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© Thomson Reuters 2018.FBI deputy director quits
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Tommy Jones
Trump and the Trumpophiles strike another blow against the rule of law and the bedrock of American democracy. Good one.
Trump has full confidence in Wray? I thought the entire upper echelon of the FBI was corrupt and bias. Oh right, the corruption and bias are only limited to those investigating Donny. Funny how that works.
Wallace Fred
And so it begins. I'm just looking forward to the mental gymnastics as people try explain away how 'innocent' people can't possibly be fired for incompetence and down right duplicitous behavior. Patiently waiting.
McCabe is trying to preserve his pension that the release of “the memo” is going to put in legal jeopardy.
Quite chilling news. What is actually happening to us?
Odd how Republicans have no problem at all with Nunes, formerly of Trump's transition team, helping Trump while leading an investigation into him.
I guess if there's no text message then there's no bias. Oh well...
A White House spokesman said the president “believes politically motivated senior leaders including former director Comey and others he empowered have tainted the agency’s reputation for unbiased pursuit of justice,” and asked FBI director Wray to make “the right choice” and “clean up the misconduct at the highest levels of the FBI.”
Wray seems to have caved, reportedly bringing in a new team which would have excluded McCabe.
Under relentless attack by the President and his handmaidens in congress as well as the right-wing press and now marginalized by his own bureau, no wonder he thought, "Eh, screw it."
Trump has no concept of loyalty to the Constitution; all that matters is personal loyalty. Once McCabe refused to kiss the Don's ring, he was toast.
This shouldn't affect Mueller's investigation - except to add another layer of obstruction of justice. Why does Trump so hate America?
Wallace Fred
Right on cue. Still doesn't excuse blatant abuse of power but you know, dichotomous politics ftw!!!
What is more surprising is that people are angry at Trump over this
Even if you hate Trump, you guys do realize that this guy and his subordinates DID knowingly destroy evidence related to the Clinton investigation scandal?
The FBI is supposed to uphold the law, not break it. Forget Trump, you can't be a part of the FBI and break the law. These guys need to be investigated and the full extent of whatever it is they deleted from those hard drives needs to be discovered and brought to public light.
Don't forgive criminal behavior by law enforcement just because you hate Trump.
FBI Director read FISA memo and the guy isn’t even allowed to stay 6 more weeks. Must be something really bad in that plus the upcoming IG report.
CNN spinning it against Trump like he is guilty of something. No surprise there.
Tommy Jones
Wallace: We'll wait for the examples of McCabe abusing his power. Please provide examples with cites.
Wallace Fred
Tommy, patience. Senate just voted to release the FISA memo. Patience.
Vox has an example of the treatment McCabe suffered under Trump:
Trump: Keeping it classy. Loser.
Still, McCabe's probably calculated he can be more effective on the outside. There is clearly no love lost between the two. Trump will soon learn how unwise it is to make enemies with such people.
Newsflash! There is a coup d'etat in progress. Donald Trump and his backers are playing every dirty trick in the book, and writing new books of new dirty tricks daily, to replace the American Constitution and the American democratic system with an autocracy of the rich.
I get confused sometimes. Is Nunes part of the team investigating Trump or is he part of the team defending Trump?
Nunes is an elected official in charge of a committee in Congress that has been tasked to get to the truth of what happened here. As opposed to all of these political appointees who expected Hillary would win and didn’t clean up the trail of their activities thinking no one would ever check.
Yeah man, I'm sure Nunes has no bias. Not like he was on the transition team or anything. ;)
I can't wait for the leaks. You know its coming.
Do you think he is biased?
I see no evidence of bias. The memo will be released to allow the American people to see it and decide if it means what Republicans say it means or not. Dems DVD liberals haven’t even read it yet and complaining.
Anyway, bias doesn’t matter anyway according to all liberal responses to the FBI lovebirds texting. Professionals can put their political views aside and do their job honestly said all MSM news reports. Does bias now prevent one from doing their job?
Of course you don't. You also believe everything Donny tells you.
Durr Nunes ain't the FBI not the same process. That whole series of texts was obviously a joke.
Apparently whiney Trumpists think so.
