbes is saying the same thing I am.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Because there can't be any debate here. It's like a cool guys club who just want to insult Trump and posters that dont agree with them and downvote people. I get 8 downvotes on average but people here rarely if ever addresse the issues of why I am incorrect based on facts.

So why is the CNN article about the White House gender pay gap not incorrect when it compares high level men jobs to lower level women jobs?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

No, I admit I can't, but neither can you libs

Well, if you can't prove it, then it obviously isn't true. That's how this works, isn't it?

Other than the words of Donny, there is no evidence of anything, and his relationship with honesty is strained at best.

as well as it is beneath Journalists to equally engage in street gutter politics

Question: Do you hold the president to higher standards than journalists? Thanks.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Hey the media is just fighting back. Maybe those weak foreign media groups would sit back and take it, but this is the American media. You push them, they push back, especially against all of Trump's fake news. I think it's great for once that we have a media that does this. I've been waiting a long time for it and personally I think they should get a free pass on anything they write about Trump, true or not.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

because you constantly broadcast your undying, ilunquestioning support of Trump all over these threads. 

Yes, but that has nothing to do with the positions I believe in.


Just like with this article; it's absolutely beneath the office of the president to engage in this trash, 

...as well as it is beneath Journalists to equally engage in street gutter politics.

Your answer has nothing to do with the fact that you refuse to criticize Trump. It does blatantly demonstrate the positions you believe in.

t all started when a former president thought it would be ok to come on to his intern, that's where the down slide started.

Thats your opinion, which you are entitled to, no matter how incorrect it is.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yes, we do

No, you really don't.

because you constantly broadcast your undying, ilunquestioning support of Trump all over these threads.

Yes, but that has nothing to do with the positions I believe in.

Just like with this article; it's absolutely beneath the office of the president to engage in this trash,

...as well as it is beneath Journalists to equally engage in street gutter politics.

but you won't admit it. Notice I said beneath the office of the president and not the current president.

Yes, well times have changed. It all started when a former president thought it would be ok to come on to his intern, that's where the down slide started.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

In any case, guilty of collusion or not (probably not, he's not that smart), Trump has already solidly cemented himself as the president who is the absolutely dumbest, most narcissistic, and most destructive to American democracy ever. And no amount of whaddabout Obama socialist Bengahzi, libs, dems, blah blah will ever alter your own complicity in this travesty. This is your contribution to history. Own it. Don't push it off on some cheap LOLs.

Well stated. Let me predict that the response will be something along the lines of dems losing 1000 seats and being in the wilderness. I'm basing my prediction on my thirty plus years at the NSA and my relatives in the FBI.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Because you don't know what my positions are, not at all.

Yes, we do because you constantly broadcast your undying, ilunquestioning support of Trump all over these threads. Just like with this article; it's absolutely beneath the office of the president to engage in this trash, but you won't admit it. Notice I said beneath the office of the president and not the current president.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

You've got to give him credit for consistency at the very least. It's never been less than utter trash

But the MSM, fake news started it. Trump is a human being afterall, so should fight back . . . Blah, blah, blah.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Talking about Trump's UK visit and a potential meeting with the queen, let's enjoy a trip down memory lane and sample a vintage trash tweet from the birther himself:

"Who wouldn't take Kate's picture and make lots of money if she does the nude sunbathing thing. Come on Kate!"

Trump also answered in the affirmative when asked if he could have "nailed" the deceased mother of Kate's husband.

You've got to give him credit for consistency at the very least. It's never been less than utter trash.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

And if they show nothing, which is probably likely then what will you guys on the left do? How will you go on with your lives once this investigation is concluded and Trump is found to be innocent?

Who said the investigation is only about Trump? Methinks thou dost protest too much. We've got Flynn, Smith, Manafort, Page, Boy Wonder Slum Lord Kushner. A lot more to come. Lots of forgotten memories that are going to see the light of day.

In any case, guilty of collusion or not (probably not, he's not that smart), Trump has already solidly cemented himself as the president who is the absolutely dumbest, most narcissistic, and most destructive to American democracy ever. And no amount of whaddabout Obama socialist Bengahzi, libs, dems, blah blah will ever alter your own complicity in this travesty. This is your contribution to history. Own it. Don't push it off on some cheap LOLs.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

And again, it is breathtaking how you continue to defend Trump given his penchant for lying.

It's amazing to me that you guys would give the media a pass when they jump all over the president for just the smalles infraction, like scratching his nose. It's complete overkill.

