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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump urges Mexico to send migrants home after border melee
By Susan Heavey and Lizbeth Diaz WASHINGTON/TIJUANA, Mexico©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Chip Star
Conservative politicians don't care about the homeless.
Nobody is disagreeing with this. We disagree with the dehumanizations others.
BTW, legally means lawfully. No need for redundancy.
Chip Star
Where to begin with this nonsense?
And nobody was claiming the job was complete. You're starting to argue with the liberals you e made up instead of real ones.
Quick! Make up a conspiracy theory because I have no idea how tear gas works! She rode in a Soros provided Mercedes Maybach.
Nike already donates to conservative politicians.
Chip Star
Reality doesn't fit my narrative . . . Make up a conspiracy theory!!!
Can you share any of those with us?
No? Ok then. Case closed.
New topic:. What do you think about liberals?
About half the time you guys say how happy you are that someone is finally standing up to illegals, and the other half of the time you're trying to convince us that Trump is just doing what Obama did.
I guess it just depends on which way the wind blows.
Ask yourself what the humane thing to do is?
Hold out a hand or clench up a fist?
There were better alternatives as Trump had months to plan the proper response. But he could only understand hate and violence.
Chip Star
We know conservatives hate the homeless. We also know that liberals do their best to assist the homeless. We also know that Orange County is full of people who support open borders and that people that were raised in Orange County are clueless.
You guys were dehumanizing migrants long before they broke any law.
If you knew that, why were you redundant in your writing by using it?
This is demonstrably false.
Chip Star
My answer was quite clear: they rode in a Soros provided Mercedes Maybach.
It's hilarious that you guys expect us to swallow your outlandish conspiracy theories but don't swallow ours. Double standard! Double standard! Double standard!
Chip Star
I agree 100%! Kuddos! Smh. ROFL! Har! Oh my . . .
Which biased media? Trump's personal talking mouths at Fox 'news' (is Fox the US's version of state run media?)? RT/Sputnik, infowars, Breitbart?
Unless you're saying all media outlets are biased, which could be true. Though some outlets are extremely biased, purposely so, especially state run, dictator controlled outlets, in general 'bias' is largely in the eyes of the reader.
If the border were as porous as some claim, these people would already be in the US.
I rejected your links, audio, and video? That doesn't sound like something I would do.
By the way, what are we talking about? My comment was directed at blacklabel. But thank you for telling me that you provided evidence on numerous occastions for...whatever it is you're talking about.
Since 2007 the vast majority of illegals are here for overstaying their visas. Explain how the wall would have kept "these people" out.
Uh, bass, can you point to the part of the article that says illegals voted?
"The DMV says that the 1,500 improper registrations do not include any illegal aliens, according to"
"The Los Angeles Times notes: “Elections officials canceled the [errant] registrations. And though absentee ballots will begin going out this week, they said the bar code on each individual ballot would ensure that no votes would be tallied on election day.”"
You're allowed to rant and say, "sheesh, like I'm going to believe that." But that's not evidence of your position that illegals voted. That's just you saying you aren't going to believe California and you're just going to assume illegals voted.
You are talking about percen - actually, cancel that. I don't think you're going to be able to understand why your point makes no sense or you wouldn't have made it in the first place.
You're right, bass. Point proven. Let's move on.
Just like Trump has his own caravan of criminals with Manafort, Flynn, Gates...
Uh-oh, not a good sign…
From what I’ve seen no one is demanding, they’re asking…
Riot? You mean like the Trump supporting white nationalists in Charlottesville?
It said so on Russia Today and Info Wars....
How dare you take my 2-year old away from me and lock him up in a dog cage….
You know, like all those farm workers who pick fruit and vegetables for 14 hours all day for 2 dollars so our supermarkets are full…all they do is complain…
Like all immigrants with brown skin…
“Make America White Again”…
People have the right to claim asylum. The bubble omits that information to generate more outrage. That's why you see Trump fans falsely claiming that foreigners are demanding rights they don't have when in fact they do.
I think this can safely be considered a zombie lie by now. Verifiable information is out there disproving this point but Trump fans are choosing to ignore it because they don't like it.
Oh, well if that's your evidence then we're good. You can insert any group into the "never proven that they didn't vote" argument. I guess you chose illegals because it's as good as any other unproven group.
I know the drill. Find a handful of situations where voting has discrepancies. Use it to pass laws that remove hundreds of thousands (or sometimes millions as in Georgia) of legitimate voters from the voter rolls. Make the criteria such that a majority of those removed are Democrats. Claim that it's just a coincidence. Repeat.
The only question is what to do about the Republicans who proudly claim that these laws will help ensure a GOP government for years to come. More than a few idiots have gone on record publicly saying this. Seems so odd when, ya know, they're just passing laws to protect the integrity of our democracy.
There's no connection between number of voters and who they voted for by percentage. Maybe 90 out of 100 voted for Obama or 90,000 out of 100,000. Same percentage, different turnout.
Black said something similar so my guess is some right wing writer is duping you guys. Now you are spreading it outside of the bubble and others are applying the critical thinking that you skipped. Happens a lot.
Stage 3 is when you abandon the point and just rant about liberals.
Chip Star
Mexico has been sending migrants back. Trump would know this if he actually paid attention instead of stoking ignorance driven fear amongst his extremely low intellect supporters.