Lets see . . . Wray sees the memo yesterday and McCabe is out today, after resisting every effort to remove him, to date.
That must be some Memo.
The 0̷bamagate body count has begun. They'll be stacking them like cordwood over the coming weeks.
I for one would love to see the memo released. The only reason why it hasn't is that it's a bunch of malarkey, and the GOP knows this. But they've got their base so riled up that thy probably have no choice no. (Note: If it wasn't apparent before, Nunes is an idiot.) This in turn will force the FBI to release the underlying intelligence, which will prove the whole thing a sham.
Sure, this will damage American law enforcement, but hey: Nunes + Trump = no sh!ts to give.
You missed the news that the memo was approved for release? I would love if Trump reads the whole thing in his speech tomorrow night.
As far as bias, it hasnt been a problem for a month with the FBI agents so bias is perfectly fine. Lets just call it partisan politics with Nunes and move on to review and analyze the actual information contained in the memo.
Even CNN saying its bad between the memo and the IG report, so its bad.
Wallace Fred
Tommy, blacklabel stated it well. Can't hide the truth anymore. Hold on to your breeches.
In addition Nunes showed it to the FBI Director for him to identify anything that was incorrect, that would risk FBI sources or cause national security problems.
This is the FBI Director who supposedly said he would resign if he was forced to fire McCabe (or was that fake news?) Now he just basically fired McCabe himself based on what he saw in the memo and what the IG told him. What changed? This is just the start of this mess all coming to an end.
Now that the contents of the memo have now been verified as accurate by the head of the FBI, nothing can discredit the remaining contents, But I am sure MSM and Dems will be up all night trying to find or create something to leak as a distraction.
Tommy Jones
That article you linked to used anonymous sources. I thought that was an automatic fake news trigger.
You seem to be reading very deep into that article, Blacklab.
Tommy Jones
Blacklab: You don't see any difference between FBI agents and members of congress? Members of Congress and their staff are doing their jobs by being politically bias. FBI agents are doing their jobs when investigating in an impartial manner. Yoinks.
except that the FBI agents were not investigating in an impartial manner. If they were why would it have mattered to them in their texts that Hillary might be the next president and they should go easy on her. It would have been irrelevant to their “impartial” search for the truth.
Tommy Jones
Blacklab: Provide the full quote on that text exchange.
Texas A&M Aggie
Move along folks, nothing to see here.
But don't take my word for it.. Do a Google search "nunes memo". It will become apparent why low information liberals and the alt-left media are surprised of just now hearing about this news. . . .
“One more thing: she might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear. You think she’s going to remember or care that it was more doj than fbi?” Page said on Feb. 25, 2016, to which Strzok replied: “Agreed. I called Bill and relayed what we discussed. He agrees. I will email you and [redacted] same.”
Would you say that insulting texts are evidence of bias, but arranging a press conference to support the person you are investigating is not bias?
If one of the FBI agents was tapped to be on Clinton's transition team, you'd still say there is no evidence of bias?
Do you have evidence that the "bias" by FBI agents influenced their investigation? Rosenstein doesn't think so, but the word on the streets is that the memo will try to throw him under the bus.
It seems the tables and cogs are slowly turning and that this highly partisan farce is coming to light for what it always has been, a political witch hunt. This investigation was never about finding out if there was collusion, it was all about disposing a President that was elected by the people and to overturn an election. No wonder the upper echelons of the FBI and partisan moonbats life Shiff didn’t want this to come out, it exposes them for the corrupt thugs they really are. Hope all of it comes out bare and unfurled.
Great day today!
Texas A&M Aggie
@Blacklabel, 10:58 am,
Well played. Typical two-step leftist ploy:
1.) demand proof
2.) cry themselves to sleep
Those texts were way more than insulting words, there is proof of biased actions yes. Rosenstein is a part of it all and he is probably next to go. So his thoughts on the matter mean little by now, this has now grown above his pay level. Nunes is an elected politician, so that is partisan politics, not bias.
The entire Mueller team has an anti-Trump bias, no? So if bias is now a problem in all this, they all have to go too. Too late to hide behind bias now, its all going to be based on the confirmed facts in the memo that is being released.
Why do Republicans hate America?