I don't think Trump has the balls to visit the UK, even secretly. He'll like the big crowds he'll draw though.

I don't think he cares one bit. Lol

Wallace is an excellent journalist, but Bernstein isn't? Is that because Betnstein doesn't support your positions?

Because you don't know what my positions are, not at all.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

she never denied it and a pic doesn't tell the story,

A photo would tell whether someone was "bleeding badly." Oh, I get it. You think Ms. Brzezinski magically stopped the bad bleeding before the photo was taken.

She did deny it. Oh my . . .:


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Luddite he will visit his golf courses in Scotland

Of course he will, because that means the federal government will have to pay for food for his staff, etc., which means it will enrich him.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I don't think Trump has the balls to visit the UK, even secretly. He'll like the big crowds he'll draw though.

When the State Visit was proposed he demanded the Queen play golf with him. The arrogance of the man.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Anyway, Trump's off to Europe later in the week. We'll see if he tweets "All of Europe press FAKE NEWS!"

Word also has it that he may attempt a sneak visit to GB after he chickened out of his official invitation (much to PM May's relief). How long ago was it that he'd demanded a Royal Coach drive him to Buckingham Palace?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The specific CNN fake news claim of a White House gender gap should be the next retraction/correction after the holiday. Proves my point that CNN will say anything they want unless someone actually looks into it and calls them out on it. It is so obvious that they are not comparing similar jobs while claiming gender pay gap.

In fact 17 people have the same title of Associate Director, 7 women and 10 men. The 7 women make $68,847 on average while the men with that title make $59,400 on average. Maybe the pay gap can be explained by differences in experience level/number of years of experience. But that is never allowed when they are trying to explain why men make more so its irrelevant to explain these women making more too.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

You obviously didn't see the photo of Mika at Mar-a-lago.

I did and I'm from LA, the heart and epicenter of plastic surgery, plastic surgery is as normal as eating a burger with coke and fries, she never denied it and a pic doesn't tell the story, so how would you know she didn't. Try again.

No effing way is that poster a journalist at a respected newspaper.

You are entitled to believe what you like.

How do you know it even happened? Can you prove it?

No, I admit I can't, but neither can you libs and the fact that she didn't comment on it....hmmmm.....

Some Trump supporters will back him regardless of whatever he does! Shame on them!

That comment goes both ways and falls on both sides of the political spectrum.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

What you get when you elect someone with 0% training or experience in politics. His qualifications(lack off) were known before hand.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Crazy Jo:

How is this in the slightest presidential?

How was Clintons cackle after the murder of Gadaffi which she orchestrated ("We came, we saw, he died"?) presidential? How? Can you tell us?

And while we are at it, how is deranged Trump bashing by the fake media, up to talks of murder, becoming to reporters? Can you tell us that?

How can the blatant faking of news by CNN (from passed on debate questions to interviewing their own reporters to completely staging news) be called journalism? Can you tell us that?

I agree it would be nice if everybody had more style. But this is not a one-sided game. If CNN was an actual news organization, they would be no need to take them on.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )


3 ( +3 / -0 )

Problem is, why on Earth would a excellent Journalist like Wallace

Wallace is an excellent journalist, but Bernstein isn't? Is that because Betnstein doesn't support your positions?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The article is claiming a gender pay gap in the White House. Its my point that this is fake at worst and misleading at best. So yeah, fake news again because they are purposely writing a headline that the article does not support.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Because a lot of what he is accused of lying about ends up being true later on. For example, that James Comey told him he wasnt under investigation 3 times with no prompting

Again not getting the whole story correct; Not under investigation is not the same thing as being cleared.

And don't forget claiming Obama isn't American and that Cruz's father assassinated JFK.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

I thoughtCNN was fake news? Or, is it only fake when it doesn't support your position?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The gender pay gap is based on the same jobs, not lower ranking jobs.

Agree, yet this article compares higher ranking jobs of men to lower ranking jobs of women.

Lower RANKING jobs, which means it is either NOT the same job or NOT at the same level. The 20% in this article is comparing $104,000 average of high ranking men to the $83,500 average of lower ranking women to create a 20% difference in pay (the gender gap). There should be a 20% gap in this case, due to level of the positions being different.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

So the White House supposedly has a 20% pay gap too. Because women in lower ranking jobs make 20% less than men in higher ranking jobs?? of course they do! should women in lower ranking jobs make as much as men in higher ranking jobs

The gender pay gap is based on the same jobs, not lower ranking jobs.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

And again, it is breathtaking how you continue to defend Trump given his penchant for lying.

