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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Trump's Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen resigns
By Patricia Zengerle and Diane Bartz WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Chip Star
Well, if Trump insists there's a national emergency, we can definitely take him at his word. He's proven himself time and again to be 100% trustworthy and well informed.
National emergency? But then Trump's also claimed Canadian milk and lumber jeopardized US 'national security'. Trump continues to keep his base fearful, and that's proven easy to do.
That there are numerous issues regarding the southern border that need to be addressed is clear. But to resolve them requires clear-headed thinking across the aisles in DC, not knee-jerk slogan shouting by a man too lazy to consider solutions beyond building a 2,000 mile wall from sea to sea like those proposed by Roger Stone and other criminals in the Trump syndicate.
I hope the rest of Homeland security will follow her lead and resign as well. One less Orwellian agency in the world's leading police state.
Too late. She'll never escape the stink of kidnapping and caging children.
This isn't an administration, it's Uncle Chuckle's rolling clown circus. Once again, I repeat, the Republicans can't govern. Hell, they can't get anyone with any qualifications to crawl into the dumpster to put out the fire!
Another one bits the dust...………
Big surprise...…………………..NOT!!!
She didn't resign. She was thrown under the bus.
It seems that, even in the Trump administration, separating 700 immigrant children from their parents, losing track of them, and announcing a two-year time frame to resolve the problem is not good optics. Not that Trump cares about the children; he cares about the optics.
kidnapping? What stink? Strong woman, definitely gets my respect at least she was tough and did what she had to do to keep our borders safe. The Democrats the only thing they can do is....nothing as usual.
But Democrats can? In 12 years we’ll be gone while putting together IKEA furniture looking and doing an interview? Give me a break. They elected a bunch of take care of me brats.
And you have evidence of this of course?
Neither is the caravans or that Democrats are just doing absolutely nothing about it even when former DHS Obama loyalist Jeh Johnson uttered and reiterated the same concerns and fear the President has, the Dems do nothing, which really isn’t a shocker, but as you say, optics matters.
The Democrats don’t care about the nation, but they care about optics to their loyal base.
I hope the predecessor to this department also made sure Trump's father entered America legally. You know, Fred was born in Germany, although Fred's father was Swedish.
No Business
Well, at least she started the task at hand. There's a long way to go, but the wall is getting built section-by-section. This is a good policy for the US.
separating migrant children from their parents
None of this would be happening if we had the wall. Thanks a lot, Democrats and RINOS.
Let's put this in perspective. Jeh Johnson:
*"It is very definitely humanitarian crisis because of the poverty and violence in Central America. And the way to deal with this problem, frankly, is make a long-term investment in helping to eradicate the poverty and violence in the three countries that are probably the most violent on Earth. That's not a quick, simple, easy fix which Washington likes."*
Jeh Johnson also thinks Trump's border wall is a silly idea.
Joe Blow
Hasta la vista, baby.
None of this would be happening if Trump weren't the President.
And another Trump administration official that grew tired of the chaos, criminal behavior, and antics of our two-year old President.
I wonder what child-like insult he will hurl at her as she departs...
It's clear - you enter this administration at your peril - you'll be abused, dumped, your reputation besmirched, and lose whatever integrity you had.
It's a national nightmare...
Come to new job. Redecorate your office. Learn how to go through security and learn rules regarding eating in public restaurant s etc. learn how to use computer/info systems. Learn who the staff leaders in each division are, then spend time to get to know them by face and personality/loyalty. Resign your home/s to accommodate security details 24/7. Get briefed by the White House on short term and long term strategy. Ride your first public scandal as boss of homeland security. Discover all the hidden stuff your predecessor left for you and is now your responsibility. Meet Major media, get to know them and form relationships. Suddenly adapt to trumps “new directives”. 2nd public scandal. Now 6 months. FIRED!!!
next please...
None of this would be happening if Trump weren't the President.
Yes, we would just have open borders.
From Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation letter:
"I hope that the next Secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts in fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to full secure America's borders and have contributed to discord in our nation's discourse."
