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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.U.S. House panel casts wide net in Trump obstruction probe
By David Morgan and Sarah N Lynch WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Chip Star
Tee Hee! The adversarial system of justice is being unleashed upon Dimwit Donny and his flaming clown car of an administration. Oh, the fun we'll have.
You get a subpoena. And you get a subpoena. All of Dumpster Fire Don's criminal associates get a subpoena!
How many of these swamp creatures will lie to Congress whilst under oath? If Trump's felon former associates are any indication, at least a few will. Oh my . . . HAR!
I would say obstruction of justice AND abuse of power!
Toasted Heretic
Finally. Now it's time to wrest control from these gurriers back to the people.
The Don doth protest too much, methinks.
If there was nothing going on, why all the harsh action taken against anybody looking into it?
At this point Trump knows his legal defense on obstruction charges is flimsy, so he’s going to fight it out in the media sphere. On Twitter. At rallies. With the help of his loyal cult followers.
If Don the Con is playing 3D chess, then how come he is finding his movement impeded so much with investigations? A pro 3D chess player would have avoided these confrontations altogether. Apparently Don the Con is an amateur at 3D chess.
Chip Star
3-D chess is for children. Dimwit is clearly playing 8-D chess, believe me, okay?
Lock Trump up! Drain Trump’s cesspool!
Partially because with each protestation, he dulls the effects of the previous ones. At first it was "oh my god, he just straight up denied it", and now it's "Donny boy is yapping his yaw again". It was shocking at the start, which worked in his favor. Now it's just boredom repetition of the same old crap, which works against him. Unfortunately Don the Con never learned that one hit wonders don't last.
Just ask Stormy.
And the Victim Card tweets will start in 3....2....2
”...damage to our democratic institutions...”
But that’s part of the platform Trump ran on and his supporters in the US and ‘abroad’ cheered on. Trump and his backers in the US and ‘abroad’ constantly attack the judiciary, the legislative branch, intelligence agencies and the free, for profit press.
David Varnes
Oh Donny boi, the tweets, the tweets are damning,
From court to court, and with subpoenas coming soon,
The House is gone, and all your allies falling,
It's you, it's you who must take the blame....
Dango bong
Are they going to spend the whole 4 year term looking for imaginary charges against Trump? Is so, look forward to another 4 years because he will be re-elected.
Looks like the Russian collusion angel is coming up empty so the Dems are shifting tactics to something else to keep the base angry and motivated. You got to wonder how long the arch -Progressive wing of the party can run on hate and spite in order to assuage their hurt feelings from 2016.
It's a tried and trusted GOP play, you taught them well. As one investigation reaches its climax, spin up another, then another. You expect people to forget how you did this for 8 years?
Dango bong
What ever happened to the Russia story? Oh and the charges of harassment? You can not just make stuff up because you do not like someone:
Embarrassing the President is the duty of every free American ... so anyone who isn't in the executive branch. Good to see so many Americans here doing their jobs so very well.
David Varnes - Magnificent!
Lolz Donny ain't popular. The economy is humming right along and Donny has a hard time breaking 50% approval. An absolute joke. Now wait till Donny Jr. and Ivanka are called before congress.
Toasted Heretic
Yeah, considering all the damage he's wreaked on the country and his dodgy dealings, I'd say at least a minimum of 10 years to life.
hes already guilty according to liberals and Dems. But can’t seen to find a crime. So trying 81 more people and organizations to redo everything Mueller already did.
Dango bong
You mean the increase in stocks, jobs, economy and salaries? Or the lack of terrorist attacks and missiles since he took office?
Voters do not care about your social justice causes they care about jobs and safety. You can not wish someone out because you do not like him.
What happened to waiting for Mueller? His investigation not finished! Right?
It's good to see Congress begin to right (correct) itself after many years of corrupt Repub leadership. Devon Nunes ought to be investigated and censured for his conspiring with the White House to hide and conceal all of Trump's crimes.
