Japan Today

Trump calls for end to Mueller probe despite Russian campaign bid findings

By Jonathan Landay and David Morgan

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Hahahaha! It's so much fun watching Trump become unraveled as Mueller closes in. It's even more enjoyable to watch his supporters cough up their last bits of integrity to defend him with shrieking falsehoods and logic failures!

19 ( +19 / -0 )

Trump still trying to claim no collusion even after Mueller has drawn a line of collusion now, in open court, supported wirh documents.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Too many times has Trump lied. The louder Trump calls for anything, the more likely there is something there that will at least be very embarrassing, but likely found against the law.

Keep digging.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Geraldo Rivera, a Trump friend, 

Two proven liars and fake news pushers.

"at a time of sustained efforts by the Russian government to interfere with the U.S. presidential election."

Many GoTrumpers (American and 'foreign') have said all along they wanted Trump to bring down American systems. They echo Trump's disdain for the balance and separation of powers, they echo his disdain for the judiciary, for the intelligence agencies, for a free, for-profit press, i.e. for cornerstone elements of US democracy. They cheer on his attempts to further weaken the US. (Which countries are US allies today?)

And many GoTrumpers (American and 'foreign') claim Trump's dealings with the Russian government (oligarchs and gangs - as if there's a difference between them and the government) are perfectly acceptable because A. Trump's a businessman just trying to make a buck, B. He's trolling the libs, C. Hannity/Alex Jones/Bannon and their favorite youtube star said no problem.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Mueller Day is nearly here. The angry potus will be getting more frantic and tweeting more, perhaps incriminatingly tweeting, as he thrashes about on the deck of the ship of state. He's close to panic mode now, and soon he'll be firing Rosenstein and Mueller, continuing to slime the press and FBI, and pouring pardons out to his hench-people, family, and, of course, one for himself.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

He is the boss elected by Americans. He should throw this guy in jail.

-16 ( +0 / -16 )

I say let the Mueller show go on. Liberals need a tease and a distraction. 

Trump doesn't seem to think so - he's getting more erratic by the day. It's almost like he has something to hide.

16 ( +16 / -0 )

Trump Jr. is likely in the crosshairs now, as is Trump's finances. This explains Trump's panic: Mueller has breached his outer defenses and penetrated his inner circle. Suddenly, it's personally very dangerous.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

Trump can end it if he wants to. He just needs a legitimate, verifiable reason or else it's just plain ol' obstruction of justice.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Mueller is always on the cusp on something but never delivers anything.

Yeah! Other than all the things he’s delivered, he’s delivered nothing!

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Trump can end it if he wants to. He just needs a legitimate, verifiable reason or else it's just plain ol' obstruction of justice.

I suspect it’s alteady too late even if he could end it. There are apparently a whack or sealed indictments in Washington. It Murller gets cut, those likely get acted upon. They are Mueller’s safety net.

At this point, Mueller has all the pieces in place and all the moves prepared. We just get to sit on the sidelines and watch it play out now.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

"Time for the Witch Hunt to END!"

Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

So trumps wants the investigation to end even though it has produced so much evidence and has some of his former cohorts flipping on him.

Yeah theres no collusion but plenty of confusion and delusion .

7 ( +7 / -0 )

It's a lot like Tony Soprano demanding for the FBI to leave him alone.

How many have now been indicted or arrested from the Trump camp? 10? 20?

We're gonna drain the swamp! . . . Yeah, right.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Trump has 2 more years left on his term. This is going to be a race against the clock.

Many of the top Democrats do not want impeachment. In spite of many of his flaws Pence would be a much more formidable Presidential opponent in the next election.

It is going to get much more interesting moving forward.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It will come down to Cohen's word against Trump's. Which the left will take as proof and cry about it till Trump leaves office in 2025.

-13 ( +0 / -13 )

Serrano, it's not just the arguably illegal payments to the women Trump conducted adulterous affairs with (which he may still be prosecuted for after leaving office). Cohen revealed that Trump lied during his campaign regarding his lack of economic connections with Russia. Putin knew he lied, which gave him leverage over Trump. What else Putin knows that we don't is now anyone's guess. Considering what has been revealed to date, though, it would be prudent to assume there is much more. Mueller has redacted a majority of the material released so far (though those tasked know), and the investigation continues. Stone is likely next to fall, then Kushner and Junior.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

The investigation is developing just as I thought. After 2 years of combing and scraping for Trump's dirty secrets, they only found so much so I'm surprised. Trump is cleaner than how they portrayed him.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Trump is cleaner than how they portrayed him.