The Avenger
Trump called this right. Foreign nationals DO NOT have the right to demand entry to this country, riot or sneak in if refused, use children who are not their own as chattel when entering, make demands about how they are being treated when they get caught, and complain about conditions when they find work under the table, against the law. This country is already unstable and volatile enough, we have our own staggering problems right now that we need to solve, and cannot take all comers, especially not those who demonstrate complete disregard for the law before they even enter. This is exactly the sort of issue that could swing the 2020 election away from the Dems, we must have secure borders.
Brazil is a country with a comparable immigrant demographic and landspace/population ratio to the US.
Let’s rush the border into Brazil by the thousands and see what happens!
openborders4brazil riocaravanmukashiyokatta
As always, Trump and his administration have no solutions. Can't handle some asylum seekers?
Thank you.
slipping, sliding and slithering is not going to escape the truth. I know liberals don’t want to hear it, but too bad.
Ok, so Obama gets 90% of the Black vote and over 65% of the Latino vote. Well, that suppression vote just flew right out the window.
As long as Trump and McConnel keep backing the courts with conservative judges in the case there is another Democrat President, they’ll be able to block or stall a lot of the progressive agenda, add to that a Now right leaning Supreme Court and the Dems are climbing a pretty steep hill.
And these migrants keep coming back and most of the time and up until recently many that were caught were sent back numerous times. It is very simple, we have our own problems, our own homelessness that for some reason the politicians don’t care about. When I visit California it seems the numbers are growing day by day. If these people want to come in, they need to do so “legally and lawfully” or be denied and sent back.
Toasted Heretic
This statement is a distortion of reality.
But you always have so....
Let me Refresh your memory to your counter argument stating what is really happening in California according to more liberal sites.
It was never proven that they weren’t either.
So once again the evidence states the obvious and if the Dems want anything done on all of this scandal and illegal voting, the best way to curtail this and to shut everyone up is to institute voter ID, that way everyone is covered and neither side can scream illegals don’t vote and the other voters are being suppressed, that will take the venom out of the entire argument
Ok, that proves my point, so Blacks and Latinos put him over, no voter suppression, the same would have gone for Hillary as well.
Now we can put that stupid myth aside.
Illegal alien invaders, who are "mostly Hondurans", illegally invaded Mexico, and now intend to illegally invade the U.S.. Trump suggested that Mexico return these illegal aliens back to their country of origin. Sounds like good advice. Hasta la vista, invaders.
On a larger scale, but at the same time in 2013 the media was mostly silent on that and even then I wasn't surprised.
That's why so many people hate the MSM liberals will tolerate their own, for better or worse.
Send them back.
Give me a break, No one thought there would be hundreds of people trying to storm the fences by the hundreds.
And yet the Democrats are completely silent on this issue, talk about hate, the people with the most money in the fifth largest state and would never, ever live near any of these people.
Storming the border and throwing rocks at the border patrol and the military is not the best way to show it.
Ok, now back to the border, so sneaking in is ok? Not legally?
How dare you demand that you be let in for any reason because you think it's your right and to disrespect the people that have followed all the laws and procedures of our sovereign land and trying to enter the country legally.
That come in legally, not a problem and never has been.
Hahaha! Yes, they're asking... by tearing down the fences and crossing illegally, even when the people helping them asked them to apply for asylum but the migrants said they have no intention of doing so. By "peacefully" overpowering la policía federal en Tijuanes and attacking them, throwing them rocks and the American and Mexican flags they "proudly" waved through the "peaceful" march.
There was a guy yelling "how come the Americans fire at us for just crossing (illegally) to find a job?" Even Mexico can see what's really going on.
Where are the Democrats that demand open borders for these people? Where is Hollywood? Why is it that these people want their votes, but they don't want them to live near them?
But we don't need to grant it, that's the right of the US.
Then if that is true, liberals shouldn't have any problems with the border patrol and the military turning these people around and making them follow the proper procedures and the adherence to the rule of law.
No, it's not. Sadly video and documents, audio tapes don't lie.
Verifiable information is out there supporting the truth and even if Trump haters choose to ignore the truth.
No, it means as I have exactly stated that liberals will only believe other radical one-sided opinionated sources and nothing else.
Funny, so people like Streisand and Swift Behar, Cortez, Rihanna, Penn, DeNiro are all lying? Fascinating!
But they do and have been for a long time.
That's right Trump. Keep them out. And if you really go through with it, I actually will get my lazy ass to the booth and vote for you next time around.
We will never know, the fifth largest economy State which would be California is pretty much all run by Democrats, they seem silent on the issue.
Then don't break the law, all avoidable.
Come to think of it, most of the media didn't really cover it, but we did.
The caravan pushed women and children against the fence, then threw rocks to provoke the border guards into shooting the tear gas. They knew the biased media wouldn’t tell the true story and this article proves them right.
I did so often and you rejected every single one of them, so I know you believe on the full hardcore liberal sites and nothing else and don't care about opposing viewpoints, so I did my part.
Yes, I agree.
Can I lie or do I have to be honest? I will say this, as bad as liberals and their policies overall are, they were still quite reasonable 22 years ago, but now....the party embraced to many Marxist socialists, a shame.