Because a lot of what he is accused of lying about ends up being true later on. For example, that James Comey told him he wasnt under investigation 3 times with no prompting.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Yeah, saw the picture. But it is a very specific thing that Trump mentioned. Really unusual to be that specific if it were just made up. At first, both of the couple even denied she had a facelift but then they changed it to that she had some work done under her chin. 

No. Not specific:

...to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift. I said no!

Is exactly what Trump wrote. That's not specific.

And again, it is breathtaking how you continue to defend Trump given his penchant for lying.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


The average salary among men working in the White House was nearly $104,000, according to an analysis of the White House's annual report to Congress, which was released Friday. For women, it was $83,500. That's $20,500 less on average.

The disparity is primarily due to more women filling lower-ranking jobs. Half the men working at the White House make $95,000 or more annually, while half the women $70,500 or less.

So the White House supposedly has a 20% pay gap too. Because women in lower ranking jobs make 20% less than men in higher ranking jobs?? of course they do! should women in lower ranking jobs make as much as men in higher ranking jobs? thats nonsense.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

You obviously didn't see the photo of Mika at Mar-a-lago.

Yeah, saw the picture. But it is a very specific thing that Trump mentioned. Really unusual to be that specific if it were just made up. At first, both of the couple even denied she had a facelift but then they changed it to that she had some work done under her chin.

So it wasnt a facelift but a chinlift, yet last I heard your chin is part of your face? Ok they can play word games on that one if they like. Regardless, no one really cares about those people and that tweet by Trump was pretty much a waste of everyone's time, including his. Nothing wrong with saying it, but it didnt really serve any major purpose as far as the fake media effort.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Gender pay gap is deceptive at best and nonsense at worst.



3 ( +4 / -1 )

And what do these bills do? Next to nothing. Nothing big like lessening the gender pay gap, stimulus, or healthcare.

Gender pay gap is deceptive at best and nonsense at worst. Once you compare the actual jobs and number of hours worked, it goes away. A woman standing side by side with a man working the same exact job, the same number of hours and with the same qualifications/degrees doesnt make 22% less.


Oh look, H.R. 321: "Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act" which you think is unimportant would actually help with that supposed gap by getting more women into STEM (if they want to). Thanks President Trump!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Don't you think it's odd that crazy Joe would bring Mika to Mar-a-lago with a bloody falling face?

Disgusting. Are you incapable of thinking for yourself? Why must you parrot the language of a man with limited vocabulary?

Wouldn't it have been maybe better for Joe to wait until her wounds were all healed up before taking her out of the house?

How do you know it even happened? Can you prove it?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

my point is that while the media says Trump has done nothing, he has done a whole hell of a lot

And what do these bills do? Next to nothing. Nothing big like lessening the gender pay gap, stimulus, or healthcare.

, just Twitter obsessed media missed it due to Twitter and Russia. Does the media even do news on their own anymore? 90% of the so called news these days is just Twitter reactions. 

Trump does very few interviews. If Trump wants the media to back off his use of twiiter, perhaps he should make himself as well as himself more available to the press.



This is why you guys lost the election and why the media is getting hammered now.

A) Its called humor. B) Trump says mean, nasty stuff all the time. Hell, you guys apparently think the Trump WWF takedown was funny. C) I think there were a number of reasons middle class whites went for Trump, but a joke, even a crass one, has nothing to do with Trump being elected.

lastly, I'm not sure why you think the press is getting hammered now.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

She never denied it.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Don't you think it's odd that crazy Joe would bring Mika to Mar-a-lago with a bloody falling face? Wouldn't it have been maybe better for Joe to wait until her wounds were all healed up before taking her out of the house?

You really bought the lies, hook line and sinker. Or, you are just perpetuating them as a fact.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Does this man do anything apart from play golf, eat lunch and Twitter gibberish? Such a lazy, privileged coward. How about doing some work for a change Donchan? He can't even come out and face his detractors, has to do it from his phone. Lord help him when he meets Putin & co., he'll be cowering in the bathroom.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

If he wanted to be a legend instead of just highly paid, he would work somewhere else. Instead, he is paid credibility for a network in need of credibility.