Wallace Fred
@A&M: But unfortunately liberals will just say that "dont go loaded for bear" doesnt mean go easy on her. It just means treat her respectfully, dont ask for autographs and make sure that the interrogation room is well lit and air conditioned or some other nonsense.
Texas A&M Aggie
Man, talk about a Blue Monday for the dems and their low information supporters.
This just in: Whitehouse refuses to sign off on Russia sanctions.
Yup, nothing to see here. The Trump administration is totally above board. ;)
There was a time when the FBI would absorb this kind of political sniping and view it as a sign that it was indeed independent; that it's work, although performed by people who no doubt had strong political views and opinions of our elected Illuminati (think Nixon, Carter, Clinton, Obama, Bush) none it ever got in the way of delivering a fair, apolitical, investigative result.
Now, in a poisoned political environment where wisps of smoke pass for verifiable truths, the FBI has to defend itself from allegations that are as absurd as the individuals making them.
And for what?
So Rep. Devin Nunes, one of California's lonely republicans and Trump's favorite lap poodle, can run around waving some memo as "evidence" that the FBI is corrupt? What a disgusting display of politics and self-promotion.
BS. Nunes is a Trump toady.
What is your source for this? Or, are you peddling falsehoods again. Nunes has purposefully withheld the memo from the AG and FBI.
Wray cited the IG report not the memo.
This has been going on with both sides. Recall Giuliani citing information from biased FBI agents about Clinton emails, which forced Comey to get ahead of the investigation.
I expect the memo to be along the lines of all the GOP's Benghazi investigations, a lot about nothing. After all, the biggest supporters of the memo are Trump toadies, and conspiracy nuts who have been caught time and time again on lies and wacko right wing conspiracies.
You can tell what this is by the URL.
Also he doesnt have to do anything about Russia sanctions.
"The 2017 legislation allows President Trump to postpone imposing sanctions on people or entities if he determines they are largely scaling back their transactions with Russia's defense or intelligence sectors, as long as he notifies the appropriate congressional committees at least every 180 days that they are seeing such progress."
Texas A&M Aggie
The radical alt-left media is now claiming to be “dumb founded ” by this news. Rachel whatever her name is on MSNBC looks distraught.
Heh, the MSM finally got their Russian collusion story. Unfortunately for them, it was the democrats who were caught doing the colluding.
That wasn't my claim.
Congress overwhelmingly voted in favor of the sanctions, and even Donny's intelligence agencies say Russia will continue to meddle in US elections, yet Trump refuses to sign off on the sanctions. What does Putin have on Trump?
not according to CNN, who call this "Trump's war on Russia probe reaches new peak". Hillaryious.
Wallace Fred
They once overwhelmingly voted for the iraq debacle too.
I would, too - Trump would then own this farce. Trump seems to have declared war on intelligence services. This never turns out well - just ask Nixon.
If Trump fires Mueller, there will be a full-scale rebellion in Congress. If he doesn't, the investigation will continue. Hmm. What to do?
McCabe was forced to quit or be demoted the day after FBI Director Wray reviewed the memo. Coincidence?
Why do Democrats want to destroy America?
Absurd is liberals believing that the allegations could be false.
If the FBI were weaponized to undermine an election that is a serious crime and to dismiss it or to think that Americans are completely stupid is insulting and that boomerang and all the chickens are coming home to roost.
Apprantly, you haven’t been to Orange County and other rural parts of California.
No, the left is just angry because they got caught. It seems like there was collusion, but seemingly with the Hillary, Democrats and Obama himself. So let’s see where this all might go. Now it’s the left that need to be patient.
Liberals on tv now screeching that “if Mueller is fired we take to the streets!!!”
But if it is shown to liberals by this memo that the Obama DOJ weaponized the FBI and intelligence by misusing FISA to illegally spy on US citizens and influence an election.....”no biggie, plus it’s cold outside and the streets aren’t safe, ya know”.
Hmmmm....looking more like it’s going the other way.
Nixon is not Trump and the Democrats weren’t that dirty back then and the intelligence and surveillance capabilities weren’t what they are today. Also you have a determined GOP that wants to find out how seriously dirty the top echelon of the bureau.