Dems - charge out and get to the truth - don't fall into the Repub trap on impeachment - just go get to the bottom of all the filth that is Trump World and bring it out of the cesspool for all to see - impeachment will become obvious once everything comes out.
Between Congress, Mueller and the NY SD Attorney, there is a vise around Trump World that is steadily closing - expect Trump and his supporters to grow ever more desperate.
Dango bong
How about the corrupt DNC? You know, the committee that cheated to let Hillary run for President only to be defeated by Trump. Talk about corrupt.
The people wanted Bernie and they still do. Watch the DNC push Bernie aside again and get beat again...
Toasted Heretic
These are not mutually exclusive concepts, you know.
Of course not. You can, however, support investigations into dubious practices, tax irregularities, obstruction, collusion, lying, hush monies, cronyism, abuse of power and a myriad of other lines that have been crossed.
Once Mueller releases that he has nothing all this will be seen for what it is. Non acceptance of confirmed results. Same as the election.
im fine with this. Just means Dems waste more time and forget to legislate. HR1 not even done yet and it’s been 2 months.
Chip Star
All of us?
Investigations aren't trials, sorry to be the one to bring your attention to reality.
Chip Star
We're still waiting for Mueller. Why would you think we aren't? That's just silly.
Are you saying there is something wrong with having decided he's already guilty even though he's not been convicted of a crime, and if the answer is yes, there is something wrong with then how do you explain your hypocrisy in doing the same to Hillary?
Once again, we don't even need to argue with your people. We can just point out where you did the same thing you are whining about, and let you argue with yourselves.
Are you saying there is something wrong with multiple investigations, and if so, then how do you rectify your hypocrisy in that you guys ran multiple investigations against Hillary?
Welcome to the team! We've converted another conservative to be a Bernie supporter...
How much can we count on for your a campaign contribution?
Yeah, it was disgusting corruption what happened to Bernie.
Are you saying that this corruptionexcuses corruption in the GOP somehow? Don't you think corruption on both sides should be condemned? Or are you one of those who things corruption on one team excuses the other?
This could have happened two years ago but Republicans were too busy covering up Trump's crimes to actually protect the country's interest.
This is why I will never vote for a Republican at any level ever again. They aren't a political party, they're a criminal enterprise.
Glad to see Congress actually serving their intended Constitutional purpose. Time to start acting as a check on the executive.
Elect a proven scammer, proven liar, and proven racist, there just night be an investigation or two.
Not rocket science.
They are to binary thinkers. They lack the ability to understand that there are shades of grey between black and white.
Andrew Topolski
We are now 3 years into nonstop so called investigations of imagined trump crimes and nothing. Before those are done a pointless house committee will start investigating, well we don't know because none of these fraud investigations ever name an actual crime. What will be amusing is when Trump releases documents which will include the actual crimes committed by the political elites currently investigating him.
Toasted Heretic
34 people and 3 companies indicted is hardly nothing.
That's why they are called investigations, to find out who, what and how.
That's fair enough and if this is the case, why not call them imagined crimes, as well?
Well Todd, the if we knew what the crimes were, we wouldn't need an investigation now, would we?
How many years, Todd, did Republicans spend on BS Benghazi investigations? They found nothing, which of course, we cannot say about this investigation. So, sit back and enjoy the ride.
I'm always amazed at the Trumper fanatsy that the Mueller investigation has uncoverd "nothing" - nothing except 191 criminal charges - let that sink in a little Trumpers - 191 - involving 37 individuals or groups; to include Trump's Campaign Chairman, Deputy, National Security Advisor, and personal attorney. And there are currently 36 sealed indictments before the Federal Judge, which can't be opened because they could jeopardize the ongoing investigation.
Read above...
Now that's what I call a real fantasy...and even if true, you're saying that Trump is concealing or withholding evidence...add one more to the charge sheet Director Mueller....
You're justifying this investigation as retaliation for the Benghazi investigation.