Problem is, why on Earth would a excellent Journalist like Wallace just go to ONLY liberal outlets and talk trash, beneath him and lower his standards? Naw, he's better off with the big dogs.

that could be his WWF wrestling name after he is impeached!

That'll never happen.

Actually closer to 5-10minutes judging by the intervals between tweets. Probably has to do with his small thumbs.

Don't you think it's odd that crazy Joe would bring Mika to Mar-a-lago with a bloody falling face? Wouldn't it have been maybe better for Joe to wait until her wounds were all healed up before taking her out of the house?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Donny has decided that he will not do interviews or send a spokesperson to brief the press. 

There are press briefings every day except when the President is on travel or speaking himself somewhere. Media just mad that sometimes it isnt on TV, because they want the clip of themselves speaking to power or being snarky for their YouTube or Twitter account.

They seem to lose interest in asking the same gotcha question over and over once the TV cameras are off. This can be seen by Jim Acosta CNN total meltdown and unprofessional behavior in a recent off camera brief where he kept interrupting his colleagues and screaming for cameras to be turned on.


-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Distracting from the very real damage being to our country by the amateur hour presidency.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I like these three the most.

S. 1094: "Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017"

H.R. 321: "Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers (INSPIRE) Women Act"

H.J.Res. 42: "Disapproving the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to drug testing of unemployment compensation applicants"

But my point is that while the media says Trump has done nothing, he has done a whole hell of a lot, just Twitter obsessed media missed it due to Twitter and Russia. Does the media even do news on their own anymore? 90% of the so called news these days is just Twitter reactions.

Probably has to do with his small thumbs.

This is why you guys lost the election and why the media is getting hammered now. Few people outside of the media care about these manufactured, petty insults or identity politics or any of that other stuff.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Pretty creepy stuff from Trump fans tonight.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

alphaape, agreed.

I used to watch CNN but my eyes were opened a few years back. Hopelessly trendy rich-liberal bs. It deserves rudicule.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Americans really need to hang their heads in further shame. One day before their birthday, and I already know the majority wish Trump would just disappear, but I'm afraid his destruction of the nation is not near done yet.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Talking about your side, not mine. I can read Twitter and the law too.

Lol Just what is my side and how do you know I don't read the laws?

The media only seems to be able to focus on Twitter,

Donny has decided that he will not do interviews or send a spokesperson to brief the press. Tweets are official statements, so why shouldn't we be talking about them, just like we talk about interviews?

they miss everything else. In fact I think Trump can tweet and be President, what a tweet takes 15 seconds? 

Actually closer to 5-10minutes judging by the intervals between tweets. Probably has to do with his small thumbs.

Nice cherry picking. 40 other laws and nearly 40 executive orders to choose from.

Well, which law is so important you think we should be talking about it instead?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

that could be his WWF wrestling name after he is impeached!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The Embarrassment continues (note the capital 'E').

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I can listen to Chris Wallace at Fox.

A true legend like his dad.

If he wanted to be a legend instead of just highly paid, he would work somewhere else. Instead, he is paid credibility for a network in need of credibility.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I can listen to Chris Wallace at Fox.

A true legend like his dad.

Those I cited, including Breitbart which publishes right wing filth, are not even reporters.

Ahhh, because you say so?

All they publish are commentary that espouse the most blatant conspiracies. How much more one-sided can you get when your supposed balanced reporting isn't even based on facts?

But the left like Mother Jones, the NYT and all the other far left junk is credible?

How anyone could listen to that is beyond me. But then again, I don't watch "professional" wrestling, which has the same target audience.

You and I both have something in common.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Ok, so basically you want everyone to get a one-sided liberal point of view. How partisan of you.

I can listen to Chris Wallace at Fox. He at least laughs when trying to put the news in the best light. However, he can't even stomach what the rest of the people at Fox puts forward as so-called news.

Those I cited, including Breitbart which publishes right wing filth, are not even reporters.

All they publish are commentary that espouse the most blatant conspiracies. How much more one-sided can you get when your supposed balanced reporting isn't even based on facts? How anyone could listen to that is beyond me. But then again, I don't watch "professional" wrestling, which has the same target audience.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

While he is tweeting, he has signed 41 bills into law. I doubt any of you can name even 5 of them, because I couldnt. So I would recommend that people read the laws, not his tweets. But do whatever you want, cause Trump is winning the media battle. CNN cant even get 1 million viewers at night time for any of their programs.


