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U.S. House committee seeks Trump tax returns from IRS

By David Morgan

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If he's got nothing to hide, he should release them.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

He doesn’t need to, doesn’t necessarily mean he has something to hide. They can subpoena his tax records, now whether the Democrats will get them or not is an entirely different ball game.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

But you'd welcome the release of his tax returns, regardless?

14 ( +14 / -0 )

He doesn’t need to, doesn’t necessarily mean he has something to hide. They can subpoena his tax records, now whether the Democrats will get them or not is an entirely different ball game.

Sounds like you think he does though, considering you used the word "necessarily". His entire life has been full of criminal dealings, his taxes are probably more than incriminating.

And they will most likely get them with a subpoena. Lets see what they have to say.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

He doesn’t need to, doesn’t necessarily mean he has something to hide.

Yes it does.

Trump has always crowed about communicating directly and frankly to the American public, through Twitter and rallies. A real man of the people. His excuse is phony. Being under audit does not prevent disclosure of tax returns.

He owes it to the honest tax payers of the United States.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

He said he’d release them but this was a lie.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I don't like Trump at all, but this seems like a vindictive move.

Trump defied decades of precedent as a presidential candidate by refusing to release the tax documents 

And still he was elected. That suggests those who elected hims don't see it as such a "critical" matter.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

IRS and U.S. Treasury officials were not immediately available for comment.

Given they're led by Trump appointees, that makes sense. Especially if to secure their fat govt positions they, too, want to have Trump's investments hidden from public eye.

Given Trump's ongoing support for big oil corporations (including denying climate change exists except as a Chinese hoax, cutting funding for alternatives to burning hydrocarbons, and increasing military spending to further finance US global military support for big oil), the public should be able to learn how much he's invested there.

Given Trump's ongoing support for big-war industries, the public should be able to learn how much he's invested there.

Given how much Trump's properties charge the US taxpayers each time he uses one of his properties, the public should be able to learn how much he's personally profited from his golf games.

Among others.

Corrupt businessman, corrupt politician. What are Trump, his family, and the elite he's serving trying to keep covered.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Well, he's a proven scammer and known liar. Obviously people will want to see his taxes to make sure he isn't abusing his position to enrich himself. I mean this is a guy who solicited money for charity then used the money to pay his own bills. Not really rocket science.

Two types here... One knows he's a scammer and wants to see his taxes as a form of oversight to make sure the proven scammer isn't doing anything he shouldn't be doing. The other knows he a scammer and wants to keep his taxes hidden to get a wall or keep a racist as President.

Again, not really rocket science.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Release the returns.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Yes it does.

No, he really doesn’t.

“Congress must have a legitimate legislative reason for accessing the returns,” Keith Whittington, a professor of politics at Princeton University, told ABC News. Whittington predicted that Congress could identify valid reasons to examine a sitting president’s tax returns, but obtaining Trump’s tax returns from his years as a private citizen “might be a little more complicated.”

But legal experts warned that overbroad requests for Trump’s personal tax filings could also backfire on Democrats and establish unwanted precedents.

“A fishing expedition into the president's taxes could open up politically motivated efforts to divulge others' taxes, at the price of privacy,” Harold Krent, Dean of the Chicago-Kent College of Law, told ABC News.


Trump has always crowed about communicating directly and frankly to the American public, through Twitter and rallies.


A real man of the people. His excuse is phony. Being under audit does not prevent disclosure of tax returns.

Uhhhh....name calling won’t change a thing...real man..lol.

He owes it to the honest tax payers of the United States.

Only Democrats care about his taxes, obsessively. I could care less. Not putting money in my pocket.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Two facts: Every president's returns are audited; Being under audit is no excuse to prevent release. The only reason Trump has not released his returns is that he doesn't want to, despite his lies to the contrary.

But congress has the power to subpoena them if cause is given. Ever hear of the "emoluments clause"? - that's cause.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

But congress has the power to subpoena them if cause is given. Ever hear of the "emoluments clause"? - that's cause.

Good luck, it’s going to be a battle for the Democrats, they might not get what they want.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

Good luck, it’s going to be a battle for the Democrats, they might not get what they want.

Even if there is nothing incriminating it will more than likely provide even more evidence to what his actual worth is... something which a lot of his supporters claim is truly great... but a reveal could be truly embarrassing.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Turn ‘em over, Donald. You might still be hiding evidence of collusion with the Ruskies!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Hide the college grades.