Apparently someone either doesn't know how to fact check themselves, or they are in wilful denial of reality.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump is cleaner than how they portrayed him.

Trump's lawyer is going to be jailed for actions Trump ordered him to do. That doesn't sound very "clean" to me.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Not looking good for Team Trump. Soon the only thing left for his supporters to do will be to turn their backs on the rule of law.

For some it will be easier than others.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Who says Trump ordered him to do it?

the guy going to jail for 5 years for crimes unrelated to Trump? The guy who thought if he “flipped” on Trump he would avoid prison? The guy who had nothing to offer about Trump so much so that they claim he barely helped and won’t give him and time off his jail for his personal crimes?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Heh, blacklabel is trying to imply that Cohen could just make something up, without anything to back it up.

Manufacturing more outrage about a made up world in his mind, in order to avoid dealing with the reality of the real world.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Sure he can make things up. That’s what liberals said about Michael Cohen prior to his starting to work with mueller. liar who can’t be trusted.

Same thing the prosecutors said about him in their document recommending prison. So he lied about everything....except this one thing you desperately want to be true that isn’t.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Yeah, at this point it's safe to assume they believe the process is "Cohen made some stuff up and Mueller wrote it down and included it in his report." I don't think they understand that corroborating evidence is required, and the ones who do aren't ready to face that reality just yet.

You'd think if it were that easy no one would ever go to jail heh. "He was arrested for breaking and entering, but then he told us about a murder and we wrote the information down and let him go."

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Cohen is an admitted and convicted liar. You can’t get around that. So until there is evidence other than from Cohen, you have nothing.

Strange that everyone convicted by Mueller is a convicted liar. Makes it kind of hard to use anything they say against others.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Yeah, at this point it's safe to assume they believe the process is "Cohen made some stuff up and Mueller wrote it down and included it in his report." I don't think they understand that corroborating evidence is required, and the ones who do aren't ready to face that reality just yet.

Nope. In bubble land, people just make up stuff.

The reason they think that, is because they just make up stuff. So they think people just make up stuff.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Well, my theory just got confirmed.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Well, my theory just got confirmed.

Case in point!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

What worries me is that Trump will try to create more distractions. Maybe even bigger ones.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The absolute state of denial of Trumpers here is just amazing - maybe not so amazing given the cult-like adoration of their Dear Leader.

Robert Mueller is laying out a case exactly has he did against John Gotti - roll up the underlings, get them to squeal and provide hard evidence, move on to the middle-men (Manafort, Gates, Cohen, Weisselberg), then have then turn on "The Don"...

Trump is now linked to committing two felonies - directing Cohen to pay off Daniels and McDougal. Cohen has said he briefed White House officials on Russians offering "synergy" to the Trump campaign - that equals collusion. Muller wouldn't have brought these forward unless their was corroborating evidence and my bet is that was provided by Flynn and in all the boxes brought out of Manafort's house.

What we don't know are all the financial crimes related to Russian investments, tax evasion, and everything that the Trump Foundation CEO was given immunity for.

Donnie is in deep do-do.....and no amount of denial will make it go away....

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Mueller is a bad joke.

"What worries me is that Trump will try to create more distractions"

Har! Mueller has created more than enough distractions, dontcha think? If not for Mueller and his goons distracting the POTUS, we'd have even more jobs created.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Har! Mueller has created more than enough distractions, dontcha think? If not for Mueller and his goons distracting the POTUS, we'd have even more jobs created.

Jobs? When Mueller gets done they'll be a shortage of prison guards given all the Trump officials (and Trump) that are going to be led off in handcuffs - you know - to Mar-a-Lockup....

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If not for Mueller and his goons distracting the POTUS, we'd have even more jobs created.

Criminals & swindlers have always found the law to be an annoying distraction. You must yearn to be living in a less democratic nation like Russia.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

"Mueller gets done they'll be a shortage of prison guards given all the Trump officials (and Trump) that are going to be led off in handcuffs"

Har! When Mueller gets done he's going to prison along with Clinton. His children must be disappointed.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Har! Mueller has created more than enough distractions, dontcha think? If not for Mueller and his goons distracting the POTUS

Heh, and Obama is a Muslim, right?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Har! When Mueller gets done he's going to prison along with Clinton. His children must be disappointed.