He won’t, he’s not dumb, he didn’t and he won’t play into Mueller’s hands.
No, reasonable people on both sides of the isle have been saying that firing Mueller would be a constitutional crisis.
This is a determined GoP wanting to undermine an investigation of Trump, period. They don't care about the FBI or they would have done something sooner, like last year when the FBI was helping them win an election.
The FBI has always had its share of jack booted thugs who entrap people and get dirt on potential adversaries. There is nothing new there. The FBI has improved in that department, but just like racism, it takes a long time for things to change.
What I want to hear is Trump answer this question under oath:
"Did you try to fire Mueller?"
Any answer to that question is a problem for Trump. If he says no, then he is guilty of perjury because the prosecutors have already interviewed people with knowledge of Trump trying. If he answers yes, then he shows he is trying to obstruct justice and supports a case of obstruction by firing Comey.
This is why the GoP is getting rabbid about toady Nunes' memo. The Noose Is Getting Tighter Around Trump's Neck, and the GoP knows it.
I am waiting to read the memo. It should be comedy gold. Then, we will have the Democrats "release" the rebuttal memo showing the memo for what it is, another load of partisan BS from Nunes and the GoP.
Trump is extremely dumb. He tried to fire Mueller to stop the investigation. Trump is too stupid not to get into a perjury trap, i.e., any answer either results in perjury or an admission of guilt. Mueller knows what he is doing.
Another victory for the don.
Texas A&M Aggie
Heh, CNN is now going with the DNC narrative that the removal of McAbe is another attempt to undermine the Russian Collusion investigation. Mmm, OK.
Looks like they did get the memo that Russiagate was rusted shut earlier today. They are so in love with Russian Collusion, they can't let go. They should marry Russian Collusion and be done with it. . . .
"I think we may look back on tonight as the Monday Night Slaughter of the administration of justice in our institutions of justice in the United States. A real slaughter by an obstructive, irresponsible partisan gang in the House of Representatives that has put the interests of their party and the president of the United States and his personal fortunes above the national interests and I think we're going to look back on what happened today and tonight as a turning point. Clearly, since he has become president, Donald Trump has done everything in his power, including working with these enablers on Capitol Hill, to make sure that this investigation of him, his family, his aides, his campaign, his transition does not come to fruition and this was part and parcel of it tonight."
Carl Bernstein, CNN 1/29/2018
so what happened to transparency and wanting to find the truth? How is releasing this memo against either of those?
and how does withholding evidence that may show the whole Russia thing was misguided “against the national interests”? Wouldn’t we want to know if we have been doing sanctions against Russia and shaming them in the whole world for something Obama DOJ did?
By "release" the rebuttal memo, you already had Diane Feinstein "release" the Fusion testimony transcript to counter the last GoP memo attempt. Trump and his "enablers" cried foul because it stopped their narrative that Fusion was a Dem toady and the dossier was fabricated.
There may be problems with the dossier, but it is a problem inherent with gathering intelligence, the information isn't always the level we would require for evidence in a court of law. Many things in the dossier have proven true, so it isn't a total fabrication like the GoP would have you believe.
The FBI did their job if they used the dossier to start investigations of potential collusion by Trump. We already have two admission of guilt by close Trump associates, and two other close associates of Trump facing criminal charges. More criminal charges are coming. That is what the GoP is afraid of. This isn't ending as a simple lie about a stained dress.
I'm all for finding the truth, but you know full well that the memo is not the truth.
It is full of partial truths supported by innuendo and leaps of logic. I guarantee it. How do I know? It comes from Nunes and other conspiracy nuts in the GoP.
Trump is panicking, and he has good reason to. Only Rosenfield can fire Mueller, and not only has he shown no inclination to do so, he's brought in a new team to nullify Trump's claim of bias. So unless Trump fires Rosenfield, Mueller's work will continue (next up: Trump's testimony under oath that he said he'd be "glad to" do.)
Still think obstruction of justice is a red herring Mueller's thrown out. Money laundering is more likely the case here.
you need more proof something isn’t true than it came from someone you don’t like. There are obviously documents everyone who wanted to has seen that support the claims. That’s why Dems won’t go read it.