Hopefully after 2020. Won't happen before then.
@Serrano, tsk tsk "full secure" in your quote. Are you sure Nielsen didn't get fired for her atrocious grammar?
I doubt it, Trump's is worse.
That comment says and sums it all.
Ok, that was before he finally opened up his eyes and realized and allowed reality to set in, so let’s put in proper perspective shall we?
-Jeh Johnson
"On Tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions. I know that a thousand overwhelms the system. I cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like, so we are truly in a crisis," Johnson explained.
Seems like he’s changing his mind and fast!
And you know this from speaking to....
Maybe he got tired of her for not being strong enough.
Maybe none.
Not as bad as the last 8 years.
@Serrano, tsk tsk "full secure" in your quote. Are you sure Nielsen didn't get fired for her atrocious grammar?
Yeah, I missed the 'y" after full. She didn't. So sorry. lol
What she said was right on. Democrats and RINOS had better get with the program.
Its certainly an unstable and chaotic one. More so than with Obama. Funny that you agree it's a nightmare thought, didn't expect that from you.
And you know this from speaking to...?
She talks about fixing laws that impede our ability to protect the borders. Guess she doesn't think the lack of a wall is the problem after all...maybe that's why she got fired.
@Chip Star,
You'd have to be mute to not know there is a major problem.
They've been getting financial aid for decades. Not an excuse just broken countries with bad leadership.
I never said, no such thing, sorry.
...or maybe she didn’t think that at all.
Exactly! You just made my point and that is I don’t know and neither does anyone else. Every liberal is just running ahead and doing what they always do best. Speculating.
Ah, but you did say so...
And you are running ahead doing what you do best, speculating and repeating fox news.
Maybe she did, maybe she didn't. But she wrote about laws being the problem, not a lack of the we can be safe to say that she must have thought laws were a bigger problem than the latter.
Saying RINO, DINO or SWINO doesn't address the fact that the Rio Grand River forms an un-alterable border. Maybe Nielsen is smart enough to know that completely cutting off American access to an important river is. . . da da dum. . . bad for national security. There are already Americans living in a no man's land between the fence north of the river and the Rio Grande. The not-yet-RINOs will claim "But we're full". . . of what, beans? Are states like Wyoming, with a population nearly as small as Japan's least populated prefectures, actually full to capacity? Who decides the magic number of how many people are allowed in the country?
Yes, and the Democrats sit by are ok with thousands of illegals pouring in, it’s worse than a nightmare.
With a do nothing President
I didn’t run ahead, I’m just saying, liberals are speculating without knowing what and why, but we are used to this.
and her frustration that the Democrats are doing nothing, not even trying to work with the Republicans on this dire issue.
Which is as we speak being built.
Thanks Nancy.
Viktor Cernatinskij
Trump is incompetent and hires incompetent people to work for him. Trump should blame himself for being useless and hiring useless people to work for him...
It is so stupid, so stupid, so stupid not to incourage immigration of educated hardworking people to US. Especially, USA needs high quality immigrants from Japan...
@Viktor, before he became POTUS, Trump and his family absolutely loved to hire less educated immigrant workers. One case that came out recently was a Romanian driver for some of the Trumps, who made between $8/hour (driving only) and $12/hr (for additional security duties). The guy has been in ICE custody since last year because some identity theft insurance scam set up by a friend back in Romania long ago, and now his wife and kids--all American citizens--are suffering in Florida without his income. Is Trump doing anything to help free his former employee from unreasonable imprisonment, or is he a classic throw-you-under-the-bus boss?
Texas A&M Aggie
For the past six months when this blog site cut and pasted articles pertaining to U.S. immigration, my posts about how Nielsen was incompetent and needed to be removed as secretary of Homeland Security were routinely nuked because they were considered "off topic". Today, I am vindicated.
Now that she's gone, We need a brawler to replace her; someone with orders to step on the toes that need to be stepped on. McAleenan is the right man for the job.