Hide the White House visitor logs.

Hide the tax returns.

Hide the Mueller report.

I'm sensing a pattern.

If the IRS is already claiming it won't cooperate without being compelled, then the chairman should just issue a subpoena now.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Everybody I know cheats tax, so he is just a regular guy. With loads of lawyers.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I could care less.

Then why don't you?

Tax fraud is not only a crime and morally reprehensible, it essentially steals from people who are honest with their returns.

Trump supporters do not care about fraud if it's their man in the WH. Love the moral integrity of this cult! Winning!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

If he's got nothing to hide, he should release them.

oh hes got plenty to hide, when you minus all his debts ( from the self proclaimed king of debt)

from his real assets ( also shown to have inflated assets prices and a number of his properties) then hes really not as rich as he makes himself out to be.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Everybody I know cheats tax, so he is just a regular guy. With loads of lawyers.

but when the big guys cheat they avoid $millions in taxes, which mean many more smaller taxpayers have to pay more to make up the shortfalls. they dont have the money to hide behind lawyers, accountants.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Ever hear of the "emoluments clause"? - that's cause. -- comment

That provision is for lesser politicians (congressmen, senators, cabinet members, etc.) selling favors In exchange for moving up the political food chain. It doesn't pertain to President Trump because he is already at the top of the hill.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

And still he was elected. That suggests those who elected hims don't see it as such a "critical" matter.

elected or not, tax avoidance is a crime under US law, whether people think its critical or not is irrelevant

3 ( +4 / -1 )

There’s a good reason why the current occupant of the White House doesn't want them to be public knowledge.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Like I said, two types of people.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

So, what's the problem Trump people? It's just going to show that Trump has Billions and Billions- right? Won't it make him look good? How many billions does Trump say he has? Like around 10 or 20 billion? Because if he really has that much money then he has my vote 100%. Really, what is the problem?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

That provision is for lesser politicians (congressmen, senators, cabinet members, etc.) selling favors In exchange for moving up the political food chain. It doesn't pertain to President Trump because he is already at the top of the hill.

You know what? That's not true! Any politician, from dog catcher to president, who uses his office to benefit personally is in violation of the act. From Trump's DC hotel to his golf courses to Mar a Lago (destined to come down as a symbol of Trump's corruption), this president cannot help himself but to grift and lie about it on his tax returns. In fact, what will be interesting to see is which lies where inserted and which omitted.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Turn ‘em over, Donald. You might still be hiding evidence of collusion with the Ruskies!

Yeah, I’m sure Mueller already thought to look there....

but when the big guys cheat they avoid $millions in taxes, which mean many more smaller taxpayers have to pay more to make up the shortfalls. they dont have the money to hide behind lawyers, accountants

So what do you want? You think you’ll get that money? Come on now...

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Worst case it will show that Trump is not part of the "B" club and he will no longer be able to make the claim that is is successful like a real "B" man like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Just get those tax records for some real entertainment

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ever hear of the "emoluments clause"? - that's cause. -- comment

> That provision is for lesser politicians (congressmen, senators, cabinet members, etc.) selling favors In exchange for moving up the political food chain. It doesn't pertain to President Trump because he is already at the top of the hill.

It clearly says no such thing. It applies to anyone holding an office of "trust" which the Department of Justice has long officially recognized as including the president. I

It is also not specifically targeted against preventing people from corruptly moving up the political career food chain. It is explicitly targeted at preventing foreign governments from gaining influence over the United States government via gifts to politiicians at any level. That might include people lower down who would use such gifts to further their careers up the ladder, but it would be idiotic to say that it applied to everyone except the most powerful person in the chain who would be the most obvious target of foreign governments seeking to gain such influence.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I guess many people here are free to express their opinion, but it is obvious many have lost their objectivity. Or is it for lack of information?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Worst case it will show that Trump is not part of the "B" club and he will no longer be able to make the claim that is is successful like a real "B" man like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Just get those tax records for some real entertainment

Given Trump’s pathological boasting/lying, it is inconceivable that his tax records are the record of a man who is as successful and clean as he says he is.