Why would they have? They aren't the ones likely to be holding such evidence, since Trump isn't the leader of their party. The investigators will be the ones looking for information in the place it should be expected to be found.
Lolz No, you didn't read the rest of my post. As multiple other people have pointed out, the special counsel has produced hundreds of charges against dozens of individuals in and around the Trump administration. The only reason Trumpies want it shut down is you're afraid of what might be found out about Individual 1 and his crime family.
"We have seen the damage done to our democratic institutions in the two years that the Congress refused to conduct responsible oversight,"
Pffft! We've seen the damage done to the country by the Democrats. They will pay dearly for this in 2020.
TRUMP crimes= none
so now congress going after everyone who knows him, his family, children, their spouses. Both as president and before he even ran. Congress has oversight of the president while in office. That’s it.
mueller was supposed to tell us all these crimes, right? Strange how liberals now claiming he wasn’t supposed to tell us anything. Why did we pay him and wait 2 years then?
all I heard since May 2017 is Mueller is coming! He’s not coming now?congress is coming!? Ridiculous
The Dems have a good strategy: leave impeachment forever on the brink of possibility and concentrate on the drip, drip, drip of damning revelations - and leave prosecution up to state DAs, vacating possibility of pardon.
A question is what effect this will have on Trump's mental health. Public probes have barely started and Trump already appears to be losing it.
The Democrat Party learned that they couldn't force the U.S. voter to accept Hillary as President. After experiencing three previous campaigns for President, team hillary still didn't know how Presidential votes are counted in the U.S.. C'est la vie. But, the Democrats certainly learned how to run political witchhunts.
You guys sure love your inflated numbers. 191 crimes? 34 people or companies? Wow!
Yeah if you count imaginary crimes by people who may or may not even exist in a foreign country or online. Who will never ever be found or brought to trial.
So what was REALLY found? manafort. And nothing to do with Trump. Everything else is a process crime as a result of the investigation itself.
You must be new here.
Last I checked the GOP posters have told us that they know the inside of Mueller's mind, and he's motivated by his intense hatred of Trump. Have you heard that he's forced fake confessions and allegations out of Trump's people? They were in the room at the time, I guess. According to them Mueller wakes up every morning and does his best to pin a crime on an innocent man and they know this because they know the inner workings of the investigation.
Have you seen the FISA document? Me neither, but they have, and they can tell you what's in it and how much it was used by the judge who decided to keep the investigation going. How about the IG's investigation? It didn't put a dent in their mind reading abilities as they tell us he got it wrong.
They also know this whole thing started because people wanted to remove an elected President. They learned that by using their mind's eye and looking into the entire FBI.
Stay here a while and you'll see all of these in some form or another.
You're admitting that this investigation is politically biased, and you are justifying that political bias. Well done.
If you don't even need to argue with people, why are you so consumed with doing so?
That's not what Cummings and Nadler say. I bet they know the law better than you.
His children are directly tied to the case, and are part of the white house administration. Why wouldn't they investigate them? You would make the most pathetic investigator ever.
Mueller's report isn't out yet. And he's done a pretty good job, considering how many criminals he has prosecuted.
How was his comment politically biased? If someone committed a crime, they should face it. All he said was Trump supporters slammed Hillary for days and came up with nothing. So there is every right to grill Trump for as long as they like. If nothing comes up, then that's that. The investigation doesn't affect you, nor does it affect the GOP. If Trump did nothing wrong, that is.
So does Trump, I know you saw the AP article yesterday. You commented on it and said there was nothing wrong with Trump inflating his numbers a little bit.
so now congress going after everyone who knows him, his family, children, their spouses
If Trump had a dog, they'd be investigating the dog too.
Oh my...
Gowdy: New House investigations of Trump are 'all about 2020'
You are identifying, and justifying, these Democrat Party witch hunts as Democrat Party witch hunts.
Have you ever played chess? Might help you figure out what's going on. Manafort, Flynn, Cohen, etc, etc, etc. Chipping away at all of Trumps accessories.