And then there’s Fox & Friends, Pres. Trump’s go-to cable news program. F&F not only is +48 percent in total viewers and +64 percent in the A25-54 demo compared to Q2 2016, but the program is on track to have its highest-rated year in network history. It ranked No. 1 among the cable news morning shows this past quarter, per usual.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Bernstein is still relevant?

Looking for facts and insight, listen to Bernstein.

Looking for alternative facts and "balance", listen to the likes of Fox and Friends, Hannity, Breitbart, and Info Wars.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I think Carl Bernstein describe Trump's presidency best: Malignant.

Bernstein is still relevant? I thought he retired 40 years ago.

As if there wasn't something to mock, then and now.

Mocking goes both ways.

More to the point, there was something to fear (mainly incompetence and now criminality) not just mock, and Trump is confirming that fear every day.

What crime?

Wag the Dog, with twitter. The recent Flynn connections to coordinated attempts to obtain Clinton emails from Russian hackers must be getting close to the mark.

And if they show nothing, which is probably likely then what will you guys on the left do? How will you go on with your lives once this investigation is concluded and Trump is found to be innocent?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Who will rise up against the mad king? Or will the people be forever bewitched by his diversion tactics?

Those of us, which includes me, that are here trying to convince each other how incorrect the other is sure seem to be falling for the diversions.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump inciting and glorifying violence again. Meanwhile; the noose tightens around free movement, data protection, the right to vote and civil liberties.

Who will rise up against the mad king? Or will the people be forever bewitched by his diversion tactics?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Oh, stop, the far left loon Journalists and a few on the right have been mocking Trump since he announced he was running for office, they just ratcheted up since he's been president, way before Trump started tweeting or the MSM coming out with those tapes.

As if there wasn't something to mock, then and now.

More to the point, there was something to fear (mainly incompetence and now criminality) not just mock, and Trump is confirming that fear every day.

Trump's distractions are working. While everyone is focused on his tweets, he's tearing apart eight years of advancements.

Wag the Dog, with twitter. The recent Flynn connections to coordinated attempts to obtain Clinton emails from Russian hackers must be getting close to the mark.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I think Carl Bernstein describe Trump's presidency best: Malignant.


Trump's distractions are working. While everyone is focused on his tweets, he's tearing apart eight years of advancements.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Oh, stop, the far left loon Journalists and a few on the right have been mocking Trump since he announced he was running for office, they just ratcheted up since he's been president, way before Trump started tweeting or the MSM coming out with those tapes.

Oh no, poor Donny. Its not like he's spent a career belittling people. Its not like he spent his brief political career making racist, sexist, xenophobic comments. Stop the madness!

Donald's chickens are home to roost.

They are definitely more cautious, that's for darn sure.

Can you prove that?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I've seen four year olds with better character than this buffoon.

I wish I could say the same about the left....sigh.

No other president has been such a clown. Journalists are responding to his statements and actions, and they need to hold him accountable as much as possible. 

Oh, stop, the far left loon Journalists and a few on the right have been mocking Trump since he announced he was running for office, they just ratcheted up since he's been president, way before Trump started tweeting or the MSM coming out with those tapes.

Otherwise, people (or worse yet, children) will think it is normal behavior. Unfortunately, there are too many people who think it is normal behavior.

Im from California, nothing that goes on in that State is normal anymore, but kids think so. Like believing the government should take care of you. What kind of crap is that?!

To add to that, no other president as far as I can remember has had a history of wallowing in a trash conspiracy theory so radioactive, much of the trash right media wouldn't even touch it.

Well, we never had a president that was sneaky like that last one, that never happened either, smart, dignified to some, but sneakier than a fox. Nope, I'd rather have a president that's in your face than in my hen house.

I'm sure that now there's a real manly man in the WH, America's enemies are shaking in their boots.

They are definitely more cautious, that's for darn sure.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

Trump evidently realises that morons are very easily amused.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

But hey look at this, NATO is starting to pay the money which Trump demanded them to pay. The secretary of NATO even credits Trump directly for making this happen at last. Funny how that happens....Yet all the media wanted to talk about was him supposedly pushing someone and the French president's childish attempt at a handshake battle. 


interestingly... a CNN link.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Hopefully by the end of his Presidency the CNN fake news station will be no more!


Wonder if he could get the FCC to look into pulling CNN's license for consistent fake news?

are exactly why this is not funny. Allowing some government agency to determine which news is "fake" and predicating licensing on this is what Russia and China do. What is scary is that it's not unimaginable that Trump would consider doing so if they continue to so get under his skin.