Seeing the orange balloon shrivel would be entertaining.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Miyam: The Dims are so laughable

Why? It’s good to keep the pressure on Trump for transparency since he’s a proven scammer and known liar. It’s not like we’re presenting some radical, illogical idea.

Some might even say that working to protect the proven scammer would be more laughable. But not everyone, I suppose.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Given Trump’s pathological boasting/lying, it is inconceivable that his tax records are the record of a man who is as successful and clean as he says he is. 

Dunno, how many here on JT have a buildings with their names on it...in Gold, a Casino, golf courses, properties, homes all over the world, your own plane, not Learjet but your own 757 and a helicopter and now the most powerful man on the planet, if anyone has the following speak now, if not, then one could say with a grain of certainty, the man is very successful.

Seeing the orange balloon shrivel would be entertaining.

Probably won’t happen.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

a proven scammer and known liar. 

All that is untrue. Try to tune out of CNN and MSNBC who've been espousing such lies and garbage for over 2 years. Waiting for the Mueller-Godot, only to fall on their face.

Or perhaps, just suppose that someone who doesn't like you accused you for being such? Wouldn't feel good, would it?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

buildings with their names on it...in Gold, a Casino, golf courses, properties, homes all over the world, your own plane, not Learjet but your own 757 and a helicopter and now the most powerful man on the planet, if anyone has the following speak now, if not, then one could say with a grain of certainty, the man is very successful.

I don't find owning any of those things to be "successful", nor do I want any of them.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

All that is untrue.

Lol, its not true. He scammed people through his fundraisers and he scammed people through his housing projects. How do you not know these things yet, his court record is available to the public. In case you want a quick summary, here is the wiki. You can fact check it on your own...


5 ( +7 / -2 )

His record of scamming and shady business is very impressive. There is almost not a year that goes by without some sort of new lawsuit.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

As best as I can tell, the situation is that Trump fans will deliver a win for Trump even it it comes at their own expense. I mean, by legitimizing scammy politicians hiding their taxes, what do they get out of it? It’s a net loss for them and everyone else.

It’s not based on any kind of logic so it must be a purely emotional decision. Some kind of satisfaction with supporting Trump that they will work against their own self-interests. “I’ll lose, but he’ll win.”

People with something to lose don’t behave this way.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I don't find owning any of those things to be "successful", nor do I want any of them.

Why would they be? When income redistribution socialism and taxing is so much better, just take it from the people, that’s liberal success.

I have a building with my name on it. Next to the gate, like every other Japanese house. I have my own art collection of paintings worth millions.

But you don’t have a chopper, a 757, a casino, dozens of homes, properties, golf courses and the Presidency, if anyone here can get 1/3 of that, then they can talk smack. Lol

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Only Democrats care about his taxes, obsessively. I could care less. Not putting money in my pocket.

Uh huh. But you'd welcome the release of his tax returns, regardless?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@bas4 But you don’t have a chopper, a

A thug's accounting of booty; their motto 'the one with the most toys at the end wins'. How much is Trump in the owe for his booty, and to whom does he owe the money he used to buy them?

Releasing his tax info would clear up the allegations he's in the owe to 'foreign' oligarchs.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Uh huh. But you'd welcome the release of his tax returns, regardless?

I don’t care either way, his choice.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Trump family scams





Tenants, struggling businesses, sick kids... there's no shortage of people this family are willing to take advantage of.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I don’t care either way, his choice.

How odd to see you sitting on the fence on this one. Aren't you in favor of accountability and transparency when it comes to government?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

How odd to see you sitting on the fence on this one. Aren't you in favor of accountability and transparency when it comes to government?

I am, but looking at his tax returns over the past 10-20 years won’t give me that insight, I don’t care if it’s Bernie Sanders, I care about what the person can do for me or the country, knowing what’s in their bank account doesn’t mean Jack to me.

Releasing his tax info would clear up the allegations he's in the owe to 'foreign' oligarchs.

Here we go again...sigh, I hope and pray Trump fits it with every single breath just to anger and annoy liberals.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

So basically; Trump is so rich he won't release his taxes. Trump is so smart he won't release his transcripts. Got it. lolz

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ann can’t say anything, she can’t even get a real booking anywhere on TV, not even FOX, that says a lot about her

I heard Fox doesn’t like her because she rips Trump for not keeping his promises, particularly about the wall. It seems this is unacceptable on that fair and balanced channel.