You know, there the typical far-out conspiracy theories that Trumpers believe - Uranium One, Loretta Lynch, etc.

Then there are the real nut cases - Pizzagate, QAnon, etc.

If you think Mueller has somehow committed a crime, can be found guilty, and sentenced to jail, you fall in the latter..

Denial and desperation is permeating Trump World as the criminals pile up and the crimes become clearer...

Nixon 2.0....

8 ( +8 / -0 )

But you can’t connect any crimes to Trump because everyone who says so is a convicted criminal and admitted liar themselves

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Cohen is an admitted and convicted liar. You can’t get around that. So until there is evidence other than from Cohen, you have nothing.

Inevitably all of those associated with Trump are liars or have shady pasts.

But in much the same way that mafia trials are often based on evidence of mafiosos themselves, it doesn't invalidate their evidence.

Members of the mafia give evidence against associates in exchange for shorter sentences, but neither their incentive nor their criminal past makes their evidence inadmissible.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Yeah but these mafia members haven’t been convicted of “lying”. They were convicted of being part of the crime the boss is indicted for. So they are testifying as being part of the conspiracy not as liars.

mueller couldn’t get anyone to say what he wanted to hear so threw them all in jail as liars. So now he can’t use them as legitimate witnesses against others. Oops.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

So where is the indictment of Trump based on the “evidence”?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Mueller Day is nearly here. The angry potus will be getting more frantic and tweeting more, perhaps incriminatingly tweeting, as he thrashes about on the deck of the ship of state.

You guys have a very vivid imagination.

He's close to panic mode now, and soon he'll be firing Rosenstein and Mueller,

If he didn’t do it 18 months ago, then why would he do it now? There’s no reason for him to do it.

continuing to slime the press and FBI,

As he should.

and pouring pardons out to his hench-people, family, and, of course, one for himself.

Mother Jones spilling that myth again?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

lincoln: "You know, there the typical far-out conspiracy theories that Trumpers believe - Uranium One, Loretta Lynch"

Of course at the time AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton never met on the tarmac during the FBI investigation of Hillary's use of a private email server. No wait, they did, but they only talked about their grandchildren! LOL!

"Heh, and Obama is a Muslim, right?"

He's the one who said "my Muslim faith" heh

"Inevitably all of those associated with Trump are liars or have shady pasts.

Vice President Pence is a liar or has a shady past, does he?

"So where is the indictment of Trump based on the “evidence”?"

Mueller needs like another year to manufacture the "evidence." But he's not going to have it.

> Mueller Day is nearly here. The angry potus will be getting more frantic and tweeting more, perhaps incriminatingly tweeting, as he thrashes about on the deck of the ship of state.

"You guys have a very vivid imagination."

It's hilarious!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Black: mueller couldn’t get anyone to say what he wanted to hear so threw them all in jail as liars.

The only people saying this are Trump and his supporters with zero supporting evidence. It’s worthless information.

and admitted liar themselves

Trump is a proven liar. Tell me what that means to you.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

An innocent person cooperates fully with an investigation. An innocent person fully supports the investigation, because he wants the TRUTH to come out. How is this investigation a "witch hunt" when so many CRIMES have already been uncovered? Remind us again -- how many are in jail? How many indictments? How many GUILTY pleas? Trump, prepare to meet thy DOOM.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

An innocent person cooperates fully with an investigation.

The President is, even if it’s a witch hunt.

An innocent person fully supports the investigation,

Not a special counsel, no President does, ask Clinton.

because he wants the TRUTH to come out.

But what happens if the lead investigator has it in for you? I mean, if he doesn’t have a mandate and can pretty much do as he wants, he can say anything, write a report and be lying through his teeth, how to you then prove your innocence? Police corruption goes way back, even through the days of Hoover. Corrupt cops can make a witness say whatever they want. Once they have you, not only will you sing, but you will start to compose as well.

How is this investigation a "witch hunt" when so many CRIMES have already been uncovered?

And nothing that connects the President or proves that he colluded with the Russians, but it is amazing how Mueller overlooked Hillary’s Lois Lerner’s, Holder’s, John and Tony Podesta’s antics.