So what part of the dossier has been confirmed true? Well Carter Page visited Russia. Except that? Even the GPS founder guy said he can’t prove any of it.
Listen, Black, I'm totally for releasing the Nunes memo. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. (Note that the same committee voted against releasing a Democratic rebuttal to the memo, though. Chickens.)
The ball is in Trump's hands now. He has five days to okay its release or quash it. We'll see what he does. One thing is for sure, though: Each and every Trump lawyer hates Nunes. (And get ready for a release of FBI that will completely debunk the memo, whether officially or by leak.)
Hilarious. Its not Putin, Obama is the bad guy who conspired to lose the elections for Hillary. He also conspired to interfere with elections all across Europe.
And let's ignore the fact that even Mike Pompeo, Trump's CIA chief, believes Russia will try to interfere yet again this year. Good grief.
Wasn’t it Comey who lost the election for Hillary? But now it’s Putin again?
So the dossier references were a CNN opinion piece and 2 articles that said “some” things were confirmed true without identifying what those things were and if any of them were negative. I’m not impressed.
Yeah the Democratic memo wasn’t made available for everyone to read yet the Republican one was. Don’t worry Schiff will leak it tonight.
Anyway this is day 1 of our investigation. 18 months later maybe we will be asking to interview Obama after screwing over his equivalents of Flynn and Manafort, maybe Comey, Lynch and Rice?
bottom line: there is no way the MSM and the deep state is going to allow the American people to simply read this memo when it is released. They must first tell everyone in advance what it really means and how they should feel about it first in order to shape and corrupt how people interpret it.
That process has already started at CNN soon as the vote to release was completed. Distract from the content and focus on the people involved and their supposed motives for releasing. (But they didnt release the Dem one too!! its a war on the Russia probe! hes gonna fire Mueller! shriek)
I can HARDLY wait to see the scum bag dems get burned! I honestly don't know how anyone could even keep watching the left media such as CNN (i.e. the story last week about how sharing your wife/husband can benefit a relationship!!!) or NBC show North Korea ski resort as "booming" normal resort!
These are the same people propping up and shouting down anyone who has a different opinion. I guess I must be a racist, bigot, islamaphobe, sexist. GO TRUMP!!!! 2017 compared to 2016 = +900% increase in pedo arrests!!! DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!
The memo hasn't even been released. What are you talking about?
CNN Breaking News: Mattis has a crucial task -- stopping Trump from going to war with North Korea!
distract. distract. havent heard about N Korea since Trump helped to set up the joint Olympics collaboration, which was almost totally ignored because it was good.
It isn't just because I don't like him. It is for the reasons I don't like him. I don't like toadies and lickspittles.
What I know about Nunes is based on his actions. He is plainly impartial and not seeking the truth. So no, I don't expect what comes from him to be the truth. Like everything else that came out of Nunes' mouth, the memo will be misleading.
You want someone who will say what you want to hear.
I want the truth, and it will not come from the likes of Nunes. If Lindsey Graham or even Paul Ryan wrote the memo, I would think the memo had a strong likelihood of being credible. Nunes? Not a chance.
Russia was behind thousands of tweets with a GoP hash tag about releasing the memo...
Does the GoP really want to be associated forever with Russia? It is mind boggling.
I honestly can't get my head around you Trump haters.
-Tax cuts. He literally put more money in your pockets!
-Black unemployment. ALL TIME RECORD LOW!
-ISIS is almost defeated
-Factories moving back to the US! More good paying jobs in the rest belt!
-Booming economy. It's the 80's again!
-Illegal migration is 70-80% down. Time for immigrants to wait in line and do it the right way!
-Bad trade deals ended and to be renegotiated.
-Now the corrupt politicians are about to be named!
SO what is your deal? You don't like money, safety and an end to carrer scumbag politicians? Best President Ever!
Isn't that exactly what Nunes and a few nutter GoP members are telling you RIGHT NOW!!, how to interpret a memo you haven't read?
But, you are attributing the same thing to the big bad MSM. No, I expect the MSM to release the memo for readers and try to make some sense of the spin created by Nunes.
Scapegoats were a thing back in the early 1900's too.