Allusions to some undefined 'damage', with an unsupported threat.
Lock 'em up, lock 'em up, lock 'em up.
You mean you don't believe your favorite news source? I guess you consider it "Faux" News too...
See above. And it's interesting you dismiss crimes by Russians indicted for attacking our country - it's a shame Trumpers aren't more patriotic...
See above..
Nope, see above
Has everything to do with Trump - who hired all these criminals?
Far-rights fantasies...they find it so hard to deal with facts and reality...
Really? They aren't investigating Melania though. So why would they investigate a dog, had he kept one? Chill out. Of course they should investigate his children. They are all over the place when it comes to Russia and Trump.
That wasn't an answer to the questions I asked, even though you quoted me:
I don't disagree that what was done to Bernie was a travesty. I'm asking you if you think that travesty somehow justifies corruption in the GOP.
I had to research "process crime."
In United States criminal procedure terminology, a process crime is an offense against the judicial process.[1] These crimes include failure to appear, false statements, obstruction of justice, contempt of court and perjury.
So I guess what you're saying is that all these people did was lie and obstruct justice, but they didn't collude with Russia? OK. I guess that works. These are your people so you're free to give them a pass for things like perjury. But don't forget about the SDNY.
What I'm most interested in seeing is how things played out with Trump, Trump Jr., Stone, Wikileaks, and Russian Intelligence. My guess is that the Mueller report will show them all operating on the same page. And if that's true then it's good that it comes to light.
I'm also interested in know what internal information Manafort sent to Russian intelligence. Polling data doesn't really raise my pulse, but let's say if it's a full report from Cambridge Analytica that the Russians could then use to strategically place ads on Facebook. Should be fun to see.
It should also contain a comprehensive list of lies by Trump and his team in their quest to cover up any relationship with the Russians at all. Another fun read.
The inauguration investigation will probably result in indictments. I mean you literally have one person writing in an email "reminding" people that these things can be audited. Who knows what will happen with Weisselberg but getting the docs should be a good read.
Lots still to be played out. Can the proven scammer clear name?
Chip Star
It's hilarious to read people dismissing crimes as "process crimes" when they also screech about due process. The integrity of the process is as important as substantive crimes.
Why are you trying to minimize crimes?
It's starting to become quite clear, they hate the law. They feel that those they place in power should be immune from the law.
All after chanting "drain the swamp". It's very clear they never actually cared about draining the swamp.
Russian money laundering via Trump property info will be unveiled. Then it's a simple matter of who knew what and when.
Allusions to some undefined 'damage', with an unsupported threat.
All you have to do is look at San Francisco to see the damage done by Democrats.
I wish Congress would spend their time and gov't money for something useful for the nation.
Ongoing waste of time and money. This does begin to feel like an obsession with the political class. Like him or loathe him, DT was elected to be POTUS.
I'm not seeing it. Once again, some allusion to some supposed outrage, with nothing to support the claim.
Exposing corruption does not count in your eyes?
We all do but, the wall is not one of them, and investigating claims against the president are. So looks like we're on the right track.
Think about it, isn't proving that the POTUS is not a criminal to America, to the world, a useful act for the nation? I know, I know, innocent until proven guilty. But considering the stack of claims, and his position, and the way the entire world laughs at Trump, it's just a necessity. Had there not been any claims, had there not been any arrests, indictments, sentences served by Trump's campaign team, then the investigation probably would have no reason to continue. This is not the case though.
Its funny to see Trump supporters agree that Trump has no control over his campaign team, the white house, or his presidency though by continuing to defend him. These people were all just using Trump's money and power without him knowing? Sure...right.
Do we really need to post a link for you? Meuller's investigation has made money. How is that a waste? Don't just blab without knowing the facts, i guess your user name makes sense (wakarimasen=I don't know).
So POTUS should be exempt from investigation? Like him or loathe him, the POTUS can be investigated for crimes and impeached for illegal activity.