Remind us again -- how many are in jail?

Funny how Cohen is being now pressured to say something for a reduced sentence, but he’s not talking...gee, what could Mueller want so bad to the point where he has to threaten an unreliable witness? The whole things smells.

Trump, prepare to meet thy DOOM.

How so? The Senate won’t remove him. Curses, foiled again.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Trump fans are slowly losing their grip on reality. Their people go to jail and it’s a witch hunt, and if anyone they don’t like doesn’t go to jail it’s because of a corrupt system. With no supporting evidence of any kind.

This will get worse before it gets better. At some point they will fully go over the edge.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When Mueller gets done he's going to prison along with Clinton. His children must be disappointed.

Tut tut... Don’t worry about Mueller’s kids, I’m pretty sure they have never had cause to be disappointed with their dad.

His kids don’t have to be disappointed that he’d stoop so low as to slander a man who has served his country honorably throughout his career, not only as a soldier but also in government service. Universally lauded for his integrity and competence. Bronze star Mueller’s kids.

No, it isn’t his kids who should be disappointed...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I'm probably asking the impossible here, but can someone give a logical explanation as to why Mueller would be going to jail? The posters posted that as if it were somehow already understood, but I'm unable to see any reason whatsoever based on the current real-world, that Mueller is facing... anything! Was the use of his name a typo?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Trump fans are slowly losing their grip on reality.

I think it’s the other way around.

Their people go to jail and it’s a witch hunt, and if anyone they don’t like doesn’t go to jail it’s because of a corrupt system. With no supporting evidence of any kind.

Probably because if the roles were reversed and you had a corrupt cop that would employ all Republican donor lawyers, we all know the Democrats would have a complete meltdown. There is no way they would see fairness in any of it and why would they?

This will get worse before it gets better.

Could be, time is running out and if Cohen can’t compose, he’s looking at 5 years

At some point they will fully go over the edge.

And that’s why Mueller is resorting to Chicken style ghetto tactics.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

But you can’t connect any crimes to Trump because everyone who says so is a convicted criminal and admitted liar themselves.

Yeah but these mafia members haven’t been convicted of “lying”. They were convicted of being part of the crime the boss is indicted for. So they are testifying as being part of the conspiracy not as liars.

mueller couldn’t get anyone to say what he wanted to hear so threw them all in jail as liars. So now he can’t use them as legitimate witnesses against others. Oops.

Someone flunked Trump U Law 101....

Of course at the time AG Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton never met on the tarmac during the FBI investigation of Hillary's use of a private email server. No wait, they did, but they only talked about their grandchildren! LOL!

"Heh, and Obama is a Muslim, right?"

He's the one who said "my Muslim faith" heh

"Inevitably all of those associated with Trump are liars or have shady pasts.

Vice President Pence is a liar or has a shady past, does he?

"So where is the indictment of Trump based on the “evidence”?"

Mueller needs like another year to manufacture the "evidence." But he's not going to have it.

Desperation - on full display...and throwing in "Obama is a Muslim" just so we'd know how desperate they are...

Mueller Day is nearly here. The angry potus will be getting more frantic and tweeting more, perhaps incriminatingly tweeting, as he thrashes about on the deck of the ship of state.

"You guys have a very vivid imagination."

It's hilarious!

The outright denial of Trump supporters to their President's legal jeopardy is sad...

Funny how Cohen is being now pressured to say something for a reduced sentence, but he’s not talking...gee, what could Mueller want so bad to the point where he has to threaten an unreliable witness? The whole things smells.

The smell is from the smoking gun that Mueller just laid on Trump and the White House - two felonies and a direct link to collusion to 'White House officials"...

Trump, prepare to meet thy DOOM.

How so? The Senate won’t remove him. Curses, foiled again.

The Republicans in the Senate hate Trump - you said so yourself - he'd have better luck with the Democrats...

And that’s why Mueller is resorting to Chicken style ghetto tactics.

Chicken style ghetto tactics - another course taught at Trump U....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Bass: Probably because if the roles were reversed and you had a corrupt cop

A corrupt cop? Is this yet another thing you’re reporting as fact without a shred of evidence?

Are you going to tell me it’s true because you really, really, really think it is?