Right. Because a 3 1/2 page memo based on thousands of pages of nuanced intelligence intelligence needs no parsing - at least from those who take Devin "Barack Obama wiretapped his election campaign headquarters in Manhattan’s Trump Tower! - whoops, sorry, no he didn't" Nunes at his word. Gullible. Swallow it whole, no need to think, no need for proof.
BTW, it's not Trump who will clear the memo's release, it's Trump's lawyers. Glad I'm not them, stuck between okaying what's clearly a piece of garbage and Trump's frenzied base. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
You're on your way to a real Police State just like Russia, where the police are extensions of the political apparatus and it becomes effectively illegal to have opposition. Next shoe to drop will be when people are taken by armoured police in broad daylight like Navalny
I'm starting to get the impression that a lot of commenters on here, not wanting an open government, are sponsored by George Soros.
Why wouldn't anyone want to see FISA? I guarantee that this guy quit because it is directly related.
Wallace Fred
The mental gymnastics from the left is mind numbing. If the deputy director is free of any misdemeanor, why th hasty 'retirement'?
That's a good question. It would be interesting to see the memo.
Wallace Fred
My point exactly. Transparency either on Left or Right must and should be upheld no matter what!!!
Oh so you've read it? I dont need the media, who hasnt read it either, telling me what to think about it and trying to shape my opinion already as they (and you) are. Let the people read it, then you and the media can tell us what parts you disagree with and why, with proof.
I havent read it either of course. Simply based on the comments from people who have and the Deputy Director of the FBI being forced to quit over it and an IG report, I think its gonna be bad for our country to learn what was allowed to happen.
These could be valid questions - why would anyone want to block transparency.
What makes the questions plain silly is that literally no poster on here has argued against the memo being released, and literally (I don't use that word lightly) everyone who has commented on whether it should be released or not, has said they would like to see it released - on both sides! It turns out that wanting the memo released is a non-partisan issue on JT.
So against whom exactly is the rage in the questions directed? The questions are both by team red, and they seem to be angry at team blue as if team blue was trying to have the memos blocked, but no one on team blue is trying to do such a thing, and in fact, these are the comments by team blue on the memo's release:
I'm throwing a yellow flag up for Team Yellow for manufactured outrage. To avoid a red card, save your outrage for things that have actually happened.
A seemingly corrupt one, yes, I would and so would you. By the way, how on Earth do you exonerate someone in advance before finishing an investigation and how do you appoint someone on your investigative team when the person you and your wife have a close relationship with are one of the lead investigators?
It wasn’t Comey’s call to exonerate anyone, that was up to Lynch, but in hindsight looking back, it all stinks now.
Yup, but not like this, not to the level of unseating a duly elected president.
Oh, yes there is and it seems More is a coming. Better git that popcorn out. Wrey views the memo the other night and next day McCabe is out, just shy before his scheduled retirement and word is, he was extremely shocked....nervous whatever you want to call it and retired him today.
Not at the top, they need to scrub and completely disinfect it. The top big wigs have been abusing power for way too long.
Assuming he talks to Mueller at all, the last word is, he might send in a written Statement. So Trump going into a perjury trap is not certain. I want Trump to submit any questions Mueller has to him and let his attorneys look at it before answering any question.
ROFL judging by what happened today, I would say Rosenstein is next and if that happens, Mueller’s little posse will be disbanded.
It may be comedy gold for you, but for a bunch of Democrats like that weasel Shiff, he bloviated a long time trying to convince the public that showing these memos can be very detrimental for the American people. What the....
The Dems have been stonewalling and trying to throw bananas each and every time to knock out. Thank God that Nunes never backed down even though everyone tried to silence him, California still has a few conservative good men that believe in justice and the rule of law.
Whoa there. Now you're simply making things up. I could say Trump tweets from bed because a giant magnet holds the cold lump of steel that occupies the space where his brain used to be holds him in place and be equally as valid as your statement. Let's try to adhere even a bit to reality, shall we?
That’s what CNN said- that the FBi Director sent a memo to the staff about the IG report and McCabe. I’ve been told they aren’t fake news so if they are then I apologize.
then this:
Wray supposedly threatened to quit instead of remove McCabe just last Tuesday but then removed him soon as he saw the memo.