I think ripping a politician for not keeping promises is a good thing, regardless of what party.

Rip Trump for not releasing his tax returns, Keep all politicians’ feet to the fire. They all need to be smacked about a bit to keep them honest.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

What I don't understand is, why is this not a mandatory thing or law? If you want to take a shot at becoming the president, you need to play open book and thus show your tax returns. otherwise, bye.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I heard Fox doesn’t like her because she rips Trump for not keeping his promises, particularly about the wall.

If that were true, Shep Smith and Juan Williams would have been fired a long, long time ago. When you have Ann on, she’s kinda roaming into the Alex Jones territory....putting it lightly...

 I think ripping a politician for not keeping promises is a good thing, regardless of what party. 

And that’s why you have Shep, Juan and Wallace on there.

Rip Trump for not releasing his tax returns, Keep all politicians’ feet to the fire. They all need to be smacked about a bit to keep them honest.

And Trump should smacking them back as hard as he can.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

He doesn't want us to know how far in debt he is with China, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and anybody else who might have purchased US foreign policy from him. Also doesn't want us to know about any recent activities by the Trump Organisation which have saved him taxes. The historical scams have been fully documented by the NYT and never challenged by Trump, which means they are true. What we don't know is whether they were replaced by different scams. And finally, he doesn't want us to know that his net worth, after deducting all the debt, will be very much less than he has led us to believe. And that's before the disgorgements of earlier unpaid taxes for which criminal penalties no longer apply, unfortunately.

Did I miss anything? Whether he is being audited or not is totally irrelevant and almost certainly untrue anyway, since, well, Trump said it.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

one would think Trumplets would be happy about their god releasing his tax returns he would be filling an election promise that is a good thing isn't it....

It is not a good thing to do. Because liberals.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump should smacking them back as hard as he can.

We should smack people who hold politicians accountable?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

I guess the toilet paper the Democratic chairman is using is a bit to rough, he needs something a little softer.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

What are "a buildings" and "golf courses properties"?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

--We should smack people who hold politicians accountable?


There you go. You don't believe in accountability. Thank you for your candor.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

this is a coup pure and simple,

Requesting tax returns that every other president since Nixon have volunteered equals a coup. Got it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

But you don’t have a chopper, a 757, a casino, dozens of homes, properties, golf courses and the Presidency, if anyone here can get 1/3 of that, then they can talk smack. Lol

I don't personally but some really successful businesspeople have that and a whole lot more and would be far better at being president than what you have now. They just don't have the egos for it.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There you go. You don't believe in accountability. Thank you for your candor.

I do believe in it. I just believe that if the Democrats want to look for fight and continue to harass the President, he should most definitely fight back.

Requesting tax returns that every other president since Nixon have volunteered equals a coup. Got it.

Which constitutionally he doesn’t have to.

I don't personally but some really successful businesspeople have that and a whole lot more and would be far better at being president than what you have now. They just don't have the egos for it.

And that’s why they would never make it. Lol

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Hillary's tax records?

Hillary already released hers

The Clinton Foundation's tax records?

if it meant that Trymp would release his then Id have no problem with them doing that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

He said he’d release them 

Yep, he did! Hee hee!

Donald Trump: "I'll release my Tax Returns when she releases her 33,000 deleted Emails"


-3 ( +2 / -5 )

And that’s why they would never make it. Lol

Nope. That's why Trump is left to run the US into the ground. Lol

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I really don't get how so many people can put so much faith in a man who thinks the noise from wind turbines causes cancer.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Who gives a hoot about his tax returns... what about the real issue effecting real people within the Country ?

US Congress appears to be locked up in a He says/She says battle which benefits no one. And is likely to go on for the next President.

Sadly this also impacts the Global economy, and sadly, allows a more stable, assertive Government such as that of the Chinese to assume the role of Leadership....

Food for thought.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

as for the noise from Wind turbines.. the phrase "is a cancer" could be used as a way of saying it's a problem for those living within the near vicinity of those Turbines... just as "Spreading like a caner" is used to refer to something bad expanding across a populace.

"Tabloids" tend to manipulate statements in such a way, the UK's Daily Express and Mirror are great examples of that in action, as too the Sun.. they do so, to appeal to their readership. I'd imagine the same situation exists in the US.