He will not stop because he constantly requires an object to attack as that is all which defined his chaotic "intellect". Whether it was Obama or Clinton, he was relentless - but who is he going to attack now? Congress? The Supremes? Himself? - nope. So he goes after the press. A person who cannot control themselves before modern times was called an "idiot." Etymonline has its definition as "early 14c., 'person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning." That's what we've got.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

The media...you know those people who are supposed to give us real news that is factual and unbiased?

Is this some perfect world notion you learned about in your undergrad years? Get real. If you want media outlets to only report events the way you want them reported to reflect your individual perspective, there are many to choose from. Stop expecting all reporting to be done the way you think it should be.

Why do rightists and those from countries with state controlled media constantly attack the for-profit free press? Is freedom really that great a challenge?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Was the MEDIA saying these things daily? Was the MEDIA ignoring actual news items to keep pushing fake news

Yes, these things were the staple of FNC and others for years. The bitter vitriol against Obama is what gave us President Trump. The supporters of Trump are just reveling in what they feel is payback for the "evils" of the Obama years.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Readers, Obama is not relevant to this discussion.

The world is laughing at America and the state of the oval office

But hey look at this, NATO is starting to pay the money which Trump demanded them to pay. The secretary of NATO even credits Trump directly for making this happen at last. Funny how that happens....Yet all the media wanted to talk about was him supposedly pushing someone and the French president's childish attempt at a handshake battle.


-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Haha, good one. I never once heard anyone questioning a president's birthplace, religion, or patriotism. I never once heard a president derided for using a teleprompter, wearing a beige suit, or throwing a baseball like a girl. I never once heard a president referred to as a sissy, a fascist, a socialist, an atheist, or the Antichrist.

Was the MEDIA saying these things daily? Was the MEDIA ignoring actual news items to keep pushing fake news such as the Russia narrative? We are talking about media attacks, not attacks from individual people or political groups. The media...you know those people who are supposed to give us real news that is factual and unbiased?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Journalists before NEVER attacked a sitting president, make sexual remarks or tried skewering him on a day to day basis. 

Haha, good one. I never once heard anyone questioning a president's birthplace, religion, or patriotism. I never once heard a president derided for using a teleprompter, wearing a beige suit, or throwing a baseball like a girl. I never once heard a president referred to as a sissy, a fascist, a socialist, an atheist, or the Antichrist.

Nope, never.

I'm sure that now there's a real manly man in the WH, America's enemies are shaking in their boots. They know that this titan of the twitterverse means business, and he will not let anyone damage his ego.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

No other president has been such a clown

To add to that, no other president as far as I can remember has had a history of wallowing in a trash conspiracy theory so radioactive, much of the trash right media wouldn't even touch it.

So Trump, a trashmonger of appalling standing, pumps out endless stupidity and bitchiness on Twitter while baiting the media who don't like him, and then his supporters complain about harsh treatment.

Keep playing the smallest violin in the shop until the attacks reach the insane and filthy level of birtherism.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

You'd think his carers would have taken the phone away by now.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I've seen four year olds with better character than this buffoon.

Journalists before NEVER attacked a sitting president, make sexual remarks or tried skewering him on a day to day basis.

No other president has been such a clown. Journalists are responding to his statements and actions, and they need to hold him accountable as much as possible.

Otherwise, people (or worse yet, children) will think it is normal behavior. Unfortunately, there are too many people who think it is normal behavior.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Yeah, interesting that CNN was trying to get Twitter to disable Trump's account under terms of service. Wonder if he could get the FCC to look into pulling CNN's license for consistent fake news? As he is so close to and cozy with the head of the FCC, Im sure he can easily do that. Oh, wait....that too cozy relationship was fake news too.


-10 ( +2 / -12 )

with the unprecedented bias of the media, turn about is fair play although what he really needs to do is reinstate the fairness doctrine which required FCC license holder to present honest, equitable and balanced reporting...


-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Presidents have constraints; they're wimpy in comparison.

And Journalists supposedly should have ethics and standards, that's long gone.

He's mocking the office, trashing it, saying he's bigger and better than a mere president. Commander in Chief? Pfft - a yesterday title. He's the Supreme Generalisimo. 

Journalists before NEVER attacked a sitting president, make sexual remarks or tried skewering him on a day to day basis. The MSM have become a complete joke of moans and desperations and petty gutter attacks.