The current passive approach the Uniparty demands is insane. The GOPe insists on bringing a cotton ball to a fight that requires a brick. As an Angel Parent, I detest today's linguine-spined, kowtowing to CoC lobbyists GOPe.
I hope so.
If McAleenan isn't up for it, then they should go to the next name in the rolodex and give the job to McAteer (sadly I watch too much Japanese TV). Michael sticks with it no matter what kind of mind-wracking topic the producers at NHK Broadcast Satellite tell him to ask random people on the streets of U.S. or E.U. cities.
Trump is incompetent and hires incompetent people to work for him
All presidents have made hiring choices that weren't the best. Don't have to go very far back to see that.
I'll take results over claims of incompetence.
You can want the wall, but Congress said NO to funding it. So, no wall for you.
Open borders for all!!
You can want the wall, but Congress said NO to funding it. So, no wall for you.
Au contraire! Trump can divert roughly $21 billion in military construction funds that aren’t already obligated for use on border projects.
Open borders for all!!
No thanks, we want to keep our country. People lock their doors not because they hate the people outside, but because they love the people inside and want to keep them safe.
OK, I'll run with the door analogy. Let's say Mexico agrees to pay to install doors every few hundred feet of fencing/wall, and then some guy with a ring of keys can go around locking and unlocking the doors every time there is a knock. Should be great exercise for that guy answering the door! But how does he know if it's safe to open the door just by looking through the peephole? See, that's where paranoia sets in, and he becomes a hikikomori shut-in who stops answering the door even when it's his own family (humanity) out there.
Chip Star
It's Chip Star. Two words.
People that can't talk wouldn't knowcthere is a major problem? Why not? Odd.
Chip Star
Why did republicans sink two immigration reform bills six years ago? Getting something is better than getting nothing, and it would have been a step closer to solving this "dire" issue.
GREAT! As long as they stay in California and don’t bother the rest of the country, no problem. Let Newsom and the other Democrat socialists deal with it in that state, they’re doing an outstanding job with the homelessness, crime and their tax rates.
Sounds like you did some research. So what did the two bills include?
Im glad this is being reported. Trump fans seem to think it wasn’t intentional, or “Obama did it, too” or whatever it is they can make up to hide the fact they supported a cruel policy.
Yeah, our borders are being breached which is of great concern to all Americans. Unless you're from another country, being so anti-American. Or, to quote William Safire, consistently "a nattering nabob of negativism".
GREAT! As long as they stay in California and don’t bother the rest of the country, no problem
No, bass, it's a huge problem. You can't seal California off from the rest of the country. Anyway, we want to take California back from the liberals. Be nice to have California's 55 Electoral College votes in case too many voters in Pennsylvania and Florida have brain farts and vote Democrat. It's not going to happen by 2020, but maybe, just maybe, if we get the wall built and continue to improve the economy, it might happen by 2024 or 2028. California went red as late as 1988 ( HW Bush, lol )
Chip Star
That's a funny euphamism for a person grounded in reality and operating with actual facts.
...100 years later (it will take that long to build a concrete 2,000 mile wall) there will still be ladders and shovels. Also, drones to deliver the drugs.
Chip Star
We're going to let the republican fascists take care of them. Nines has already volunteered to whip up more ignorance-driven fear.
So, it's a "dire" situation, but getting nothing is better than getting everything, which is known as compromise. Got it.
Wht haven't the republicans doge anything to remedy this "dire" sirltustion? Democrats have tried twice to address this crisis, but have been obstructed by republicans both times.
What a joke! Let's talk current House where the Dems' immigration policy is anything but for Trump and American to succeed!
Nothing can be done with lunatic Dems in charge of Congress. But the American people will hit back hard.
2020 can't come fast enough.
No more patch up pseudo solutions, with those open-border fanatics having anything to say. As they say, payback's a b_ulldog and the b_ulldog is back!
I won’t miss her. She should have also left when General Kelly did.
there will still be ladders and shovels
You wouldn't believe how many people will not climb a ladder over 20 feet or dig a tunnel.