Rooting out criminals and traitors is never a waste...
Hillary's e-mails...
Just like Nixon....
I guess they're anticipating that the Mueller report will be a big nothing.
They're going to go fishing now.
Yoshimi Onishi
I keep wondering why Trump's approval rate doesn't really go down much, no matter what.
Because to those supporters who define his base, his actions don't matter, only his personality. So he can do anything without losing their support, as long as his personality can keep them engaged - which it has until this point. This is why it's a cult of personality.
Because his base doesn't care what he does. He could murder someone on TV, and they would still root for him.
Everyone knows Trump is corrupt. The argument is whether there is enough evidence to indicted. That's what everyone is speculating about.
But make no mistake...even Trump fans know he's corrupt. But a corrupt president who targets minorities is much, much preferrable to a straight president who doesn't.
Because these crimes are not what you promised. You promised collusion, conspiracy, corruption, money laundering, coordinated hacking, and more. Where is it?
Not when they voted for him.
But where there's smoke, there's fire, and right now there is so much smoke around Trump, people across the country are getting emphysema.
So, they should be excused? Crimes only count if someone is looking specifically for that crime?
You realize how entirely ridiculous your logic is, right?
1) No one promised anything. More rhetoric from the right, manufacturing outrage, proving they don't actually care about the truth.
2) The Mueller investigation is not finished. Yet you are whining that it hasn't produced the crimes its investigating. You're manufacturing more outrage against a logical impossibility. Why do you hate the laws of nature? Why do you hate the universe?
Sure, they did when they voted for him. Nothing else has been proven since then.
Why dont they say LAWS or CRIMINAL STATUTES. "norms" and "rules". You know that is intentional to try to make nothing seems like something. boohoo he doesnt follow your Dem rules or norms? Thats why we elected him! You dont follow your own rules either, 2 Dems who wore blackface are still in your government.
Why are Dems so scared to simply let Trump run again in 2020?
He is corrupt, blah blah, so he will be easily defeated and NO ONE will vote for him. cause everybody knows he is guilty of everything and anything. right? right? NOPE.
Why do you say things like this that the Democrats have never said? Do you think we live in the same qanon bubble you do?
Voters don't vote on 'proof', the vote on 'feeling'. And you're entirely clueless if you think that the people don't feel he's more corrupt than Nixon.
Hint. Check duel USA/Israeli nationality.
Chip Star
You're again arguing with the Dems you made instead of the real ones.
Geez, you make it sound like we promised to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it or something...
In the safes at Mueller's and the NY SD Attorney's offices - and in the 36 sealed indictments already filed. Or it may be still in David Pecker's or Allen Weisellberg's safes.
I imagine quite a bit is in Putin's safe, but doubt if we'll get that, unless Donnie goes over and asks for it...
Scared? Are you kidding? Put Dimwit Donnie at the top of the ticket!
Who wouldn't want to run against a certified lunatic - a white supremacist loving, porn star cavorting and bribing, Russian colluding imbecile, with the understanding of a fifth or sixth grader...
I can see it now - "Vote for Trump - Ann Coulter's favorite Idiot lazy incompetent wimp"...
Yep, scared. Thats the cause of all the multiple investigations. Scared that Muller has nothing, Scared that Trump will run again and win. So stop trying to remove him and beat him at the ballot box.
You guys need to get on the same page. Half of you claim its valid investigations. The other half claim "you did it to Hillary, so we can do it to you!"
You mean as scared as Trump? Because his legs are literally shaking with fear. Don't believe me? The proof can be found in the same place you found the 'proof' that the Democrats are scared to run against Trump.
Nothing to be scared about. Liberals can’t even consistently identify what crime Trump supposedly did- much less prove it.
You make accusations you have to prove them. We don’t have to disprove.
He broke the rules! He’s against the norms! Yeah whatever partisan political dude, prove me a crime.