Either that or his slide into dementia is going faster than predicted. He's over 70 and long been overweight. Fortunately he's no longer allowed to drive a car on US roads.

How old is Hillary and might I add, she's not the skinniest person she once was so many moons ago. By the way, when you are Hillary of Trump, you don't need to drive, but the cool thing about Trump, he's got his own helicopter and 737 jet! Why on Earth would you want to drive???

-14 ( +2 / -16 )

How is this in the slightest news?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Simple things amuse simple minds.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

The testy tangerine troll with his toilet tweets is unwittingly and in a perverse way reinvigorating the US political system both by desacralizing the absurd, sacerdotal aura surrounding the POTUS as well as by slagging off the MSM , which ironically puts the world's most cited moron on the same page as "the world's most cited intellectual", Noam Chomsky, who years ago demystified the US media revealing the naked propaganda model at its rotten core. Trumpcare is an egregious symptom of the country's social malaise, and by making the good citizens of the USA as mad as hell so that they can't take this any more, T's greatest service to the nation might be the faintly audible gurgling and sucking sound of the detritus from a disintegrating GOP disappearing down the drain of history.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I laughed myself silly, good one. LOL

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

Not a hair out of place. He's got to work on that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If my memory serves me right, many on the left shouted down both of the examples you gave. 

Actually Michael Moore sent the theater a 10,000 dollar contribution, as one example. CNN encouraged people to go see it. but ok.

Oh, that completely refutes my statement that many on the left shouted it down.

I stand corrected.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

what do you think of the president of the United States tweeting stupid, low-life trash?

It's becoming increasingly clear that he's mocking the office of the president. He wants a bigger title: he wants to be like Putin, Oligarch for Life.

Presidents have constraints; they're wimpy in comparison. He's mocking the office, trashing it, saying he's bigger and better than a mere president. Commander in Chief? Pfft - a yesterday title. He's the Supreme Generalisimo.

Either that or his slide into dementia is going faster than predicted. He's over 70 and long been overweight. Fortunately he's no longer allowed to drive a car on US roads.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

If my memory serves me right, many on the left shouted down both of the examples you gave. 

Actually Michael Moore sent the theater a 10,000 dollar contribution, as one example. CNN encouraged people to go see it. but ok.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Back to the topic, what do you think of the president of the United States tweeting stupid, low-life trash?

The crosshair thing was debunked like 5 years ago and NY Times is being sued for that.

As far as the President tweeting stupid things, I dont think it is stupid- I think this specific tweet is hilarious. Call out fake news CNN by tweeting fake wrestling? Thats pretty high level thinking there. Pro wrestling has millions of fans in the USA, is on TV constantly, has pay per views and the owner is a billionaire, so I dont think it is trash.

-15 ( +2 / -17 )

yet Trump assassination play is art and beheading of Trump of is free speech. Both are fine and to be applauded

If my memory serves me right, many on the left shouted down both of the examples you gave. Many on the right also shouted down the infamous crosshair map from Sarah Palin.

Let's not generalise, shall we?

Back to the topic, what do you think of the president of the United States tweeting stupid, low-life trash?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Awesome video! Gave me a good laugh over the weekend. CNN having a meltdown about how this promotes violence. yet Trump assassination play is art and beheading of Trump of is free speech. Both are fine and to be applauded. But any old wrestling video? Lost their mind

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

When you call yourself a 'modern day president' on Saturday don't come up with a dad-joke on Sunday. Actually laughed when I watched the vid, 'at' DT himself.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Well we'll see if he can keep this pace, but my guess is that people are going to endlessly bait him into outbursts.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It's comedy! All in good fun actually. What is it with the left and Donald Trump. They laugh hysterically at all the ridiculous spoofs that Alec Baldwin makes (which was funny in the beginning ,but oh so tired now) and the Trump team comes up with this little piece of video candy about fake news, (which CNN has totally been busted for) And they go ballistic. Take it easy and just mind your time for another 7 1/2 years. Hopefully by the end of his Presidency the CNN fake news station will be no more!

-16 ( +5 / -21 )

Everyone calm down. It was a parody joke.

I'm perfectly calm dude. Calmer than you are.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

It was a parody joke.  

It was parody? See, I don't think so. On the heels of Trump and his handlers talking about how Trump is a fighter and he punches back, as well as his illusions of grandeur, I would not at all be surprised if Donny thinks he's sticking it to CNN. He's not. This just makes Trump look like a pretty big idiot.