Draw your own conclusions.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

If there was anything in Candidate Trump's tax records, the Uniparty spies within the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, would have found and leaked it to the DNC's propaganda department during the campaign. When they came up with nothing, zip, nada, the pivot was made to the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax "Insurance Policy".

This is just another 'rat fishing expedition/snipe hunt. When the dust settles, the far-Left lunatic base of the democrat party will once be left screaming helplessly at the sky.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

as for the noise from Wind turbines.. the phrase "is a cancer" could be used as a way of saying it's a problem for those living within the near vicinity of those Turbines... 

Yes, yes... That would be called a metaphor... And those were not his words.

just as "Spreading like a caner" is used to refer to something bad expanding across a populace.

And that would be called a simile... and once again were not his words. His words were "they say the noise causes cancer". It could in that sense be metaphoric for his own disdain for wind turbines but not for anything else.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Trump's done well for a guy who inherited $400 million. No bank in America will loan him money but hey, he has a plane.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I wonder why the right are so scared about Trump being held accountable.

It's like they're saying the trust and believe him, but don't actually trust and believe him, and instead are putting up a front so they can try to keep power for their team.

After all, with the right, it's party before country. Power before the people.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Economy booming

More money in people's pockets

Fewer people on food stamps

Better trade deals

> So far he's been a miserable failure at running the U.S. into the ground. lol

None of that which you mentioned means anything if a country the size of the US can't supply food for its own people. But yes US farmers are doing amazingly well when I put on your glasses.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

U.S. House committee seeks Trump tax returns from IRS

If they are tax records from when he was a private businessman, good luck to them on that. I would think that a private citizen's tax records are none of the business of Congress.

Do they expect to find something that the IRS missed? I doubt they ever would.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

zichi Today  09:37 am JST

Trump lied about the size of his wealth and charity donations which would be revealed by his tax returns.

How do you know he lied?

It's always interesting to me when people who don't know Trump personally, who presumably have never met him, try to make assertive statements about him regarding things of which they almost certainly have absolutely no personal knowledge.

Also, not all charitable donations are reported on a person's tax returns. I'm sure people donate money all the time and then never claim it on their taxes.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

 I would think that a private citizen's tax records are none of the business of Congress.

it has everything to do with congress especially if Trump accepted loans from people/states that could influence his decision making , hes no longer a private citizen, hes POTUS and if he has conflicting interests in overseas entities the AMerican people need to know about it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

If there was anything in Candidate Trump's tax records, the Uniparty spies within the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ, would have found and leaked it to the DNC's propaganda department during the campaign. When they came up with nothing, zip, nada, the pivot was made to the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax "Insurance Policy".

That's a deep dive into right-wing conspiracyland.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Who remembers when Rachel Maddow illegally revealed Trump's 2005 tax return showing he paid a way higher percentage in taxes than Obama or Bernie:


0 ( +1 / -1 )

plasticmonkeyApr. 4 09:44 am JSTHe doesn’t need to, doesn’t necessarily mean he has something to hide.

Yes it does.

Trump has always crowed about communicating directly and frankly to the American public, through Twitter and rallies. A real man of the people. His excuse is phony. Being under audit does not prevent disclosure of tax returns.

He owes it to the honest tax payers of the United States.

Donniedouche has a criminal record already, and his recent actions prove it! He's got his hands so dirty, involved in everything. And if I recall correctly VP Spiro Agnew resigned from office because he was caught cheating on his taxes.

Release the returns - ALL OF THEM. And the FULL Mueller report too.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Miyam_MusashiApr. 4 12:15 pm JST

I guess many people here are free to express their opinion, but it is obvious many have lost their objectivity. Or is it for lack of information?

What they are requesting is more information, whether it be the tax returns or the full Mueller report.

What could be wrong with more information, especially if it exonerates the "stable genius"? Or, is it just so exoneratey, that we will be sick of all the exonerating?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

SerranoApr. 5 10:57 pm JST

Who remembers when Rachel Maddow illegally revealed Trump's 2005 tax return showing he paid a way higher percentage in taxes than Obama or Bernie:

I remember clearly when she was duped by the returns that were leaked by Trump. I couldn't believe she fell for it. She dropped many points in my book, that day.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Looks like Trump has to bite the bullet and release his tax returns. He can always blame his tax accountants.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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