Well obviously there is. The proof is right there in that same place you found proof that the Democrats are scared of Trump running.
Why you ignore reality bro?
I would love to see Trump run again in 2020, but something tells me he won't. He will lose, and he hates to be recognized as a loser, so when polling comes out, he'll find some excuse to quit. That's always been his MO.
Have you seen Trump's twitter, despite being the middle of the night, he is up blasting dems for stuff he does on an hourly basis. This is usually what he does when he is nervous and can't sleep.
Lame. If you thought you could beat Trump at the ballot box you would stop investigating until you identified an actual crime.
only way you can win is if Trump CANT run again. This investigations from now until Election Day.
But he was 98.1 percent certain to lose last time and didn’t quit and WON. So sure yeah he will just quit before 2020.
Only chance you have is to threaten his family or put him in jail. You know this so that’s why the desperation to continue doing that when there is nothing.
enjoy your day. I’m going up go enjoy this Trump economy.
How is it Lame? There is suspicion of crime hence for the investigation. Just like a police officer can question of investigate a civilian with whatever suspicions they may have.
Lame would be, for example, how Trump openly stated that he thought he couldn't win unless he trashed Hillary's name. So he ran a campaign based on slander, name calling, rude behavior, and, Russian interference.
Sounds like you're taking this personally. No matter how hard you fight for him, Trump won't adopt you. There is no desperation, just the law and due process. Which you seem to be against as well. That's the spirit, communist.
Enjoy it, Obama created it, and Trump is living it. Will be gone soon.
Guess whose playing identity politics now? Trump!
Too bad his history of bad mouthing Jews and making fun of them doesn't take long to find on the internet.
Yup, very true. I don't understand.
This fiasco has been going on in one form or another for years now, and so far nothing. no evidence, no indictments, nothing. Hence my feeling that this is an obsession and quite possibly not based on any real misconduct by DT.
No, that conclusion does not logically follow from your premise. There are all sorts of other reasons the investigations may not be stopped.
Huh?? I had to read that twice...what planet do you live on? There have been plenty of indictments, paired with evidence, and its all tied to Trumps businesses and campaign teams...
So far? Individual-1 - “I pled guilty in federal court to felonies for the benefit of, at the direction of, and in coordination with ‘Individual 1,’” Cohen said, reading from his prepared statement. “And for the record: ‘Individual 1’ is Donald J. Trump.”
But that's just the beginning...get your Kleenex ready....
"Lock her Up...."
Yea, a crime like 8 of his major associates have been convicted of....
They'll be plenty of crimes identified by 2020...
I hope so - of course, Donnie could be in Leavenworth next to Manafort and Stone by then've heard of the Three Stooges - here's the "Three Idiots"...
And Putin says you're welcome....
Baretta - "don't do the crime if you can't do the time".....
Going to go visit the border wall/barrier/fence? Let us know how much Mexico paid for it....
Funny, the Dems are making the same mistakes the GOP did back in 1998. You’d think they would have learned something, but alas....
Wonder what they’re going to do when this is all over and there’s nothing more or anyone else to go after?
Referring to when Trump has been locked up? Hmm, I don't know...start governing the country better.
Yeah, the Republicans said the same about Clinton in 1998
I don't think the GOP ever said anything about locking up clinton until Trump started running for president, and it was Bill's wife.
No, they did, I was in Washington at the time, they had bullseye marks on Clinton, most definitely. Hillary was earlier and it all backfired. Trump’s slowly climbing in the polls, Dems better be careful.....
Here's how well Donald Trump is respected. And if you think the survey is liberal bias, notice how Reagan is ranked above Obama.
There's this one too. Even Republican political scientists dump Trump in the bottom five ever.
And the Trumper's may want to study their history again - wrong president and wrong decade - not Clinton 1990s, it's Nixon 1970s...
You mean after impeachment or after Trump's blowout loss in 2020?
Here's the latest hyperbolic propaganda from Sarah Huckabee Sanders (salient words in bold). You can't make this stuff up:
"Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the special counsel and committees in both chambers of Congress."
"Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of 'Russia collusion' is crumbling."
"Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. Democrats are harassing the president to distract from their radical agenda of making America a socialist country, killing babies after they're born, and pushing a 'green new deal' that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America."
Chip Star
The GOP didn't go after Hillary until after they failed to get Bill. Accuracy helps a lot in not being incorrect.
I meant indictments and similar against Trump himself.
That's why its an investigation...You know, watergate took over 2 years to unfold and begin impeachment proceedings. These things don't happen over night. Anyone who knows anything about history, the DOJ, and how to not blow one's load early wouldn't make comments like yours.
The House of Representatives panel also named the president's sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, White House aide and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, Trump Organization Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg, former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former White House counsel Don McGahn.
What about Ivanka and Barron? lol
The founders of democracy, the ancient Greeks are rolling in their graves at what has become of the Democratic Party.
All this witch hunting makes the narrow minded lib/left feel a false sense of relevance but it turns a hell of a lot of moderate democrats away from the Democratic party.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders hit the nail right on the head:
"Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the special counsel and committees in both chambers of Congress.
"Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of 'Russia collusion' is crumbling.
Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. Democrats are harassing the president to distract from their radical agenda of making America a socialist country, killing babies after they're born, and pushing a 'green new deal' that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America.
"The American people deserve a Congress that works with the president to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, and infrastructure."
Cry me a river, Serrano. Can Trump show us his long-form birth certificate? Heck, he won't even show us his tax returns - and Cohen suggests that his assertion that he hasn't done so as he's "under audit" is just another lie. Spare me your despair.
From the looks of it and at this point if they even attempt to start impeachment proceedings for God knows what, it’s all symbolic, there is no way with what we know so far and from what Mueller’s report might be based so far from sources, the Senate will remove him, this is why the idiots Nadler and Spliff are moving the goalposts and moving on to plan B.
Now what will they do with these 82 people they subpoenaed? I assume the ajority will have either lawyers or some may plead the 5th and then what? The Dems just can’t do things the way the founding fathers have sat up the system, don’t like the President, do it through the electoral process, but then again as radical as their policies are it may not work and then what? The Courts are changed can’t really depend on them to pass their radical policies...the only other thing would be to wound the President as often as possible to hopefully get SOME traction, but seems to slowly backfire a tad...
Thank God for Barr!
Another 81 people to try to trap in process crimes and try to make them all broke. Well not people even, “the White House” itself is on the list. Does it get torn down if it refuses to testify?
2 years already and the Congress guy says “this is just the beginning!” Dude we gave Dems almost 2 years already, non partisan people are done with this is mueller comes up empty. Just gonna re-interview everyone Mueller already interviewed?
I suspect this is a post based in hope, rather than any kind of fact based reality.
Then they should probably tell the truth dontchathink.
Of course, the truth comes hard to criminals trying to cover their crimes.
So now these 81 people are criminals too? What’s the crime, being linked to Trump?
So just because I know Trump you can ask me 1000 questions and make me pay for a $1000 an hr lawyer?
Then I have to give you all my phone records and every email and text over the last 20 years? And if I get one thing wrong, even a date or time you can put me in jail?
It doesn’t concern you that all of this can happen before a crime or even a topic is even identified?
If this were you, would you be ok with it? Suuuuure you would. And you would be going to jail.
Hope would be that the Democrats will all become conservative, embrace and support Capitalism.
Trump oozes criminality and inspires it among those closest to him (as Mueller is proving time after time), so your question should really be, "Why is Trump so often linked to crime?"
I told you Trump would win the summer before the election.
I’m also telling you none of this desperation will get Dems more voters, it will actually get you fewer. But what do I know? Please keep on your path to victory just like 2016.
Toasted Heretic
That's the problem. Too many are, leading to same old same old.
Hopefully, the new recruits will not become compromised by the same apologists for rampant capitalism.