Agree or not, the fact that we're not even sure if he's serious or not is pretty gobsmacking.

15 ( +17 / -2 )

And like clockwork, the inept media falls for his shenanigans. We clearly don't have any real journalism anymore. Everything is about ratings and more ratings. By giving trump more airtime, medias only making him more popular. He comes off as an underdog and we all love an underdog. My thinking is the hurt from his win had completely clouded minds to rationality.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the Donald's tweets are the official statements of the President of the United States of America, and "the tweets speak for themselves". Is the media wrong to cover the official statements of the POTUS? Is it the media's fault that he is writing childlike tweets and throwing temper tantrums on Twitter rather than making meaningful policy statements? The President is acting like a entitled kindergartner and name-calling people and the media is supposed to be talk about his policy initiatives that the President himself does not have the mental capacity to understand and never discusses in the first place?

Everything is about how one feels now. Zeus help us. It's going to be a bumpy ride!!

Yeah, why should we care about how people feel when the POTUS demeans women and makes sexist and childish remarks. No one should care that the President openly trashes the independent media, the institutions of the US, and makes a mockery of the US at home and abroad.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Everyone calm down.  It was a parody joke.  When other Presidents make fun of themselves it is viewed as funny and classic.  What's the difference between this gag, and the White House Press Dinner that Trump skipped where the Presidents make jokes about themselves and others and sometimes go into places where it may seem appropriate.  I seem to remember the libs were up in the air when "W" made jokes, and they were saying he set the world on fire and all he can do is stand there and make lame jokes about it.

Even when then candidate Nixon went on the show Laugh In back in the late 60's and said "Sock it to me" some felt that was un-Presidential but it helped him when the race back in 1968.

It was a doctored video from years ago when he was a private citizen, let it go.

-23 ( +3 / -26 )

He really makes America look bad as never seen before @ the worldwide stage, is this his definition of being "great again" ?

Hey we've been told by people on here that they don't care what the international community thinks of him... I hope when he is dissed again at the next big meeting they don't have any complaints.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

He really makes America look bad as never seen before @ the worldwide stage, is this his definition of being "great again" ?

17 ( +19 / -2 )

And like clockwork, the inept media falls for his shenanigans. We clearly don't have any real journalism anymore. Everything is about ratings and more ratings. By giving trump more airtime, medias only making him more popular. He comes off as an underdog and we all love an underdog. My thinking is the hurt from his win had completely clouded minds to rationality. Everything is about how one feels now. Zeus help us. It's going to be a bumpy ride!!

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Pathetic, petty man. Utter trash.

Grow up.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

DT keeps on trolling.

That keeps everyone busy, especially the media.

They shouldn't run for the bones DT is throwing at them.

They are not going to win.

They should stick to investigative journalism and reporting.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

You elect a reality TV performer, you get a reality TV performance.

What are the odds on the Donald never realizing the irony of using footage of a WWE fight (which is staged and hence, fake) to call out someone else as fake? My money is on never.

18 ( +20 / -2 )

While the world gazes in horror at the antics of this grotesque man, the gang of white supremacists, Christian jihadis, theocrats and billionaire anti-democrats that pulls his strings are destroying the US.

It's very sad to see once-great countries like the US and the UK hurtling into the abyss.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

"But I'm president, and they're not," he said.

A good rule of thumb in life is if you have to tell people your title to get respect, you are never going to get respect.

Trump campaigned on the claim that the US was an inch away from falling completely apart...and now he's using his time not to fix the problem, but to mock news agencies that report on his incompetence. He's the mental equivalent of a 13 year old internet troll picking fights with others from the safety of his mothers' basement.

19 ( +21 / -2 )

OMG...when is this guy going to grow TF up?

19 ( +22 / -3 )

"But I'm president, and they're not," he said.

Says the aging baby boomer, the 'modern president' who obviously can't handle the pressures of the office a minority of Americans elected him to represent.

He's reverting back to the days of his childhood when after throwing a fit mummy, daddy and the family servants would bring him new toys to play with. It's disconcerting watching his melt-down, his further descent into dementia.

Reminder: Trump has the code to weapons that can destroy large parts of the world.

22 ( +24 / -2 )

Very modern presidential, Donny.

Back to my morning, covfefe.

24 ( +25 / -1 )

How is this in the slightest presidential? He has turned the presidency into a trash show Duck Dynasty style. To the eternal shame of our nation.

28 ( +31 / -3 )

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