Really now? I'm going to be two things, and I admit I haven't looked into either of them, yet I'm still pretty confident I'm correct:
1) The supposed threatening to quit was reported by an anonymous source. By your guys standard that's fake news. So here you are quoting fake news (well at least, what you call fake news).
2) McCabe leaving as a result of the memo is entirely supposition, and doesn't actually have any basis in fact. It may in fact turn out to be true, but at this moment in time, someone has just made it up.
You realize that the mental gymnastics is deciding that you know what happened without actually seeing all the evidence right?
Black, I wasn't aware of this review - thank you for bringing it to my attention (and please don't use the word "fake news" - that implies purposeful misrepresentation of news. Sometimes reports are simply honestly mistaken.) A bit more about the review can be read here:
Apparently, it has nothing to do with the Clinton email investigation itself, which has been closed; rather, it concerns procedures used by the FBI and DOJ during the investigation.
And, interestingly, for some reason, the IG's press conference scheduled for tomorrow has been indefinitely postponed with no reason given. Something is up.
Wallace Fred
Lol interesting that's your take from all this. I'll never quite understand how people blindly follow idealogies common logical sense be damned. If there was nothing to it, wray wouldn't have 'forced him to resign'
I haven't actually stated an opinion on anything, so how exactly am I blindly following an ideology?
And logical? Logic says that you need the information to pass an accurate judgement. Emotion convicts without information.
You put 'forced him to resign' in quotes. You realize that quotes are used to quote something actually said right? You're the only one who has said that in this thread.
And your comment is threaded with logic holes. Did Wray force him to resign? And if he did, how do we know over its this? Maybe he got caught as a drug addict, or having an affair, or any of a million other things.
You make assumptions, then convict on those assumptions, then go on about how people are not being logic for believing the same fantasies you do.
Impeccable timing to get the day your boss reviews the memos and you still have two months to go before your retirement kicks in. Yeah, sure.
McCabe wife receives $470,000 from Terry McAuliffe and who is McAuliffe? One of Clinton’s closest friends, so close they probably share the same fork at dinner and McCabe is also a friend of the Clinton’s and now is on Mueller’s team and you think anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex wouldn’t be a little bit suspicious, oh, hell yes!
Wallace Fred
Gosh thanks for clearing that up. For a moment there I thought I was being hypothetical. Cheers.
Another step in the journey away from democracy.
For what it's worth, Nunes' hometown newspaper, the Fresno Bee, says
He's in a "safe" district, but he'd better tread carefully. Even people in Fresno don't like to be played for fools.
For example?
What is Rosenstein part of?
Are you saying that the House investigation into Russia's meddling in our elections has fallen victim to partisan politics?
If Rosenstein authorized surveillance on Trump and allowed getting a FISA warrent to secretly spy on Trump, he could be the next domino to fall and if that happens, who would be next? Mueller.
The FBI got some ‘splaning to do.
More like the FBI being weaponized to undermine and overthrow a duly elected President.
How did we end up with so many corrupt Republicans? Mueller, Sessions, Rosenstein.
Wrong. McCabe's wife did not receive $470,000 from McAuliffe. McCabe's wife's campaign may have received donations from PAC's affiliated with McAuliffe, but its just plain lazy to claim McCabe got money from HIllary.
Ok, you can believe that if you want. So ok, they received donations from McAuliffe’s PAC, he and the Clinton’s and McCabe are closer than two peas in a pod, so to suggest that McCabe was an honest non-partisan wanting to find the truth is as funny watching Michael Moore rant.
The whole point of this investigation was to see how and to what extent Russia exerted itself in the previous election. Congress had passed a law requiring Trump to identify cronies connected to Putin and to sanction them - the deadline was Monday, American time. Trump demurred, so the deadline came and went. Apparently, Trump figures Russia is all remorseful and will never do such a thing again, and so there is no no need to sanction them. Meanwhile, everyone else paying attention is gearing up for more Russian interference this autumn. One wonders whose side Trump is on. (Well, his, obviously, but what is Trump's side? My suggestion: Follow the money. That is what Mueller is doing, and that is why Trump is panicking.)