4 ( +4 / -0 )


U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday renewed his call to end a federal probe into Russian election meddling, describing the investigation as a "witch hunt" a day after U.S. prosecutors detailed a previously unknown attempt by a Russian to help his 2016 presidential election campaign.

If I ever get arrested I think I'll try applying Trump logic and tell them to drop the case because I think it's really unfair. Obviously they'll just have to let me go.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The author of the article might want to consider actual facts instead if cresting fake news. The claim trump was, approached is false. Some guy tried to contact Cohen suggesting trump and Putin meet, Cohen ignored the requestor completely. That's written in Mueller's actual report. All of the so called convictions are lying to the FBI on unrelated nonsense or old finance crimes not involving trump. Manafort supposedly made contact from jail to some unsmed person who supposedly talked to an unnamed administration official, we know this is a scam otherwise there would be names, Mueller is a prosecutor. And for 30 million we discovered trumps corporation builds big building and puts trumps name on it and again unrelated to trump various individuals in trumps company and in Russia discussed the idea if developing real-estate and those people had NP direct contact with trump or anyone in the Russian government. Sorry left wingers, I know you are offended an interloper dared to push his, way into your elite class but this Russian collusion is totally fake

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Manafort supposedly made contact from jail to some unsmed person who supposedly talked to an unnamed administration official, we know this is a scam otherwise there would be names

What? No, that's not a logical conclusion. Which makes your entire post fall apart. I mean, look at your next line:

Mueller is a prosecutor.

No he's not, he's the investigator.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

OK so even IF he is impeached the person who'll replace him will probably be much worse. I'm no Trump fan but be careful what you wish for.....

Are you suggesting that Trump be left in place even if he's found to have committed impeachable offenses? And you think it would be better to that in office than the alternative?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

OK so even IF he is impeached the person who'll replace him will probably be much worse. I'm no Trump fan but be careful what you wish for.....

Pence is a looney but its highly doubtful he has as much dirt and corruption or could do a worse job as Trump

1 ( +1 / -0 )

No Strangerland, I'm suggesting that if he is impeached the next nutter to take over from him could actually be a real war mongering, self serving conservative looney as opposed to someone playing Mr President.

Ok, I get that, I'm just not understanding what the point of the statement is. The next person may be worse, and so.... ?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ah_soDec. 9 08:41 am JSTI say let the Mueller show go on. Liberals need a tease and a distraction. 

Trump doesn't seem to think so - he's getting more erratic by the day. It's almost like he has something to hide.

Trumpytraitor keeps on shouting 'No collusion!' like he's trying to convince himself he's innocent. If he were, he wouldn't be obsessed or on the defensive like he is.  

KniknaknokkaerDec. 10 01:44 pm JSTNo Strangerland, I'm suggesting that if he is impeached the next nutter to take over from him could actually be a real war mongering, self serving conservative looney as opposed to someone playing Mr President.

Warmongering? We're still at war in Afghanistan + with ISIL last I recall. And trumputin has such a genocidal hatred for Latino/a people. Kidnap the children, place them in concentration camps / cages where they will DIE and not have a Feliz Navidad this year, neglecting aid to Puerto Rico and launching a tear gas attack on migrant families (and violating foreign airspace) - that sounds like warmongering already to me.

StrangerlandDec. 10 12:51 pm JSTOK so even IF he is impeached the person who'll replace him will probably be much worse. I'm no Trump fan but be careful what you wish for.....

Are you suggesting that Trump be left in place even if he's found to have committed impeachable offenses? And you think it would be better to that in office than the alternative?

Donny Douchebag has already committed more impeachable offenses than ALL the POTUS's put together! He is a traitor, an international criminal, an obsessive irresponsible bigoted dictator. You can't deal with him, you can't bargain with him. He's unworthy to be the head of a civilized nation. He's unacceptable.

Trump must be impeached and removed from office!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Dec. 9 10:05 am JST

"Time for the Witch Hunt to END!"

Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

Trumputin's constant obsessive protesting only proves even further that he is guilty.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Be careful what you wish for..........?

And again, this statement implies that you would be better off to stick with what you have, than to get the thing you've wished for. I'm having troubles seeing how it would be better to leave someone officially criminal in the office of president, rather than have them replaced, even by someone like Pence. The damage to the rule of law that would be incurred by leaving him in office would be more damaging than having a law-abiding, though despicable, Pence in office.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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