Also, drones to deliver the drugs
You forgot planes and ships, hehe
Thank you Kirstjen for your service, you did a great job and we appreciate you.
Kirstjen Nielsen did her best and we the American people thank her for her service. But right now we need a pitbull in charge down there. Kevin McAleenan will fill the bill.
Can he pay for the wall?
What was the other slogan he had... ? Swamp the Drain or something like that...
@SuperLib - I bet he will get Israeli funding for it, in exchange for what he's been doing for them recently.
How? California is a liberal echo chamber. Nines?
What compromise? The Democrats haven’t done anything, you can’t compromise on anything if you sit on your rear. So when will these socialists go to the border and still, when will their liberal media surrogates put McAleenan and Perez on TV? They spew we need to listen to the experts and yet, they don’t talk to these people, the very people that live and work the border every single day?
So why haven’t the Democrats eliminated the visa lottery program, changed the catch and release program or done away with chain migration, maybe if they got rid of them, addressed the main reason as to why so many come, the GOP would be the first to back the Dems, but it seems the Dems don’t want or care to stop this crisis....again.
Wrong. None of this would be happening if US laws that prevent people inside the country without proper approvals to work AND the companies hiring them were fined 2x the salary paid, per year, per hire, were held accountable.
I used to be all for a wall everywhere, but I'd rather spend that money do actually stop the 60+% of immigrants (I don't remember the exact number, but it might be over 70%) who don't cross outside controlled borders, from illegally working inside the USA. Let's use that border money to pass laws which remove the carrot for illegal workers, end the follow-on family immigration, end birth citizenship if both parents aren't in the country legally, and heavily fine anyone hiring illegal workers. The stick isn't hard enough and it is never used today. That needs to change.
I'd like to have automatic deportation for anyone found inside the USA illegally and place them on a 20 year band list for any re-entry. Consequences.
My state mandates that e-verify be used for all workers, yet we have plenty of people who are inside the USA illegally working. That's because the current laws only punish the worker, not the companies or individuals doing the hiring. If my company hires a software engineer who isn't legally allowed to work in the USA, sure they can be deported, but the fine is tiny to the company. Fines need to be harsh, significant, at least 2x the annual salary. Last week, ICE arrested 150 illegal IT workers near Dallas:
California mandates e-verify be used, but the penalties are only those for perjury. There are fines and prison sentences, but
Basically, for illegal workers, it comes down to being shown documentation of any sort that meets the requirements for e-verify, but, even if it is clearly fraudulent, the employer isn't held accountable. That isn't any solution.
Fix the issue, forget the wall. Building a complete wall is a job's program for Trump supporters. It won't solve the huge issue. This doesn't mean that physical barriers near cities shouldn't be great, they should, but 200 miles outside a city is where a $5M wall just doesn't make sense.
Chip Star
The two immigration reform bills that republicans killed in 2013 were compromises. Instead of taking the first steps to alleviate this "dire" situation, republicans decided to do nothing when they killed those two bills, but somehow it's the democrats fault.
So your real problem is with legal ways for immigrants to enter. If you cared about illegal border crossings and wanted them addressed you would have accepted at least one of the bipartisan immigration reform bills in 2013.
Chip Star
I just blew tea out of my nose. Thanks, Farmboy; I needed that laugh.
I don't blame her for resigning.
Trump's political opponents have sought to obstruct Trump's (and by extension, her) every effort to protect the border and to put a stop to the suffering and exploitation of migrants that illegal immigration causes.
She was trying to do a very important job, but opportunistic Trump-hating politicians were doing everything they could to impede her.
So I understand it if she feels she's had enough of that nonsense.
Obviously Trump didn't. That's why he sacked her...!
She is a disgrace to America and her never dependable boss just stabbed her in the back. Good riddance to rotten rubbish.
Through ports of entry is just fraction higher than those walking across. Almost the same number of illegals.
I suppose the US could put detection bracelets on people with a timer. Times up your visa is done and then exit the country. If not, you'll be looked for. How's that?
Nielson tried but not tough enough.