People on the Left say that a lot but then never bother to tell anyone what illegality contained within the DNC/Hillary paid for dossier has been proven true.
Wow, Ryan is on board with releasing the memo and purging the FBI. And Sessions is on the front page of Fox News criticizing his forfeiture policies, putting him in hot water.
Looks like Party Before Country really is the defacto policy of the GOP.
Didn’t Obama tell you not to pay attention to other news sources like Fox? There you go trying to understand both sides of the issue!
Do you think they will move to discredit Sessions after they handle Rosenstein?
Wallace Fred
For those not drunk on idealogical kool aid
Yes, that was the original intent, but nothing came out of it, at least nothing where you can concretely and factually call intentional and deliberate collusion. In fact, the deeper we get, we are finding more and more that there is collusion, but between the FBI, DOJ and the last admin.
I could go into the disastrous deal between Iran and the Obama admin, but why? You're making it as beyond a shadow of a doubt there is something that screams sinister intent and if the FBI in its sometimes questionable history can infiltrate and virtually put organized crime on its heels and break them into small insignificant splinter groups, they could have and would have found something, especially with all the 22 agents, Trump Democrat hating agents and after all this time, they come up with nothing, so now since everything else failed and that now this memo came out and will be released and Shiff giving a BS line this is bad for the people, it's not, it's bad for the Democrats, McCabe is out and from the looks of it that Rosenstein could be next to fall and will expose this farce of what was supposed to be an investigation of finding out what happened and in 2016 and it's not shaping up and turning out the way the left wanted it, thank god for the Strozk and Page without their carelessness of their colorful affair we would have never gotten closer to the truth.
Judging by his slow rising numbers 45% popularity poll, money is peoples pockets, big businesses coming back to the US, lowering the tax code, deregulations, seems to me that he's on the side of the US.
Good, Mueller can try and follow the money lol and Sessions will follow the steamy mails and memo. Follow them, see the names and there is where you should find your collusion.
I haven't peeked into the bubble as of recent - I hadn't realized they're now telling you the investigation has been concluded and the results reported.
Let me enlighten you as to the real world - the investigation is still going on, and only the investigators know where it's at, nor has anything been concluded to be able to say whether or not something 'came out of it' - anything that will or will not come is still in the future.
It should be encouraging to know that at least some FBI agents are biased for the truth.
FBI needs a clean out.
What a disgrace.
You could provide the full name of the person you're addressing. That would be the polite thing to do.
SuperLib - How did we end up with so many corrupt Republicans? Mueller, Sessions, Rosenstein.
Maybe it's because so many voters rejected Hillary, her fellow Democrats, and her fawning FBI investigators?
No, but judging by what’s coming around the corner, I’m guessing with the highest probability that Rosenstein will be next to fall.
Yes, also...
The memo and a second investigation is underway lookin in the FBI, Strzok and his goomah Page and this memo, the one that the Dems really, really, really don’t want out is going to give the top FBI officials some serious heartburn.
Sure, and if they had something Trump would have been in a jail cell a Long Time ago and it hasn’t happened, it it looks like time is running out for Mueller.
No One said that some Republicans and the majority of top Democrats will be working together to overthrow a dully elected president.
or that she was a horrible candidate.
Nohe wouldn’t. If he is to be arrested, it will happen when the investigation is concluded. Why would they arrest him before they are ready? Use some logic.
What liberals call logic, I call a laughable joke, there is no way Trump is going to prison, I know the left so desperately want to cling to something and that mythical rope is nowhere to be seen. If there was something, anything that could put Trump away, the left and their TDS is so whacked, I'm starting to worry about the liberals all over they have given me a new career extender.
Toasted Heretic
The astonishing thing is how people can equate liberalism with "the left".
Left wingers despise liberals, often seeing them as worse that Trump and co. To those on the left, Hilary is just the flipside of the coin.
As long as voters are conditioned voting for Repubs/Dems, the status quo will remain.
And with that in mind, it doesn't matter who resigns and who does and doesn't go to jail. Sure, it may be gratifying in the short term but until there's a paradigm shift in political conciousness, it's just the same old same old.